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[Music] all this [Music] yes it's the office [Music] yeah yeah [Applause] [Music] this is the way our concert ended on stage at the Fox Theatre in Detroit Michigan evening was part of a tour that would take us from coast to coast in the United States Plus concerts in Japan Australia and 12 countries in Europe appearing in front of over maybe 1 million people you know I've always enjoyed performing but this tour is really special it all began strange enough in a quiet little press conference in the Crystal Room of the Beverly Hills Hotel in California [Music] individual [Music] [Music] [Music] what song we all free first day went from like something [Music] [Applause] the press conference was over about I guess 11:00 in the morning and as you know Sammy likes to stay busy and since rehearsal didn't start until two o'clock on the way Sammy stopped and did a benefit he cooked the meal for three people recorded an album made two movies and he was there early the energy this kid's got exhausted you can even eat the dish by the time I [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah strength I gotta get ready [Music] now there's a real interesting story about how this tool came together while I finished rehearsing Sammy will tell you by we're sitting in Chicago when we started talking about people because we was looking at the fall edition of the tour who couldn't who would be ideal coming and name started coming from people suggested Elliott said you know who would be the greatest and I looked at Elliott Elliott looked at Frank Frank looked at me and I said but her schedule is busy in mine Frank's not she's probably too busy and we never mentioned the word never mentioned the magic word and suddenly I said the man with her between us Frank and we're sitting like on a one-to-one here Elliott so are they at visitin gonna wonder what I said but with her between us would that be something would that be an event in Frank said no Sam it would be the ultimate of that I've been doing this a long time now and it's the most fun I think I've ever had you go into a strange town into an arena that seats 17,000 people and for three hours you just have a great time the audience enjoys the show but I I don't think any audience ever had more fun than Sami Liza and yours truly old blue eyes thank you so much your father [Music] but three people to get up and sing a song a hundred people have to get on a plane you know only because there's so much involved I mean it's not just 200 people who do nothing every single prisoner has a very definite job and does something important oh I don't know how many she has I don't know actual town there's about 15 of us you know which but that's 12 that's also 12 musicians I have 13 they travel with me there's a lighting guy this is a lot of sound technicians and stage manager musicians and there's crew people road manager my assistant who needs to come in and just the various people I know she has a dresser hairdresser globba makeup lover Frankie has one guy he's trim the fat I don't think there's enough people in this room to tell you there's not enough people but wait till the restaurant wait till everybody else is arrived don't you wonder what we can do after the show itself tonight I'm not gonna take all these people to dinner that's what I'm not going to do once these people don't you can from here Jim yeah make sure it covers here yeah canister they say it's really important to me to feel comfortable on the stage because I've got too much going on in my head to worry about not being able to turn a certain way or not being able to do a certain thing to be restricted Hassan says I look best when I'm comfortable when I look like I'm comfortable lyza always has the best ideas and then we just make him work he makes you feel like you look really comfortable and really nice and you don't have to work in it then even just be who you are [Music] I must say looking into Sinatra's eyes up on stage to some does the bluest eyes you have ever seen it's just incredible and Hebrew looks at you too yeah I mean with that you know you're being looked at ones modulus and Sammy's concentration and his energy is so vast now and so pinpointed he's better than he ever was I honestly I'm up there and I think my standing next to Frank Sinatra he's singing in my face my nerves you know and then I look in there Sammy I want to die I mean it's just the right dream come true and if I feel that way then I guess people in the audience must feel that too also as you're it's er it's 60 years of music everything in the sixty years very exciting thing that kills me is when I see young people react to us you know the kids who like to be like Prince Bruce Michael you know do it their fans they'll come and see us sometimes out of protest you know and then they walk away going on oh they'll come backstage you will see them at a restaurant and then say wow we really enjoyed you I mean no no no I mean we've really enjoyed you you know that's nice and the fact that I had like a reliable look at each other go it's always fun yes exciting because both of them have a lot of energy and it's a different kind of energy too and it's really quite marvelous and I couldn't think of working with anybody else and have as much fun as we get lives of this keeps getting better and better she she's stronger now than she's ever been off stage and on but on stage you Jesus to join Frank and I look at her and then we look at each other look at it because I've got television with her I've done theaters nightclubs with and was always a joy to work with but now it's I can't wait to get your fear it's a great feeling when we killin lies and I get to the theater first usually about two hours before showtime Frank comes in about 40 minutes before the show