Localization in Webflow

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[Music] hello and welcome to this webflow live stream my name is Aaron corbut I am so excited to be back behind the desk today to talk to you about uh localization in webflow we have this amazing guest Joanna Wong lead technical architect joining us today I'm so excited to welcome her talk about localization uh a few things you need to know before we jump into today's topic first uh I in Brooklyn it is freezing and I'm in the middle of what feels like a construction site so I apologize in advance for both my hand shaking and maybe some sounds you hear behind me but I'm so excited that you are here with us who do we have in the chat we have uh uh Mei welcome some names I recognize some new folks in the chat make sure to introduce yourselves give us a little wave in the chat that is the way I communicate with you if you have questions drop them in the chat if you've never participated in a web Liv stream or in YouTube live stream you first have to create a channel so go to the top right of your YouTube account log into your Google account and then create a channel and then you could join us in the chat a few more things you need to know before we jump into today's topic there's a kind of pin comment that is a link to a form to add your name to the credits uh so if you want your name to appear in this webo live stream with a title that I give you go ahead and fill this out last thing before we jump in the clonable for today's stream is already in the description so if you want to build alongside us go ahead if you just want to look at it later go ahead we're going to be rebuilding that site that's in the clonable that is already localized so super excited who do we have in the chat that was that was all the the stuff I needed to say before we jump in we've got Yasser we've got Michael Arctic Tom's design really appreciate all of you joining uh we got some folks already multilingual speakers we got Mar who speaks Spanish Portuguese extremely useful when you're localizing a site to know the language you're localizing into so I am super super excited make sure to introduce yourself go ahead and fill out the form let's howdy yes howdy we got some howy in the chat super excited thank you all for joining I am super oh we got some Ukrainian polish English super excited all right uh I might reveal what languages I speak throughout uh uh today's live stream uh without further Ado let's jump into today's topic I'm super excited to welcome Joanna to our live stream Joanna welcome to the web FL livest stream oh I lost you there there we go you're back howy uh Joanna uh it's an honor to have such an expert join us today how about we start with you know talk to us a little bit yourself what brings you to webflow uh uh yeah give us a quick introduction sure thanks as you mentioned I'm Joanna technical architect here at webflow um I work with Enterprise customers to help them learn launch and grow with webflow prior of joining this team about two years ago I actually came from a webflow agency so I've been using webflow myself as a customer since 2018 so really excited to connect with you and our community members today thanks for the opportunity yeah we're super excited so you are now on maybe on the other side on the webflow side you understand what it means to be in the shoes of a lot of the folks that are in the chat today and you've helped a ton of customer Enterprise customers or general customers you know in webflow and now with localization um you know we announced webo localization at webo comp and you know you've been playing around with it for a while now how about we start with just how in summarize what is webflow localization sure um in short localization is web flows native all-in-one solution for C customizing your site for worldwide audiences got it so whatever language you want to kind of localize to you can do it natively in webflow so how about I I want to kind of jump in right I want to start building where should we start how should we think about starting where should we go uh to start building and localizing a website yeah absolutely so we're going to put ourselves in the shoes of a company that has an existing site already um so we'll start with English as our um kind of main language and then we'll add French as our new local so that we're going to um you know be able to localize for French so why don't we actually just jump right in and oh well perfect I have one request though can we make it French Canadian can we yes we make sure the the best French I'm just gonna say that if we have any french folks in the chat I'm just gonna you know my colors I'm going to put it the best the best version of French so we are here I've got astral fun meting uh or financial that is our website that is the kind of use case and we want to go at trans localize use the right word localize this to French Canadian where should we start how should I go about this yes absolutely so in order to add French Canadian as our new supported local we're going to go into the settings panel to the left of the designer and then you're going to see this new localization panel at the bottom of your settings and so if you click this tab you'll see that this is going to open up a table of your locals like I mentioned you've already got your primary local here so our assumption here is that your main site your English site in this example is fully built out and we're going to go ahead and add a new local by pressing that add new local button got it so we're adding in we're assuming English is a language I want to go ahead and add a local and I'm going to sneakily write French Canadian there you go French Canada and talk to me about what we've just done by at least I see some display name subcategory what does what does all this mean yes exactly so all these fields are customizable your display name can show whatever you want it to show so if you don't necessarily want it to say a French Canada you can have it just say French and