Living in the End Times

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once they were working my father's eternal state advertising this evil is thought to be worth by courtesy of liberal policy and you ll see Journal you want to know what it's about I suggest that the global policy journal calm and be what you would very much like as website you see if someone said recently that the website is sexy and that is a website that is a website about policy so it remains to me to welcome our philosopher our acclaimed critic and and I hope this works any wonder okay thanks very much I'm really really honored to be here and I hope everyone disappoint you but what I will do is not able to seminars on their own work the way you need to take from your own book and then ask to ambush a very simple and tell you something which if you read my work I thought if I hope you know that you say I haven't any to aspire of this communist propaganda she returned to it is a pencil box I went for two years doing a hook on say it already hoodie in challenge because of you turn the key effectively out of my consciousness in objective reality as over a hundred pages of the manuscript and is not the editor my land is there the why I think we need more than ever you the theory today I mean return to this area what they want to research pursue a certain line of how capitalism reacts to ecological catastrophes of course I will develop some reflections cover off group of the latest from various the first one Fernandez known to us Caracas dead ash cloud from me I some for camera and of course the in south Louisiana me : Steve first if you know this something it is my train from India sorry Gil is really one of the most gifted new social philosophers that I know anything so I can say a typical tipping off you know them correct but when I see English racism even I can admit play it was seized from there he's also an excellent deals deep wonderful analysis of look now but you me people work all of us but the direction in the West is always but we come from there why don't you write something about in about India no need to ask you do know a local board but develop either a conference about the Commission easily man practically coming from he developed that something turn wonderfully media we are death our public media even are today full of anti-communism that we are even witnessing the kind of overload of the critique of the college of companies I mean if you open up we always describe the bank manager that were after businessmen that companies for unique environment that other compartments when shots were trying children work overtime and so on insurance there is however a catch to this overflow of greedy what is a rule not question in this treaty ruthless Sumerian is the democratic different frame of fighting this axis that is to say the expiry or denying goal is to democratic standards to extend the Democratic control amount of autonomy through the pressure of the Community Media fundamentally virus culture loss honest police investigations and so on and so on but ever questioning the Democratic institutional frame of the state of law this Democratic is additional frame remains the sacred car even for the most radical forms of this life story a little under capitalism the porto alegre for the tiago movement i think that the key inside of maps remains them today perhaps modern formats the rest should not be located I'm highly usually political program free elections are the drugs independent is the best way for him preference are human rights rights protected and the similar list of questions different independent or dependent Western distributions of life when they want to pronounce Attraction Oregon the key to actual freedom rather results in the political network of social relations from market to family and so on where the change minute if we want an actual improvement is not the political reform but a change in a political social relations of production so this is a change which cannot be made a dilemma of democratic elections for other political measures in the narrow sense of the term we do not vote on who owns what about relations in the temple and so on all this led to processes outside the sphere of the political in the rubber sense and it is usually expect that man can effectively change things by extending democracy English sphere sale by organizing local events and reduce returns radical changes in this domain should be made outside the sphere of Eagle plants and so on in such democratic procedures which of course cannabis key role play no matter how radical of our determinism is the solution is solve in a dying Democratic mechanisms which one should never forget our part of the state apparatus which guarantees the ambi start functioning of the reproduction in this sense only of a friendly statement today for the money Olympic knew was time for at least make that point which is very limited today the rain will be alpha enemy's most intention as we mention or anything similar but the lost the Democratic illusion the acceptance of the body mechanisms is the ultimate threat of every change and let me avoid misunderstanding hear what I just said doesn't mean so haha no democracy but who they are killing and so on and so on and say is that democracy respect to what we are perceiving as the god of the democratic process multi-party elections state of law and so on is not enough that different let's call it social political mobilization which I want more inclined you can still be called Democratic should establish where things should gather in one event some Englishman is out it's critical to this highly ruthless indeed of communism but again looking closely is always the record this time of reading a excesses which are not read in a classical marcia variable as supports that is to say as necessary excesses something which register the necessary flaw in the system that has simple excesses with one good one good one to abolish don't go through better legislation and so on and so on so this notion for mister district opposite to this personalized and the Calvinism where I even think that sometimes this person Murasaki comparisons can be so good that a lot of the people they often attacking card scam I think also some sympathy for the victims that they remember a year in traffic all the scandal with Bernard Madoff okay of course Stan should be arrested whatever but I didn't like how they personalize it first you know he was a bad guy but as such he was just the extreme point of following the logic of the system he was typical postmodern families with with below bios one I mean first you gather billions enemy fact then we have them for traveling so naturally more insane step is overload of fanatical back pressure on us we like complete bad gas not what is from in the system chain this the overload of vulgar algorithm speed counters racism is not one side of the global government in other side different attempts to what we may call the most modern ethical contention the idea is again life on Earth idea and not a priori the idea is that one can render the ecological and social responsibility profitable as they'd like to hold it in their newest terminology the packages of disorientation that this idea on one hand CC by the companies must be perfect whoever has those who care for the little hood that is still the old part know that in the new emerging part in the two dimensions can go together together after a while they can but after going on an event maybe you know this movement a nothing better it receives its original to the movement of so-called natural capitalism instigated by peter copy what they propose is a kind of new revolution in production comparable with the first Industrial Revolution which is you know generated the birthday in material development an immense cost to the earth that is not natural wealth loss of the topsoil destruction of species and so on and so on in modern to counteract this despair offenders we have to change our entire garage till now we included into the price of commodities only what we have to invest to produce them ignore the costs to measure our prosperity was thus the usual since by way of ruthlessly exploiting natural resources we were drowning out given not from permits but from principle from inherited wealth the some of this well is natural Canada the start