Live Viewer Q&A 5 July 2021 – That Pedal Show

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right there we go heavens so what you're saying nick is is i've played some of the most incredible guitar in the intro that i've ever played in my life what we need to do is one of us needs to look at the comments while we get going i think is that would i reckon that would help well who knows hey everyone welcome to vcq live dan here mick here hello can't hear you can't hear you can't hear you can i hear you hopefully you can hear us now where's puppy where's the puppy there she is there she is hello darling hello beautiful come here rosie come on can you jump up here you're gonna jump in or do you want to go and see daniel come on come here come here we have to lift you up then you don't want to jump update um rosie the sprocket spaniel for the second week in a row is not in doggy daycare today because what are we doing tomorrow dan we're heading down mick and i've been invited to come down to um abbey road studios look at her oh my goodness oh my goodness she's so amazing she has just farted them [Music] you have just really dropped one in a big way which is nice isn't it baby dog because you've got a bit of a funny body issue right time for you to go home come on good girl come on see you rose see you soon yeah so mick and i are heading down to abbey road studios tomorrow because we might be doing something very fun at abbey road in the foreseeable future but we're going to go down and check it out and have a chat and do all that stuff it's very cool at least it was an elephant and it didn't crack on the what rosie yeah you know those kids tv shows yeah yeah and then there's a big elephant turd on the floor oh god it's just shambolic uh yeah voice is a little no we we know we know we know dog farts are the worst says jake morin indeed they are it's that high protein diet they have yes she's eaten something is the is that interesting about this is that we don't change anything from week to week and the voice level is low how does that work uh i don't know are we feeling subdued ah i just don't get it fundamentally don't get it but then it wouldn't be the first thing i don't get would it no i you know well you get a lot more of that stuff than me because if i wouldn't have the first clue what to do yeah anyway do you like new t-shirts look at these we've called it summer of fuzz do you want to do a close-up nick yeah do a close-up on our on our new close-up available in two colorways don't you know wha flex check that out um yeah somebody kindly said why don't you get a ring light to go behind the camera and then when you put things close to the camera you'll be able to see because our main lights are up there like yeah it's already a good idea really good idea really good idea so that's what we did so now if we're going to show you something so talking about flanges we can go i've got a hide mixed face where's my face yeah i can hide my face there we go so now i can show you back a bit oh no that's good it's good look at that look at that and even closer look at the knobs look at that look at that oh amazing amazing that's so cool you wouldn't have been able to hear down then but um that's the next thing we'll get sound by the camera as well i think we might be a bit overexposed today should we uh let's let's get to the pressure that's okay we're done welcome david daley wants to know how your house move went down okay i'll keep this short the people so being uh of us you know of a certain age my wife and i said for the first time ever in a house move we're going to get movers in they're going to come they're going to pack everything up they're going to do it for us it's going to be great it's going to be no stress uh there was some confusion over what time they were supposed to get here we're supposed to be out of the house at midday at 11 a.m we get a phone call to say that the guy that's driving the van has somehow injured himself and they won't be able to make it so it's 11 o'clock we're supposed to be out of the house in an hour so bless our neighbors our neighbors all came over and helped us pack and threw everything in boxes and i mean we we'd had packed wasn't it the biggest moving day the biggest movement yeah yeah because it was the day before the stamp duty holiday finished um yeah so it was an honestly it was an absolute nightmare we just threw everything in in boxes and stuff and now it's luckily enough we're only moving the same street just up you know a few houses away yep ramsey street uh so our neighbors come over we just threw everything in boxes and threw it in the garage we don't know where anything is it took to say a mech it took us two hours to find cutlery the other day so we'd have something to eat um it's it's a shambles we're in the new house but it's been the most stressful move we have ever done um yeah absolute nightmare so yeah well thanks for being here no worries no worries i'm glad to be a little ray of sunshine a bit in your otherwise cloudy day a bit of a respite uh it's like teen says are you do you have to do you have to go gotta go and do vcq babe it's really important you know i thought you i thought you were going to have the week no no no no no no fisa queues sacred well oh i got to be there actually i might have to go a bit early [Laughter] so that's how that went thank you for asking indeed um jonas grevland wants to know any chance of a tweed episode yes so my dear friend jessie hoff from lazyj who is an expert on tweeting amplifiers and has a whole bunch of classic tweet amps is going to come on the show i talked to him about this about a week ago and yeah so yes it's going to be awesome is the answer to that because it's such an interesting circuit and design and era yeah i think that you know if you want to get nerdy on it the internet's full of all the information you need but the the initial question for me is well here's a black face here's a tweed yeah what is the difference yeah totally isn't it and and we all think we know and like all these things we think we know it's not until you plug them in and stick them side by side that you go oh yeah yeah right that's it yeah um good morning from colorado springs says srv ted test's edge uh s-r-v-t-e-c-e-g tech edge srv tech edge cool tech srv tech ej i'm glad you're done i wonder if it's ronnie martinez i'm sure it is um anyway uh ben keane what happened to your thumb dan ah man uh he was wrestling the crocodile he stuck his thumb right up he's bam no i was training uh training and uh stuff happens you were wrestling i was wrestling but not a croco not a cracker was it a kangaroo it's called normal check no um he's like yeah i so with uh i i was doing some jiu jitsu and did something and then with all the moves stuff got knocked around it's just really swords to tape it up and i may i may need to go and see someone about it not right now it's busy i have minimum sympathy for self-inflicted injuries it's like people who climb mountains and break their leg and they're like oh bro look it's like well i ain't saying anything it's like if i fall off my motorbike it's like well you did get a motorbike yeah totally in it totally but we hope your thumb gets better soon i'd be more worried if it was you know a critical injury enabled you not to play the guitar oh sure that would be i'd be worried then i would have sympathy no i'm good no i'm good i'll get my voice out yeah yeah yeah yeah uh ross philpott wants to know hi chaps love the show i've learnt tons from you throughout lockdown i was wondering does what you do uh ever become a chore uh does doing what you love ever become a chore so it's a fantastic question there is doing what you love and then there's all the stuff that surrounds that that supports you to enable you to do what you love yeah and that's the thing so and it's we always feel grateful and very blessed and fortunate to be able to do it we love but it's not it doesn't stop from being hard work um but you know there's always uh you know i think at the end of the day when you when you're able to look back and and you've spent time doing something that you truly enjoy it's a wonderful thing yeah i i don't know who said it first but musicians often say it we don't get paid for doing the gig we get paid for the travel the setup and the teardown yeah yeah arguing with the promoter and that's where you earn yeah if we ever do moan about doing this we are of the highest order totally because there is no moaning to be done about this i get stressed about the production element of it um because there's never enough time and like everything to be right yep but you just need a quick word with yourself to say hang on whoa yeah yeah taylor you know it's a great deal of people in the world in a far worse situation than this we have no right to be annoyed with it yeah the thing um i think the thing that bothers dan and i the most if anything does it's that 90 of the time is all the work that goes around it exactly what he said and 10 of it is playing the guitar and it would be great if if we could work out a way to increase that ratio a bit yeah so that's not a moan it's just a goal sure fair totally fair totally fair thanks to bv yes thank you bv always for moderating today and always thank you we massively appreciate it bv thank you so huge thumbs up to be very huge there you go one of um them tony brooks wants to know is it attaining your purple belt so we must say congratulations to daniel for attaining his uh brazilian jiu jitsu gracie jiu jitsu yep purple belt yes indeed oh thank you very much thank you very much yes uh cam was a surprise i went to we had a grading on the weekend and i got my pedal belt after so i've been training for over eight years now been a blue belt for four years and yeah got my purple belt on saturday and it was quite overwhelmed actually it's wonderful congrats man thank you big deal big deal thank you very much uh hello from spokane washington says kevin theo saw my code is spokane uh ray lamontagne okay she don't like she don't like she don't like spokane nice nice uh bozeman montana says jason deyoung or de jong um owen sound ontario canada hello to a stewart uh steve steve says your broadcast level is definitely low i think we've fixed it let us know if we haven't uh voice level is always low for tps no it's not it's always -3 db but today it's a bit less than that for reasons i have no idea why it could be a mic placement issue actually dan miles bang on why it's absolutely central to this i think we might be a bit forward of where we normally are really yeah okay see how that goes yeah it's so boring isn't it well it's so boring for all the humans out there anyway let's get to the questions shall we indeed thanks for being with us sorry you're a bit shambolic just wait isn't it it is indeed let's be honest about it um right here we go here we go here we go here we go s whiz swizz 871 swizz 871 or s whiz he says well they say i've spent a two-week lockdown with your videos and my pedals the deja vibe has brought my big mouth to life nice all your inspiration presumably well actually it doesn't matter which way around you've got it but we're assuming if you've got it after it's buffering it all sounds brighter lovely happy days very good that could be what's happening there thank you for being with us very good uh why not maple says uh is the name of the person here why not maple why not indeed indeed um hello hello finally i get to watch it live thanks for the holiday oh yeah in the u.s it was um fourth some big thing yesterday yeah yeah happy um the independence day yeah yeah i'm being facetious i apologize to everyone in america uh yeah happy fourth of july everyone indeed yeah yeah however it was fantastic yeah and we're sorry dan thank you mick thank you your show has a huge impact on my tone and helps me find a sound of my own that i'm happy with best wishes you're the best says why not maple that's wonderful thanks for being here thank you mate that's that's the best thing ever we hope you're having a a peaceful day yeah uh batista bubba testing bubba thank you for your generosity that's super generous thank you he says hello from concord georgia i guess ga love what you guys are doing what order would you put these pedals in uh wacko wah from jam yup strobo strom tuna from uh those people yes the tuna people peter citizen yep um pedal pawn fuzz t-rex moller ii dnm drive rc booster small clone chorus harmonious monk mxr carbon copy very nice uh okay the should we start with easy bit yep harmonious monk last very good carbon copy before that so monk carbon copy then it's really about the placement of the chorus sorry i'm doing this because dan's not reading the pedal names therefore he's probably forgotten the pedal names i've read out who are you yeah there you see so then it's about uh where the chorus goes in relation to the drives sure if we go back to the start of the chain let's you've got your peterson strobe stomp you've got your wacko wire both two bypass you know i have i've had the guitar going to the tuner because that's a good input mute and then into the y pedal um and from there you've got your gain stages um and the way that we like to do it as a as a place to start it all depends on how you're using those pedals as opposed to the pedals themselves we did a show recently um which was in the you know got 20 odd overdrives on my board and so we show you that it's not necessarily the pedal but how you're using it the pedal that you're using for the most amount of gain we're like earlier on and the pedal that you're using for the least amount of game maybe for booster and things we like at the end of the chain and we're like starting in that like that you know so your dnm drives you've got your other things yeah that's the confusion is you've got a lot of really nice sort of mid-game overdrive uh power there you've got a t-rex molar two and a d m drive both of which are dual-sided so it almost the molar is after the dnm drive i would say because the molar sounds a bit cleaner to me even though it will do heavy overdrive sure the dnm drive will do heavier overdrive in terms of the front of the chain there it might be that you want your fuzz right out the front before the tuner yeah right yes the pit the true bypass mode the pedestrian stuff is very clean and the the workout wire is also very clean so you might want the fuzz in front of the wire though yeah which is a really cool sound um [Music] yeah but the as long as the fuzz when you're playing the fight sees the uh the defense of this coil sees the impedance directly from the pickup um then yeah so the fuzz right at the front and then heavier gain stages cascading to the lower gain stages maybe use it for boost now that's just a place to start after that you absolutely have to experiment because it all comes down to your dynamics is when you're playing the amp that you've got how you have that set up everything in that chain is involved in getting that sound and the order uh has a massive part you know impact on that yeah yeah and then if you don't find that heavy again first least gain last thing works swap them around because there's a lot of people who prefer the low gain stuff and the high gain stuff at the end so it's it's a matter of taste totally so if you find yourself getting confused slim it down a bit and take take two of the pedals that you're not sure about and just listen to them in isolation each way around and do this with your hands like a magician yep um and that might help clear the fog a little bit also the thing that he always says is if you're not going to use the two pedals at the same time it doesn't matter what order they go in no it doesn't matter so that that might