Logan Paul's Boxing, Reviewed by an Olympic Boxer

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[Music] Logan Logan Paul is one of the biggest YouTubers in the world and when you think about YouTube boxing he is probably the first name that pops into your head but can he really fight how good is his boxing ability and when he fights Dylan danis who do I think is going to win that fight now most people who review Logan's boxing ability or fight predictions have never been in a boxing ring in their life but me I had six fights I won a European gold medal seven national titles and also an Olympic bronze medal so I think my review will be pretty accurate and also my prediction at the end will be spot on as well now I went to Logan's house when he lived in Los Angeles and I watched him train I watched him spa and I noticed he's got a secret advantage over most people especially Dylan danis who he's going to be fighting and it takes someone with the experience of me to be able to really notice this advantage that he's got I'm going to tell you exactly what it is but first let's take a look at some of his fight footage first we look at a little bit of KSI then the Floyd mwea then we'll look at some of his training footage okay versus KSI 2 look at the crowd there man this is a bloody YouTube fight this is a bigger crowd than anyone I ever fought in front of now this was their second fight the first fight was a draw so this when he brought Shannon Briggs in his Camp which I think might have been a mistake here we go so log on the tall of coming out with his hands down he's got that low style I'm going to talk about in a little bit the problem what I see here is how high his chin is if you see there the Chin's right up in the air and ksi's got a big whooping overhand right so what KSI is trying to do is jab to the body and then really whip in a big fast right over the top but there he tried to straight away but it missed Logan kind of block with his arm and his shoulder now hands down boxing works but you've got to have really fast reactions which we just seen there Logan like moved out the way of a big loop and crazy right hand which is dangerous with having your hands down so relying on them reactions you know it is a risky style to have nice pivot hook there by Logan Paul this is a pretty Advanced punch and you'll see why so he throws that lovely job I didn't even see that landed KSI swings over that overhand right that he's been trying to look for Logan kind of defends that with a little shoulder roll and then he's that pivot hook here if you see so he throws it it comes out that lands on the chin but at the same time the back foot is pivoting around which is changing angle on their opponent look he's coming back at him from a different angle what I would like to seen there is Lil going to put the pressure on KSI while he's kind of off balance in at a different angle now as you can see what Logan's doing here he's got his weight on the front foot and his heads kind of over that front knee and you might be thinking well that's crazy he's off balance he can't throw punches there but what he's doing is again pretty high level stuff and I'm sure coach Milton has worked on him with this is he's got his weight on the front foot he's got his head closer to his opponent trying to draw that lead and when you've got your Weir over your from foot like that you can easily and very quickly move back and then come with punches of your own so it's basically giving your opponent a false sense of hope for him to throw that punch you can come out the way then you can throw punches or you can just move back let's see if he does that here so you can see there the weights on the front foot again I'm not a fan of the chin up in the air but still no he didn't do what I said so it's good that Logan's keep pking that left hand out that big long jab he's got that Advantage now even though that jab is not hard he's keeping KSI thinking there it again there it again now if you think about this if you're in there with someone that's throwing that job the job's Landing then it might be missing it might be landing it might be missing what that's doing is taking the game plan away from the person that's in front of you because all of a sudden you're not thinking about what you're going to do you start thinking about how can I get out the way of that job and he's using that to his Advantage which I think he'll do with the Dylan danis fight there it's again but he's got them good reactions so you see here he throws that jaob KSI fight is back with a decentish counter punch but Logan's reactions is on point and he's leaning back out the weav the footwork as well which is going to be key factor in his next fight you watch here KSI kind of jumps forward now it's in slow motion so this looks easy but when it's full speed it's a lot harder to read the punch but he's read the punch and he's moved back and he's also there I seen it but trying to throw that counter hook for this guy second fight I'm impressed oh so a knockdown no he's not scoring as a knockdown but the punch kind of hit him on the back of the head which is an illegal punch in boxing but still he went down to his knee that some referees might have classed that as a knockdown and it's them type of shots especially out the back of the head that can disorientate you shake your brain and really make you evaluate everything that you're doing so I'm guessing Dylan danis should have watched this fight 20 times and thinking you know what KSI