Live Worship by Roy Fields at PSOM
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Channel: christloveministries
Views: 70,887
Rating: 4.869833 out of 5
Keywords: Royal Destiny Ministries International, Jesus, Christ, Holy, Apostle Charles Ndifon, Charles Ndifon, Charles, Dr. Charles Ndifon, Donna Ndifon, Pastor Donna Ndifon, Donna, Christ Love, Christ Love Ministries, Christ Love Ministries International, Royal Destiny Ministries, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Spirit, Salvation, Deliverance, Power, Love, Miracles, Healing, Wonders, Signs, Marvels, Insight, Wisdom, Excellence, Kingdom, God, Power School of Miracles, Teachings, Roy Fields
Id: I_6j2XvutUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 30sec (5910 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2017
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