help the decision as well indeed um thanks for that bubba and thank you for your amazing generosity uh andrew dibble says good day agents good day mick in your experience and money no object which guitar gets you closest to a true vintage fender sound and feel a modded american vintage or a custom shop i would say guitar for guitar if you've got 10 of each and you stuck them into two racks and you picked them up i would say the custom shops are going to get you closer than the american vintage reissues what that doesn't take into account is that one of those guitars might be really banging for you and another one might be less to your taste but it might be more to my taste so i would say you're in with a fair chance with any guitar to get a really nice vintagey strat sound um assuming the custom shot you're talking about is like a you know a relic type what i think the relics have over the well there's a number of things that custom shop has over american vintage reissue and or especially over the latest american original just to recap that from 2012 to whenever they turned into american original those guitars were the closest they've ever done in american vintage in terms of spec finish hardware pickups well they just had a really good go at it they completely redesigned it from the ground up and relaunched them in 2012 and they went to town on everything wow and that's what that black one is right that's what transit van is and the one before that which is what blue is not so good bit more general and then after i don't know when they did it like maybe 2018 or something 2017 something like that they went back to a more general approach to the american originals so where i think custom shop scores is one more exacting choice of timbers and i think they think a bit more about whether that body and neck is really going to work together once you're up there to american vintage and custom shop things like multiple body wood spreads don't tend to happen quite so much anyway whereas in american standard in lower ranges especially on the solid finishes you might get well at one point could be seven or nine pieces i'm not sure they still do that but they certainly did so once you're up there with decent american vintage and custom shop you should be into two or three piece bodies um which is generally thought to be a good thing though you know far be it for me to say that it is universally a good thing where i think the relics really really really score is the finish it's usually thinner and there's usually less of it so that guitar tends to be a bit more further down the road right whereas if you buy a brand new guitar with a full-on finish on it it's going to take you a minute to bond with it a bit more doesn't mean it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to sound any worse but in my personal experience once the finish has hardened and been battered off a bit that's when the guitar starts to sing right now blue has the thin skin absolutely minimal undercoat you can't see it yeah all you can see is blue and it has years of wear on it lacquer yeah um whereas i have seen american vintages that have got like a really thick base coat which of course they had in the 60s oh wow yeah yeah yeah um so there's no all this thing about thin skin wasn't necessarily the case back there it's just the fact that they've had 50 years of wear and that that finish becoming one with the wood interesting which is what's happened on a really great old guitar that's been played so my answer is it it's down to the individual guitar i think if you were to take an average it would be custom shop every day of the week yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah good luck um jacob bartelt hi jacob i got my new tps t-shirt in the mail this week he says and i wore it the day i got it and ran into a fellow tps member legend how cool is that i love the community at youtube a bit well jacob thanks so much um i am on the case with your bit of audio by the way um i was hoping you might be able to give me a time stamp or somebody can give me a time stamp um to exactly what it is that you want and i will turn that around for you arnold deal the third may have a question we're not really sure um maybe we'll get to you in a sec arnold uh you've done a super chat but there's no question um nick osborne he says hi mick uh on vintage spec strats there's stuff like correct contours and dark versus light rosewood fretboards affect how you feel about them um [Music] yes and no for anyone who doesn't know they got they got blockier as the years went on so the early 50s ones were were and again all of this is in general right all of this is on average it's not necessarily necessarily the case for every single guitar but 50s ones tend to be curvier deeper contours remember it was new yeah dudes stood there with their shirts off making the contours on huge sanding belts that have you seen that video yeah with the guy doing unbelievable and the love that went into those guitars was summit summoners and then of course as they started making thousands and thousands of them i guess that process got a little bit more and by you get by the time you get to 65 they're actually pretty blocky some of the bodies can be right blocky and one of the things i really strongly disliked about a lot of the american standards was how blocky the bodies were um so that's just a personal preference uh dark rosewood fingerboards yeah i mean there's nothing like seeing a really lovely dark fingerboard but then let's not forget that not all brazilian rosewood was really dark so the indian stuff tends to be dark um and it tended you know if you look at an old slab board strap with a really nice piece of brazilian on it it tends to look pretty dark but some of them were lighter yeah so that no that wouldn't put me off i actually quite like the look of powerfurro weirdly okay yeah which is which is a bit lighter looking but it's still uh it's still in that family right i think they call it rio rosewood it's not actually a rose it's not a dalbergia right i don't believe okay yeah i'd somebody might may put me right on that but i don't think it's actually a rosewood species it just looks like it oh okay i think i think i could be wrong um so no not really um blue has an unusually dark fingerboard and in fact dan let's use the close-up cam light indeed indeed i have a look at fingerboards on two guitars so the aforementioned dan can you commentate okay therefore mentioned uh so that yeah this is a transit van from 2012 and you can see the color of that the rosewood fingerboard on that one and i have no idea it's it's why the dots have gone that color yeah and they're strange almost clay looking dots but they're not clay are they well one of them until 2012 one of the things i did until 2012 in 2012 indeed was they tried to make the dots the right oh they tried to make the dots the right stuff yeah okay but now this is the this is the neck on blue and see how dark that fingerboard is it's just stunning um okay uh yeah but that's yeah uh transit van is much lighter and so both rosewood uh when they when they redid these this material like i'm guessing was just a lot more porous so when it's had fret jobs and stuff over the years right it's got darker the it's bled into the um just so red sits somewhere you yeah yeah i had your face so you write it somewhere in the middle of those two i think and then notice that post 63 they move the dots in the wrong place at the 12th fret so they don't sit under the uh a and the b strings oh really yeah i don't know not quite sure when that happened but it certainly had happened by 63 right um my theory about this guitar is i think it might have been a or the prototype for this series right because of where it came from okay and also because that was sent to guitarist magazine right and you bought it no no i walked into charlie chandler's and bought it no way but charlie's brother doug had a hand in publishing the book so that okay so i don't know because you i haven't seen a finish like this no you tell me people out there who've got american vintage issues look at that it's just super thin so normally what you'd see on an american vintage reissue is a very clear undercoat yeah the white undercoat and there's nothing there it's just sprayed straight on yeah and i don't know if that if that very you know here's my knowledge running out i don't know if that varied between the lucite and the duco finishes the acrylic finishes which is what that is yeah um sandy apple red and duco which was the flat nitrocellulose so there's there's undercoat all the white stuff you see there is all undercoat back a bit back a bit look that's all good you see all the white there you go yeah so i'm sorry i could just talk about it for my whole life but what you will also see on black on um transit van here similar when they did the finish is so much better i mean that one you can see you can see the undercoat yeah yeah it's a different kind of yeah right so if you take um like uh something abrasive nick is attacking something abrasive even for example a plectrum for example and he's going to show you he's going to scratch some of that finish off oh just comes off and that wouldn't happen on a modern poly finish you wouldn't be able to do that yeah it happens on red all the time i look at it wrong and it just starts flicking and that is why nitrocellulose is cool and of course you walk into a guitar center or a good guitar shop and then you actually that's not fair i'm sure guitar center's had some good days and you buy your nitro cellulose guitar you take it home you put it on the stand it chips and you take it back and you go this finish is rubbish that's why a great many companies stop doing hydrocellulose right because it's so fragile yeah and then the environmental thing afterwards sorry massive tangent um massive tangent j's that was fantastic do you like maple fingerboards on strats says talu jazz i do i love the sound of them i love the look of them and if it's an old one where the lacquer lacquer's gone i can play them if it's a new one i just can't play them it's something screwy in my technique which means a lot of my flesh ends up on that fingerboard and my flesh just sticks to the fingerboard so i can't play them unfortunately but i do love the sound of them i love the sound of them um just make sure we haven't missed anything on that [Music] oh god we need to move on apologies everyone um i think that was only the second [Music] question [Music] says any thoughts on the ox4 low wind a4 pickups planning to upgrade those in my 2020 gold top standard i have those in my les paul and i've tried a bunch of other pickups in there and they just suit that guitar so i think the rx4 is a fantastic my two cents for what it's worth yeah big fan that was weird something weird's just happened okay i hope we haven't missed a bunch of no we haven't we haven't apologized apologies um jacob bartelt jacob he says in your shorter videos baseline videos you all are making what topics are you covering do you have one on how to set up a guitar i'm super stoked about that and stay brad um i guess in the vlogs there's there ends up being segments on that but nothing specifically on how to set up a guitar no we haven't we haven't planned one specifically on that they are things like um and they may not be for you guys you know like we we call you lot the tps faithful the people who can be bothered to tune in and listen to me and dan harp on for a couple of hours live you know you are a very select bunch of humans um whereas most abnormal humans who don't like this kind of thing basically want to click on a video get an answer in 20 seconds and click off it again yeah so it's good you could have explained that in three minutes and 25 seconds instead i had to wait till 47 minutes before you even started to play things i missed my bus my cat missed his dinner and um so they're going to be about things like what's the difference between boost overdrive first and distortion very very briefly they're going to be like how do you choose a modulation pedal they're going to be like what would your three first pedals be if you were just getting into pedals yeah so we're going to try and take it right back to beginnings and just ask very basic you know what is and how does questions that don't require loads and loads of explanation and that we are finding out very hard because clearly there are no answers only better questions so we're trying to be very careful to give people information that will help but not to say this is the only way yeah and that's really tough yep totally it's it's very important one thing i love about this community is it's so inclusive um you know a tps community and and there's a lot of questions out there for people who are just starting out we want to make sure that they feel the love and that we are able to encourage them to try things and you know just maybe point them in a few directions of things to try yeah yeah it's a bit like um you know just encouraging people in so that they then become in a position to ask better questions there we go because the question that frustrates dan and i more than anything else is what does that sound like yeah and the answer is well depends where you put the knobs and even we're still learning that now so yeah yeah um but guitar setup video is interesting neither me and dan set up our own guitars perfectly adequately but neither of us would in any way proclaim to be good at it was that fair absolutely so when i you know been playing guitar a long time been been setting up my guitars for a long time but i take a guitar along to johnny kinkade and i get it back and it's like oh so that's what it's supposed to feel like yeah yeah it's you just can't um you can't watch a video on how to set up a guitar and then set up a guitar johnny's set up or you know your favorite guitar maintenance person has set up thousands of guitars they do it day in day out and the things they do without even thinking about it are things that you will never learn and i just it's so worth paying for isn't it absolutely but if you do want to laugh uh in the jason isabel telly vlog that will be coming maybe this week maybe next week uh i do deepen the nut slots with nut files really just a tiny tiny tiny bit because the strings are a little bit too big okay and i've sort of doing that for sport because i'm looking forward to all the comments okay like dude that's doing wrong so it's like that's for you guys very good very good um kj photo says my dnm label maker knobs would be cobblers two o'clock blimey o'reilly on the mix side and ace awesome and far out man on the downside uh how about you for anyone who didn't know we did a dnm drive with the old dymo type labels and there was ten that came without any labels and you could make your own i don't know if i've got one here no no not there oh you do oh damn these were actually mine what does it say i can't read it they say the two volume knobs are more and more nice and then the knobs are called dave bob ken steve and more and better very good yeah very good i like it we sent one to additives and they obviously they said they shot that video about 20 times but they couldn't stop laughing because by the time they got to this one pete had done a swear word sweary on there [Laughter] brilliant thank you for getting a label maker if you got one um i haven't been able to watch live for a while says david rutledge great to have you here david yeah he says um but it's holiday in the u.s just saying hi from nashville oh it chose me no worries me um well hello to nashville indeed and uh yeah once again we hope you're all enjoying your uh fourth of july celebrations in the us i'm really