LK-99 Superconductor Trade of a Lifetime

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the most important scientific breakthrough of Our Lives is about to be confirmed or debunked it could happen any day now and as an investor missing out on this opportunity is simply not an option a room temperature ambient pressure superconducting material would quite literally change the world as we know it I mean that's not an exaggeration everything that humans have ever invented that uses electricity is going to be improved your iPhone could be a quantum computer with a battery that lasts for days your Tesla will charge faster and drive longer and maybe even hover a group of South Korean researchers say they figured it all out they have created a material called LK 99 that is superconducting at room temperature and ambient pressure of course there's controversy about whether any of it is actually real I've it's it's never been done before a couple years ago there were researchers who claimed to have achieved room temperature superconductivity but their claims were debunked and their paper was withdrawn this new research paper has not yet been pure reviewed nobody's been able to recreate the results yet right now labs around the world are cooking up batches of lead copper and phosphorus in a race to see if anyone can recreate this South Korean result and and if they can we we might be seeing a tweet or an X from somebody who does that could happen at any moment I'm not a scientist but if this is real we do uh we and we do see the biggest shift in technology as we know it's I I think that it's going to be the biggest investment opportunity of my lifetime there are stocks that are going to blow up and there are going to be stocks that implode today on dumb money we're revealing our LK 99 superconductor trade of a lifetime this is dumb Monday live hey there Dave here along with Chris and Jordan we are dumb money welcome to the money live uh you use your LK 99 superpowers right now to Super conduct the like button I think 99 lks should do it all right that was a real stretch Chris Jordan uh all of the gurus who just changed their social profiles last month from blockchain expert to AI experts uh just overnight became superconductivity gurus I'm not going to pretend I understand how any of this works I'm just here to make sure my stock portfolio is prepared that's what today's show is all about but Chris you posted yesterday on the the app formally known as Twitter that you haven't slept in the last six days and are now basically a condensed matter physicist so let's start there yeah by the way one of your stock picks is already up like 50 which okay is too late it's actually a hundred it's actually up 100 since I got in last week and um are you still in it yeah yeah well well one physicist convinced me to sell the entire position um and then I changed my mind thank goodness the next day and got back in but it cost me about a quarter of a million dollars anyway let's let's start though let's start at the beginning before the stock fixed on whether this LK 99 is real or an anomaly or a flat off folks before that Dave something more important if you're an investor or if you even have an online trading account and you're not losing sleep at night right now if you're not skipping work right now to figure out how you can monetize the biggest scientific discovery perhaps of our entire lifetime okay like the biggest okay we're talking about the biggest thing since the invention of the transistor yeah if you're not and I've seen I saw this comment before we went on um asking why we're even talking about this it's about being prepared this is this could be the biggest thing that you've experienced the biggest Quantum Leap in Computing in electricity delivery and everything you know that plugs in yeah if you're not losing sleep over this if you're not skipping work over this to research Investments right now what are you even doing all right just imagine if you went back pre-invention of the internet and you knew that the internet rather than you know kind of being adopted over the course of a decade was just going to come online over the course of a few years what would you have done would you have not taken a week off of work and thought deeply about where you could be putting your money how you should be changing your life what are the opportunities I mean honestly that's where we are right now it's chat GPT how this Compares as far as technological breakthroughs in history and and it compared it to fire a million and a half years ago uh the wheel writing paper uh the telescope and this new superconducting ambient temperature and pressure but that's but that's not a joke and like I said like prior to last week I will admit my entire scientific intelligence was exclusively sourced from watching episodes of The Big Bang Theory okay but but that has changed the SEC the second that I saw this news break about a week ago all I have done was study this subject matter all I have done was research every line of content that has been spoken by any physicist anywhere in the world positively or negatively about this subject matter all I have done is try to educate myself on what the hell a superconductor is operating at room temp and ambient pressure and what the resulting effect would be on our lives on Industries on commercialization on governments on Military on technology on electrification on every single industry sector in the world and if you're not doing that what the hell are you doing right now like I just want to know as an investor what are you doing if you're a hedge fund okay and you did not send one of your staff members to South Korea on Thursday or Friday to walk into that lab like a kid did I watched a video of a kid walking into the lab and having a conversation with one of the chief scientists if you're a hedge fund and you're not doing that and I say that because I know they have not been doing that which is disgraceful it's a reason why we've been so successful it's because we're not freaking lazy on this channel like if I wanted to fly to South Korea to see what the hell was going I just want to size up the people size up the situation because you haven't flown to South Korea yet because I I did family on uh Twitter spaces last night at 1 30 a.m our time uh and it was just it you were on for hours because I was there too and the night before I was on with Jordan for hours on that same call and the thing is if I didn't have to pick my kids up from summer camp this weekend I would have been in South Korea I would have been in South Korea I promise you but here's the thing there's still time it's not well I think I think that's past because it's not about whether it's a five percent chance or a 50 chance we are talking about a speculative trading strategy that will change based on the day based on the hour you have to have a prepared mind you have to know that if more evidence gets released over the next day to week that increases the odds from let's call it 30 to 40 percent where the betting markets have it right now to 70 to 90 percent you have to be prepared that you are going to throw money into this stock and that stock and that stock maybe you take a small position today maybe you take a bigger position once we get validation from a top World lab and by the way Dave it looks like we have received replication just in the last 12 hours from Jordan is it two different Chinese Labs one with the video that I saw half yeah so I mean look they haven't they yeah and so we can get into if it's real or not um I still don't think anybody knows I think we need a lot more or testing I don't think anybody's actually reproduced any of the super conducting aspects of this material yet it's all been some of the levitation of diamagnetism properties of the material so I you know I think we're early on that but I think you're right so Chris and I this weekend spent a good amount of time on the phone just talking about what should be the plan right and so and I think that's having the clear mind knowing ahead of time doing your research so that you know when certain things start to fall into place and you see certain people start to say certain things that then you can make actions right and so it doesn't mean that you need to be all in on a specific stock right now but you should have you know at least I think that I should have some framework in my mind about what I want to buy when I see certain things happen Jordan that's exactly correct and we are all going to have a different approach we all have different risk tolerance um we but you all have to have a plan otherwise you're going to miss out on probably one of the top two or three or four trading opportunities of our lifetime and I don't care if you're an investor if you're a physicist watching the show right now you're capable of doing the same thing listen I'll be straightforward I made a trade I made a couple trades I think it was on Wednesday right and yeah they paid off big I mean honestly just they paid more money than most people make in 10 years in four days just because I was mentally prepared to make that trade and I knew that as the likelihood of this discovery becoming more real it doesn't didn't have to be proven but as the likelihood of it becoming more real happened that I knew this company would probably double into we'll get to the trades in a minute but before we get to the trades I think it's really important for us to talk about this you know we we're social arbitrators we our entire for those of you all that are new to our Channel because I know there are some new people here our entire methodology is based on identifying change in the world quickly whether it's cultural shifts shifts in consumer Behavior shifts in technology shifts in um you know politics and connecting the dots to opportunities in either the public or private Market where we can for companies that would benefit or be harmed by that change right that's it that's the entire concept of social arbitrating and it's what we've been doing for a very long time really successfully and it's all that we do it's not about reading charts it's not about fundamentals it's just about connecting dots so for us it's really important for us to get an early read this is why I haven't been sleeping like any bit of information that can get us a little bit of an earlier read on the probability of this happening any bit of information to help us understand not just what companies will benefit or be harmed or sectors but what will other investors think right so some of the trades that we're going to talk about today maybe are not optimal trades for a room temp you know semi uh a a superconductor but some of these stocks are