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[Music] so like me I bet a lot of you guys have been scrolling through Instagram seeing all of these different car edits and I saw one of these videos on Instagram from D2 shots now scrolling through the comments that a lot of people had questions on how he was doing these locked on speed ramping effects so in this video we're going to be going over how to create this lockdown stabilization effect inside of After Effects now this effect works best when you're filming something in the subject that you're filming is towards the middle of the frame here so what else filming right here I was trying to get this like a side mirror like in pretty much the center of the frame is pretty off but I tried to keep it towards the middle the whole time and I'll go to this next clip here I tried to keep the headlight like in the middle of the frame as you can see and also this effect works really well with a gimbal but I wasn't filming with a gimbal so if you are shooting with a gimbal this effect is going to look a lot better so yeah I highly recommend using a gimbal for this effect but for these example shots I was not using one so that's why the footage looks super shaky like this also as you can tell I'm in a 1080 by 1920 composition that just makes everything vertical for like Instagram or whatever and the first thing we want to go ahead and do for this effect is go into our tracker panel right here and hit stabilize motion and it'll bring open this like new layer that you can edit in so we just got this track point right here and we just want to bring it over to a good point that we want to track stabilize I was kind of focused on this mirror right here so I'm going to Rack it onto this mirror so find a good spot like that the larger that you have this like second box right here the longer it's going to take for the track time but you're gonna end up with a better like tracking result so kind of depends on the scene or whatever you're tracking so I'm just going to keep it around like this kind of see how that goes almost have your track Point all set then you can go over here hit analyze forward right there and you can see it's going frame by frame tracking this little point that I marked right here all right so it took a couple minutes but the track is finally done so we can check it out really quick you can kind of scroll through it see if it did pretty good but I think it looks decent so what I'm going to go ahead and do is hit apply and then just hit OK to the X and Y and now when you play your video go back you can now see that the anchor points are attract onto that subject so you can see the video like clip right here starts to move down everything looks good but you can see that we get some like black clipping right here so you just want to hit s on your keyboard and scale that up and there we go that's how you get that lockdown stabilization and then once you do that there's a few other effects that you're going to want to add or you don't have to but I think they add a little bit more of like a cool effect to your video so what you can do is hit r on your keyboard and it'll bring up the rotation right here so I'm just going to set a keyframe so plus 20 degrees we're going to go to the end of the clip and bring that back down to zero so when we play this back it kind of like rotates and maybe I'm going to change this to like negative 20. so it's like rotating on that little like Anchor Point that we have right there and you can kind of move this Frame around just hit p on your keyboard and you can like move it to where you want it to be at so I'm just going to move it to like around here so it's kind of like more focused on the mirror like that the last effect I'm going to add is called rsmb and we're just going to drag it into our effects here arson B is a plug-in so you will have to download that but if you do have that then just go ahead and apply it here and then once you apply it it's pretty much done you can just play that back and it's kind of hard to tell but you do get a little bit of motion blur now depends on your footage and if you guys do want this you can crank the blur amount up right here we can make it like one now you can actually kind of see the motion blur right there in the background or you make like four really like over exaggerated so you know you can really see the motion blur so yeah just mess with that kind of see what looks good for your footage I'm going to quickly do the same thing that I just did for this first clip here onto my second one so I'll see you guys once I've done that foreign all those effects to the second clip here so we can play this back and see what this looks like so you can see that it's now locked on to both these clips here and there we go that looks super clean the last thing I would recommend doing is speed ramping but I'm not going to go into that in this video because I would just make this video way too long so if you guys do want to see how to speed ramp for your videos and I would highly recommend clicking on the video on the screen right now if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to drop a like And subscribe and leave a comment down below and I'll see you guys on the next video peace out
Channel: Tylo FX
Views: 149,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: locked on stabilization effect, locked on stabilization, d2_shots, d2 shots speed ramp, speed ramp stabilization, speed ramp AE, stabelize motion, stabelize effect, tracking after effects, speed ramp effect, djordanmedia
Id: 9n7CsS3jjzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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