of commodities produced by nature in the billions of years of history commodities like water minerals priests serving plus only resistance grasslands forests oceans and so on all these living systems not only supply non-renewable resources for our material production they also render service is indispensable for our survival regeneration of atmosphere soil fertilization and so on sovereignty is the proposal to our standard notion of capitalist store value we should then the economic value of nature resistant as well as the value of human resources with us obtain four forms of Ghana venture capital investment volatile instruments magnetic panel machines infrastructure natural capital resources in existence and fewer Gundam later intelligence culture relation admitting the Beatles of a silent monetary value to for the time being at least no such other services like the oxygen production problems natural capitals nonetheless risk estimates according buoys for example the worldwide oxygen production is worth forty six trillion dollars and and they like to point out more or less the same product or proclaim the monetary value of all human capital is three times greater than all financial and manufacture tunnels so here are natural intelligence to take action our founders birthday invest the capital which could be enriched through expanded reproduction all the four components not only the first this can be done they claim it erotic shocking and histology in four main ways first radical resource productivity promoting industrial division C and so on second point biomimicry original waste by reasoning natural systems on by orbital and three solutions blog economy she's from a perception of wealth as goods and purchases to a perception of value s desire services and subtraction of human needs and last when investing in natural capital developing markets for activities which enhance and restore our environment so that's the position I hope it was at least here is each decision I was describing not my decision why because you know it's something quite commonplace happening if you allow me to minister to which little bit depressed what that guy our until to attack me two years ago in regarding started is now circulating in France importantly three German newspapers and so on maybe they want a passage from my in the legs of lost causes where I clearly unambiguously describing the position which of course is not mine the position of what Franklin Miller in is very real book called criminal tendencies of modern Iran history system will be a million is he directly twenties I'm not like extravagant that European Union is a continuation of Hitler with other means and this is right the only solution for Europe is to eliminate the truth that it still that me mean a doesn't plainly see assignments he claims that this is the reality of Europe I decide this position and it's incredible again and again it is taught that as a proof that I am a radical artists mind imagine the mass killing of all the trees and is incredible now I try to write to newspapers in Germany the last one was it's already forgiven families another way I explained ambiguously that I'm describing another dance position the answer I got was very brutal ironic that now I'm trying to switch out by learning that I didn't quite mean whatever so now comes my first approach may appear thus a tyrannical three definition of chemical has been efficient and undoubtedly affects them of course you have to change all strategy why not as if there are nonetheless first unsurmountable empirical problems here if this recognition is to be done even in my order it will demand an incredibly complex work work state control and regulation like some state or whatever agency must determine the price of natural commodities and they must enforce them on the demand and so on so what I say is the proverb Peter this is the first prophetic receive a certificate revision I had a nice public fight a friendly one but nonetheless it was shouting but rarely service with with attorney negly also that you handed in in Berlin well my basic problem with negative developed again his notion of multitude claiming that that's the new positive for the field in the new political subjectivity and you know he then exploded study the impact with economist practically here University we just have to cut them off and we are there what's that Robbins I don't think that that is that age all examples that he gives for multitude I hope you agree assist here with me principles not only the minimal minimal law and order but even a restaurant steak indeed many dates and thankful that all the most convincing examples that he gives of will give you a political showing are examples with intelligence so that I should receive no foundation in what he describes of how to pull this miracle to cut of the Capitals and to generalize the model of movie due to the entire society so then I okay told me you don't understand anything because you are again ok ok treat me as an idiot and evening vandal simple type of even more viciously treat me as an adverse action if you're sorry one empirical example of the multitude which wouldn't be justice poetic you know multitude of postmodern capitalists speculative or Wall Street disease latest rave Atari of Communists of today but let we're multitude really started to function on its own and he was literally perplexed and then we said well changed Cultural Revolution and you know me and but you we were a little bit short because I mean if there ever was a failure that was fun for me not much seriously you know where is my problem with nevi yet again I appreciate you very much I said poverty in the region exam later I am with negative even the games but you the problem with value for me is the same problem as we all this let's call them friends or fail oriented political philosophers gracia up to a point is getting better mouth and historic loud and so on did you notice how there is the fact of no the role of no no place for what in Marxism we contradict of political economy in the world I mean Bruce my own is only economy that's the domain of human-animal of utilitarian various insurance on it has nothing to do be authentic with attending politics here I agree economy is the placement struggle should be won or lost but we're very disagree with negative is in what I trained in geometry to marry daughter named still a penalty in a good sense of the secret history of 20th century which launched as for any Democratic leftists this story of immediate democracy cancels Soviets whatever and they see the various central as one big kidnapping or reappropriation of authentic revolutionary outburst which was done with the level of service and so on by the state bureaucracy and so on some of mine nothing against them they are arranged appreciated but nonetheless some of my personal friends during the UK have the same dream the way they decided the centuries can't you see they say focus on black can't you see how for example studied our nose was a workers movement dancing which was sample mysteriously then kidnapped by by the church CIA who everyone and so on and so on I think that the lesson of the Chinese Cultural Revolution is much more tragic one what we should abandon here I agree with but youth is not openly the state socialist form of the length of the 20th century what we usually call common strength for okay we should still maybe learn something from their experience back as a form is over not only by go one step further should be abandoned not again it's not a question of totally about going but the forests are no longer workable the so-called social democratic well first state and me we are not noticing with various today that not only constant area nice indeed did die in 1990 but I think also the Social Democratic well Thursday and if you allow in a pretty preposition I wonder if you agree you are clear by liberal fellow-traveller I hope you hope that he personally factor you know what Marxist planet that these were people whom they tolerated but then at a certain point they have to be sent to go like them so Ando who knew our intentions you know some how do you fit this dusty right but I hope that you will a very distant week with twenty years delay we see that again social democracy is also see ground and something which can truly worse is not only event