Lockdowns In America 2.0 - Be Prepared For This...

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lockdowns are officially hitting the united states for a second time it all started in new jersey in new york the biggest city in new jersey mandated their own restrictions and then the new jersey governor said that he was considering shutting down the whole state but now talks are becoming real because chicago just told their whole city to shut down so if you're wondering how everything going on in the world and the economy and this pandemic is going to affect you and your wallet you're in the right place [Music] what's up everybody i am just playing singh from the minoritymindset.com and welcome to the minority mindset if the virus now spreading the next few months could be challenging this is a statement by jerome powell at the european central bankers event jerome powell is the chairman of the federal reserve bank and he is kind of in charge of the money supply in the united states and you'll see why what he is doing matters for your wallet in just a little bit if you've been paying attention to the news in any way you know what's going on cases of this virus are skyrocketing and hospitalization rates are going up very quickly people have been talking about a second round of lockdown since the first round of lockdowns ended but now it's becoming more and more real because first europe shut down a lot of their countries and if you remember what happened back in march and everybody in america was like oh that sucks for europe at least that's not happening in america well now we're kind of potentially seeing the same thing happen again because european countries shut down and now people are getting worried about things shutting down in the united states again chicago has already come out and issued their own lockdown order and now we have to look at the presidency if joe biden is entering the white house in january you have to look at what his policies are too because joe biden's team has hinted that they'd be open to pay employees to stay home for four to six weeks for a month-long lockdown to control the spread of this virus in the united states as this vaccine is developed joe biden did not win the election i am not your political advisor okay if you want to fight over who won this election then you should probably head on over to facebook or twitter because that's where you have everybody who doesn't have anything to do with the lives sitting there fighting each other over who won so if you want to go fight random people over who won the election try checking out one of those platforms my goal is to help you build wealth and be better with your money this virus has taken a toll on the economy and we're starting to see cities shut down for the second time and now if joe biden comes into office and he mandates a nationwide lockdown it is going to affect the economy and it is going to affect your finances which is why you need to be proactive and understand what's happening that way you can make the right decisions with your money that way you can come out of this crisis a financial winner millions of americans are behind on their mortgages they're behind on the rent they cannot pay their bills and they're begging on the government to give them a stimulus check that way they can make the next month's payments i do not want you to be like that okay i need you to understand how to use your money by understanding what's going on in the world that way you can take care of your finances and that way you can take care of your family and your community financially now i want to shift gears just a little bit i just gave you an overview of everything going on but i want to start by talking about the good and what's happening in our economy right now first let's start talking about jobs because unemployment numbers are actually improving through the end of october we saw many economies open back up and we saw many businesses open back up and we saw lots of businesses increase the hiring and so we saw the unemployment number come below seven percent for the first time in a long time now generally a six point nine percent unemployment rate would be horrible news but compared to where we were back in june and july and august below seven percent unemployment is actually really good if you remember back in april may and june the second quarter of 2020 that was one of the worst economic corridors in the history of american time because their economy had never tanked that fast ever well the third quarter we saw the economy rebound because states opened back up and businesses opened back up so people got off of their fur lows and they went back to work and we saw the economy bounce back and that's what we saw happen in october more people went back to work which got the economy moving again second let's talk about vaccines because pfizer had a big reveal where they said that their vaccine is 90 effective oh i don't trust vaccines it's a plan by bill gates to track everything i'm doing again i am not your political advisor and i'm also not your health advisor okay so if you want to fight over vaccines you know where to go and i really don't know if bill gates cares about tracking how many cheetos and hohos you ate last week pfizer was the first major company in the united states to come out and release the effectiveness of their vaccine and if you remember the goal was to see a vaccine that would be at least something like 50 or 60 effective and when pfizer came out and said that their vaccine is 90 effective we saw the stock market boom that same day because everybody was like oh this is the cure so if this vaccine works the way people think it does the whole idea is that people will be able to go back to work people will be able to travel theme parks will be able to open and the world will be able to go back to normal because then we can kick this virus to the curb but it's not just pfizer we also have moderna and other companies coming out with their own vaccine to help fight this virus but a vaccine is not something that's going to cure the world and the economy in just one day first the vaccine has to be approved by the fda second the vaccine has to be manufactured by the company once it's manufactured then it has to be distributed around the united states and the people have to voluntarily accept the vaccine and then the vaccine has to work so the good news is we are very close to having a vaccine but there's still a lot of uncertainty as to how many people are actually going to take it not to mention it's still a big question mark as to how long it's gonna be before we can stop talking about this virus and third the good news is if you have money in the stock market chances are you've been seeing amazing returns in 2020 the stock market has been hitting new highs for a few reasons first we had the federal reserve bank if you remember back in march april may putting a ton of money into the market which caused the stock market to boom and then interest rates were cut she had all these big institutional investment companies getting all this cheap debt and they were putting this money into the market and now it looks like regular people and investors are putting their money into the market which is causing the stock market to