Living On $6 Million A Year In Ventura, CA | Millennial Millionaire

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Kevin and graham are two cases of what happens when you buy when the market is low.

I like kevin a lot more then graham because graham made riskier moves like taking out a mortgage when he really didn't have an income to support it (he mentions in a few eariler videos) . Then graham talks about going into debt for other shit outside of real estate for no particular reason.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/perpetuatinstupidity 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
it was absolutely surreal i remember that night after the kids going down you asked me how much that i thought you made everything related to youtube in just may just one month and for him to say that it was crossing seven figures was just mind-blowing i didn't even know what to think it was crazy [Music] all right ready to rock here we go recording and let's get that mic test test test test we'll change it to like 0.5 speed on youtube yeah yeah my name is kevin i'm 28 and i make just over 5.75 million dollars per year my name is lauren i am 30 years old and i make 250 000 per year together we make over 6 million dollars per year and we live in ventura california and welcome to wait for it millennial money i'm a real estate broker and real estate investor and lately i've started making youtube videos to teach what i know about investing in real estate and stocks online i am a full-time mother and also full-time property manager managing our own properties [Music] a typical day for me starts at about 5am then i go down to my garage office set where i have a walking treadmill and i'll catch up on whatever projects we need to work on for our real estate investments and i'll plan out the days of videos after that by about 2pm i like to go on a run with lauren so i get a little bit of fresh air outside since i'm mostly stuck in the office from five to two answering text messages or calls or filming videos after the run i'll catch up on emails a bit again i'll look at properties and projects that are going on existing renovations and the goal is to have this dropped dead deadline by 5 pm of just hanging out with the kids a typical day for me would be setting my alarm for 8 am but knowing that my children will be waking me up at 6 a.m so i get up around 6 6 30 every day and then i kind of just hang out with my kids kind of ease into the day look at all the assignments and virtual videos that are given to me from my son's teacher at a school so in addition to that i also have to attend to my younger son who is not in school and just handle his needs i also have a lot of property management stuff that i continually have to deal with emails texts or renovations so i have to do that as well how about when i like text you and i'm like lauren i need an answer right now and then right now right now and then i'm in like a distance like learning meeting with the teacher shut up so when i was 18 months old i moved from germany with my family to florida and in florida my parents knew nothing about american culture society how to get ahead they barely knew how to speak english and what's crazy about that is i i came from this household that ended up divorcing when i was six years old constantly having no money there was a point when i was seven years old where i went through the washington mutual bank drive through and my father withdraws with his debit card twenty dollars from the atm and i'm you know classic seven-year-old like oh dad can i have that and he's like kevin i only have 11 of these left this is at the same time as we're like losing our house after the divorce and things are just a mess and coming from that to meeting you and both of us basically being at zero having around six eight thousand dollars each somewhere around there and going into becoming real estate agents being property managers investing in real estate using the mentorships that are all around us and taking that and then just making our own reality happen has been really empowering and if anything i can look back and say wow it kind of makes me want to share that story and say anybody can do this if we were able to do it [Music] the way i got started in real estate was actually back when i was a law enforcement explorer and spent three thousand hours on the road with law enforcement i heard that an officer was dealing with well law enforcement during the day but then on the weekends was helping people move into their first homes this got me really really excited about wow okay there are tons of career paths some of my earliest memories were going on appointments with my mother who was a very very highly successful property manager and fast forward until i was 18 when i was studying and getting my real estate license i then chose to follow the career path of my mother and work alongside with her and do professional property management we ended up finding a trashed fixer-upper and this place was a foreclosure we had you know barely what eight thousand dollars each to our name to to fix this place up somehow and there was no kitchen the bathrooms were gone the toilets were gone it was a disaster it wasn't just an educational process for these people touring our home it was an educational process for us in knowing how to work with design and work with staging and just everything related to the process of buying and renovating a home so we got kind of addicted to the idea of owning homes and renovating them and especially in a cost-effective way we're about to close on our 20th property in southern california which will be a three plex three unit apartment building that we're turning into a six unit apartment building which lauren is really excited about managing regarding our finances i deal with most of the bills we do keep a spend tracker between us so anytime one of us goes to a store and spends money on something we just use like an apple numbers spreadsheet that links between us we established something years ago where we mutually thought okay what would be a realistic budget for our own personal needs whether that be clothes or shoes that isn't business related if i wanted to buy a necklace or a handbag that would fall into that personal budget so back then we said 200 per month that we would