about which I believe in a lockout in time I found a certain new model is emerging with a capitalism more efficient than ours but at the same time at least I think no need for democracy it's something very much too small you know because again as I grow in my earth in the previous book you know one thing you can say about content then we should establish I believe first give to the devil what elements one that although you have here there been 20 years of dictatorship till some variable when they start to function again always in the wrong turn democracy did generate some kind of demand for democracy with all the bourgeois mutation blah blah blah EDD what I worry is that now we have a new form of capitalism which unfortunately no longer passed and it's even more efficient than our evidence something to worry but what I say is that let's forget about this let's look at is not the back of this big guy not disappearing of all social democracies I think a kind of a new division of political space let me simplify things to the apples he recently our political space for structure to the usual you never let the center and right of center party these were usually the new populist parties normally an astral a clouded sense but populist in the simple sense of addressing as voters the entire population and then you can parties which consciously world of necessity limited than the people to a service travel a group as the only fringe or neo cartridge or whatever I take that now a moment rehabilitation Shapiro balanced a new polarity is emerging we have more power on the one hand what I cannot by call a neutral / capitalist country and it's not necessarily bad it's usually accounting for your attrition capitalism but at the same time liberals usually multicultural is probable in all that stuff and the opponent which is emerging the main opposition is usually some kind of a populist fundamentals and the immigrant reaction in now read emerging again again in most of the post-communist European you members the European Union where extremists to try to play the role of the left of center party simply disappearing and take Poland you have total loss pure liberal political of course possible a theoretical and so on we and then you have the Tweedledee and Tweedledum Tweedledee you know what I did not like and the same thing is in company but not only there they told me to know that there also this anti-immigrant party is the second one already been clearly in that it will become and this I named which is expressed with the dynamic of liberalism and not a kind of radical liberalism but is traditional market liberalism versus right-wing Armenia nationalism I claim this is not going to occur I claim this is a very very dangerous telling so let me now return after this shock the pool to my basic line so what I'm trying for sense them the first piece to sell here would you agree when we make it with us we shouldn't say none of your culture enemies we should tell them we also like very much your freedoms but only the new strong dose of the left in the long term with Britain as my sincere belief will save what is worth saving in your freedoms otherwise you will be slowly losing ground and consider for to consume more and more more and more to the extreme right I mean trouble drummer in the bank who is unfortunately not an idiot if formulated mr. parks event direction she does and she said he was right well we lost because we weren't in the sense of because the center parties in a more civilized way if you own integrated our program you don't know Hitler's or standard Democratic return line facility of course we condemn the game is horrible disgusting no place in our civilized societies back then comes about they say that they are manipulating and addressing legitimate fears of the people so in other words visually or software and so on and so on so the burning we should say anything in the terrain but to be inimical means whether this little town which you can select display neighborhood by the nation-state is disappearing and so on which they effectively getting stronger and stronger I think then in today's economy very secure of intellectual property all the technological concerns and so on from in the largest ways I think literally State apparatuses are getting stronger and stronger exelon so vacuum and this is the first problem with Earth's natural talents I cannot even imagine how completely to do it with without a gigantic state but more fundamentally the problem natural capitalism for me results in the very form of commodity and market exchange the problem for me with the basic notion of natural can't answer is that it reached like a friend from don't mean about the first sex and managed died recently published in Saudi Arabia it's very interesting will be though while it's for instead of a modern manner Tim Davis decadent Western analysts each from them is the traditional pathological advisor is far below easy live chat how to treatment you get them advices how to be your life without which shocking is the opposite that length is the case new ecological concerns are squeezed into the old content form so they instead of overcoming commodification one extends it absurd so that you notice the basic operation basically they try to save the ecological problem so that everything becomes economic and coconut some point even says everything the nature did in the last time to this number three point six billion years is this the data bank I don't know all that should be considered as a commodity and you should write which you try to violate this expire so again from the air with very few are human abilities everything is a come on now incidentally this is the same mistakes which will accept that I'm nominating farm of this commodity capitalism it's a mirror image of the same state made in foreign in the last spanked by the communist countries like I learned at the conference a guy who is now one of the top computer specialists but in the last ten years fifteen years of the Astronomy community Germany he was one of their underlings allowed not to go to the west venturi literature of the West tune with digitalization and don't we they made a similar mistake they totally misread the social consequences of what we call computerization digital revenue on the contrary they thought that digital revolution is what we finally make communism work they consider that planning doesn't function but I think because social needs are so that 20 and so on the central bureaucracy simply cannot do but they thought with modern mega computers dissident image was also the emotion was also a primitive or where you are off a tackle of big mega computers some state agency then finally these computers will be found enough today into account all the flag religions of the different religions and finally bodies will become workable again what they do is that they simply didn't get involved the irony I will talk about this is fear beautiful a team because you know we made out this Marxist dogma about the world of God you know when forces of production get in contradiction with relations of production so but it certainly did help disturbed man for the last many years of communist countries it's still that what ruined them was one fashionably be described as a passion for traditional industrial to water because in most industrial company that was their end but something similar is doing copy IP in the same way that the day they account is beyond us that the homemaker wonderful finally the community will work he lives Oh we universalize the local commodities and everything is a commodity not only a commodity but the capital which is carefully so that it is regenerated properly and the problem of ecology is saved I think this is from the body why because while cotton maintains the basic competence matrix product through expanded cell reproduction proposing to sell it from each and our self-destruction to his excessive universally promotion to safety to recycle in successive universalization the core of the problem remains which results in the same for profit as the motive of economic production attended no matter how much we expand the notion of capital the very form of capital presupposes a structural gap between reality the news value of products and services and the real of the financial circulation reproduction which generates