Logitech MX Vertical Mouse Super Review - vs. Anker

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on this super review let's take a look at the MX vertical Mouse by Logitech to start if this box appears mangled well that's because it is thanks ups hopefully the mouse itself however is not mangled all right so what we have here is a new Mouse from Logitech it is the MX vertical mouse which is for people like me who need vertical - alright so if you've never used a vertical Mouse before in your life you're probably wondering why would anyone want a mouse shaped like this frankly I haven't been using mice for like the past ten years I've been happy with trackpads but then earlier this year I started getting wrist issues and it turns out that having my wrists flat like this is not good for my wrists so I ended up getting a vertical mouse which is just kind of a cheap anchor Mouse and it's okay it does the job but it actually does really help my wrist when I solved that logitech was coming out with their own vertical mouse well that got me excited because the Anchor Mouse is fine it's just it's it's a cheap Mouse and I was excited to see what you know a premium feeling vertical Mouse might do for me so we're gonna go ahead and unbox the MX vertical mouse and then I'm gonna hook it up to my computer's I've got a MacBook here as well as a Windows laptop test it out a little bit and then I'll let you know what I think okay here we got the MX vertical mouse from Logitech and yes this box is a mess but before we unbox it let's go ahead and take a tour around the box and find out what we can about the mouse let's see on the front of it there's not much except that it has a picture of the mouse which is I think the pretty handsome Mouse and it shows you then it has a 57 degree angle which is exactly my preferred angle okay I'm kidding I actually I have no idea what channel I prefer but 57 degrees sure that sounds fine alright so if we go around to this side this is interesting that it describes that you can connect this Mouse to your computer in three three different ways one you can use just a USB C charging cable which it comes with right you could connect this directly to your computer and use it as a wired mouse if you want it to you can use the included Bluetooth adapter that this comes with or you can connect it into to your computer with Bluetooth assuming your computer has Bluetooth and frankly which computer doesn't have bluetooth I'm actually really excited about that aspect of it because you know I mentioned that I currently have like a cheaper anchor mouse which does the job but it requires I have a little USB dongle connected to my computer and what that means is that I'm just I have one of my USB ports plugged up with a little dongle that's doing you that's doing bluetooth which my computer already does and it feels it feels like a waste of a port hopefully with the MX vertical mouse I don't have to worry about that around here on the back again a little bit more information about the ergonomics and the science behind what it does for you I don't know how much of this is true but I can say that for my personal experience again I was having issues when I was using a mouse with my hand laying flat like this and I tried switching to a vertical mouse so that my I wasn't twisting my wrist like that and it totally totally helped me so I can't guarantee you that if you're having similar problems it's gonna solve your problems but I'll say for me a vertical mouse definitely helped alright some other features down here it does say that you can use for X less hand movement because of the high DPI that's a that's a weird thing to put as a feature I mean that just means that you can you can set the DPI if your mouse really high so that you can move across the screen with just really small mouse movements personally I don't have the dexterity that I can use a mouse really effectively like that so not really a feature for me cursor speed switch which again is related to the high DPI and a lot of nice you know support a button that lets you switch between a high speed and a low speed mouse movement frankly I actually don't like those buttons because I tap them by accident and just randomly my mouse is behaving differently and I have to remember oh yeah there's this button on here that changes my mouse speed so for me again not really a feature this however is a feature so the MX vertical mouse has a built in battery which is one of the things that makes is much nicer than my anchor Mouse the anchor Mouse runs on doublea's which is fine like they last pretty long but this thing has built-in battery I don't ever have to worry about swapping the batter I just have to charge it and the great news is I don't have to charge it much so this shows that a one-minute charge will get you three hours of battery life and this does show I don't know how long a full charge is going to take but a full charge is supposed to last me four months four months of today is September September October November December this could last me through the rest of the year on a single charge and the last feature of the MX wireless mouse is our MX vertical mouse is this easy switch flow enabled functionality of that Logitech promises and that's the idea is that you can connect this mouse to multiple computers that are near each other and seamlessly transition from using one computer to the next without having to like reconnect and disconnect the mouse as someone who's frequently using two computers right like I've got my Windows laptop here and then just off-camera I've got my macbook that's actually a super super useful feature if it works I have no idea if it's gonna work and further like I don't know if it's gonna work going from a Mac or from a PC to a Mac but that's where we're gonna find out yeah that's about as much as I can say without cracking this thing fully open so without further ado let's do it [Music] all right so we've got the MX vertical mouse unbox and what do you get inside not a ton you do get four pieces of paper which is more pieces of paper than you usually get you do get a bluetooth