'LIVE YOUR TRUTH' - A sermon by Carlton D. Pearson

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[Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] that was fun right thank you weekly choir musicians this brief experience that we have weekly is important to us in so many ways we unload and download and delete and subtract and add to and adjust our lives for the next week sometimes we spell it differently sometimes we spell it wek and sometimes this w e a-ok the fens on what mood you are what you're going to experience integrity basically means the integrate itself it doesn't mean that you're perfect in the sense that you never have a flaw or any misjudgment it just means that you add it all together I think we all have personality what some people call personality disorders it's really just personalities out of order because it's about every personality there is lives in you at some time in your life sometimes in a single day there's a feisty urgent emergent and grief frightened laughing I don't give a hoot spirit there's a very focused ambitious anal type part of you there's a part of you that's extremely boring there's a part of you that's amazingly exciting and excited and there's a part of you that's bold as all get-out and part of you that's weak and frightened and weary and suspicious and and it depends on what time of day what particular experience or circumstances surround you in the moment your chemicals respond to the environmental stimuli stimuli so whatever stimulates you in a certain way you have something in you including the invasion of bacteria or germs or disease in your being your body kicks into a different mold perspiration and the acceleration of the heartbeat or the pulse rate your body is constantly chemically cellularly and solely fully responding to its existence and everything carries its own consciousness I think a thought is conscious of itself positive or negative that what you're sitting on is conscious of its existence and that in the other parallel worlds and universes that are colliding and coinciding today around you in your thought life and in the energy and the chemicals and chemistry of your being there's all kinds of conversations occurring you've often heard me say we all travel along but none of us travels alone we pick up hitchhikers along the way and the hitchhikers though they may be nameless and faceless have opinions and we listen to them you're listening to them now they're making commentary on what I'm saying you having complete several complete other conversations while we're talking as I am - I'm hearing voices and choices and ideas and and on thoughts and it's just you know you don't realize your capacity to entertain so many voices so many choices all the time that's why I'm so confused so [Music] there's fusion and confusion the fusion when you get confused if you've learned how to fuse all those different factions because they have a legitimate right to exist you may not have given them permission or you may have but they're there for a reason so learn from them sometimes we're so busy pushing them away and they keep coming back until they have accomplished their mission I don't think anything happens without permission or Commission because everything is on a mission and it's interesting increasingly to investigate in interrogating an S Covey unload son uncover something's dig a lot ask the questions and listen to the answers and then question the answers especially when they come from you that's how you navigate this sexually transmitted disease we call life that's an incurable disease talk to me somebody but it's not untreatable that's why you here today trying to get your weekly treatment trying to manage the pain because it's a terminal thing yesterday we celebrated the life of John Powell and up at the metro to church pastor did the eulogy was an incredible service acquired davidandnicky and our many of our volunteers and people from all over the city came together to celebrate for about an hour and a half or so and then I rushed to a wedding all the way out and Broken Arrow some do a little girl Kea Dorsey that we grew up with that she's like a daughter to us or niece and then back over to Colleen's house for a dinner for the wedding or for the family Sara Jordan's family the man who wrote baby love and and stop in the name of love and his his marriages to Sarah's sister and I I didn't realize this guy said man I thought you'd been in Hale because we're now well we were kids if we listened to that kind of music we were gonna go to hell y'all like Aikido know what I'm talking about ask my mama she was sent straight to hell that she my mom would take all of our secular records and take him out and throw them in the trash as soon as she came back in the house my brother and I would sneak around and bring it back in there and the next time she seemed she throw him in the trash she knew we were gonna get him out she really she was doing all that religious stuff but in her heart she knew she used to like secular music before she got saved all those Agility's in life the different shifts and changes and we had a record player and but to see the guy that wrote stop in the name of love and it was a friend of Diana Ross and all those guys came from Detroit and have a conversation with him about the vicissitudes of his life what he was thinking when he wrote stop in the name of love when he wrote I wish