problem where the first is subordinated to the second in other words insofar as we remain within capitalism even if we extend the notion of character all reality this reality will continue to function as an indifferent ultimately expendable staff whose role is to serve profit baby so again and this is another mirror use of the new when I said I'll be your donations yeah you should wait for trolley but you should take this in the same way Bandstand here I'm so here okay you order to absolutely improperly have you have to lose another dozen each each the ghost which comes not from the past but the future of the left this is how politics is done you cannot say really I am NOT I'm making a very fine point do you know the paragraphs of the performative count by saying something clearly but did you notice about that if you read it closely how and even from sorry is not the price of my dog of this guy's trajectories notice nicely this paradox that the only way to do the performative is to put it in the Texas query so then you do something not by saying that you are doing something but by reporting it s already done you close a session by saying this session is closed and in the same way exactly the same problem in a political movement you cannot say now and start in something which will you have to say we and we all know that this we will maybe exist as the result of what I'm saying now and some said but this is touted already as a debate another - the guy transferred by a French writer who were some wonderful paradoxical books like the one about Agatha Christie the murder of Roger Ebert welcome in total they proved in the solution there is the wrong one not an original system did not the book of anticipatory protocol pluralism regard when he demonstrates how for example the only way to report will focus on excessive is that he planned arise fruitful comes after but what he claims is that sometimes writers who write in this way day the only way to truly get what they arrived at what where they develop is to read them greater actively but nonetheless at the factual level they can change connect this future to win so this would be my we refer to in fact these things will not turn to back may be true your technique we first read there maybe this one okay so then you go really practice please end of those how all this works the authority okay no problems first dishonesty unfortunately this is what I mean by I would just like to illustrate what I develop at the beginning about this whole is fundamentally either stays for long enough banana oil tea you know Freud dream on Irma's in a collection was the form first is terrifying look in Google Mastro you see the horror then read the abstract three doctors who provide ridiculous reasons for why the treatment didn't work so we have a trauma and then a symbolic comedy then exactly was the structure of course the motion we saw the drama which was remember that under C TV shock of the get all spilling out and then we take the three idiots representatives of British Petroleum Transocean Halliburton each of them playing this stupid game putting the blame on tapenade but mom said not only was this an undignified culture Obama also disappointed me here because I mean the Conservatives not that this the problem was that his reaction crystal recently remained too much in this horrible Democratic legal domain he was looking for a legal culprit you know he even said once some images at a certain common sense level patently not true he said its biggest problem no sorry it's not babies I know he didn't mean it in this way he meant like who is giving these babies problem but I'm sorry value does not be this problem it's the problem of the millions of people they're not only unite there's even not that new but Mexico spreading around and what I'm simply saying is that about I said I was vacation but that it could be given about a second already given in there some sort of course they should be kicked in the ass but the first thing to say is that a the problem don't you think that the problem is way too serious to approach it in this legal responsibility sense I would make people pay everything that's nonsense so much is already destroyed the new statement is meaningless by look now enough faith by BP but nonetheless my god is speak that unto a certain point at all it's contingent that it was between all who spilled this accident gathers not all of them use basically the same mechanisms and so on machinery so probably it is not maybe Duty was I don't know a little bit worse than others but it could have happened with somebody else and so on so easy that what should be done is take a much larger mobilization not only state planning legal games were mobilizing ecological plans mobilizing people in Louisiana and we even convene at least they would have been doing something something much more rational than fighting wars in Afghanistan mobilizing the army starting to ask questions have to be dealing with this kind of problems and so on many problems explode here which appealing that's my point some that by criticizing just a vapor form of democracy that I am already burning behind they don't know Comrade Stalin and his lateness no and speaking about even more radical Democratic organization not only in the sense of mobilization a wider circle of people but also in the design level it's not a legal game of Calgary's it's a game of our way of life of how we have to change it why do we drink oil and so on and so on then I think more truth than in this legal gauge in ABS wonderful anecdote that happened - I cannot resist it that Academy I prefer to know it that years ago that came in from a still alive was they said already the debate in Senate about all agree you know about sorry about offshore drilling and can Impossibles then something happened at least been exactly there of south of New Orleans were police feeling now Kennedy was caught dilemma senator by a paparazzo well they're making clam it's an ambiguous I saw the father and then he almost started to appreciate Republicans then at the next session of Shana and Vatican senator turn to death Hannity and shell and get to see that chemical can be exchanged disposition of offshore denied anything came out some and should be Kennedy's offshore drilling is the only offshore drilling acceptable why what liquor for Syria okay since the time of the end is approaching I would like to point to another pair of how here I would like to refer given to some people who are generally associated with LSD your school already bank okay I don't fully agree but there are definitely things to be learned from good respect especially something which is more than actual confronting condition ecological problems the only thing I think was the first to do attention to the wonderful ambiguity and nobility of the term we all use extra opinion my god even when I was young extracting opinions then you we common sense if you're in but do you not be so now precisely when science is fermenting horrors of night all of a sudden you don't get from some experts the truth you get opinions that he thinks that the other guy comes back and here I was unfortunately disappoint you I think there is an inherent good that is to self even with global warming I don't fight those leftist paranoia story who claim that doubt about global warming I've seen with the resolve of some dishonest biologist and so on being bribed by in from Paris of course there is probably death but there are is only this doesn't mean we can go on explode in nature it means that the situation is even more open we we really don't know that the causality so long-term style we could fight earth which is like another thing that the mythic nursing which we all use and it's I think pure ideologies limit value what you usually get from experts is the limit value lengths now it's rational to say we can afford to degree serious of kidding but this is don't I'm aware that is totally mythical and usually we take you know it's the same as I spoke with arrival matrix X where they try to keep saying at one point you're Holocaust denial becomes a comma and then they are done if the number that is emerging is don't ask me why is fight me or 150,000 and I love them appropriately like if I said the Nazis killed five million 160,000 and good guy if I say no they yield only five 5 min 140,000 Holocaust