dongle which I hope I don't have to use an USB C charging cable I mean it's got regular USB a on one side and then USB C on the other which is nice because this thing charges with USB C and then you get the mouse itself which on first impressions definitely feels more premium than my anchor Mouse that said it is still surprisingly lightweight like let me go ahead and pull in the anchor real quick and I would say in terms of weight they feel similar so this is the anchor Mouse and issues that I have with this are well frankly not a ton this thing works pretty well it was only about 20 bucks I did have one of these died on me so I guess that's not great like I mentioned this thing is run on just regular batteries actually looks like it's triple-a batteries and like I mentioned it does require the use of a USB bluetooth dongle this does not seem to have the option to connect directly to my computer one thing that is nice about this little dongle is that there's a place in the bottom of it to store it so if I need to carry this around well I've always got the USB dongle with me for me really the biggest complaint I have with the anchor mouse and this might seem silly until you've done it a number of times yourself is I feel like the weight of this thing is not centered enough in the bottom or it's just not it's just nuts I don't know it's not balanced enough so here's what happens a lot of times is I do that by accident I knock this thing over I don't know probably like once a day and that's maybe a minor complaint but it's a little frustrating frankly and here with the logitech again the weights doesn't seem any different I was kind of hoping that maybe it would feel a little bit weighted down here at the bottom but if I do the I can't still knock it over that's it it doesn't seem to knock over this this way as easily as the anchor well but over to the left yeah you know what I think this is a little bit more solid than the anchor so that's pretty nice and then the grape in the hand it's definitely a more relaxed grip right this keeps my wrist vertical but it does require like my fingers get pretty close together and so it's still a pretty tight pinch over here well maybe that's about the same yeah I don't know this feels more relaxed and maybe it's just because of this hump over here I'm not sure exactly but it does feel pretty good click eNOS of the mice is oh that's actually quite a bit better on the Logitech it requires less clicking pressure we have basically the same button layout right so we've got a left click or right click left click right click we've got a dpi change button up here which i think is actually a really good place for it I mentioned I don't really like this functionality and on you know some like gaming mice so very often it's like right in the middle of your other two buttons and I press it by accident all the time on both of these vertical mice it's up here where my thumb is not naturally going so I don't think I'm gonna have the issue where I accidentally press that so for me that's excellent the two side clicking buttons they feel a little bit small frankly like these are bigger and maybe a little bit easier to click but I also don't use them a ton quieter in the Logitech I guess but definitely these buttons are better now we get to the scroll wheel yeah they're both actually pretty nice scroll wheels they both have a center click you can tell the Logitech makes a little bit less sound but yeah really I frankly though the anchor is pretty solid for 20 bucks this Logitech mouse is about a hundred bucks right now so is this thing five times better than this I mean I'm gonna go ahead and put it to use and figure out I mean it's got some functionality right that this thing doesn't have and that alone might make it useful it might make it worth five times as much but frankly if you're just looking for a vertical Mouse to ease your wrist issues or even just to find out if this sort of layout is gonna help you I do recommend the Anchor Mouse for 20 bucks it's it's kind of a no-brainer the one downside here is that there appears to be no place for me to insert the USB dongle again I'm hoping I don't actually have to use this so maybe that's not problem but if I have to use this I think that is an advantage that the anchor has is that it stores the USB Donald for you yeah that's about as much as I can find out about the Logitech MX Mouse without connecting it so without further ado I'm gonna go ahead and connect it to my Windows laptop as well as my Mac and see if I can go back and forth between those two laptops with one mouse because for me frankly that is the dream and that will make this thing potentially worth a hundred bucks that it costs all right so I've been using a Logitech MX vertical wireless mouse for a few days now and I've got some thoughts to start with let's talk about kind of like the shape the size and the functionality of this thing because as a vertical Mouse I feel like that's the most important thing and in my opinion I think Logitech got it right like most of the way the the size and the shape of this thing from my hand fits pretty well it's a relatively large Mouse compared to something like the anchor vertical Mouse that I have this feels a lot bigger in the hand you can kind of see maybe you can kind of see here I'm gonna see it in the video can you see ah yeah you can kind of see you kind of see like how large it fits in my hand and how relaxed my hand is when I'm holding it that's it if you have smaller hands you might actually prefer the anchor and just as the anchors a little bit smaller to grip and the buttons especially like these back and forward buttons are a little bit easier to reach on the anchor and during the unboxing I mentioned that one of the issues I have with the anchor is that it it seems to be kind of top-heavy or it tends to tip over a lot and I didn't have that issue at all with the MX Wireless I'm not saying I can't tip it over because I can if I try but it just it never happened during just kind of incidental use the way that it happens with the anchor sometimes and that's a fairly minor thing with