I could remember some of the first ones he wrote he if I named like six songs you'd know every one of them he's in his 70s now he has huge stories they just did a Motown thing especially here a couple of weeks ago he was on and they interviewed him about his stories you never know who you're sitting with and I've known him for years and didn't know he wrote these songs started to borrow some money from because I know him I know he got plenty graduate is a person who has successfully completed a course of study and all of us have successfully completed various courses of study whether you'd agreed or not when you live as long as we have as I have you they say if you study anything 40,000 hours it's worth the master's degree so some of you have master's degrees are you worthy of a master's degree you just think of a messed up degree but we all messed up somewhere but we mastered what we messed up talk to me somebody just 40,000 hours of being me or being you being a parent or a child or sibling or a single person or mail or feel you have 40,000 hours of being so many things we could call you master which basically means teacher manipulating in mastering life we go tomorrow to Chicago there'll be another memorial service and John was 81 he was the baby of like 11 children and eight of them have trances transition before him but there'll be a lot of older people that will come there tomorrow and I have a lot of memories of old things of his past and sort of been interesting gathering people that Sarah sang with 50 years ago we've talked to some of them are gonna be at the service tomorrow night in Chicago and they'll be remembering and reconnecting and recollecting past experiences with John with Sarah with life so I'm really sensitive to marriage and family and death and doing and living and breathing and graduating and moving along and learning and wrestling with this whole pursuit of truth mostly the truth about ourselves what are you a graduate of whatever you successfully what course or cause have you or are you successfully complete competing and completing and is that important to you just living your true that I'm calling this live your truth does living your truth basically mean surviving truth or your truth surviving your reality are you a survivalist is that the attitude you have about living your truth whatever that truth is and to most people most a good portion of their truth is a secret which in some ways becomes sacred because it's a secret because that's where those terms come from whatever was not known the Gnostics or the knowers the seers the enlightened ones knew that was always a small group I've always been in in in fascinated with the passage of scripture where Jesus is quarter to have said that narrow is the way that leads to life it doesn't Satan eternal life it just says life broad is the way that leads to destruction destroy yet too to lose your structure determine term and many there be who go there in King James language few are the ones that find life who are the people that the masses of people supposedly presumedly are religious all of us and live in the way of destruction it's the few people who are less religious probably that are living in life not eternal life necessarily that's because I think we all have eternal life I think we all keep existing some kind of way I think we existed in the past we exist now we exist in the future that's speculative of course but my soul seems to have memories of some pre-incarnate reality where love prevailed and that not only did I love but I was loved I remember love I remember peace I remember security and I'm reminded of it here especially when I think I don't have it everybody's looking for perfect love but nobody can really tell you they've experienced that perfect unconditional love because we don't even know what that is except we remember it how can we miss something we've never known unless in some reality we actually did experience and Express unconditional love looking for love in all the wrong places you're really looking for love in you and as you and not only that we're looking for light because all of us think we love and we don't like nobody including ourselves we've been taught that God loves us but the presumption is that he doesn't like us most of us know our parents love us but they seem to indicate at some place that they might not like you and you don't like you and you don't like and you don't like anything because culture says you're not supposed to like anything that's not perfect but what is that who's perfect the Bible says perfect love casts out fear why because fear has torment the word perfect doesn't mean perfect the way we think it means it means full-grown maximize love I don't love fully grown love mature love does not have fear or phobias the Greek word is because fear or phobias are torment to us they torment you they they they torture you all of our fears our levels of torment now do you fear the truth or do you feel that you've been deceived by the truth or about yours how can we live can we really what's that mum the movie that where the guy says you can't handle the truth um what is it Nicholas um well that's what I was saying whatever you are saying I'm saying I can't a few good men with Tom Cruise right and Jack Nichols his son is the one that said you could handle the truth and I remember when he said it I thought do you don't even know what the truth is