denial so again another consequence of this uncertainty of ours is the following crimes if you notice how not for a long time I thought that we have the Marxist mantra which is even these natural catastrophes are mostly caused by our human hubris of ruthless exploitation of nature but I think there is something in what sense I think that this is don't forget also good news for us because we are the cause of it then all we have to do is way of life in there out of trouble but sorry to tell you although I fully agree species of social medias of many natural attachments like the story identity repeated here who years ago a regular said about China how seriously are only serving them the catastrophic for three years ago grant values each one was caused by the regardless them because the water there the new place is exactly about the subterranean cliffs where the movement is them the large amount of water there change the confessional mature but the same and something else going on okay in this way we can sell the innocence of later and so on we we can avoid the very dramatic fact that you know not only us humans are crazy nature is also crazy and itself happened after it earthquake whatever you want and we basically can do anything so again in modest idea of oh my god we should - anger with you from your clash it is a little bit of a superstitious activity you know that really doesn't matter but you do it sometime hope it makes your conscience to hear it's a little bit like you know your will depend of them but now in this football back there mysteries you know behave that you because you stood as a because like the role for Germany night as Bella you get the messenger gave us means a week later from Germany you know like when you watched it in at home you shall boys you know this is meaningless they don't you know and only I know it's next to me all bottles there they say that there is something there is something there is something about this so what I'm saying the game is dead again science cannot replace place for loops here and now to conclude it may surprise you two points I want to make here the first point is a foreign woman this is how far I go to work I would have called the rehabilitation of people activity here that you have to be even for terror no not a great position we have something that Olympic because the eternal constant invariant of revolutionary egalitarian classes composed of four teachers still egalitarian trustees there are foreign terrorism and trust in the people you can get from listed but you is amounts just to provoke your likeness sexuality but will not be logical at some point force us to do something along these lines no strict egalitarian justice everyone knows will be helpful but like with weeding the West cannot play the games to the several countries sorry we already spend the resources so we can pollute it at a larger extent you should somehow believe this it will arrive to every individual at least to pollute their absolutely it of course not there in the Spanish sense but a kind of strict control over seeing even up to I love it that the Time magazine at some point we proclaim that the person of the years back celebrated whistleblowers to know people for companies who denounce you with the police okay as an autonomous designer use an ally you see those two denouncing the police tested it has to be in some way perceived as New Year's and dismantle in United States they are because they don't get love in the trusted tracks from the content foreign government absolutely but this means in the up in an RV Marxist way if there is no maximum we need estranged trust into the logic of history you know Mac system distrust things are moving and many things do back now history is on our side we are realizing Oracle tendency no we are not endless party trust the people that by this I mean that I don't believe that intern expert or state can do it tremendous things have to be done for testing about fairness terms and just think about asthma imagine that the outburst that the explosion of that protein would went even stronger so that I some becomes uninhabitable now we don't even have mechanisms of deciding what to do them should be dispersed around the world - and here a baby - is the - problem of me who will be the leader will decide no you go there I don't know - incest Oh God since you were so kind your banks to malama school to launder or Mathias Bellino Russian mafia is the main culprit we needed some glad that we give you material problem we know the certain guys now any normal lady is the 20 years it will become much more happy lavender from other problems can move there on the other chain you have parts of the world such phenomenon more important again I think it will be quite a serious process very soon - we will be faced with the urgency of large movements of people we cannot do it in the old way it's nothing new it happened many times in the history of humanity fire which happened spontaneously and through extreme violence millions died and so on and so forth we know that we simply cannot perform so again who shall will do this is what I mean - the whole misunderstanding Tobias communism I don't need any comrade Lenin expect or whatever I simply this is just one example that we are facing problems for capital market is the same and the same in the now legal sense every democracy state of law is not enough that a different form of transnational mobilization don't ask me how it will happen we have to be necessary I absolutely claim that there should be no continuity between this community and whatever endpoint - I don't like the word socialism never forget so nasty was not natural community was national socialism and precisely because I appreciate difference I will put it like this you know the Nazis were right when they claimed opposite to liberation and communism should not deceive you they are much closer with or Otto Weininger you know the crazy anti-feminist anti-semite said very bluntly and he was right the difference between socialism and communism is there socialism argument communism is George in Vegas because you know instruction is always an aspect of this programming community ensuring so on just two completely insane and crazy what I want is impossible to redo it oh I just like to conclude with a very brief reflection on the world on the world impossible if you notice how strange this world functions in our public discourse we have to experience when we are dealing with personal freedoms sexuality and so on or scientific prospects of change the French is anything is possible impossible is becoming possible you know we will be able I don't know everything is possible but at the same time in social relations things are less and less possible it is as if you know we will be able to visit stars but if you're a little bit more well first impossible and what they say is that this impossibility which is usually published as maturity we are finally becoming mature that I think you cannot do is not an objective impossibility it's precisely where politics should intervene until intervention intervention is not an intervention we do the same of what goes on when we pick up the best the best possibility sometimes you have to take risks and do impossible and you succeed an impossibility sense becomes possible and you can even become democratic you before you accuse me or feel that was an Italian with insanity completely nervous in young okay I just thought it'd be different look and bless you and just like to see something that yes the example when ever don't you are secretly ethically that you I take them I will give you an act which was clearly against the large majority of the populations of the country not only is but the guy arrogantly claim that he speaks on behalf of the country that he is the country and it wasn't just an aesthetic political statement it meant war killed when you already did before you say no let me tell me who this most general the goal in 1940 do you know them thank God the second person of read from this party publicly world later member said there were to be free elections in France tonight regarding the time would have formed with at least 90 percent so what the goal is that he was clearly doing something in not very democratically legitimate he claimed not only I will fight on but he claims I'm the minority speak