starts which gives him an hour 45 minutes before he goes on the stage we get in early and we run back and forth on each other's dressing room checking on each like we haven't seen each other since we left the hotel but it's that's part of it the camaraderie the fun the total respect as friends that we have for each other and the professionalism you know show business is my life and the guy said why and I had no answer I think in about two hours a lot of funny things yeah girl came up to me and said gee this is no fashion at all what she said this kind of it's really about you know like the words and everything the love songs and all those character songs and this and she loved him and she just loved it usually we all sleep in cuz he got a rest your voice for a certain amount of hours we just sound funny and then we call each other and say what are you doing I don't know what are you doing what's on TV what's the what's the name of this actors in this movie I'm always calling Sammy amen then we'll meet we'll have something to eat maybe and the soundcheck working with Sammy and Liza quite an experience the energy they generate it just amazes me they are one word marvelous and I love them dearly relatively over the years we do we have survived not only as performers but we have survived as friends and the friendships have deepened over the years along with the respect that we have for each other in terms of the growth that we've all made personally professionally so that there's a lack of one-upsmanship when we're on stage together nobody's trying to well wait till he hears there's a wait so she does this that oh why is she doing this and why is he doing that nobody ever says that but there's a great deal of love and a sense of being on that before I think that gives us something kind of special you might forget to stay and so the best that I can do is pray you're also responsible for each other up there because it's a very long piece of music we have to do together we have to do too quite hefty medleys and every once in a mile if we've been traveling or if somebody's tired somebody else forget to come in so you have to remember and kind of help each other out plus there is no choreography nobody's staged this because Uncle Frank thought we really didn't need it so nothing is ever the same same thing I go every place where Frank isn't that's I staging we stand where Frank doesn't basically [Music] but not be a lady [Music] [Music] we're very lucky everybody can work separately that's terrific but to have the opportunity work together I mean I'd rather be in Detroit with Sammy and Franken alone you know what I mean hello [Music] [Music] hug and kiss you with so much and I will all always be there for you Anna I will say a little prayer for I will [Music] you Detroit a big deal motor Sydney and the Motown sound is that the whole world sing and I will always be there for you and I will say [Music] hello Detroit [Music] irresistible EU hug and kissable you do you are with so much feeling and I will oh yeah [Music] and the Motown sound is that the whole world sing and I will always be there for you and I will say [Music] waves a hell load each right [Applause] hello d/dr thank you thank you thank you very very much ladies and gentlemen thank you for the warm reception on behalf of my compatriots miss Minelli and mr. Sinatra it is a joy to be back in the theater that means so much to all of us and to see it done so beautifully and to be back in the city is beautiful to me thank you with the song in my I behold your adorable face just a song at the start but it soon is a hymn tear Grace when the music swells I'm touching your hand it tells me you're standing near and at the sound of your voice heaven opens its portals to me can I help but rejoice that a love such as ours came to be but I always knew I would live my life through with the song in my heart boy with the song in my heart I behold your adorable face just a song at the start but as soon as I give in to your grace when the music swells [Music] and it tells me you're standing here at the sound of your voice heaven opens its portals to me can I help but me guys that I love such as ours came to feed but I always knew I would live my life we listen [Music] with a song in my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] - okay - thank you very much operator Ramirez coming to the candy you know the Candy Man can cause he mixes it with love to make the world taste good and you connect the rainbow wrap it in a side soak it in the Sonia Baker groove a lemon pie the Candyman Candyman can you know the Candy Man can cause he mixes it would love to make the world taste good the Candy Man makes everything he bakes satisfy dee-licious talk about your childhood wishes you can even eat the dishes [Music] put it in a dream separate the sorrow then collect them all the cream Candy Man can you know the Candy Man can cause he mixes it with love to make the world taste good that song was written by Lesley British and Anthony newley and and was given to me as a gift 14 years ago it's the best thing that ever happened to me on records nationally and internationally but about 10 years prior that the gift that they gave me of candy man they had laid another one on me that was pretty good - what kind it seems that I'm the only one [Music] thinking what kind of man is this man refuse to see what could be seen by everybody else mummy what kind of lips are these [Music] Madeline that whispered empty words of love that's left me why can I [Music] maybe I'll know what kind of what kind [Music] why can't I cast away in the mass play why [Music] falling [Music] and maybe [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you very very much for me on a personal basis I thank those of you as I look in the audience I know there are some people out