have that i think we've upped it 50 dollars [Music] i think that's a really good strategy for couples though because it doesn't cause any resentment so i decided to start a youtube channel and share all of the experiences i had and mostly all the things i screwed up on to try to help people prevent making the same stupid mistakes that i had made the transition of kevin going from full-time real estate to doing youtube alongside real estate to then just transitioning to youtube was actually a very tough time for me and the kids i just had my second son right when he started making youtube videos and just started getting monetized at that same time it was definitely an adjustment that we all had to work as a family to try and figure out the balance because kevin's nature is very much take on as much as you can possibly take on and work work work at work and other things we're suffering the most i've ever made in a single month in real estate that would be real estate commissions and investing in real estate would be around 150 000 in just one month which is absolutely amazing but the most i've ever made in a month from youtube has been a million and seventy thousand dollars i don't even know how to say that right sometimes i wake up in the morning and i think seriously this is what youtube sent it makes me feel like i'm playing with monopoly money over the last 18 months now our revenue has gone from just being real estate commissions to well breaking even or losing money on the construction business to making a little bit of money on youtube hundred bucks a day three thousand dollars a month to where we are now where youtube is paying somewhere around two hundred thousand dollars a month affiliates and my courses and my educational programs which people love and then they'll go buy another one all of those together can sometimes add up to another three four hundred thousand dollars per month which is absolutely mind-boggling because it doesn't feel like we're different people but the number has changed yeah i mean there were two months this year during the pandemic where we crossed seven figures in a month that was my dream my dream was that the construction business and the real estate sales business together would get me to a million dollars a year and that business failed and led to what we're doing now so i could thank that failure for being where i am now to where we had two months this year crossing seven figures in one month it's amazing [Music] we have two children we have jack he's five and we have max who's two and a half i think the idea of having children is always something we've been very fond of i keep telling lauren we're having six kids we do want to have like an army of kids we do want that but i think the idea of children is more fun than the actual reality sometimes but i mean it's true because when you have the idea of having kids you don't think about all of the things that go with it i actually got frustrated hearing people's criticism and comments before i had a kid or even when i was pregnant with my first kid like oh it's going to be way harder than you think and i'm like yeah i've read up on it so i know it's not going to be that hard like what do you take me for and oh my gosh like i can't express enough to any potential parent that it you just can't even prep for it there's no way you can actually prep for it being so tired that you feel like you're going to like fall asleep while you're breastfeeding your baby and then you know the the constant attention it's just unbelievable now would i change it of course not i i love it so much once we incorporated kids we definitely spend more money on them than we even do ourselves i'm not one to spend a bunch of money on clothes or accessories for myself but if my kid wants something that i think is educational and it costs you know 150 like yes i want that for you it's the best for you [Music] i don't always follow all the rules that i'm supposed to and sometimes that's not so good there were a couple instances that came up one particularly where there was a real estate syndicator named grant cardone who said hey screw buying single family houses those are small deals you'll never make money with those having a real estate background i had my own opinions which substantially differed because here i was helping people and my own clients and watching them grow their wealth starting with nothing and that's what we did so it felt to me like a total slam against what i stood for and so i decided to do what any normal person would do and just make youtube videos making fun of the guy and delivering flowers to his office to make a point that what he was doing was not what i agreed with from my experiences poking too many bears i've learned it's really a good idea to have media insurance or insurances for whatever it is that your business is that helps no matter what you're doing from general liability to professional insurances [Music] every single year i look at myself and i'm like oh gosh last year i was an idiot this year will be better when it comes to the future we're really excited about growing our family having more children once the pandemic is over traveling with our children letting them experience life in other countries and just trying to live life to its fullest i do think with kevin it's in his nature to always work and he kind of gets like a high from making money and so i respect that that's something he will always want to do and i think he always will do it but at the same time i think you and i we've talked about it you recognize that we are at a dollar amount now that it makes sense to maybe take a step back a bit and in the meantime i guess i'll just keep playing monopoly [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CNBC Make It
Views: 986,227
Rating: 4.8154202 out of 5
Keywords: CNBC Make It, Make It, How To Make It, Entrepreneurs, Starting A Small Business, Business Success, Small Businesses, Finance Tips, Career Tips, Work Hacks, Lifehacks, Money Management, Career Management, Managing Business, living on 50k a year, living on 100k a year, living on 200k a year, money diaries, r29 money diaries, millennial money cnbc, meet kevin, meet kevin $700000 drug house
Id: eHv_8HzfQOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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