Live Stream - World Lion Day

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[Music] hey everybody aaron blaze here it's friday and uh i blink so it's friday again every friday comes by really quick all over again so i hope you guys had a great week we had a really good one very productive we're cranking away on our birds of prey course we got a lot done on that and i've been sharing images from that so that's been fun and uh let's see we got a lot of stuff to go over before we even get started don't we absolutely uh let's see uh can they hear you let's make sure i want to make sure that they can everyone can hear you but uh uh first of all i want to announce the final winner of our wacom one uh tablet and that is jim from birmingham alabama i don't know why i put a southern accent on that but i did birmingham all right so congratulations to jim from birmingham birmingham alabama um you have just won our final our fifth and final welcome one giveaway and uh i think actually you're the first one in the united states to win one he was yeah last one last last winner and first in the united states i really like that we were able to get winners all over the all over the world so that's really cool and i've got a couple of things um i want to i've got a new announcement i want to get to but first i want to uh announce again for those of you that may have missed our last two streams is that uh we are starting to give out once a month scholarships for education for college online education whatever it may be if you are a student out there 16 years of age or older and that means any age other than 16 or older i want to make sure that some of our older folks out there that might not be in college but want to get some education but if you can't afford it we want to help you out too so um you know we get so many questions from people saying hey i'm 35 years old or i'm 45 years old is it too late for me to start and i always say no it's not and if you do need some help with uh tuition or things like that then you know go ahead and put together a portfolio and and submit it so but jumping back just a little bit back from that so i want to talk about the education part of it are the the scholarship part of it we are giving away a five thousand dollar scholarship once a month to a lucky recipient uh in need um and all you have to do is go to scholarship and all the information is right there um we're going to take the first uh 200 applications that's about all we can handle i think a month and so so far we're up to 115 so we've got another 85 to go and uh so if you haven't submitted yet please do we want you to submit um don't worry if you if you don't feel like you're ready yet like i said we're gonna do this every single month so i want you to put forward your best portfolio rather than a rushed portfolio okay so um so there you go uh and like i said it's five thousand dollars and it's good for college tuition if you want to go to college but it's also good for online education as well so proco schoolism any of these online uh educational outlets uh the tuition is good for them as well okay so all you need to do is go over to scholarship and all the information that's right there okay and uh and like i said don't rush it oh the other thing too is if you submit and you don't get picked don't worry you don't have to submit again you don't have to submit every month if you have submitted we have your information okay so please don't don't submit every month because uh it'll overwhelm us and um and that's that we know who you are we know who you are and also so i want to make a another big announcement we've been trying there's quite a few things we've been working on lately all based around the covid issue and trying to make things easier and we've had a lot of um inquiries about this and so we decided to do something about it so nick and steve and myself uh had several weeks ago had a big meeting on this and then nick and steve have been uh working very diligently to pull this together but um uh i want to talk about um our custom education portal for qualifying groups and what does that mean i'm going to have to read this because i want to make sure that i get this out right to you and it's uh so due to the ongoing covet 19 pandemic we've received a lot of inquiries from various teachers schools and studios and businesses looking to provide quality online art education for their learners for their class for their groups okay so we're pleased to announce that we're now offering customized learning portals for groups of learners at special discounted prices okay so qualifying recipients will get their own private access portal to all 300 hours of our lessons provided on creature art teacher okay so if you're a teacher and you're looking to get a group rate basically then we want to do that for you and so all you have to do is go to education all right and all the information is right there and so like i said once again it comes down to wanting to uh provide there's gonna be a lot of teachers that are gonna have to teach online there's gonna be a lot of teachers at college um or online teachers anyway or teachers that have been teaching in person but have to switch to online and so we want to be able to provide for those teachers uh educators whoever it might be and give them a group rate so if you're a student or parent please share this info with your school okay because they uh hopefully they'll be interested we really want to help out we have like i said we have over 300 hours of content on our website and uh and it's all really good quality content and so uh you know it's our hope that educators around the world will find a need for this not just the united states it's anywhere in the world we want to be able to help you and your class okay so um it's anyone that qualifies that has a group of students that they're teaching we want to be able to help you out and give you a group rate uh for our education okay so that's two big things so it's our our big education uh our push that we're doing for uh classes for groups of students i'm getting so excited i'm spitting on myself groups of students teachers uh we want to help you guys out plus we've got our scholarships for individual students that we want to help out um and all you have to do once again for the scholarships go to scholarship and if you're a teacher or want to help out teachers or if you're a parent wanting to help your student in a classroom situation then please go to education and there's more information there wow my jaw's getting tired i'm sure so uh so that's we're really happy about that and uh um we're really excited and we're hoping that uh you guys take advantage of it because we want to give it to you so also uh another big one my brother travis blaze last week i was telling you he put together a whole course nick and him recorded several a couple months ago a course on an introduction to calipeg calapig is a wonderful new animation software for uh ipad and travis has partnered up with the developers and really helped them create it help them develop it uh became a beta tester and really became an expert at it and so we asked my brother to sit down and record with us a course on calipad calipega is now available for ipad once again it's a 2d animation software and my brother is a wonderful animator great story artist and really a great uh calipe user and so now you can pre-order it it's going to be available in the coming weeks but you can pre-order it now and save 50 off of the regular price so there's animation tips and techniques there's illustration shot planning there's a whole bunch of stuff in there and it's all at so once again my brother travis blase who also worked with me at disney for wow uh 12 years i think we worked together at disney um uh once again you know also he's an amazing animator uh and helped develop calapeg which is a an amazing 2d animation app for ipad we sat down nick sat down with him for several days and created this how-to course on using talapeg and so if you pre-order it you're going to save 50 off of that so that's a really good uh savings so jump over to and uh the course will be available on august 15th all right so uh that's only a week away so you've only got about a week to eight days to pre-order that and get that savings before the price goes up and now i want to remind you that um uh not