Logseq sync with Git and GitHub - The Good and Geeky Way

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hello there my name's dave allen i'm good in geeky and today we're going to have a look at what we can do to set up logseek to work with github and git so that we can synchronize that data from one device across to another because it's always nice to be able to use that data on your iphone your ipad and on your mac as well and know that you're going from one to another and all your data is just gonna be there let's do it now to get this whole thing going there's a few things that you need to do and one of them is to set yourself up an account with github so go to the github web page there and get yourself an account when you have the account go to this repository here by charles tu gitz for slash logseek dash git dash sync dash 101 because there's some stuff we'll need to get from there to get these files we need go to this button where it says code download zip and get it onto your computer ready to unzip if you want to read through the details this year through this read move file it's a good idea because it tells you why you could be using this and how well it works so the prerequisites for this are a github account which is what we're setting up now you need to have git on your computer as well and when we get into the ipad ios thing here you're going to be needing working copy unless you're an android user and which one to use that turmoix thing once you've got github set up go to get and grab this software and put it onto your computer okay so i suppose you should say what git is well git is a way of having versioning on your computer so what git does it will look at a folder and keep track of all the files that are in there and anytime you make changes it keeps a track of those changes and what github does is a way to collaborate with others so you can push your changes up to a github account and then other people can take those if you make it as a public thing or you could just use it privately so this could be good for writers who want to keep an eye on changes that they're making with their writing and basically it means that you can have versions uh off in the cloud there and at some point in time if you need to go back to something that's previous you can either get it from the git that you've got on your own computer or if absolutely necessary you might have to go back to the github and bring it in back in from github so it's actually like a little backup as it were to your data so the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to create our private repository on github so what we're going to do is click on this new button here and then we're going to give it a name logi anything will do and we're going to make it private because it's just for us it's not for anybody else to have a look at we can add a readme file here if we want to but it's not absolutely necessary we'll do that later and we're going to add a git ignore file later the get ignore file is so that there are some files in the log sig thing which we don't want to track and we basically can put some stuff in there that will stop them from being tracked okay so let's create the repository it's a good idea to keep a track of this bit here because we're going to create a new repository on the command line okay so this is what we're going to do to create our logi account on the command line our own computer so i think it's probably a good idea to get this here and to copy it and put it into text file somewhere so you can follow this information later right okay so i'm going to put that into a text file in fact what i want to do is i'm going to put this into a log seeker file so i'm going to say new page github and i'm going to paste that in there so basically they want to follow these instructions to do what i've got to do in the terminal so let's go to the command line and what we're going to do next is going on our own computer so let's go to item so i've created a folder already called logi which is what i'm going to use as my folder for the graph for log sig so let's do that next so cd into luggy okay so here we are in luggy so let's follow some of these instructions on here so the easiest thing to do is to do a copy of this here so i'm going to copy that there and i'll paste that into there and all i've got to do is just press enter and that is done the remove file if i do another list of files in there you'll see we've got a rhythmic file in there cool the next thing to do is to initialize git so that this folder will be watched so let's do get in it we've got a folder now which is being watched by git and the main folder or the branch is called master and we need to change that okay but we'll do that shortly so the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to go to git commit to first commit so again what's going to do is i'm going to copy this here paste that in there and press enter and there's nothing to commit because we haven't got any tracked files we have to use git add first of all um now it says on this here do git add and do readme but that's any file in there but what you can do which is a lot easier is probably just to do git add and then do a full stop so after we click enter those files will be added to the tracked files and put into the staging area and committed to the git repository at the next commit so this is going to be our first commit and i'm going to press enter and this time that file has been moved over into git and it's being watched now the next thing you need to do is to do a git branch and change the branch to main instead of master because we need to have this toyota with what's going to be on github so let's do a copy there and i'm going to do paste in there and do that so now you can see that the branch is now called main which is good and now we're going to do the remote add paste in there again press enter it's going to connect that up with the github account now nothing has gone sent up to the github again it's just connected it they'll have to actually do a push so we're going to do a push so let's do this one here which is git bush copy that and paste it in there and off it goes let's do a git status so git status and everything's up to date and the working tree is clean so let's go back into this one here and get up and see if there's anything happening in here yet and we'll go to code so now that we're in this page here in github we can actually see what we've got we've got a readme file which we can go in there and edit if we want to and it's all done in markdown so it's very easy to edit so whatever we put in there is going to be uh changed we can do a preview if we want to as well and we can do a commit changes when we're finished and just commit it directly to the main branch okay so i'm going to add file create a new file you have the dot