Living in Atlanta: All you need to know | DO NOT move here until you watch this!

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hey guys so welcome back to another video this is about to be a good one cuz today I'm spilling the tea I'm going to tell you guys everything you need to know about this city before you move here if you want to move here even if you want to visit here just so you have the heads up because I've visited here a like three or four times before I actually moved down here and I did not know what I was getting myself into so let's just get right into it the first one and the most obvious one everyone knows this but I'm just going to say it anyway traffic is terrible um especially if you have to commute to work every day be prepared to get up a whole hour to leave a whole hour early because you're going to be close to being late almost every day it's that bad and this goes into this one but people cannot drive here to save their lives people are swerving in and out of lanes weaving in and out of lanes almost hitting you all the time and it's so dangerous like people just they drive so reckless here and there's always accidents and that's why there's always traffic because people always get on accidents on the sides of the road and so it makes traffic last for like 20 minutes you'll be sitting in traffic for 20 minutes and this is not just during the day time I'll be sitting in traffic at 9:00 p.m. 9 10 p.m. I'm sitting in traffic for like 10 minutes like why is there traffic and it's 10 p.m. at night time so that's probably obvious but I just had to tell you guys that one I just had to get off my chest cuz it's so irritating like everywhere you go almost throughout any time of the day maybe like yeah almost every time throughout the day traffic awful so especially I live like on the outskirts of Atlanta so I live like 25 minutes away from downtown brace yourself because it is going to be so much so much of a hassle trying to get into the city but yeah that's number one the traffic and that people can't drive the next one you have to pay for something everywhere you go and I know like every girl is like no I don't have to pay for anything I get in for free okay it's not even that like yeah sometimes you can get it free at the club if you like to go to the club whatever but it's not that if you want to go to a restaurant a normal okay maybe if it's like a four three four five star restaurant be prepared to have to pay for valet which is $10 $20 just to pay and parking you always have to pay for parking no matter if you're downtown if you're like in Buckhead anywhere you have like there's no free parking anywhere and you like it's impossible to leave the house without spending at least $50 just off of the little things they try to get you for like delet like parking like all those tiny little things they're going to get you for it and this goes into that beware of boots because they're everywhere like literally me and my friend we went to this one club like a couple weeks ago and we came out and there was a boot on her car and guess how much it was $75 to get it off and I guess that's reasonable if you park in like a space that's like in the way of everybody else but it was a vacant parking lot like there were no cars in it so it's like why do you need to boot people to move if like they're not using this space for anything else like they're just trying to get you any way they can they're selfish they try to get you for an extra dollar it's irritating it's really just terrible and then if you want to get a drink in the club why I got a drink at this one club one time and it was in a plastic cup a plastic cup nothing special not even glass they charged me $20 the drink was like up to here it was like this much of a drink and a plastic cup and they charged me $20 they just try to scare you out here they just try to get you for every dollar they can get out of you so beware don't come down here broke do not do it I'm begging you do not do it but yeah the next one is the mentality that people have here is interesting I'll say that so if you're from like maybe I don't know like where like I'm from Indiana and like I just it was a lot for me to adjust the way people think down here cuz it's very much like like they're about their money if you're not talking about anything they don't want to talk to you they're very like I don't want to say stuck up because not everyone stuck up here it's not even like that but it's like people really treat you bad down here if you don't have anything to offer them like they'll just look at you they'll look down on you if you can't like if you don't serve any value to them and it's like dang like I'm a person like I don't know they're very like funny acting if they don't think you have anything to offer them and that just sucks like people's mentality down here is so money oriented like everyone down here is just trying to get the next dollar trying to hustle trying to do this and it's like chill out like Just Vibe T Just Vibe like literally it's just not that serious it's never that deep but that's everyone's mentality down here and it's kind of just draining meeting people who like only want something out of you and want to see what they can get out of you or like what you can do for them I've noticed that a lot but just be aware of that kind of thing people here just it's hard I I found it I'm just speaking from my experience my experience only I found that it's extremely rare to meet someone down here that's genuine like genuine intentions just wants to get to know you just because they like you don't want to like um take advantage of you it's very rare because most of the people I found down here especially like guys I will say guys in like in specifically like specifically guys down here they'll like try to befriend you they'll do this for you they'll do that for you but they want something from you unless they're one of a the diamond in the rough they want something from you just be so careful cuz it feels like everyone here has ulterior motives that's what it feels like like someone here like