keen to get in nashville because i want to taste i want to taste me some of that barbecued meat i had honestly i went to one outside austin it was texas bbq just outside austin someone we've talked about it before and somebody told me what it was called it was unbelievable i mean the barbecue was like a eight-foot walk-in fire in the middle of the restaurant it was just amazing anyway jeremy summers hello jeremy hey jeremy he says i'm currently using an ac30 through a universal audio ox at home i've always wanted a mesa i was thinking about the mark 525 as stereo wet dry wig rex dry wig what do you think superb what's the channel switching situation on that are you wanting to use that for the multiple channel thing one thing i don't know about that is if the channels are all in phase and i'm not sure they are it's very uncommon in an amp that's multi-mode and multi-phase for them all to be yeah in phase and i think even the two rock right when you do the various modes so and the issue with that is when you change channels then your other amp's going to be out of phase so moving on from what he said how do you want to use that mark 525 so with the ac30 for example you do have multiple channels but it's not a channel switching amp so one would assume and this is an assumption that you're running it at a sort of given gain level and you then use your pedals for everything else now in order for a rhett's dry wig to work um in order to do it in the way that dan and i would approach it you kind of want the other amp to be the same sort of gain level which would mean that channel switching in the mesa probably wasn't on the cards right unless you've got some other thing in mind and if you have all cool personally speaking i would go for one of mesa's more simple amps right yeah i'd go for the california tweed yeah okay because to my mind it has a gain range that's more in keeping with where the ac 30 is interesting and a complimentary eq thing or even the rectifier 25 which is a stonking amp do they still do the hard breaker no that's that's it went in different directions it kind of became one channel of the lone star sort of okay sort of i love the heartbreaker yeah it's largely mark one based wouldn't it i think right yeah so i mean all meso amps totally brilliant but if you don't need all those channels get a simpler one my personal belief is that single channel amps is the way to go if you're not going to use all those channels and then there's no compromise it's just the thing is concentrating on what it needs to do and nothing else lovely yeah but if you do want to do all the channel switching stuff and take you know advantage of all that and the different power options and all that then yeah really really killer amp yep and don't be fooled into thinking that 25 watts isn't very loud 25 mesa watts is like hello yeah totally yeah aaron alba's band hey mate aaron says happy bundy leggings happy band day i had a brief chat with aaron this oh nice yeah yeah uh i hope i hope you both well we got another gig on wednesday and the tbs tps attire shall continue got to promote my boys all my love well thank you so much um yes he said that the gig went incredibly well so really because i just did a post that said because we haven't done any gigs yet obviously we're still coming out of the hot all the stuff and i just wanted to to see what the gigs were like who's out there gigging and stuff and i was going to touch and says he said i've got to get coming up i'll let you know how it goes and it came back so it was amazing so yeah that's everyone that's out there getting back into it it's it's uh really wonderful it's heartening to see isn't it yeah yeah i can't you know i can i'm really looking forward to doing it i know to get back to that place where we're both going to be happy with it it's going to be work but fun work the fun work uh prague doggy greetings from canada g'day mate he says okay my board is together and sounding great qmx 10 is wonderful thank you now comes wet dry should i get an ac 15 or a blues junior to go with my marshall dsl20 love the show especially vcu that's such an interesting question both those amps will work really well the ac 15 will sits in a similar place tonally because of the reduced frequencies of the bottom end just a tighter bottom end similar like similar that the mark that the marshall has similar frequency range of microphones whereas the fender is a bit fatter in the in the bottom end than the ac 15 and you might and depending if you really love that tightness in the marshall then go with the ac 15. if what you wanted something a bit thicker and a bit fatter go with the blues uh the blue junior yeah i would i would say that actually in that slightly bigger box there is still a fair bit of bottom end in the in the ac 15 whereas the blues junior can be a bit boxier sounding okay i i think the gain range is going to work better in the ac15 okay plus you've got tremolo on board as well which is really cool so you've got an extra bit of wet dry interesting there i personally would go ac-15 i mean i'm always going to go vox yeah i'm trying to be diplomatic i really like that amp it's great just the basic standard ac 15 is such a good sounding thing it's wonderful nice reverb nice tremolo happy days yeah super popular for good reason uh david burke howdy chaps no question just feeling bad for not sending any love for a few weeks dude please don't feel bad blimey o'reilly um blimey uh he says finally watched your strat video over the weekend so inspiring almost made me want to play my strat [Laughter] thank you david thank you mate uh michael mcfaul says thanks for the great content i appreciate you guys so much wow thank you thanks michael uh steve harvey hello steve um he says guys i'm thinking of diving in expanding to a wet tourettes dry wig what amps would you put on the shortlist to pair with my boogie mark 5 and which would you recommend to be wet and which dry now bit of background on this steve came up steve's friend of mine and came up one day and we plugged in and got him going with some pedals he ended up getting g2 yes yes um and he's kind of gone that whole route so i think where we ended up steve was uh the real previous question about the mark v you're using fewer of the amp channels boog's amp channels and more of the overdrive pedals um so i guess if you've got an eye on budget then something like a hot rod deluxe would be awesome fantastic choice um every time we've used the hot rod deluxe we've managed to get music yeah something meaningful it's a real for me it's a real live amp too yeah it has a particular mid-range that just cuts and it was designed that way you know i know it was richie fliegler who designed it but um it was or at least the transition of those amps that were the blues deluxe that yeah evolved into the hot rod series eventually um should also shout out to shane at fender for that actually but um for use at home hot rod deluxe is kind of like really it's one of those amps that i don't know if you've ever had this experience but you go into the music store and you're playing that thing oh that sounds really great and fat and big yeah and you play it live and you go where's all that wonderful thing going but you play a hot rod deluxe in the shop you go wow those frequencies are really getting me but then you hit here at live it's like it's amazing it works yeah totally so it was obviously designed with that in mind like you know it definitely was yeah wonderful it definitely was um and then i i don't know how loud you're playing steve um if it's not that loud then go for something a bit smaller ac-15 is always great blues junior is always great um what else do we like i really like the super amps all of the super supports as long as it's not too small to get any headroom out of yeah but that black magic is so loud it's crazy loud too that overdrives the key keely did a super amp didn't they yeah which is wonderful yeah um 65 deluxe reverb again bit more money but just a brilliant amp yep kind of sits with anything not too heavy to carry around i've been using a j20 yeah for for years and that's a fantastic amp to use with i mean i use it with a with an ac30 matchless and that always pairs up really well if if um portability is an issue um i would totally recommend something like the the blue amp one yeah that's they're fantastic which is a like pedal format 100 watt amp and as long as you get a decent speaker cap for it in a in a wet dry setting that could be blinking awesome because it's so much less to carry around you still got the cab obviously but it might be your mark five's a combo isn't it i was gonna say it could if it was two heads you could just get a 212 cab and run them separately but yeah something like that could be a good shot but if it was like right you've got you've got to go out now and buy an app it would be a hot deluxe for me yeah yep it's the it's the the one with the least amount of questions you just gonna sound fantastic yeah like it endless headroom almost yeah uh nice to hear from you steve i hope you will mate um why not maple again did i understand the other day that dan was the first person to make a loop switcher is that correct or not no no certainly not um we were when we did the first pro 14 back in 2004 bl um actually it was earlier than that it's in 2002 when it all started i think 2004 was the first review but wasn't the first loop switcher it was it was certainly there was nothing like it at the time i have to turn super chat off sorry that's all right yeah yeah of course super chat's going off now sorry everyone uh we are well over subscribed for super chat so okay apologies down yeah but now we'll you know it was the pro 14 was out there before a lot of the stuff that you'll see now but there are certainly things you know if you could have custom rigs built by you know name your builder here that would do that um but the profile team came about because i couldn't afford to do any of that so i ended up doing that myself but you know there were certain features in there that hadn't been done before but yeah certainly not the first loops which are out there no i think from my end anyway that particular group of features in that format yeah definitely right yeah yeah and with its specific intention in mind of solving a load of the problems of mixing up quirky weird bad tempered pedals yeah i think any a lot of the other stuff that was around and that had been developed was about you know get six of this thing the same thing or making line level stuff work like you said like so if you're talking about bob bradshaw or but that was a whole different game wasn't it yeah that wasn't get it all on your pedalboard that was half a block of flats next to your amp yeah and amazing stuff just you know took three months to build and 50 000 quid so yeah yeah yeah that was you know yeah yeah thank you i mean could you say that the first loop switcher was probably something like a patch bay in a studio yeah yeah midi controlled patchbay i you know i'm not sure there was things like um was the octopus that could do stuff you know there's a couple of rack things but yeah yeah simon baron simon says i got a high watt head for clean and a kraken preamp in the loop for heavy tones ah is there a cab or speaker that can do both of these tones justice get a 4x12 load with celestion blues dan loves celestia and blues um yeah depends how loud you play um if that high what is a hundred watt or even a 50 watt and it's cranked then you need speakers that are going to take it yeah because that will punish but if you don't play that loud um you know if you don't if the amp's not absolutely hammering then as dan said any any decent 412 will do it actually greenback loaded 412 greenbacks do a really brilliant job of that i love greenback planes they're really great um but if you want a sort of more inert type speaker that's just gonna get the job done the wgs12l which is an ev style i've got that in my two rock cab and i've got it in one of my zilla cabs and i love that speaker it just it does everything well and you know let's not forget the good old celestine vintage 30. yeah it's uh it's it was popular and it remains popular for very good reason has if you're playing live it has a pronounced kind of bit in the upper mids there um that is really good for that and they have changed a lot over the years but yeah i mean so number one if you can use a 412 a greenback loaded 412 very very special thing a very special thing that's what our marshall um is the marshall 412 that we've got um if you don't want a 412 you want something smaller ultimate 112 high power speaker is the ev 12 l e yeah 12 l and wgs do a version of that called the wgs12 l which is what i use and they're really good failing that celestine vintage 30. yeah lovely there you go that's it so the vintage 30 is a 70 watt speaker 60. why is it called vintage 30 where's 30 come from that's a really great question dan i wonder if it's to do with the magnet weight oh interesting you're right it is 70 watts marshall forum modern speaker 60 watts why is it called vintage 30 uh let's see let's see if anyone else charmed him donata let's see there is a steve grinrod has explained it in it with an explanation that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever on the marshall forum so um something to do with the fact it was going to be one thing it wasn't that aliko and ceramic magnet speaker problems it was released at the same time as the g12h blah blah blah okay doesn't make a lot of sense to be fair okay well there you go anyway interesting um from a one minute i mean if i'd read it for another two minutes it might have made more sense anyway yes sorry matt light blue hello matt he says hi from italy and thanks for all you do hello hello back to you in italy i love italy my favorite place i found a photo you know me in rome the other day yes you said psycho you sent it to me um that was the day bill collings died oh really yeah we were in rome the day he died oh man yeah i remember that i got off call saying he died um may he rest in peace yeah bill um i want to place my order for the ron ellis strat 5060 set to put in my 2007 american standard i'm very connected to the guitar and the sounds in it what are your thoughts interesting don't change them and my thoughts if you are connected then leave it yeah just leave it yeah if you like it why spend all that money i've i've sort of approaching this with guitars now that if i buy another guitar ever again i'm just it's going to be you know i don't want to buy it because of its potential it's going to be that guitar is just incredible in every single way you know pickups hardware everything because you change one little thing on the guitar and it's a whole different instrument well we're about to find out i'm about to swap out the bridge and saddles on my isbell telly because i can't i don't like the bridge that's on there um and i i like internet saddles on a telly so we'll see if yeah if it it shouldn't wreck the guitar right because it's a new guitar brand new guitar it's got brand new basic range bits on it so by swapping out that bridge plate for one that's the right shape shouldn't one would hope it really shouldn't hurt too much yeah but if you've connected with the guitar yes if you're really really happy with the town you connected with it just leave it yeah yeah totally conor mccarthy thank you for helping me love my ac 15 and fender blues junior amps spent years trying to dial them in your vids have helped me get an epic tone awesome great awesome nice one connor ian mckee says uh i've sorted silent practice guitar pedalboard jcm800 two notes captur from the dry out into the boss waza headphones set