for France the only term France is here and this meant walk and he was I think he was right so ok not so TV demos but just to conclude the problem is who will do this I'm not saying we must be possible in the sense of Tralee experiments and so on and if you permit me to say something which is true in rescues I will end up at a much more complete level this brings us to the conditions where this can be done when you can do be impossible what should you do you should do what Immanuel Kant called public use of regime as opposed to private rucifee 4k television recently expert knowledge some authority tells you we have this problem neutral solution solutions public use of reason some is more practical when you don't just solve problems but think about a larger soul of first is the problem self-nominated language is the dual problem why do we have this problem you know we don't just accept we can expect to end I claim I hope you will agree this is for me the tragedy the tragedy of which the the abolishment of the Middlesex diversity department only the artwork the name of the horror is paulownia high or higher education reform I think it's in Kantian terms one big effort to reduce the public use of reason to make us experts who will be just there at the service of a stable society which means capital in the state and we'll be solving the problems just you know then real problem immigrants immigrant causing troubles we will be going to do psychological these political advisors shampoo without questioning the basics why this happening and so on and so on ecological problem expert knowledge is just how do we how can we block this cubicle they're not while it'll happen and so on and so on in other words something really dangerous is stepping in academia we are you are not even the worst fear in the UK it's the same in Germany is the same in France in my own country and so on and so on so I came to all those who think ooh now is the time for struggle and so on yes but also for struggle to think in this situation they are today that we are today as a Marxist and not printing a new revolution as I always repeat my this is the power back to Daly's that this is the very bottom in the 20th century we were maybe trying to change the world a little bit for us maybe it's the time to interpretive mark I mean we are living in times where we don't have any traditional ethical or whatever religious orientations which can tell us where to reach them which can give us cognitive and ethical map comedy an ethical many we have to feel we have to do radical thing you can whatever their cellular extraction and so on are without universities this doesn't work in other words even democracy except I want technically even about parliamentary democracy or insane if it's not authentic in itself there can be elections where you have this emphatic emotion we've got a mirror that there are elections which is clearly seen that are simply media manipulate manipulated and so on but this time authentic elections you don't do it without universities we are laying the foundation and we shouldn't be afraid and falsely modest let me live by something the Delphian taught me years ago that one big maxis Estonia I am not sure if it was there is called gone or not probably not yet strange experience to Bob sport event to some factor even four years ago giving the talk to workers and he was of course in this chamber populist way paralyzing a fraternizing with them he began with you know I'm not here is the one who knows I'm here just to debate with you I will learn from you in the same way that you will learn from me and they told me one worker stood up and gave me the wonderful answer UCF works the very same of course you should know your place to know you are the change we shouldn't take our knowledge as an arrogance but it's a great responsibility I mean I expert knowledge is nice but especially today when the field is so totally pond views that more is needed and that more is our duty to be I'm sorry if I was abroad to Hitler and ski set up and they stop all right so we like a very wet mice mice of the size in order to in Germany how can this new protect yourself from align yourself as it so often does with right-wing forces that coming out of say the Middle East or many countries in towards the the first was what is this anti-immigrant and so on becomes even deleting one this will be for me the name of the catastrophe because I claim that and say that I don't have time to develop in fact this was wonderful states why because you know how often in a political space formerly all possibilities are open but the factor something cannot happen and anchoring them the way this new stability what's the code is emerging the whole point is that the anti-immigrant right should remain the same model and this I think will be I agree with you that this will probably happen but this will be then a catastrophe or not even necessarily you know the midnight the con logic of the system will be that in the extreme and an immigrant right will be like another step they're counting the democratic pluralistic oddity now already be thorough story I admitted this gets complicated because the neutron is already to put it in ironic mark systems and the electrical system we know he's at the same time your liver and blah blah and elements of populism so I think that this will be the crucial political moment maybe this will open a space for alliance well of left and liberals we can be optimists but we can also be peasants all I'm saying is that this is something that in the inherent logic of the emerging system shouldn't health care in the largest remaining which is in power now the monster should happen is that these are the immigrants are the secondary partner in a coalition for them to take over directly it's a very risky situation where again it's truly as Mao said like the heavens disorders but I wouldn't say the situation is excellent I will say the situation is interesting and you know in China I'll check that they they really have this problem when you really hate someone you take him may you live in interesting times because it is funny so the second one institutions of democracy no no I all dismissed and even there I didn't dismiss it in the sense of let's abolish I mean I'm not a complete video that is to say that if you ask me would you rather live in a multiparty democracy or in North Korea or even more more serious study the Stalinist stay there is no doubt about it all I'm saying is the deep existing state institutions of democracy are not enough that another political dynamic is neither and at the same time I hope you I'm not I deeply agree with your point of institutions and not respond talents you know let me remind you of something grams we all pretend to like it another this he was writing his texts you know what was the name of the journal in or demand model the new order as you probably know better than me immediately afterwards this term was appropriated by the experiment when still firmly in this place sure is today you say Europe listen you order haha not life but I think that maybe not that erm it's a strategic decision if the third let me say the tendency it should be revived I mean I hate the left which like this enthusiastic moments all we belong Tennessee from the street and so on what I like is the morning after below we all confirmed ed what everybody's defecate is kind of like show me one thing right meet them today whose point of pride in his biography is not of course there was that when was I when I was young on 60 days and benefits and so on and so on this is part of the biography of every respectable left that we know they know somebody gets a service to do I only say that institutions not just someone democratically impression the problem is to institutionalize this access over the pure multi-party for an excellent question again my complicated question spell not enough students I deeply agree with you but my solution is here extremely the public and simple listen with all my all my sympathies for Palestinians and I really mean I nonetheless think I never never accept the idea of critically strategic alliance with anti-semites you know you know this patronizing precipitation of it saying like you know licinia such an extent screwed up by the Zionists that you know they don't really need a little bit of no