Living Alone Diaries | What I Eat in a Day in the new apartment!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Michelle Choi
Views: 2,203,975
Rating: 4.9535866 out of 5
Keywords: Michelle choi, meesh, get ready with me, Korean makeup, Korean skincare routine, skincare routine, summer routine, daily vlog, living alone diaries, michelle choi living alone diaries, abg transformation, new york apartment tour, new york city vlog, NYC vlog, little puffy, skincare routines, vlogs, Q&A's, Madewell, Madewell jeans, Madewell denim, Denim, Jeans, Womens fashion, Womens denim, Womens jeans, Jeans for women, Skinny jeans, High rise jeans, Perfect vintage jeans
Id: 6BQTPs1Vd74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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