Lockie's Cheating DRAMA RECAP! | Season 25 | The Only Way Is Essex

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what's happening with you mate how's your head he is single and ready to mingle i've spoke to yours she has called me a few times yes um and said obviously you're not together jazzy said to me that you stood up because you cheated i didn't cheat well so what's your size i think you're wrong i was banged to right in a sense that i was in the wrong place at all what did she find out we went away and what's happened is i've just gone out and i've gone out and i've i've tried to rebel i've tried to rebel a man in a relationship so you do girls yeah so and which is wrong so you was together you left her in the room right yeah and you went out with a group of guys and there was girls there yeah all hell's broke loose me and her then that massive barney split up come back but the thing is you didn't cheat did you so no i haven't listened she thinks i've cheated she spoke to people in the room everyone's told her i haven't cheated as soon as i heard i knew you wouldn't done nothing wait listen people see me on the night out the last thing i think about i didn't talk to you yeah i'm not i wasn't happy i haven't been happy and i'm not saying i don't fancy i don't say i don't love her still i still care for her it's not as much as i'm a nightmare and i do need sometimes a firm hand she was being too much she was trying to mow me into something i was never going to be and if you want me to be that person and i'm not the right person for you because it's not me and i wasn't happy being that person yeah i mean i haven't really seen james that much i saw james earlier when i was with the boys yeah and i just said you know yes thinks you've cheated that's why your relationships broke down and he like denied it he was like no been my decision to break up with james right for me the respect is gone of course you know i've still got love and feelings it was with him for a long time but i just want him to be happy that worry about yourself for once just you what makes you happy find your passions and find what it is that makes you feel alive i just know i have to move on from james now yeah you've got to be happy too but the way you're dealing with this now is that i feel like this maybe was the best thing for you yes you're right you're okay good thank you yeah yeah where are you going keep leaving already i'm going listen obviously it's not an idle situation being in a room with your ex-boyfriend in an ideal world i'd never have to see you again don't hate me dear do you know what it's a really strange feeling i've got because i don't hate you i'm just i'm gutted with the situation i was in love with you you loved my life for three years of my life like lived with you and you just what you did is just unforgivable listen look he has been i've come out here and i wanted to speak to you i want to clearly have some closure in a situation i'm sorry i'm sorry about what happened and the way things have turned out you know never wanted to hurt you it's just we wasn't in a good place i wasn't happy you know someone that's happy doesn't go and do that and and in the end push each other away i just think the thing that gets to me is someone that's not happy if i didn't catch you out that night you would have got back into bed with me and then not told me you're not happy listen catch me out listen to look you can think what you want all right i'm not i'm not even going to go into it you can think what you want i've got honestly honestly i wish you all the best i want you to find yourself i want you to be happy i don't want to argue i don't want to get into an altercation with you we can't be together i will never forgive you for what you've done you've got forgiveness but listen look let me tell you people around us they know there's always two sides to every story right you're no angel i'm not blaming all you it's not all me as well it's two sides to every story yeah and what i'm trying to say is that this relationship broke down not because of that one night in turkey loads of things happened over a period of time some of the ways you deal with things yeah are very immature you've got to agree for someone outside a child i would never go nine dollars down to a hotel room with two other girls and three men and have an orgy that's what you did yes you did you could give me straight faces i was on my hands and knees to a woman i begged her did you sleep with my boyfriend and she said yes okay yeah she said yes all right listen okay i'm not going to get into it you can lie you cannot you've got to live with this life for the rest of your life listen wish you all the best james i wish you all the best i really do okay really so on that night my cubs doing i've got okay we'll take care be lucky god i need this drink join the girls oh yeah here we go thank you how are you i'm all right i'm doing okay yeah joe what it's probably been like the worst few months of my life yeah i feel like obviously i've been with someone for three years and i don't really know who that person was at all but since we've broken up he has slept with someone else oh god my nose might be a bit