only that i just want to give you some of the background on my brother uh nick's reminding me uh travis animated a whole host of stuff one of the last things he animated um uh was uh uh coda from brother bear he did some great animation of coda especially under the glacier where he's acting like he wants to fight and all this kind of stuff he did some amazing stuff under there he was also one of the key animators under alex cooper schmidt of stitch from lilo and stitch he also did a lot of the huns in mulan and also animated frollo from hunchback of notre dame so uh other cat under kathy zielinski so he did a lot what's that i completely forgot about it oh yeah yeah that was one of his first gigs as an animator and he did some beautiful stuff that was a complicated character why don't we keep thinking that his his first was actually tarzan i always he did work on tarzan yeah yeah yeah he worked on tantor yeah like i know that he worked on tarzan he worked on young tantor he also worked uh uh about he also worked on curious george the movie animate on curious george you did yeah yeah travis has animated a lot of stuff yeah how how have i missed all these movies the only two that i know that i know for a fact are lelone stitch and tarzan and all the other ones huh the mulan and yeah but all the others are completely forget about it yeah so yeah my brother's been around he's been around he's been around yeah so uh uh so anyway um he's uh he's a great animator and a really good teacher and uh and also he streams every week uh is it every it's every wednesday right i believe so in fact i got that right yeah sketch to animate check it out today at 11 yeah every wednesday at 11 o'clock uh pacific specifics yeah i'm jumping all over the place sorry and i'm uh getting a little burpee i'm talking too much and drinking at the same time drinking coffee drinking coffee drinking coffee and getting burpee yeah and also uh travis is no longer with disney like me we both left disney travis is currently with netflix doing uh storyboarding for netflix which is pretty cool so uh and so today i thought let's jump over to what we're doing today i thought it might be kind of fun uh nick reminded me that monday is world lion day and so maybe we do an illustration for uh for two for monday we are actually taking a vacation next week so we're not going to be back on tuesday and we might not be back we probably won't be back on friday either because that's the last day of our vacation so um so there won't be any live streams next week so we want to make sure we do this and also our next tuesday live stream which won't be this coming tuesday but the following tuesday that's going to be our last tuesday live stream uh indefinitely until you know something else comes along uh we started the tuesday live streams to kind of make up for the for covid now that people are starting to go back a little bit um the whole reason we dropped off doing twice a week is that it really bit into us getting uh content done and that's one of the reasons why uh dustin and i have been taking such a long time in getting the birds of prey course done is because we have these two times during the week streams that come into us being able to get it done so i kind of finally dropped the hammer and said hey let's uh let's stop doing the tuesday streams so i can start getting more work done and we'll go back to fridays only so we've only got one more tuesday stream it's not the next tuesday it's going to be the following tuesday we're going to be on vacation next week uh make me want to take my own vacation well you'll be doing that too but anyway so before the stream started i want to do something really designing i don't want to do something photo real today i just i feel like i'm i'm always doing realistic and something like like a graphic art or something like well i don't know but whether it's cartoon design uh color different i don't know just something different and i don't know what it is make it picasso of the castle there you go hey i'm picasa as we were waiting for the stream to start i was doing little doodles down here little sketches of different lions uh are they able to see that oh we're on there okay so these are some sketches i kind of like the one up up top on the left that s curve i'm looking for something very flowy um and i'm thinking i might want to try something really high key now what does high key mean high key means all the values are in the high key range meaning it's going to be very bright my darkest dark will only be about a quarter to halfway down the the key range in our value in your value range and so i'd like to do something like that and maybe different colors not necessarily brown and uh so that's where my thinking is right now almost somewhat like like a modern art like that it's just something yeah it's something a little different and uh so i just thought it might be fun you know last week uh not last week but on monday i kind of stepped out of my comfort zone and i did a robot for the live stream and uh and so i want to step out of my comfort zone from a design standpoint i do lots of realism and so i thought it'd be fun to step out and just experiment i haven't found it yet i haven't found what i'm gonna do so i want to continue to uh how about we ask the design a little bit i want to i want to try to find on my own i think if we get too many people for me i have it in my head what kind of what i'm looking for but i just haven't found it yet gotcha and i'm so and what i like to do when i'm doing this is just really you can see i go really sketchy bold if someone was uh saying like a space line and uh no i'm not doing a space i'm doing something i'm doing something i want to do something elegant for for the for the poster that we're going to create almost sculptural you see how i i like to just sit and scribble see what i'm doing yeah and even something like this that's what i'm looking to do actually right off the bat i like this better than anything that i just did leading up to it i think because i because i kind of know what i'm looking for now um i got all the all the bad stuff out of me um i'm gonna kind of sketch over this a little bit and the folks watching don't be afraid to ask any questions oh yeah so now that we're starting i've got dustin with me forgot to i forgot to mention dustin i'm here as always we got dustin here and we got nick in sarasota okay siri siri just came up siri shut up okay our shout out here is sarasota are you using any uh references for this no i've drawn thousands of lions and so i know they're i know how they're built matter of fact i did the whole course on how to draw big cats uh five years ago actually it's kind of it was three years ago i mean and uh i can't believe it's been that long i just got a reminder that i did that three years ago would you ever do a course focusing on human hair in the future yes and that's actually come up in the past and it's i think it's hair in general and and and also i might do i'd like to do something with um uh folds fabric drapery i gotta turn off my turn it up turn off my knife my notifications uh do you do you use uh a clipping mask for flat colors yes sometimes i do i just started whoops whoa just grab my water brush hello i am i sorry i'm trying to talk and um i i've started using clipping masks more and more often uh the new app that is available on ipad for animation is it also available for android or only apple products i believe it's only apple products nick correct me if i'm wrong dusty what was the last picture you took that took your breath away and why oh that's when you caught me changing [Laughter] all right i said hey what are you doing in here now the one that the last one that i took that let me go wow i'm wow wow wow blow them away um well as i don't know if i i don't know if i posted it on instagram i coached what i did but uh uh i made it into a black and white and it's the anhinga shot um in the tree and the way it's framed within the tree with the dragonflies on the branches you know you know the fun i'm talking about oh you're talking to me yeah uh yes yeah that's probably the last the the most recent photo that i took that is that's one that took my breath away i'm just like it could have been timed any any better in the day and i absolutely fell in love with it it's one of my favorite shots this nation