the stocks that investors will think are going to benefit so they might be the companies to run first even though we don't actually believe those to be the primary beneficiaries we're still going to invest in them because other people are going to invest in them and then we'll probably exit once people dive deeper into the research and figure out you know what these are going to be the real beneficiaries um so that's kind of our process and we'll walk through each of the sectors today that we think investors think are going to benefit and then what we actually think will benefit most from this pending discovery which Again by the way we've had papers come out in the last what 12 hours that have essentially shown that the science the chemistry the physics behind the discovery are theoretically possible now in terms of being superconductive that came out of Berkeley uh late last night uh we also have a couple uh theorem what looks like to be uh replications of this experiment I think in the next few days to the next week or more uh we will have one or more of the top labs in the world come out and announce either with or in conjunction with uh the people behind this discovery that they have observed and tested sample material from the initial Discovery we know that's in progress and that it yes is definitely super conductive or maybe we're looking at this wrong and and everyone that thinks it's superconductive including the uh people who discovered the substance uh actually made a mistake so you're expecting to see these results kind of first on Twitter X right you're you're kind of watching that in real time I've been I've been keeping an eye on the Wikipedia page which seems to be updated like by the minute here um yeah but that's old information I mean you can't track there it is it's curated moderated uh reviewed and and then posted so let me let me just say this if you guys go to my Twitter which is at Chris Camillo and you look at the last 20 people that I started following those are the people that I would recommend following right those are the people uh who have I really think been kind of on the bleeding edge of not just sharing collaborating um you know you know just having quality discussion around what is happening and it's just like the last 15 or 20 people that I followed I don't follow many people on Twitter at Chris Camillo that might be a good place for people to start but let's just let's just start with the fact that this is close to happening we're days away um I think that Wall Street is really far behind on this I actually Jordan we talked about this I can't believe how few investors in our Circle I mean honestly guys I've talked to some really big investors and they didn't even know this was happening it's like mind-blowing how far back Wall Street is in terms of trading this and that I think is going to change over the next few days so why don't we start by just talking about do you want to each talk about who we think will be the primary beneficiary do you want to just talk about SEC well just talk about sectors that we think will be impacted by this the stocks that we think are interesting within each sector and then at the end of the show we can each pick our number one trade for the superconductor our number one superconductor trade at the end of the show but I think we need to go over each category first right guys yeah I think that's a great Jordan why don't you start because Jordan is the most conservative out of the three of us and he's a pick and shovel guy and I know Jordan because we've discussed some of these companies you're all about the picks and shovels the companies that are going to benefit um from providing the tools the materials right in the background if if and when this materializes as a full superconductor technology that is room temp ambient pressure which by the way for those of you that are watching that don't understand the power of that that basically means the superconductors that we've been trying to develop with that are nitrogen-cooled extraordinarily expensive complicated um you'll be able to do that at room temp so it just opens up so many opportunities in so many industry sectors like the basics of that right so like the very first super conductors that were discovered were discovered under the presence of liquid helium which is like four degrees Kelvin which is really cold um um later on I think maybe in the 30s or 40s they discovered high temperature um superconductors that were able to be operated at liquid nitrogen type temperatures of like 77 plus Kelvin and so for you know which which is more feasible but you still have to have you know to use these things in an industrial capacity you have to have basically cryogenics on board that are going to pump coolant over these materials to make them have the types of attributes that you want them to have right and so to be able to do them at ambient pressure in room temperature opens up the application and it lowers the cost of utilizing some of these types of materials to get the properties that you want to um and so you know knowing that it really opens up you know what this is going to affect and it could be a whole lot of things right and when you say high temperature we're still talking negative 300 plus degrees Fahrenheit so it's not like high temperature is actually high temperature is anything that we would consider high temperature yeah high temperatures liquid nitrogen which is you know very cold and so that requires a lot of energy and so any Energy savings that you get out of using the material you know in the properties you get out of the material you have to balance out with how much it takes to cool down nitrogen to liquid and so that's kind of the that's the trade-off for using some of these things and it's still worthwhile in a lot of applications um but this simplifies the engineering if you can use things and not have to have you know a cryogenic system on board and so in my mind this affects all areas of uh Industrials and and materials right and so just the basics so if you look at the sectors in the market that you want to look at um just on the basic building block level it's materials and it's Industrials um and so you can look at what's that right go ahead sorry yeah and so for me you know the just the easiest ones to to know that you're going to have an effect on or big big companies that are in the energy space um that are in the power generation space that are in the space of creating um you know Motors you know I look at companies like GE Siemens oh my uh right now that's a good timing um Jordan we talked about this uh don't you agree with me that one of the first applications one of the first that we'll see that is mega mega large is the energy grid right and so I think you said the energy grid well just the ability yeah I think maybe yeah I think so the energy grid um you know as far as like Transformers maybe that's a good place to start um not the entire grid um the uh you know if you're talking like power line transmission no way they use steel right now for that um because it costs so little um it's it's cheap but we lose a lot of electricity as it goes over time I mean so they play with vehicles IR right so they just crank the voltage up because they know that the resistance is terrible in steel and so that's why you have high voltage power lines because of the the V equals IR equation but um so you you know they can look at bottlenecks and and I so for me I think the the easiest places are like little self-contained places like Motors and and generators right and so anytime you've got power generation you could make that more efficient using you know superconducting material instead of copper windings yes but those those touch the Grid in a lot of ways um you know from you know Technologies like American superconductor like they're deploying in Chicago which you know for those who don't know American superconductor that's one that's the company that doubled over the past week uh they actually leverage uh superconducting to help uh they actually only have one major deployment it's in Chicago but they're actually utilizing liquid nitrogen cooled semiconducting technology uh for grid management but I'm also talking about uh wind power right when you think about Transformers Motors um there's just so many components and also the transmission of that electricity that can become dramatically more efficient certainly those are really big Industries where a small difference in efficiency yeah has a massive massive impact right and so yeah so basically yeah so um American Semiconductor amsc that you know we that we both invested in that uh yeah they they also I mean grid management they also like you just said they make um generators for wind power um and they are using you know these high temperature semi uh superconductors that require you know having that coolant system on board in order in order to make these materials operate um and like I said even even though they're doing that it's still worthwhile and they're still cutting down on um the amount of material that goes into some of these um some of these you know big systems um as well as making the generators more efficient than a traditional generator but I have a question they are a super small company are they going to be able to scale like like I saw their most recent earnings was like a hundred million dollars in the quarter uh they're yeah market cap is uh well it's up a lot now because the stock price is so double but it's a 470 million dollar company and that's right okay we have to say something right now this is very important we are not financial advisors these are the trades that we have made that we have researched we you guys need to do your own research um we have a Discord Community dumb money dot TV forward Disco board it's free we don't ever charge any money on this channel for anything we don't do courses we do nothing we'd never take a penny from our community there's no way to give us money but you should go guys but guys we need to open up if if any of our mods are watching please open up a designated Channel and a Discord for lk-99 superconductor for conversation just around these trades we need to collaborate share research we need to poke holes in each other's thesis and then everybody needs to go off and make their own decisions based on their own financial situation and their tolerance for risk okay so do not take this as recommendations to go trade these stocks some of them are really risky they might be fine for me but terrible for you guys okay um but by the way Dave I think the knock against the company we just spoke about is you know would their technology be displaced by this right um it's possible that