this is what's going to show in the designer we're going to see a local switcher later as well as what your customers will see on the front end of your site with a um switcher that they'll have access to as well and then subdirectory is going to be the URL the subdirectory that's going to show um at the end of your exactly in that kind of preview right there and you'll actually see that reflected in the URLs for any of your localized Pages as well got it okay so I want my display name to be France right so kind of the the in French the word for French uh and then subdirectory you know FR which means that this is my kind of any page will be slf page name right so let's just go ahead and save that exactly press save and then you can save your changes again in the top great and just like that you've essentially created a new local and once you done that you might see this new switcher toward the top left of your screen that little Globe icon this is going to be a new dropdown so as soon as you add your supported local you're going to be able to switch into it by clicking the you know by clicking French saw here I'm not gonna force you to speak French I'll say you can say the word French yeah we're all good but if you are gonna speak French I I insist that it is French Canadian so um so when I okay we we've added French slf as a subdirectory and I've gone ahead and clicked on French but when I look at what I assume is my homepage it's the same so what did we what happened actually when we created a new local and why am I still seeing this the same great question so when you create your new local it's going to inherit all of the content from your primary or your main site and so but you've already got all of your homepage set up here and you know all of your other Pages as well but the homepage is what we're looking at right now so it's inherited all of that English content so that way you don't have to worry about ever you know accidentally serving a blank or or broken page just because it hasn't been translated yet got it so you've if I understand this correctly we've essentially duplicated I don't to use the word we've created a a version in the local of every page and now every element in that new page or that version of the page is the same as you know our primary local been being inherited right exactly so but what you can do of course is override any of that inherited content with your localized content okay so how do I do that let's say let's start with this heading let's say I want this to be in French how do I go about and maybe this is the right time to use the word translate how do I translate this text or at least you know kind of input my own text here yeah so one option is to just do this manually you can click into this text element just like you would and you're kind of um as you know the designer already click into your element and just input the uh translated text directly in your text box here okay so let me this is uh this is this is not easy so this should say banking for the future so let's say la bank if we do have some French speakers uh I would appreciate some help in the chat uh not that I'm not confident in my in my French I'm just not confident as a translator uh so bank and then Embrace a new area of financial how about that uh oh what the accent mark too there we go you know you know the years of years of French right here paying off uh okay La so I have now translated this heading can you talk to me about what happens on the English side what you know how should I think think about uh uh what I just did yeah so like I mentioned you've essentially overridden that inherited content but it's going to remain independent of your English site so if you go back to your English local which you can do with the um switcher in the top left of the designer here if you go back to English you'll see that it's going to remain um as it was and so if you yeah perfect so if you go back to your French you'll see that these are just two separate you know independent um versions of your homepage now got it so I've just made a change in my heading in English if I go over to French it's not it's not inherited right it's just what I had before how can I tell whether there's that link between French and English or between my locals or whether I've overwritten that change and now it's independent great question so you have the Navigator open on on the left here and your hero heading selected you'll actually see there's a little uh Globe icon to the far right that indicates this element has been localized got it okay so that says that changes have been made and if there are changes in the primary they don't get inherited and if I make Chang like they're independent that little globe means localized exactly yes okay so are we going to spend the next 40 minutes listening to me try transl this whole page in French and I see there are some French folks in the chat and you know we're going to argue about trans what how do we keep translating this maybe a little bit faster yes as much as I'm sure our community members here would love to watch you do this for the next 40 minutes of course it's not super effective or efficient so um what we can do instead is if you select any other sort of text element here um webful actually has a native machine translation option that's really going to make this super fast so great call out here if we do this with a component um with your component selected you can actually rightclick on it and you can translate to French with Native machine translation okay exactly by that translate wow okay exactly and the really cool thing is because that's a component it's GNA function just like a component across the rest of your local as well so if you switch to another page where you're bar is you'll see that that's going to carry that localized change across the entire local got it yeah so we don't have the exact same one but I'm seeing that translation has been brought to that kind of component right so we've just translated this but how sh so when I rightclick