flat with cabinet and room sim on and reverb via bluetooth holy crap awesome jcm800 in your headphones nice very nice i saw one of those for sale the other day and i was i was tempted they're quite a lot of money now yeah i paid five 2203 and uh 412 and i paid 800 pounds no 500 pounds for both of them in about 1989 1990 something like that 91 maybe 90 89 right so i'd be like 15 16. i went through this crazy got rid of the twins down like that got jc m800 don't like that went back to the twins done like that uh bought mark 3 boogie done done but it was hilarious showing up for the first wedding gig with a marshall half stack after playing twins for so long it's like well i'd say for so long for a year in a bit um yeah i wish i'd kept that god i had no idea what it was obviously at the time sure no idea how to use it tim good i'm liking the love for hollow body and semi-hollow electrics on the show lately my birthday present to myself a few months ago was an ibanez art core nice i've never been so happy with the new guitar nice one tim yeah oh they're just unbelievable value for me they've done a such a great job with those guitars yeah very cool well done nice i think there is there's definitely something about there's been a lot of love for the casino recently i've been playing that a bit more and um it's just easier at lower volume it's just i don't have to work so hard yeah fun yeah um caden literal caden says what combination of three overdrive boost distortion first pedals do you think would be the most versatile uh double pedals count as two pedals so you've got three gain stages that's the most versatile well okay fuzz a distortion and an overdrive i have a drive set up as a booster um fuzz setup no if so distortion setup like a lower it's like still clipping but like a ds1 with a with a nice sounding old ds1 with distortion turned down a bit it is a killer thing um but the fuzz like my analog man sun face because it's so dynamic and i can get like amazing clean sounds out of it all the way up to that proper angry fuzz so and then using an overdrive as a booster after that uh using you know overdrive is just a gentle drive and then having distortion as a real proper angry but tight distortion type whereas the fuzz is a lot looser um that for me i love that combination especially playing telly's and and you know messages and boxes and things i think there's a combination that really works great yeah i agree with him fuzz something that spans overdrive into distortion and then a boosty thing yeah so i'd go like it would be diffic i would choose a fuzz face because that's the sound i like but they're not well if you can crank the amp they are tremendously versatile so i don't have to be a really nice tone bender maybe or a zonkey thing don't know first face clone and then something mid gained in the middle and that's going to depend on the amp yeah i think all amp dependent yeah yeah have a great week gents says matthew frederick thank you matthew thank you matthew thank you very much leggins says curtis r uh congrats to dan on his bjj purple day thank you thank you very much uh and to mick on that glorious drum kit match love from kansas city that nick sent me the video that it was just i'm honestly my i cracked up it was so funny dan and i are joined custodians of the drum kit by the way actually i think i might have bought the snare and one of the symbols but the pedal show bought the rest of it okay well man i'm the worst i mean man you think we think we're tommy's bow guitar why do you hear me on drums yeah yeah and you know mick's got a very nice groove though i can i can do it for about eight bars interestingly for a bit of um giggles the other day i had i had an hour i had a couple hours on friday for the first time in as long as i can remember because catherine had gone off to do something so i was like yes um so i was like shirking my responsibilities and uh i put the headphones on on the long cord right i put my apple itunes favorites list on which it it auto selects and you played a lot so it was everything from shaka khan to um morris to doyle brammel to sarah jeros fantastic and i listened to the beats and i was trying to just i mean it was it was horrifically bad but i just thought i don't know anything really about drums and beats but then what you realize pretty quickly every song is that and then it's just whether you know whether it's fours on the bass drum or two or two and four one and three one and three or whether it's just one yeah right and then everything after that is muzo stuff that you hire someone for but basically my goal on the drums is to get good enough to be able to hey dan and i are going to do the short stripes so i'm smacking his jacket he's smack [Laughter] oh man smeg and smack work that's great that's great and uh with the support ben um wobbly williams megan's smack shite we are yeah sorry for swearing it's not really a swear um so i want to get good enough for that but that's okay because you know no i'm not gonna rag on me and then i want to get good enough i'm going to record a song for the isabelle telly thing and i'm going to play drums on it yeah wicked and i don't need to play drums for like three minutes and 21 seconds you get a sample i just need to play drums for like eight or sixteen bars and then i think i can dub on the fields and it might be that i only play the snare and the hats right and then i'll double on the bass drum drum because i don't think i can keep it going from one about 16 bars sure and that's my goal and i think that's fantastic it could be fun definitely man i just i'm so bored of programmed drums but we'll see yeah we'll see i have ordered a thing to cut a hole in the front oh really i i really yeah no i'd love that just stick a mic in the front of it you can't you can you can't because you can't listen to this [Music] that's wicked you can't record that you can even rick beato says you can't cook well i i don't disagree with you i won you things i watched watched rick's drum tuning tutorials well did doug on the ep didn't have a hole in his drum kit we just put them like that sounds fantastic he's got a pillow in there though yeah put a pillow on it then oh no no no no well if you cut a hole in it you'll be sticking stuff in there yeah it's gonna have a thing in it in the bottom and then you can then mic inside and outside fair enough rick says you have to for the studio okay the guy who owned it before was a big band drummer he liked the boom i like the i like the toms and the snare to like ring right i like that but i love i love concert toms i love um like no bottom skin on you know we were 70s i bet you like wrote it oh yeah man come on you'll notice that we do have if you just uh oh wow excuse yourself for a second daniel yeah people can sit the drum kit see the drum kit we do have another drum but all my favorite drummers do this yeah so that's it actually that's not strictly true i was watching some steve gad videos oh man i was watching steve gad videos blind i still haven't seen him live yet up well when he comes i was listening to him on the car on the way up the steve gad band and oh is that what you were listening to yeah is that when you arrived yes i was going to say what is that that sounds great steve gadband is that with lando on guitar on guitar of course um there's a phenomenal record the la the last record they did was such a great record yep uh and it was just uh called norma's girl yeah just wow yeah totally i'm joining from san antonio texas says jessie markovitz and thank you for your generosity jenny uh jesse apologies our dog training is called jenny that's what that's all about um jesse markovitz um san antonio i've been there all along the riverwalk oh she did was talk uh i love it oh yeah and uh he was interested in uh metiers huevos rancheros oh about seven yeah yeah anyway hello to san antonio i stood next to a bear in san antonio i wonder if i still got that picture it wasn't the real bear it was in a shop um anyway jesse says when you're purchasing on a budget would you purchase an expensive guitar and a budget amplifier all the other way around so this is so it's so interesting it depends what you're going to do with it yeah oh man because you're going to say expensive amplifier if you're going to play out every day of the week cheap guitar expensive amp yeah my answer might have been different 10 years ago but you can pick up budget guitars now that are absolutely fine it is stunning the difference plugging into a really great amplifier will make um so i'm going to have to concur at this stage i only like you know growing up if you were buying a budget guitar they were howlers yeah but now the budget guitars are amazing that is fantastic that's me in san antonio with a massive bear or is it a ligand is it a it's a lion it's a lion wasn't the bear at all it was a lion there you go just to prove there we are at the uh that thing that's famous oh um really famous thing come on it's really famous um the alamo the alamo yeah when was that and there's me choosing uh which guitar i wanted oh stop oh that's fantastic that was out of a trip that was my 40th birthday trip lovely my wife took me to texas and we went to austin and oh man just amazing totally amazing we're never going to get through these questions then that's all right um yeah but i never want to go home if you if you want to play out and you want to sound good you need a good amp yeah absolutely which people might disagree with now because there are so many great direct options so you could buy something like a helix or a kemper but there that's not budget they're expensive and go direct but if you're talking about me and dan and the kind of things that we like and the sounds that we like are you playing in a sort of fairly traditional rock and roll type band with a with people who can play in a musical environment yes we like guitar amps and you're going to get way further with a really decent amp and a rubbish guitar and by rubbish i don't mean rubbish i mean something like my casino for example bought for 270 quid on yeah amazing on ebay and i'll choose that to play that guitar because i really like it so um but if you've got any of our really fancy ass guitars here three or four thousand pounds and you plug them into some you know budget amp you might get a good sound out of it but i think it's going to be much harder yeah so yeah but if you're not playing out and you just really want to love that guitar and you know it's a big deal for you to to own a really expensive guitar and you know you've got that thing that we've all got about guitars you know wake up in the middle of night thinking about it and you wake up in the morning you look at it all that kind of stuff then for sure i still do that yeah me too i'd love it yeah yeah it's so good um i remember once i was um doing a gig in uh newquay and we had a band called mad dogs an englishman and leighton the bass player singer and he said uh i've just sat there looking off in the distance and nate says damn what are you thinking about i went just thinking about my tone and he wet himself and then whenever he he'd bring it up years later and just wet himself it was yeah very funny but you do you sit down you're pondering yeah yeah yeah yeah um alan twily allen uh or twilly don't have a chat from you let's see if bev has texted me or emailed me no he hasn't so [Music] no um nice yellow dog same from switzerland from hello to switzerland there air fire says i convinced my dad to go see ainsley lister in november oh fantastic based on the tps thing you did with him um would love another one with the three of you on what he's learned since we might be able to do that actually i was talking to ainsley a couple days ago and he's getting ready to go out and he phoned me and he was uh two minds about whether to go with the new rig or whether to just keep it simple and i said well tell you what i'll come along to a rehearsal and um we'll just get it dialed in for you because he's just so used to going guitar volume knob crank damp simple pedals old school which you know a lot of people are still adamant that it's the very best way to do things but you know ace just wants a bit more variation and he wants to be able to sit back on it a bit and you know use a bit of delay and all that kind of stuff anyway so we might do that i don't really want to give him the hassle of bringing in cameras and filming while he's doing that because it's work and yeah sure getting ready for a tour but i dare say um we could get him in here again once we've done that yeah i sit him bring the band in and we'll do that awesome yeah awesome that'd be great scott mckeon also just speaking of that um i went and saw scott just briefly to say hi uh a few weeks ago a couple months ago now down at um real world real world and uh here's someone else i desperately want to get on because he's got he does that thing man that you know that strat thing is amazing seriously he's proper good yeah if you don't know who scott is scott mckeon [Music] o n m-c-k-e-o-n mckeon and uh scott's just released a really spectacular piece of work um produced by paul stacy dan's mate paul stacy uh with jeremy stacy on drums rocco palladino bass and some other people whose names escape me apologies to them it's a just a brilliant record if you like that kind of thing you know the sort of blues hendrix post that it's a wonderful thing is he playing at ronnie scott's this is so much vibe yeah anyway i don't i really want to get them on that'd be wonderful yeah uh mike k says um i love the love for the hudson broadcast last week in the budget challenge the week before i'd been relishing the switch of mick fuzz volume cleanup joy how close is the broadcast to a vintage fuzz circuit uh not close at all completely different yeah what it is is basically a neve channel preamp based around that um you know dialed in more specifically for guitar but that's the basis of that circuit is a is a never preamp yeah um and in terms of the cleanup so if you think about this modern fuzz well not the modern the classic fuzz variants classic either germanium or silicon fuzzface tends to clean up pretty well off the guitar tone benders usually not quite so well but it depends on which tone bender it is big muffs not really that well at all but again it depends so there's a lot of variants in vintage fuzzies as well broadcast does pretty good job actually um clean up but nothing nothing really does it like a vintage fuzz face but then you bring all the problems of a vintage face of which the broadcast has none indeed so uh yeah i love the show says ryan light ryan light he says um quick question why do you think people put so much importance on vintage guitars all our guitar heroes who we want to sound like played them but when they did they were brand new it's very true great question when jimi hendrix set fire to the guitar at woodstock well no it was alawite wasn't it he said give me one of the old ones monterrey as well i think so give me one of the old ones and there was a 64. that was the ended up so yeah it was a very different thing i think it's more about the spec we want those guitars to be as close as possible to the guitars those here so it's like for example if you think about um the guy that played the three three five postelli dan larry larry carlton that and and that 335 such an iconic instrument you know you know talk about the strats the production techniques change as the years go on and some some of those techniques make more of a difference than others when we want to get back to you know if we got a guitar that does that thing sometimes you know it's hit and miss right because you can find a guitar two serial numbers away from that