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hello everyone Cindy here with Monarch mom DIY so excited to be here kicking off today's Magnolia creative Meetup you are in for a treat I hope you have something to sip on something to snack on to enjoy all 12 of the creators that are going to be presenting for you today so if you see that red live button there that means you are watching me live I am on right now like I said to kick off our creative Meetup so as you're hopping on please say hey in the chat and I'll know that I'm not just here talking to myself so that would be great if you um say hey in the chat and um up in the description or down below the video wherever it shows up for you is um the link to the person who's after me that is Marie and um then she will link to the next person and the next person and the next person I will actually be back on at 5:00 pm Eastern because we had someone had to drop out at the last second thank you Joey thank you Sean hey Dusty hey Carla hey carlen hey Liz we're um we're in for a treat I think today and and um I'm excited to be kicking us off so 30 minutes is not very much time I know Sean right get started so Maria is after me and then like I said I will be coming up again a little bit later with a different project now I have this wood cutting board I think it's from tumu but I've seen okay and somebody got on me the other day so I used to say Teemu like everyone else and then supposedly I didn't watch the Super Bowl but supposedly there was a teu timu commercial and they pronounced it timu so however you say it that is where this cutting board is from I believe but I have seen this size and shape at Michaels but you can use whatever you want I just because I have 30 minutes I already got started painting it I'm using plaster which seems to be my theme today for background colors if you watched my earlier live you know what I'm talking about but um I'm just going to do something simple using this cutting board and one or two I haven't decided yet of my magnolia stencils so did anyone uh recognize my sweatshirt yet didn't it turn out good so this is what I made Tuesday on Facebook I think maybe I could have gone a little bit higher with the words and I will tell you that I did do the yellow a second time after it had all dried I put the stencil back on and just went over the yellow again because um you could kind of see the gray heathering through the yellow so I'm excited about my new sweatshirt and when you come back at 5 you're going to see me wearing the other shirt that I made that day so broken crayons still color love it I did the exact same colors that they did in the catalog I just did mine on a gray sweatshirt instead of a black T-shirt thank you Linda thank you and if you are not following my page already or any of the pages that will be coming on the Meetup I hope you will do that and um that helps us a lot that I think makes Facebook like maybe give our or show our videos to new people so that would be very very helpful to everyone all right I'm just going to paint this front side if I have time later I'll do the bat and you know me if you know me you know I'll probably do a second project another time on the back side all right want to dry this enough that I can sand it smooth and lay our stencil down thank you and this does count as alive that you can sprinkle and possibly get your name on the wheel for butterfly blessings at the end of the month if you don't know how to sprinkle it's the little arrow button and usually people sprinkle a live crafting video to their personal um Facebook feed but if you're in other groups you can sprinkle it there as well thank you Linda okay I had used a little 220 um to sand my cutting board a little bit there were like where it was beveled on the sides there were [Music] some uh what would you call it frayed edges kind of um but then once I painted I go over lightly with 400 grit pretty much just on the surface that I'm going to be stenciling just to make it nice and smooth a nice smooth surface for my stencil all right like I said this project is going to be pretty simple I love our flower stencils and this one is growing Grace I believe this one came out last spring hey Valerie hey marleene I think this was last spring we're just going to use the flower and then my idea is either just to do the flower or I was thinking of adding the words from one of our faith minis um I'm trying to think which one would go with the flower I kind of like either pray trust weight or child of God maybe Faith over I mean there's a lot of them that you could do but for now I'm going to um put my cutting board on my backer sheet and this is I've used this so many times it's not all that sticky anymore um but I think I want to put the flower down towards the bottom what do you guys think and then do some words at the top should I do words above or should I move the flower up and do I'm probably going to stop there and then do a mini words at the bottom what do you think words at the top or words at the bottom this flower is about the exact width of this cutting board what do you guys think flower or words at the top or words at the bottom I kind of like Faith over fear next to the oh I'm not going to put the Bible reference I was just going to leave that off I was going to leave that off and actually just stop the stem kind of where those two pieces are and then put words underneath okay I'm seeing two for the top and two for the okay my my first inclination is to do it at