Load testing with k6 for beginners, with İnanç Gümüş and Viktor Mihajlović (k6 Office Hours #31)

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hello and welcome to another k6 office hours as always i am nicole van der hoeven and today i am joined by two of my colleagues one of them newer than the other um so viktor mihailovich has been at case x for um longer than i have been that's for sure several years and in inch sorry i already i flubbed it up already but i asked for how to pronounce your name inaudible has been is one of the newer k-6 employees i guess victor why don't you introduce yourself first yeah sure thing so yeah i'm i'm victor as you said i'm um working currently as a cs engineer here at uh k6 cloud within the customer team or cs team whatever you want to call it so what else my background is yeah i i started in in it like some i think nine years ago working all kinds of customer-facing jobs uh and then around two and a half years ago i i moved to sweden uh with my wife and our dog to to start working at uh back then it was low the impact now it's case 6 or k6 by grafana and yeah mostly uh working with with customers customer facing roles um helping our current users through like support new ones by providing walkthroughs of k6 and k6 cloud uh helping them build their proof of concepts uh yeah basically anything else that they might need when uh starting within the platform oh yeah so i think you're the fourth person from the cs team to to join us here right officially as part of the stream yeah well yes we've had mark bill and tom recently yeah and yeah thank you for finally caving into my demands to to come to office hours you know as well as i do that i wanted you on earlier but you're like i'm in croatia whatever excuse a nudge we are so happy that that you joined us um i think it's been what is it three weeks now yeah it's actually about a month that's awesome can you tell us about yourself sure i'm in hunch i'm i've been a programmer for 30 years or so and also i have 10 years of management experience as well i guess mostly i've been developing web scale software and so i was load testing them stress testing them and so on so right now um i am i'm working as a as one of the core developers in the k6 open source team i'm also um i like to teach people about the go language so i have a relatively large online audience and i have an online course i'm writing a book right now about go yeah kind of a summary that is awesome um i think it would be really good as well if you could drop in the the link to your course sure if i could find i will do it oops hang on sorry can you actually still hear me i see you too jacking yeah can you hear me yeah i could hear your name great technical issues are always fun on the stream don't you think yeah yeah well like uh they're always prevalent when when you're doing something like this right especially when uh like when you have demo uh or something for clients which i usually do uh they tend to pop up can you hear us normally now i might sorry about that um i i can hear you both now this was bound to happen at some point we are now like 32 uh videos in yeah so yes anyway can i also wanted to ask you both why did you why you joined k6 want me to go first yeah because you were the first one of us to join okay so for me it was a it was kind of a well not so strange journey but yeah i was looking for a job uh but i was also looking for uh some some sort of i would say security or uh like a sense of uh i don't know belonging or something like that uh and uh that's so deep yeah i mean that's what everyone is looking for right and uh i was i think i was extremely lucky to to find this bunch of people uh when like everything in in my life was changing moving to another country like uprooting your life and nicole you know how that is so it's i've been pretty lucky to to land a job here uh but i think maybe more important question than that is why did i stay why am i still here and in an industry that it's uh that is kind of like known by a low retention rate of uh of workers and high uh like moving uh around and getting new jobs so i think it's it's the people here i've been extremely lucky with with the team i'm working on the guys who i had no no experience with performance testing or load testing or anything remotely closed that before joining the company uh and uh i i got lucky to be sitting with a lot of awesome people here like close to to robin and mark and pavel and and uh everyone uh here at the stockholm office as well so yeah i've been trying to learn as much as i can in in that timeline and hopefully something rubbed off on me and i can provide some actual value to our customers yeah absolutely and for anyone watching if you if you have ever sent an email to our support email address it's probably um the chances are pretty high that it's victor that's answering your questions he's one of a few that that answer the questions but victor is extra good at figuring out all of the the most common questions that k-6 users have and victor is extremely good in bugging our co-workers to provide those answers because um i think is as everything good support starts internally you cannot have or provide good support to clients without having good support from your teammates internally so that's where it all starts and finishes and kind of for me so what about you nunch why why what was it that made you join k6 um first of all uh k6 is remote only company that's one thing and also that's such a big we are yeah we are also contributing to open source software yeah right uh it's it's very critical for me actually very important for me uh being work being a can work in a company that contributes to open source so we can help people and also can get help from people and also kasich's alliance with my goals because we're helping people to create stable software yeah i guess that's it by the way we are as as k6 open source developers team we are also providing support um to customers so that's that's very important we are not disconnected from customers right so we are in touch with them so we can better understand