this take all this uh would you ever do a course over deer and similar animals yes we're going to be doing that north american uh uh north american killings north american i wonder if the future should do um we'll do you think we'll do a course on the um on ducks like waterfowl waterfowl yes i keep thinking of going foul but every time i think of foul i'm also thinking of the sport sport term foul uh i kind of like this what do you think of this looks like uh looks like a comic book cover thumbnail yeah i'm digging it uh dmv tips for aspiring artists like people who want to work in animation fields specifically in high school what should we do in preparation for college you got to draw you got to draw a lot draw from life drawing from life will give you such a a leg up on on everyone there put down the uh if you're drawing a lot of anime that's great but put it down for a little while draw from life and you can always go back to anime you know it's it's so important for you to understand drawing from reality that where you can then abstract um and then you know anime is an abstraction of reality and so it's just so important to be able to step away and create your own designs and and when i say create your own i mean you create it by drawing from life and understanding the world around you first that is the biggest thing you can do in preparation for a professional career in college if you look at what i'm doing now i'm drawing i'm drawing out of my head i'm drawing a lion uh not using any reference and i've done this because i've drawn lions from life i've gone out and i've watched them in real life and not saying you have to go draw lions but whatever it is you decide you want to draw then you go out and you you find it draw people draw draw flowers draw trees i don't care what but draw them from life and you'll have a leg up okay there's my piece of advice yeah and i don't and personally i would say don't be afraid to ask for advice or any or any help because there's been plenty of times where um i would be struggling with a photo like whether if i want to make it black and white or a color photo and i would send it over today like hey should i do what should i do with this i feel like i need to do something extra to it and he would give me advice like if you have any friends or relatives that that you know make uh give good advice don't be afraid to ask them when when you're working on something and you feel like you're struggling you don't know what exactly it is don't be afraid to ask for help because doing that will definitely help you uh in the long run with working working among others in the in the industry because it is a it is a team effort in the end good job i'll try to simplify that in the future uh martin aaron today i want to get out of my comfort zone also aaron drawing an elegant lion well it's stylistic i know i draw a lot of lines i'm talking about stylistically i'm trying to go a little trying to push myself a little different all right so i've got that i'm going to use some different brushes today too different brushes different from your pasta yeah we might even make some brushes today oh my yeah we might make some brushes today uh justin what's your instagram my instagram is dustin underscore blaze against dustin underscore lady so what is that dustin underscore blaze uh have you used any other program other than photoshop like clip studio paint etc painter painter yeah i used to use painter quite a bit not as much anymore i i just i find that i i like painter i just find that uh i get everything i need from a photoshop on procreate the higher the canvas size or quality the less layers or frames available when animating how do you not run into this problem uh well do less layers you know me you know be careful of of the layers that you want to use and i uh and i don't i don't go too high of a resolution so i can i can do more layers if i need to where's the drawing tool or tablet uh you're using wacom etc uh 32-inch wacom cintiq pro boom 32-inch cintiq pro by wacom on the uh using the mac pro as your main tower yeah yes that's what we're doing yes do you have any tips on making your drawings solid and flowing solid and flowing yes you know you you find the gesture first as you could see you know that's i really wanted to find a s-shaped gesture that's that's the gesture i was looking for there and so i lay that down first and then i work over the top of that question yes why are there big cats like lions tigers jaguars etc but no big dogs besides just the wolf uh i don't know that's a good question now they they their size is an adaptation to the environment that they live within uh for your welcome screen what is the resolution you use um i go full it's almost like an 8k i use the full resolution on it but the resolution of the images i create aren't that aren't as high what's the resolution on the 166 000 it's 6 000 by let me see i think it's a 6k monitor 6k yeah uh no i think it's 8k let me see because i can actually because 8k is eight is eight thousand oh it's oh that's right oh you're right four thousand six thousand eight thousand you're right so you're using a 6k uh oh yeah i guess i got rid of the recording so i can't uh but the resolution six thousand three hundred and oh it's uh no it's a oh shoot it's uh let me do this you should find it in the um yeah 8k resolution is 7680 by 42 320. okay and then uh so 6k yeah it's 6k resolution is yeah this one it's like six thousand one hundred forty four by two thousand five hundred ninety two but this one's six thousand three hundred and something by three thousand it's just over yeah yeah it's got a great resolution basically that's what i'm trying to say trying to shape uh for the fabric course may i suggest teaching how to draw leather sure you could suggest anything uh do you have any tips on painting fire look at some fire look at fire uh well obviously fire you you you gotta find those organic shapes that make up fire and um that just comes from a lot of observation you should draw a house cat pretending to be a lion sometime that's a good idea right there i know it's not your speciality but i would love to see you do uh or get tips on reptilian creatures either in the future course or streams i will i will do that i will do that i will i will uh what is the dpi you're using uh this is 18 by 24 inches at 300 dpi oh hey man hey man hey man now with the heat is the wacom overheating or or does it work with no problem no problem my wacom never overheats ever i've never had that happen yeah i don't think welcome has that kind of uh issue yeah of all the welcomes that i've used my computer gets hot it's never overheated and my computer itself gets hot but the wacom doesn't yeah because all the processing power goes through the the computer itself yeah the wacom doesn't have processing power unless if you're using one of the mobile ones like the old companion or the uh or the what they call the mobile mobile studio yeah mobile studio one yeah and uh like if you're using one great product so man yeah there is a chance they might overheat but even then like i've used i've used one and yeah i've never had an overheating issue in general whether or not it's a monitor or just built a computer they're really good with that no i know there i'm digging this one can you dig it can that scholarship money go towards buying that wacom nope there and yes the light and the the software that we are currently using to live stream is called oh yes which stands for open broadcast software and it is free to download it is free free to use and if you ever have any issues with it just look on youtube or google for any troubleshoots and there's plenty of information out there to get you started in fact i recently tried installing obs on my laptop but i'm having a bit of a hiccup but i'm trying to find find the trouble i'm trying to troubleshoot it but nothing yeah i think it's specific to the laptop oh really yeah awesome laptop yeah it's just that one little one little thing because it would probably work if it was a mac probably wouldn't it probably would i wish you guys could have seen the dirty look he just gave me wait a minute hang on where's my baseball bat no but um oh uh also nick is reminding me to tell you guys thank you to our youtu youtube subscribers we just crossed 400 000 subscribers so thank you guys very much sorry nick i