did there he kind of rushed in with that combination and then landed one round the side so that's what he's got to do to beat Logan Paul is get his feet close because Logan's got the height advantage over Dylan Dylan can't outbox him as we've seen there Logan's got that jab in the footw so what Dylan's got to do is get his feet in but I'm going to talk about that close to the end of the video and tell you exactly what's going to happen ooh ooh ooh wow now the uppercut in boxing is the hardest punch to land ksi's legs have gone what a knockdown but the referee didn't pass it as a knockdown let's see what happened there again so KSI throws that jab but he's bringing his head down which he's been doing all the time leaving him open for that uppercut but still very hard at time Logan throws the uppercut perfectly hits him on the chin and you can see his legs have gone a little bit there hits him again with another uppercut but then it's kind of like a push pushed him down at the end that's probably why that wasn't scored as a knockdown but that definitely was a knockdown referee give him a timeout as well some extra time wow there's Logan again got his weight on the front leg drawn out the lead of his opponent now with this sty here with a weight on the front leg if you look at someone like Frankie Gavin who was the best amateur boxer Great Britain has ever produced he did this all the time with that weight on the front leg you've got to have fast reactions but it can be a very effective strategy in boxing yeah we seen Logan lost that fight it was a split decision very close so looking at the KSI fight some of the things that impressed me was his footwork and in working behind that job and I guess the time of that upper cut was was spot on as well let's take a look at him and Floyd before we see the training so here he is with the greatest fighter of all time Floyd Mayweather round number one against Floyd we were there and Logan walks straight out with his hands down look at this getting in there with Floyd it's unbelievable really in your third fight fighting him and he's confident as well now I know that Logan's got massive height advantage and weight Advantage as well but Floyd has knows every single trick in the book you can see there Floyd o now what we see Logan do here is pretty high level he Jabs to the body right now Floyd thinks he going to throw the jab the body now the next time he throws a right hand to the body now next time he f a jab to the body Floyd's believ in that jab by trying to Parry it with his right hand and then what Logan does as the right hand's coming down he's whipping over a left hook to the top but obviously he missed the timing's not there for that punch but again doing little things like that is I like it oh I remember this look at this no that clip there when VI people were saying oh my God what is this Logan Paul cannot fight he's slapping he's throwing punches like this he's Terri what's he doing oh my God this is the worst boxing I've ever seen in me life he doesn't know what he's doing but my friend I'm going to stick up for him here let me put it to you this way Floyd mether moves his feet all the time he's in and out so when you throw a punch Floyd's normally gone he's out of there and you've hit fresh air what's happened here Floyd has planted his feet and thought come on let's have it he's in range Logan's threw a punch oh it's landed on his glove he's hit something rather than fresh air he's threw another punch he's hit it again Floyd's now covering up Logan knows he's got like the 30 pound we advantage or whatever and it doesn't matter who you are if you get hit hard enough you're going to get hurt Logan's a two fight novice at this point he's hit him again oh Floyd's covering up he's hit him again he's hit him again yes the punches are slapping in but what should he do should he just stop and move back or should he just keep punching and go for it well that's what he's doing there yeah there are slap punches he's not really turning into them and going the body and head but again he's had two fights and he's keep doing it thinking oh I hope one gets through and all of a sudden boom hits him on the air and by the way Floyd had a perforated e after for the fight so it could have been that one so now what do you want Logan to do stop punching nah keep going mate keep going keep throwing them big wild punches you never know one might get through then he throws UT n didn't land but still then he's keep throwing keep throwing another hand schems him on the top of the head and the bell goes so as much criticism he got for that n I'm all for it mate do what you do do it and another thing with that as well is like if you're a judge at ringside Logan's winning that part of the fight right cuz is Floyd's not winning that part of the fight he's cing up and he's getting caught with a few punches so yeah continue to do that mid win that Bloody round or win that part of the round now I know we're reviewing Logan Paul here but just look at Floyd's defense there absolutely amazing oh I never even noticed that but if you see what Logan just did there he fainted overhand right Floyd pull his hands up and believe that F then he comes up with the uppercut but Floy blocks it he rolls underneath it's kind of a push and Logan working behind that big job not landing hard to hit Floyd with the job but still doing the right thing and when someone's in front of you doing what Logan do here with a fence fence fence fence it's making your opponent think