weird you talking to me but like you know like me and james were we were broken up before like you two obviously even got together so like three years on i can relate to you of course like you're a strong girl you've just got to like surround yourself with good people and just focus on that ah don't get upset it's horrible you're going to get days like this yeah i said this to you one day you're strong then you're going to get days like this and this is completely normal you're going to feel sad you're living for three years no yeah i just feel like you just don't you don't give a what he's done i would just kind of look at it as like do you know what if he didn't work out that he's he's kind of maybe taught you of like what you want in your next relationship yeah are you talking or that business things that we've got together we do speak i think that's an excuse to sometimes talk to each other so i'll speak to just have a rant in a raven yeah that's it but the phone down is blocked again for a week i would kind of like cuddle contact if you can to just like have a clean slate because all the communicating and the odd warsaps and all of that it's just like it's not healthy it's not healthy no what is everyone wearing to cricket tomorrow i'm like borderline dreading here i've actually got a genuine fiber of like hard balls and there's no no planning changing show and stick them throw you what you really steady on one single five minutes joshua what was that it's minotaur what's that meant to be now there well it was meant to be hey it'll be p for peter that is friendship guy i think it's a little bit done that quick listen joe sank i think it's going to be a good idea and then now i'm thinking it is a little bit insensitive that's going to really happen yeah i was earlier today and danielle was there georgia invited both of them obviously jesus yeah obviously her emotions are running high and she got upset at the table you see us both hard still care for the girl i don't see the guilt hurt i think you just need to cut all contact because she said earlier that you're still talking quite regularly listen i've blocked her she's the one calling me i'm telling you now like she's the one that on my case still it's like we're still together at this point now i'm done i'm happier apart that was there together you know and that's it yeah yeah no like the players certainly were good hello this is a sledgehammer apparently you've been a biggest ledger today well i think you two need to chat on your own so we're gonna go and we'll see you later what's going on eh i heard you got your tatty removed i didn't go live i did look it's i thought it was a good idea at the time it is a little bit insensitive but it's done now um the reason behind it i think you wanted to get me what do you want to do do you want to take a year i don't want to take it off just think like it's a constant reminder if we're ever going to move on we do need to cut all contact so i actually forgot mine was there to be honest outside your mind look the way i got about things i said to you before was wrong but we've been unhappy for a long time you know so i'm not trying to justify things i just think the way that you dealt with things i would never deal with it in a way because the way i am with my morals is i'm very loyal girl and i would never have disrespected you how do you think that's made me feel as a person yeah how do you think that's made my mind that's why we can't ever reconcile no we can't no we can't and i agree yeah me and you just didn't work yes i know that you haven't got to tell me that i ended with you i finished reviewing you listen it's not an ideal situation but what breakup is and i don't think me and you get in contact the constant messages the constant keeping tabs on me no and vice versa no listen now let's be honest you message me as well no no no no listen no no no no no no leave it alone let's block each other's numbers delete each other i'm going to change one hallelujah tomorrow okay don't need to be muggy maggie still just disrespectful look i'm not here to argue yeah i just want it all to stop so do i yeah and i want you to be happy i mean that from about my heart i want you to be happy i mean i can't make you happy and i'm never going to change i i feel like a weight's been lifted off my shoulders i feel happy again i feel i do well i have i i actually love someone else that person is really smart intelligent got good business beautiful and that person is me have a great day you
Channel: The Only Way Is Essex
Views: 201,804
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Keywords: the only way is essex, towie, the only way is essex full episodes, towie full episodes, the only way is essex best moments, towie best moments, the only way is essex couples, towie couples, the only way is essex fight, towie fight, james arg, joey essex, gemma collins, the only way is essex season 25, towie season 25, towie lockie, towie james lock, towie yaz, towie yazmin oukhellou, lockie, yazmin oukhellou, lockie and yazmin oukhellou, lockie girlfriend, towie drama, itv
Id: 6cHvg_VYh-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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