and translate to French first off amazing you know it feels like as a French speaker this is maybe not perfect translation but good good as a first draft right right good as like a starting point and maybe we have someone kind of pass over uh this actually probably a little bit better than I would do if if I'm being honest um what happens when I actually click like do the what's the magic and how should I think about what what exactly are the elements being translated great question so when you click translate to French web flow is really just looking for any sort of text element like a text block um a heading button text anything like that that it's going to just m natively machine translate for you okay so it takes a text find talks to a machine brings back what the translation is of that and and will do so for any text element you know I don't want to like uh uh uh that's it any children child is the word I'm looking for any children elements will be translated uh I am seeing some you know questions in the chat go ahead and drop that I'm I have an eye on them go ahead and drop questions if it's relevant right now I will ask Joanna the question if not I'll keep them for the end we have a dedicated Q&A section as I'm taking a break make sure to fill out the form uh to see your name at the credits at the end uh so go ahead and take a moment to do that so we've just gone ahead and translated this component what is the limit here how can I everything oh did I lose oh we lost your audio there for a second Joanna can you hear us video seems to be a little little off as well that's okay I think we hear you okay let me know uh let let's give the interwebs time to set that up we can hear you how can we go about translating the whole page perfect yeah so um in order to translate the whole page you really can just select um again whether it's an individual text element or a parent element like a section a container or something or like that your page wrapper um where this is super powerful is you can translate the entire page really quickly by clicking the body element selecting that body in the Navigator here and then you'll be able to also rightclick on the entire body to translate the entire higher order element here and all the the text content within it okay and we can do this because it takes in child element so every element is a child of you know the body element so if I go ahead and translate to French it's going to look for each piece each text element and translate it there we go exactly and we see this is translated now you know we can adapt a few things here we've got really really kind of amazing first pass uh of translating the page I'm seeing some questions in the chat I'm going to answer that question uh Pablo in a bit we're going to go through the whole page translate that I want to talk about CMS and then we'll do page settings and local switcher so uh we've just gone ahead and machine translated which I'm just G to call Magic I think from now on we just magic translated the whole page I love that and call thato I think we should put in a request to just not so we should just have like magic translate to French um this image so the image obviously the text in the image wasn't translated because you know machines are not there yet so how do we go about changing this image I do have that image in my kind of assets so how do I swap this image out to a localized image great question so you can swap out this image by just choosing another image from your asset panel so if you've already uploaded a translated version or a you know localized version of your image you can choose exactly here replace image and this is going to allow you to open up your asset panel and just choose the the version that's appropriate for this local got it okay so what we've just done there is now I have the localized image if I go over to English it's in English if I go to French it's in French now there's a question in the chat around alt text so should I change the alt text at the Image level can I do it at the local level how should I go ahead and localize the alt text great question so for a um local specific image like this you can do that directly in the asset panel and just like it is on your primary this is going to inherit the alt text from the asset panel so you can actually do that directly here exactly through the settings or if you haven't translated it yet you can also use magic translation in the asset panel here for your alt text as well okay so right right here I opened up the French version of my asset and it's inherited This Is What You Know by default because it's inheriting the alt text that's what we would see but let's go ahead and Magic translate and it says exam Financial which is again better than any translation that I would have thought of on the Fly uh and okay so now anytime we use that image throughout our site in French it's going to take this alt text but what if we wanted simply to change the alt text for this specific image in French great question so you can also do um asset or element instance uh specific alt text so and in the image settings under the alt Tex dropdown you can also use a custom description and this is also going to be considered a localized element okay so I'm not going to do that you can enter custom description and say okay I want the alt text to be specific you know to this element in this local or for this page I should say right the other way the way we did it before was we want the alt text to be specific to this local for this asset um Okay cool so let's keep going here so what we've done so far we've localized this component let's localize it across all of our Pages we then translated the body as I scrolled down there now this this should be no numero I'm just going to fix a few you know make sure this looks good this looks in gr you know probably need some spacing issues but we can fix that later and then if I go here this is our testimonials and these are still in English so did the machine translating skip these how should I