Live with Regis & Kathie Lee with Shirley Temple Black

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[Music] in the 1930s amid the uh hard depression times one little girl by the name of Shirley Temple captured the nation's heart with performances just like this when I get hold of the big bad WF I just push him under the ground and I bite him in a million bits and I go Bo him right down when they're inside me where it's dark I walk around like no it's Ark I st my tumy like a goop with Animal Crackers in My Soup a yeah Surly Temple could you just this book called child star and here she is Hollywood's greatest child star of all time thr temp do nice see you Kathy Le greetings yes sit down and relax and it's so nice to we look like we're ready for Thanksgiving instead of Halloween I feel like I've been tuned into to you my entire life so maybe that's why grew up on all your movies thank you a can't help this is a fun show thank you I'm glad to be here I feel awake oh good this is my debut of the book tour in New York oh is it really yes oh boy well that's good and uh I've never done anything like this before you've never written the book before have you when there been so many biographies about you at least 12 you want to set the record I sure did want to set the records what are all these take your pick I don't want any of that I don't blame it you got coffee you got Coca-Cola or something else that's it I'll check it I don't know dieta but let me ask you something surley were the biographies correct or or close or well one of them um a really close friend of mine has read and there are about 525 f actual errors no kiding and that's what really got me going but it took me eight years to write this but it's a you know child story is not short it's it's 5 P but the book is thick and it's beautifully written and it stops at age 26 which was a lovely place to [Laughter] SP well it stopped when you finally kind of went came full circle and found your second husband and had your two children with wonderful 38 years we've been married that's lovely he's yes he is but I'm I'm now writing book two because it's kind of interesting I think it's interesting mhm my life goes into 19e segments huh first 19 years I made films yeah the second 19 years I was raising my brood of three children sure and the last 19 years I've been in government service and if the viewers and the audience add those up there's something missing the first three years I had to learn my trade right how old were you when you actually made your deut were you three three years old but you started taking to lessons when you were two well a little more than that but now every every mother and father thinks that their little girl or their little guy is going to be you know a star yet you had this face you know that everybody could see it was going to happen to you and you had a talent that was she a genius really thank you shall we go out with they're nice in New York oh yeah let's take one more look now at Heidi this is 1937 I can't take this and how old are you here uh this will I was 9 years old 9 years old it's really tble oh no no you s away tell the TRU he is my grandfather my really truly grandfather please please come on don't Beal take child home I am not her child need a bed lady she right to some the D pleas please please let the grand take me home he didn't mean to do anything bad I want a card and payback for everything he broke so was SW and barely pay no attention to her she'd be all right when I get a see I've seen that about 20 times made everybody forget their problems and their troubles back in the 30s and we'll be back with Shirley Temple Black in a moment [Music] accommodations for some guests of live provided by the Marriott Marquee home of Broadways Marquee theater and The View New York's revolving rooftop Lounge New York's Marriot Marquee and for tickets to live with Regis and Kathy Lee please write to guest relations 36a West 66 Street New York New York [Music] 100023 time Happ B okay we're with Shirley Temple Black this morning and we're going to take a look at some of uh the photos that are in this new book called child star the first one is Shirley and uh and your mother and was she a stage mother or the first the first one here well the first one we're going to see can I tell you about that picture yeah this is kind of interesting I think I wanted a picture of my mother without a hat on and I went in the Attic last July 3rd got into a special cupboard and a chest in there and found that picture mhm and it's just my favorite of her and there was another little envelope in the box and it um it was kind of a yellowed envelope and on the front it said Shirley's baby pic and it was signed by my mother and I opened it up and found a picture of me in the Baby Buggy which is on the dedication page to my mama mhm and I had written I'd written the dedication about um 8 years ago and then found this picture and I'm naked as a little jbird I'm about 10 months old and my baby buggy your mother didn't push you you say you pushed her you were so determined at such a young age I just loved my profession it was just the best the best kind of thing one could do I thought everybody worked you know and you made uh you made over $3 million in your career right yes I did there was a problem with the money there was a little problem at the end I think I was 22 years old and I asked my uh dad and his business partner uh well how much do I have you know CU they kept saying women don't I mean ladies should not talk about money it's not ladylike so you shouldn't do it so it turned out when after 2 and 1 half hours of them giving me all these different figures that what I actually had was $44,000 after all of that and after making actually I would have paid the studio to work I loved it that much and I think I did pay the studio you probably did that caused some problems there because it was your father who was managing your your soal fund he stopped D my dad left school in the seventh grade and um I kind of feel that the culprit was his partner the business partner because my dad was very generous everybody loved him he had everybody was his friend and he would not have done that um I mean he we they lived uh so modestly no big trips no big parties very modestly so there's no anger in you towards your father not at all no in fact uh my mom and dad lived at my house in Northern California until they died my mom died in 1977 and then I took care of my father he died in 1980 just before my granddaughter was born so Julie bring us up to date now you you've been married for 34 4 years 38 38 years in fact in December we do 39 that's so and how many children three three and did you have any aspirations for them to follow in your footsteps uh I I think that a child can do anything that they want to do I happen to like what I was doing my children I had on three of my TV shows in the um early 60s and they didn't care for it they didn't like sitting around and waiting and they didn't like the lights and they didn't like they didn't like it much my um eldest daughter is a writer she writes for a local small newspaper at home and does um art critique and uh sculpture and shows like that Artic yeah have any idea of your Fame of course yeah I mean how can you know yes you know who didn't though and this might be the story in the books my mic she still feels that way after 39 years didn't know who who you were really thought you were a secretary I was honored he thought I was a secretary I can't even type and I thought it was terrific but then he then he spoiled it I he said well what do you do and I said I'm I'm a motion picture actress and he said oh you're a Starlet which is a real cut those are fighting words when when you're a star you know I said I was a Starlet between three and four and a half I tell you what let's go out with one more look at Shirley Temple and this is poor little rich girl another one of those great Shirley Temple classic films okay from [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 1936 Shirley templed one of our favorite scenes of all time from the movies the book is called child star and um Shirley Temple's whole story the official story right thanks JY we'll be back in just a moment thanks so much
Channel: Shirley's Army
Views: 67,224
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Keywords: Shirley Temple
Id: 5o2udvzMXgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 18 2014
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