the top but I think that's cuz I always do that so I think I'm going to fight that urge and I'm going to do words at the bottom you know what even would be cute if I could somehow make something that was sticking out that made it look like a little um a little pocket or a little can or something that the flower was in do you know what I'm saying I just don't know what that would be and if I could pull that off in the next 22 minutes all right I do have a couple flowers that are going to kind of go off the edge but that's okay and I think I was trying to debate between these two colors for the flower either glittering rose gold or French Rose I thought about maybe mixing what do we think about that maybe mixing those two together for a lighter I got too many big things back here now let's see let's just try this that's probably way too much glitterine rose gold oh wait okay the glittering rose gold kind of tones down the French Rose oh I kind of like that okay let me show you so here's glittering Rose I don't know if you can tell this has a little bit more of the pink in it but look how much lighter it is than the French Rose okay so I think we're going to do this for the flow I thought I pulled out some there they are and then I'm going to do Fern green for piece of jice oh do you mean burlap the only thing is then I can't put the stencil on it I can't put the words okay I'm going have to think about that maybe I should have taken a little bit more time planning my project all right o I like this color that I made that's really pretty all right let's get our excess I don't know if how well words will turn out on the burlap but we can try it okay so Fern green I'm just going to go to there and all of our leaves it's so dainty isn't that pretty hi Marie Brown cardboard pot yeah um that's pretty what do you guys think of that color that I made I mixed French Rose and glittering rose gold I think that turned out nice I see one little thing on my stem there okay oh that looks good I think it's so pretty thank you Cheryl all right so I could do chipboard chipboard that's flat but raise it out a little bit to look like a pot what if you stencl words on drop cloth dot cloth and Glu that onto burlap yeah I'm trying to think of something I can do in the next 15 minutes let me grab a piece of chipboard I know I have lots of scraps that will be big enough here we go okay so what I'm thinking is if I cut cut cut a pot shape and then I could even paint it chipboard would work yes it would all right so if I just let's see where's my straight edge this one all right all right let me get my trimmer here I just love this flower so that's the flower from the grow with Grace stencil all right let's get this trimmed down a little bit and I usually use a a blade that I have specifically for my chipboard but I don't want you guys to have to wait while I change out my blade all right and then I went to about here go all right so the rest I think I'm going to have to cut by hand so I'm going to go down half 3/4 of an inch on each side and then I'm going to come in 3/4 of an inch to cut my diagonal let's see I want to go [Music] there I need to go in or I could just yeah I'm going to just make an angle from there I don't know if that makes any sense what I'm doing all right can somebody report those please I think I blocked them all right so I'm going to go add an angle oh had it the wrong way nope sorry that threw me off a little bit our little uh friend there okay and then 34 and 3/4 okay so I'm going to cut this at the angle now to make our little pot shape and you know what if I don't like it I don't have to use it right moved while I was cutting okay all right what do we think about that does it look like a little pot and I can even make this darker that's going to fit oh that's cute okay what color do I what color do I paint my little pot should I do it like um like the orangey kind of terracotta color you know what might look good would be think I'm going to use intense rust this is kind of like a terracotta pot look okay let's scoop some out cuz we remember we don't want to stick a paintbrush in there so I'm going to scoop some out on a squeegee and paint from there probably way more than I need o that's a perfect color for terra cotta pot I think so yes you can paint with your chalk paste okay probably don't need to worry about the sides too much but I have enough here so I'll go ahead so definitely one of those little seed starter pots that Joey and I decorated at Celebration on a live together those would work cuz you could cut it and it's curved but I think this will work and I want to use see I'm just going to cut some with my scissors I want to use a couple layers of this to raise my pot out a little bit I think that would be cute so let's just cut four little strips okay and that's not super thick but it'll just give it a little bit of Dimension so let me get my glitter glue which I need to get a new lid for okay just going to glue two layers of the chipboard together just to put behind our pot to raise it out make it stand out all right let's dry this so we can stencil our words on it [Laughter] and I want [Music] to just make a mark where the you know where the lip the lip of the pot would be or the rim whatever you'd call that just going to use use my Sharpie and just kind of lightly go over that okay just make a little line there all right let's get our faith over fear like this I like this uh oh somebody put this stencil on the wrong it wasn't me cuz I never do