the needs of customers and so we can create better and necessary features for them i actually really love that about the developer team that we have because that's not that's not common in other companies usually it's like developers here customer support there and here there's a lot of responsibility that that our developers have for what they've built it's not just like build it and then forget about it let somebody else answer the questions about it right it there is a lot it takes a lot of work to answer the questions in the community forum it's amazing what that that our developers are are not the typical developers yeah we're working as a single body yeah yeah it's uh i i just wanted to mention as well because it it's not only that it's not only those customer facing things we uh our our developer um our k6 developers uh in particular have a uh this internal process where they go through basically uh each error that we can see uh happening on our customers side and then uh proactively reaching out either to directly to customers or maybe uh sending it to to our uh to us in support so we can provide additional value or explanation to customers who for example have their tests failing they have no idea why this is happening uh we can see it on our side but i think this is the the first company that i've i've been a part of that has that kind of proactive approach when um when actually working with customers yeah so for people who don't know you can our community forum is community.k6.io and you might even be able to talk to a notch himself and if you want to um send an email to victor well not him specifically but our support uh staff or our support team at least um this is the email address for that but both really good venues for for getting help and i think um almost everybody on the k6 team is an engineer of some sort with different backgrounds different um degrees of experience but yeah it's it's been it's been really good to to work on a team where everyone is so invested in the end user experience and one of the things that we do when when we just get somebody new and and i i don't think you've gone through this victor because i think we they started it after you joined but oh you did as well yeah i actually did yeah yeah so what we're talking about is a week of testing it's like a k-6 tradition that every new person who who joins spends their first week trying out the application and it's really kind of left deliberately open there's no there's nothing that you have to follow or or try out it's pretty much go and look at what you're interested in so people tend to to do very different things which is great because that's exactly what we want you know we've had people who focused on the windows experience which is great because a lot of us are on either mac or linux so windows sometimes gets gets easily overlooked and when i did my week of testing i did a video every day as i was learning it i watched them all actually really did you you must have been so sick of me by the end of it they were they were great they helped me when i was preparing my own you know yeah i think that i i also share those videos with with a couple of our customers who are starting out and uh they are really cool and a valuable resource to to have yeah wow i'm glad but also i feel really cringey no but anyway what did you end up doing victor for your week of testing i have no idea anymore i think i was just going through the app and and trying to like find uh stuff i'm not uh familiar with which was in abundance and um i was i think it was just a presentation of uh what concepts uh need better explanation uh what are the what are we lacking in in that like first onboarding yeah something like that along those lines if i can remember correctly but yeah it was a while ago we got a question well we got a comment and a question from anance purecode says it not just someone who's taken your go course on you to me i'm glad to hear the go book news can i get information about the release date best wishes from istanbul sure we're planning to release the book around march or april next year but i'm not sure i'm working on it hardly so yeah that's awesome so in notch why don't we if you're ready you want to start with your presentation because we're lucky today to see inaudible's week of testing presentations these are usually things that are only internal but enantio's actually doing it live now okay let me set up my screen oh can you see that right now right yeah yes we can see let me see sorry here okay i can i can remove it if you're i don't know you're good yep here's my week of testing all right um okay let's say i developed a website called test.k6 which is a testing site internally i mean actually it's public right so and i want to make sure whether my site functions correctly which means functional testing and keeps working under load so i've heard of a helpful tool called k6 and i wanted to see how it works so i headed to the home page of k6 hey and i'm sorry to drop but we actually can't see your webcam i don't know if that was deliberate if you're hiding it shake it check it if if that that's not a big deal there you go you can see it right now yes we can sorry continue no problem on the website everything looks cool but the thing is i couldn't find the button that says get started right away so that was kind of comfy confusing at the moment so i headed to the documentation and i started installing k6 using the brook command because i'm using a mac so it was easy and convenient then i typed k6 and ta-da it was time to run a script but i didn't know how to do that yet i wished for a case extort command right on the command line so it will create a first script for me and show me how to use the tool step by step on the command line okay it wasn't a big problem so let's get back to the document again so i'll copy past the script and run my first list it went super well except what do these things mean i asked of course i could guess but let's pretend i had no idea however the documentation showed me how to add more views which are virtual users i would rather have the meaning