Logic Tips –Tuning Vocals with Flex Pitch

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[Music] I'm Jonah Buchanan and in this video we're going to look at logic pros flex pitch algorithm let's suppose you're working with audio you've recorded a vocal part and you've got a couple of moments where perhaps the pitch isn't quite what you want it to be there a couple of moments that are out of tune well flex pitch is gonna help you address those as well as potentially being much more radical with what you choose to do with pitch may be completely reimagining a vocal part instead what I've done is to import a vocal file from within the Apple loops library and what I'm going to do is to select flex pitch mode for it so on that particular track which is here what I'm going to do is to come up to flex pitch by turning on the flex time algorithms here and then selecting the algorithm that I want from the list and flex pitch is up here by itself I'm going to just select that option what logixx thing going to do is to go through and detect where it's found a pitch and give me an overview display of what those pitches are if I come down and make this a little bit larger and in fact we'll just mute this second track within this project for now what I can see is I can see that this second note is higher than the first one because of the way that they've been displayed and if I hover over one of these notes I'm going to actually hear the slice of audio that's been detected there and I can see that the pitch for it is c-sharp 3 now I'm just gonna make this a little bit bigger still because what I want to show you is that there are nodes around the edges of each of these notes which allow me to control different parameters of the pitch so for example in the middle of the top here I've got fine pitch in other words they're sort of fine-tuning I know that the note is C sharp 3 but what I can do is to change its fine-tuning just to push that note a little bit sharp or a little bit flat if I want to and you'll find that when you're tuning vocals if you're working with a vocalist it tends to be the case that it's fine and to me that's out rather than someone actually having performed completely the wrong notes they probably just sung it a little bit sharp or a little bit flat and adjusting fine pitch often pulls things really nicely in tune so fine tuning is here in the bottom left hand corner what I can do is to control the gain if I want to make a note overall louder or quieter I can do that here which is a really useful way of just applying a little bit of dynamics control to each individual note within a flex pitched performance as well down here I've got vibrato the kind of wobble that all vocalists perform when they work in order to kind of make their vocals stand out a little bit more it's often the case that you'll find that the pitch within a note will wobble up and down we call that vibrato and I can either accentuate that or rein that in a little bit with this note down here in the middle and then what I've got here is a formant shift the opportunity to change the harmonic content of an individual notes so that I can make things sort of a little bit breathy ER or higher in terms of the way that they sort of feel or I can pull them right down form it's a really great for being able to sort of change the sort of masculine or feminine aspects of the way that a vocal actually sounds and up in the top left hand corner and the right hand corner I've got pitch drift this controls how one note moves into another so as I Bend from one note to the next I can adjust the drift to make those relationships more extreme or less depending on how I want to work now what I've got is those six parameters available to me for every single note that I'm working on within my vocal performance so you can begin to see that there's an enormous amount of flexibility either for just simply tuning a vocal or completely repurposing it so let's just do a little bit of that now what I'm going to do is to take this first note and bike taking in the middle of it what I'm gonna do is to drag it up just so it's a new pitch so I can do that really easily with this first note I'm gonna take maybe this fourth note and drag that down a little bit as well and maybe we could come down a little bit more extremely here and now my phrase sounds like this and I'm gonna take that one up to you and II and you can see now that this note having moved it this is giving me a nice immediate indication that the fine tuning of this note is a little bit out let's just focus in on that note for one moment what we can see is that there's this blue section of the note and then this is a sort of black area underneath it now instantly that's telling me that the fine tuning is out because if I click on fine tuning I can see that if I click on this parameter and adjust it by pushing this up the whole section becomes blue when the fine pitch is close to zero so in other words if i push it sharper or flatter I can see just at a glance that the fine tuning of this particular note isn't quite where I want it to be and that's a really handy way of being able to automatically detect notes that maybe aren't quite what they might be equally I can see that there's a lot of vibrato in a note like this just because of the way that the note is being varied within here so if I wanted to I could take the vibrato control and I could flatten that so that the line becomes much flatter so we've got absolutely no vibrato within there and altogether so we're getting a much more sort of robotic effect so I've got this kind of phrase which I've now made my own obviously the performance is still the same but the pitches are different and what I could do maybe would be say okay actually gonna just move this whole performance back to a little bit earlier so that the first note coincides with the downbeat in the bar and we could see what it sounds like with the beat loop under it as well [Music] and of course I could chop that up and just select the little parts of this region that I like in order to make a sort of shorter hook if I wanted to so within this video we've begun to see the power of flex pitch for every single pitch that's detected I've got six separate parameters that I can control and manipulate in order to be able to either take vibrato and get that under control control drift from one note to another change the individual volume of a note on a per note basis or as we've seen simply by clicking on one of these detected pitches I can just shift the whole of a note up or down in order to get the pitches that I want to work with in my project and it's worth saying one more thing - I could duplicate this track bring this down to another track underneath and create a brand new set of pitches so that I could actually create a harmony for this part with a different set of pitch controls if I wanted to do that as well so you can get really creating a flex pitch whether you're looking just to sort out problems in recordings that you've made or completely repurpose a piece of audio that exists already you
Channel: MusicTech
Views: 14,272
Rating: 4.9770117 out of 5
Keywords: MusicTech, Music Production, MusicTech Magazine, flex pitch, logic pro x, autotune, auto-tune, melodyne, fix out of tune vocal, fix bad performance, pitch correction, logic pro, vocal tuning, home studio, auto tune, mixing vocals, logic studio, flex time, audio production, editing vocals, vocal production, flex pitch tutorial, logic x, flex pitch in logic pro x tutorial, logic pro tutorial, flex pitch logic pro x, vocal mixing, tuning vocals, logic pro x autotune
Id: XVJHu_Rkowo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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