Log Cabin Anniversary - Commentary From The Nutmeg Tavern

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[Music] it's friday it's a very special friday we're doing an extra long episode and it's a special anniversary episode we're gonna we've got the whole crew in here from the cabin building series and we're gonna be talking about uh the cabin building looking back from you know one year in the future back to back through another time vortex i'm your host john townsend and i am joined by brandon hello kyle ryan behind the bar he's going to be uh dealing with all that chat and question stuff and on the other time other sector way over there hello hello how's everyone doing hey that's aaron yep aaron over there thank you aaron so uh we're gonna have fun today we're gonna actually watch all most some of the cabin building videos and we're just gonna give commentary uh answer questions that you guys have about the cabin building process and what it's been like since then all that kind of good fun stuff um are we just starting out with the video what do you think or did you have a question or somebody in the comments said i heard there'd be free mushroom ketchup that's not that kind of an event guys yeah we can go i mean we can go right into it if you can reach through the screen and get it there it is wow that's very tempting generous so do you want to kind of introduce episode one kind of like episode one now we're not gonna cover the like episode zero which is where we went to philadelphia in the van and looked at different cabins uh for from the actual time period 17th century early cabins some pieces from the 18th century you'll have to go back and check that one out and that's a fun video where we you can see us driving in a van and do a not normal stuff that we normally do on the channel and we're gonna start off with the initial cabin building uh video and this is where we talk about do we talk about getting the law it's been so long since i've seen this one seems like forever yeah this is the walls and um yeah can you guys believe it's been a whole year no i cannot i believe it's been an entire year and just so people know we're going to be talking over the videos this is a fun hangout commentary stream so if you want to go watch the videos they're there yeah i'll go find them yeah but yeah this is more of like a commentary thing you guys ready we are ready do it and uh this is i mean right off the bat i i remember this is like one of those step up in cinematography the first thing that's where we actually generally paid a lot of attention to what we were doing were aaron what was doing uh behind the camera we had a lot of fun with that yeah every every time we moved aaron was like stop trying stop stop stop dropping the bed roll was several times and you could see ryan had the giant hammer too i love that giant yeah through the door and in some instances start that fire brandon come on i didn't believe it you got to set up camp you got to get ready you got to have your well you got to smoke your pipe there's there's number one every time there's number one i think i've killed kyle oh it turns so green is like your price doesn't just often give that much smoke you have to really stoke this book like that this the first day it was one of the hottest days i remember whatsoever i'm not normally in my shirt sleeves so it was that september yeah you know like round two yeah there was there was nuts [Music] luckily we had already prepared the site so that we could just set these stones in and you know get them nice and level good job with the drone aaron and we did actually have a foundation um instead of just throwing those logs on the ground because we we need this cabin to you know survive a while and then we had so these the sil-logs that we chose were really dense and heavy and so we had these new axes made and i was so stoked about the big one because what is the what's the weight on that foundation do you remember i don't i think it's a four pound head it might be and i was so pumped about it and i hit that log so um one of the logs i think the last one we put in place and the one he's chopping on now that's a locus i remember i remember appealing that with you and it took forever we all took turns on that party we're rolling this guy in and we're thinking no you look he moved it and nothing happened it's like the heaviest log in the universe yeah and then we tried to set up on the stones here in a second yeah almost got his end up yeah i felt like i was leading the team of horses right there yeah the reason why they didn't use locus uh in their um locust trees in make building cabins we know now and john says what is that level good luck level enough there he is there's uh ryan smashing on that thing yeah i remember right here it was so hot uh um i can't remember what log that one was i think it was hickory it might have been i remember how irritating it was to like because we've done saddle notching yeah and then we were switching to the v and it just didn't translate as easily as we thought it would yeah yeah well the good thing was by the time we got to the roof we had it figured out yeah yeah we were pretty good matches and boy that meat did cook fast it must have been out yeah and i've got these saggiest pants on in the universe [Laughter] it's joseph ellen's birthday happy birthday joseph happy birthday we've been working on this helping us just getting the baby she came around for the climbing and the heating oh yeah a lot of kind of back and forth about exactly how we should no that's that's basswood um we had a close call a couple of times not with axes just with like straight saddles you remember that one hop off the wall that you landed on a rock so i twisted an and then ryan brushed me with a saw once but that was it well yeah yeah i forgot about that and i completely disappear for these couple frames because i had to go back to the shop that day and oh yeah just do logistics you know yeah we had to keep our our normal responsibilities going as well that's the axe yes yeah there's sadie people are like this sophie yeah sophie yeah somebody says sophie yes sophie was uh featured in my instagram feed today she is such a fun dog so for those who can't hear the video john these are these these are the sill logs yeah yes yeah the very in fact just the the locust one that we put down first and this the second one that's um the base of the chimney those are the those are the sill that fits you know down on the ground uh and then the rest of them are you know straight up walls they're way off you know kind of way off the ground here comes the saw uh how long in real time did it take us to build this so much of it was you know we had to stop for close-ups we had to stop for we would get to like that accident that john just did we would get a loose and then we'd say hey aaron do you want to see this so you know there were there was stuff like that they could wait for it you definitely can't do it with just one or two persons you're heavier than that yeah definitely you guys probably hated me that's fine now some of the logs were fresh and like this log not fresh at all a year old um i had been gathering logs for a long time for this project probably 14 16 months some of them are fresh yeah because it was june of the previous year that we were out in your parents yeah see all these are aged ones they've been out there for a year right and that's where all the parks for the roof came from yes that's when we filled those right there's a giant stack of bark away from there to build your house just so everyone knows how spaced out this project was right here in the video like if you look at the file the dates on the files i took some time off because my wife had a baby right and i was gone for like a week how dare you i know okay so aaron's in the chat and she says was there ever a point where you guys were like why are we doing this this sucks let's quit no that was i actually miss like getting phone calls like okay come out we're doing something cool and dragging up get footage there were certainly hot days where we said let's cut out it too instead of working so and there's the problem of wow that's a that's a wide lens um there's the problem of and there's your friend yes mark yeah mark he does uh actually he does all the t-shirts printing that we sell and he's from toledo he has a great screen printing business but he wanted to come down for the day just he's a woodworker he was in a couple days wasn't he yeah i think he was