of results output explained to me first in the first place fortunately it was explained to me in the next step in the documentation so the documentation is was just incredible and easy to understand i also wished for a k6 doc output command right on the command line i think that could explain the meaning of the results output then i became adventurous and wanted to play with some of the k6 commands i wanted to see what happens if i want to re resume a test that i never paused yet i think we can make this error message better what about something like to resume you should pause a test first instead of displaying an error with patch connect connection refused now it's kind of technical but we can make it more human friendly yeah i think we can improve the other error messages as well for example instead of this one what about archive creates an archive when we type k6 archive command so it was expecting arguments and then it can tell us what this commands is supposed to do and then direct us to the help command for for us to see what works next i was ready to test the login logout features of the website of my website so i created another script the first steps were about understanding the response object check function and so on so i tried them within a simple script since i'll be using the same urls during my test i save them in an object i also wanted to collect some metrics about the test so i put the metrics in another object these are simple plain old javascript objects so it's great to be able to use javascript in the tests and i noticed i was duplicating code like getting from or posting to a url checking for a specific text in the body extracting a csrf token so i create a tiny dsl which means domain specific language on top of k6 http module for instance with this one the request function you can use a specific http method like get or post and then you can check the response object using your checker function you can also execute handlers on specific events like onconnect on fail or on ok there are also some other helpers like body should contain which is basically a checker function that looks for a specific text in the response body or extract csrf token which extracts the csrf token from a form and lastly our sleep for skipping a random amount of time the first test is about checking to see whether the my messages screen is protected the script calls the fail handler if the body doesn't have unauthorized otherwise the script calls the ok handler the script also calls the connect handler once k6 connects to the website so we can measure time to first byte metric the second test is for checking whether a user can log in with valid credentials here it needs to extract the csrf token from the previous response object for the current session then it checks whether the body contains the text welcome admin finally the script is incrementing the fail success matrix depending on the body should contain check the third test is for checking whether a user can log out to do that the script needs to use the csrf token as well as the cookies for the current session after logging out it checks whether the body contains the text unauthorized another test could be about whether we see the login screen after logging out but i kept it simple the last test is for whether we cannot log in with invalid credentials the script uses the ramping views to simulate a relatively realistic load and it has three stages these are the testing goals and at the same time failure conditions it also uses a board fail to abort the test if the failure rate goes about 10 check failure by the way is a custom metric that i showed you before in the end there were 82 successful view iterations in total all checks were successful there were 574 requests in total because of the redirects alright that was fun for me next let's run this little script on the cloud shall we i used the k6 cloud command and it was flaws one thing to note though the initialization stage took about a minute or so is this normal can we make it faster i don't know yet by the way ux is just awesome easy to use and understand i loved it yeah hey yes sorry i didn't know if you were okay with me interrupting but i did actually want to comment on that um i've used other similar sas platforms in the past and i i actually had the opposite impression to you because when my um about the aws instance starting up really quickly i thought it was really quick the the one minute i think that's amazing because i've i've worked for other sas platforms and sometimes it can take like several minutes and um i it was so i was so impressed that i actually asked about i asked our developers when i started like how do we actually start it so quickly because sometimes it can even start within a few seconds and the answer is that we try to intelligently pre-start them so it doesn't always work out depending on the demand but yeah we we pre-provision load generators to try and predict demand so it's normal i think it's it's abnormal the other way that it's faster than yes yeah that was my experience and yeah yeah so it's okay then right it's cool yes sorry i just wanted to say no no problem so where where was i okay ux yes i love the ux anyway after that i wanted to see the performance in sights so i increased the number of views and the duration settings in my script it worked and the stats look great also discounts for automated algorithms since it's been working i scheduled the script to run each day it's been working great however after a few days it started to fail yeah status quotes 502 bad kid gateway clearly it was an infrastructural issue i asked this to devops which is a selection of internal slack channel and it became functional a few days later it was just another ordinary day of dog fooding yep that's it thank you awesome i just want to go through a few questions that that we have here as well um okay yes dan this is this is live i already said yes but i just wanted to prove it you know um all right and then he also followed up with saying that he just found out about k-6 a week ago and it was amazing that's exactly what we want to