Locket Pill box -Part 10 Final

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in part 10 we are riveting the hinge and finally finishing the locket pull down the pin just enough to clear one side and start cleaning your locket around that area so again keeping it shut completely and together file away all of that extra little bit of wall we've left or anything that's been exposed during soldering you want to solder really nice and flat and change side push the pin down do the other side very straight and nice and perfect i'm using a number two file hand file you are trying to blend all of your file strokes together on your top do your cleaning with your the sandpaper sticks and as well as all over the sides you can do coarse and then medium eventually will do fine as well be very careful around the hinge not to file down the hinge itself or emery down the hinge itself it's very thin so one of the ways is using a rubber wheel we must shape up our rubber wheel first using a truing stone and this way you can shape your rubber wheel to match exactly the contour of what you're doing in our case flat so i shaped it on an angle we don't want a rounded rubber wheel to leave marks on our project so adjust your pin and take your rubber wheel and pass all around there you must keep moving at all times using a rubber wheel or you will create waves and divots in there so use lightly and keep moving also beware if your solder line is not perfect it will show up it will open up those pits so use only when necessary and carefully and reshape as needed on your truing stone we need to create a little groove now for your nail to fit in to open this locket using your saw you will pass right at the opening where the two sides meet you will pass a few times very very straight creating a small groove on the side against the hinge then switch to a triangular needle file and do gentle passes we don't want a wide opening we just want a very small and narrow opening to fit your nails in and that's it if you need to touch up while it's open so your angle is very very tight and not wide you can do so be very careful to have something very clean there if your locket is too loose and doesn't snap shut and doesn't click in position you can take your half round pliers and use them to manipulate that inner bezel we put there so you can take it and pull up until it clicks in very very little should be needed for this just to bring it up a little bit so it catches and snaps and now for our rivet remove your temporary pin take a bulber a little bit smaller than your tube so most of you has a tube of 1.8 millimeters so you can take a ball bird that is 1.5 1.6 millimeters and create a small divot on both sides take a new pin a new silver sterling silver pin that fits very snugly and that is very straight as well not an old piece of wire a brand new piece of wire that's straight insert it in and file one side perfectly flat you can use a hand file or a needle file being careful not to damage the actual locket you then pull down your pin until it sticks up out about a millimeter or just under so no more than a millimeter for this rivet you will then cut the other side also at a millimeter or just under again being careful not to hit your locket and you will now file this end perfectly flat as well it's important for the riveting action to work well to have first of all the divot and second that the rivet is the the wire is very flat before hammering make sure that your wire is evenly spaced at each end a millimeter on each end using a steel block or a steel anvil position your locket so that the pin and only the pin rests on the steel block if you push down the pin will insert and you will end up riveting only the top and have nothing on the other side at the bottom so you have to ensure that your pin is what is touching your steel block during the riveting action if you want a successful rivet you may tape your locket away from the rivet just in case you hit it with the hammer by mistake the tape will help you a little bit take your riveting hammer and start to hammer your pin a little bit on each side and switch and a little bit more on the other side and switch often to mushroom that little extra wire sticking out if the wire moves up and down re-center it before continuing you can use a smaller riveting hammer if it helps but you must mushroom that wire into that divot or into that depression that we created with the bulker if you used a wire that is too long it will it will bend instead of mushrooming and if you use the pin that is too thin it will bend within the hinge and be curved instead of mushrooming at the end you can take your beret needle file and clean the mushroom you've just created you can file completely flush because it is filled in that depression we created and then you can clean up with your rubber wheel the next step is to clean on the inside of your locket you really have a lot of options here it's up to you i really like the look of the fiberglass pen it gives a nice simple clean finish but you could also blacken if you want or do other textures in there without damaging the side wall of course to clean the last part is our little inner bezel we can use a needle file and wrap some fine sandpaper around to have a nice small sanding stick and just simply clean our little bezel very gently we still want the locket to close and hopefully snap shots so you need to do only a little bit on there just to clean it up and that's it just do a nice clean finish you can polish if you want or leave a matte finish as long as it's perfect
Channel: Julie Anctil
Views: 4,574
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Id: 8VjdqL7Xmu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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