I'm the one that's saved but yet I knew can I handle the truth first of all what is it the reason I say what is it is because it morphs it lose about like the water you were talking about water is its if water is stationary is stagnant that's where mosquitoes come from where we live there's a little pond behind that is a fountain there so we don't really have have a mosquito problems if truth more sand moves and it's malleable and it is your truth this very second can shift in five seconds or ten the truth of your by certain aspects of your your Anatomy your physicality can shift your your your body is constantly moving and shifting and creating and recreating and so to really get a full handle on truth maybe only be momentarily because it keeps shifting and we're moving through it and that's what we get we get confused I'm living my Integris truth which means all the different moods and swings that I have men have menstrual cycles too now a woman said a man louder than anyone win a man but I mean men so does moon we all shift with the moon just like the tides of the Seas are affected by the moon the tides of our body and you are 80% water there's there's about a hundred thousand miles of arteries in you and there's vamping the course in water salt water blood to all those veins and so when the moon shifts and season shift there's a chemical and cellular response inside of you music can make you do that they can start dancing moving even if you can't dance you just think you can in and somebody can make you laugh and you might perspire you might cry or you might so anything could happen when you laugh so does living your truth basically means surviving it continue to live and exist especially in spite of danger or hardship of course we've all done that so the limits to survive or abide or manage or maintain or even endure the physics of existence just say to yourself I am Here I am as a very very powerful term but there's a physical physics is the branch of science that's concerned with the nature and properties of matter what matters or matters issues energy you know the word matter actually comes of the word matter mother all of your matters are related to the fact that you're here and you came here through the passage of your mother friend of mine lost his mother two days ago last night at Walter Jones she was 98 years old and he texts me past him I lost my mom or my mother lives with me she's 89 so I said I said unimaginable and I can imagine how you feel I know how much he loved his mother he's always talked about his mother she lived 98 years I said were you there he said my wife and I had just left the room I said sometimes they wait till you do that because your energy won't let them go and they're ready to go but the idea of and then we could say well she transitioned she she's in another world she's in heaven you use all those terms in other words saying she ain't here what am I gonna do what mama goes in 89 that could be any time so don't push it too far baby 289 yarn Kitty 90 years old my mother kind of Toshi's because she won't take one she doesn't believe in medicines and stuff so she she had none of those kind of poisons in her body that's some of those little longer the less you take of poisons she won't even take an aspirin you know and she's been that way all her life when we were kids a week got sick she didn't give us she gave his right as if she wouldn't give us fills she make us stop eating and going too fast we always gotta heal quickly I got healed within hours I feel fine see your give Ichigo give you something to clean you out between fasten and and casting it out he was but the word matters and we have this the physicality of our existence in our truth it's dealing with the fact that we were mother yeah that we actually came here and now when I was a teenager I didn't always know what what I wanted to be I just knew first of all what I didn't want to be I decided early before I was look you know I started thinking about about eight nine ten years old I don't want to be unhappy what does that mean I don't want to be unhappy I don't want to be lonely I don't want to be unloved I don't what a people or I knew what that what poverty meant I don't want to be an alcoholic I don't want to be a drug addict I don't want to be here response because that was all around me in the ghettos that we lived I don't want to be cheap and stingy and greedy I was going through a list of things and the the I don't want to be actually motivated me to them because what I said I don't want to be is the opposite of that's what I do wanted to be want to be but I wasn't emphasizing on the wanna be I was in advising on the don't want to be because I was threatened by that don't want to B's I think you've heard me tell the story of when I when we were cleaning at our door we had to clean our drawers on weekends he did that organize our drawers there were six kids so momma could do all that by herself she we really organized our own drawers she used to say soon as you the first thing you get in or turn around get up turn around make your baby get up turn around make you here before I gotta pee make that bed for then peak sometime I had to rush but I'm new making the bed daddy would say huh we had a she'd ever town we didn't have a bathtub just a shower we were living at a duplex they had to own some duplexes from from the one of those things that the armored people live