Loch Ness Monster Experts Have Revealed The Truth About The Creature

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every year researchers and scientists have been discovering new species of animals in flat is thought that around 1,000 new species are discovered every year this means there's a massive amount of animals currently unknown to science I've the years however we've heard interesting stories of giant regions possibly one of the biggest ocean mysteries is that of the search for the Loch Ness monster although many of us have heard stories or seen pictures of the creature has long been a mystery as to what the Loch Ness monster actually is theories for the creature have been thrown around for years some more believable than others but recently a team of scientists have said they finally crashed the mystery of the Loch Ness monster located in a Scottish Highlands is that of Loch Ness for anyone saying that no creature the size of the Loch Ness monster will be able to live here would be wrong in Fatt Loch Ness is the second largest Scottish long the deepest point of the Loch is over 225 metres so there's plenty of room to house a large cryptid the Loch Ness monster isn't new to the region either the creature was first reported back during their life of sin Columbia written in the sixth century AD locals of the region reported seeing a large animal in particular when st. Columbia ventured down to the Loch he could see that someone was swimming on closer inspection is reported that he saw a large unidentified creature in the water he described it as a water Beast and quickly yelled to the man to get out of the water however the creature was able to travel fast and quickly pulled him under after telling some nearby people of what happened they worked quickly to try and save the man they launched a boat into the water in the hopes of getting him on Borland however upon getting him on board it turned out he'd passed away from his injuries ever since this first sighting people from all around the world have reported seen the creature one of the most interesting things about the Loch Ness monster is it's perhaps one of the most photographed crypt is out there there's no shortage of photos and videos which allegedly prove the creatures existence however whenever these photographs were capes our post dear that usually met with criticism one of the reasons behind this is because over the years people have tried to fake footage as mentioned there recently a team of scientists have come forward saying they've solved the mystery of the Loch Ness monster the researchers are from New Zealand and decided to take a different approach when looking at the creature they said they started off by noting down all of the living species in the log they did this by extracting DNA from water samples after this the team said they were able to rule out the presence of large animals and saying that no large creatures would be able to live in the log forever saying that no evidence of a prehistoric marine reptile was found this is because some people put forward the idea that the Loch Ness monster is actually a pleasure soul the pleasure saw as an extant marine reptile that used to swim in our oceans hundreds of millions of years ago the idea that was put forth by some theorists was that a group of these creatures survived and ended up in the log one of the reasons there C is said to be a pleasure saw is that of eyewitness descriptions those who've seen the creatures say this a has paddles and a long neck two very distinct features of that of a pleasure soul scientists however have said there's no way the Loch Ness monster is a pleasure soul not only because these creatures went extinct hundreds of millions of years ago but because a surviving group of pleasure sores would not be able to survive in the long saying there isn't enough food but mainly because the Loch formed in recent years so how would they have gotten in there the scientists also said that what people were seeing is not a large catfish the researchers have said they were not going after Nessie per se E but trying to understand what lives in the long one thing they did find was the presence of European arrows professor Neil Gaiman a geneticist from New Zealand's University of oughta go said the following people love a mystery and we've used science to add another chapter to Loch Ness we can't find any evidence of a creature that's remotely related to that and our environmental DNA sequence data so sorry but I don't think that pleasure so idea holds up based on the data that we've obtained there's also no shock DNA in Loch Ness based on our sampling there's also no catfish DNA in Loch Ness we can't find any evidence of sturgeon Eva there is a very significant amount of DNA here was a very plentiful in Loch Ness with eel DNA being found a pretty much every location sampled there's a lot of them in there so the professor was asked that could urge on it will be behind the sightings of the Loch Ness monster and he said the following our data doesn't reveal their size but the sheer quantity of the material says that we can't discount the possibility there may be Johnny Rose in Loch Ness therefore we can't discount a possibility that what people see and believe is the Loch Ness monster might be a Johnny rule as you can imagine many people were not happy with this Newton's saying that although they respect the outcome they think the Loch Ness monster Israel his scientific community has always said the creature doesn't exist and this is the same for most cryptids for example scientists have been saying for years that Bigfoot