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[Music] ugh amazing this is serva subservas tv in this two-part tutorial series video we are going to study how can we locate places on earth using a coordinated system in the first video we are going to review the different imaginary lines that can be found on a map and a globe and on the second video we are going to apply the concepts about imaginary lines in locating places on earth using a coordinated system are you ready to learn if you find this video helpful please do not forget to subscribe to this channel do not forget to like share and comment hashtag amazing let's go have you ever wondered why different places on earth have different climates and weather why other countries experience no and why our country the philippines does not experience this phenomenon this phenomenon has something to do with the position of a place or a country on earth but how can we find the position of a place on earth different tools can be used in finding the position of a place can you please give examples correct some of these are compass radar gps maps and globes in this video we are going to focus on maps and globes to find the position of a place a map is a two-dimensional graphical representation of an area land or sea depicting physical features it can represent the wool or a part of the earth on the other hand a globe is a three-dimensional spherical model of the earth it represents the world earth observe the map and the globe what do they share in common you are right both the map and the globe are made of horizontal lines and vertical lines which intersects with each other we cannot really see these lines on the surface of the earth hence they are called imaginary lines these imaginary lines are very important in locating places on earth the horizontal imaginary lines that run from east to west of a map or a globe are called latitudes since the earth is a sphere the distance of any place in the globe is measured in degrees the starting line of latitude measurement is the equator therefore the equator is assigned a latitude value of 0 degree the equator is read as 0 degree latitude the equator divides the earth into northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere the northern hemisphere is an area located above the equator up to the north pole it extends above the equator to 90 degrees going up on the other hand the southern hemisphere is an area located below the equator down to the south pole it extends below the equator to 90 degrees going down the notable latitudes are shown in the picture and they are given special names the latitude of a place has something to do with its climate the part of the world between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of capricorn is called tropics countries located in this zone experience a tropical climate where the annual average temperature is above 18 degrees celsius this is the reason why the philippines is a tropical country we experience warm temperatures between the tropical cancer and the arctic circle is the northern temperate zone and between the tropic of capricorn and the antarctic circle is the southern temperate zone countries located in the zones experience four seasons winter spring summer and autumn areas within the arctic circle and the antarctic circle are called polar or frigid zones countries located in the zones experience cold temperature all year round based on this we can say that the closer the latitude is to the the warmer the temperature and the closer it is to the poles the colder the temperature aside from the horizontal imaginary lines we also have vertical imaginary lines these vertical imaginary lines that run from north to south of a map or a globe are called longitudes they extend from photopole on a globe to easily visualize the longitudes let us use this map the starting point for measuring longitude is the primed region which is located on 0 degree it is referred to as 0 degree longitude the primal region divides the earth into another pair of hemispheres the western hemisphere and the eastern hemisphere the western hemisphere extends from the primary region to 180 degrees going to the left meanwhile the eastern hemisphere extends from the prime region to 180 degrees going right the latitude and longitude degrees represent exact places on earth when these latitudes and longitudes are combined we can locate any place on a mop or a globe in this video you learn that there are two imaginary lines that can be found on a map or a globe the latitudes and the longitudes the equator is located on the zero degree that it should it divides a map or a globe into northern and southern hemisphere the primary region is located at zero degree longitude it divides a mop or a globe into eastern hemisphere and western hemisphere in our next video we are going to apply these concepts to locate places on earth see you on our next science lesson ag amazing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: SirBas TV
Views: 366,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sir Bas TV, SirBas TV, LOCATING PLACES, USING COORDINATE SYSTEM, I LATITUDE, AND LONGITUDE, I SCIENCE 7, QUARTER 4 WEEK 1, MODULE 1, GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATE SYSTEM, EQUATOR, PRIME MERIDIAN, SCIENCE 7 QUARTER 4, SCIENCE 7 QUARTER 4 WEEK 1, SCIENCE 7 QUARTER 4 MODULE 1, projected coordinate system, IMAGINARY LINES, Locating places on earth using longitude and latitude, Locating places on earth ppt grade 7, Locating places on earth using coordinate system, LOCATING PLACES ON EARTH
Id: oos0BQ50m1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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