in projects of projects and daddy owned to buy my parents on two of them and we turn one into four-bedroom but they didn't have bathtubs just showers and they were they're very particular about water bills and electric good turnout righto turn that light up don't be drinking milk or water you know that kind of stuff daddy's that are you step in the shower wet yourself wash yourself and get out and my brothers in their time and it you know to make us if we all wanted that hot water in the hot water wasn't that I don't know that I week we've been through so much and I that was all our true them when I standing at my shower today and let it run as long as it wants to I'll be in there quickening and praying in the Holy Ghost and shining just because I can stand in the shower as long as I want to talk to me somebody now I'm saying to my Kia don't drink milk for water turn that light out well I don't even have the same crunch today that I did them but it's still in my mind mama still thinks she's saving for six kids she just saved everything don't tell her I told y'all but she don't throw nothing away period that's her truth she who ever heard of putting these towels in the dishwasher how many plastic dish towels in the save everything well that was the mentality live your truth means that you're going to be you're gonna remain alive and maintain a continued existence of usefulness in your truth my truth has shifted in sixty six years what I mean that is my realities by self realizations Emma realities and the circumstances or circumference around me as I live my truth shifts and my truth automatically just to my reality and so does yours and it doesn't automatically sometimes it's contrived your some of you right now are forcing yourself to be here force yourself to get up this morning you made yourself beat this one enough I ain't go I should go I'm gonna get up I'm gonna start getting ready if I don't feel like going I'm gonna stop now I had to be here y'all don't have to come every week so we're very grateful you do come because I wouldn't be here every week about in Africa except I'm such a good person I usually go to church [Music] there's a part of me that would never miss there's a part of me that would never come there's a side of me that would never smile there's a side of me that does not know how not to there's a part of me that is as genuine sign not only give you the shirt off my back I'd buy your whole closet full of them there's a part of me that won't give you a dime I don't know that part well but I know it's the capacity is there because ever I have a every time I have a thought to give I ever thought to not give talk to me somebody just whatever the prevailing thought is that's how truth morphs truth is that which is in accordance with fact that which is in accordance with your reality so we celebrate these graduates we're selves we're giving them to the the permission to live their truth post graduation you have finished one course then you go to the next course I'm in another one of the courses of my life I've said you before that I believe that the syllabus for your life lives in your soul your course study and calls purpose lives in your soul so if you don't go within you go without I spend more time reading thinking meditating than I ever have in my life I'm not as busy doing things I actually get to think and not just feel I my whole life the biggest part of my portion of my life based on my feelings but the universe doesn't judge you so much by what you feel as much as what you think about what you feel and what you think about what you think about what you feel and then what you think about that because thoughts are the only things that are creative and inventive thoughts or were powerful than feelings so I'm I'm in the science of mind I like the science of mind what my mind knows in connection to my soul rather than just what my mind believes most of us live in the belief world and not the know world because we're all we know what we believe but we don't always believe what we know but what are the words that but I asked your neighbor what he just said what was that did how many you think you know what you believe come on be honest I know what I believe how many of you pretty much believe what you know I don't know I think more hands went up on that one how many of you think you know what you believe just be say I know pretty much what I know what I believe okay what if I said how many of you know what you believe about you or if I said what do you believe about you now me now Barbara Daymond at the church what do you believe about you and why do you believe that about you and how do those beliefs about you what add to or subtract from the quality of your life that's what you believe about you is what you believe about you true or contrived are you role-playing or is that you is what you do who you are I can't answer that for you of course I'm just I'm just putting it out there I would like for you to go home in a minute I'm almost through just as confused as you could be cuz I don't want to give you too many answers that you that you I want you to have to think it's a I don't know see I came any believe you now let me see what did he sign II look I need to listen that or how now I'm happy saying that you know what I really don't know I'm a little bit agnostic that's what it means gnosis is the Greek word for no for no a Greek word for knowledge