one it'll sound completely different um but there's there's all i'll say is that just because they were new then doesn't mean they don't sound better now totally yeah so that you know who's who's to say that um [Music] i don't know pick a famous old guitar clapton's blackie although to be fair it was already if you think whatever that was a 50 [Music] i don't know what it turned out to be like a 56 and a 57 or a 55 and a 58 whatever it was two different guitars and bodies and necks from the 50s by the time he played it by the time he played layla on it what was that 74 right something like that mid-70s so it was already 20 years old by the time he he got to it who's to say that in the next 20 years it didn't sound better sure so in 94 it didn't sound better again but then in who knows in 2064 it might sound a lot worse yeah that's what we don't know about vintage guitars because really in the idiom of vintage guitars electric guitars it starts at 1950 give or take right i mean obviously there were guitars before that but if we think about the telecaster birth of the solid body electric guitar it kind of comes to a it comes of age through the 1950s and by the end of the 50s it's more or less done but for i don't know rosewood boards the jaguar and some other cool stuff that happened in the 60s but the the vast bulk of the development had been done by the end of the 50s given that the tele 335 flying v explorer sg actually sg was the 60s so 65 let's go to 65. who's to say that just because george used his 64 sg in 1966 or 67 whenever he used it it doesn't sound way better today and that's what we don't know yeah but there are some things that are true so for example honduran mahogany a specific weight density ratio that most gibson fans would agree is an important part of the tonal soup of vintage gibson that has mahogany in it the old big leaf maple etc etc they weren't all big leaf maple as far as i understand it but forget the the specific detail to just say that those bits of wood that they're using today are not the same bits of wood that they were using years ago brazilian rosewood you know nobody wants to cut any more flipping rosewood trees down if we can really help it sure my god it sounds good on a guitar how many guitars would how many strats would fender have made in 1964 um i can't i could tell you that so the [Music] what were they up to 60 some thousand by then maybe more than that and that's serial numbers that's not necessarily the number of guitars uh strat serial numbers 1960s i think 61 was 50 50 000 i think let's have a look um yeah so 64. well we're into the l's there so um 63 they were 90 000 plus right and they went and that's serial numbers remember that's not necessarily guitars so how how many how many guitars then in just in roughly a year in the 60s so from 1950 to 54 sit up to up to serial number six thousand so they made six thousand guitars between in four years okay that's just six thousand serial numbers six okay but that's fine six thousand serial numbers yeah okay four years so let's say let's say but by the time we get to 1961 yeah in that year alone there's there are 20 000 serial numbers okay fine so it is a so in 1961 they made 20 000 guitars 20 000 serial numbers 20 000 numbers how many guitars would fend have made in 2000 in 2021 oh yeah way more than that right so it's very different that process and i'm a big believer and you change the process you change the outcome yeah you know yeah i don't know there's you see the videos of them making those guitars back then and there's just you know artisans hands on them i think that's part of the reason why the uh the custom shop things are so good because it does heart back to that thing where people who really really know what they're doing not these not that the normal guys don't but these guys who are you know luthiers and you know really know how to put a guitar together um i sort of hopped back to that yeah and then and there is that sort of common argument against that that says no no they were designed to be mass-produced mass-produced with parts bin type assembly but that doesn't mean the people that putting them together didn't have some skill about how that was how that was done anyway yeah i would top that all off by saying all the best guitars i've ever played have all been vintage guitars yeah in terms of what they've brought out of me as a as a guitar player flip side of that is i don't really own any i've never been in a position to own any when i was talking to thomas bluge about this last week when i first started on guitarist magazine aged 21 22 something like that um that's when i first realized that vintage guitars were cool right and at that point you could get a nice 60s strap for about five grand but five grand in 1996 my yearly salary in 1996 was 8 500 pounds i started on 8 500 pounds wow for a whole year's salary right and so that guitar would have been over half my years money right way over half my years money now i noticed that atb yesterday put a 64 battered not that nice finish and you know there was a time when people didn't think 64 was that desirable for 18 000 quid so they just keep going up and up and up and up and up and up and up and someone less idiotic would have got in earlier and i just never did yeah that's the question though i'll finish by saying if you haven't tried infinity guitars you know go on go on try one yeah play one some people just don't get it yeah some people just don't get it they don't understand why you would want like potentially a higher action a curvier fingerboard something that you have to fight with when so many modern guitars are just so effortless to play yeah but i definitely find that if i play a guitar that's like butter smooth low action well the minute i get to a gig i just can't play it sure i'm oh absolutely whereas give me something that's painful and requires and that's not there's nothing true about that it's purely experience yeah and not necessarily good experience it's just my experience totally i remember yeah i know we've got a lot to get through but i could go on about this for ages yeah i've also played a great deal of awful vintage guitars yeah man so yeah yeah um okay let's see where we are oh my god we're going to be all night day i don't mind seriously i might stay here neil hopkins i'm using a helix four cable method into a prs archon when i connect the helix to the amp channel switch with a cable from the bestronix with the cable from bestronix i'm getting a ground hum any quick fixes okay so prs arch on amp helix four cable method uh and then he's using the helix to switch the amp channel and that is causing a ground hum right any ideas well that shouldn't cause i mean that shouldn't cause that should be the switch the switch should be isolated but it might be that you are you you have that hum there anyway in the clean channel you just can't hear it um as distinctly as you can when the game channels turned on so you've just got an earth loop somewhere um somewhere you need to to isolate the signal um i don't helix i don't know start by unplugging the amp channel switcher from the helix and just do it from the amp and see if that causes the hum yeah it's yeah and if if it doesn't then yes it's something it's either the cable or the switch in the helix yeah tricky might be i don't know neither of us know the helix might be there's a ground lift on that switch but there shouldn't need to be because there's no audio no but the thing is if you've got the well yeah i think that it's a groundhog there all the time you can just hear it when the game channel comes on but because you've got that connection between there's three connections between the helix and the amplifier so in there somewhere you've got earth loops um so yeah so what would you what would the solution to that be a humdinger on the effects loop hunting are actually on the probably on the input of the amplifier so the effects loop at the back of the amplifier you got your effects sand and returned and because that ground plane is basically the same they're really close together um if you are if you isolate the the ground on the input and you're using the amplifier's effect sound and return as your ground um then that should be fine so yeah see if you can isolate um from the send going into the input of the amplifier so i'm assuming you're plugging into the helix send into the amplifier from the helix and then effects loop thing from there as opposed to just having the helix in the effects loop um yeah i didn't switch superchat off we could be completely screwed in yes yes wicked when you turn it on it'll just let you turn it on when you turn it off you have to go through three turn off things oh god sorry guys we may not get through them all tonight we might have to pick this up next week and we're really sorry um oh no i don't mind [Music] i don't know about you dad we've got to be in central london at 8 a.m tomorrow morning which is a 4 30 start for me just come back with me i can't do that [Music] um okay don't don't do that uh we are idiots grateful so for all the super chats by the way so um yeah it's amazing guys thank you uh my annoyances at youtube um srv tech ej uh has superchat again but has no question so we don't know if there is a question for you somewhere in there seattle phil hello hey phil he says leggings akka feet uh for the stereo effects loop in my orange rocker 32 is there a difference between a stereo flanger for example the earthquake or pyramids and a stereo and a wet dry one like the thorpy camouflage i don't i don't know the pyramids so what you might have in a true stereo effect you'll have effect going modulating left and right in a basically a wet dry effect that they call stereo it splits the modulation from the dry signal so if you think of a chorus or a flanger you've got a dry signal it's split one side of that is modulated and that mixed back together you get your chorus of flanger in the stereo application that is split so you basically get a vibrato on one side and you draw a signal on the other in a true stereo pedal instead of it instead of getting a dry dry signal and a modulated signal both signals have dry and and modulated doing different things um i think eqd might be a separate stereo flashing right i think cool i don't know yeah it wouldn't surprise me but yes they they can be different yeah um zach rivard with possibly some fighting talk says happy traitor's day from the states [Laughter] that's him saying that night that's all right um he says i've been watching since lockdown last year and have since gone from an acoustic only guy to somebody successfully learning how to play an amp and pedals go fuzz fantastic mate well done good on you zach nicholas rojas or rojas or rojas says any advice for a young musician i don't know what pedal i should but i should buy it's going to be my first pedal my budget is 400 thanks for everything i love this question i was thinking about this today when so you walk in to a music store and you've been hearing all the stuff about pedals what's the first pedal you buy okay depends on the guitar and amp that you use it's really important you always have to consider those especially the amp depending on how you're using the amplifier if you're using you know if you've got an amplifier that's got gain stages in the amplifier and you you might want to put a delay in the effects loop for example but more commonly you want to start looking at gain stages so your first pedal um for most of us our first pedal was an overdrive pedal you know make more distorted pedal [Music] so a really good way to make a decision on the first pedal that you ever buy is you know have it find some guitar sounds that you really like um and think about how much you know it so like for example if you're a big slayer fan for example and you want a really heavy heavy distorted tone with a scoop mid that would that would lead you to a different sort of distortion than if you were say a joe satriani fan or a um [Music] joe bonamassa fan it's about identifying the gain range that you you know that you like and then finding something that will work with the amp that you've got so for example i would you know my first ever overdrive pedal thing was a turbo distortion pedal boss turbo distortion it was fantastic um but from and what what that led me to from there is i i learned about what i liked about that pedal and what i what didn't work for me um but yeah just like just identify that gain range and then you know work out from there whether whether it's sort of lower bluesier thing whether it's a really high gain thing um and then do some research there but that's i mean that's if that's your first pedal you've got a great budget to work with yeah i mean i bought my first pedals because i needed them right i'd defend a twin there you go and i needed overdrive yep and you know some heavy overdrive at that so what was it was the first one you got i had two yellow boss overdrives and to this day i can't remember if it was an sd1 and a turbo one or whether it was an od one and an sd1 it wasn't it wasn't a turbo one no it was a turbo one and then i got a super feed backer yeah okay remember that yeah so it's yeah don't don't i would say don't spend your money if if there's nothing that you particularly need so don't spend any money till you go right i want i want a sound i want the delay sound that the edge has got so now i need a delay oh yeah yeah so it's about identifying the sound that you want to get um and you know if you've got a guitar store near you with a bunch of pedals take your guitar with you and go in there and just annoy the heck out of them for the whole day and try a bunch of stuff it is the it's the only way yeah um yeah man i remember i would do that for with we had two music stores um in america one in a big shopping center and one across the road and i remember if i if i liked something i'd play it in one and then i'd go across and plant the other you got one and i would go back and forth ten times and each time i go i'll get a dollar off and now i get a dollar off then i'll get it done off there i was terrible but it was brilliant fun i mean that's poor anyone watching this who's worked in a music store will know dan that you're that guy i am you're that you're the guy why music store shop stuff have a bad reputation because one of them eventually just tells you where to go and one of them did [Laughter] michael plumbridge uh wants to know what are our thoughts on basic style instruments fender basics um i'm having jml guitars craft one for me with a novak bsds6 and i'm beyond excited at the possibilities so the only base six i ever played um i was in london doing a pedal board for a mate from blur [Music] uh graham cox and graham coxson thank you sorry lincoln head and i'd seen graham play at glastonbury and his band they were amazing and girl bass player was playing the this uh fender c6 the basics and it was in his studio sits on the corner i'm like oh that's the guitar guys so that's the only one i've ever played it was incredible just it puts you in a very very different headspace than playing i can play baritone guitar okay because you can play chord voicings on a baritone guitar and that makes sense and yeah they sound really cool yeah i tried to do that on a basics and just got nowhere not the same thing at all um so i don't know anything about them yeah i did meet jake harris once though who's very famous for playing a basics okay cool yeah um good luck yeah good luck yeah uh kevin reebong kevin says i'm a teddy guy like dan and lean towards mixed taste for effects i want a gibson style guitar any advice on searching for a trebley les paul like dan's that's i don't have any advice because