Logging With Vermeer

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getting started in the morning hold the truck on the way to the job sometimes well frequently it looks like this hood up hood up I can't say I really like that part of old trucks me not being a mechanic sup youtube we're going to fall some trees today I put my truck on this side because the trees are going that way keep my stuff nice and close anywho these pine trees go all this way a little bit of a breeze Allen camera probably doesn't do anything justice but that has enough back weight that it needs a rope and oh these two also come this way makes ah logs peelers for the self loader when he comes chip the debris make sure there's no stem wood laying around that's it so we'll put this one has a decent lean kind of that way but we can go out this way we'll put it right out there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] still waiting on my buck and special in the meantime I have to make do with this tripe look at it huh it's going to work but wouldn't it be cooler if I was special swinging with a special this one has trunk weight this way which is nice but it has limb weight that way it'll probably go over without a wedge but we'll have one ready anyways right out here on top of the stuff it's going to go have to brush past this oak tree if we hurt the oka doesn't matter none this stuff's all coming out later next week so kind of a dream job really we're especially for a guy who's kind of stressed out and just wants to punish something yeah YouTube friends love this video yeah just talk like you know these trees are the cause of anything that's gone wrong lately yeah just like this tree poked a hole in your radiator this morning [Music] [Music] SD card was not in the drone for that first one so you'll never see that drone in the sky take two [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] here's what stump looks like see double the wedge side-by-side makes them work together now here I was you could see I left it fat over here and then I feathered it in you can tell that this all these fibers were cut all these fibers were cut well the tree was moving faster you see the difference and that just kind of feathers it into the hole there because I I held this way as long as I could to protect that tree not because I have to but just because you know it's fun I guess and yeah also when your face cuts are not very wide open kind of a short then it's more likely to barber chair so you want to get that wood severed to a thinner hinge as it goes over so that makes sense which means the more time on the stump which you shouldn't do unless you're at that level YouTube friends I wanted to show you this little thing it's called a left now that tree leans back toward that brand-new home right leans back pretty hard so ideally we would want and we got some breeze see it blowing up there ideally we would want a block in that tree so that we had double the pulling power with this skid steer but you then your block is up there and it's going to come down BAM right you could use a ring but the pulley line goes through the pulley smoother so you get the same effect by by running your line through a block here okay now that all that doesn't double your pole all that does is changes the direction but then then this one tied to the end of your pole line and anchored to a tree over there and that tree is gone around twice and then tied so there's less pressure on the not then that's holding it and then you got all this power now because your block is down here and we just need to put the tree out here I'm sure we'll have Adam move but it'll be out there and not on top of the block and we'll be able to get our lines back alright that's the that's the plan maybe we'll we'll help the pulling with some wedges but you kind of can you can kind of finesse that as you go by reading the situation as it develops as it unfolds on this property when you've ever seen oh he likes me let's do some pollen find the reference point like this madrone go back up okay okay so now we have it all bowed out that way and that's that real stretchy pull rope so it'll keep pulling even what did have stuff called Polly nine and that Polly nine stuff see we got the tree bowed like this that Polly died and stuff we'll keep pulling even when you're not pulling any more it's like a rubber band time to make a face cut [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh super easy with the right tool poly dine was doing a lot of pulling for us even when the Vermeer was just sitting there so here's what I was thinking about not crashing your blocks so there's one of them see how we were going to put the tree out there and here's the other one they're just how we like it alright let's talk about these next two oh no no wait talk about these next two really quick it leans this way out into the woods but I'm sure I can use the hinge ponderosa pine is real hanji I'm sure I can hit that spot with no rope or wedge or nothing this one I would wedge it over it's pretty straight but I can't swing an axe with the fence right there so we'll put a line in that one and pull it over and we're going for this spot the reason we keep picking on the spot instead of like you like that tree see that whacked out that thing leans really hard that way we'll pull it