there's prognosis diagnosis aghh no sirs ignorance doesn't mean you don't know it just means you don't notice I'm noticing things about me at 66 that I didn't notice at 46 or 36 or 16 or 6 and I'm remembering things about me at 66 that I remember at 6 in 16 and 26 and 46 but I'm expanding do your hands like this everybody come on just make room for yourself come on stir the energy around that's why sometimes good to just get up and walk around the chair and just bend over and squat or do something just to shift the energy keep the circulation in your hands and feet do a crossword puzzle if you need to add read more keep the brain active so that you don't give in to the ultimate dementia that we all go through when the mind gets tired you know do your - is is 80% water for all you are your life you eat when you come out of the womb you're 80% water then we get adult you're out 50 to 60% water but your moisture your mystery and midst story you are a lot of mist every time you open your mouth even though you can always see the moisture you're always exerting moisture you always been you don't even knew it and the louder you get and it's just coming out of you so when you're talking to me we're breathing each other's breath right now we're breathing each other's skin dead skin that's 80% of the of the dust and Ana home is human skin did you know that and now I want you to know that before you have lunch because I know you won't eat when you get everybody's skin in the restroom is on your potatoes I didn't say restroom has a restaurant but I'm in it wrap your arms around yourself one more time I just give yourself squeezy said this is me I got this I'm okay I'm really fine essentially I'm okay I have worth I have Bauer validity and value come on said I have valor validity and value now that's not arrogance that's confidence but if you carry that wherever you go an animal a tree the universe the ecology of the environment recognizes your strengths but you've all the truth of your own validity stop being so apologetic for who you think you are or who you think you aren't only truth honor your truth salute and celebrate your truth and it will salute and celebrate you it will actually empower you you only no apology a couple of you do but most of you don't care let's get away from that energy and and and and get into that creative part of ourselves that makes things work I so believe in you and the older I get the more I believe in and the divinity that you are I think your divine I think you're magnificent I'm awed by you honestly I'm awed by you and you're so individually creative your stories are fantastic my people sort of told me the folks who hang out with me they pull me away sometimes because of you if you start showing me pictures of your mom and am and your grandma I will ask you about every single one of you every one of them I love your stories cuz I I hear mine in yours so who's that so what grandmother what grandpa where did you get them shoes so what did she live what does she eat what did you remember about her and you'll tell me something that'd be so fantastic because we're all interconnected whether we like it or not whether you know it or not and there's not a thing we can do about it but say yes I love you peace and blessing the lovely with you and keep you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] have a great day everybody [Music] hey we're so happy you're visiting with us online today we love connecting with people all across the country and around the world sharing our powerful message of love beyond belief there's something new happening here you can now join all souls as a virtual member our virtual membership is designed for friends who live outside of Tulsa Oklahoma and who want to engage with all souls in a meaningful way you can be part of an expanding family a global family really wherever you are if you live in Oklahoma Ohio or Orange County California Canada or Cameroon by becoming a virtual member you'll be able to deepen your connections with members and friends here in Tulsa and with members wherever you are each week you'll receive special All Souls content tailored for you our virtual members virtual members have access to pastoral care the personal prayers and also receive invitations that exclusive web events you can learn more and if you're ready you can become a virtual member today by visiting All Souls Church org forward slash virtual membership we're grateful our ministries are having a positive impact on your life and we want to share the good news of love beyond belief with more and more people so no matter what we need your support to keep this ministry growing and thriving so please consider making a gift today you can do so by texting love be be for loved beyond belief to seven three to five six or simply visit our websites you are a blessing in our lives may you be blessed and be a blessing [Music]
Channel: All Souls Unitarian
Views: 3,418
Rating: 4.9120879 out of 5
Keywords: All Souls, Unitarian, Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Universalists, Universalism, Sunday, service, sermon, minister, Truth, existence, consciousness, life, survival, truth, deceit, secret, religion, love, strength, validity, value, valor, divine, reality, faith, Carlton D. Pearson, Contemporary
Id: x6Uryh7NFig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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