hear and that's exactly what the show this episode of office hours is about we're talking first impressions and things that new users might want to know um something more specific sj is asking for an advanced course recommendation on learning how to use k6 for more complicated scenarios in particular he's saying having multiple workflows within the same script where each user has a unique login and executes a series of steps with different load or volumes i see you nodding your head victors as something you get asked for a lot yeah it's well depending on particular user and it's uh like path into the into k6 ecosystem and and testing as well this question comes up fairly often up until version i think 0 27 we didn't have a straightforward answer to that and it was like yeah you just have to script it yourself now we have a built-in method basically for this called scenarios or executors which help you to make different types of configurations in your test script and then choose how do you want to execute them during your test runs so you can think multiple different paths or scenarios for your views have them execute different types of functions and in different kinds of ways so if you have let's say apis you might want to have a target rps that you want to reach then you can uh you can uh use the constant arrival rate uh executor or if you want to adjust your views to ramp up in stages like nicole has over here you can use the ramping views but we have a bunch of them available and they're all really cool if you ask me yeah so i already had a script for this so why not show you impromptu and this is an example sj of the the two different types of scenarios that are in here now this is actually a load test this this poke api part is a load test and then this one is a chaos experiment but that's just what i'm using for now for this one so like what what victor was talking about is that they they're useful for when you want the users to like for example start at a different time so this one this scenario runs for the entire test which says five six minutes and then this one starts and runs once you know this i have five seconds here but you could say like you know one minute in start that or you know for a longer test you could say 30 minutes so it's just kind of it's just a really good way to be able to control those separately and if you're using test data you could have the this these functions use different data sets if if you would like so in this situation so i've got here i've got exec get pokemon and this get pokemon is a function here so that way this actually does use test data so it uses a csv file um where i have it's a list of pokemon essentially very important list then yeah there's so many pokemons that are that are out there you love pokemons right yeah i guess so yeah i i do i do use it i i have a like just here this here's my pokeball i do play pokemon go or one of them right [Laughter] i'm on cameras [Laughter] here's a question another question from dan um by the way i'm sorry if i'm mispronouncing your name don what do you think which features k6 better than j meter this is a an age-old question and one that i am intimately familiar with because before k6 i would have said k6 as the i mean j meter is the tool that i've used the most in in my career so i i linked the article and the video that i made on this topic our stance at k6 is that we're never going to say k6 is the best tool for absolutely everything because i feel like because i feel like those people are um trying to sell you something and we always recommend that you do a proof of concept because you need to find the right tool for your situation right going further down into the questions here okay sj has a follow-up thing for the the demo is there an option to include a ramp up time per scenario yes so let me show you again so i i do have that it's called stages i mean there this is just how i i've done it um so this first stage is like the first step right if you look think of it as a as a stair or as a graph so this is saying that the that i'm going to that this test will go from 0 to 10 users in the first minute so you know you could you could change these values and control each scenario separately as well i hope that helped um what was it that you were saying in notch uh postman kasich's yeah they they people usually ask me about this as well about the previous question yeah you already answered that actually sorry choose your own tool choose a tool you like right yeah and i also think that postman is a different like it has a different use case to k6 it's not really made for load testing i think it's really good for for maybe functional api testing as well um but it's not so good for generating load that is appropriate for like being able to construct a scenario and having javascript as a language that you can use um conditions for executing one thing versus another that's not really something that you can do with postman but i also use postman i i have it installed as well jeez whatever works and whatever you need to get the project up and running right it's yeah it's alternating sorry victor um sj was also asking about github actions i mean i hate to be plugging my own videos here but i made a demo video on exactly that on on github actions and i go through it step by step i use it personally for my tiny little personal website because it's pretty easy to set up and i've got it set up so that anytime i i put a blog post out or change the theme or or whatever i fire off a small not a full load test but just a like a shakeout test with a few users of k6 i'll find that link for you and put it in the chat but victor there are other things that that other users ask new users typically ask you well yes i found that so some of these questions definitely are up there but most most new users have i would say like four different categories or maybe even more but the four that i'm i'm thinking about right now uh categories of questions uh when when just starting with k6 or starting with with k6 cloud as well so first up is how do i get this up and running like how do i actually create