beside that oak even though it's kind of a pain just to keep our mess over here so that we only have one spot to clean up so Damien's going to put a line in the tree but I can't wait yep yep the young climbers they just think that's so nifty yeah that's really nifty this one will be just a straight pull just a straight pull see ramier pulling downhill on the flat that tree will come right over all right go ahead and pull it that's enough for now I'll tell you more on the stuff when I'm cutting some people would think I was stupid for leaving my truck there but I've had kind of a stressful couple of weeks and it just it makes me happy leave my truck there it makes me happy it's enjoyable too you know it's just like being a warm bath just ah so peaceful I just really need to do this and it's like I'm not worried also so this is either a prologue to a disaster which it isn't or it's just me getting some nice peace and quiet from the stressful week let's do this hmm timing that what do you think yeah it's been played I suppose I could slap it with a limb but you know I broke down this morning so it deserves it really it deserved a little spanking [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] see that was not stressful I was like I wish my truck was closer that should make it more interesting when switched actually helping this time huh loner right toward the truck well I gotta I gotta explain this a little bit cameras don't always show what's really going on but see hold camera straight so we got we got some nice lean this way except when you look up the tree it's actually it hooks back this way and we really want it that way through that hole see so so we're going to be asking this to this we're going to be asking these hinge fibers on the stump to really work hard in order to get it in there with it it'll go it will probably go it's highly likely to go [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] ah now that I wasn't I'm barely doable gods enough to get it I'm here I mean I was grown and over here on this other stuff it was over here I was cutting here and leave it I left it's hard to tell here but what I was doing but but I was I was leaving see where I cut it at the last right here but I was making a curve see there's there's see this that curve I was using I was kind of sneaking a more hinge by not cutting straight across but but cutting with the tip and then I got it where I wanted to yeah I was leaving it there because if you only cut straight across then you only have triangles you only have a triangle but a Nike swoosh is what hinge it works better on like a something you got a swing what the hinge so yeah Nike swoosh that make sense okay last one is this kind of weird looking feet hold my my hand vertical so is way over there right and here we go like down there we could do it we could move the chipper and put it there or we could pull it compensation way back that direction and then lay it beside the soaked tree and then all of our stuff is in one spot you guys watch this thing it's going to go back and down completely against what it wants to do see what kind of command we have Fred turn the command okay leave it there I'll cripple it are you going to try to get it over I really kind of want it right on top of that little dead fir tree there yeah yeah right next to the oak tree right on top of that little fur we'll probably what we'll probably try to do is get it to to start missing could be clearly missing and then dive it back in for that kind of picture yeah that's cutting the holding what at the end yeah forget it yeah then it then it won't hang up in that other little oak tree kind of committed that way with them but then dive over at the end yeah that's what I'd be happy I deal picture just in case for some crazy reason yeah I could you're right [Music] [Music] only Oh wait till the Hornets quiet down to Davis so so me and Damian literally just walked it over him with he was in them in my he was in my head and I was having him pull stop pull stop and we just walked it over and then when we got it committed it was over committed which was the plan but then we would cut this wood off that's all the wood that's keeping it and then and it falls into the hole so hopefully that'll show up on video I don't know but it's yeah I definitely went over and then back out yeah I mean I would have I would have liked to have been like like a few inches more to the left but I was using your saw and my saw cuts faster so I say mine's a little sharper than than most okay well now we just have to clean it up [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] that little Vermeer decked all of us and I must say pretty nice pretty nice machine I mean I like climbing but nothing like just making a big thing hit the ground you know from the ground these are my favorite kind of jobs a little Vermeer I mean Wow because you can lift and drag then you're not tearing up a bunch of real estate with the butt of the log it's kind of like a grapple skidder only it's small but it's big enough to do this I'm really impressed we definitely I guess that's enough talk
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 29,619
Rating: 4.9496503 out of 5
Id: U5S2R9bCpik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2017
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