absolutely I claim that it's a structural necessity that whatever the moment if there is something and they're very maybe even asking a little it with your final question for me authentic life means you acknowledge the priority of social conflict for me in the sense of indecision the zero level of anti-semitism to deny this the based operation of an artist man is to say no our society is in in England structure harmonious we have conflict struggles because of that intruder from outside and this is Phi I blame them whenever you find in the length even minimal traces of real anti-semitism it means that the left became in the sense that I've described earlier as audience left instead of organic left and so on and so on and I'm good and everyone here including Oh flowers I think that he from that time does remark which points to death well no wonder the different his friends now our Raghava but in a job you can conserve not for me rather a deep deeper sign of problems with Venezuelan revolution with soldiers again for me this is not a problem and I'm absolutely radically opposed to it I mean it's deadly logical the enemy of my enemy is my friend then this is that this is the former of Stalin Hitler back and so on okay now is this I got this sorry he contradicts no that is the same on the one can and ecology on the other hand superstition but you know what I would say I mean I can save myself here that precisely when we're in the ology Enders is this tender personification that we don't I mean my God my social skills is chattering who at least admit it cannot be the use of being wrong with Al Gore makes very nice point of how big companies like to spread the deal and maybe everyone guilty like to you consume you are building too much us to must act specifically there so what I'm saying is that no the problem is extremely serious but translating into the terms of this small everyday acts which basically just fill you where it's just Plan B's it's to make you feel good it's just what I like to call that proverbial you know you go to Starbucks to pay more for a casino because we are found come on you will go to the Poochyena Ramallah and it's wonderful you go on consuming but this is the thinnest of capitalism in the commodity itself the price of your resistance to the only identity sign otherwise and token for that question for for resistant denies and I hope I like even men even even women even more I thought you meant it in an even cynical way like is don't you have the same conclusion beneath as the real others in this pathetic moralistic listing of all that phenomena that happened today I think it's not about wonder into the specters of Mars no this list of multinational realization Lister no I claim I have a consistent because they are all strictly problems of Commons first the three spheres of Commons Commons of nature ecology commerce intellectual property that is to say symbolic Connells and biogenetics with these horrible inheritance normality columns and the last one new forms of a vampire only radicalizes this into the very form of is there a common space are we all citizens are some people as a gamble would have to eat from Osaka and so on and so on so eloquently in contrast to daily life there is a clear lands now what we mean by this let this I claim in a very visionary is my prerogative I mention those 44 teachers there are included no I'm still think and maybe I'm wrong in spite of all this postmodern poetry you how we are incorporated times with youth and so on I feel ready to inscribe myself into that what we usually dismiss desert millenarian legacy oh this explosions from time to time of this justice now evil implants floating we have to do it I mean I don't always agree with them of course I would like to be there when the multiple strains and so on but this is kind of a brutal elementary ethical political reaction the point is not to our bodies the point is precisely in mobile coordinate the extraction the point is precisely does this legacy of revolution return to remain trusted the contagion explosion killing public graves or can be sterilized in a new order it can and then give you a trial run for nearest examples at least if we accept the Lahore club reading democracy itself democracy is sterile institutionalized in one sense the target of every revolutionary there which is brutally a gallon area is cut off the heads of those one to be about but is that what democracy does in this radical European sense is precisely two principles that the purge is done as the Lord put it the space of the power is empty this is the element of there are and then do you set up regulation shall shall contain only for the time being maybe you know chemical safety this is a modern example even formal democracy free lectures on how terror can be the price of this destructive dimension in the sense of main like the integration power means the touch of a dog you know it can be institutionalized in this sense so in this sense and training this is fine if one identifies by that not only I know history not as much as you of democracy but I know that the way what left means started I don't know different from as many English 18th century 19th century but even a little bit more I would say that basic legacy at the Metropolitan botanicals from Spartacus to Thomas winter and so on and so on I'm still ready to be part of that legacy admitting all its horror I think that the dusk today is how to make out of it a new positive order a little bit one step further than democracy well you need organized accrediting you distribute the questions or rejected so on people just actually return to what you wanted to talk about with your return Hagel and when your did you just talk about why in relation to systems such as Dubai and China you think that you they could get to anywhere near than you who left this order that you're talking about without first going through the western style of Liberal Democrat first I understood not in any way put them into the same category you buy it just the same opening device really really really like the best thing I think that they're I think I'm a terrorist not seriously because we're not even the United Nations am committing formally declare that what they are doing to a to the workers to do the dirty work is a form of slavery so okay let me sleep tracker you mean the same but it's different as for China you know for me it's still an open straight I don't like business travel not simply s you know the new Java code Felicia in Seoul and so on things are happening there I will stone for example all those farmers inland who are not part of this new booming personalities that is for some people these chemicals are now organizing concepts this semi-darkness style has political non-political way not a safe trust our introspect politics and you know in China we are talking about real numbers like we are talking about I was totally 200 million farmers already doing networks and I was told by not by party representative McMahan Xiang Hao is elected leaders then the comes back is seriously considering admitting them as a partner for the first time because why because there isn't Anglet enough to get it that if they don't to this state is much stronger explosions so this would be you see for me an example of a delay before ask me these institutions of democracy and so on for me it's not only secure goodra multiparty democracy it's this complete articulation of interests and so on so maybe something will be come out of China and I don't think they necessarily have to go through power here and I've not whether the Eurocentric to our Western do they have to reinvent the more radical democracy is they be in their own way but things are looking bad you know why because here I was disappointed in China because both sides disparage I was a little guest that is to say the left and sorry the official party politicians and the dissident publish didn't accept the same referencing conclusions only the body gives to in a more organic from the fascist face the distance mode is you know consultation respect civility and so on and so on and I think this will not work but again my answer is still very funny okay I'm going backwards now shake it oh my god this is so difficult to go into it but just to give you one key I think we should really say is problematic of verbal read usually this