it took me four years from the time i started looking for les paul to the time i found that i was poor that i really liked it took me a long time i've i and i i played a lot of guitars in that time and it was i was amazed at the variation in tone there is trebley and there is trouble [Music] so it might be fair to say that a really nice 58 to 60 style burst reissue type guitar yeah custom shop style guitar can be a very bright resonant airy sounding thing i've played plenty of standards particularly from the 80s and 90s that had piercing treble yeah right okay and it's not the same thing at all and so it it depends what you want i mean if you want a vintage les paul type tone then with the caveat that i haven't played any of the new standards right so since jc took over gibson changed they certainly looked good i don't know you know it used to be before that era you know a sort of lesbo standard out of nashville was a very different guitar to a 58 to 60 style burst reissue very different however there are some things that might help um definitely look for a guitar that has vintage style paf pickups so potentially avoid the ceramic uh pickups that come in some new less balls and certainly did for a long time that gives you a good shot at it make sure it's got 50s wiring and you could do that as a retrofit if you wanted to that with a really nice set of paf type pickups and 50s wiring you've got access to a whole bunch of much lighter sounds than this kind of bludgeoning mid-range thing which some les pauls have but you can't get away from that in some less pools you know that especially if they're overly heavy body um some of them just seem to do that mid-range hammering thing so all that said you could check out a junior type instrument with p90s and i think you've got a better chance if you like tellys it might be that stepping towards a junior would be an easier transition for you and not necessarily a junior like there are les pauls with p90 so um yeah gold tops you know 52-55 style gold top could be the thing rather than humbuckers but again you're into that vintage specific thing with gold tops where once it's got the card maple top on it play a couple juniors and see what you think yeah and finally a really important thing playing with humbuckers is learn about the volume controls because this was a revelation to me uh you know my telly's have always i've always played in 10 you know very rarely you know a little bit you know a little bit of play there but you know generally on ten but with the half style um humbuckers in there i mean knocking it down to just under nine is i think where i live most of the time now on this and and 50s wiring will really help that yeah it's an and it's a great thing for getting the you know tightening up a little bit getting a bit of that yes yeah amazing it is it's a generalization but i have found it to be true look for a lightweight guitar yeah i've done it with a few guitars where i've been able to choose between a number did it with my dgt and i'd the heavier they were the heavier they sounded wow for that particular guitar and i it's my experience with les paul's might not be everyone's but um yeah so yeah good luck uh dan cobley says i had a mental health stitch a while back and sold everything i think i know how you feel i went from all boutique stuff to a katana i want to get a proper setup again but i don't know where to start and money is tight do you have any ideas um it depends what you're doing dan yeah yeah really good point if if you if you want to play out again and that's your goal i'm not totally look at the aforementioned fender hot rod deluxe couple nice pedals and a half decent guitar and i think you can go so far down the road with that totally totally so far down the road we keep saying we want to do a show that's like what do you get after a hot deluxe yeah because you kind of got a double the price or triple haven't you yeah you can you get a whole deluxe and you can go in directions yeah but it's you know not a huge yeah really forward you know different places you can go with the whole world that's such a wonderful um uh starting place if you know you get you i've seen so many of them live and they've always sounded fantastic or if you're a marshall die hard or that that side of the fence then something like a dsl50 and we totally would urge you to look on or ebay and buy used as well i mean you save so much money buying stuff used um and with guitars anyway it's a bit of a punt because you don't exactly know what you're going to get with amps so you might have to do a bit of re-tubing or i mean i've bought so much stuff used over the years totally so that that could be an option um we're at the training post in australia i met alive i hammered that thing if you're not gonna play out if you know if it's for home then um well then you're in that whole challenge of something that sounds great at low volume and that's hard yeah isn't it it's hard to beat it's hard to beat something like the katana or yamaha boss wazzer headphones in in that environment i think if you're talking about properly quiet yeah yeah totally not annoying the sleeping baby quiet um yeah yeah it's tough yeah that's tough have a look i mean just stop perusing put your credit card somewhere you can't reach it and uh start perusing reverb yeah justin bailog hi justin hey justin he says my wife wants to thank tps for encouraging me to build a wet dry rig around a pair of old 60s vibra champs first of all your wife is amazing well she says it's massive inspiring in under 90 db that's why that's great yeah oh that sounds amazing yes well that's incredible absolutely killer and actually dan from the previous question if it is for low volume use two i mean not in the case of 60s vibra champs i mean they're gonna be a bit more expensive but two little amps in a wet dry thing yeah totally wet dry doesn't need to be that complex it can just be delay in one amp and not in the other or you know chorus in one and not in the other um that can be really huge inspiring sounds at low volume at home for not not too much cash yeah totally and for that use pretty much anything i've forgotten how lovely this guitar is because it's it's sitting there looking at the goal top going you think you're all there you know because that is the best ball i've ever played dan's talking about the uh which is going to have to go back to ned at some point soon this is a tom murphy 57 prehistoric gold top top of the tree pre murphy labs is the best let's pull either of us have ever heard that isn't an old one yeah it's astonishing [Music] it's so loud three two one and [Music] it's like the autumn brothers all over again um the almond milk brothers the almond brothers maybe the walnut brothers the dried walnuts brothers um evening down and mick and bv you get in the uh oh it's the best ring of the kit love it um says adrian jordan a pedal jam's making a comeback yeah one of the things we're doing adrian um people didn't like pedal jams because they thought they were just paid for pedal demos and um that really hurts me to my very core unfortunately because we just would never do that but um not because there's anything wrong with doing it but just because we don't do it yeah because there are people out there who just are brilliant at it yeah and it's just not it's not what tps is about so um people didn't like pedal jams for that reason or what that was one of the reasons people didn't like pedal gems we are working on our live uh operation which is part of what this is about i see a future tell us about the future mick it's gonna have like flying cars and the dinosaurs are coming back and um there is a future where uh we do some things in real time with actual proper musicians and i feel very good about that yeah be fun yeah pedal jabs was quite stressful because we'd have to make a backing track have it blasting at us at like 103 db um it's just a bit stressful and nobody liked it and the views were low actually that's not true that nobody liked it not enough people liked it to make the production worthwhile is the truth yep yeah so we'll try and do it in a better way william turner in which order should my pedals go through my boss es8 boss rv 500 md 500 and a cs3 ryra clone an ibanez super tube screamer right reverb at the end move at the end compressor sustainer right at the start right start uh so you go we go cs3 we go tube screamer we go clon we go md500 rv 500. very good yep perfect and if you like the sound of your choruses and flangers before overdrive sticking before the overdrives or you might want to put the um md before the clone so you could have your clown after but if you're running stereo which you might be then you will need to put the rv and the md last in order to get the stereo signal path good luck cody myers mayers myers i play a telly in a deluxe reverb and i want a new guitar i'm deciding between a junior and a 335 is it worth considering a 335 with p90s yeah so 335 with p90s they do anything they do exist wow they can't exist they're not super common i mean totally totally worth considering that yeah um it's certainly more in the i mean the juniors are wonderful as well the thing because you've got a telly you already have that bridge pickup thing that the telly does the junior is in a different place but the 335 with p90 is in a much different place but it has a it has a top end to it well we'll have a top end to it um and i'm sure it'll be amazing and more more of a variation than a just a single p90 style junior thing i'd go i'd go that way yep um and cody with apologies if this is if you do know this but some people don't um a more common thinline semi with p90s is a 330 style so 335 you know all about humbuckers solid center section we know all about that and as i just said they do exist with p90s but they're not very common you might i don't know if you are or not and again apologies you might be thinking about this which is a 330 style so instead of the solid center section it's completely hollow um and that's a different thing not least that the neck is set in at a different spot there's fewer available frets but this is a really cool guitar epiphone casino not too expensive p90s sounds the bomb [Music] um you could also consider for something that is sort of in between all of that you could consider one of the semi-hollow gretches yeah they're great um might be a good shout as well check out some of the uh electromatic series gretches for a sort of different take on that whole on that whole deal but we wish you luck we wish you luck um ryan long says yes it's been a while since i've been able to join live oh great thank you ryan thank you generously he says greetings from rockville uh maryland rockville see now that's the place to come from isn't it the mayor of rockville yeah population you curious if either of you have tried the 1981 inventions uh been pairing it with the benson preamp and it's just awesome i haven't tried it no he said this said he was going to send us one and then we never got around to it um in the same way that isn't a clone just the fancy tube screamer isn't it just a fancy rat apparently yeah i wouldn't mind a fancy rat yeah be interesting to try next to the rat though wouldn't it everyone says it's awesome so it must be awesome yep uh we should try one we should try one we should get one uh sorry hello hey mate from you for a while hope you're doing okay he says thanks for all the great content and knowledge you keep sharing you guys are awesome uh mick have you ever thought about using a clone ktr to save space um also the preamp in the ua starlight does make a difference all the best from denmark ah yes so they've released the app for the starlight oh cool um yes right clonk ktr no matter what bill finnegan says that it is exactly the same it is not it's not indeed the same uh which no is not to say it's worse um uh i like the ktr very much it's a great pedal i do like it very much i've just never got around to buying one yeah but it's not the same no no um it's not made the same way very different very different therefore it is not the same those are facts which is not to say worse or better or any other hierarchical measure of value but they are different they're different um and i love my clone i was looking for clowns the other day i mean pretty high i like i love my client in a high manner yeah like i think about my life it's probably you know i don't want to be hierarchical about it and there's probably some other things to slot in but you know my wife number one i would say and then you know you're you're up there oh well clown and me around there and then i would say everything else jostles with the clone below that so well mate yeah it they sound great i borrowed danish pizza couple a couple times really like the sound of it um but never been motivated enough to buy one purely for the issue of saving space i'd probably use the ryra the clone yeah because you know because we have it um [Music] and uh actually went back to using my slightly bigger pedalboard just recently so i could fit the clone on yeah and every time mick turns the clone on something happens there is yeah it's just wonderful absolutely wonderful even if it is 99.987 percent have you have you cut yourself down i've dude i'm covered in cuts and er like it's ridiculous it's all right okay moving house um you know even if it is almost entirely in fact even if it is entirely psychosomatic i'll take it yeah totally because it's still it's still a thing absolutely man and i don't know about you but uh i'm i've never yet met a human who is in charge of their brain enough to completely get rid of everything that's psychosomatic of course i hope i never meet that person they would be scary um good to hear from you soren really nice to hear from you man um giovanni botta says i followed your advice and got a tanking imperial mark too wow my guitars came alive there you go by the way did you hear the latest julian lage record it's amazing thank you no but i wasn't on the way home i have to gear myself up for this stuff i have to be in an okay mental state to listen to stuff that's going to be totally mind-blowing okay otherwise i'll listen to it i bet i mean he is just yeah he really is thanks for the heads up on that soldier on music says uh mick saying most heroes were strap players really hit me um most were guitar first bands i love the guitar but their songs don't resonate on a visceral level for me do you fight the love guitar versus love songs in your music like me uh okay great question really really great question so we said in the strat video we sort of posed the question that were most guitar heroes strat players which of course you can come up with a list of many many many men who aren't strat heroes but a lot of the big ones definitely are anyway so um love guitar versus love songs that's really interesting very interesting i'd split that down even further love guitar versus love guitar playing wow love guitar versus love and i definitely love guitars more than music or songs or playing the guitar which is a pretty strong thing to say yeah that's fascinating i i love music don't get me wrong yeah totally i love guitar i love this love the sound yeah of guitar yeah it and then you look at the thing it's like it's just the coolest thing in the world it it's really interesting when i was um ever since i was a kid it's just that sonically the guitar got me and that that's that's where i started music came later for me um but now i'm so inspired when i hear amazing harmony and stuff and it's really it really ticks my the cerebral box for me it makes i find it so interesting but nothing but when i hear an amazing guitar being played you know yes that you