i think he was here and someone did ask about that stopping this project this project has i mean we've been all i've already in different forms ryan and i other people we've been working on for almost a year there's no way we're going to stop at this point right yeah yeah it'd be a waste of time we spent we had to spend close to the amount of time collecting ones because we did nothing it's just really close to each other hopefully yeah and we've spent some hot time out there this was done in the fall and to get the bark off the trees in the fall is very difficult all these ones that were that are gray here they were stripped in the spring so that we could use the bark uh actually the spring before so i mean you have to you have to really the cabin building same idea when we get to the window so for those who can't hear you're talking about pre-cutting spots for the fireplace oh right right in this spot oh right here that's what i'm talking about somebody asked how many cases of beer john had to buy us to do this work pretty much um he just gave us paychecks instead yeah yes sir we bought because i would probably buy them the wrong beer what do you mean past blue ribbon because we were on the clock especially we weren't mixing uh alcohol with axes i was gonna say that's a bad combination that wouldn't be a good idea saw go go go um we changed our technique about four times for notching um trying to find the best way to do it and it changes on the the log you're working with uh if they're a dry log you use a different technique than if it's a green log yeah yeah like we could use sauce for notching on dry stuff right and then we would have green stuff yeah it wouldn't work at all somebody they're still concerned about who got hurt and who nobody got hurt i think this was like the hottest day yeah ever yes i remember they're lying just wanting to die yeah um so no i didn't get hurt nobody got hurt um we were pretty darn careful yeah i think i got a splinter once but it's just a yeah little thing pry that stuff up yeah and you know we're making it look easy we fought these notches uh every notch is hand done yeah and fiddled with and no it needs to no it needs to turn and you if you just get it off a little bit they just it sits terrible and then you go back and you hit the other side and then oh it's not this long it's the one underneath yeah yeah right there john's like geez yeah did it get any better i remember there was zero zero acting there we went back total frustration ever yeah it's like no that isn't working and then you get back and you say oh we're not doing it right and none of those logs are straight no i mean they might look straight on the camera but are they they're yeah turns out nature and trees um it's but such a learning thing wow make it fit yes looks beautiful i was really worried the other side looked like though yeah no no no no come on kyle don't ruin everything um when we were uh yeah there they are trying to strip or their i am and their brand is trying to strip a fresh uh tree and look how hard that is it's like every little bit if it's in the spring you can peel that off and one well it even got harder like so i can't remember i think it was the uh the the next video where we kind of have them leaned up against the side of the cabin and we're really just rearing down on them yeah you lose all your leverage there with that rope at the very end somebody said now that the hard work is done can i have a job yeah okay did we back up we were taller than that we're oh we're standing up on that yeah it's like all of a sudden it's at waist high again we went backwards um it's uh we used i don't know we've been those axes and those mallets over eight or nine yeah somebody just asked how many times did you have to re-sharpen yourself [Music] i feel like you did a more re-sharpening exactly did we get the last you probably sharpened every two three days yeah i would resharpen i'd take them away at night and work them up because we're behind look how crooked well it would even get to the point where we couldn't use our favorite axes because they were dull we had to switch to the others now there's that axe there that's that's sort of tighter i thought maybe that's the broad axe there we were we certainly do ended up with favorite axes by the time we were done eric williams is wondering why we're watching this when we've got a ship to build hey now [Laughter] you're gonna make me cry and if if uh cabin building is hard shipbuilding oh jeez that's where the precision works yeah exactly that's good it will take this is so much about how these structures go together see we were all working hard and brandon just gets up yeah oh here's my coffee oh and then he asks her coffee i had to serve him day and a day oh yeah somebody's got to take a shot oh so so aaron's like it'd be cool to get somebody like pouring out some water of a canteen i was like all right all right and i had my new long hair so i wanted to show it off of course anyways [Laughter] i didn't remember that you you got any of this i forgot about it too until i watched it the other day i can't wait to get to this roof section uh that is going to be very challenging i'm really not oh somebody's asking if we could make an axe at the cabin now yeah we've got the blacksmith shop and all that sure brandon hey you ready to make an house sure sure i gotta be honest my uh hammer welding's not the best cool a little learning looking right at ryan did not look at the camera at all oh my god the shot was almost taken out because kyle looked at i didn't look at the camera kyle kyle looked at the camera there nope and ruined everything all right before we go on to the next one let's do a little little housekeeping here um do you want to go ahead and take care of patreon there yeah so make sure we don't forget anything before i get the patreon and i want to get the patreon here right now uh before i get to patreon though a couple of i think it was two weeks ago someone mentioned in the chat about marie at genesee county village that's in the sausage episode they said oh didn't she die no no she didn't i think that they had mistaken uh pat mead uh who passed away um was it two years ago anyway uh pat mead so no marie's still doing her job there at genesee country village um so patreon a lot of people support us on patreon um it's a great way to support us kind of a consistent a consist a consistent way a small amount each month the brand new people that support us on patreon this week ben west paxton wolff john dottie april newender uh zubin gardner j.b anthony kevin wood colin leslie madison forseth benjamin lindelhoff lloyd tozer someone with the name of watchsmart callum gorman brian uh lastikovaca i'm sure i got that i got an extra syllable in there somewhere um chris hughes and modestomoa something like that uh amazing uh all the support we get on patreon there's like 800 and something folks that support us that way it really gives us kind of a base to work from uh when we're when we're trying to budget what we can do as a team making videos so thank you everyone on patreon sorry thank you patreon i'm laughing that there are so many people that are so amused that i almost burned my face off with boiling hot water yes uh so yeah i'm gonna go through let's do some questions real quick sure uh okay so we i don't know if we know the answer to this but it'd be funny to see reactions what's the next on your to-do list for the cabin we still actually have um well we gotta fix the roof some more and probably we need to get around to we need to at least start the process of making shingles good luck with that brandon and people are also wondering about a fast roof well you know um a year or two ago i would have said that's true for north america but there's certainly documentation for thatched roofs early on uh 17th century we're not really trying to do a 17th century by the 18th century i think most of the roofs are going to see if they're short-term term roofs they're all bark like the one we did or they're doing shingles uh and that's where we're headed i really just want to split shingles anyways i think that's going to be fun we'll sign you up for that right you're just like don't you don't worry brandon and i'll take care of it good excellent super i'm i am i'm excited by that i'll make sure i have my tent there too so yeah wake you up in the morning get out there and make sure um and we've got still have some real furniture questions and that fixing up the interior because winter