this new technology would displace their existing technology but my thesis is that there are so few companies out there in the world that are proficient and have expertise in super conducting technology that have validation around their technology and the ability to deploy it to both Enterprise and to government and to military okay in this case they sell to the Navy they sell to government um they have massive expertise I believe that a company like that would be right for either acquisition or massive massive fundraising okay which I think would come very quickly to accelerate their growth to adapt their existing technology to this new type of superconductor okay and so they're primarily involved in in the transmission through to through cabling that is superconducting and their cabling would be potentially cheaper and more efficient and not require the cooling that it does today right it's more about the entire need and demand and and market for this type of technology to grow exponentially and them being one of only a small handful of companies that's already in that world that can get moving right away so you think about okay to me the thing they have going for them is two things they're already doing it and they have a name that if you type superconductor into a search uh for stocks it's the only one that comes up and so that's that wasn't enough for me to get in but I sure wish I had well they kind of have both then they have the benefit of yes this is the stock that if and when the superconductor becomes a thing is the first stock that people are gonna see because it has the name superconductor in its in its name but if you actually do the research I think there is a thesis here that could be wrong that could totally be wrong but there's a thesis here that says you know what Venture capitalists on the call last night we had one of the physicists say that he was getting contacted by VCS asking him where should we be investing who should we be talking to okay this is a public company with massive technology right massive contracts not math they have contracts okay 100 million dollars contracts with certain places like they've got the electricity in uh they're working with liquid nitrogen superconductors that's why the technology this is also a very long-term thing their their particular thing is very long term they aren't going to immediately uh start laying new cables throughout the world they're they're in one little Community now it's going to be slow it's kind of like when when remember when we first started having like fiber and all of these companies like level three popped up to like be the cable delivery mechanism and that is a pick and shovel business but is that is that where you're wanting to invest for the next 10 years okay and can I just say something Ben Walker says they have Contra okay yes admittedly they have a contract with the largest in the largest wind uh uh driven Energy company in India one one they do have a contract with Chicago for the energy grid and they have a contract with the US Navy I know that's not a lot of contract you can't acquire GE okay nobody's gonna come acquired no one's going to acquire okay no I made this argument earlier GE could come in and acquire this if for some reason you know they they have some technology or licensing or patents that make but this is all brand new it's the new technology is what they're going to need they're old Technologies a throwaway right yeah it depends on what the what their patent you know book looks like and what they're and to me like I'm really happy that you two got into this but with it doing that as a stock chart are you still in it are you I haven't sold any Jordan sold it all yep this is your first day hype cycle stock right and so that's my opinion I could be wrong they could go up five times from here they could crash to eight bucks I don't know but they have they have earnings coming out like it looks like next week correct are are they gonna announce on their earnings call oh we're so excited about this new technology because I started doing it or they have to address we have no idea that we're sorry our stocks up shareholders that were looking for a consistent uh this is we do not have anything to announce when it comes to this new super conducting technology or just so they're open-minded to whatever comes about even though the material even if it if like I said I think we should temper reality with uh with what we're thinking about for some of these equities if the material is good to go like let's say it's perfect and it will meet you know everybody's needs um which you know I don't think necessarily is the case that uh that it could it could be five to ten years before for anything is ready to use on the you know Industrial Level it could be two years it could be five it could be ten I I lean to the five to ten but who knows okay here's the thing guys this is not my first rodeo we've seen this before when you have a single company that is the pure play the pure play right that's only valued at a few hundred million dollars in a field where you have much larger companies doing the same thing at a larger scale like GE and like Siemens and we'll talk about those guys as well there's not very many ways for investors to kind of get in on a pure play like this and could the company get way over hyped absolutely that's kind of the investment thesis quite honestly but if you're investing in this company you better read the last quarterly earnings report so you know what the hell they do there are actually investors out there I'm not going to say they're right or wrong that prior to this whole superconductor thing this last week thought that they were beautifully positioned with in fact their number one customer in win their only customer in one in India came out with earnings on Saturday and blew out earnings and I believe announced that they were going to be buying more wind turbines right they were going to be doing yeah way more so it looks like there are people that think the stock should be going up this much before the superconductor news of this week right I'm not saying they're right or wrong all I'm saying is this is a company that's had major issues their technology was stolen by China they acquired a company I think it might have been last year that was in contracts that were like losing money they knew that they knew they had to work their way through so they've been working their way through all those old contracts okay they came out in the last earnings call and said that they're almost done working through those contracts they are going to be way lower on the cash burn going forward I'm just saying there's a lot of elements here by the way we have like 12 companies to talk about this is just once we need to move I think I don't think we should you know lock ourselves we're not going to like go any deeper on this it's just one of the 12 okay and it comes with a lot of risk but a lot of upside potentially okay and I think it's a name that it's a name it was the first company I bought the number one the first stop it was the first one you tweeted about I see people saying that they wish you had uh talked about this in Discord but last week I think when we just when we decided to put the show together was yesterday and we didn't know that they would that this paper would come out last night by uh who was it uh Sinead Griffin um which really kind of set the the community on fire about this uh but but yeah and Jordan by the way like anyone investing in this company at this range has to be prepared to lose a lot of money or maybe make a lot of money I mean like this is not a stock you just pour CR unless you're crazy like me you don't leave an insane amount no I might sell today so I you know I might start to exit part because I'm like I've made so much money on it like it's getting so big my position that I might need to sell part of it off because it's like it's getting so big but um let's let's move on guys because there are other they're more inner I think there are others interesting trades here we need to discuss speaking of wires because you mentioned wire Dave can we talk about wires because I saw someone it might have been a physicist on Twitter who someone had asked like what would you invest in and the answer was wires the what because and Jordan you could speak this a little bit a lot of this has to do with taking this superconductive material and processing into like ribbons from what I understand I could be yeah I could be wrong about this but from what I understand as far as the way that they work with these materials is that if you want to use something like this um for electric transmission that um you know if you want that zero resistivity across you know a long distance that you basically to make a wire with superconducting with one of these high temperature superconducting materials you basically have like a series of hollow tubes um some of which the tubes are made out of like a that film they call it which is a superconducting material but they're transporting liquid nitrogen back and forth through these tubes back and forth um the cold one way the the hot the other to cool again to cool off this material to the level where it you know where it in where it gives you some of these attributes that you're that are desirable for for whatever you're trying to do and so um that sounds like a really expensive material right because it's not just the superconductor that that is you know making up the wire it is you know all sorts of other materials that are transmitting and bringing back this uh liquid nitrogen right and so I think if you get this at room temperature you you come up with a a lot less expensive material to actually transmit electricity across so let me let me just see if I can guess you haven't told me which stock you're going to do but I know your methodology of the obvious answer is going to be the right answer is that ticker symbol wire w-i-r-e wire I mean it's almost like how dumb is dumb money it's like okay we want to buy invest in wire is there a company with the ticker symbol wire perfect okay so so I'm not going to go in deep on Encore Wire because I haven't done my full research on Encore Wire but I do know this they're one of the larger companies in The Wire space right so on one hand you need to you need to mine the copper you need to mine the lead by the way we didn't say this earlier one of the most exciting things about this discovery if it pans out fully is that the materials used are plentiful copper and I mean copper is tougher than lead but like lead is plentiful and you can get copper now you still needs to be processed into ribbons and wires and whatever material they are going to