know of course we all know that it's the player behind doing this thing but when you hear a sound like i listen to old ac dc now regardless of the you know the same three chords we played over and over when i hear that guitar sound it absolutely flaws me to my core it's not that hard come on mark spell a c d c i d d c i got this i know this i don't i don't know come on mark it's not that hard yeah uh if you've never listened to it guy trying to spell ac dc to win tickets to go and see ac dc uh on australian radio makes me so proud fantastic yeah but you know what i mean when i hear those sounds they'll stay with me forever yeah i'm with i'm with you with that i think you know saying i love guitar i think what is the feeling of guitar and the resonance that it has as a human weirdly i'm not a massive fan of guitar music despite being editor of guitar magazine for well for working on guitar magazines for almost 20 years yeah i i don't listen to anything now that doesn't have singing in it unless it's andy timmons or michael landau probably sure there might be the odd thing here and there obviously but the vast majority of music i listen to is singer-songwriters yeah or massive pop right guitars well with with guitar playing a semi-supporting role sure so that's interesting it's interesting in terms of the music i would choose to play i'd much rather play a song with vocal harmony than a song with a fantastic guitar solo yeah so that might answer the question on my behalf yeah yeah i mean i'm sure everyone has those moments that i remember i remember hearing the guitars in war of the worlds for the first time when i was a kid yeah and just being so totally blown away yeah yeah um and you know and then you you and you hear i remember when i first heard him smile and you know the songs were fun and stuff but far out the the sound of the guitar on that album yeah actually it's a mistake to try and separate it out isn't it yeah it's like saying you know what do you like eggs or sugar or flour or butter yeah yeah as opposed to what do you like best it's like no i like cake i think i like cake and it's just i mean cake's probably a bad example because you do need a fairly set ratio of ingredients to make it you know a sponge but um but if if edam and small came out as an instrumental how would you probably go it's really good it would be awful yeah you know diamond dave makes i mean without him going oh every two minutes is nothing is it but as a whole thing i mean i was that when i heard that album and the just the sound and the rawness and everything was like that is rock and roll you know that was rock and roll to a 17 year old me that's that's my favorite steve high guitar sound ever yeah flexible has some great sounds yeah um did that attitude song oh yeah [Music] anyway yeah anyway yeah um good great question um soldier on great question great question uh but yeah music is visceral isn't it it's totally visceral ryan long also dan congrats on your purple belt in jiu jitsu that's pretty pretty badass cheers mate thank you so much i would agree the guy on the end of that thumb's got a pretty badass is all i'm saying that's how he got his submission in it tap tap in jiu-jitsu we call that the oil check yeah mad crafter um amazing generosity from you mad crafter thank you so much is much appreciated thank you i have a rare form of gas i can build things with these custom acoustics and electric since 2003 65 deluxe reverb 63 jtm 45 and a schmidt array clone with the qmx and gig rig power wow um but learning to play has been a decades-long struggle never give up man just keep showing up just keep showing up if you what's amazing is remember that when everyone started somewhere everyone picked up guitar for the first day try to play a d chord and then everyone has a journey um but if you just you know keep showing up keep picking the guitar up keep trying things if you want this if you want to improve as a guitar player picking up the guitar and playing the same things that you've been playing is awesome and we all do it but if you want to stretch yourself and start to improve then that's where putting the hours and stuff in and for me i find it the most fun thing in the world um and it's really challenging um but yeah if you want to improve there is so much amazing material out there to be able to help you do that i cannot recommend finding i cannot recommend enough finding a good guitar teacher that will give you real-time feedback is wonderful finding someone that you want to sound like as well that if you're looking anyone out there looking for a guitar teacher um if you know if you're a if you want to play country don't go to a guy that specializes in playing jazz um find someone that plays the way that you want to play like that's really important for the first time in months i opened up my truefire app oh fantastic how good is sunday morning and i have a jazz uh bebop 50 bebop licks ah nice and i forget the name of the tutor i apologize and some of the licks are so simple right so there's this uh what does he call it something about the seventh [Music] and they're just and there's another lick that goes um that that's where i learnt that one and that one [Music] nice and there's no there's very little string bending in any of it yeah yeah yeah um and then he'll do the anyway blah blah blah and what my point of saying this is i've got to a point in my my playing where i'm capable of doing some semi-technical things reasonably well and i've haven't had as much fun as learning a bunch of really simple that's awesome relatively simple i get that it's relative depending on where you are in your guitar journey but just cleanly playing simple slow licks in a style that i have never yeah you know i play you know fancy ass blues licks all day long but just having the discipline yep absolutely and the last thing i'm going to say um one of the best things that you can do is play melodies because it's actually really really hard you can do all the you know like we're saying with his fancy ass blue stuff but until you can take a simple melody and make it work then all the other stuff that you do around it isn't going to work well it won't work as well um you know i i use chris buck as an example for this all the time he sounds like he's singing when he's playing he plays guitar because he's he spent time listening to singers and the way they phrase and why they use vibrato and modeled his playing after that and it's amazing um you know some jazz stuff that i've been working on and i've got to play the head and i'm like man that sounds awful and so i've stopped doing all the stuff and i'm just concentrating on being able to play the melody and make it sound good if you when you get there then build on that yep start with melody yep i'm just going to tell you the name of that course because i know people will be asking um and i don't want to let anyone down and i also want to give tom wolf tom wolf the recognition he deserves 50 hard bop blues guitar licks you must know very good it's really cool really cool brilliant tom wolfe tom wolf 50 hard bop blues guitar licks you must know yeah i've got to about 13. i think killer gets a bit difficult after that uh mark v mark v says i've got a spectre ns6a which i love but i find the tone a bit weak on the bass end should i replace it or think about upgrading the pickups tough choice specter more famous for making bases um oh yeah look up stuart specter and the history of his various base designs and uncover some colorful stories um but they also did guitars i think your guitar's got a double locking bridge on it maybe of floyd and some fairly modern looking pickups now those if it does have that floating bridge they would never very good for base end right um that's not their thing yeah i think about a gem for example doesn't really have a lot of natural resonant bottom end like something like that would um pickups could certainly make a difference if they're not going to make the guitar more resonant no if you don't use the trim try you could try blocking it by putting a block of wood in between the back of the tram and the back of the guitar which might help a little bit will the floyd rose block like that yeah i guess oh okay so you're talking about not about resting the guitar on the body talking about having a bit of blood in there okay okay yeah because it's got it's still got a sustain block like a yeah like a strap trim um try an eq pedal add bass that way um again forgive me i don't know the guitar very well i think it's like a poly finished far eastern made guitar okay so there's um yeah try an eq pedal i mean you could certainly try and change the pickups i think the issue you probably got with that guitar is its overall construction sure and finish that means that it sounds a certain way you know which could well be a great advantage at volume and with gain and stuff probably has a very uh focused tone at that sort of thing but if you're just not feeling it then yeah it it's a back to what dan was saying earlier about he's just given up with modern guitars it's like now move it on and get something else that you do that you do love again you know it depends entirely on the style of music you're playing uh how loud you play and what environment um go try some other guitars before you spend a bunch of money yeah upgrading it go and find some of the guitars and see if if they instantly have that thing that you're looking for um yeah give that a go yeah yeah um eagle ray rob eagle ray thank you so much sorry rob an eagle raiser thing array all right um oh yeah rob thank you so much for your generosity it's that's super generous man thank you he says because love oh man thank you bud thank you rob he says mick do you think a strat's weight is an indicator in general of how it will sound how would you quantify light average and heavy as it relates to strap weight do you know the weight of your strats it's so contentious and yet everyone i know prefers light strats yeah totally with a few interesting exceptions i know people who've got a couple of real boat anchors and love them and they sound great yeah means i think one of them is got a 70 something he's got a few 70s ones and one of them is you know bit of a bit of a weight and he loves that guitar so i you know as with everything there are always individual instruments that you could bring to mind that you really love but i would say yes and i i uh a strat over i think blue is about three and a half kilos which is getting off a heavy for a strat right didn't we we weighed them and they were the same weight yeah so i don't know it's not crazy like i don't know what that is in old money um 3.5 kilos two pounds i think it's like just under eight pounds maybe 7.7 pounds um i don't want it much heavier than that my um meyer strat's a bit heavier transit van is lighter and i think if you ask anyone which of those guitars sounds best it's transit van yeah then blue then the mayor but that could equally be down to you know pickups and all the rest of it so yeah for me personally i like them light i think they resonate really well um and i like that but it's not just about that right so it's about what pickup set goes with that i was talking to mike eldridge once from the custom shop and he was telling me that certain body weights work better with or in his opinion worked better whether the neck was flat rift or quartzorn so if they had a really stiff quarter cell neck he'd want that on a really light body oh wow etc as one opinion in the middle and i think until you've played tons and tons and tons of them and you can really draw a personal opinion on it it's very hard to say my personal opinion is that my favorite strats i've ever played have been probably between you know just under that seven and a half pound sure thing i played some super feather-like ones pine body ones which i didn't like at all yeah right and my old which i'm pointing to up there on the wall which i can't get down because i think it's attached to the wall the guitar that my dad bought me my mum and dad bought me when i was 14 years old is a boat anchor i played that guitar for years and years and years and i cut my teeth on that guitar and i learned how to play on that guitar probably did the best gigs i'll ever do in my life on that guitar and yet when i actually got to play and i don't want it's going to make it sound i'm not in any way ungrateful what i am saying is that when i got to play a high end strat and an old one i realized what a different instrument it could be and that's purely personal so um i certainly know plenty of people who really like the heavy ones don't know how heavy walter trout's 70s one is but then ainsley's got a 70 that he brought in here that is literally weighs nothing really and then one of his one of his mid 70's ones is is a super light one as well wow so that's amazing yeah um it's a very contentious subject my personal preference is for light ones sure and it if you look at any decent guitar shot they list the weight so take what you take what you will from that yeah it's yeah yeah uh favorite delay that can do the t e s thing in the best possible way says ryan lopez tes tape echo simulator oh okay uh gilmore that's right um p cornish tape echo simulator tes so from memory they are built around a dd2 or dd3 and pete does his thing with those and they are phenomenal nice so okay if what you want is a delay pedal that sounds like a tape um one went for four thousand dollars on reverb in january 2020 yeah they do i mean they're amazing they're amazing uh where is the diamond holy crap memory lane junior diamond memory lane junior you really like i really like the um empress tape delay yep they're great uh they're really good with a pr if you add a preamp to it you could try this is going to sound slightly crazy but check out dan's frankenstein delay board build and the video that we did previous to that it might be you could put together a little frankenstein yeah single delay head board which has got a combination of delay compression filtering and modulation and put it in a loop of an eight yeah for less than four thousand dollars which is yeah yeah yeah i mean in if i if someone said to me today i need a tape delay pedal that sounds amazing i'll probably go out and get a strongman vellante now this vellante also has um echo rex style delays in it but the the tape the laced in in that sounds amazing um the el kappa stand the strumming el capistan is phenomenal if you want something a bit simpler um but i i love the diamond memory lane junior now the the the tes though is different it it's got filtering on the repeats but it's it's less of for me the tes has less of the um blatant tape thing about it it's more it's more about the filtering and in that case i'd be looking at um the free the tone flight time yep yep the the it has that um that amazing filtering that enables you to to shape those repeats i think yeah if what you're after specifically as a testing i'd be looking at a flight time yeah um tom scottier uh tom skiosia tom i'm really sorry if i pronounce your surname wrong tom skelsio um confused about the specto guitar that we were talking about earlier ns uh isn't that a base more commonly yes very commonly they are bases they're worse than guitars um check out just google spectre ns6 and you'll find you'll find them there um [Music] yes yes i'm with dan free the tone flight time or free the tone future factory yeah have you played a sun dragon says ryan lopez a sand dragon is that analog man well no oh no jimmy page's son dragon amp sun dragon no don't even know what it is sorry uh that shows up sometimes you do have a fairly significant blind spot in your gear knowledge and this is ours sun