Login Form Flat UI Design Vb.Net | With MySQL Database
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Channel: christianrwz
Views: 3,339
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Keywords: login form with database in vb.net, login form, vb.net, vb, c#, .net, how to, create, how, to, the, mysql, database, with, in, flat, design, dark, show password, codewithnerd, form, latest, modern, metro, framework, bunifu, ui, black, newest, image in textbox, display data, textbox to label, open new form, windows form, visual studio, visual, 2015, 2019, visual basic, basic, dll, flat ui design, modern ui, login, using, mysql database, sql, data, full, tutorial
Id: oJnkeUpXW5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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