the script itself i don't know how how k6 apis are are set up i don't know how how your javascript code works and uh what am i supposed to do to get this test up and running so what we usually do uh is if i'm on a demo i would show uh our test creation tools which are um we are actually free for every user that that comes in we have a free trial account that you everyone can create which which gives you 50 test runs with up to 50 views and i think it's 12 minutes of duration uh per test run and that allows you to to also access our test builder and script recorder or browser extension which are really good ways to to get from basically no script to a working script in just a matter of minutes when when dealing with the open source side it's always good to to start with um with those har recordings so if you can export them from somewhere again to get them into our heart the k6 converter which is also built into k6 uh you can get that script up and running really quickly and at least get an outline or a skeleton of a working script and and then work on it and build upon it some more so i think that's the kind of first hurdle that everyone has then it's then the question is what what am i seeing here like as inanji said like what what are these results is this good or is this bad how how do i know so uh most people when coming into into uh load and performance testing when just starting testing their apis or starting testing their website don't actually know what constitutes a good result and that's one thing that we always try to clear out on how do you run your baseline test this is what we call a baseline test where you just run a low amount of views just one or single view or just few of them to get a reading of your performance of your system when it's it's it is in its ideal state basically to get that baseline uh reading or response time latency and how it reacts so right now when you run that you have something to come actually to compare against and to see what is happening when you get a larger load on top of that so you can compare right yeah yeah that's that's the idea because it's always kind of idea to do i always like to say in the demos as well to to start low and slow and then ramp up and it it's usually the best way to to actually to get meaningful results because if you if you just launch uh 50 000 views to to your site you're there's a big chance you're going to crash it and you're not going to see white where it crashed and why so um yeah to get meaningful results it's it's you usually to go organized and uh and slow and low actually maybe we could um because i really like announced in your in your presentation that you talk a lot about the error messages because um that is such a good point that we probably need to you're right we need to have better uh error messages to begin with but also we need to have better documentation around the error messages and they kind of go both ways right but so what i thought is i could show you while we're talking about getting started and the different metrics this is a simple k6 script it has one request and it's checking for the http 200 code that's being returned making sure that it's that it's a 200. and it's also looking for the word pikachu in the response this isn't the one that has the the test data um i want to try i'm going to run it but i'm going to run it for just one minute because we want it to stop while we're still here so oops i didn't even save it so let me save that and then we can sing a song in the meantime yeah let me just mute myself and you go ahead okay so this is it that's running is there a song that you'd like to sing a notch where is that mute button [Laughter] like yeah but i can just unmute you both so what this is doing is it's it's just running locally and there are also other commands that you could use to just run this on the cloud so once you have logged into the cloud using 2k6 cloud using k6 k6 cloud login or is it k6 login cloud do you remember victor k6 login cloud yeah k6 login cloud i've only done it once um you can just do okay yeah sorry go ahead no or you can pass your uh api token as well to authenticate that's also oh yeah yeah and then from that point it's just k6 cloud simple.js or whatever the the file name is but look it's just finishing off now we see that there are five virtual users and this is what you see from k6 at the end of it this was a pretty uh pretty simple test but we can go over some of these metrics so these check marks are are just talking about the success or failure of the checks that we've got here i kind of increased the the i zoomed in a little bit just just so people can see a little better but i hope you can still see that these are the the checks and this means that the those checks were successful for the requests that were sent and we actually got 71 uh complete iterations of this entire test so an iteration is just one run of whatever you had in in in the default function and then the most important part like i don't know enough did you look at this and were you also like what am i supposed to be looking at there's just so much data right at the first time yes but i am also familiar with these actually stats metrics so i i knew what was about what what were um what i was looking for actually what i was looking for so but for uh i don't know for a casual user uh from for a person not developer maybe they can look kind of um hard to understand what's going on so people can do what victor has advised and run a base test and go upon it so you can compare them right so you can see what's happening but you still stu you still need to understand what what are the meanings of these metrics so what i would look at first is probably this http rec duration when people say response time that's probably the one that is the closest to what they're actually looking for because response time has a a lot of different definitions right and so a lot of these are about breaking down exactly how much of that round trip time was due to you know the the connection or or like if tls handshaking if that's a thing um but the i think the most important