need to to utilize this in uh superconductors but uh wire is a company that does that but there's another company that does that in a very specialized way for superconductors and it's one of my favorite place Jordan I think you like I've still got it but this is this one I probably won't let go of even I will say this this company I will not not let go even if this LK 99 turns out to not be it because I feel like there is such a need for this material for a material like this that this is going to spark a bunch of scientific research and we're going to find it that's that's how that's what I feel like about this next company what is it now I need to buy more of it uh what is it I don't know that's how I feel I could be wrong I thought I bought it this morning and I don't see it in my portfolio what is it dude what is going on here hold on hold on what I'm gonna be really pissed off because now I'm going to talk about it when I don't so you don't even own it I own it I own just I've got a starter position I can tell you I don't own it tell me what the stock is it's I'm literally putting an order to buy because I thought I had purchased it this morning and I didn't yeah dude it's Brucker okay so I I want to read this to you guys uh dude I can't a Ameritrade sometimes is just so damn frustrating God keep this I hate this okay anyway um so I didn't I don't even own that much of it now but here's the thing I want to read this off about broker I sent you guys this note so Brooker amongst many other things that Jordan I'll let Jordan Speak to because he can speak more intelligently than I can but Brucker produces high grade nbti wires for applications in medical scientific and industrial engineering we're one of the world's pioneering superconductor companies and a principal supplier to Scientific projects deploying superconductors since 1962 we have built up a track record of uncompromising product quality and deliver and before Jordan talks more about it I'm going to buy more but Jordan can you tell us what else these guys do uh they make a bunch of scientific equipment right um so all the all the lab stuff you know and you know I can't speak to intelligently about this either but they they make the stuff that the scientists need to to figure this stuff out don't they also make uh Imaging um machines and things that would likely get radically reinvented um which would be a massive refresh cycle which is something we'll talk about with a couple other companies in a minute right they would benefit from totally yeah but like I said I'm not I'm not a I'm not a scientist I'm not I'm no genius I don't know exactly how these guys use all these things but this looks like a good um stock to be in um instruments and analytical Solutions so uh Frank mccreaders mccready's I've probably butchered that I'm sorry he says guys we're in white paper phase nothing has been commercialized there was such a huge gap between white paper and real world and we agree we agree 100. so we are talking about being prepared as we go forward no no let me explain to Frank though Frank you're totally right but but uh the way that the market has always worked but more than ever today I I've been trading for 30 years and I have never seen a market that pulls forward opportunity so quickly meaning when I was trading 20 years ago the market would look at what's going to happen at a company the next year or two now the market will look at how the world is going to change from something and who's going to benefit 10 years from now and will literally trade 80 percent of that value in that company instantaneously so even though some of the things we're talking about again assuming that this superconductor is fully validated right and commercialized but investors are going to trade the potential very quickly that's just the way the market has evolved over the last few years it's it's honestly it blows my mind the degree to which people will take on that risk but it is what it is and like as Traders we got to get ahead of that and so I have no issues especially if it's a company that hasn't run up yet because of this like you could make a case that American super doctor has had a huge so that if this doesn't pan out it's going to come right back down okay but for some of the other companies we're discussing they really had zero run up broker has had no run up none so I feel right today Jordan would you agree that with a company like this you kind of get the superconductor aspect for free yeah it's like a bonus this is the company that you know I mean I think they might be mildly richly evaluated I think they're like a high 20s or low 30s PE or something like that um but they're they're trading just on their own Merit they have no the trading has nothing to do with this with this uh how does this is why I have no issues in that is speculative on the superconductor component of their future when I know that investors have placed zero value on that when they were valuing them at this price a week ago okay that's I mean that's my impression is it this does not look like anybody's trading it based or there probably are people but it's not affected the price measurably that I can see so I own them and I own wire obviously I want to address one other comment LK 99 has its name because it was discovered in 1999 right when it came to the surface now does this mean they've been sitting on this technology for 24 years so um there's a lot going on here and there are a ton of Twitter threads that are devoted to this um I think we could Chris could probably tweet out some of the people that are following kind of the drama and the history of what's happened but I wouldn't say sitting on I would say um that they've been uh they've got like a lack of funding right and so they've been working on all of this and trying to figure out exactly how to make some of these materials in a consistent manner which they still can't even do um they've been working on that for a long time so yeah this the first signal was in 1999 and they spent many many many years trying to replicate that signal and as weird as a Spider-Man movie or like the invention of penicillin in 2000 I think it was 18 they right it is when they accidentally during one of their experiments saw again the signal and didn't realize what had caused it until the I don't know which of the two scientists it was out of South Korea reviewed the videotape and saw himself hitting his arm I think on a chair like elbow against something and cracked the yeah cracked the tube that held the material that intro produce oxygen that ended up crystallizing uh the and I'm not a physicist obviously I like to play one on our show but end up crystallizing uh the material and changing the structure so that you now have channels in the structure that are theoretically creating this Super Con the allowing superconductivity to happen that is a really terrible way to explain this but again it all happened by chance and a lot of scientific breakthroughs were done by chance we we have x-rays because of an accidental exposure to radiation we have insulin we have all of these uh all the you know there's there's it wouldn't be uncommon for a mistake but this it is a little awkward that this has been around since 1999 it was named for could you imagine I think it came up in the call last night Dave if we would spend a tiny bit of what we spend to you know slightly evolve cell phone cameras if we would just take a little bit of that money and give it to these material physicists around the world could you even imagine we could have had room temp maybe maybe super conductivity 20 years ago and or maybe you just don't know that Apple also has a lab in their deep basement where they're working on this so you know I would not be surprised if apple or Tesla weren't doing their own independent of uh Tesla maybe Apple I think Steve Jobs was totally focused on how he could make the most money from his Tech you know but but yeah I mean anyway I think it's an interesting point but this back story here is a Netflix movie I actually if this thing pans out I can't wait to see the movie The Narrative is just freaking wild absolutely wild of how this all went down in South Korea and by the way what's up with the South Korean hate like I've been studying like people in South Korea were the most dubious of their own Discovery team because they were like nothing happened to South Korea nobody believes that something like this could come out of South Korea I've heard I've heard that um actually the some of the some of the you know some of this comes from that when they showed up at this materials conference they presented in Korean instead of English and that was like maybe disrespectful to the guests or something I don't know I don't really understand culturally what that means or doesn't mean but uh but yeah I've heard the same thing also I want to address the comment uh we've got Ranjit says how do we know that these stocks will benefit since they are not clearly the patent holders and a lot of other companies can come in if this pan we don't know so that's the whole thing we do not know so that this is not Financial advice we're not saying any of these companies are going to benefit it this is all our speculation and it's our thought exercise but Jordan Jordan no as investors you need to have a thesis and our thesis is that historically when things like this happen that the way to monetize it best is for the patent holders not to say we're going to sell this technology just to one company in China or America it's to say hey we're going to license it to the world to GE to Simmons to Tesla to literally every company in the world and we are going to get a royalty that's how you make the most amount of money so we're making assumption these guys are the material science business these guys are not in the making generators and motors and wires and MRI equipment they're they're not in that business that's exactly correct so we are just going to make an assumption that they will follow the same path that almost everybody has taken uh when they've had a discovery like this right and so they would like make the most money from licensing and royalties off the tech off the patent right off the IP and allow the world to fight with each other over who can do the coolest stuff with it and do the most applications and we're just trying to figure out we're just fearing our thought process and we're not recommending these companies we're not saying you should but should or should not buy anything that is your own decision we're just telling you what we're doing and yeah we're not recommending anything here at all this is just our thought process this is what we have decided to invest in okay so let's