Living in a Tiny Campervan with a Newborn Baby

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living in a tiny camper van is hard enough as a couple but now we have a newborn baby in tow after living in this small space together all over Europe today we'll be staying in our BW camper van for the first time as a family of three to see if it's possible or will we have to say goodbye and sell it this video is sponsored by clana it feels so good to be back in the van again I feel like it's been far too long since we've been in here if we spend too long in the camper van we do get a bit of cabin fever and we have to move out but in short sharp bursts we absolutely love it it's our favorite way to travel I even have missed the smell of it being back in here I it smells like home this is the first time for Noah to be into the camper van and it's quite weird to see us on the wall oh wow hold us where we had a life we've hit the jackpot of camping and we've got the whole place to ourselves not just for our sakes but also for other people's sakes because with the screaming baby I was a little bit worried we were going to ruin people's holidays so we have a bit of a dilemma with us so there's nowhere for nowhere to go we have considered selling it and actually getting a bigger van but I love this van so much I built it with my own two hands well not the van itself but the insides of it I absolutely love it it would be such a shame to get rid of it there is a way we can make this baby proof and that is if we were to rip out this bed and put in some standard seats that he could be in but this would mean we'd have to keep moving the baby seat from the back to the front every single night we are not the biggest fans of doing that we don't think it'll be that comfy and unfortunately we can't find a way online that we can change the front so we could put a two-seater benchy in the front but there's no baby seats that seem to work with that so it would have to be baby in the back or nothing we have a couple of other options and one is to buy another van when I suggest that to Emma she gets emotional understandably because she built the van so what we're doing at the moment is we are driving in Convoy and we do have our other car so we could do that but that is not necessarily a long-term solution or if we want to do really big trips that's not going to be fun for over like 15 hour Journeys what we're leaning towards doing is to be using our us camper van a lot more than we planned as we know we'll be able to take Noah in that and wait a couple of years until he is old enough to be able to sit in the front seat keep this van and instead use the money saved that we would have done buying another van and putting that into some other travel experiences that we can do or renting Camper vans as we go also I'm just getting a little taste for what's to come staying in this van with buggins he has stunk out the entire van already a few of you'll probably pick up on the term buggins and be what what the is that about we call each other eggens for some reason and sometimes I joke that Emma looks like a bug so he is our buggins I don't know why we're sharing this with the world this is very personal information what weird names do you have for your kids or your partner I'd love to hear and especially if you've got any horrible ones I can adopt them and steal to call Emma Alex used to call me emeroid as in hemorrhoid all right for sure all right for sure which I'm so glad that's phased out now [Music] love sniffing you mate the major benefit about having the car with us is that if we've tried everything with Noah like feeding burping all the different things then we can just take him out for a little drive and get him to go to sleep with the band we'd have so many things to try and put away it's hard enough to just get out quickly when we're in the band just the two of us it's with the three of us gonna be impossible definitely one bonus if we go for the Convoy method this one has instantly gone quiet the moment we start moving in the car so as long as we drive around for the rest of the day we're fine we decided to have a day out in Breen a Seaside Resort Village in the southwest of England starting out at Breen Leisure Park welcome to the South West's greatest day out wow wow it's a lot of pressure all right to have that much fun I wasn't ready for that much fun I feel like I've just beaten the system as to park here is almost five pounds for the whole day so I decided to go and check and see if it is worthwhile uh spending the money and going in there hey hey so what's it like I mean it literally looks like your absolute Nemesis really if you get car sick just set in a passenger seat going to the shops yeah it's like they've come up with so many different ways to make you feel ill Beach day van [Music] it's funny because we actually left the baby in the hot car and we're just pretending like he's here yep we've done that [Music] isn't it in a very long time yeah I'm tired already and we haven't even got to the steps so I'm a little bit apprehensive [Music] oh I think it's going to take a while to get used to my new mum body we've made it there yeah imagine [Music] you know these trees remind me of my granddad's comb over caught in the Wind sorry Grandma [Music] Emma has gotten back and I'm gonna go catch her up but I couldn't not come all the way to the end of the