in there because it's going to be a file which is going to be hidden on your system and in this one here we've got to put our details that we're going to get from charles's readme page so what's going to do is you'll look into the logsy back folder and the logsy.recycle folder and it's going to ignore those because you don't need those sending up to github it's going to commit the new file and we can put an extended uh description there if we want to you don't need to do that but i've done it anyway so let's commit this new file so now we've got a git ignore file in there so that's cool everything's looking great now the next thing to do is to go back into our folder in here in item let's do git pull and it's going to bring in the readme file and it's going to bring in the get ignore file which are both changed off on github so now we're going to move into logzig and connect this folder up and make it our place for the logseq graph and i'm going to go to this one here i'm going to add a new graph and i've just got to choose the folder where the new graph is which is in luggy and i'm going to open that so that makes all the extra folders that are required in logseek in that folder there and what i'll do is i'm just going to add some text in this one here into the first journal entry so that's added that there and we'll do a page as well okay so new page github let's go to that page and put something in it so that's made some changes in there so let's go back to finder now and see what we've got there so let's have a look in finder go into logi and then you can see in that folder we've got these pages journals and log seek in there and we've got the readme file you can't see the dot ignore there because we've got it set so it doesn't show invisible files to change that if i do command shift full stop shows you all your invisible files and folders so you see the git one there is available now for us to have a look in there so let's go in there and what we want to do is we want to go into this folder called hooks so we are in hooks and then what i want to do is i want to get those files that we brought in earlier so i'm going to go to the downloads folder unzip this one here i'm going to go this one here and go to git hooks and we've got these two files here which we want to put into this github one so basically going to grab that and grab that and i'm going to bring it put it into this one here [Music] okay so we've got another thing that we have to do in here to make this work so here we are in this uh github again from charles and what we need to do is we need to select and copy that there or we can just click on this button here and copy it okay so what i need to do is i need to go into this folder here actually rather than do it in my term what i'm going to do is i'm going to do it in terminal so i can do this easily by doing a right click on this here and click on terminal this has brought up the terminal and now it's going to work for me so i'm going to do command on v and i'm going to press enter and as you can see now these have changed into executable files so it's going to work in our system lovely what we're going to do next let's go back into github we haven't got anything in there from log logseek so what we had to do is we need to push stuff from log circuit our computer into our github account okay so let's do git we do get add and then full stop then we're going to a git commit so do git commit dash m and then we're going to put the name of the commit so we're going to put this inside quotes this commits it to the local github repository but it also gets sent to github because of the way we've got things set up and now you can see we've got all our stuff here our journals our pages let's go into pages here and you can see we've got a github md this is our file that we created in logseek i can click on this one here as you can see there github is cool which is what i wrote in in logsy in fact i can even write things in this one here if i want to do some editing so i go to this edit this file here look and i can add more to this here so i'm going to type in there that is really cool and then go to the bottom here i'll commit changes then i can go back into terminal here so do a git pull there the github.md file was changed and you can see there this plus and minus thing here means that it shows that it's changed so now i should be able to go into log seek and see those changes so let's go back into log seek so here we are in logsy as you can see that change is already in there and we've got it working nicely how cool is that brilliant now then if we go into this one here go into the settings for this here look go to settings and as you can see in settings with a version control enable git auto commit so what's going to happen is any changes that you make on your computer in log seek after 599 seconds it will get sent to github or get sent into git and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to leave this i'm not going to do anything with it and i want to come back to it in a time which is longer than 599 seconds and i'm going to see that change will have been moved over into git and to github the next part of this here is going to make it so that we can use these things we've sent up to github in our devices our iphone and our ipad and it's quite easy to set up using some automations in shortcuts you get these warnings up in here but i shouldn't worry about them it doesn't make any difference i found that it hasn't made a difference to how it works so you just have to get rid of those when they pop up you say this one here that is what i actually sort of put in there and that's actually got sent from logsig up into github all by itself automatically this is dave allen i'm good and geeky have a look out for the next video which i'm going to show you how to set up the shortcuts so that's when you're using your device your iphone or your ipad you can pull down the changes that you've made in your log sheet on your mac and bring it in to this one here in fact it could be that you make some changes on your ipad or your iphone and send it from one to the other it's all going to go via github and it's pretty cool
Channel: Good and Geeky
Views: 17,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: logseq tutorial, logseq github, personal knowledge management, Good and Geeky, logseq git push, Mac Tutorials, personal knowledge management software, logseq workflow, personal knowledge base, personal knowledge management apps, personal knowledge management system, logseq graph, I love tech, Logseq obsidian sync, logseq obsidian, logseq app, second brain, how to take notes, how to use logseq, best note app, logseq obsidian sync, how to take notes effectively
Id: c2HrdSOoVD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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