the anchor but it does seem like the Logitech improves that so that much I appreciate the two aspects of the functionality that I'm not a hundred percent a fan of with MX Wireless are well one I think the right-click button is a little bit too easy to click I find myself activating it by accident just by like resting my finger on the button I feel like it's just it's maybe a smidge a smidge sensitive and then the other issue and this is more of I think opportunity is the scroll wheel on this is a fine scroll wheel you know it's got a typical it's got a pretty typical scroll action but I think the missed opportunity is with the the ability to toggle from two different scrolling actions okay so the default scrolling action is pretty solid but some of those premium Logitech mice that are not vertical they let you toggle to a free scrolling mode where you can just kind of like wing it and and scroll really long distances in a short amount of time and I think I would really like that functionality because frankly as I've moved away from the Mac touchpad that's one over the trackpad that's one of the things I miss is the ability to really quickly scroll from you know the bottom to the top of a page and with this it's just the same typical I have to sit here and scroll for a long time to get there another nice feature of the MX wireless versus the anchor is that this can connect directly to my computer via bluetooth without the need of a dongle so it does come with the dongle if your computer doesn't support the right bluetooth but if your computer supports the right Bluetooth my MacBook does I can connect this directly to it I don't need a dongle I don't need to be using up a USB port just to use a mouse and frankly that's that's pretty fantastic because with the anchor I've always had this Donald just hanging out inside of my macbook and it's taken up one of my USB ports and it's pretty nice that the logitech doesn't require that on the downside not all computers are gonna support the right bluetooth it seems like the Bluetooth that it requires is Bluetooth Low Energy and my MacBook supports that but my Windows laptop unfortunately does not and I don't think it's like all window I'm sure there are Windows laptops out there that support Bluetooth Low Energy and will support this but mine doesn't so I do have to use the dongle if I want to use this mouse on my Windows laptop and that gets me to I think really kind of the most interesting features of the vertical mouse and that is that this thing will allow you to connect to multiple computers at the same time and really easily transition between them so if you have multiple computers in your desk like I do or maybe you're at work you've got multiple stations and you just want one set up that you can hop between the different setups you can actually connect with three different computers at the same time and there's a button on the bottom here that allows you to just quickly toggle between 1 2 & 3 which is pretty cool but that's not the coolest thing this thing does if you have the Logitech software installed on your computers you can set it up so that you can just drag your mouse from what the the edge of the screen of one computer and it will then magically show up on the screen of the other computer and that's pretty cool so you don't even have to like reach down and toggle the mouse you can just move your mouse to the edge of the screen and now you're working on your other computer and you can arrange it however you want so that if you've got one computer in the middle one on the left side one on the right side one left that's the left side that's the right side if you however you have it set up you can arrange it with the Logitech software and make it so you can just move edge to edge and seamlessly transition between using multiple computers I think that's a really cool feature the part of that feature that's especially magical is that it supports copy/paste between computers so you can on one computer let's say copy a URL drag your mouse over to the other computer and then paste that URL which seems like magic but it totally works I think that it requires the computers to be on the same network like the same wireless network but for me it totally worked in fact it worked for me going from a Windows laptop to a Mac laptop which I did not expect if I were to rate the Logitech MX vertical mouse out of five stars I think I think I'd give it four stars out of five yeah four stars out of five I think you know the things that the the points where it loses that star are I think the scrollwheel it should be it should give me that free flowing scroll wheel that I've seen on other Logitech mice for a hundred bucks I kind of expect it and then just the fact that it doesn't connect directly to my Windows laptop because of some bluetooth requirement that's a little bit of a bummer too but it's it's fairly minor bummer because mostly I plan to use this on my Mac and then really the only big issue with the MX vertical is the price it's a hundred bucks which is not cheap versus like the anchor which is twenty bucks and it's fairly close to what this does on ously there are some premium features on here that you don't get on the anchor but it is a fifth of the price and that's kind of hard to argue with yeah for me I'm happy I got the MX vertical mouse so I'm going to continue using it four stars out of five if you're interested in checking it out I do have a link to Amazon in the description down below while you're down there you can hit the like button for the video if you liked the video you can subscribe to the channel and I'll see you in the next super video
Channel: Super* Review
Views: 124,607
Rating: 4.1986303 out of 5
Keywords: logitech mx vertical mouse, logitech mx vertical, logi mx vertical mouse, logi mx vertical, logitech mx vertical review, review, super review, unboxing, mouse review, wireless mouse, vertical mouse, ergonomic mouse, logitech ergonomic, pc mouse, windows mouse, mac mouse, macbook mouse
Id: bJgQneFJG1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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