had the uh i had deep thoughts off for a second because i had to pull up some other information i was looking up the resolution information resolution resolution there oh i like this one what do you think dustin dust butt me like dusty heiner schmidt justin heimer schmidt remember when your mother used to call you that i forgot about that yes he used to call you little dusty irishman or dusty and dustplate yes but he still told me that oh yeah you picked that one up when you were still in diapers remember that when you were thirteen can the scholarship go toward your lessons uh yeah yeah they could but i'd rather them go towards i'd rather go towards uh other courses remember you can get a you can get a membership to our to our site and have access to everything on our site for 200 so we're giving away a five thousand dollar scholarship it's just being resist reminding me is this reminding others of narnia it's just you it does look like something you'll see in in the in a narnia book if they had pictures drawn in them twitch question hey aaron on the days you really don't feel like drawing or painting for whatever reason what do you do i know it's impossible to draw every day like artists suggest but i feel guilty when i can't yeah on those days i don't if i don't feel like drawing i don't draw i know that i i draw enough when i do you know i i draw every day during the week every day and there's ways of getting through it there's days where i don't feel like drawing that i have to and then there's days that i don't feel like drawing where i don't necessarily have to and then i don't whoops so here if i turn this off or keep it i'm gonna keep it just knock it back for right now i'm gonna put a layer under all this thoughts on it i think you might be mistaking it for kimba the white lion so i don't remember ever hearing leo the white lion i don't think there ever was there ever was one wow look it up and i guess it it technically is kimba the white lion but i guess in certain areas it's also no it's also known as leo the white valiant plus i'm sweating my patootie off did you have that fan on over there i do but it's just blowing on my head i'm turning this one though too do you have your fan on yes i do i just haven't set the law i don't want i don't want to create too much noise all right i like this now like i said earlier i want to do this as high key not haiku high key so i'm going to uh create a layer let me try a couple of different things you know first thing i want to do is i'm going to knock everything all my line work i'm going to knock way back hey aaron hey buddy how you doing hey everybody uh i liked your advice on what to do before going to college uh what advice do you have for those who have graduated from college and our school you got to keep doing the same thing you got to get out there you got to pound the pavement you've got to uh you got to keep working you don't want to get dull you don't want to get stale you don't want to you know creativity is a muscle and the more you work it the stronger it gets and the least and the less you work it the uh the the weaker it gets right so you want to get out there and you got to work it you've got to work you got to work and uh let's see my mama mama i'm gonna put a layer under here we're just i'm going to experiment and keep that normal we're going to do some experimentation would you draw uh house cat eyes kind of like the lions i'm currently having a bit of trouble with that um i will in just a little bit right now i'm going to go through what do i want to use as a brush i've got this one is this a tiger with alliance mane no though that does sound interesting a male lion but with tiger stripes that'd be uniquely different it would i'm going to go really warm with it get rid of this and start over how can you make a living from digital artworks what kind of job could you have to help illustration any kind of illustration job you can do digital so i'm going to think about the light coming down from above that's the destroying reminds me of pumbaa in the movie start little nice try once again i want to keep this all really high key so i'm just going to keep working this here so when i when i say high key what i mean is everything is going to i won't be going much darker than what i'm creating right now thank you arturo i will be going brighter go ahead dustin sorry don't worry it turns out that um so somebody uh um helped explain the kid the the white lion ordeal so leo the lion is the original japanese title for kimbo but kimba was known uh as that in the u.s so for us in the u.s there's kimbo the white lion but in japan it was leo now it makes sense high key contrast high key means it's it's very bright think of a photograph that's overexposed that's high key the darks only go down to a certain the whole thing is bright when you key the the values the light and the dark they're high key they're mean meaning they're high in the value scale high exposure why do cats have eyeliner like uh linings around the eyes it's a it's a brightness thing think about a football player that puts the dark under their eyes that dark helps prevent glare and helps them see better it's the same thing with cats they have that dark around their eyes to help them see in the sunlight are you going to make this one only in september colors i don't know yet i'm i'm just experimenting we're just we're just having some fun today did you save not yet thank god we stopped filming when we did yesterday yeah i know right yeah we had our power went out about what three or four times yesterday yeah at least we have the time so we have the worst power the energy company here central florida duke energy we're terrible our power goes out just randomly on a perfectly sunny day more often though during the storm every time a storm comes every but it won't it won't like just go out it'll it'll it'll just go off enough to screw everything up and then it comes back on yep i think yesterday was probably the most power outages we've had ever here it was definitely a lot yeah it was pretty annoying so i'm using this texture brush to do something a little different i turn off the drawing layer and turn off that layer you see where i can see what it does i'm going to come up here and erase this i don't like that orange in there eric could you do an oil pastel on paper video or of course please i've never heard a paper video is it a video that's made out of paper um i you know i don't do oil pastel i'd love to learn it uh i've never really done oil pastel what's the kind of oil you usually oil paint huh oil paint oil pastel is like um it's a greasy it's made from it's got oil as a binder in the uh the pastel so it's a little bit more of a grease pencil compared rather than a chalky pastel interesting yes yeah shinage dan on youtube asks or says watch brother bear for the first time me my wife and our three-year-old daughter who's very picky and was locked in the whole time we loved it my wife cried why didn't you cry dan do you have a heart of stone dan dan what was the movie or show you talking about i was looking at the comments brother bear do you like phil collins do i have two ears and a heart no you only have one here van gogh what programs do you recommend for an artist who can't afford photoshop i have a hue on uh i don't know what to tell you because photoshop is 10 a month so i don't know what to tell you beyond that i don't know of any i think anything beyond that is would be free i don't know what's out there that's free what's the best way to pitch a screenplay to a producer the best way is to well it's pitching the story you know and when you pitch a story you want to pitch what your characters basically are thinking not necessarily what they're doing you know pitch the emotional journey through the story and that that will help nick and i have some things that we're working on and that's that's something that we do we'll be doing is just pitching pitching the uh the emotional journey of the character and also slip in their favorite wine and they'll be sold instantly that's right i don't want it to multiply maybe i set it back a little bit what's that uh brush though uh do you have a line art shading brush package you recommend i don't no i don't this one is just a texture brush that we made and i find a lot of use in it oops sketchbook pro is free is it yeah well