move on those are two interesting companies but I want when we're all we're talking about just so you know we're now 47 minutes into the show and I think we've talked about three stocks I don't care I don't think this is so important this again this is what the this is almost as important as when we saw the early member coronavirus back in February 2020 and we were the only YouTubers back then we were the only YouTubers talking about coronavirus and how to trade it and for those y'all that study our history you'll know exactly what happened um it led to the most epic year of trading in the history of any retail Trading Group um we were way ahead of that and I think maybe we're way ahead of this so here's the thing guys and for those of you watching at home I will try to uh just because I keep seeing comments on link what's the ticker what's the stock so so far these are the ones we've talked about uh can we talk about copper for a second because obviously you have two primary source you know materials that go into this one of them's LED hard to monetize lead I think but copper copper is you know a commodity that is in limited Supply okay meaning like we can't just get unlimited amounts of copper with our existing mining infrastructure and so I don't know enough about this but I want to bring it up because it's something that I would like to community to research further and debate uh is this a potential big big win for the copper mining industry and if it is you can invest in Copper mining company or just mining companies in general it's not like or I decided to invest in copx which is a copper mining ETF that way I don't take on the risk of an individual mining company and I just get the benefit from the sector itself I don't have an answer there guys I don't know I heard on the call last night by the way that existing semiconductors that are based upon nitrogen nitrogen cooled ribbons that they can order them in 10 thousands of kilometers of ribbon so that kind of makes me think that the source material might be needed in bulk for a revolutionary type of Technology like this if you're gonna yeah look so if you think about the way and we talked about this a little bit earlier but if you're making like a generator or if you're making an electric motor this is work on windings per phase right and so the windings I mean you could you could end up with you know hundreds of windings per phase and so you know those lengths of wire add up and I'm you know if if I understand correctly I would think that you know at least the design using a superconductor would be similar to that of you know a motor or a generator using copper windings so yeah I mean you you could you use a ton of copper in a in a motor more than you would more than you would think of just because the amount of windings that they've got to produce to get to capture that magnetic field that's moving around so I had to own it I bought it I bought compact yeah so there's a couple ways you could play this there's the copper miners cop X or cperper which is the um uh I think it's like the managed Futures ETF so just the trades probably closely to the price of copper futures by the way I need to say this the the the trades we're talking about right now are a little bit boring but we're gonna have some super weird exciting ones before we end this episode that I think could be wild okay so just stick with us we'll get to those um Dave you have any thoughts on copper like I don't have any thoughts on copper all right so we'll move on but that's part of my superconductor portfolio but my only thought on copper is if I'm gonna invest in Copper it's going to be through an ETF and not trying to find the one copper company that's gonna totally beat the other copper companies yeah that's a that's a page out of my playbook the lazy way of it I am not up until three in the morning like Chris every night four four these days so Justin Bowman actually says I feel like these copper conductors will likely cannibalize some of the existing copper Market that might be true so that I think that's a decent way to look at it yeah I I I don't know for sure but I think it's worth it's worth a look I'm not currently investing in Copper so that's not so guys um I do want to talk about uh oh my gosh so much quicktop at the defense sector for a second because Mike says how does copper benefit so part of the formulation of this material use utilizes copper and so it's uh basically several elements but the the two main ones are copper and lead and that's what why some scientists are like super excited is because it's not a special material that's very rare and hard to find it's some real common things that you just have to cook just the right way for them to have the superconductivity property and they haven't been able to duplicate it so we'll see we'll see so can we talk about while we're on the boring stuff before we get to more exciting let's let's talk about defense industry it's huge industry um and there are so many elements of the defense industry I think uh that could touch this space and we're not going to get into all of them right now but Jordan would you agree that this could potentially lead to a revolutionary overhaul of the defense industry and from from you know from the military to weapon technology I mean there's there's just so much there right yeah think about um think about the possibility and look I I take a lot of my ideas um I think if you're looking for you know just a way to to think about these ideas I I found I think Chris you found him too a guy named Andrew coat um Cody or caught Andrew cot I'm definitely pronouncing that wrong one of those three times um but he's got a thread um he's worked in the super uh he's worked with superconductors for a long time and he kind of breaks down the different um industries that could be affected by this right and so um as far as Transportation goes you know he he puts out the electric aircraft this could make electric aircraft a possibility um and to where right now it's not really feasible I mean they make some electric aircraft but they're not you know you're not going to have a jetliner with using electricity right now because of the energy energy density issue but you could possibly do it with a superconductor and so yeah I mean you could think what if you overhaul the entire United States Air Force and navy with using electricity instead of uh instead of jet propulsion so Jordan the most exciting part of this trade I think is imagine this okay guys let me to paint a picture superconductivity becomes a reality could you even imagine the government arms race yeah to leverage just we're not talking about Capital who has the budget to just like replace everything on a whim oh the people you have unlimited money dude could you even imagine the overall like the race to adopt this technology in so many different ways for military uses for defense uses I can't even wrap my head around that so there's no way that I'm not going to play the defense industry on this it has to be part of my super conductor uh portfolio so I didn't know which to buy so here's what I did Dave you'll you'll like this story I got into like a back and forth fight with chat GPT and with Barb and I basically forced I was like tell me exactly what which of the defense stocks would benefit most if a superconductor at room temp ambient pressure was developed today and we and it wouldn't didn't want to tell me because like there's so many you better tell me right now and it said well if I'm forced to pick and it picked Lockheed Martin and I forgot why but it told me why and I wish I would have clipped why I I don't want to get into another 20-minute argument with artificial intelligence but it picked up and then I had to move on to my next investment so I bought Lockheed Martin and I moved on but I find myself all the time Bard seems to love to give me just fake information that I know at a glance is fake and then I said are you sure about that like oh no I made a mistake I'm in I'm in training mode right now but thank you and here's the real answer and then there's something else wrong on the page so I'm sure you can find defense ETFs if you wanted to just you know yeah but you know I just think guys I just think it's amazing I love the concept of governments being in an arm race spending insane amounts of money because nobody wants to be left behind I think this is the type of thing where politics are not going to come into play because nobody wants their country to be behind with a revolutionary technology like this and they're going to win they're gonna go wrong with 100 billion dollar Lockheed Martin it's it's all it's it's a good it's a good safe uh defense play well don't say the word safe on this show but nothing it's reliable it's another it's another it's another company that whatever it's been doing with its stock price has nothing to do with superconductors yeah I think I think that Lockheed will be the same company with or without but if if this thing were to uh to actually be a thing I think if we find that this isn't fake technology if it's real technology I think it would benefit Lockheed yeah but if it turns out to be nothing I just know stock price will have whatever it does will have nothing to do with that news coming out yeah and I'm just going to sell right and hopefully I've never been a Lockheed investor to begin with but I mean their stock chart doesn't look bad um okay I want to start getting into one of my favorites here um two of my favorites and Jordan I think you agree with me because we've spoke extensively about this if you start talking about super conductors minus American superconductor which is a small cap highly speculative risky but huge on top end I mean I can't even find a company that is more engaged in every component of what they do kind of touches this space including superconductors themselves uh then GE I mean GE is just when it comes to electrical transmission I mean just like I'm not even going to get into it guys but like it's they are have been trying to develop their own higher temp superconductors like they are deep in the space they've been they so they touch a bunch of places they touch electric motors they touch um I mean turbines right so they touch uh generators they touch uh Medical Imaging but I don't so I don't know medical images no that's right I think they spun off that division but it doesn't even matter I don't know if they own a piece of gehc is now their um Healthcare GE Healthcare um but that's you know if you're talking about rebuilding the world under this new technology electrification how it gets transmitted how it gets generated uh to some extent how it gets stored right and by the way one of the