think about uh these testimonials that are still in English great question so because these are CMS images I'm sorry CMS items and CMS content in order to translate the CMS content we'll actually do that from our collections panel to the far left okay right so we have a collection list so we're going to go ahead there was a question around collections I think I saw a moment ago so we're going to go and do that so if I open up my testimonials which is my collection list I have my I'm currently in French so why do I have let's take a step back what happened when I created that French local and why do I have French collection items in my testimonials list in French you might recall that I had said all of your content is getting inherited from your primary local and so that includes your CMS Collections and your items as well since your primary local already had your testimonials uh created in it when we created our new French local it inherited that content and you have have essentially um these French specific versions of your CMS items so these are actually independent of your English items and you can go ahead and click into any item here and translate this content as well okay so just like we created I'm trying to wrap my head around this so just like we created every a French page for every page a version we did the same thing for CMS items so every existing CMS item becomes there is a CMS item that inherits the value for each field that we can then localize so I'm here in Naomi Bell which is currently all in English but is in the French version is the French version of that existing English CMS item oh this like a this is a word scramble and now we're going to say we want to localize right so the image will stay the same we're not going to make this image more French but we do want to translate this quote right so let's go ahead and do I just click translate do I just go ahead and this is going to machine translate this book magic translate order to Magic translate this quote we're just gonna click that little Globe next to the title and you'll see voila magic magic even voila see you're you're getting the French you know you're you're here uh okay so okay so now we said actually funny enough this actually really cool because it actually translated in French Canadian that is how you know is actually a French French Canadian expression that I don't think in French from France we would they would use so really cool I'm actually this is super impressive I'm really excited about this so now that we save this I go back to the page and then we have it in French and we can do the same thing for every single testimonial correct correct exactly yes okay let's do that quickly so next we have Amanda localized save the changes David okay so there's a uh a question is what happens if I add a new English testimonial and then how do we make a French specific or local specific element or item I should say yes so two parts of that so to make um what happens when you create a new CMS item or a new English testimonial is it's also going to get inherited across your supported locals so if we create a brand new testimonial here in English which we can go ahead and do let's do you what do you think of Astral fund Financial give me a quote uh Simply the Best Simply the Best some wise words from that's a slogan isn't it is that that does that does strike me as something I should know uh let me get an image of you somewhere here I had one in my we go let's upload this image here we go okay so we're creating that item now if I open it up again what just happened so now if I inh you correctly we do have a French we have an English and a French we created that inheritance automatically yes exactly and great call out with this breadcrumb table down here you can actually see exactly which locals your items are created in and so um yeah if you actually click that little arrow or go back into perfect you can actually navigate to your your French version of this item as well and this is where you can go ahead and again localize it for uh your French local okay wow okay so what we've done there is we've created a CMS item in English it's inherited all the values in French we navigated over to French click the globe and you know localized we really do live in the best in the in the coolest era I have to say that we can just kind of do that in three clicks um if I go over to page let's make sure let's kind of see what that feels like so if I go over to English we have Joanna uh Wong Simply the Best if I go over to French then we have tus so we've we've kind of done that in a few clicks now the next question was what if we have what if me I do not want to give an English testimonial I only care about a French Canadian testimonial so how do we create an item specific to a local yeah very intuitive you'll just create that item in that specific local only so here we're already in French we'll go directly into our French testimonials and we can go ahead and create a new testimonial here okay so let me go ahead and create so I'm in French I'm in my French CMS list I'm going to create a testimonial for me you kind of took my quote uh I'm gonna say oh I don't have the little I don't have the I'm GNA say really the best uh because I'm unoriginal and so let me upload a little image of myself and I've been a customer for 12 years let's create that item and then if we go over to here in French we now have my testimonial there's a question from uh from Pablo says if so if the items is not in French can we just not publish it on the French version so let's imagine now the third use case that we didn't tackle which is I have an English uh uh only test like I want an English only testimony in my primary local how would I make it so that it is not inherited what is the solution there is it putting it as a draft is it deleting it how should folks think about that great question so if you go back to your CMS items you're actually going to be able to set up different publish statuses across the different versions of your items