brain down where there is this fort here which is dates back to the 1800s where they used to defend during the Napoleon war against France it was then used again during World War II and this is where they were testing the bouncing bomb and funnily enough there was many occasions where the bomb would miss its Target and then end up in Farmers Fields And even a story ending up in a chicken coop [Music] I love in the UK we have the National Trust that preserve these kind of places so the fact that this is free to go around and explore I've just gone into the magazine room down in this tunnel where they would store all the gunpowder I do like exploring here but on my own it's quite creepy because there's no one else around so it's got these dark tunnels to go down I'm gonna get a torch oh I got a major Shivers and a big hit of just cold shivers came through me there oh I did not like that I've just got the vibe that I outstayed my welcome now I need to go run back to get to Emma to get back to our car in time before they close the beach [Music] you get the idea right a few minutes ago I looked online to see when the beach car parking closes and it's actually 30 minutes earlier than I thought it was and it was going to be tight for time anyway that's why I was running so I've been running even harder and I actually can't run anymore I'm so exhausted I've got to the top of the steps but I still have to go all the way over there I can see that I am the only car there left that's parked apart from a Rangers car with flashing lights so I'm assuming they're waiting for us I just haven't got the energy one last push [Music] well you look over sweaty I'm gonna be sick we've just had a lovely legendary back he's been asleep on me the whole time he just woke it up made it two minutes to spare I have so much to learn about timings with children oh [Music] [Applause] I recently got a price drop notification from the shopping app clana who are today's video sponsor I have been wanting to buy an inflatable kayak for years and I really got into it when we were in Portugal a couple of years ago and then even more so when I went to the US last year and I'm finally going to bite the bullet and buy one as I have found one at a great price I've been using the clana search and compare tool as I've been able to find a better price than if I was just searching on mine for myself it's not just kayaks it's basically everything that you can need the app is super easy to use and I was able to find a range of different products to help me find the best one that suited me the one that I chose has great ratings and detachable seats and it can seat up to three people so basically it's future proof for when Noah is old enough but also I can use it individually now as well on my own I just had to search for the product that I wanted and then the app brought back deals to me from a number of different brands and retailers it will even show you a range of different prices so it'll tell you if it's a good time to buy it like today and the money that we've saved from buying it this week compared to last week means I can treat the family out for a meal if you're interested in checking out clana check out the link down in the description it's completely free to do and if you download it it really helps out our Channel foreign ER feeds Noah in the bedroom I'm coming out to the kitchen to feed Emma and so the circle of life continues a well-fed wife is a very happy life as they always say and today we are having sausages obviously this is definitely an in joke but for some reason I like sausages more than your average man that would do so far I am absolutely nailing this British barbecue burnt on the outside Roar on the inside lovely oh just slink up okay I think I've managed to put him down I put Kanye on it seems to have children out for some reason Noah loves old school rap it just instantly calms him and at the moment Kanye West is his favorite it was we've tried like all these different Spotify playlists but whenever Kanye comes on he settles the most pre Noah Alex and I were getting really into board games and this is the one that we have played the most recently and he bloody loved it it was so much fun I didn't realize that there was a whole world of board games I thought after Monopoly that was it the game of life but there's actually ones where you can do co-op ones so Emma hates having her ass handed to her by me when we play games I'm competitive and I really like to rub it in because that's just the way I've been raised dad that's your fault there are board games that are cold ones where we actually work together so Emma likes it it's nice because I don't have to put up with obnoxious winner Alex we get to both be winners on the same team or both be losers but you did hear that I heard winner Alex in the same sentence but as long as we established that I usually win then these guys will think I'm cool right I know I seem like a major nerd right now but maybe I am the concept of this game is so cool there is a forbidden island with these Treasures that you need to go and rescue but wait the Island's sinking and it's a Race Against Time to get that treasure I'm so attracted to you right now I've already locked you in with with Noah in there that's true do you know what's really nuts is that we found out we were having him in that camper van and then now he is in there so surreal