there who have hung in with me through the years and I thank you for that I really mean it for my part I would also like to apologize to the younger members of the audience that I I don't do anything from the top 40 no I'm not putting down the music or the performers it's just that I am 62 years old and I I feel like a damn fool standing up here talking about if you think I'm sexy come and touch my body no I'm not gonna do that no way Jose baby but you know it's so funny people know about my relationship with Frank with Dean and Liza of course and the people of them up like my people my age group more or less and they don't know that I have friends among the younger performers the younger stars in this biz guys like well Rick James is a friend of mine Prince as a friend Huey Lewis you know Michael Jackson is more than a friend he's like a son you really that's because I've known him ever since he was six years old and I've watched the growth in a man and how he's grown as a performer he is fantastic I don't think he scratched the surface where he's gonna wind up in this business it's frightening the same Wednesday and the metamorphoses that takes effect if he's at the house or something like to go if you could I'll give you some of my you know then you go to the concert man and it's something else you know and it's kind of frightening but me doing his numbers the end of money in this entire city you understand me you need to get up you think I can do Michael Jackson ha ha ha [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your butt is mine I'm gonna tell you right just show your face in broad daylight I'm telling you I'm gonna hurt you mine I'm gonna shoot the kill now they say the sky's the limit well that's alright to see but if they really mean [Music] where that's enough that's enough that's enough I'll tell you one thing Michael's none he's the only man that I've ever heard of I've been in show business almost 60 years ladies and gentlemen he's the only man I've ever heard of it gets on the stage in front of 75,000 people singing the song and go oh I've never seen that before and I'm no prude mind you no no root and I'm I'm a sports fan I'm used to seeing guys go you want to throw the ball over here Harry just to be singing the song man and go oh wonder he can hit all them high notes yes I've been doing it wrong all these years allow me the privilege of doing one more play before I leave here thank you this is a little out of the ordinary because it's from a show that I've fallen in love with the show I speak of is Phantom of the Opera the story of the Phantom is very theatrical and it dares to be theatrical that's about a horribly disfigured man a musician who lives in the sewers of Paris his particular labyrinth is beneath the Paris Opera House the year is 1865 he has it so rigged that he the Phantom can hear everything that goes on in the Opera House one day he here is a girl singing her name is christine daaé abe he falls in love with her voice he falls even more madly in love with the girl so much so that he kidnaps her from the Opera House and brings her down to the sewer she is frightened beyond words and he tries to explain his love for her meat the Phantom [Music] Oh [Music] um of [Music] nighttime sharpens heightens each sensation darkness stirs and wakes imagination silently the senses abandon [Music] their defenses [Music] slowly gently night unfurls its splendor [Music] turn your face away from the garish light of day turn your thoughts away from cold unfeeling light and listen to my music nein close your eyes and surrender [Music] darkest dreams purge of mutts / like you you need for [Music] [Applause] your spirit then you'll live as you've never lived before [Music] music Kunis here it field secretly Moses open up your mind let your fantasies unwind in this darkness that you know you cannot fight the darkness of my views started [Music] I knew before [Applause] [Music] you'll leave then and you belong to me [Music] intoxication touch me trust me savor each sensation let the dream begin let your darker side give to the power of the music that I the power of my music oh [Music] you alone can make my son [Music] yeah [Music] Christine Christine trust me [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you for allowing me to sketch share that with this mr. ladies mr. Martin Steven one two a-one two three four one singular sensation and you can't for that girl is second best to none this one I really the mentioned [Music] ladies and gentlemen she's simply the best Liza [Music] [Applause] [Applause] come on think why don't we paint the town and all that chance I'm gonna bruise my knees and roll my stockings down and all that jazz stop Colorado will put this spot where the gin is cold but the pianos hot it's just a noisy all weathers a nightly brawl your air I break a buckle shoes all that chatters bother tip is gonna blow the blues and all that jazz start the Colorado with this spot where the gin is hot it's just a noisy [Music] Oh five the last we'll play it fast and loose and all that jazz [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] would you like to hear a new song I think I found them a song that I'm just crazy about it's about a girl who lives in a seaside town you know could be Amsterdam it it could be Marseilles it can be anywhere you want it to be but this is her story ladies and gentlemen by Charles Aznavour sailor boys [Music] my early years were years of joy but parents taught me love and pride but then I met a handsome boy but took my childhood in his stride the golden use of chemistry and once upon a summers day persuaded me to lie with him and stole my innocence away I wait beside the haba gate I'm here in sunshine and slow the Lonely Boys and either boys four boys with nowhere to I raise my arms to greet you home to give