there you go there you go i didn't know that also a screen uh aaron is the wall does the wacom work on photoshop c5 or c6 yes i think walking pretty much works on all of photoshop doesn't it yeah once again the wacom is not it's the computer that you have to worry about with your with your uh versions of software wacom is just a monitor as long as you have a wacom that has been made in like the five in the past like five or ten years then you're pretty much solid because as as time goes on certain uh certain hardware and even certain software ends up becoming too obsolete yes they yeah they pretty much know that so as long as you're up to date with the latest hardware in the past five years you're good question at the moment i'm able to draw crude looking gesture drawings but how do you go from there to a finished drawing without it being stiff well the whole idea is finding line of action you want to find your line of action and when you're doing gesture drawing too many people mistake gesture drawing for just drawing sloppy you don't want to draw sloppy you want to draw with purpose when i drew when i drew this where am i drawing right now there we go so when i drew this drawing right here i drew that that's a gesture drawing now it does look it looks a little messy but it's drawn with purpose i you know there's a there's a a line of action in there so that but that enabled me to draw this i've erased some of it but it enabled me to draw that and get that tied down based on what was happening here and then this one enabled me to do this to tie that down and so each stage should be refined and help you with the stage afterwards i often wish i was just in the room with youtube i love the banter and dynamic it is quite nice it is quite nice and he actually wrote that out it is quite nice [Laughter] which movies did you work uh my first film uh credited as an animator or animating assistant was roller coaster rabbit i was promoted during the i think i was actually i can't remember now i may have been credited as a uh as an assistant actually um but i was promoted during that film and actually did some animation on it a roller coaster rabbit was a short animated film that we put out in front of dick tracy back in 1990 or 89 was i can't remember when it came out um and uh and then my first feature i ever worked on as an animator was uh the rescuers down under and that was a lot of fun i did a lot of little prison animals i had very small scenes to to do so i was still kind of a junior animator but it was fun i learned a lot out of all those out of all the moves you made of what do you think was the most fun scene you ever animated um there's several that i i really had you know some a good time with what i always talk about is animating bell and beast arguing in front of the fireplace and beauty and the beast that whole sequence was a lot of fun to to uh to animate on but then there is i remember the matchmaker um in mulan when mulan has to go through dealing with her and all that stuff there's a section in there where the matchmaker brian ferguson was the lead animator for the matchmaker and i went over and helped him out and there's a scene in there where she catches on fire and she starts bouncing around and running around and spinning and twirling around and all kinds of stuff and uh and i i animated her doing that that was me and i had so much fun doing that animation it was super broad and uh and like i said she was you know she was all over the place i really enjoyed that wait photoshop is only ten dollars yeah i looked it was 30. oh maybe it's gone up but you can uh um the last i looked it was 10 bucks so i i could be wrong so probably i apologize if i'm wrong [Music] if you do just you know not the whole suite i think it's photoshop and lightroom i thought it was 10 bucks yeah so it's the photography product 9.99 or something that is 10 a month yeah but it's still lightroom yeah lightroom lightroom classic and photoshop on desktop and ipad yeah you can still use it just you don't have to be a photographer you can still use it for that yeah it's a it's got like a 20 gig cloud storage but uh there's 9.99 right yeah 9.99 a month then there's the adobe photoshop single app which is 21 a month which is which is photoshop on desktop and ipad as part of the creative cloud and all and then just all apps in general is 53 a month yeah so if you get the photography get the photography suite and it's light box uh lightroom lightroom sorry it's lightroom uh lightroom classic so it's two different versions of lightroom uh and photoshop yeah and lightroom i use for all my uh raw photo editing and it is my my favorite uh application to use for my photo editing oh what i do i screwed up and did that for did you have a model when you animated the matchmaker no no i did that all out of my head the stuff where she's got the the makeup running down her face and mulan has to give her the cup back and walk away all that stuff i animated all that it was fun you know i actually remember into your uh animation office way way back before you guys were in the in that what in the big building before you guys uh got working on brother bear and we were still i remember watching seeing the rough animation that you made of her dancing all over the place because she had the uh her butt was on fire yeah exactly yeah i did all that straight ahead i did a really rough just straight ahead animation and then uh and then i went back in and refined it all it was a lot of fun and i remember the it was only her dancing around and it was i think the version i saw was with mulan in the background and there was no music no visual effects or anything and you just and you just heard the woman screaming yeah wow that's exactly right i can't remember how old i was when i saw that well that would have been probably 1996 so you would have been six or seven yeah six or seven years old no it would have been six then it was 96. it wasn't just depending on what time of year it was uh when did the movie come out movie came out in 98 it was question at the moment i'm able uh there we go uh youtube question what is line of action or did you say lion of action no line of action is the gesture it's the flow through that creates a pose so if you look at this image that i'm that i'm creating right now um the line of action there we go the line of action is basically this it's this s this s shape see see that s shape going through that is the line of action if i turn this off i turn the if i turn these on the line of action if you look at the the cat on the lower the lower left is this very fluid s curvy line of action through the cat you can see it up top too what i'm trying to do is find a line of action that's very fluid so if you look at the one up top here on the left it's got this another s shape through it if you look at the one straight up whoops it's got this circular line of action going into the tail and so that's line of action it's the it's basically the the most basic gesture through the uh through the animal or through the through the drawing i'm still going to keep this high key i'm going to grab my air my soft edge brush and i'm going to let's bring this down there we go why is photoshop on its own more expensive that i don't know that's a good question yeah because it did say that on its on its own photoshop is 20 a month but if you do the light the lightroom yeah i know i don't know why i wonder maybe the the photo pat the photo version like maybe there's certain areas of photoshop that is restricted uh in the smaller version i don't know about that uh youtube question how can i start my animation career in high school what first jobs would an animator get the first job depends on what type of animation you want to do if it's 2d or 3d it's it's kind of a different thing you know if you're a 3d animator you go in probably as a as an animator um you know there's you might go in as a junior animator under somebody but you'd still be animating what version of photoshop are you currently using the latest 2020 top of the line what do you think of film festivals and which one is your favorite uh i i think they're fine i don't i don't really have a favorite because i don't i don't really go to film festivals there it's going a little soft oh that is true rick hunter says i really like this it reminds me of the style style of the slides