rectangle was there happen in Europe in the sense of getting for something very interesting how the whole strategies necessarily produced by society with this indeed a wealth not whether the more you are worthy the less you can take care of the war and so on but usually check interactively from Marxism but the catalyst didn't get the rebel Luther forever yeah but the proper working class and so on I think that today where we no longer can talk about the traditional working class but about at least four five multiplicity of potential agents people in slums yes working-class intellectual workers unemployed and so on and so on that also maybe we should return to and to his notion of of red kettle only is the one point not consequent another measured by his own standards for him there ever are those outcasts produced by society but with not ultra blessed in the society following his own dialectical approach he should accept its affordability the necessity precisely those without proper particular place embody the universality Haeckel dozen series typically record is only better okay I cannot go on yes incest and so on I don't know I think the question that seriously but probably agree actually know more about the proper Pegram of the question because you know when we say incest or Michael's association is just almost intended per se a very conservative one it is that you know often and this is why I have a great distrust into our avant-garde and so on one way to make it true that you you can play safely that you don't risk a lot is to be over radical you know that you demand too much and you know nothing will get often is much more subversive to post then modest demand in the sense I don't think at least maybe ever but I don't see anything negative LZ in saying again zero Bishop also regarding the topic of incest or whatever I didn't claim I don't think it would have been something very something very revolutionary to do it or to be very vulgar a spice I know in some Scandinavian countries and so on at least in Norway they are simply considering them they were ready tolerate sister brother incest okay my mom is not yet they're waiting for me but they're coming from innovating to be so I can easily imagine a liberal liberal of private sexual practices Lincolnton society which says you want to super mother your problem you know what I mean like booted and unconsciously by wrong here no I it is much easier for me for a Liberal government to imagine it to imagine it allowing incest then to to imagine it doing a little bit more for health care strategy that's my problem okay now then there was a young Facebook I'm sorry immediately disappointing people very traditional answer I think it's the struggle is over it's a contradictory phenomenon of the one plan it is what you say replace a wonderful role but as we know it's not only Facebook it's also cell phones whatever you want people at the start and so on I mean for example the situation that I know relative ubayy Iranian Revolution sorry it was the same and so on which is great the government also come down internet which is why our dynamic leader the last few Democrat in the known universe killed young kill total block still on the other camp is also I don't know personally whatever they are meeting on Facebook I learned that I bet this was the truth became can experience of this sunset I learned there are two decides like Utrecht speech and so on about whom what annoyed is that they imitated my style but then of adopted positions which were not mine for jump your mental imbalance give us our step does it move I protested I'm sure it may be a shock but here in a traditional a little bit more even politically correct so again that is very important not to fall into this Frankfurt School this is where they are at their worst track of you know only telling the Dark Sector in the national government who would say Facebook or struggles for death then from date remember when you never look at message on this may surprise you well first you know travel to this post modern way to criticize foundation like you don't to say non foundationally stop it's also I know part of that I believe I think that said this is fine for my disagreements with him I disagree axle a disagreement agreement but you the dying I think of them cultural studies hysteresis relativism we're all let's coordinate the ontological questions were prohibited you know like if you I asked suddenly what does this glass of water stand for what it is they would say no the only question you are allowed to ask is under what discursive conditions can we talk about this as a glass of water so on and so on or mysterious real-life example you are not allowed a my dream as a human being they would say ah under what it's telling conditions can you talk about freedom and so on and so on I came there they're all the sauce a white resistance to it I claim that this is one of the reasons why cognitive scientists the billions still vote means one person and so on were so popular it is that they were feeling in this metaphysical verse what you get from them is basically answer to big metaphysical questions and I think that experience racism is an untenable position and shamelessly are not afraid to say I'm the ultra strong from nationalists and my struggles thank you Karen even the disease of my gold will be heavily armed materials reversal of but it was much more a material system much we should go back the past was unfortunately way too much part of that horrible toxic area reaction which you find in development remarks in in Marx in in Kierkegaard in trouble power failing that you say or philosophy strong in which own narcissistic masturbatory month uses the metaphor circulation of ideas we need to find the real life for Daisy for much real life productive process for chaining entropy power the wheeling for chemical extent relief and so on and so on I think that and here I follow the one who is Amedeo the only very good chapter of this book I think is the third one when I try to I follow one shackle stone the geyser University of Chicago who tries to develop a bookmarks effectively dust from McVitie's returning to the ticker political economy something which is very which what we associate with Marxism you know German ideology and all those primitive dismisses life in compress the speculative Italy so which starts with abstract ideas we begin with the real people blah blah blah this is not at all the mass is doing in capital so that if there is a path for each I am is instead Marx we did what every selfish person does left below when you are a big revolution face you go to sit around or wherever and you start reading the European infusion lengthy list in 1959 if I come next year again and out of this clowning idea jobs and we do some real Hegel Marx stuff about I know that extra time of that electrical law of quantity to quality the vinegar about a certain number of people it becomes the spectacle but maybe not maybe we can do it instead a more maybe I American take the risk and constrain myself and less dirty clothes but more so sexual thing especially because you LSE have a tradition of no not the most ideal about you is you know it's easy to break sleeping Yusei Fudo the genius no problem because you don't even you place people it means I'm higher than you and embrace you know I really appreciate I don't break I fear the most I can tell of people is that they are not complete idiots no everybody could be a genius very few people so I think here it is some people we're not completely do completely together
Channel: LSE
Views: 29,292
Rating: 4.6581197 out of 5
Keywords: LSE, London, School, of, Economics, London_School_of_Economics, University, College, Public, Lecture, Event, Seminar, Talk, Speech, socialscience, Slavoj, Žižek, Slavoj_Žižek, Slavoj_Zizek, Zizek, Living, in, the, End, Times, global, capitalism, terminal, worldwide, ecological, crisis, imbalances, imbalance, social, divisions, biogenetic, revolution, latest, book, Western, society, history, philosophy, philosophical, economic, Armageddon, ideological, collective, response, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, withdrawal
Id: ShJiiMqEsgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 24sec (6444 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2011
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