is coming so uh people are wondering if we fill the logs and where we got them from so the logs are from uh the property that the that the um structure is on plus uh some uh property that's a few miles away my my parents ground had a nice little uh stand of poplars in amongst all the other trees that grow there and then i had also some friends who had some poplars that they were they were building a house in an area and they wanted to remove some of the trees so that was perfect and then we also worked with h northrop uh and his family and they supplied a few of the logs like the basswood logs uh came from uh the northrop folks and they are part of the pike lumber family so uh that was that was a real nice uh thing too so i think the sillocks came from them right yeah the locust yep and in some of the best ways uh somebody is wondering i don't normally do this but they're it's in the chat how do i support you on patreon how do they yeah so there's a link in the description section in the description and that will take you to our patreon site and there are different sort of support levels in reality you can pick any level you want uh you know it can be anywhere from a dollar a month to again whatever you please but there are kind of some set levels there just for kind of giving you an idea and um and this site will take care of all that stuff for you okay so somebody's asking how hot or cold the interior of the cabin stays well it cuts the wind and it gives you shade and if the fire is going and you're sitting literally in the fire right well john has a fire in his lap but i'm learning more about it i mean as you spend more and more time in there uh you do you do learn about it and there are some good and bad obviously the dirt floor is a plus in the summertime because it stays cool that you know you're right there on the ground and you have this great heat sink or cool sink in this case right um but that is backwards in the winter time so that ground is cold and it's so it's hard to warm that cabin up but that the walls those thick mud walls they retain a lot of heat they can take a long time to get up the heat but if you keep a fire in that consistently and i mean a big fire in that for hours and hours it will just radiate a ton of heat uh into that so i've uh it's like well if you want the cabin to be warm just never let that fire go out and it will be warm all right and then how bad would it have to get for a period settler to up and move after they built their cabin i would say that um they're they're moving on pretty regularly we would think well that was a lot of work um you know i'm going to stay in this place i i think they actually moved on a lot more readily than than we would imagine yeah yeah i think so too okay so this is super chat uh coming in with lisa kilmer great subject and great bunch of guys so glad you are sharing this knowledge and uh thank you for that lisa i got your email thank you for that as well very interesting i'll reply to you uh bridget goddess unsuper chat question were all your logs from your property or did you have to get them i think we yeah we covered the locations we can't cover that um nick patella it's my birthday today thanks for the stream thank you just for you nick happy birthday happy uh ashley the count i love the entire homestead series i have missed getting to see you guys at our local living history events and chatting in person yeah that's a bummer it is don't miss it too nat morris noland i'm so impressed the way that you've stepped up the cinematography of your videos always educational and even more gorgeous to watch now thank you aaron thank you for the compliment yeah ty jordan my scout troop has been given a piece of land to develop a permanent campsite your videos have given me many ideas that's awesome michael mcelroy dreams all around happy friday s mackie oh i want to camp in that cabin so badly you guys are awesome ryan mercer i'm late take my money gladly thank you ryan uh he normally sends that straight to me so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna assume katie teats i analyze any cabins i come across now because of this video series that's pretty cool great matthew h will the blacksmith make an axe head for us oh yeah i guess you know you got to learn sometime denise maloney pierin a keep it up pear dancing yes thank you thank you and yes santos would settlers use some sort of carpets or rugs to make the cabin more cozy and the floor warmer well in a dirt floor cabin probably not but they certainly did some things like that in other cabins again there's a lot of different kind of people or let's say cultures and they're going to have different ideas about what's appropriate what's not even for something like floor covering you know a log cabin like this is generally sort of scott's irish in early 18th century to early 19th century and um they're probably just going to live with their dirt floor for quite a long time all right so we're ready to move into the next video but aaron i think that we're all kind of talking about the notching and all that stuff you should probably give a little bit of what your vision for this project was how it was different than we normally do well so with this one we we kind of had some conversations about like how how to we wanted it to be like instructional and how kind of immersive we wanted it to be and i think we um i think we tried it um first with like the dugout canoe series and then in hindsight watching that one it was like well i almost wish there was even less talking and there was just more visuals and and uh action so for this one it was more like because we had the liberty of doing a bunch of things over and over and over again um you just you know what looks cool what do you think looks cool what angle looks cool what camera movement looks cool and it's not one of those hurry up and get it and then it's done like with dugout canoe where it was you only had a limited amount of time to do that um you know the goal with this one at least from my perspective what i wanted the viewers to feel like they were there hanging out with us they could smell the fire they could um you know feel the axes or or you know the warmth of the sun or whatever so that was kind of the goal was to make it a very very immersive experience visually and with audio and stuff and yeah i think i think it turned out well it's some of my some of my favorite videos we've done so yeah coming off of doing straight instructional you know so for years we've done it's like this is how you do it step one step two and that's not what we do in cabin because i mean step one get a bunch of logs step two cut the notches like this they're i mean it'd be really short videos uh but it doesn't give you that sense of how much real effort there is in what a group you know effort it needs to be so i think these videos really get us there away from you know there's some instruction but to show what it's really like like you know four or five years ago we would have done it totally different it would have been very slow and here's how you do this thing and we wanted it to be a little more cinematic well it was really strange along the way too because we it was an experiment we didn't know if people would like it you know we didn't know and we were just kind of going yeah somebody says the drone shots and the snowfall we will get to the snowshoe yeah i call it the miracle shoot it's all actually uh soap flakes that were shaking yeah they had me up in the tree shaking here it took a long time to cut all that all right number two so we're off to the roof anything you want to say john or do we just want to go let's do it i mean i think ivy ate all those make that coffee coffee we needed that coffee it fueled us yeah it didn't it doesn't matter how hard it is you could drink coffee so which angle should the roof be would you say this was the most difficult part of the build the design of the roof design wise well i don't know but the chimney was also very they're very similar challenge and you know we we strung these strings up multiple times like no that's not the angle and until you get up there and you start laying those logs like i'm talking about here now what am i going to do what are we going to do because i didn't know actually how it's going to work it's like i think it's going to work like this until you do it you don't know what you're going to do yeah so i wasn't here for a lot of the shots for this video because i was back working on the look oh that was that