tarzan uh looks through when learning about the modern world and the tent oh yeah i can definitely see that oh and also rick uh says no photoshop is full in the photography bundle then go for the photography model it's cheaper yeah and you get lightroom so if you're into photography you get to use bold youtube comment aaron i've been drawing with you for decades as a child i pause disney movies to draw the characters from the tv and now i buy your courses not one day of art art school yet but i'm i'm a professional artist that's pretty cool wait pausing pausing movies so you can draw them it's cheating that's genius freaking genius that might be too dark huh oh i'm just looking at it i think you're talking about the uh that reference it's genius how did you start working with disney and what are some tips you have for a young adult who dreams of working alongside you i um i started working with disney as an uh as an intern in college so it was a different it was a different era back then um there was no cg animation so that's you know we didn't have to contend with that it was all drawing and so back then everybody in the studio needed to know how to draw which isn't necessarily the case anymore and so um i'm going to try something else here i'm going to turn this off and i'm going to just go right to and now for something completely different here um i i became an intern and i started that way and uh i um and you know it was it was a whole different era back then so um you know we the way we did it was you know we we came in as cleanup artists meaning we had to redraw all the animators drawings and get them to be nice and clean like you know those are the drawings you see up on the screen and that was our job and uh and that's how we learned animation so and we worked our way up in that way nowadays it's a little different you go in as an animator in 3d and um you know a lot of it you learn in college and then you perfect it as you get older and uh so it's a little different than what i'm used to sorry i'm drawing and talking at the same time again so it's i'm struggling like i said i want to keep this high key and i keep finding myself taking it too dark and i want to keep it rough go ahead all right got a scholarship question concerning animation if we're aiming for animation classes uh can we or should we add animation in our portfolio for the scholarship yes if you've got it if you've got the animation then put it in there for sure i believe you should make sure that it's in a mp4 format if if that is the case just make sure we can play it right which usually mp4 is best would you agree corella deville is one of the best animated characters what other animated performances do you think are excellent medusa medusa from the rescuers oh i think she's one of my favorite villains done by the same animator oh really milk call milk call was the best animator i think during the that era during the nine old men era well it was amazing yeah that medusa was pretty evil but it's just the performance was so incredible yeah who would want to adopt a homely little girl like you oh right in the fields right in the heart well i like the uh side cable snoops snoop yeah now now listen here little girl i might be wrong about uh milt doing her it may have been frank or ollie question did you animate the shot where the matchmaker accidentally draws the mustache on her face that's one of my all-time favorite moments no that was that was uh brian ferguson so i'm just trying to keep this really simple very very simple so i love using these uh dry brushes you're annoying your face is annoying i know it is i'm sorry i'm just trying to i was trying to look up poop um who's the head and a lead animator for medusa just to double check look up either frank thomas ollie johnson or milk call can you remember all that can you remember all that boy what is that no look at milk call rescuers uh yep milk calls character animation from madame ah i want to show everybody something you put it full screen yep i think i've shown this before but let's see uh can you see this image is it glarey absolutely move it a bit right how about that no painted this to your right there you go uh bring it close that's blurry what there we go i think it was having a hard time picking up the lines but anyway this is an original animation drawing from milk call on sleeping beauty a little more one more to the left over there yeah that's one of it the originals this is one of my prized possessions arg are you trying to use procreate my what do you try to use procreate try i do you do actually my uh i have a whole procreate course you have a whole course a whole course you have a whole entire course on procreate that's some wild wild stuff maybe a little later how do you start getting internships oh that's that all depends on the company that really just depends on the company and what they want to see so you know back in the day when i got my internship that was 1987. so it was a long time ago long long time ago i can still remember the way that music made me smile hey again you want to learn how it is done freya charge oh nick says i just got this original look no you did not nick did you really that's bill tytla if you got that i'm gonna be blown away you did not get that show it it's this i don't think that's night on bald mountain oh turn nugget right here let me blow this up blow it up with uh what do you think dynamite or c4 you put that on top there that's a cleanup drawing from fantasia night on bald mountain absolutely did you really get that nick yes you did you insane wow that wasn't cheap either because i'm pretty sure the only thing that the instagram viewers are seeing is the hand there you go there you go wow that's incredible that's bill titla night on bald mountain why did you tell me that you're holding out on me his response is going to be but you would never ask a long long time ago in one of your course videos you said it could we could paint using ice cream have you ever painted with ice cream i what did i say that and i probably just said you could paint whatever usually with anything including ice cream no i've never painted with ice cream and that creativity did i'm experimenting i don't know if i want to use that nah what kind of shampoo is the lime using looks like a neat giant a little suave a suave oh what's one shape oriel l'oreal uh do you know the bundle or photoshop on its own because i'm wondering if photoshop in the cheaper bundle is restricted in some ways than the photoshop on its own uh we've already answered that somebody already figured that out on a um on facebook of to the person that's asking on instagram that the photoshop the photoshop in any of the at in the plants is completely open no restrictions whatsoever and the ones that we're currently using is the the full package right yeah yeah we're using the full package because there are times when we use premiere pro when we're using lightroom photoshop after effects the whole nine yards so that's what we're rocking with the whole ice cream thing makes me think that could be a fun youtube challenge try trying to try to do a painting with our piece with paint with yeah with ice cream or just any other like random random thing like that would actually be really cool like a chocolate bar like using kit kat bars as at all what am brushes doing i'm experimenting that's what i'm doing okay i want to keep everything high key i got to remember that we got to keep it high key hi cool high key hi cool what's your favorite animated animal of all time animated animal what is your favorite um probably oh let's see sorry i'm thinking i'm thinking stop faking it just answered um it's warner brothers i love bugs money that's a good one warner brothers are you thinking of um spirit band that's fox bambi oh bambi bambi is my favorite volcano that's disney without a doubt hey warner brothers that's disney were you thinking of daffy duck when you're thinking warner brothers and uh from earlier talking about a sleeping beauty sleeping beauty had a very distinct style uh who's art inspired the design theme of sleeping you the background was beautiful i've been earl i have an earl what's the technique you're using for this illustration uh it being low contrasting i know it's not finished yet but i already love how it looks yeah it's it's all high key i just want to keep