Loba's Best Golden Item Moments in Apex Legends

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welcome back to Apex legends everybody and today we're gonna be playing some low bar and getting some of those beautiful items on welds edge you know you can steal things from the vote get all the gold items and let's see if we could make her fully golden because she loves all this gold baby give us that thick globe oh oh this will be a bit hard got some predators in here they do love this map they love this map more than a king's canyon right now but that is okay I will get to my gold items and dominate them with it I'm going in the rear I love the rear Oh give me that really of the Train beautiful okay that's how dare you try to get my goal I saw he's got gamma I gotta use my ladylike charms to get it from him yes first they must destroy you almost give me good boy very nice boy - Oh done I get that high ground I should just use the jump pad interesting allow me pathetic you all time oh you think you can challenge me Oh Oh God distracting distract him please it's not distracting jump them left me thank you for the distraction oh wow of course that happens beautiful beautiful anyways let's go to a vault I need to be fully golden apex legends oh thank you there you go in return I will try to use the cells as much as I can so that is the gold armors beautiful how they've changed it got despicable used to be so op i think the best gold item at the moment now thanks to the gold body Sheldon earth I think they're actually kind of all equal now even the gold knocked down has its uses oh there they come oh no wait oh the guys right behind there oh yeah oh yeah good any day now they look like a predator no feels like - come on stay in fights bulls die predators there are predators that's my judgment upon me one miss got knocked down but who you are all right and a helmet I'm full I go - boys let's go I'm Betty put out of you all here's a alt just say daddy Oh beautiful shot man we got a good teammate very proud of it but I'm mostly proud of this version right now cuz hot damn is good and look just a little he'll get my shields all the way back up delicious no no don't backpack Jesus well that go backpack squad we still heading there oh no you be come back give it come back I love you Gibby ha ha ha your oats will never hurt me give me Gibraltar salt useless once again finish on this trip rod he's got a God knock down take the little gun to the face boy sorry many gold items for the golden lobe is actually kind of devastating I can get a fully gold team though Oh even better wait why Sir alright would you look at that let's get your all trevenant stay are there oh oh you old up here quick old up here let's go hold on up after the race final time kill me boy kill me I'm just one little healing my boys got Evo ama beautiful fear took more just one shield one syringe it I'm back actually going up it is the best of the revenant song wow I'm feeling much well as well Oh huh thinking this guy take him down I'll he'll get him get em boys get him okay yeah yeah yeah that's fine you never know if another team's coming I really do like this team they love me and I love them they're another Golden Gun perhaps they're ah but I've got essentially a golden uh 99 it's fully pimp - oh there we go okay I got a piece keep up and I'm keeping the peace I don't even need to use visibility's I'm winning this lucky let's use the old why not what inside the building not here's your thing once oh hell I got one of them I got rid of the Peacekeeper screw that who wants a peacekeeper when you got a demotion boy best gun in the game look at sprayed up Oh is the last guy know we should have teased the last guy what did we do why did we do that no tragedy very well done I'm so proud of you all if I could get old God again man I'm gonna be happy and I am yeah I'm guessing into the story you did this little story mode did you do the story about you have a fun time taking my championship wow did I just get 10 kills this is ridiculous whoa oh yeah I got this now she's a witch I'm gonna flying around burn I should do that in the future play revenant start burning all the Lobos it's just the way I see you could Luke I can see you a golden Spitfire yeah why oh so close haha you thought you could run from me Zillo but I am a thief I run from you I grant gendell a background he's above meeting alright I got a gun Spitfire Bop boy oh damn I thought about existence what oh let me save him by stealing the kill I kill it or eliminated but I just got three kills why am I not the kill Lena now Oh tragic Shirley is there any other whose little volt the bots around I'm gonna get more of that good Lutz baby give me that give me something good go knock down I already got that shame shame on you I do want to use my ol just to showcase what it does for no reason yeah do it this is melt for it oh no was the gold armor maybe I won't use it I'll use it over there that's what that's what we're doing that's the plan