was right at that time yeah yeah and so we took a lot of pictures for that out at the campus as it was being built and we filmed a lot of like cooking videos and stuff while stuff was going on in the background here too right the corner like maybe the pop was right at that time too wasn't it yeah i think so yeah yeah right because you know the monster needs to be fed the monster that is youtube um wants more videos so you just on big projects it can be very troublesome uh and and the reality behind a project like this is that's exactly like what we've been doing it's not a problem here very efficient video making compared to uh something like the video which takes how many hours did we spend on a paw paw video you know yeah like you know an hour and it's a great little video and it'll get a lot of views and then we'll spend weeks making a cabin um you know and you know it does what it does but the cabin is like it's a foundation stone of what we do so you you have to put up with those kinds of well sometimes we get to use making videos as an excuse to say we cannot do things that we've always wanted to do yeah you know that's a lot of fun and and this cabin hat was uh have has been on my to-do list for oh probably 10 years i probably had the idea of doing the cabin before i built the german kitchen or before aaron and i did that yeah we vouched for that you definitely were talking well we still weren't like sold on the idea of building your cabin that's why we built the log structure because we came back from philbin log bar and we were stoked about it right and we didn't want to commit to a cabin so and the reality is it's uh it's a lot of resources i got the logs ready for the cabin and there weren't there wasn't even enough for the log structure so while this looks like oh you know you know you only need 30 or 40 logs oh yeah always more you know 100 logs later you're thinking i can use a couple more this is the brandon episode as far as i'm concerned yeah brandon was going to town on that roof well what was brandon doing before he started working here yeah my job was i was a roofer and siding and modern construction so this was really fun getting to work with you know historical techniques and materials materials here we're making a giant tripod so we can lift some of these things up but this is where we're trying to get that oak one up oh my gosh man i wanted to be out this was that looks so cool we needed you this was all kyle powered this is like the heaviest log in the universe and it's like oh my gosh yeah that is funny when you grab those little old guys you're like oh this isn't going to be as bad oh yeah i heard there's some grunting going on i had to set all the way back i almost sat on the ground to pull that thing it's like iron log anyway yeah it is amazing how how different woods have different properties and how light some can be and how super dense others can be and this log that log is holding down the whole building yeah if there was a tornado that log would just oh it can't blow away because uh yeah this was an engineering feat in and of itself exactly how those little notches work um and but it worked it worked we're still there it was holding it down really well i was kind of happy with the way it turned out now of course at this point we thought this is going to go really quickly nope somebody in the chat remembers you uh brandon forgen a spoon bit at the stones trace last year was that for the cabin yes we used that i think on um i think you had done like a tool video like various yeah that's right right yeah we i'm always you know it's like well what kind of tool would they use i mean we can always hey you know the camera's not running let's pop out here with you know a modern tool but it's like we at least want to experience uh what the period tool is going to do and use it as much as possible and as and augers and drills have always been one of those it's like boy how did they do that um and how do you pound a nail with a wooden hammer we found out you can do it yeah somebody somebody in the chat just said i love the sound of the wooden mallets i heard those in my sleep for a couple of months right we worked through a lot we broke mallets we you know oh did we break the giant hammer died ryan broke the balance yes you're you're rough on mallets and and we had the mallet um the great mallet auction even yeah that was that was fun and i still have mallets left over from there's number two and there's john and the saggy pants again um yeah we ended up throwing a lot of mallets man i got really good at throwing brandon tools that entire time here catch the saw it almost became a precise action it wasn't somewhat sharp or sharp mostly just the mallet let's hope so i love this those shots are awesome it just looks so cool stacking up you know yeah i think that all of it was fun the the last video was really fun because we we were just like we had the the kids tossing those up balls of clay for the chimney i'm gonna get there i know i remember specifically leaving that john's house that day and uh um seeing that they were putting in telephone poles down the road with you know the big machine and i'm like come on guys wimps we went from steaming hot too gosh we hit all all seasons building this cabin what drone do we use uh it's a mavic air and i'm flying the drone and now we gotta get ivy's in her cape and start putting the roof she'd like to be up there brandon was up on that roof probably five to six hours at a time together everything is extremely stable just getting down and it's not like being on a normal roof right you know you can straddle it you know last prep work on the purlins to kind of flatten them out a little bit yeah boy how long was for the next video i just want to talk about the next video you just really did perfectly fine i like this one somebody says no spoilers right there's the bark now it's time to get that bark on that roof now we've had a there's a lot of controversy about that bark a lot of people in the comments um i've been concerned about how we use the bark and um oh the way we lay there yeah the way we laid it out so we've got a bunch of this oh well this is way back wow that's that's from that um hog structure building yeah you talked about his mother complaining but you can see how that bark comes off and that's boy that's a may thing not an october thing erin how it says how bad did your joints hurt so they would take logs um i take a lot of turmeric so mine might find a structure to help hold all the ripping materials those mallets i was going to say like after a couple days of using the axes and the mallets yeah you could barely close your hand right there there's there really it's a hand thing yeah the mallets definitely get to your elbows these these thorns are incredible green tulip log you can pound these in just like that you cannot and people ask about them too you cannot drive them into you don't want to use a lot of these nails we put on vertically and overlapped it sort of like you would do sheet metal roofing today is that totally appropriate you know i've seen images and there aren't a lot of images of bark on the roof but i have seen images that lead me to believe that i mean it's easy enough to do the sheets big and long like this [Music] and some people talk about it's like well should some of them be upside down because they naturally cup and that's true but i don't think you want to turn it upside down because i don't think the bottom side is going to weather the same way as the top and i think it'll rot if it gets too much water but again that's you know we don't know exactly how they did it so we did it the way we did it um you know bark is not the best root material straight up this isn't it's quick exactly yeah so it's a quick here you go and we had it it just pops off right and we had it already right but it's not a long-term one and the the bark covered house by by nolan where he talks about living in a house with a bark roof he says his mom was so happy after a year or two when it was time to move into the new house that she didn't have to deal with the bark because it would shrink and it would have to be reset all the time and it was leaky and and she's right i think i remember having a conversation about will we have enough bark to cover the roof so yeah we were really good about that we never have enough bark to cover the roof if if we had twice as much bark it might not leak yeah we definitely stretched the bark that we had and and i think i even harvested