that somebody used this and then put put it back on the back side I think I salvaged it though all right Faith over fear let's Center this on our little pot that we made and I'm going to [Music] use almond latte is close to the plaster color that I did on the background okay so don't forget to sprinkle to get your name possibly in for my March butterfly blessings and I want to thank my friend Joey cuz I used to go through and tally all the sprinkles of all the videos and that was a lot of work I like this her idea of using three from each live it's going to make it so much easier wow this turned out good what do you guys think about that oh yeah so the faith over fear is part of our faith minis I'm pretty sure they're still available you get 12 kind of Faith themed sayings so that's what's going to go on here oh my gosh I have so much stuff out what do you guys think of our little pot idea let's dry that oh I got 7 minutes okay and I could get fancy and come in here with my squeegee and go around the edges if I want but I'm going to go ahead and glue my pieces on the back that I made so that this will stand out a little bit can you guys see what I'm doing okay so I'm just putting it at an angle on the back here not right up to the edge but a little bit in let that dry for a second the other thing I have for the top of this cut cutting board is I have some ribbon I have this pretty I went um Hobby Lobby had their ribbon I think I might use both of these it's a slightly different pink but I think I'm going to make a bow of some sort with both of those ribbons the cream lace oops I dropped my screee in my intense rust okay I just need to get Lids at least on these so they don't make a mess okay so that was almond latte was the color that I stencl the words on our little pot I'm going still have some wet paint that is so cute you know what I want to do real quick I don't know if it's going to do much just want to kind of sand the edges of my pot bring it back a little bit to that chipboard you know I got to say sometimes the best projects are the ones where you kind of improvised a little bit as you went okay see that on the edges just gives it a little bit more oh I love love that what do you guys think okay let's get the hot glue and while this is heating up it's charged it just needs to heat up let's cut our ribbon for going around the top I think I'm going to do this lacy one first I'm going to maybe just even knot it and let it kind of hang down so I'm going to cut a decent length of it here I always forget how to do the knots so that they hang down I don't want them to hang up okay I think that means I have to do one more time there we go okay so there's our lace let it hang down a little bit just angle my edges okay and then this one is is so cute it's a thin ribbon you guys seen this one it's got like pom poms on either side it's so adorable so with this one I'm going to make my two Loops cross them go under flip that around I'm just going to make a simple bow with this and my knot for my lace is pretty big but I think I can still glue the bow on top of it oops what do you guys think that's going to be cute all right this I want to fluff the bow Parts a little bit and just angle these okay that's going to go on there and we're going to glue our little pot down here that says faith over fear oops forgot that wasn't glued on yet we're almost there what do you guys think oh I'm so glad you like it thank you thank you come back at 5 I'll have something else another quick 30 minute project for you and like I said when oh thanks Carla when my video is done when my live is done go back to the top of it and click on the link to go to Marie's page which is Copeland's creations and um and then she will link to the person who's going after her and so on and so forth let me get that other stencil in the water all right everybody understand the process and so uh we're going to go all the way till Amy will be the last one she's starting at 10: p.m. Eastern I think it's 9:00 p.m. her time but 1000 p.m. Eastern and she'll do the last half hour so we've got what is that seven hours seven hours for you guys oh okay I think my hot glue is ready let's quick glue our bow to the center of our knot let that dry and then I'm going to put glue just on my two raised Parts here that I built up with some chipboard I love it what do you guys think oh my gosh I think that turned out so cute would it be too much to put a little bit of this pink and white ribbon across the top of the pot or the lace bring bring one of these down here which one the pink ribbon or the lace oo the lace would be pretty yep doing it okay cut it just a slightly [Music] bigger that's the finishing touch right there and then I'll trim it in a second when it's dry so cute all right hop over to Marie and I will see you in about an hour bye
Channel: Monarch Mom DIY
Views: 729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dollar tree, dollar tree diy, dollar store diy, dollar store diy on a budget, diy farmhouse decor, dollar tree diy home decor, diy dollar tree decor, dollar tree tutorial, monarch mom diy, dollar tree farmhouse decor, dollar tree room decor, dollar tree home decor ideas, budget home decor, home decor, diy dollar tree 2020, decorate your home on a budget, diy room decor ideas, budget crafting, high end home decor diy, budget friendly, magnolia design co, reusable stencils
Id: 5wCjyKiHHU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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