so again if you um take a look at that breadcrumb uh table on your item um for take one that's in French and in English let's go to English and let me go into yourself right so I can have different statuses here right one in draft uh uh and then one in uh uh uh oh did I did you guys lose my video because of the okay one second this is the the new iOS update let me just let me fix that for a second here oh boy there we go you're going to see it's going to be a little weird for a moment there we go and I'm back you're back okay all right right and we are we are back we are back to stage one we are good to go okay so what we've just done is we can change the publish status of each uh uh item independently across local exactly so if for any reason I actually don't have a French um testimonial that you want to show you can go back to the French version of this item and set it as a draft archive it uh whatever it is that you want to do you could also delete it if you don't want it cluttering up your collection whatever it might be right okay so delete being one of the potential statuses archive right now I've just set it as draft so you won't see it on the French but we can uh uh uh kind of change or have independent statuses across different locals okay exactly so let's continue going on this page I think let mean French we're good to go here we can kind of translate the let me go over to English here we go and I think a question I saw in the chat which was our final step here of the page is how do we add a local switcher right great question we actually have so to added local switcher to give your site visitors the ability to choose which local they want to see we have a brand new element that you'll see in our ad panel which is going to be called a Local's list okay so I'm GNA go ahead and go here believe it is in advanced Local's list perfect yes and then you can click and drag that anywhere you want to show your uh local switcher okay let's bring it into let me actually start let me bring it here and then can I oh let me actually let me delete that let's go into the Navar component let me start editing that first and then let me go ahead and add the Local's list in there there and I want it here now I think I want so first I only see English should I be seeing French there as well how do I go about and making sure that the Local's list is a reflection of all the kind of look hows I have in my website yeah so web flow is actually handling a lot of this for you just automatically so if you go back into your settings panel um the reason why you're not seeing French right now is because you'll see in the settings for our French local we've still disabled the publishing for it this is really going to be a a great practice for making sure that your local is not visible or published or you know accessible while it's in development and so here once you toggle this on to P enable publishing and press save save changes again you're going to see French will now show up in that Local's list automatically okay and this element if I understand correctly is just like and I can put it it's kind of like a CMS collection list exactly that's why it's called a Local's list and so um to you know to style it you can certainly Nest it in a drop down element anything like that um whatever it is that you want to do stylistically here okay let's just quickly just show that it uh I'm going to go ahead and get bring a drop down let me bring it right here in that little like here and let's drag that into it actually you know you'll you'll drag the drop down into the local rapper I believe oh I see okay let's go ahead and let me undo that of course so let me go ahead and you're saying we want oh I I we want the drop down in the local R okay that makes sense that makes sense let's go here and then in the local wrapper yes that is where we want drop move the local list into the drop down got it of course you are drop down list there we go and let's remove the existing links like that okay and I don't want to spend too much time styling this maybe we call this it's a little dark so let's call this languages and let's give this the same navbar kind of we have a toggle here so drop down toggle just so we can kind of style that there we go and then let's see what this looks like when we click into it it's a little ugly but we see see that we have our so we can just kind of style this like we would our drop down right here correct exactly yes okay what do we have as Styles there drop down list Link Link list okay let's not spend too much time there's a lot of questions in the chat so let me call this drop down link list and let's see that still not not giving the size and then what do we have here as our okay we have a little link on each one what do we call this one we call this drop down link okay let's try that drop down link always feel a local drop down link okay that should bring us let's just see the show okay that'll do for now probably there's some default styling that we might want to remove from the drop down list where is that being inherited drop down uh I think drop down list we can call that one navbar drop down list oh got it I think there we go much better okay obviously you solved it for us in a moment okay so what this does is that this go goes to the localized version of the page so if I'm on the English it's going to go to that same page in French correct correct yes if you select French from your language drop down okay so if we're here let's kind of publish this and let's see what this looks like on publish to staging and we can actually localize a final page that was the last thing we wanted to show you so I know there's a ton of questions uh uh in the chat so now is actually a great time go ahead and drop them in the chat I'm gonna we got 10 minutes after we built this local to answer questions so go ahead and drop them and now is a good time to go ahead and fill out that form as well so let's go into our staging and our expectation here is if we go to French we go to our French version