isn't it our son is in our campervan sleeping hopefully right now so one two three two of these in exchange first for the first treasure [Music] it's eight o'clock it's past my bedtime I'm exhausted that thrilling battle has pooped and the fact that it's eight o'clock and we get tired very early these days yes but it's time to go to bed and attempt our first night in here you might be wondering how on Earth are we all going to fit in here unfortunately for me has Emma pushed him out I've offered to sleep up in the bunk bed it's only fair right as I pushed him out I wonder how long we could use that for and for how many things I can use that for I mean I was there you can use it for a long time thank you so Emma and Noah are gonna sleep in here it's gonna be such a cool spot to stay when Mela is older this is his bedroom as long as we keep the van it will be also a great place to go and look for Animals from up here as well as we have done in the past see you in the morning this is so weird that we're not going to be sleeping I'm so in bed [Laughter] this is surreal hello hey let's wake up a hedgeville for me hey look at you up there welcome to my crib this is the first time we've ever stayed in here kind of more spacious than I thought pretty comfortable he is gonna love it up here if we keep the van it looks really fun it looks like kind of Sleepover Vibes definitely kind of like tree house all those kind of things that you love as a kid this is it especially because we have this side windows let's see what's awaiting you good night good night good morning guys we survived our first night in the van oh hello good morning I'm not sure vegan here but there's the sound of a combo navister out there which is a just as loud as he was in the night that wasn't ideal was it you you look cool in the night weren't you see you is this sustainable way of sleeping I actually really sleep well when I sleep apart from Emma because uh I'm a very fidgety sleeper to be fair so I wake up a lot from all the movement so the only thing that actually kept me up was obviously the little man but I do think all in all considering how tiny this van is we did pretty well we definitely could do this with the three of us if we could figure out a way to transport yeah the seat situation yeah I think it's safe to say we're both pretty exhausted today aren't we yeah I think it's gonna be I think it's gonna be a lazy day today when we have bad sleep it knocks us off for about a day so we need to catch up so today is gonna be a catching up a sleep day that sounds great foreign yesterday we thought what better place to spend an afternoon napping than in our camper van parked up on the beach so here we are we're at uphill Beach just over there is where we were walking yesterday I actually can't believe I made it all the way to the top of that that's Bonkers and the exciting thing is I've gone and picked up my kayak I have it here with me it's very very windy today and I didn't check the tide times so I can't go doing it today unfortunately but in the near future I will be doing it probably on some canals or something a lot calmer than the sea but I'm very very excited to test it out in an upcoming video thank you [Music] people like that in England are called boy races and I would love to know wherever you're from do you have boy races or do you have a version of boy races and what are they called and for context that means basically usually about 17 18 year olds and I think they're in Fast and the Furious yeah and they want you to hear that their car and it's usually a very shitty cheap car with a really loud exhaust put on it Al's been in the van for five minutes look what he's done sand in the bed are you kidding me you're probably a mother now nagging every every five seconds how dare you you used to love when I bring something you love when I bring sand in the bed in the past didn't she oh your dad's a little [Music] we are hoping to travel further afield very very soon distracted are we ever supposed to film a video with him around and within the next year we would love to be going to the US again for our camper van hopefully Canada I would like to go to Iceland and the Azores oh of course Norway we keep saying about going to Norway we would love to actually get around to doing that we are overdue a trip to Norway one of my bucket list places is to go to the Pharaoh Islands as well so these are where we're thinking of going I'd love to know where would you like us to go as well yeah where would you like to see us go with Noah and enjoy as a family and is there anything that you have to say to them before we go anything yeah okay we're not taking you to Disney it's too expensive if you like the video make sure you hit the big fat thumbs up button I don't know what makes it fat hit the Subscribe button and let us know what should we do with this camper van don't forget to check out clanette by using our link down in the description it's completely free to do and you can find some great prices for yourself nothing left to say but thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time and Noah beans out [Music]
Channel: Travel Beans
Views: 137,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel bean, travel, youtube, youtube Travel Beans, travel beans, travel couple
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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