more later on i can't remember how that worked out the next year or the next spring this spring so that we could fill some pad patch some holes uh yeah yeah remember we did uh basswood yeah because we went out and it came off okay yeah the next week we did another one not at all and you couldn't get it off yeah it was that that short of timing to where it either peeled good or it didn't somebody asked what the music is used in this video i'm just bringing this up because there have been a lot of comments lately about where can i get the music from the videos it's all done mostly by jim's red pants and their cds are for sale on our website but i think most of the music in the cabin stuff was just me noodling around on the guitar and that's not for sale anywhere if you want a special a special ryan guitar music cd well you'll just have to or streaming you'll just have to but most of the stuff when you hear stuff on our channel it's jim's red pants and all those cds are pursuing exactly and they are amazing folks to work with yes and amazing musicians so excited to get started on that and i want to thank you guys i love that this must have been early early in the morning sometimes it's like right away uh and the light was coming in there sideways boy it's all about light here and as you get in the later afternoon or midday the lighting is terrible in the morning like this is probably uh 10 a.m lightning is just great so it's like quick aaron get here let's let's shoot some talky talk pieces because the lighting is great even now when i want to take pictures you have to really choose the right time of day to go out um and it's it's beautiful or you know it's another log cabin at noon you know it's like ugly all right so uh how difficult would it be to add another room to this cabin as opposed to starting from scratch or in the time period so they're going to do two different things they'll do lean twos so they'll lean to off the side of that they might take the roof and keep going straight down to the ground and then use that for storage on one side of the building or even better they would say they would make a dog trot and they would make another square you know bunker like we did there and then extend the roof across them and and then you'd have this long skinny lead make like a double wide right so you would put another one over here extend the roof over the top of it and then you would have two different sides you could even enclose then the opening and it you know that's again another kind of a cultural difference some some places in the country are going to make those dog trots with two different pens and extend the roof across to them and then other places they don't they wouldn't do that at all they would you know instead of extending that they would build another structure they would build a log home uh beside that and they would build that completely differently in the 18th century would there have been this many people working on a single cabin probably more we were doing it uh shorthanded it does seem that there are times when people do it just like a father and a son um nolan i think pretty much i think they might have had a neighbor come in and help but then other situations no it's a whole community coming together like a barn raising and they're wondering how you would gather that community on the frontier uh you'd go around and ask your neighbors for help you just walk over there and you know you'd go within a five mile radius it's just like the i mean you're bartering labor is essentially a lot of cases very much so and and uh matthew patton's book um says that you know says that very thing you know he's really taught dealing with his neighbors and they're coming over to help him they're low owning him things that's a it's just a community thing it's the only way to survive uh somebody commented they asked what is the thrill of living like before i'm really happy with the industrialization what is the thrill of it either one of you guys want to talk about it for a second well i think it for some people that like go and they you know in today's society they go and live off grid you know it's just that disconnect from everything they just need that disconnect in their life right and to be able to say that yes i can live on my own with the sweat of my brow you know breaking my back i can do it so there's a lot that i could say on the topic i could fill up the rest of the time just on that easily and just in a short way today's society can grind people down uh you know there's jobs that are relentless there's social media that just keeps hammering at you there's the the news cycle that just goes and goes and goes and never stops right that can it's like it's like high blood pressure and this is a complete disconnect from that ryan was talking about going and shooting some pictures right yeah and you went out to the to the uh to the oven yeah it's like well i got to start the oven you know you're you out out of the cabin the internet connection for your cell phone it's almost non-existent all right and so it's like well you know you don't you just have to sit there and you do the thing you know and you have to wait for the the fire to do its and then you know you take the picture and it's it's like it's like you are walking into a different world in some ways and uh some people uh once they experience that boy you know you want to go back to that and i think there's a lot of yearning in today's um society where people understand that they live in this high pressure situation and this isn't that if there's high pressure it's a different kind of high pressure yeah yeah yeah i don't think anybody in this room would say that um the there there aren't nice things about living in a modern society too true you know they're i my house is in town and i love the plumbing and the sewage system and i don't have to worry about heating and air conditioning so and and you bet after we built the cabin and i was driving home i blasted the ac i was glad not to be riding a horse home um so yeah i don't think anybody in the room here is is saying anything bad about not that either so let's get into some super chat and then we'll go into the next video spam man is in the super chat homestead episode 3 is one of my favorite videos i continually have it on aaron after 1005 in that video is my favorite cinematography and editing ever in any piece of film it's incredible incredibly relaxing thank you all thank you yeah she is a weird thing spam man yeah speed and style tony the cabin has a forge and an oven what about a tannery brain tanning would count as a tainted brain do you know what a tannery smells like [Laughter] i haven't brought it up yet it makes the pig farm like this is great yeah it's just stuff up nightmares yeah and unfortunately the wind shifts over at the capitol a lot so there's no safe place uh how pr aaron how is in super chat how permanent is the cabin pretty darn permanent yeah i mean it's it's uh it's lasted really well and i think when we get a shingle roof on it yeah it'll it'll be as good as any stick built house in our county so the the thing that's not permanent but permanent about the cabin is the chinking and the dogging right that that will have to be kept up over time but it's doing really well yeah i mean i haven't been out to the cabin i mean just this last week that we all went and that was the first time i've been to the cabin since that last video of all inside the cabin and same stuff that you know we all put it's hardly hardly gone really the jinking is held up really well and it's not even covered up many times at least in this area you they would build a log structure a log home they would it with something like that they would put siding over the top of it right away and they'd never need to deal with it it was good sir frederick's in super chat happy leaf eriksen day around the meet for everyone thank you thank you john uh schwensis i think how do you build your work dining tables in the outdoor videos oh oh well uh we use planks and we screw those things together they're supported by you know they're bound together on the bottom side and then we just put some legs on them yeah right and maybe we'll cover some kind of yeah table strength there's angle that you've got to go in with the bit when you're putting the legs on but it's it's not the hard thing denise maloney pierin homesteading is a lifestyle that more and more people are choosing very true seems to be vincent ranger greetings from california my