now as you seen what Floyd did there he believed the defense and and he had like move L getting very wild now with the shots as he's getting tired like kind of falling in there like look at the position that he's in where I've paused it there Floyd's got this right hand loaded up it would be very very difficult to do but if he was firing that uppercut straight up there that could have been a shot that would done damage to Logan because his Chin's in the air his hands are down by his sides and he's in range to get hit oh Floyd actually tried it but he was too close when he threw it big left hook by Floyd now I think it was this part F the fight where Floyd just start putting the pressure on there's the left hook from Floyd it was kind of a arm punch didn't really turn into it as much to get real power behind it but still hit them straight on the chin and when you wear them T SCS you can feel every single Punch Yeah and L landed because Logan was trying to throw that uppercut that he had success with KSI there you see arms coming right down here to throw it and Floyd's got that much experience he can see this coming so Floyd probably Drew out this punch doing something to make Logan through that uppercut and he knew as soon as Logan's arm was down here that he was leaving him open for that lovely lead hook and here Logan throws a lead hook then guys coming over with a right hand but it's kind of like a firing down like a sloppy one there now when you're in with someone shorter sometimes it's going to be hard not to come straight down but you want to just come over the top he's went for there and he's kind of missed by a mile and there's that nice upper cut again which I'd probably see as Logan Paul's best shot but you know Floyd's got his hands tight and just hard to hit oh look land the right hand over the top boom but Floyd's shoulder like kind of blocked it now look at that coming to the end of the fight little bit of Sha Sha Bloon tell him to look at the clock and that right there Going the Distance with Floyd Mayweather on your third fight you've got to class that as a win even though obviously Floyd won the fight but still going the distance with him I take some doing it really does but this was a few year ago let's look for some training of Logan recently I just want to see it like Logan's dedication he had a boxing ring in his back Garden when he lived in Los Angeles that just shows right there you're 2 feet in with boxing if you can afford a boxing ring in your garden and you can afford a trainer fulltime that's real dedication right there so let's have a look at some training of Logan Paul before I give you my prediction and tell you about his secret Advantage so there's not much recent footage of Logan training this is like training for the Floyd's fight there's coach m in there who I did a full video with where he was explaining uh Logan sty with his hands down great coach this is what coach M Logan Paul's coach said when I asked him about having that hand down normally I don't really show anybody what I do but I'm going to give you the scoop yeah okay you got to go this stand this way so there everybody can see now here's the here's the funny thing don't move stay back there here's the funny thing the first thing they teach everybody is to do what keep your hands up yeah okay keep your hands up and use what punch the jab the jab yeah okay so here's what I do you can watch this full video after but it's very interesting it's very hard to find any footage of Logan boxing training which I'm surprised with cuz I feel like I've seen some before in the past so I've been searching the internet for Logan Paul's training footage for his recent fight and I canot find anything on there but he's been doing WWE and he is doing some crazy things like this here and you can just see on this clip just how athletic he is and I've seen in a recent interview that he said he is a full-time WWE athlete now but two big benefits for Logan that this wrestling is giv him is one one he's used to been under the spotlight in these big mass of Arenas it's not fighting but it's performing and two is even though wrestling is fake in the terms of you not really you know trying to give someone a back breaker but it is really hard and you've got to be super fit and conditioned and strong to be able to do that so there is some benefits but then the negatives towards the wrestling is how serious is he taking his boxing training because if you're training for a fight at this level with Dylan danis you've got to be giving it everything you've got to be spending time on recovery on your game plans on your Technique you've got to be thinking about the fight and living the life 24/7 and is this wrestling and all the podcasting and the other stuff that he's doing just getting in the way of this fight well I want to tell you that and as well give you my prediction on who I think's going to win and as well I'm going to tell you about Logan's secret advantage over anything but first I need to talk about the sponsor of today's video which is for sigmatic think coffee now if you're like me and you drink coffee every single day why would you not put the best coffee in your body and for sigmatic is not just any other ordinary coffee it is organic and it's infused with Lion's mean which is a mushroom that's got scientific studies that see this helps you focus it helps you with mental Clarity and when I drink this coffee I really feel a difference and what fym have do and they've put together this think