they just want something they want something and if you can get it to them give it to them they'll like treat you nice until they can just get it and then discard you on the side of the street so be very very cautious about that because that's what I found and the next thing is people here are very materialistic and you're probably like you didn't know that already and yes I did but the extent to which people are materialistic is insane like people so many people that I have met here they look good they look presentable they have Gucci Louie whatever you want to like call it but like they don't have a bed to lay their head at night or they don't have a car um and they Uber everywhere so it's very much keeping up with the Joneses they just want to carry that like appearance like they have something it's all cap guys it's cap like you're I've seen so I've seen this firsthand a million times a million times it's like people just want to look like they have something just so they can impress other people but in in reality they don't have anything and it's unfortunate but yeah but the next one this is the good news though what I found is that it really just matters on the people that or the places that you go and the people that you try to surround yourself with cuz when I first moved here that was what I was kind of of into the night life going out partying clubs all that but like the more I realized that that's not just that's not for me because it's so like the that's when I found a whole different crowd of people which is so it's not like that at all like okay basically what I'm trying to say is so after I left like the party scene and I stopped doing that kind of stuff I started like going to very like nice professional events and I realized like wow W this is a whole different side to Atlanta that I've never seen before like I've been to the clubs and I've seen this and this but this this side is where it's at like the professional side the networking side like the career side like that is where I personally prefer because it's not as like phony and maybe it is like I haven't gotten too much into that side yet but it's like people actually have what they say they have they can actually like back up their career whatever they say they can actually prove that that's what they do it just is much more legit and and and professional than the other side so it just depends on what you want here like honestly like if you're okay what I would say is it's 100% worth it coming down here to network and to meet people and just to be in different spaces because this is definitely the place for that like networking and going to those professional events like I just told you guys about that 100% is worth it moving down here because it's legit and people actually want to help other people succeed but on the other hand if you're just down here for a good time and doing all that it's like that gets old fast it gets really old and it's not sustainable it's not because it just you'll see I don't know how to describe it guys I'm so sorry I'm trying my best to like put this into words but it's like it never ends well like I've seen it so many times and people get lost people get lost because they come down here thinking it's going to go one way and it goes like a completely different direction so I'm just trying to like prevent that from happening to you guys because it's it's real don't come down here and expect to like meet a scammer and takes you on trips and all that kind of stuff like that is so much of that kind of stuff that I've seen down here is fake is fake and if you do end up doing stuff like that it's like you're going to pay the price for it that's what I'm going to say you're just going to pay the price for it you'll see one way or another it's not for free and you're going to have to do something to get that or to maintain it so hey don't shoot the messenger I'm just telling you what I've been seeing the next one is the energy is genuinely different down here and it's like you can feel vibration I'm not trying to sound like I'm such a hippie like I'm not like some spiritual Guru or whatever but like you can feel energy you can feel energy for sure and the energy down here is off like if you just like I don't know how to even describe this one guys like you can just feel it in the air like it's like something's off about this place it's just very low viation very low vibrational and if you know what I mean you just get it if you don't get it you don't get it but like it just is like it it just has a little it leaves a bad taste in your mouth like I love this city and I don't regret moving here but you can definitely feel a shift in energies and I don't know where that's coming from but that's what I've experience and if you came to the city and you felt the same thing leave it below because I can't be the only one that feels like a negative energy here just a cloud it feels like a cloud is always hovering over this place but yeah let me know because I I can't be alone on that one the next one is this is a good one um there's always something to do here so if you're here just to like experience and live somewhere else there is always stuff to do here but it does I will say it does get old I to see like people who are from here they're always like I can't see why anyone would want to live here and like being here for like 2 months I'm like okay I see where you're coming from and it's like a great City like I love move I love living here and I I'm so glad I did it but it definitely has its pros and cons like I don't know guys you just have to see it for yourself but I hope that kind of helped like I hope that kind of helped you guys understand a little bit better what it's like to live here um but yeah that's the end of this video if you have any more questions for me just leave them below and I'll talk to you guys later bye
Channel: Heiress Christina
Views: 153,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atlanta, moving, whattoknow
Id: gr8BtcJN6X4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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