I just need that gold body shoved in my back in business boys back in business ladies ha ha oh I see the loot except it's not what I want really I can get you a gold backpack though guys yes come on over I will grab it drop that boom baby you're mine now let's get it two of them as well Wow give me that there was one behind me oh no was the one on the ground oh yeah I know you know you didn't pick this one up first and then then I can get the thing from the vault I can't actually get it yet okay cool it there we go give me that boy all right nice we're all gold backpacks no I mean two of us you know that's good still making the noise calm down come on gold armor roll the dice got that already enough goes okay it's six squats left just the way we like it everyone is dead one of you have to go to mama he's hurt he's running he's gone no way he's got a gold knock down I've already seen four of them though he's underneath he's underneath here very good and he's got himself thank God they are coming down pull down at the pull huh I need cover you go Kodama oh my god kill them kill them don't worry about giving it to me go kill him oh god no oh oh Chris escape another team mother team in sight Oh curl by curl oh my goodness gracious this lets me cover me oh yeah you heal you heal yep you you went underneath didn't you protect the Mirage it's just trying to heal himself yeah I missed you Mirage I'd love your gold armor now you what you Becky oh wait I want that go Dharma we could all have one together for the life brother give it to me leave the game reef thank God cuz I'm sorry it's coming what's up with the zone start healing Raj you got you got syringes no no use the syringe you didn't use a syringe I got I gotta go back back you'll be fine you'll be fine Oh a little stressful Wow yeah got close and the golden item saved us play cold in Apex legends second match baby fully gordon again it's just what Loeb alums o the vault hasn't been opened you're bad to get something good luck what do you want go backpack helmet or knock down should we go knock down what do you what do you want you know we're gonna go we're gonna go knock down baby no go backpack here's a girl backpack technical backpack here we go beautiful now at me don't hurt me that's my one HP gone did he took my med kit there they are they're waiting it's two of them then and the other ones further away so then they got a cramp up come on yes bulls what are you a pop finder but it go praise me crepe me do it boy you can't oh my god have you go terribly terribly truly amazingly terrible oh wait you wanted tease Louis guy yeah cheese looks good okay you're gonna go down damn it I missed that was so many gold items the guy to Crabill we got L team I just picked up a devotion hot damn I've never played lowborn world's edge because it keeps the map rotating exchange so I only have an hour thirty to play from the get-go so lucky so far it's going well we still have 43 minutes left on welds edge let's do this I can get three fully gold in a row Oh best day ever for loba and I am yet champion finally no one's done this story in this match it's mine it's mine Oh already a golden item again beautiful just what I want oh when I gone barrel stabilizer my name is my alt on the vault they are responding there let's have a detour Oh they've started the party looks like he's excited you having a little excited time mr. reaps one boy okay there you sir Chiqui let you will not escape the likes of me very good team Oh a boat key but of course I will open up the vault devotion please I'd like a devotion again oh my god it's a crab Oh beautiful I will grab those gold items for I want to be fully golden in apex legends okay hell yeah let's go gamers I drink it first pixie my baguettes it you know maybe I should play local though because she's a lute goblin just like me every spawned excellent if we can get there in time they have appeared to gallop away now fighting another team let's go no no oh no they came close whoa snipe and you sir oh that is my crab ah it feels beautiful when I do that now do you have a gold backpack mister oh he's got that oh my god bow for them that was like oh let up here guys go go go there Oh Gothic nope I will be back soon okay oh no I've lost my touch this is a bad touch right now hmm that's cut open for me to shoot nice shall engage let's see this guy this guy is jiggling around I could do the great job okay that guy's okay here I'm gonna kill him he's got cold armor for my team goddamn you see something and what oh thank you thank you so much my hitter go go go let's get closer they're right on top of each other not be feeling they always doubt beautiful sniper okay I will start to heart you know you're not allowed to go invisible not allowed to beautiful he didn't move into it I'm sorry guys I'm only good at the first two shots apparently are they getting flakes the last two teams are fighting oh you dead hurts me like that okay see when with someone's slides their head just goes completely