you shelter from the wild winds of the sea come and sail with me in attic bedrooms high above the world of ordinary men the golden born I made love but that was all that mattered then there in the hollows of his bed he took my passion and my pride and swore by heaven overhead that he would love me till he died sailor boy I wait beside my harbor gate I'm here in some time and slow but lonely boys Andy the boys the boys with nowhere to go I raised my arms to greet you home to give you shelter from the wild winds of the sea come and say with me he disappeared without a trace perhaps he ran away to seek I should have known he couldn't face a child that grew inside of me and now I soothed with millibars the golden girl he'll never know she has his bold and reckless eyes but only mine will see her grow salable i would decide the harbour gate on here in sunshine and for lonely boys and even boys for boys with nowhere to go I raise my arms to preach you all to keep your shelter from the wild winds of the sea [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I raise my arms and reach home to give you shelter from the wild wings of the seeds [Music] Oh listen about about well I'm not even gonna say how long ago a couple of years ago I heard this absolutely terrific absolutely true story right so I told this absolutely terrific absolutely true story to a couple of friends of mine who happened to be called Kander and ebb they're wonderful songwriters right and guess what happened right absolutely true absolutely terrific song wait a minute I have so much hairspray in my hair I can't got the ground I've got a story to tell about a Manhattan lane deed that I do baby boom she lives in five from his side her name is Shirley d'amour and she travel around the world to meet the guy next door there was trouble inside apartment 29 easy cuz Shirley's mother and dad whereas upset as can be they said we hate to complain [Music] well Shirley was 31 but she was loath to admit and she had never been loved which did real and so she sat and she bought she fought for hours on end and said I'll go to Chase Manhattan where I got me a borrow the bow and CWA I'm gonna trap of the continent a month maybe two and hold me hold my house if it's the last thing I do dad I'll bring them bills just gotta bring them bells yep got a big come see and bring them it's such a happy thing [Music] she met a Londoner first but they did not hit it off as every time she approached he got a bronchial and so she went to the trip that I had succeed or but he liked to throw the pole and he was no mad at door she also bomb down Brussels in my Orca and Rome so someone said tried to breath mcdeere before you go home cuz it's the kind of the town will be likely to fall and all the fun [Music] and so she might dip to prop began the very first day she met a guy on the beach the choker ring is in the way this it would slump and chrisite and quite a beautiful scene she said my name is Cheryl Devore he said I'm norm Saperstein she said about you from New York he said well that can't be denied y'all got a swell jr. 3 at number 5 River Song what no wait a minute excuse me I didn't hear you did you just say you look fine Riverside Drive Neos a lesbian love cuz that's where I live I love her fine you know dude I said I do look I love you are you sure that when he told her his apartment there was 29 F yes she was he was F and they had not even met until she traveled the world do you were sloppy yet he always been right next door and she would never have known if she hadn't tried to predict she might still be alone well [Music] [Music] now to find the government store girls who live in apartments don't just stare at the ball open up the door and hardware [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] these ladies in Berlin help me thank the ladies and gentlemen of the orchestra [Applause] also there's one man in particular who I'd really like you to meet I've known him since I was 11 years old he's the finest musician I know and he's my friend ladies and gentlemen ster bill Lavanya [Applause] you know one of the things that all singers try and do is they try and find a new kind of love song you know and I think I found in a an interesting one I guess you could call it a foreign language song if in fact loving somebody is trying to communicate to them and to tell them that then this is a story about two people who speak a different language my lover makes no sound his language is his hands i watch his fingers dance and try to understand I try to understand his elegant ballet in my heart I can hear the words he longs just [Music] and so I've learned to speak a language she can hear man to tell him how I feel whenever he is near he lives around the block it's just a little walk we'll meet tonight at 8:00 that 8:00 tonight we'll talk quiet love I am calm whenever you are near and somehow I can hear what your heart longs to say [Music] I have a small surprise to spring on you tonight I'm learning how to sign a please God I get it right it's something that you do with confidence and Ames I'm clumsier than you this might come out Chinese but come and feel my heart it's never danced this way I'm nervous and it's hard I have so much to say I've always been afraid my dream seems so unreal but now I bless this world for how you make me [Music] you are sure so am I but if you will tell me that it's true you feel the way I do then tomorrow can start together we'll grow old for wise men always say that in silence [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what good is sitting [Music] [Applause] [Music] life is a cabaret oh come to the Cabaret put down the broom it's time for a holiday oh right this way you take some prophet of doom to wife every smile [Music] come to [Music] I used to have this girlfriend known as L&C but to my