living abroad can be hard | how I cope with homesickness

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good morning [Music] my mom just left it's always so hard to say goodbye it never dawns on me how hard it is to be apart from family until you're together for a while and then you have to say goodbye it's like the hardest part about living abroad you guys like i'm sorry i need some water okay like calm down a little bit i'm so grateful for every moment that i have with my mom and i think the last time i saw her was five months ago so i'm grateful that i am able to see her like you know every five to six months should we try but going from seeing her every month to like you know it's hard it's really hard like my mom's my best friend and it's been so nice to have her around and i think too emilia left yesterday for a work trip as well and so having like boom boom you know both of them leave it's like i feel the quietness i feel the loneliness of course this is just me venting i love my life here and i love what i'm doing and i like being alone and the day-to-day and i have made friends and i keep myself busy like it's not like that i would feel this way if i lived anywhere else in the states without my family oh it's hard [Music] sorry i didn't i didn't even want to film but i just was crying my mom laughed and i was like you know what i haven't filmed for two weeks and i just pick it up i'm gonna use this as like a diary why not i know it will get better it's always like this also my mom usually comes with my stepdad whom i love as well but it's been really nice to you know have just her so today is just gonna be hard because you know back to work back to adulting i sound so silly i'm grateful i'm grateful that i still have my parents we have face time but it's really hard to be far apart from your family at the end of the day the pros outweigh the cons my mom bought me bought us these like rousset mugs she also did some house shopping when she was here which was like the nicest thing sorry everything i say is going to trigger me today i don't know why but like you know just little things like my mom would go for walks and come back with things for our house and i just sometimes feel like i take it for granted and i just am so grateful and sometimes putting a camera in front of me helps me it's like cathartic in a way let's make a cappuccino shall we and dry these tears [Music] it's like my signature now in my vlogs i feel like i always take a sip of my coffee in front of this window because first of all lighting second of all that's really how i start every morning i've been having my coffee without sugar and it's getting better and i'm gonna go back to bed i mean i'm gonna go back late and lay in bed it's early you wanna come to bed lily it's seven my mom left for the airport early this morning so i got up and walked to leo as i said goodbye to her as the taxi came i get comments sometimes when i do either not complain but ex but share some of the negative experiences of living in another country i get comments of being like well you live in florence you live in the most beautiful country ever with the best food like what is there to complain about suck it up like it's your decision you wanted to move there and i get where they're coming from we left rome back in 2019 because of a lot of things that i complained about and career changes and being closer to family it's a big reason why we moved back to the states and then the pandemic hit and we realized are we happier here like is the grass greener we're closer to family but we don't even see them as much as we thought we did we would and the pandemic changed a lot of things and put a lot of things into perspective for us and what was more important chasing like that hustle career goal or live living not living to work but working to to live and live was more important to us so when i was offered this opportunity we we did say yes however we did weigh out all the pros and cons and i did think a lot and very hard about saying goodbye to my family and how it would affect me and it does definitely affect me daily i'm no there's no doubt about that i'm much more happier living where i live now respectfully where we were living before and we're happier here and the day-to-day life here is just so much more what we want out of life but that doesn't mean and it doesn't discredit my feelings and how i feel and and feeling far away from my friends and family and not being able to just pop on over when i want to and having that it's true we have emilio's family here but they're not even in this same city so we don't see them as frequently at all and we're creating our own family unit here and that is what's important and that's what we at least we have each other and that's great but i get comments of people discrediting how i feel because of where i live and at the end of the day like the grass really isn't always greener and yes i live in a beautiful city with amazing food and culture and art but i still miss my mom my dad my grandparents my best friend like i still miss i'm still allowed to miss and have these feelings and feel lonely sometimes and feel misunderstood at times being in a place that i don't speak my native tongue i do speak the language but sometimes i can't get my thoughts across and sometimes i my brain just decides not to work that day and doesn't want to speak in any language good morning today is a new day and i may be wearing the same shirt as i was yesterday morning but i got to thinking about how i was feeling yesterday and the emotional journey i had yesterday morning and i wanted i didn't want to leave you all without something inspiring or something that you could take away from the video if you're going through something similar and given that today i'm feeling a lot better clearly i'm not in tears but i'm still sad and still feeling homesick it's a different type of homesick it's homesick from family who is visiting but given i'm still feeling the feel i wanted to share you with you all um some things that that i like to do when i'm feeling this way to make me feel better call it self-care perhaps but i did a few of these things yesterday after i left you all but i'm also going to do them again today and add some new things to the mix as well just things that help me cope and help me feel good when i'm going through emotional distress or missing someone or just feeling in the dumps so thanks for sticking around and let's get on with our self-care day let's go [Music] so typically on a self-care centered day i start my morning off without looking at my phone social media anything i will check to see if i have any messages from family friends anything like that but i won't go on social media i won't check my emails right away i won't do any of that and i'm out the door to walk leo i like to take a nice long walk in the morning without looking at my phone and just kind of enjoying nature and being present [Music] welcome to the note to self podcast i'm your host zoe i'm a certified professional life coach on this podcast you can expect actionable tips reflections and inspiration to live your best most fulfilling life [Music] i think [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sofie's World
Views: 23,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living abroad, expat, expat life, living in italy, the reality of living abroad, homesickness, adult homesickness, how to cope with sadness, self care, self care routine, sofies world italy, sophies world italy, sofies world living in italy, difficulties of living abroad, difficulties of being an expat, reality of expat, reality of living in italy, ways to cope with sadness, how to help with homesickness, how to help with feeling sad, self care tips, self care inspiration
Id: 47uajHon4oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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