Loan Me A Dime Boz Scaggs
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Channel: Rod Ray
Views: 2,243,106
Rating: 4.8622503 out of 5
Keywords: Loan, Me, A, Dime, Boz, Scaggs
Id: -RTh5t8yEqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2010
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One of my favorite Boz Scaggs song
Oh my, I thought this was going to be too long and then I was sad that it ended. I played with a guy who had a Guild like that and wow I love that guitar and it would have been nic to have had Duane playing slide on it like he did back in the day.
SHAMELESSLY STOLEN FROM FENTON ROBINSON. Whose version is, of course, way better.