shared for sordid rooms and jealousy she wasn't what you call a blushing flower as a matter of fact she rented by the hour the day she died the neighbors came to snicker well that's what comes from too much pills and liquor but when I saw lay down like a queen she was the happiest warps I'd ever seen I think to this very day I remember how she turned to me and say Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm not [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it seems we stood and we talked like this once before we looked at each other in the same way then I can't remember we're om the clothes you're wearing are the clothes that's your smile your smile I can't remember [Music] some things that happen for the first time [Music] they see to be happy once again and so it seems we have met once and then we live once before also loved once before who knows where [Music] power [Music] case we lose [Music] some things that happened for the first time they see [Music] once again so it seems we have once and then we love a lot to be also love [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you so much I don't know about you but I'm dizzy whoa okay okay this is a song by Orlando burden of Ronald Miller [Music] for once in my life I got someone someone I've needed for so long for once unafraid I can go where am I somehow no I'm gonna be strong for once I can't touch but my heart used to dream long before I someone warm like could make my dream true once in my life I won't let sorrow not like it hurt me once before once I've got someone I know won't desert me and I'm not alone anymore for once I can say that's mine you're not gonna take it [Music] I got it's me [Music] this is mine I'm not gonna take [Music] but babe you gonna make I got someone [Music] thank you quickly practice practice [Music] hey the sharp and pretty teeth and it shows them pearly white just the jackknife as Mac he did but he keeps it way outta sight when that Shah fights with his teeth dear scarlet billows they begin to spread fancy white gloves though has Mackey dear so there's never never one trace of bread on a sidewalk one Sunday for the eyes of body who's in life someone sneaking round the corner could that someone perhaps perchance be back tonight from a chuck boat on a river going slow a cement bag it is dumping down the cement is just for the weight dear do you suppose that our boy picked it something wrong my man Louie Miller he split the scene babe after John out all the bread from his stash now Mac he spends just like a pimp babe do you suppose that our boy he did something rash old sack smoldery up strong Bobby Darin they hit this song night lady Ella - they all sang it with so much spilling battle blue eyes he ain't gonna add anything new but with this great fake band swing it behind me rockin hard Jack I know I [Music] when I tell you the night babe it's an offer and you can never refuse we we got we got the great herb how to play the drunk it is one you know all these bad cats in the bad now the greatest sound you ever gonna hear full tsukitachi [Music] this little brown on the right dear now that might keep [Music] you better lock your door and call the law because Mackey that dirty son of a he's coming get out punching any quite alike he's gonna get [Music] thank you thank you very much are you very kind active in case you're wondering is not t we come now to the the daddy of all saloon songs leave it that way it's nice and dark for this soon Harold Arlen Johnny Mercer Nelson Riddle song about a man whose chick his split and he's hurtin very badly ask Eddie Fisher he cried a long time boy I lent him 12 mega chips in those days anyway this is kind of Mike almost I suppose my favorite kind of song to sing because I was a saloon singer as a boy 17 or 18 in little bars around Jersey in New York Connecticut and places like that and simply tells a story of as I said the guy who was left alone because his chick is taking a train or something and he doesn't know quite the handle that it's very tough so after about two weeks of sitting in his house or his room I should say he decides to take a walk and get among us come out among us again and he falls into a small bar [Music] nobody in there but the bartender in him so would you assume the position of one single button and he finds somebody to tell its director [Music] it's quarter to three there's no one in the place except you and me [Music] so set them up Joe I got a little story I think you ought to know we're drinking my friend to the end of a brief episode [Music] make it one for my baby and one more for the road [Music] I know the routine for another nickel [Music] in that machine you see I'm feeling kind of bad I wish you'd make the music easy answer I could tell you a lot but you got to be true to your cold let's make it one for my baby [Music] and one more for the road [Music] you'd never know it but Buster have a kind of poet and I got a lot of things I want to say and if I'm Bhoomi please listen to me till it's all all talked away [Music] well that's how it goes and Joe I know you're getting anxious to close [Music] thanks for the cheer I hope you didn't mind my bending your ear [Music] but this torch that our mouth it's got to be drowned or it soon might explode so make it one for my baby and one more for the road [Music] that long that long man it's long [Music] that wonderful son the great sound thank you I'm just waiting for a downbeat or not for a bus where you're working tomorrow I can say that joke to him because he's my son Frank you think about thinking this is song that has done a great deal for my career and it was brought to me by my little friend mr. Paul Anka the final my friend I'll make it clear I'll state my case of which I am certain I've lived a life that's full traveled each and every Highway and more much