starter kit that includes their vanilla creamer with a hint of Aline also their focus blend so if you want an extra kick or punch to get really zoomed in at whatever you're doing that's in there as well and I'm not bsing when I see this this coffee is unbelievable you need to try it to see what I'm talking about and this is available at Amazon Whole Foods or you can click the link below and get it at formatic and I'm sure you're going to love it the way that I do so Logan Paul versus Dylan dallis who's going to win well let me tell you about his secret Advantage Logan has employed coach Milton as his fulltime coach Milton travels the world with Logan and has been with him for years now Milton is very experienced working with some high level Fighters and because he's been working so closely with Logan for so many years he knows him like the back of his hand not just his form his technique and his conditioning but also the mental side of his boxing as well which is huge now if you look at more successful Fighters they have build a bond with a coach and are with that coach for the long run and because he hired him fulltime he's been training when he's not even got fights coming up he's been working on his boxing for years and years now even though he's only had these three fights he still had his coach there to train whenever he can now just think about that think about that in terms of discipline and like I mentioned Milton really knows his stuff I done a full video with him breaking down Logan's boxing Style with his hands down here I have always criticized that style I've even criticized it a bit on this video until I got in the mind of coach Milton and found out why he does it and the reasonings behind it which makes total sense to me so if you want to learn more about Logan's style and his game plan against Floyd mether you can watch that video after this one so right there is a huge advantage over anyone who is bouncing around gyms doing different training here and there and hasn't got a solid camp in place like it's looking like Dylan danis is doing right now and as well I've seen some of Dan's pictures where he seems to be sparing in MMA gyms now if you're training for a boxing fight yes get the all of sparring you can get but sparring in an MMA gym where the gym is full of mats you've got 20 people sparring at the same time in that gym you haven't got a coach who's standing in the corner of a boxing ring telling you exactly what to do you haven't got a box and ring to work on your ring craft and especially with Dylan being the shorter guy if he's going to put the pressure on Logan he needs to be working in the ring all the time getting familiar with his surroundings but he's not I see some pictures where he's sparing with guys who's wearing shin pads now for a boxing fight that is absolutely insane even though these guys might be high level they're wearing shin pads they're thinking about kicks they're thinking about takedowns that's got to go out the window because even though that there is boxing in MMA the two completely different sports so if Logan isn't focusing on too much on the WWE stuff and is totally drilled in with his box in which no miltton will have him totally zoned in on this and also Logan is a very disciplined athlete they will have their together for this training camp where from the outside looking in Dylan danis really hasn't even though Dylan has got some good standup which I reviewed on one of my other videos he's still not fought on this massive stage like we seen Logan and KSI or Logan and Floyd mewe or Logan in the WWE as well so I see this going two ways one I see Logan beating Dylan dnis on points not a knockout win as a lot of people are predicting because this is six rounds I think Dylan can get through them six rounds learning how to survive because in MMA you learn how to survive in Jujitsu which Dylan is good at you'll learn how to survive I think you'll be able to hold on be able to move his feet and transfer those survival skills and tactics from MMA and jiujitsu into boxing and get through the the six rounds and lose on points now the other way I see this going is Dylan danis getting disqualified is by taking Logan down doing something stupid I don't know Dylan personally but by seeing social media he seems a little bit crazy he's doing things with promoting this fight that no one's ever done before which is a step too far in my eyes so I think when he gets in there he's got Pride he's got ego he's going to try and you know take him to the floor and do something crazy and still get P I know if that's in the contract about him not being able to you know do some MMA stuff in there now if you want to see me review Dylan Dan's standup click here and watch this video next if you want to see me talking with Coach Millan in a ring breaking down Logan's hand down style click here and watch this video next
Channel: Tony Jeffries
Views: 159,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: logan paul, logan paul boxing, logan paul boxing training, logan paul boxing review, can logan paul box, logan paul training boxing, logan paul vs dillon danis, dillon dannis, logan paul vs danis, logan paul highlights, logan paul fight, logan paul training, tony jeffries, boxing logan paul, logan paul vs mayweather, logan paul vs ksi, logan paul boxing hightlights, logan paul breakdown, logan paul analysis, logan vs danis
Id: xy7yQ1yF5ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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