brother and i just ordered the mushroom ketchup can't wait to try it you'll enjoy it you will not be uh disappointed i i've yet to see somebody say you gross i never want that again okay i'm sure now we're gonna get people yeah you know what's really funny though my son is super picky when it comes to eating yeah and i put some of that in like chicken and simmered it and he ate that stuff right up there we go so well there you go it's good for picky children too all right how are we feeling let's talk about okay the third one is obviously the one that people watched more popular yeah yeah so is it 3 million yet no i don't think so it's getting close it's doing well yeah and uh probably my favorite video this one yeah okay so this one was interesting because it wasn't any longer notching and stacking right um so john and i it was as a last-minute trip we called our friends down at in ewing virginia and we went down to martin station and we said hey teach us about cheeky and dobby right and uh and we rolled camera and we made that shaking and dabbing video great people to work yeah and we had you know we we pretty much had the idea because you've worked with cop a ton and i have some but they gave us some really great pointers yeah and chimney wise the chimney again is one of those those kinds of chimneys that's constructed in that fashion they don't exist anymore or at least i don't know of any from the time period that are still there there probably are some but they're hidden underneath uh if they are and they're still being used or a fire hazard but uh you know it's like uh it's not something that lasts they they weren't meant to be uh oh we're going to be using this chimney for the next hundred years uh so there's nothing to see there's only the um idea of this is how it was done or description so again it's one of those totally experimental archaeology sort of things there's only one way to find out how to do it and it's to do it yeah um so that trip was i think we left if i remember we left them on wednesday yes we got there at like 10 or 11 went to sleep got up filmed three videos and drove home yes right and then uh the next that we got back on thursday we we rested up and then we started chinking and dabbing on monday yes yes so um uh dark rose commented uh your cabin build videos inspired my 14 year old gamer to get outside and start learning to build structure he has been working hard and has already framed a small 4x4 cabin of his own yeah that's fantastic it is amazing uh matthew h brandon and kyle is this on super chat brian and kyle have been pretty quiet what are their thoughts on all the things townsends or 18th century or future project desires that boat sounds pretty cool i think i got boxes to pack [Laughter] i i really enjoy getting out and helping when when i can so yeah it's really cool and john talked about feeling you know feeling transported into into that that uh that time with the work that that we do and it's it's no joke it's it's it's pretty awesome you know i've always been into living history i'm part of you know a few different organizations here locally in indiana and as just getting to do something like the forge building the forge that was something i've always wanted to do but that takes time and money and well when you get paid to do it that happens yeah yeah cool all right so let's get into this video all right what were you doing i don't know oh you're making a little the little logs for the little cabinet fireplace no those were the doorbells oh is that right door pegs oh we haven't even made that door yet come on guys hurry up i remember cutting i remember when we decided when we were ready to cut the straps that were holding everything together for those and i was really yes john had me start on building door pegs and obviously mine weren't as good as brandon they work that's all that matters yeah the the door jambs there those are made from the planks extra planks cut from the dugout canoe yeah which i don't think we talked about at the time and did so we used a piece for that for the door to the oven and how much of that is left now uh enough well i have i have one little piece set aside for my wife in the kitchen um the plum bob that we just used is um is a plum bob for my wife's uh family probably 150 years old um so whenever we get a chance to use um old tools especially when we know something about them and they all of a sudden become heirloom so here comes sophie she's gonna help us out so that last shot where where they cut out the last log that was funny because brandon and i cut out all of those logs and we got the last one down the last bit and aaron said hey john go in there like i did all the work oh i've been sweating on this one you know that was the second time that that was happening i'm sure that happened john was in his trailer call me when you guys were done i think it was in the first video when john takes off that big chunk of log yeah ryan and i had been chopping on that thing forever even says that it's obviously not the video he goes see that's all it took yeah and here we are setting that that whole chimney foundation up and this again it was like is this gonna work we have no idea now that's not the that's a different plum bob that's what you guys made right yeah it's just called a stick [Laughter] and yeah you know again for guessing on the chimney it has worked really well it draws really well yeah i've experienced a chimney here recently that didn't [Laughter] and and it was drawing really well even before we you know brought it up another 18 inches or two feet where we really needed to do that um have you guys ever worn your period costumes to walmart you bet we have yep actually john wasn't that walmart that we went in and i was had my moccasins on and the floor was and there's the mud pit that's the same mud pit where we got all the the clay for the bricks we just built that the brick making structure right there beside that pit so we've had several comments about why we didn't do any charring of wood to help with preservation i haven't seen a lot of that talked about and we i mean that's a lot of work to get it to char and not burn up so and so that's why i didn't use that particular technique and the last project that we've done with burning on it didn't work as well as we'd liked it to we can knew the canoe was not uh it made it ended up making a lot of erin always is nervous about my feet in videos i haven't figured that out when you had my feet that's right your bare feet were in videos i forgot about that all over the air so we made mud and we made cops and we made cop and we made how many how many pounds of coffee do you think is it in that structure yes uh there's got to be at least two tons gosh there was so much i i remember running out of cobb and being like john i need more and he's not right well i forgot i mean i'm talking about just the chimney there's probably another ton in the walls yeah and there's some in the floor too uh so you ended up getting helpers for cops yes there's some kids out there stomping that sophie could do it um but yeah a lot of mud and ice i just and it was cold then too working in that clay yes it was cold yeah my feet would get numb pretty cool you look so claustrophobic in this thing in a little bit like when it's kind of built all around you yeah doesn't bother me at all that was a nice thing about getting the uh or the wood shop and the blacksmith shop out there made because when you guys were doing the oven i wasn't playing with my thanks oh that's a good question uh so what is it somebody's asking what it means to get a fireplace to draw well if you don't make it right you start a fire in it and all the smoke goes in your room and not up the chimney so what it means is to draw air through yes in the proper way so that the smoke goes up the chimney it's not about you know hand drawing anything no it's about getting the air to flow properly yes or the smoke to float properly specifically and look at that see right there it's just going right up the wall and out and we were not very happy about the idea of putting the fireplace externally that was that was a struggle yeah i mean if i was going to do it for me right i would build that chimney on the inside yes and you would have a lot hotter cabin in the winter yes yeah right but all the all the structures i saw at least from this time period in this style cabin have an exterior chimney so i went with the way they did it instead of the way i wanted to do it um and it turns out