backwards it's so hard to try and sniper I swear to God but that much better there we go all right he's hurt we can get him yeah yeah there's a flight on my monitor your thoughts wrong so you thought I would not be there ah I'm sliding it seems like you're dead sir very upsetting that is okay I still got a lot of gold watch out no no Oh God I need to get suck up up right now whoa get in there Luxan get in there say Val teammate Marv he has nothing saved in fact he has been killed wait I just killed all right lost guys probably got the nub gold knockdown right that's it hell yeah oh yeah I can't believe this like there's nobody for you guys the checks I just won three times in a row I'm I'm thrilled and a lot of damage this time but not the kills to make up for it and most importantly unfortunately we could not find that gold backpack we just kept finding the same gold stuff but hey creepy girl loved using different gold guns and now we move on to the bonus match we've already got a hat-trick of wins but let's see if we can make hits four wins alright alright alright let's do this you know Loeb is actually pretty good no teleport get out of any situation you want someone would have challenged me on my side of the Train I can see what items inside before they can in the rear with the gear let's go oh and there's only Bulldog down no matter but you jump to me they're late and you're terrifying me stop ya know my extra damage I missed beautiful ah you look beautiful big ball of joy oh not bad except I've already got that whoa save the men hope they're comin let's get him he's right here he was a fool Oh you're a fool actually oh just a soul it was the last guy on that team right that makes a little bit of sense doesn't it oh wow we go mmm probably the best for me right now although we grabbed a nun 99 fast yes we can and then they go back pack what a play what a play wait six squads left already let's do this this is the quickest one out of all the ones that's what happens if a bonus around at par fine I ran inside the building I'm getting him no I let him outside the door like a fool but you can't grab up another like ten seconds right no I missed it now play Noir what are you still alive some terrible running around in this force what's left all right oh yeah you want to mess with me wanna mess up Lobo I think I'm real yep damn drones don't register me hitting you Oh 50 damage low that's cool I'll just get almost killed as well oh that's bad you need to get one trade right now no he's not no way it just seems a very cancerous right now all right come up do it revived cool oh you little like a legend light on in baby Oh there's a respawn kind of close I'm just I'm library I'm sorry oh I love all this loot I'll go there you might have just enough time to loot just I say do it no chance of winning remember I got a gold backpack so if you get down to our revival stay here for a while I'll just grab a bunch of meds but don't be afraid I go cold backpack can't grab the top llama damn least he grabbed something you know you gotta look at the positive side for that and I gotta wait for this Rafe she's trying her best she's doing good topic flirting though okay I got you in a few seconds what okay please don't leave the game please I've never been so baffled about a rape just doing that I had gold backpack if I heal her she's on 75 health hell are you kidding me and this guy's gonna die now this is this is amazing we need that teammate anyways let's do it we could do it you get your stuff we're good in time oh it hurts so much and why does have to be a rape - that's so stereotypical oh my god oh god run run just keep running and make it to the top over here quickly boy let's go let them fight let them fight don't help it not bad I mean dude red red ivar shield that's technically better than gautama in some ways you gotta jump at we can jump out over oh yeah oh gosh not like this anything much like this about it finish them up kill kill fight good fight rates would be fantastic to have right now he's reviving yo-yo good be good will be fine go back back say today McKenna Varma swapped please didn't please [ __ ] he is 1hp very nice Oh legendary thank you obtain a symbiotic relationship we did this one another saving each other haha thank God didn't leave like this person a typical Wraith god damn so all gold items except Evo ship which is technically sometimes better than the gold shield so hot damn the today has been perfection wow look at that just under two minutes left to go and we just won four times if you'd like to see some more remember to hit that notification button and our Zilla Brad we'll see you guys later
Channel: Zylbrad
Views: 594,281
Rating: 4.9439063 out of 5
Keywords: apex legends, zylbrad, funny, loba, gold, items, legendary, skin, best, gameplay, satire, parody, devotion, op, overpowered, gun, sniper, kraber, moments, meme
Id: tCz-1GTWzrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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