and then even get that little prompt to translate Google doesn't even know that I speak French there we go English and we've created our local switcher and essentially a localized homepage yeah as well I yeah not to mention we just localized our page that took about 30 minutes and we had to explain it all imagine how quickly we could have done that if we didn't have to explain it okay so um what we did here we localized CMS items we added uh uh we added a local we used the machine transla to localize the page we localized CMS uh um items and then we added a local switcher uh I think first of all congratulations Joanna we did some amazing work there yeah are you ready for qu people have questions people have a lot of questions so I'm just going to uh uh kind of first question from prev how many languages do we support that's a great question um as of right now I believe there's anything with an ISO code um or that you know that internationally recognized code for that region or language combination got it so I think that's a lot a lot so if there is I don't know what the exact number is but it's like hundreds right yes I think so I think uh if Dylan's in the chat Dylan could probably give us a precise number but uh we map languages to ISO codes and so if there is an ISO code that means it's in the drop down um okay let me keep going so what what is the next question here okay so we got that one what else I'm going [Music] through okay so there's some questions around localizing page title page uh uh you know assets or SEO so first maybe let's talk about uh URL structure and then let's talk about uh localizing page settings uh so how do we localize the page uh URL and structure and then how do we kind of change the settings if you want if you can explain it or we can jump in and show how to do it up to you we can do either both of them are going to be super quick let's I mean if we can do it quickly let's do it quickly so let's imagine do we want to go to a different page than our homepage maybe we go into yeah pricing in French right so let's go to French we're in our French pricing page let me you know let's just translate it Translate boom we're done okay how do we localize the URL the page title and uh SEO settings yes so in order to localize your page settings you're just going to go ahead and open up the page settings first for this page uh in the pages panel exactly and then you'll be able to localize the values here for your title tag your meta description your open graph all of that this is all localizable as well and um you know something we actually didn't talk about too was this kind of like blue label and the being able to reset things so you wanted to show that that's also really easy to do so what we've just done what you're saying is that this blue says it's localized so because we magic translated it and then we could reset so we're saying exactly reset The Inheritance uh uh and this that we can magic translate and then reset the inheritance and that changes the SEO settings and also the URL correct yes great great call out so the URL is also going to be localizable as well um under the slug here right so T that's what I page name yeah and then we that we've got the slug as well got it okay cool let's keep going with the questions so it is a song that is I'm just I'm catching up on the chat here Simply the Best is a song uh that was apparently in a Pepsi commercial oh okay well that's probably where it came from uh okay let me I'm trying to get as many questions as we can um so Daniel says can we add a French specific static page my understanding is that there is no way to add a local specific page today that's correct yeah okay so just want to make sure we're getting through the question how can this help us better position our website so uh what would actually Joan this is a good question how would you as a freelancer or an ex- freelancer ex agency I should say how would you think about localization and potentially changing the way you talk about webflow to your clients sure so this is really going to allow you to just reach broader audiences across the entire world especially in such a you know just the nature of everything being Global nowadays you're getting site visitors from all across um really tailoring your content so that it's the most relevant to your site visitors is really going to um really drive you know any sort of business goal that you've got whether it's longer engagement with your site content increased conversion on any of your campaigns um this is really just it yeah it's just it's amazing what you can do with um more relevant content for your safe visitors okay uh absolutely so uh 195 languages straight from that's the number of languages we support in the iso codes um there's a question around right to left so uh uh um Mahmud asks uh what changes when we do right to left languages happy to show if we want to take a moment to show that or just talk about how it works and I know we have a video about this in the documentation about how right to left Works yes so Arabic for sure I forget which other ones um but there are a couple of those locals that as soon as you add them webful will automatically understand that these are right to left and we go ahead and change that style um and I think it's actually an attribute if we want to get technical but we will update that for you yeah it's exactly uh and so it mirrors the page it sets the right to left attribute that on the body which gets inherited across the whole page uh so right to left is supported natively if we do have some time at the end uh maybe we'll just quickly do Arabic and translate and show what happens uh okay so there's a question from Yasser which is if we use multiple local will the overall page sze increase and will it affect page loading times great question no so all of your page counts are you know independent across your locals or I guess they're they're not cumulative so if you have 10 pages in your primary and 10 in your supported local it's not a total of 20 um you've