LOCKDOWN | Relationship Problems on a Sailboat | S04E25

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[Music] first thing we're going to do is head over to the marina and stretch our legs a little bit on our way to the marina we were pulled over by the water police so we're gonna have to enjoy Atticus without leaving Atticus Desiree and I just got in a relatively big argument this is hard already we can't just become enemies all of a sudden previously on project Atticus after spending three years refitting or fixer-upper sailboat we left the United States with only two thousand dollars and the goal of working while we cruised we made it as far as Isla Mujeres Mexico before he ran out of money and had to find work for the next year needed freelance boat repair jobs until he saved up enough cash to cast the lines and sail south to explore the Western Caribbean for the past couple months we've been preparing for our Pacific crossing in Bocas del Toro Panama but the corona virus pandemic as well as a strict lockdown has forced us to change our plans and we are currently sitting tight waiting for the travel restrictions to ease up [Music] [Music] [Music] hope you're hungry bud I made two monster omelets good job buddy that looks great thanks morning acrobatics yeah you definitely got make some sacrifices to have a cockpit table and a 30-foot catch with am is in the middle of freed cockpit first projects right exactly we've been working so hard just to get Atticus up and ready for the Pacific crossing but we've kind of wrapped up a lot of our projects and now there's no Pacific crossing for another year so we decided to just take a couple of days off and enjoy atticus out at anchor I've almost forgotten why we have a boat to do projects all the time mmm-hmm we just worked our butts off for like seven months and then it's like and now what so I think we both just need to reset our brains yeah just appreciate being Atticus and a beautiful place remind ourselves that this is an awesome lifestyle and that we like doing it hmm so yeah couple of days to just try to enjoy ourselves [Music] [Music] what's going on there bed dingy not starting oh god you're kidding no I tried I've been trying for like the last 10 minutes my shoulder is killing me would you mind taking a look at it yeah all right my theory is the core of the problem is actually the gasoline we filled this tank up five six months ago and it's just been sitting there maybe the gas in the carburetor got real old and like gunked up the carburetor I'm just gonna take the carburetor off and clean it out this is the carburetor this is what I'm gonna remove in order to do that I've got removed this air intake and this piece this whole thing comes off [Music] [Music] so I just spilled gas all over the place it was really stupid I I should have remembered that this isn't sealed if it's upside down I should have bled the carburetor very first thing that was stupid now reeks of gas in here [Music] gotta be real careful about all these tiny little pieces so I'm just gonna clean this up using carburetor cleaner it's just like a sprayable solvent and I'm just gonna spray it into all these little holes and whoa you mother with carburetor cleaner it normally has a lot of pressure and this has just gotten so hold that I think it's lost some of its like propellant to get more carb cleaner we'd have to go into town and use the dinghy Desiree just had a good idea to maybe use some compressed air in a can for you know like keyboard cleaner [Music] [Music] any luck nope no luck at all I'm thinking maybe it's just the gas maybe got a change of gas out you know it's just not gonna run with it mm-hmm halos halos Atticus I was wondering if you guys are planning on heading into town you know in the next couple days and if when you go you might be able to swing by that gas dock with our tank [Applause] yeah Roger that I'll have to do it again I tried yesterday and I didn't see any but it was I did kind of late in the day and so maybe I should do it now it with plenty of light what do you see there's definitely some water hmm it's very hard for me to tell because it's so orange in there you know that tanks seen better days but yeah it looks like there could be a significant amount actually okay what's the plan I'm gonna take this fuel hose and I'm gonna take the fittings off and then I'm going to use this little hand primer pump to pump gas out of this tank and into this tank okay but we're gonna take it from the top so that the water will be on the bottom mm-hmm okay you ready and it's working yeah that's the water and then that's the gas it's a lot of water looks water free wish me luck okay so I'm gonna go at it one more time here I was talking with a friend of ours and he was suggesting that potentially there's still a little bit of water in the outboard and so he was just saying like bleed the fuel pump bleed the line and then drain the carburetor again and see how that goes [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] well we got little up and running again we're gonna try to take today and relax so first thing we're gonna do is head over to the marina and stretch our legs a little bit on our way to the marina we were pulled over by the water police and instructed to immediately return to the boat oh well we are back on Atticus another setback yeah we've been going to the marina to do yoga and Philip our water we need to and drop off our trash and laundry and we've been doing it kind of outside of our predetermined two hours you know so guys have certain days they can go into town girls have certain days they can go into town and they can only do it for two hours a day based on the last number on your passport so it's this various like narrow slot of time it kind of sounded like they weren't going to enforce any of