one would be this the this is saying that the average response time of the requests that i ran were was 798 milliseconds and this expected response true might be worded a little a little funny to some testers if if you're used to other testing tools but this is the response time just for the successful requests and that's important because sometimes if you're lumping in your successful ones with your failed requests then it really skews it one way or the other like sometimes errors are return a really really small response time so they they're really fast because it doesn't take too long to say you know um it's a good point it's a mistake but sometimes it can also take a really long time depending on the kind of error that it is right so i would suggest you you look at this row first probably i think it would be the most accurate one you can go for average i tend to like the percentiles either 90th or 95th percentile and what this means for example is that this p90 means that 90 of the requests in this test returned or had a response time of 1.98 seconds or less so kind of went off on the tangent there i don't think we really plan to do that i i don't think it's it's but it's it's a tangent because it uh it leads to to another important question which is okay now now that i have my criteria set up now now that i know what is a good test and a bad one how do i do this automatically how do i actually decide if uh in if i want to integrate in into my ci pipeline like we have someone a question there about uh github actions i think it was how do i actually do that so that this is where thresholds come in uh usually so uh maybe you you showed that as well which is another yeah that's an another question that that we get really regularly and a lot of users um just just get what are we trying to say with it and and why is it important but it's uh it's maybe not so intuitive to get to it um when just starting out but it's a really important concept of getting a like success uh criteria of your test all right so i can show it i can show it in the in the script first and then maybe we can go to k6 cloud so this is how you'd set thresholds it's it's part of the options as well so you don't need to set it every time but here are some some ways that you could use it so this is the well actually do you want to talk through this victor since you're the one well i mentioned i can again so uh maybe to to give a like a high level um explanation what are thresholds so there are binary pass-fail criteria that you can set on basically any metric on your test uh even custom ones uh as innunge was showing with the i think it was error rate or check failure right yeah check failure rate yeah so you can set basically pass or fail criteria on your test so what nicole has done here she's calculating a rate of failed http requests and she she says that in this particular test it has to be less than 0.05 and that's 5 i think so that rate should be less than that so if at any point during this test run that value goes over k6 will consider this test run as failed it will exit towards the um towards your ci or if you're running it in cli mode with a non-zero exit code and if you're running in the cloud it will be marked as failed there as well um you also have a couple of different ones here so low generator cpu percent uh you're saying that it shouldn't go over um i think it's 80 as well and uh memory used uh which is basically keeping keeping an eye on utilization of your resources on the low generator side so you don't want that load generator or something that where your load is coming from you don't want it to be a bottleneck in your test run which is why you want to keep an eye at it and lastly we have the http request duration uh you're saying that it should be less than 5000 milliseconds on the 95th percentile of requests so this particular threshold will evaluate all of the requests that we're doing so if if nicole is doing i don't know five requests per iteration uh in this particular test run we will evaluate all of them um get the 93 percentile and then see if it's more or less than that uh 5 000 milliseconds value so thanks for for doing that while i got my k6 cloud account ready because i also wanted to show what that looks like on k6 cloud so this is a pretty recent feature but now you can go to thresholds here and then if you've run those tests on the cloud you can see the status of all those thresholds so these are ones on on the error rate and on response time oh this is the one on error right here that this is a threshold on the checks uh yeah so this is just a cool way of seeing everything in one view all of the recent ones that you've run anyway yeah cool thing about this yeah sorry gone no i i was just gonna mention i always like showing those new new features uh like it's a really good overview for uh for like a manager type of internal stakeholder or just anyone like testing inside of k6 seeing okay this project is getting like 94 or 97 to fail across its thresholds may be a good signal to me to to go in check what is uh why is this test failing so much and and uh check what is happening there but yeah so it knows what did you what did you actually think of k6 for your first time using it um actually it was a great experience for me as i explained in the slides right because it was easy to install easy to use but there are some little minor problems that we can improve uh other than that actually it was a very good experience right it was also easy to learn i i i could learn all of these thresholds checks or in its stage i mean view stage all of those stuff pretty quickly yeah that's good yeah yeah because the documentation is great that's also helps yeah so is there anything do you have any tips for if somebody is trying to learn case x for the first time what do you start with documentation okay start with the documentation instead of going to the home page or go to the home page and click on the documentation button and because documentation provides you a sample script so you can quickly run your test and then move and go over improve upon that yusef damon is also