got you know the 10 pages are the 10 pages across those different locals and then as far as page size goes this is all server side web is handling it all for you so it's not adding any kind of code or hidden you know anything like that on the the client side got it and so there's some questions around pricing so I want to drop the link in the chat I don't want to spend too much time on pricing because we've shown a lot and I want folks to kind of you know depending on what they need don't want to go through each use case here you can go ahead and web.com pricing uh if you're interested in the Enterprise version of localization I knew we have a webinar specifically about Enterprise I think next week uh so I'm going to make sure that it's in the description of this video and I'm going to drop it in the chat if someone who's helping out today can find the link to the webinar dropping in the chat uh and yall could learn more about uh Enterprise and how that works for uh uh um okay so let me go ahead and um okay so the question you know in the copy does the translation take into consideration sense and structure of the language how does it think about uh you know the text element does it what level of is it looking at the whole page is it just looking at the text element how I guess the question I think underlying is how confident or how much trust should people put into the machine translation yeah it's a great first pass but I think you actually had an example of it yourself on um the homepage where you had a text element highlighted within it its own span and so the machine translation the magic translation is going to go ahead and do that first passive translation but as you had mentioned Erin it's always a best practice to have someone especially a native speaker double check because it might not necessarily know which exact word contextually is supposed to be highlighted in that span does that make sense yeah absolutely so I think it what I saw and I think it looks at each element so if your elements are broken up right because you have a span or because you're you know you you're broken up by an image for instance it's going to take each one of those individually right whereas if you do have an element that is a whole H1 or a whole paragraph it does take into account the context so I think you're totally right and even looking at this it's amazing what it can do as a first pass or for simple structures but always the best practice especially if you're you know going live to have a you know a real translator I was going to say native speaker but frankly me as someone who speaks French forever I speak French would not feel comfortable necessarily translating so get someone who's a professional um fluent fluent professional yeah exact exactly okay let me see if there's some more questions keep dropping them into the chat I think we're going to take maybe one or two more and now is a good time to go ahead and add your name to the credits so there's a question around editor right so how so let's say you have a client how should folks think about localizing CMS items uh can you do it as an editor in the editor who can localize this content great question so not in the editor um that separate UI but you will be able to through the edit role in the designer okay so if you want to give access to your clients or even as yourself to edit only you know CMS items you can do that through the editor role and not the editor the external editor uh um and bring folks into the designer okay great uh um okay just trying to get through the questions I really appreciate all of the question so there's a question of how do i localize a button a login logout button I imagine you localize it just like you would any other button or any other element that's correct yeah you'll so you'll have essentially same thing the text field that you can localize as well as the hyperlink where it directs to can also be localizable okay okay I think we've so I'm just going through the question here we localize from the editor yes uh costs I've included the pricing page uh can we include the language swi switcher on a CMS template page why not correct it is a sure can absolutely um okay I think we've gone through most of the questions so uh if you still have question you know we just launched this uh uh um folks keep bringing us your feedback thank you so so much for joining us Joanna uh uh thank you for joining us any parting words or or things you want people to do or go from here oh gosh I hadn't uh thought any parting words I guess I was hoping to learn more French from Aaron today so I think we'll all have to keep French Canadian we'll all have to keep Aaron account able for for dropping more tidbits along the way in our next couple of streams here yeah well Joanna it was an an an honor and a pleasure having you on I really appreciate you joining us today uh I hope that people will localize have fun uh enjoy and uh yeah it was a pleasure having you on thank you so much for joining thank you for having me okay see you Joanna have a great day thank you you all too bye all right and now for our favorite part we've got uh uh our credit say I want to thank you all for coming on and joining us live we'll be back in two weeks with a Community member Diego talking about variables in client build so special thank you to Michael Marcus yeser Marco seil Juan uh Eva Sandra Darko uh isra I'm trying to catch up we got Skyler Iceland Darry Joe Toms thank you all so much for joining us Mercy buku uh uh for coming I really appreciate all of you joining have a great week and I'll see you back here in two weeks bye everyone have a great day right and if I can
Channel: Webflow
Views: 11,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: web design, webflow, responsive web design, graphic design, web development, cms, content management system
Id: -6AvSF7Prt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 48sec (3048 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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