more I did regrets I have had a few but then again too few to mention I did what I had to do I saw it through without exemption I planned each charted course each careful step along the byway and much I did it my way yes there were times I guess you knew but I bit off more than I could chew but you it all when there was down [Music] I based at all and [Music] I've loved laughed and cried I had my fill my share of losing and now as the tears subside I find that it's all so amusing to think think I did all that and may I say not in a shy no not me I did what is a man what has he got if not himself he has that at the same [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you so much oh come on very fine thank you I should like now to introduce my cohorts come on out may I say that as a chairman of the board you were cooking tonight I don't want to be the chairman of the board but you're saying no where to go after no no no no Matt what are you doing in town that's it somehow this ticket in town we're gonna do a little something here I might surprise me flag time offsides Oh Charlie jealous no you guys don't team up and do that that ain't fair well I don't we don't have to do that mean if we don't mention New York you don't mention you're gonna mention your friend doesn't mention your I don't know about that I might want to mention New York sighs the leader bargained right so what do you want to do I don't care so long as we do something that's got style that is a song Caroline ever heard you'll be the cut for you haven't got style if you've got a flowers not a flower if it's Wilton that's true and a hats not a hat unless it's Tilden you be the gut for you have a gut class how it goes was of the masses when you wear he's like the swell lists of swells you can pass George and ele everything the bum though and smile you haven't got [Music] stop [Music] those fingers in my head side great him to the staff lip strips my conscience man I sweat you crab and I've got no defense for it the heat is too intense for it what good would common-sense for it with such an ancient but one I would switch uranium you mind that we all go to jail but there's no nicer which than you what lies winsy not please submit meniscus lisa when the nest goes nuts it's the instead of s mind step as simple as can be seen Liza yeah mi mm any mm I you double up there that's not new they SS you talked about life that's we say easy not sleazy is easy oh here we go hey if I could talk to the animals just a minute fabulous if I could talk to the animals walk with the animals grunt sweet spot with the animals and they could squeak and squat they good Oh squeaking cut to me this want to see if you're paying attention [Music] nothing there is no I'd rather nice up the door makes no go around back little get money money money not like that up off I'm thinking clanking clapping sound all that things don't go wrong just once I feel like I saw like an eagle as though I this is like my Destiny's called I'm gonna do great things [Applause] what the hell are you yelling about they can hear you out there I keep forgetting I got the job I'm not too sure I've got you under my skin I've got you deep in the heart of me so deep in my heart you are a pod I have got you I would sacrifice anything come what might for the sacred in their spite of a warning voice comes in the night it repeats how it yells in my [Music] maybe this time I'll be lucky [Music] maybe this time for the first time not one hurry Oh in my something's fine to begin [Music] ah whether I'm right [Applause] you are whether I find the place in this world or never belong I want to be him but I gotta be me daring to try to do it or die I gotta be me [Music] when somebody needs you it's no good unless all the way so the good only is and for those in-between [Music] what may who knows where the road will lead us only a fool would dare if you let me love you sure I'm gonna love you although [Music] Oh all right ready go to surrender Oh friend is what do you say old friends are you okay old friends I will be unique unique [Music] continue next week [Music] what's this [Music] don't hurt yourself Frank I already did here's to us who is like us [Music] get it get it get it get it wieners [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's our plan when and gave [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fight fight fight fight [Music] [Applause] she gets much too hungry all right but dinner she loves the bitter but she never jumps in here late she never bothered we're above the treat hate that's why the lady is a [ __ ] she doesn't think dice game with sharpies a fraud never goes up to Harlem Bacon's or she won't ditch the dirt with the rest of those girls that's why the she's a [ __ ] she loves that one book called fatherless that cuckoo with in her hair [Music] she's broken what the hell she hates California because it's cold and it's bad [Music] why the lady [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sounds like the Blues to leave sometimes you happy and sometimes just [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and sometimes you lose every look for the world cause sometimes you do get busted in pieces but that doesn't matter at all take it from me there's still a summer or winter to friends start treating you [Music] sometimes your heart breaks with a deputy [Music] [Applause] [Music] miss Eliza miss lies [Applause] there's ah [Music] stop that come with me that's where we be [Music] Liza that's me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
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Views: 81,766
Rating: 4.8286204 out of 5
Id: 4zN-1DR089M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 57sec (6177 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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