dragon faithful recreation jimmy page perry margoliff and mitch colby oh there i know those names what is it it's a custom marshall is it oh it's the it's the old blinking supero ah i see yeah right so yeah so started out life as a super coronado and it then got modded significantly after that no haven't haven't played one would be really cool to do so yeah um mr anderson 59 says what am i missing by not clipping the bright cap in a deluxe reverb i just turned the treble down and it sounds fantastic not missing anything not missing anything no if so interestingly if you do clip the bright cap and you turn the treble back up you won't get the same sound uh it will shift those frequencies to a different spot so if you like that sound and i personally also really like that sound leave it yeah yeah yeah yeah because you can always turn the treble down you can't turn it up if it's not enough there totally um yeah i just uh in the vlog in the upcoming vlog on the isabelle telly i i just hammered it into the deluxe revive and turned it up flipping great well those two amps that are there the deluxe reverb and the victory vc35 in the room the vc35 sounded all fat and massive and on the recording it's the deluxe just sounds wow really really cool um i think there's something wrong with the master volume on that amp because it just doesn't work below five it's like nothing's happening and i've played deluxe's before that are into heavy overdrive by four really yeah so i don't it's almost probably a pot taper thing but interesting yeah yeah um not aligned video says i'm late did i miss anything nah no just this couple of idiots talking rubbish as usual thank you for your kindness cup of noodles i've got gas for a silver sky prs silversky um should i just go fend a custom shop so many fcs fender custom shop options where to start also i'm still trying to get a sound from my two rock studio pro 35 any tips um start with the studio pro uh i always had the mid pulled one of the key things in the 35 is to get that there's two controls on the back one of one the one is the pickup loading on the input so you need to get it to a volume where you're happy and just decide where you like that input impedance and it'll affect the high end and it'll affect how the guitar rolls off when you turn it down secondly one of the really tough things about the studio pro is the the effects loop return is always active i think right so you have to play with the effects loop level return to just get it set in the place that you want it interesting um i love that amp i really love that it was in some ways it was easier to use than the old crs um very very satisfying amp to use but yeah i always had the mid thing pulled if that helps and silver sky um very different i found a custom shop is going to be nitrocellulose probably it's a traditional strat probably um and it has an aesthetic that only a fender strut has silver sky uh definitely not nitrocellulose more modern take on the idea says different thing about you as a player i think if you if you care about anything in that in that vein um let's go with your gun you've got to go with pick the one that you like to look at with what you want i said i said to lee if they ever do the pink silver sky like john's got on the cover of sob right i'll have one okay unless it's like a private stock crazy thing if they ever do the pink one like he's got on the front of sob i will buy it cool so um they go that's my that's my silver sky gauntlet yeah just go with your gut go with what you what do you wake up in the morning thinking about buy that one yeah uh but seriously it says online videos can you think of any classic amp circuit that has good touch sensitivity but lots of clean headroom marshall major good call i had a long discussion with jeff diamond about this diamond amps i don't even know if diamond dam still exists right and we had a big discussion about plate voltage that's so funny because the amp i'm gonna i'm gonna throw in the mix it's all about plate voltage as well he's saying the higher the plate voltage and and the right so this is massively productive but where you've got real high plate voltage in an amp um the opportunity for touch sensitivity is greater okay obviously it all depends on the whole rest of the circuit because if you're maxing out in the preamp section and getting loads of overdrive then you're not going to get much touch sensitivity but i've always felt that a bigger amp a more powerful amp gives you way more touch sensitivity than a tiny little one i think as part of that sort of loop and the way it's working with the speakers because it's driving the speakers so much harder yeah i was going to say one of the most touch-sensitive amps i've ever played was an old vox ac50 right right crazy plate voltage negative feedback no a lot of people say that the the absence of or a minimal amount of negative feedback can really help with touch sensitivity as well yeah and increases harmonics increases um less of the clean thing you know we're getting rid of the negative feedback that helps it helps keeps everything controlled the negative feedback but like it's obviously not essential um but yeah the ac50 super loud super clean but so touch sensitive yeah yeah yeah really cool yeah yeah actually that laney ll30bl was a bit like that wasn't it yes in a different way yeah yeah yeah yeah right the um i think people say it about tweed amps as well okay they say but of course everything has its threshold so the thing's got to be working at an optimum point where the voltage that you give it from the guitar can enable it to do its thing of course and if you're not if the thing's not working then you kicking it up the ass isn't gonna because you can have all the headroom in the world doesn't mean it's gonna be sensitive but and then similarly if the amp is utterly flat out yeah unless you dial that guitar down to two or one or you don't have a cigar you won't you won't get it anyway so it's a it's a really it's really not just about the amp circuit it's about where the amp is sitting in relation to what you're doing today yeah i mean a wonderful sounding high watt turned up doing its thing into the right cab um yeah master machete scary i suppose there are legitimate uses for machetes aren't there yeah like uh cutting down like carving your way through a forest yeah yeah i don't know many people who count their way through forests yeah was that guys in there called machete yeah the actor yeah yeah he was an anchorman excuse me i don't speak spanish he said i was watching the auriel posen episode says master machete is that the one where we wheeled him in the bag no it's the one where he actually came in and played the guitar and me and you got look like five year olds next to him yeah okay um do you see a future video about different broadcasts and some similar overdrive preamps i think that's a really good idea for a show sure because that where michael hudson has done such an unbelievably great job turning something that is akin to uh you know a channel strip in a mixing desk into a really fantastic guitar overdrive pedal is a brilliant thing and i think it's worth a question or two totally because there's no doubt it's a very different experience than your standard op-amp clipping at diode type overdrive pedal yep so there are some interesting questions there that's a good idea thank you for asking mateo caster says hi guys i'm trying to put together a pedal rig that doesn't run through an amp but some kind of physical ir box that can replicate power amp sections well any recommendations simplifier by humboldt dsm and humboldt yep um really great depending the simplifier despite its name does lot going on quite tweakable really awesome for something really simple i i was using the uh the new neighbor iconoclast kind of classed in iridium strymon iridium and the new um the iridium is great the new thing from walrus yes acs is it called forget what it's called anyway walrus do one strim in iridium dsm and humboldt simplifier and the new neighbor iconoclast there you go any one of those things is going to work great for you yep perfect jeff harper finally decided on an app i'm going to get offended princeton reverb lack of tweed and i cannot wait ah get in get very nice get it very nice get it we've gotta we gotta print some on the way haven't we we do um we do just a standard princeton 65 reverb i can't wait yeah i'm looking forward to that yeah yeah i think it might do your gym camper longo impressions i'll do any impression you want yeah just jumped in on the live stream says burger anderson i'm gonna have a burger tonight are you he's probably beer but i've got a new adapter from my uh i've got one of those idiots travel barbecues right when they take a normal barbecue quadruple the price and it's about half the size half the size and sell it to people like me yeah i've had some awesome food from you cooked on that but it only takes those really expensive screw-in canisters oh you wanted your pierces to go through and yeah and and weber or weber the company have made it essentially impossible to connect a proper big gas thing so you found a way haven't you well no i've i've ponied up and been even more stupid and bought their adapter which cost 50 quid because you need to deal with the pressure from a big gas canister you can't just the little gas canister be like no it's too much gas and i'll be cinching off my eyebrows while cooking me burger you see and for anyone who thinks gas bbq is a cop out i totally agree um you know should be flame or nothing did buy pizza oven recently yeah and that's amazing yeah a little thing like that made by a company called uni with proper fire gets over 500 degrees in there centigrade mind not your silly fahrenheit very good very good now because pizza like 10 seconds or something um yeah i mean if you left it in there for 60 seconds it would be at 500 degrees be burnt to a crisp wow yeah about about 45 seconds with regular turning is like literally as good as proper italian pizza that's amazing yeah it's really good it's really really good anyway sorry beer anderson um you haven't even got the question how about the replicator and ape real tape and the ape that would be awesome apricater thanks for all you do great work keep it up yeah that'd be cool that'd be cool you're going yeah totally worth trying the only thing with the replicator you're talking about the t-rex thing which runs off like little cassette tape yep it's got a hell of a compander circuit in it no it doesn't no that's the thing it doesn't have the companion circuit in it so you've got a it's got a preamp circuit that you've got to turn up to hit the tape really hard okay what my my memories of playing it was was that the compression is odd in it well there's not a lot of fidelity you're not getting the for whatever reason um and they they changed it but the one that we had was so you was you're missing the front of the note yeah you again lovely so maybe they improved it yeah i think they so whether the weather the ape analog preamp experiment for those of you don't know by j rocket audio designs um that isn't a that's a great idea actually whether that will exacerbate that or make it improve it yes we should try that yeah and try that out yeah thank you burger and alan twilly again was a good first pedal for midi i just ordered a g3 atom oh legend thank you vlad are there any first midi pedals i play a silver sky into a friedman twin sister thanks for all you do that's a pretty sweet rig um look i've got the preamp mark 2 on my board and one of the main reasons i'm leaving it there is the fuzz in it i absolutely love it the last thing we expected wasn't it yeah was that the fuzz would be good it's wonderful so alan apologies check it out now the price is literally frightening literally fat there it's like when you take your dog to the vet they bring it back out all fixed and they say that'll cost you two guitars please and you're like what that's how much this costs that's the same reaction yeah but the same thing is once you've heard it you can't you can't take it back it's the chase bliss preamp mark ii and it is a fantastic midi fuzzing overdrive pedal um back towards planet earth the rambo effects kismet yes is that what it's called yeah is another good midi overdrive pedal yeah that's great right [Music] [Music] yeah ramble effects kismet kismet there's a good thing to check out or if if both of those don't really appeal to you and you've got gain stages that work really well then look at you know look at a delay or a reverb that's medieval yeah you might find it's more use or not yeah but yeah if you want to just go crazy and you've recently won the lottery or had a payout from i don't know workers comp dot-com hi get the chase bliss audio preempt mark ii and the cxm 1978 reverb and just midi away to your heart's content and even i can use the midi on those yeah i had to the other day and i was like manual done nice i was surprised highly surprised daniel right i do believe we may yeah that is us well done um we were saying full of beans people are confused about what full of beans means david douglas someone who's full of energy might be described as being full of beans it's british america's like full of beans what does that mean he got gas he got gas man uh i'm so full of beans um yeah okay um all good so right thank you to everyone who's been on tonight and stayed with us it's been a long one tonight yeah great fun shockingly we're not sure if there's going to be a show this friday um we're not going to blame it on dan moving house because that's not the reason the reason is we've just been really badly organized lately and we don't we've been working on this new stuff and we don't have any shows in the can we might do a live one we might do a live one okay or if i can finish the isabel vlog it might be that but i've currently got a bridge buried in the garden out there and it won't have tarnished by friday i don't think it's going to tarnish anyway no i think it being that's been there for years before he'd start to see anywhere in that thing a few weeks a few weeks yeah okay because i did have a go at it with a hammer and a punch to get through the chrome plating a bit right so it will rust a little bit okay but i was looking at your i was looking at red and also um butters there and there's chrome bridges they don't it's dirt more than yeah big tarnish shouldn't it yeah because i've got one in there which i actually used um hydrochloric acid for and it just looks wrong but the bridge on red is actually a really old yeah really really old bridge and yeah anyway so it might be the isbell vlog um i do have to do uh i have to write and record a song as well which may not happen before i do um yeah awesome thank you so much everybody that was fun yeah and i might say welcome better relief yeah from moving house to the movie house in 12 hours time down we stood up literally in 12 hours time will be stood outside abbey road waiting to go in oh my goodness which is pretty cool that's incredible yeah right well i better get home and get for your sleep yeah i need to decide what to do kel's that mine i can't dog i've got dog dogs dog spits disabilities redox abilities yeah okay very good okay everybody thanks everyone please out done okay you
Channel: That Pedal Show
Views: 64,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: That Pedal Show, Viewer comments and questions, New VCQ, electric guitar, guitar amplifier, effects pedal, FX pedal, Octave Fuzz, best octave fuzz
Id: vS_INGB_Krc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 0sec (9960 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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