that's painful sometimes it's like i really want to do this but no we're going to do it this way they even made kick-away uh chimneys so if you had a thinner a thinner clay wall and you were worried about those logs catching on fire or you just had a little thin veneer in there they would make it so that it would teeter and and really be held up just by one stick and if your chimney caught fire you could just go and kick that stick away and sort of push the push the whole chimney down and protect your cabin from burning up look at how close those those yeah they're not like right now the gap is about an inch across some of those planks from the canoe as well yes although all that is from the canoe that is that door heavy yeah that's a heavy door and it's got a great sound to it greek yeah so here i am working in yeah and there you go okay so in this one i remember specifically aaron was like no i didn't i didn't get it so i had to do it again i had to do it like three times and i was like turning green man it was bad i think that's when i got the nickname [Laughter] little stanley young stanley yeah what was the other one young kubrick do it 127 times oh look at all that mud um yeah it's it's made it's made of mud and wood yeah but that's what you've got i mean when you're in a place like that you're not you know you're not bringing in bricks or you know dimensional lumber stones that are cut all to shape nope nope you've got mud and you've got wood so that's what you're going to build with uh and i was concerned about the how this chimney weathered so you can see that mud is very exposed to the weather um cobb can just wash away but it's done really well i remember you and i stood up there for a long time yeah a long time yeah there's the door that time was just a dream come true yeah when were we shooting this one this one well it was the time of year was probably three in the afternoon there it is a minute to get that door on the hinges though and you know i'm wearing that same no i'm not wearing this one i packed it in the car today uh that same mud is still on that jacket i haven't cleaned i was gonna wear the same jacket but this one it's not mud on this one it's actually flower and let's see if it draws let's start some fire their their head is still make it big you see the sparks they just suck yeah right and that's it's got a good draw what you want and it still needed to be taller but it works it works you know what the what the time uh frame is on this one where we're at right now in it where it's how many minutes we're into this it probably won't probably no but i think it's like 10. yeah 10 minutes in yeah so this is where it yeah snowed in october yeah yeah we you know the rest of the year didn't snow that much bam this was the perfect snowstorm at the perfect time it's like guys get out here right now yeah this is before halloween yeah yep snows before halloween 60 on christmas yep and it was it was huge snowflakes beautiful snow couldn't the timing couldn't have been better i call i like i said i call it the miracle shoot yeah and we were just i mean we had not finished putting the weight logs on the roof it was like oh we gotta hurry up and get all the stuff done no we shot this on a different day the eating well because it took a long time to do all this uh but i cut it so it feels like it's tricked but oh those beans are good that all those things were excellent yes right up there uh being held up by the pegs and everything now the weight logs like this sometimes they had like thinner ones that they oh i might have to stop talking look at these cool shots yeah that was very cool that's the thumbnail yeah yeah i just pulled the screen and almost wasn't we went back and forth last minute i think we made the right one yeah and it was still snowing out still cold out that the day and we still used the other one i used it for the catalog it was the back cover oh yeah that and we had to have the door open for that shot with the light coming in um and it was cold did we have those number [Laughter] did you have the black magic at this point nope okay oh how awesome with that yes and so i remember we weren't gonna fly the drone yeah because you're like that's too wet it's going to freak it out and then you just came back and handed me a car i took a shot right i just went and started up started it up and did it sometimes you're like well it might not work um and it's you know the drone's gonna hate this but you're gonna have to live with it no that was a that was an amazing project yeah i can't believe it's been a year i can't either crazy that's nuts all right you're in the super chat real quick autumn falls 89 how did period clothing hold up in the cabin making i would imagine that you get lots of rips in the armpit and burn areas because it doesn't stretch i know i don't think there was a single ripped shirt i know that uh i'd had a pair of trousers that i've been using for a couple of years and i finished those out on the cabinet bill finished them awesome yeah yeah i i got hung up on a branch and it was just like oh they're done i'll say i wore this hat almost every day and sweat in this hat almost every day i put it on today it's a little smaller but that's okay the way that made clothing in the time period was for it to do well in those kind of work environments so well i mean just like the long slits down the front of the shirts the the gussets in the armpits help to prevent that sort of thing right now i remember day after day having soaked shirts right like this next shirt you know but i mean i never had any problem with them beyond that when when you came to them the next day they'd stand up on their right right there it is it's ready to go okay uh matthew agency with chat brandon and kyle have been pretty quiet oh i've got that one right sorry um david dinelli what is the next step for the homestead well we still have to burn the bricks and that's scheduled for next week i think um already it's already here it's gonna be hard to do many more large projects before the weather turns right and then we'll switch to smaller projects and more cooking episodes and there's who knows there may be some more projects that brandon and i haven't really told brandon about yet but uh oh you know we'll see you know those 50-footers anyway colin bradley and super chat what do you think about our hollow earthier second president trying to use u.s tax dollars to find the more people on to our next yeah the next question is i don't really proofread these guys come on be nice to me there was one that i didn't proofread it was like midway do you guys allow visitors to the homestead do you allow visitors uh if the it's on a very it's it's on a home property and so it's no it's not a public site unfortunately harshman hills coin for the bartender now we're talking more comments like that joyce evans sends a super chat without a comment thank you so much spam ma'am again always and forever my favorite episode uh i'm in the steampunk community and getting into reenacting thank you guys so much for all you do i would love to help with the homestead if possible do you ever have visitors there no we don't unfortunately no uh erin howard uh who was the mvp of building sophie sure well she is moral encouragement she doesn't work very hard but i keep her spirits up yes she's always happy to see you no matter who you are she's even happy to see brandon i'll probably say huh would you yeah yeah yeah aaron aaron hey yeah what a gorgeous cabin and fun project so good to share it again thank you okay uh i'm not sure how to pronounce this name noel any uh holiday mugs when are they coming you're just talking about them yesterday their orders they are ordered and actually the first iteration of them will be soonish uh we're trying to get christmas to spread out a little bit because this year the shipping is all kind of um so uh and we're gonna have more don't worry uh more mugs are coming and we've got some really pretty ones coming so excited yeah all right so how do we wanna wrap this puppy up uh you know uh did you guys did you want to say anything i mean we're not there there but i'm just saying what kind of reflection kyle yeah just reflect on it you guys ready to build cabinet your house you know honestly every time i go out there i get a little jealous because i because i i i live in the city and i don't i don't have any uh room to do anything like that but my parents have 12 acres that are you know available so you just need a hundred logs or