coolest I think applications for this type of semiconductor uh superconductor is the concept of this energy Loop where you could theoretically have energy circulating in the air kind of like Wi-Fi right in in in in contained areas the way that uh the way that you have a superconductor battery is you have like a loop of the superconducting material and as you apply current since there's no resistance uh it just the the current just keeps moving around and it doesn't lose um any of the any of the current over time well correct and when you talk about wind turbines GE I mean like I mean a real big player in the turbine industry right GE like it's just man there's just so many applications I have to own GE here um I just have to own them and again Healthcare renewable energy power they do uh they do military airplane engines uh digital Solutions patient monitoring like anything I mean the whole theory of anything that plugs in is going to benefit a lot of ge's plugs in totally done I'm actually um same type of investment but different uh Siemens you can't say Siemens without saying superconductor or things that where a superconductor would revolutionize what they do right so like Stevens had an energy spin off recently too I think that was just mentioned by somebody so I'm not sure which uh which to jump into but I you know I like I like Siemens um for a variety of reasons not just superconductors can I read you a headline off from 2014 this is just too totally random this is 2014. Siemens to use superconductors in building the power grid of the future in Augsburg okay but like I want to read that headline because it was 10 years ago talking about building the power grid of the future utilizing superconductors okay which we know is really difficult when you're having to deal with liquid nitrogen okay now think about how the power grid of the future would come to today now if we had room temp super conductors and who would those players be the company that was talking about it in 2014 probably probably all right so I think I think Siemens the company that I have to own uh they have a lot of different divisions it gets a little complex when you're investing in Siemens through the adrs I don't want to make recommendations go off and do your own homework guys debated and Discord figure out what is the best way to invest in Siemens if you guys think that's a good because of the ADR situation there it's tough but man is it super interesting it has to be a name that you are thinking about that you are trying to do research on if this thing becomes a reality right yeah it has to be for me for me at least um Okay so oh one other boring one that you cannot talk about superconductors without thinking of this company the my problem with this company is they're pretty Diversified and all kinds of stuff but IBM man IBM is like not just superconductors but IBM is going to bridge us to a more interesting highly speculative conversation that we're going to have in a second about super computers quantum computers okay um but in the world of quantum computers IBM is like they're the king okay so IBM is I think you know I'm not going to have a hour-long conversation about quantum computers but IBM is like leading the charge to the Pinnacle of quantum Computing that's supposed to arrive in 2027 and let's just say a lot of that intersects with the world of superconductors and people seem to think that if this is real this will certainly accelerate Quantum Computing and IBM has to be the first name that you think about in Quantum Computing that would be has has the resources the money the expertise and the already the bleeding edge in terms of where they are in this arms race of of quantum Computing to take advantage of this so I I don't own IBM I don't think but I think I'm going to buy it today like I'm not in a rush because like you said Jordan these things haven't really moved yet on this news so like I don't have to like own it right this second so that and that's you know I think that's the biggest thing you got to think about with all these things is timing so just because we like them or you like them right now might not be the right time to buy them um but that's what it's all about being prepared and what do you think would need to happen for you to think part of that is Jordan you're taking on Market risk if you go all in on this stuff today right it could be a week of Market risk what if the market comes down five percent this week eight percent you just got screwed because you took on that market risk when the superconductor hadn't even been fully validated yet right so you have to every investor has to make that decision for themselves do I need to buy IBM and GE and Siemens overnight um so we had a catalyst that drove the price of amsc up and that was this paper um that came out last night that talked about computer modeling of the crystal structure of this uh you know of this LK 99 do you know what's going to drive up the price of GE and Siemens and IBM and Lockheed Martin on the superconductor if and when it's fully confirmed and you have the hedge funds the institutions are now looking to deploy billions of dollars in this space they can't do that by amsc right no because they can write GE they can buy it yeah this is how they're going to my thesis is obviously this is how they're going to do it they're going to buy wire perhaps uh they're gonna buy Brooker perhaps they're gonna GE and Siemens and like these Mega caps could see a real lift if if and when if and when institutions decide that the tech that the Breakthrough is confirmed and they need to start thinking about big big Investments that they don't want to get left out on that's where it gets exciting so at for me I'm like which do I want to be in how much money do I want to deploy and the second the really big new the second that MIT comes out the second that the U.S like comes out and says hey this is totally legit this is a super exciting we think it can be commercial like whatever happens whatever that paper looks like that maybe is when I start to go all in on some of the mega caps and the good news about the mega caps also you don't have to worry about that running a hundred percent overnight right so that's going to happen over the course because these these people can't deploy everything you know after hours you know it takes weeks for them to deploy to put together a position in some of these bigger cap companies and so you have time once those things happen exactly correct um so speaking of quantum computing oh boy here we go uh there's a thesis that this will radically radically accelerate Quantum Computing and we have had a handful of publicly traded Quantum Computing companies that are all down a lot because they raise money in the last couple years and people got over hyped during the pandemic on Quantum Computing and maybe they're not generating Revenue as quickly as they anticipated and now these stocks are down some of them are low on cash but here we are with potentially this big breakthrough right um with superconductors could this be the thing that drives all of a sudden massive hope again with these Quantum Computing micro caps and small caps and where the retail because a lot of these are retail investors these are stocks that the retail investors were like I'm gonna make 20x on this 30 40x on this and it didn't pan out but now that we have the superconductor or the retail investors or the meme investors right are they going to pour it back into these things here's the thing guys I'm not going to say that they're legit I'm not going to say anything like that I wanted to own a little bit of each of them just in case because these are the ones that people just get stupid with they get stupid with them right and by the way I say stupid they might be making good investment decisions because ultimately there's only a few of these Quantum Computing companies that are independent that are pure plays that if somebody wants to get in that game they might just acquire them or if private Equity or wants to take them out or if people just want to push massive money in them and compete in this new arms race of quantum Computing because now with the technology becoming more democratized right be and and the price to to play in this game becoming a lot cheaper maybe it's like a new day for these companies so I think we should just kind of like talk about who they are and with a huge warning that you guys go out and do your research and figure out what you want to do I bought a little piece in each of them just in case and I'm fully prepared to lose my money on so the tickers are uh q-u-b-t qbts and r g t i and there is another that is i-o-n-q that people say that wouldn't really benefit as much from this type of superconductor um because there there are different types of quantum Computing and the last thing I want to do is come off like an expert on Quantum Computing because I know I'm not Jordan but but I just know that these are the types of stocks that retail investors get really excited about if you give them a reason to get excited about it and I had to own so much yeah so I do I own I'll tell you I don't own any of them and I do not plan to buy any of them but that's that's my decision how about IBM I could see myself buying IBM for sure okay yeah okay but I'm not going to play some of these are micro caps I'm not like that's not by the way we haven't gotten to the mother the mother of all super conducting Investments okay and I know and I'm leaving the mother of all superconducting Investments for Dave to announce first because I know it's Dave's number one it might actually be my number one okay um and I think you guys are gonna love it uh there is a thesis one there is one thing that would happen and I would actually buy it too will save you for last because Dave what do you think is the mother of all super conductor trades there's only one stock to own in my portfolio this microphone doesn't even work it's not just because of this new potential technology but it's this the company that I love and that I will I can't imagine selling unless something dramatically changes obviously I'm talking about TSLA Tesla company of the world I don't know I don't know what their actual name is Tesla it's it has to be Tesla because they are the Energy company they're going to benefit from the vehicles they could have a whole new class of vehicles they could make levitating trains they could Elon is the type of leader who could just say you know what I really like this somebody replicated that I'm buying that laboratory and I'm going to just start building a yellow brick road of levitation through myself I mean 14 000 mile per hour hyperloop is what uh you could do it like 20 