boom because people believe in the future of the economy in the united states and so we are seeing the stock market boom plus i think people are very hopeful that this vaccine is going to help the economy recover very quickly and i think also people are kind of hopeful for another stimulus plan which would put more money into the hands of americans because if americans have more money in their hands even if it's free money we'll talk about that a little bit later in this video but if people have more money in their hands they're going to spend this money and the people spend this money it's going to go into the hands of businesses and if businesses have more money their valuation is going to go up which would help stock prices go up so i think people kind of already understand what's going on and they're pricing this into the stock market because they're very excited about what's coming and so people are hopeful for the future now let's talk about the bad and then i'm gonna get into what you can do with your money to capitalize on what's going on in the world the most obvious bad news is the numbers for this virus are getting worse we are seeing an increase in this virus across the country and hospitalization rates are going up across the country and this is kind of putting pressure on governments to consider locking down there's a few different types of people out there you have the people that say i don't care about this virus and so i'm going to use this pandemic as an opportunity to go on vacations for cheap and then you have other people that are saying oh my god this virus is the next black plague and so they're duct taping the doors because they don't want any air from outside coming in we're kind of seeing this like pandemic fatigue where people are getting tired of wearing masks they're tired of social distancing they're tired of just not being able to live their lives and so now the government feels okay because people are not paying attention they're not caring about this virus anymore and because more people are getting sick they're worried about hospitals getting overwhelmed and so some governments are threatening creating new restrictions to prevent people from accidentally spreading this virus this is a very very very strange situation so i was just talking to a friend of mine who works for a company that was shut down because of this pandemic and now he's back to work and he was telling me that you know i really wouldn't mind if the country shut down again because then his company would shut down and then he would be able to go home and sit on unemployment you know i don't blame you i can't agree but i don't blame you i mean if you had two options for option one you have to go to work 40 hours a week and you're gonna make fifteen dollars an hour to do that or option two you sit at home and do whatever you want play video games work on your own side business do whatever you want and you're going to make 20 or 25 an hour from the government which one would you take now if we put morals aside and put ethics aside and we put like caring about the future health of our country aside because who cares about that then yeah obviously option two is a clear answer but this is the situation that a lot of americans are facing you know if the country locks down or if my state locks down or my city locks down i might be able to go back on unemployment make more money not have to go to work and be able to do things at home with my family versus i have to go to work every single day right now to get a paycheck and for a lot of americans this paycheck is less than how much money they were making when they were on unemployment there is a cost to printing free money i mean free money is one of the most expensive kinds of money there is if you're subscribed to our youtube channel you've heard me talk about this many many times if you're not subscribed to our youtube channel he should probably do that but our economy runs on spending the way the economy works is people go to work and they get paid and now when you get paid you can do things with this money you can pay a rent you can pay a mortgage you can go to the mall you can go to the restaurant this is money that you spend and anytime you spend this money another business earns money because when you make money from your job and you spend this money at a restaurant now this restaurant makes money they have money to pay their chefs and now these people have money to go out and buy a home they have money to go and spend money at balls they have money to spend at movie theaters so it creates the system where our economy runs on spending when the government is printing money this money is not created through effort and labor and work it's created through printing which actually dilutes the value of all the dollars we have in the world over the long term this causes more inflation and the cost of living goes up your rent gets more expensive groceries get more expensive it gets more expensive to go on vacations the fact of the matter is the united states is drowning in debt and all this money printing that we're doing has a cost and this is a cost that our kids our grandkids and probably a great gang kids are going to be paying this is really an unfortunate situation like our office is located in a small downtown and within just like two blocks of our office i can name five businesses that have shut down or gone out of business around me just because of this pandemic so between march or february until october november five businesses within just two blocks of our office have completely gone out of business that's at least five whole sets of jobs that are no longer available and that's at least five different business owners that spent their lives building these businesses that no longer have a business and now if this virus is getting worse and we see more lockdowns happen you're going to see even more business closures this is the reality of what's going on right now and what you need to do is you need to understand how you can find the opportunity in this because yes there is opportunity in this environment and the people that will come out winners are the people that understand where the opportunity is and you want to be one of those people you do not want to be one of those people that get abused by this situation you want to be one of the people to understand what's going on that way you can take advantage of it and come out of this crisis a financial winner for the vast vast vast majority of people the most accessible way to do that is through the stock market because the stock market is a place where you can go and invest in companies here's the thing the stock market is very emotional okay if people think the economy is improving the stock market rallies if people think the economy is getting worse than what was expected the stock market tanks right now we're kind of getting this mixed news and mixed signals because on one hand we have all this positivity coming from the vaccine and on the other hand we have all this negativity coming from more potential lockdowns chances are we have a very volatile future where if things are worse than what people expect you will see the stock market or companies come down very quickly this doesn't mean we're going to see a stock