something i know well well like here at townsend's i think overall we we kind of go from one project and head into the other and we don't necessarily stop yeah and reflect on that much have you guys i mean do you guys have any thoughts about the process or is there anything that you learned that you don't think that you would have learned otherwise or has it done anything for you i think like like i mentioned before getting to work with this kind of uh environment and the materials the techniques it's it's stuff i've always read in books you know you can read a book and well that's yeah notch it like that and do that but actually hands-on doing it you learn a whole lot more i don't know it's kind of hard to explain but yeah yeah and it's i don't know it's really fun in the forge i'm jealous about that yeah well you can make one of those in your backyard i'll give you some mud i could i've got some yeah i have never done that much mud work in my life there was a certain amount of that project that just felt like uh nostalgic i think for me just like reminded me of being with my buddies in the woods when i was a kid it's like we just went out with a few friends and we built this cool thing and and that kind of hit me when we had the idea for this video and i went back and i watched them all that was really cool it was just hanging out with your friends building something awesome right i think one thing that that's cool about you know re-watching it is usually when we do a video we'll shoot we'll take a day and shoot a video sometimes we'll shoot two videos in a day but that project was like we would shoot enough footage for you know what would be five or six videos but it was all just gonna be for one video so it was like this daily occurrence of like oh gotta head out to the cabin and get footage and there's gonna be coffee and it's gonna be right so in in in in in perspective um you know how many hours of footage do you think you have in this aaron oh man um i would i don't know about how many hours but as far as like what i shot to what was in the video i probably showed maybe 20 of the total footage shot maybe thirty oh i would be surprised if you should that much yeah yeah you think it's more did you you should or no you you shot so much more yeah you know and i mean i'm including you know like starts and stops and stuff that right i mean it was a lot of footage and that's after a lot of experience about what not to shoot it's like okay i've got i've got 20 of those right yeah so on a project like this he could have filled up a hundred hard drives i'm not joking uh with footage and you know you know it's like well i'm only gonna need five minutes when i'm done it was it was just cool to like you know for a video project where you had a week to make it and shoot it as opposed to we got the afternoon to do it and really like live in that space for a while yeah what was the easiest part and what was the hardest part is a question that just came in uh for me the easiest part was every day i'd get there in the morning and brandon would come out of his tent and i'd hand him a cup of coffee i'm sorry kyle what were you gonna say i would say probably stripping the logs you know that it got to the point where john's like i think we might need to strip logs well notice we got toward the end on the roof once we stopped doing it exactly yeah that was probably the hardest yeah yeah i don't know uh it was all hard was there anything that was easy i mean crawling out of the tent that was pretty good although he was mostly on the roof and i wasn't so but even then it was still pretty easy and fast even the thing about it is everything got easier yeah as you went yeah we all got better at what we were doing i think dobbing was pretty was pretty easy because it was you knew exactly what you needed to do there wasn't much thought put into it just put the mud on the wall yeah so somebody said do you guys ever just get together in the cabin and hang out not recently no no we'd like to unfortunately we all have work um so there are a couple super chats that have come in um mike where are you mike there you are mike crook the wood beetle mallet says hello we've been keeping it nearby while working from home can't wait to see what happens with the homestead yeah spam ma'am again the super chat now i just need to see a super cut of all the snow footage all right okay so for that that all is pretty much in the video we only shot for like 20 minutes yeah because it was cold well it was october we didn't get a whole lot of snow yeah you know yeah we didn't shoot for very long so all that footage is pretty much in the video it was beautiful yes redrunner 328 in super jet hey guys i'm glad to see this stream we just buried my aunt today i'm sorry to hear that yes yeah and i just needed something to take my mind off things glad i'm here i love you yeah thank you john talley more coin for the co-host don't spoil him don't do it you or me that's not me that quiet down the same kind thing more coin for the co-host best show on youtube or anywhere else thank you so much this was like wow this was a really good comment somebody asks uh is there anything about the cabin that you would change or do differently next time well i would love to find good documentation for an inside chimney um and you know updating it with shingles you know maybe put a refrigerator in there yeah water heater yeah water you know we need some water first water would be good so into a plumbing there you go yeah no um i don't have any any big cha any big changes that i would do other than you know build five or six more right there so we have a little community i think the only things that that we would want to change are things that we couldn't find documentation for yeah exactly uh and how it in super chat what's the status of the board's name we actually picked out i think five right yeah pick that five we're going to throw them up there for you guys to vote on them and it's going to be fun not today no a poll will be soon we've got [Laughter] is that for next week that will be a poll next week um sometime next week there you go sometime next week all right guys i think i think that it's time to say goodbye all right last words it was fun i would definitely do it again i would too thanks for watching it nothing for you anything for you uh my favorite project we've ever done it uh and for me undoubtedly and the neat part is is uh i get to walk uh out every morning and see it and it is one of those it's like wow we did that you know um that was that's it's an amazing thing to go back to uh so quite often especially recently i've gone out there and you know started up a great big fire in the fireplace and it's just it it's uh it's quite the experience to just you know get back out you see the smoke coming out of the chimney and you see the other buildings around incredible project i could not have done it by myself no way no no how i could only do it with this kind of help so thank you guys all of you for being part of the project and i want to thank you guys for being part of the project on that receiving end uh it's it's impossible to kind of speak into the void this sort of thing you have to have an audience that feeds back and tells you yes you know we're interested and and we want to talk to you about it that engagement is what drives what we do here on the channel uh so it it takes that that uh you know that morale boosting to make content like this because we just can't we can't do it by ourselves i can't i can't get that excited to just i'll do it with nobody watching right so thank you for all that support thank you so for the the monetary support we get whether it's patreon or in super chat membership or buying merch on on the website all those things help make it happen and if that isn't possible and you just watch videos you share our videos that's just as important thank you guys for all you do for us and have a great weekend hey we need 30 likes to get 2 000 likes let's do it before we leave [Laughter] goodbye do [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Townsends
Views: 85,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 18th century, Nutmeg Tavern, colonial, colonial lifestyle, historic site, historical food, historical lifestyle, history, john townsend, jon townsend, log cabin, townsends
Id: b4DQjwyMjtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 15sec (5235 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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