minutes yeah theoretical pain it's theoretical but in a vacuum and a superconductor you could get from New York to San to uh can your body even handle those g-forces I don't even know that that to me sounds insane but if there's a company to do it it's gonna be Tessa okay but one thing that would make me buy it and that is the chief the chief Exeter coming out and pumping it yeah okay all right let me let me get to that George let me get to that okay here's the thesis the mother thesis for superconductors okay yeah for this whole superconductor discovery because as social arbitrators we need to have we need to run scenarios and I've been running this scenario in my head since I can't believe it took us this long to even talk about it I'm moving that to the front of the list just for my own peace of mind okay so I've been running the scenario through my head from the very first second last week that I heard about this superconductor the invention of our the discovery of our lifetime so why has Elon been quiet on this I'll tell you why Elon has been quiet on this Eline Elon is preparing the biggest announcement he's ever made he is actually thinking about this strategizing on this because this will enable Elon to do everything he's always wanted to do first of all we know that to do things that are really special with superconductors you need to have money right you need to have money you need to have manufacturing capacity you need to have distribution you need the ability to move quickly to do radical things nobody can do anything like Elon can I think Elon will have the capacity at Tesla to raise massive financing I mean I'm talking about I think he could raise tens of billions of dollars specifically to chase uh integration of superconductivity into every one of Tesla's businesses and businesses that they never even dreamed of getting into until now um I think this is going to be the perhaps one of the could be one of the biggest things to ever happen to Tesla I don't think there's anybody in this world that can get people that can get investors more excited about superconductivity than Elon on and I think he knows it and I think he's not going to waste that on just a few random tweets when it's not even proven out yet it goes so I'm gonna come out with a plan it's right in line with everything they're already doing it just makes everything they're doing more efficient faster better cheaper all the things at some point in time if this materializes Elon is going to come out and share his thoughts and I think they could be really big okay and I think they could get investors unbelievably excited um and I think it could lead to Tesla just doing things that we never would have imagined and I think the world is prepared to price that into Tesla stock in lightning speed so I've lost half the call options today do you think it's really like an announcement's gonna happen in the next week and then elon's gonna tweet something or X something and then it's like I don't know the stock doubles no it's a month at a time I know how I bought options for August and if it doesn't happen between now and August I'll buy more options for September I listen it's nothing's a guarantee in this world there is no such thing as a lock uh or sure thing especially when it comes to investing especially when it comes to Elon but I am willing to take that risk reward that elon's not going to get left out of the super conductor elon's not gonna get left out of the discovery of his lifetime are you freaking kidding me hell of this one of course no and you know who's not going to get left out of that me I'm not getting locked out of that hell no listen I was a little bit slow to ride the Tesla train back six years ago whenever it was right five six years ago I'm not missing it this time I mean you know I've already I've allocated we have a new investor no no I've been in Tesla you know that Tesla is about five percent of my portfolio and I probably would remain five percent of my portfolio in perpetuity I would imagine but this is different this is special this is something that has potential to really get people excited and who gets more excited than Tesla investors nobody nobody now Jordan said there's one thing that could happen that would make him a Tesla investor after dragging his feet on this for so long waiting for it to go to like some ridiculously low level what is it that what is the one thing for you Jordan no if if so two things have to happen one is that we have to it has to be true right so we have to get confirmation on I I tell you what if if if we get confirmation then I will just assume that the next thing is going to happen so that's it that's all it takes but the next thing is Elon coming out with the with the big I think that's it that's a luck if if it's true I think there's a very high probability that Elon figures out some way to integrate that into the business and makes an announcement when dude I have number two we're doing shots over at my house fine and it will still have a full bottle of that in my house for the next time there's something crazy happened with Tesla [Laughter] done man done yeah oh oh okay um yeah I mean listen there's we're not calling out every single investment people are calling out palantir palantir is a company that I just never really got into I have nothing against them I think they I don't know I'm not going to comment on palantir there are obvious trades here that we missed and that's the whole point of the show guys like we're just three people and I've only spent 60 hours researching these trades over the past five six days um I'm sure there's trades that were missing and I would encourage everyone watching this show to one hopefully subscribe because we're gonna have lots of shows on superconductivity I can guarantee you that uh and how to make money off it uh if this thing materializes but also to get in the domini Discord uh forward slash Discord and poke holes in everything that we said today um honestly talk crap about me uh literally tell us where we're wrong and tell us what we missed and guys you don't get opportunities like this every day and not that it's a guarantee but if this materializes over the next few days to a few weeks we need to figure out where the biggest opportunities are and as a collaborative community help each other because that's what this is all about uh we've always been one of the only financial YouTube channels to not take any money from its Community you know we don't do any of that stuff we benefit from having you guys help us the same way that I hope uh we're benefiting You by just sharing some of our ideas and our research on this topic and I hope today was fruitful if we did nothing else but kind of get your mind stirring around what could be um but again you have to do your own homework but don't do it in isolation do it within our community and share it guys please share everything that you know if we have physicists that are watching today if we have chemists if we have people that are way smarter than us I know you guys are sharing your opinions on science you know blogs and on you know in science communities and in various places on the internet why don't you kind of help us think about how this could impact companies that are investable like let's make some money together uh and do great things with those profits that's always been our mission is investing uh doing big things and then we have money to deploy to make the world a better place so that's it by the way I would recommend we have our Twitter profiles for all three of us at um you can see who I'm following you can see who Jordan's following whose days following like I would follow those people in the last week anyone we started following the last five days is probably someone we're following for you know real-time knowledge into the space but put it in a I will create a group you know those I don't know what they call them on X anymore they they have those channels where you can subscribe to other people's channels I'll create a list it's a list I think they call it I don't know I'll make a list yes yes uh I didn't wait Dave we did talk yeah you you included all the quantum computer companies okay I ran out of space on my scroll though yes wait we forgot to talk about for sure oh there is one big short I don't know it's like I said it's just something to talk about I want to get Jordan's opinion on this because this is something that Jordan has talked about liking and being long yeah yeah so so what happens do you change your mind and first of all what is it is it too presumptive to think that this discovery could meaningfully reduce the amount of energy that we fossil fuels and energy that we need in the world I mean would XLE the you know the which is the ETF for energy would that theoretically be a short I don't know it's possible complicated so it's complicated right so you're seeing right so you're seeing The XLE go up right now not necessarily because consumption is increasing but because Supply is decreasing which is driving up the price of oil and so it's complicated right so if this is true and then uh Opex sees that this is a threat to oil prices maybe they cut again I don't know I don't know if it's a good call yet or not but it's something to think about um I think it's I think long term it it's not going to be great for you know oil companies but I think you know in the short term you know OPEC could do something or you could have you know minor issues but because this is going to take a long time to work its way through the system also Jordan that brings up something really important which is even when you're right about something that has a major impact on a company or sector or in this case an entire industry there are always other factors that come into play that might be equal to more important than the thing you're trading if you're watching the show today and for the first time you haven't seen us the last three four five years um you want to understand how to be a social arm Trader I wrote a book in 2011 called laughing at Wall Street Jack schwager wrote a book called unknown Market Wizards a couple years ago and featured the five best Equity traders of the past 10 years that were off Wall Street I just happen to be one of those five Traders so there's a whole chapter about social ARB trading in Jack schwager's unknown Market Wizards about me and social arm trading and how I do this and the process you have to go through when you find information early that connects the dots to a training opportunity what you need to look out for and how you go through that process so if you want to dig in deeper we obviously have lots of old videos on the dumb money live Channel as well as the