everything kind of in the same range and dry brushy kind of soft if you look at if you look at it up close you can see that it's just kind of soft the teacher sheldon uh barnstein uh has a lesson where he paints a whole figure with a mars chocolate bar he keeps serious the whole time sounds like a fun challenge well there you go there you go challenge accepted everybody i'm going just going in and adding some darks go ahead dustin okay okay okay my friend told me that there's a thing called bob ross parties where people dress up as bob ross and paint to one of his videos it sounds awesome that does sound fun i'm just going to paint a happy little tree here you want to paint a little friend right maybe one day they'll have erin blaze parties do we all hawaiian shirts with uh pillows under their shirts hey hey i'm sorry i had to say it i'm working on it i'm waking here don't worry they'll have they'll they'll do the same thing for the sidekick is the walk is the wacom pro you're using a touchscreen yes but i don't use the touch i find it buggy buggy yes from studio ghibli which animation uh which animated feature is your favorite and why my friend totoro and i just love the charm of that princess mononeuki because i just think it's awesome that's probably my my most favorite yeah i just love the the depth of the the spiritual more yeah in princess mononoke yeah i love any kind of nature you know mother nature kind of thing like that yeah in animation and mononoke is one of my top in fact i think it was the very first one i watched i like kiki's delivery service too although my second favorite like directly behind mononoke would have to be uh castle in the sky yeah i just love the design of all the other vehicles in that one like the pirates little uh bug like uh flying machines they are cool then might be then number three would be nausicaa yeah because the glider in that one is really cool and it's all it just the stories in general are great youtube question this may be up to the concept artist but how can i avoid copying another artist's concept practice for developing original ideas yes so i mean you can be inspired just try to be aware of it that's all you know we all are you know our style is always the product of inspiration and influence of other styles it's just it's unavoidable unavoidable now the key is to be able to kind of put yourself into that put yourself into that into that style that might inspire you try not to copy directly if this has high exposure shouldn't it have strong shadows yep and right now it doesn't have to the shadows can be very light that's that's the uh that's the idea behind high key right now i'm pushing it a little bit more than i want again but i might not go any darker than what the dark that i'm doing here uh the brush that you use to create the the white highlights is that brush available in any of the packs on the site yeah i'm using it right now this is my uh texture brush it's in uh the last texture brush pack that we put out um nick will know which one that is this dry brush it's a dry brush that i'm using oh that's a that's gonna be that would be a good challenge painting using only items you can find in your kitchen well that's pretty cool so like plates and glasses forks and knives ladles a basting brush pasting brush i don't think a facing or pasting brush would just be too obvious be something that's like something you would not at all expect to use hey aaron hey what what's going on how's it going when they brought an adult lion to the disney studio were you there what was the safety protocol and what could you not do near the animal and how close could you get i couldn't eat a raw steak near the animal that's obvious no but the the they didn't bring the the lions right up to us they were up on the stage we sat down on the floor and uh and drew from there at our drawing desk so we weren't it's not like we were up heading the the adult lines we did pet and play with uh the cubs but we weren't playing with the adults i keep forgetting that you had the adults there too i always remember the the cubs being there just keep forgetting about the adults yeah remember i did that drawing of chewy oh yeah i keep thinking no that was at the on the sound stage right at mgm studios is it aaron we have aaron plays parties twice a week i wonder if that's because of the livestream do you mentor a young artist trying to learn more i would sell my kidney to have you as a mentor i uh we i don't do any mentoring right now within without a kidney with or without a kidney but um we may in the future i'm in the future but be sure to keep your kidney okay yes i want you to be as intact as possible would you say having a specific style defines an artist or is it not fully necessary to recognize someone's work um i think i think every artist has a style whether they realize it or not so i don't think it's an issue if it's important or not i think it's it's already there i'm going to try something here i'm going to take the line work that i've done which is here you know which is here oh that's kind of neat just like that all alone look at that kind of neat eh ready um i'm going to turn that on i want to knock it back and i think i'm going to do a very uh controlled ink line and just see what that looks like i'm gonna put that should i put it on top yeah yeah yeah yeah how many lines did they bring to the studio how many how many lions yeah how how many lions like how many adults cubs uh well they brought one adult and then they brought uh they brought two cubs one adult trying to remember the other animals that they brought i can't remember hard round or maybe i use my pencil what if i use my pastel c that's got a little texture to it and we heard about the um the about what happened in beirut the other day that was terrifying to watch yes it was i always overdo my paintings any tips on how you how you know when to stop plan it ahead of time that's that will help if you know what your goals are ahead of time then that'll help when it comes time to understanding if you're done or not like all right once i get this highlight here done then that's it or just be or just plan out like i'm going to take care of the highlights here take care of the shadows here and then once i'm done with the highlights over here then i'm done i will say rest for the next day sure question when or how is a style considered professional um that's you know that's a that's a matter of opinion matter of fact i think observer i think one is not it's not necessarily the style itself but the consistency of that style is that style consistent so that the people know that they're going to consistently get that that style from that person are there any plans of any workshops in the future yes it's just a matter of waiting for you know everything that we're going through regarding covid a freaking panda youtube question wait is this from no reference yes this is from no reference so you're saying there's no reference i'm saying there's no reference there the new reference which we were new videos new video news yes this will be saved on youtube and we also save this on facebook don't we do we shave this out yes yes yep you can get it on facebook sorry i had to ear a little a little focused i was focused i'm told i'm a chameleon when it comes to my art style friends seem to think it's a good thing but but i worry that it means i don't have a style of my own eventually you'll want a style of your own but you know it's style is something that evolves your style will evolve so don't worry about it just just keep drawing and it'll it'll happen i never set out for to create a style and if you look i mean my stuff varies from from image to image and plus different animation projects require different different styles to be to be learned yeah and so if you show that you can adapt to different styles of events that is if you want to be an animator this person might not be wanting to be an animator right but if they're doing commissions and somebody's like oh i want it i want an art piece that's that's similar to this or this then yes i've got a point do you also draw people yep i've got a whole course on my website on human anatomy just you prefer animals over humans yeah they're more fun to draw you are what people would call an animal lover i am i think that would have been the the ultimate out of the comfort zone