is nothing more than a hoax and that such a large group of primates would have been discovered by now regardless those who follow these cryptids closely if said they could at staying away from humans although many know the myths and legends tied around the Loch Ness monster each person describes something slightly different there are those that say this creature is a pleasure saw while others say Nessie is something entirely different saying that this animal was not known by science and this is why it was not picked up on the test so the big question is what are people seeing every year reports come from Loch Ness for example going back a few weeks ago skipper Mike Bell captures something interesting on his sonar the imaging question shows a 25-foot long object slacking beneath the water the photograph was taken while he was taking tourists around Loch Ness this skipper said he was excited when he first saw it captioned but when he took readings at the same spot the large object advantaged Mike said the following I would like to think this is our creature Nessie is my flesh he had been a skip in the boat in five months and I've never seen it or had something that big on the sonar my dad is the more experienced skipper who's been doing this for years and he said he's never seen anything that big perform the sonar it's my first sighting of Nessie and I think my dad is a wee bit jealous as he's never seen it the standard size on the sonar is usually a sharp increase suggesting a small finish the large line about 35 meters in the water was about 25 feet an object of that size I think is way too big for a normal species in the Loch it must have been about five or six minutes we spent trying to pick up this creature again going back I'll share a woman and visiting from the United States allegedly saw the creature she said the following me my husband decided to visit Loch Ness we'd always spoke about going here and we finally made the time to make the trip while staying close by we joked about the fact that we might see the mythical Loch Ness monster we were joking and didn't expect to see anything special on the day of the trip I made sure I passed my camera as I wanted to get some great photographs of the long however after being here for around an hour I noticed something there appeared to be on the surveyors I pointed out to my husband and he said it was just a gust of wind however as soon as he said this we saw a great creature hump out of the water if I had to guess I would say this thing was at least ten feet in length had a gray body and a long neck I tried to take a photograph but the quality of the picture was terrible juice my excitement my hands were shaking in the creature was also too far away regardless since this encounter I now believed the Loch Ness monster Israel researchers have said though that these could just be anomalies and don't prove anything skeptics have said that 99% of the Loch Ness monster sightings can be explained and they turn out to be things that usually a mundane suggesting that what people are seeing is things like logs in the water this can give off a distorted image and make people think they're seeing something that's not really there another thing they say people are seeing is that of natural phenomena and this takes on the appearance of something that's not there or so Pardo there an even local wildlife what's interesting though is that there's other creatures out there that match the description of the Loch Ness monster one of these goes by the name of champ it's a popular Canadian monster that resides deep within Lake Champlain it's proven to be one of the most legendary and popular monsters ever residing within the Canadian border located within the Canadian province of Quebec is that of Lake Champlain a freshwater lake that holds more than 300 reported sightings of the serpentine like creature that many claim is perhaps a distant cousin to that of the Loch Ness monster high quality photographs taken back in 1977 have proven to be authentic leading many to believe that champ is that of a pressors all scientific proof of the creatures existence has also been gathered in the modern day this was after a team of marine specialists working in the fauna communications Research Institute ins use an echolocation device to map the bottom of the lake after doing so they picked up on an unknown marine animal sound similar to that of a beluga whale but from no known marine animal in existence today the monster is revered as a status similar to that of the Loch Ness monster and has become the center of cryptid enthusiasts attempting to prove the viability of a surviving place or species in the modern day so my question to you guys is do you think the Loch Ness monster is real and if you do do you think as an ancient place or perhaps an undiscovered species let me know your thoughts in the comments thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more videos
Channel: Unexplained Mysteries
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Keywords: loch, ness, monster, experts, have, revealed, the, truth, about, creature, loch ness, loch ness monster, loch ness monster update, loch ness monster news, loch ness monster 2019, loch ness monster tests, loch ness monster eel, loch ness monster study, loch ness monster 2019 study, loch ness monster giant eel, loch ness monster giant eels, loch ness monster could be giant eel, eel loch ness monster, giant eel loch ness monster, loch ness monster caught on video
Id: YIWdST0X2hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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