dumb money channel that kind of if you go way back to the very earliest videos on dumb money live you'll see some really cool videos where we talk about the process of being a social arbitrator and how you go from a to z or you can read laughing at Wall Street you can read unknown Market Wizards the chapter at least on social club trading uh which you'll find and I hope a lot of you all join the community even if you're a scientist if you're a physicist like like join the community like why would you not become an investor it's insane by the way who knew about this first who really uh I had to spend 60 hours trying to semi train myself to understand the impact of all this over the past 60 days if you're a scientist you know a hundred times more than I do right now like you should have been Trading this on Wednesday you should have been making insane money that I've managed over the last four days right not me you so like so I'm just saying like welcome to the world of investing and or welcome to the world of social art investing the best kind of investing uh and I hope that you guys stick around and we'll try to do more episodes as we learn more and we connect the dots and we have higher and higher conviction opportunities that are connected to this amazing Discovery I mean investing aside how cool is this this is like you could see the I didn't sleep last six days and look how much energy I have like this is energizing because this you know the world is so negative right now it's like there's so many problems there's overheating we're running out of energy all this stuff like I truly do believe that Humanity has always figured out how to solve these problems and I think I hope that this could be one more instance where out of the blue here we are a couple guys out of three guys out of South Korea because they worked their butts off for 25 years just doing experiment after experiment after experiment and by the way for every team like this there's 10 000 teams that never discover anything that deserve just as much Prestige okay because it takes tens of thousands to get one of these discoveries but like I believe in humanity and I believe that this is just going to change the world if it if it is proven out um and I think either way it's it's super it's been really interesting to watch I think you know just to give you an idea of how I watch it you know I I found people that are subject matter experts in this and I follow them on Twitter I set alerts and then I spend literally my entire day trying to get uh up to date on how this is going what's going on um what are the latest developments um because I I think it's exciting it is exciting and it's revolutionary and I don't stay up until three in the morning four in the morning like Chris but I Follow Chris on on Twitter do you know who it's not exciting for my wife and kids because like it was bad enough when I forced them to watch Big Bang Theory with me for like six years and now that I'm starting to act like one of the characters on the show super annoys them um and they just don't want to hear any more about this so I'm sorry we had a big long show but like I can't even talk about this stuff in my house right now because they think I'm being ridiculous so you you kind of are when when I ran into you at lunch the other day and it was just like you were all over this I know but man it's exciting dude like it's this I mean investing aside I'm excited about the investing piece of it obviously but Dave let's be honest when when we were hanging out at age 14 because me and Dave have been very good friends since age 14. Dave used to talk about flying cars and I used to think Dave was insane and honestly right up until last week I thought you were insane because you've always talked about your stupid flying cars and how they you I I feel like we were supposed to have them by now because of Back to the Future I mean we're way behind the timeline and I don't know if we're gonna have flying cars there's several place people working on an actual flying like Archer you know those but what if we had hover cars today and that's why I don't know why Chris and I are going back and forth telling talking about how Dave's about to get his back to the future in real life and Dave yeah it's actually happening it's all real for the first time I don't think you're crazy Dave just for just to recap uh the number one pick that that I think all of us agree on I know it's my number one but it's Tesla so if you if you just tuned in late and missed the number one pick or you've watched the beginning and fast forwarded to the end that's that's my pick I think for me it's also going to be Tesla then probably geez I can't believe Chris camello is excited about investing in General Electric this is and I I meant to say this but I think you know what you could be seeing because over the past what uh 25 30 years all the excitement has been in high tech it's been in um it's it's been in software it's been in computers it's been in ships and what if this is the discovery that leads to the next this kind of next phase could be all about Material Science right industrial and Material Science are the next big Innovations and that it's possible and it's something that that has been being worked on for decades and it seems like we were right right on the verge of somebody actually figuring it out and even if the South Korea thing isn't working what if what if somebody else just because they're now focused on it again starts working on it and is mixing uh what if I try a little bit of extra oxygen what if I try put do this in a in a carbon dioxide vacuum like there's gonna be somebody who figures this out and why we don't have Chachi BT doing nothing but trying to figure out combinations of things to like make the next Material Science so Jordan has the answer to that question actually because it's harder than you think this is the level of super Computing that would be required right to do that I mean it's you would think it'd be easy but thank goodness once we have super conducting materials that we can run computers without heat then the problem again so it's like a self-fulfilling obviously once we figure it out we'll be able to figure it out again really easily kind of like everything once we've figured out transistors we could do that again really easily yes is way too large to do anything like that just with every single possibility but the hope is that you get something like this let's say maybe it has some of the proper properties but not all of them or something and you can use this as a starting space they have the beginning of a recipe even if this doesn't work they kind of saw something they saw their now scrap float so maybe we just tweak that as our starting point yeah I just think we're we're gonna see it in our lifetimes I would imagine and I would is it next week is it next month is it 20 years from now yeah and guys honestly I know uh like I said a lot of people are watching us thinking who the hell are these guys that are acting like idiots we are kind of idiots we're called down money but the the channel is called dumb money not because we're dumb it's called dumb money because dumb money for decades is what Wall Street um has called or ordinary people uh and we wear that you know name you know like a badge of honor because quite honestly for those of y'all that want to do your research on us on me my track record uh there are very few individuals in the last 50 years that have performed like we have performed uh that can match my you know investing track record on or off Wall Street so you know we joke uh but do your research on us if you're like who the hell are these guys um and it's not hard to do and we hope that you all join the community because a bigger community means more intelligence more collaboration I would love to get more really smart people with diverse opinions that are poking holes in our thesis that are surfacing new ideas that are helping us vet our investments and cross-research them as a collaborative Community inside of our Discord uh because then we all benefit right so that's what this is all about it's about us versus the small smart money ironically the dumb money um is well more prepared to to move on things quickly and we actually have as a community way more Minds way more intelligence uh way more diversity uh we have more feet on the ground uh we have the capacity to do things that no hedge fund in the world can do that no Investment Bank in the world can do um and that's been proven out over our track record so we we really hope that you guys actually stick around and engage and contribute uh and hopefully we all win so that's my last that's my last word and if you are new here you definitely need to subscribe because we don't have a regular schedule because we're this isn't a job this is a hobby and we try to do this at least once a week sometimes twice but the only way you know is by subscribing and looking for us in your YouTube feedback go to dumb you'll find all the places you can find us because we also do this on Twitter live we have Twitter replay it's on it's on uh Facebook but YouTube is our main place so we recommend that you go to YouTube subscribe turn on the Bell if that still works I don't know if that's a feature that they've disabled or not but we want to see you back if you're here for this topic trust me you have you have to come back because we talk about a lot of a lot of things trying to find unique Investments that nobody else on Wall Street is talking about yet and this is a great example of it and by the way follow the dumb money uh TV is it done money TV or dumb money live on Twitter okay um I think it's at the money TV if you go to dumb on the interweb you'll find a link to all of our official places awesome don't fall for anything that's not official and if we ever ask you for money it's not us it's not us okay there's scammers that look just like us replication of superconductivity in the next week if not sooner and we will do an emergency live stream regardless I'm I'm gonna be uh out of town but we'll we'll figure out a way to uh to do this when whenever it happens so subscribe you want to hear what we're going to do when when it happens if it happens all right we are done money thanks for watching we'll see you again uh maybe later this week hopefully hopefully we'll have an amazing breakthrough and we'll see you this week [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Dumb Money Live
Views: 35,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oMlU1Lc8RSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 12sec (5772 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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