market crash like we saw happen in february and march because i think a lot of people kind of anticipate what's happening now so we're probably not going to see as drastic of a crash happen now i'm not saying that's not impossible but in general you want to pay attention to the dips because once this virus is over our economy will be able to recover businesses will be able to grow and people will be able to live their lives again now i know i'm just a random guy in youtube so what do i know but your goal as a financially savvy investor is to be looking for opportunities so go out and find four or five companies or funds that you want to invest in and pay attention to them if you see the prices of one of these five companies fall drastically or quickly not because of something happening fundamentally in the company but because of what's happening in the economy around you use it as a buying opportunity now of course investing has risks and you are never guaranteed to make money when you invest so always do your own due diligence and never listen to a random guy on youtube but you can look at what happened in 2020 as an example the people that went against the grain in february and march and we're buying when everybody else was panicking and selling came out huge winners if we see more panic and we see more emotional selling this is an opportunity now if you do want to learn more about how you invest in stocks and how you can find a good stock mortgage to use our team put together an awesome article that you can read on our website i will link it for you up here and i'll also link it for you in the description below and while you're at it i'll also link some of our sponsor stock brokerages in the description below that way you can see some of the different promotions that they're offering the second thing you want to consider looking at are hedges against the dollar which are things like cryptocurrency and gold now again i'm not telling you to go out and just dump your whole bank account into crypto or gold i just want you to understand what's going on that way you can make smart decisions with your money remember what i was hinting at in the beginning of this video of how the federal reserve bank controls our monetary supply well once this whole election fiasco is done chances are we're gonna see more stimulus plans passed what that means is the united states government is probably gonna pass a trillion dollar or maybe a multi-trillion dollar bill i don't know how big is going to be but they're going to pass this massive bill well the united states doesn't have an extra trillion dollars sitting in their bank account somewhere okay the united states is in massive amounts of debt and they already didn't have enough cash to fund the first stimulus bill so in order to fund these stimulus plans the united states government can do one of two things they can either raise their taxes which is very likely or they can print this money so raising taxes is more of a long-term play they cannot raise taxes to raise enough money to pay for the stimulus plan fast enough so this is something that you might see happen in the future to help pay off all the stimulus debt that the united states incurred the second option which is to borrow money or print money is what the united states government does in order to get the cash right now to print the stimulus money so if a big stimulus plan is passed the united states government is going to have to work with the federal reserve bank to print a trillion dollars or whatever the size of the stimulus plan is and now this trillion dollars is going to be printed it's going to be given to the united states government as debt and the united states government is going to give this money away or do whatever the stimulus plan says with it if this money goes into the hands of the american people it's going to create a boost in the economy short term because a lot of people are going to have more money and if people spend this money then you're going to see this boost in business you're going to see this boost in the economy and the economy is going to start roaring very quickly but behind the scenes what happens is the value of our dollars start to go down because now you have more dollars in circulation and as more dollars are in circulation the value of each dollar that we have goes down and so that's when you start to see the cost of living go up because our dollars have less buying power that's why people have been turning to things like gold and crypto as kind of hedges against this dollar printing because people understand that there's more stimulus probably coming and if more stimulus is coming then this is going to devalue the dollar and if that happens that makes these hedges against the dollar so crypto and gold more valuable but before you go and follow the herd and just go buy crypto and gold because you think that once more money is printed the value of these assets are going to go up i need you to think a little bit bigger lots of people have already been buying crypto and gold in anticipation of another stimulus plan being passed we are in an emotional society and an emotional economy where people are buying things not based off of what's happening but based off of what they think is going to happen so people are already buying crypto and gold because they think that once this new stimulus plan is passed the dollar is going to be devalued so people have already priced that into these assets you need to be the person thinking one step ahead because if you're just following what everybody else does then you're going to get the bread crumbs and chances are you're going to buy at the peak and then things dip and that's when people start panic and selling and that causes a further crash and so you want to be looking for dips and then you want to be investing for the long term you have the knowledge now it's all about being patient waiting for opportunities and jumping on them when they come your way not everything is going to be profitable even the most successful investors in the world lose money time to time the goal is to make more money than you lose and stay patient that way you can make your money over the long term if you enjoyed this video here's a video that i think you'll love and while you're at it make sure you subscribe to the minoritymaster youtube channel and check out our free finance and business newsletter i'm about to show you a trailer for the next video and as always keep hustling there are essentially two ways that you can invest in the stock market you have the cool way oh yeah and then you have the boring but profit
Channel: Minority Mindset
Views: 269,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minoritymindset, minority mindset, minority123, jaspreet singh, lockdowns, investing in a pandemic, investing in a pandemic world, cryptocurrency, crypto, why is crypto going up, crypto going up, how to invest in stocks during covid, how to invest in stocks during a recession, how to invest in stocks during quarantine, how to invest in stocks during corona, lockdown stocks, investing in 2020, stock market 2020, stay at home order, stay at home finance
Id: 4n1LCcoFH2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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