the rules between the Anchorage and the marina but it sounds like now they are so we're gonna have to enjoy Atticus without leaving Atticus for God so that's just we just need a rearranger mental understanding of what the next couple of weeks is going well we haven't like gotten off this boat in how many days we were looking forward to walking yeah you know just walking I think we're just like kinda in bad moods and you know we just need to take it all in and calm down yeah [Music] all right well good morning this is a day three of us deciding to try to enjoy ourselves out at anchor and first of all Desiree and I just got in a relatively big argument we were both doing things to irritate each other unintentionally and I'll be the first to admit I'm terrible at not letting my own internal frustrations turn into like a misdirected anger at Desiree if I'm frustrated I always end up kind of becoming a less enjoyable person to be around I think that we have cultivated strategies to deal with living on such a small boat living in in such a small space and so we've gotten pretty good at it now we can't utilize those kind of coping strategies like going ashore to exercise going on long walks hanging out with other people shoot just spending time away from each other I don't want to act as though our situation is really all that unique because at its core it's something that I think everybody is experiencing to some degree or another but I'll just say that you know I think it's putting a lot of stress on our relationship so I'm just gonna first of all try not to interact with Desiree for the rest of the day we both could use our space but I think her in particular you know if I could just give her some space for the rest of the day I think that would go a long way the second goal that I have for today is to just really try to appreciate just how beautiful it is here [Music] [Music] and your brownie thank you I got you some milk thank you can I talk to you for a sec [Music] obviously this is a hard situation and I've been taking this really wrong attitude with me through all of it that like if I feel angry and upset toward you like there must be something legitimate about it and I'm just realizing that that's just not the case right now and so I need to take responsibility for those feelings and not punishing you for them so I I said I'm really sorry I appreciate you saying that I think you're reeling to recognize like it's because of the situation like we are already on a small boat but you in particular the kind of person with so much energy and you really need other people and you need to talk you need to like express yourself like I think it's really important for you to not dump that on me you need to get rid of that energy in a healthy way yeah and I completely agree I think we've got to kind of sit down and come up with new coping strategies for how we can be okay living on this small boat together and and give each other the space that we need like I was kind of giving myself the excuse that well I can't go to the marina so I can't exercise but like I can swim laps and I can just exhaust myself and that will go a long way you know and so what I'm trying to say is that I'm not trying to make excuses but I'm just trying to say that I think something that'll help me a lot is starting to realize that this is a unique time it's a unique situation and so I need to dedicate a little more thought and energy and time than I normally would into just keeping myself kind of mentally healthy and and giving me myself like what I need you know and that is exercise and that's space you know and you know I haven't been like the perfect person to be around either so I could be more sensitive to the fact that you're an extrovert and I'm an introvert and this is a lot harder for you than it is for me so I'll try harder to be more patient and try to not you know push disagreements that I don't have to you know a part of being human means that sometimes we get wrapped up in the stories that we tell ourselves and lose sight of what's right in front of us I'm starting to believe that happiness is a choice not just the place we end up if everything goes our way it's dealing with discomfort fear and uncertainty with grace it's recognizing just how much we have to be grateful for it's easier said than done but it's an ideal worth striving for especially in times like these [Music] Oh someone's getting killed and someone is going to continue living I'm just saying I'm just saying if I die I'm just saying someone's gonna die like I'm not saying it's you yeah I'm not saying it's me yeah it is saying someone's going down hey guys thanks for watching the episode we wanted to take a quick second to thank some of our newest patrons so first of all we wanted to thank our newest boasts and level patrons so thank you so much Muriel Wisel and a big thank you to our yacht-master patrons so we've got Robin Mark Dale Garth Ludwig Kimmo Carlos Gary and Linda and Patrick Murray and a huge thank you to our deckhand level patrons we've got Bill Dixie Rob Cruz Gary Walker Dave rattan Katherine Hackett David Pfeiffer and Mark Wiley DB Shafto we've also got Wendy and Frankie from Sarasota Florida Scott shraeger Gwen Soto Sheree tears Gabriel rouser John Powell J Smith and Brent and Jesse Nelson you guys are amazing thank you so much for supporting our videos and we'll catch you next week [Music]
Channel: Sailing Project Atticus
Views: 472,091
Rating: 4.8936844 out of 5
Keywords: “sailboat”, sailing around the world, Sailing around the world on a budget, Project Atticus, atticus project, Allied seawind, sailboat, sailing, relationships, lockdown, lockdown on a sailboat, Panama, bocas del toro
Id: lMuSsTn4jYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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