saying that we have good documentation which is always nice to hear everyone contributes to the documentation in k6 by the way yeah there's also another good thing here yeah right i mean all the way up to our ceo who by the way is a developer as well yeah and still develops not just like was a developer back in the day no he's developing now as well probably as we speak yeah yeah so just to to sort of wrap up here um i have started asking people now like what is one tool or technique or tip that they have that they use regularly to for for your daily job it doesn't have to be something super profound it could be something shallow as long as it's useful you know you want to go first if you have a fence already i was going to think about this but i couldn't find it it's a good answer yet maybe in the next show i don't know because there is a list of things i don't know um i have one that you could that you introduced me to a notch sorry i have one that you introduced me to reclaim yeah yeah right you're still living yes i am are you cool yeah me too it's great but i i minimized the number of habits there right so what ananda and i are talking about is something called reclaim so it's reclaim.ai totally no relationship or affiliate whatever uh we just use it and it is how do you describe it it's like a an intelligent calendar that plans your tasks around your hard commitments like meetings or whatever so instead of trying instead of having to play calendar tetris and thinking i was going to say i was going to do it now but this thing came up and now to find another slot for it reclaim does that for you so yeah yeah you can also pretty cool you can also adjust it for for your habits for example you can say lunch is my um lunch is important for me so no one can schedule a meeting uh in my lunch time you can say something like that you can even say that ceo cannot schedule events as well so and it warns you that you shouldn't do that in the interface really yeah i didn't know that what's your tool or technique victor i have no idea it's uh like pushing uh pushing my tasks up to the last possible minute and then stressing about them [Laughter] that's a really connectivity yeah it's a really good uh in common technique uh a lot of people use like here but uh i i've become quite a specialist in it no but uh seriously i i think uh that sin since you introduced obsidian into all of our lives here at k6 yeah it's basically spread like fire and uh i've i started um especially utilizing it for for client meetings and and keeping notes there so it's a it's a really cool tool um and uh yeah i think that's the that's awesome yeah other than other than pushing out my tasks and obligations i think obsidian actually by the way i try not to say that every time because i i just talk about it so often yes in on sorry uh i was going to say that uh the the most usable useful thing for me to note down what i'm going to do on a simple notebook and that's it so i'm not using a tool for that i was using tools for that before but i think this is simpler and better to understand each page represents a single day right that's it so they for example each of my tasks have codes on them so when i could if i couldn't finish a task on one page i can just translate the code to next page and do that again like that so yeah i also manage my daily hours for for example for customer support things i just reserve 10 a.m to 11 a.m so and then i start working on my daily other other daily tasks and stuff like that so this is kind of a way for me to organize yeah but have you seen nicole's uh like map of uh of notes in in obsidian no should i yes everyone should see that i've talked so much about it that people are probably sick of of hearing it from me um i have used a lot of analog note taking systems like bullet journaling i am big into fountain pens but i i i've just gone back to digital because it's searchable it's version controlled it's backed up it's portable just so many so many reasons to go digital for at least in my opinion uh before we we close off i did want to mention something in particular sign up for observabilitycon i'm going to put a link here in in both twitch and and um youtube because it is on in november and the november 8 to 10 i believe i'm going to be talking on november 9th along with the ceo of kasich's robin gustafsson and also somebody that a notch that is on a natchez team uh she is a software engineer her name is alhayev dushenko and we're announcing something pretty big can't say i can't say any hints but i'm so personally excited it's one of the reasons that that made joining k6 a slam dunk for me almost a year ago so very excited to finally get to talk about it um another thing and actually not just working on it but we can't say what it is yes but sorry also uh simon aaronson my unfortunately ex-co-host and i recorded a podcast for con42 it's called in the universe of kasich's and it just was released the other day or was it yesterday but i'm putting a link as well um in the comments to to that there's a really good conversation is there anything that either of you wants to say before we wrap up i don't know have a good weekend maybe yeah [Laughter] thanks for having us on the yep thank you thank you both for for coming on um and let's let the last word be we're hiring if you want to join us on our many different positions that are available whether that's on k6 to work with us directly or at grafana go to these links i love working at kasich's most people do that that i speak with um and we do genuinely get along it's a it's a cool team working on amazing things and we'd love to have more awesome people join us so if you're interested click on the links below thank you both for for coming you were great and to everybody watching thanks for listening for your attention and have a good weekend bye
Channel: k6
Views: 292
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Id: MeN3H1Ml8OU
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Length: 63min 1sec (3781 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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