is is drawing uh drawing a person when i draw people huh i'm in my comfort zone i drop you let's just you haven't drawn a person on live stream in a very very long time that's true but i'm definitely much more my comfort zone drawing humans than i am robots well that's true too but for the for the longest time it's always been birds blinds or bears than everything in between humans not so much can you tell us what skills are required to become a background painter in animation does a background painter have to design locations as well or does he only have to paint them only has to paint them the way that that is done is the layout artist designs the backgrounds the background painter paints them hey aaron hey how's it going hey good morning uh do you know anything about the book picture this by molly bang i just got it supposedly to be a real good book about composition i'm sure it is so definitely read it and learn composition is a great thing to know obviously and it's uh you'll spend a lifetime understanding it yeah this is fun i like i like having the uh the holding line in here what do you think dustin that feels kind of neat doesn't it okay we'll put a little texture in the background when we get to it what is the best birthday or christmas gift you ever got from dustin oh hold on where is it where's the dude oh there we go oh he's right here oh i got this from dustin the dude which i've always cherished and then you got me bob and doug mckenzie was that one i gave you you got me bob and doug mckenzie right here i always love that and i haven't opened it i thing at one point i even got you a um uh uh a white like uh it was like a digital whiteboard or something that you they used for your plane for the day yeah you actually got me a foot massager that too that's this last christmas i keep forgetting that i have it i haven't even used it yet i think i can give you a back massager at one point you did for my chair yeah they're all very dad gifts but they're all very cool i try to bring comfort there's the one gift that um both austin and i got you the uh um the the best award from the help from hollywood oh yeah that one's over there i think yeah it's up there yeah hollywood best man here you can show it there it is probably was best man we got at a gift shop on hollywood boulevard like one of those touristy kind of places we tried to find best dad but we couldn't find one so this is the best best one we could find so i don't know still likes it right what other stuff i can't remember what's your opinion on the 1978 watership down movie and will there ever be a course over drawing bunnies in the future yes we'll we'll definitely have a course on drawing rodents and bunnies um the water shipped down i think that was by batshi was it by bachchi anyway it traumatized me it was just rabbits destroyed each other it was so bloody uh yeah it traumatized me as a kid in 1978 i was 10 years old and uh i remember seeing seeing it and seeing bits of it anyway and literally there were bits of bunnies yeah that's true emily says he he drew dustin not so long ago i think that was the last um human portrait you did was the one who was the one with me no i did one of vedanta on last year yeah right there that one the charcoal that's sitting on the boards man that feels like months ago it was months ago see what i'm doing see what i'm talking about here so here i'm just i'm embracing the the drawing having some fun with it i want it to feel like a little charcoal not charcoal but maybe kante drawing is there a reason you drew the highlights before outlining i just you know what i'm just exploring there's no reason why i did anything in here other than i knew i wanted it to be high key but i wasn't quite sure what i wanted what i wanted it to be and so i'm just letting this evolve as i go i wasn't i never i didn't even anticipate whether i was going to have a holding line on it like i'm creating now this just kind of evolved what are your thoughts on new artists gravitating to refurbished ipad pros with procreate as a strong alternative to tablets that are extra screens for computers uh i've never i don't have any thoughts on it that's uh that's cool i think it's cool i've never thought about it it's a great alternative can i be your apprentice well someday but not right now we don't have the ability to have apprentices right now do you take commissions i don't no no commissions it's hard enough for me to to get my courses done let alone take on more more work with commissions dustin do you even watch this show do you guys even watch the show i read comments more than i watch the show yeah this is getting fun i'm really having a good time with the drawing oh now it's getting fun yeah it takes a while to find that groove dude takes a while there's been a while since i have drawn a human man drawing hair drawing lion's hair gotta be in the groove where hey aaron hey what i got a bunch of your brushes and i've been trying to paint fur with verb brushes but couldn't figure out how to use how to use them any chance you could do a demo with with those one of these days i have done demos with them have you did you look at the demo on the page that you buy them on there should be a demo in there if there's not i've got a youtube demo do you ever even watch the show very accepted apprentices there'd be a hundred people all aaron draws in the live stream yeah there'd be people all in the living room all in the dining room all upstairs and i'd be out of the job so has manny been on today not yet what about mr clayton mr clean any dave clayton not that i've seen youtube questions i always watch films and spot film techniques what kind of things should i spot in animated films animation techniques there's cycles animating on ones and twos uh there's a lot of different techniques and ones [Music] when able tickle my throat what's that when abel how would someone go about becoming your apprentice uh i don't know yet yeah that'll be something it definitely would be uh portfolio based if we were to do it you're just calling and say draw cat go click this one's taking a while today took uh it's taken us two hours just to get to this point lots of experimentation today that's an experiment it's like the 60s all over again was there ever a time where you felt like doing something else as a career yeah or has being in the in the art world been been it for you ever you ever get tired of it i never get tired of it you know when i was younger before i had a career i thought about going into forestry when i was really young i wanted to be a veterinarian but i always came back to art and uh and since becoming an artist professionally 35 years ago i've really never wanted to do anything else when i was really young i wanted to jump motorcycles professionally i was really big into evil knievel and so i wanted to be like evel knievel and i had a little motorcycle i used to make my brother lay down in front of the ramp and i'd jump them on my motorcycle and i think growing up the one of the first things i i dreamed of being was a helicopter pilot specifically for the for the apache helicopter yeah and then after that i wanted to go and go into video games and then wanted to be a singer or a voice actor then back to video games and now i'm going to be a photographer yeah well you're you're good you're good proof that you know sometimes it just takes a little while longer you're going to be 30 how you in september yeah and you're still you know finding yourself is it i think the long the the longest lasting you know i was was getting into the video game industry but i never really had a had a specific focus like whether if i wanted to do concept design or be a game tester or anything of that stuff i just knew i just knew back then i wanted to get into video video into the video game career yeah but after after i got brought into digital domain i got into the 3d 3d industry that's when my wheels turned and changed into the 3d depth world for movies yeah and after four or five years working down that road that's when i got hired here and i started i got here and last year uh i got my first camera just originally it was just to pass the time whenever we were outdoors but the first time using the camera that's when i was like hey i dig this huh yeah it's like i want to i want to do more of this yeah oh hold on i got one from nick up here challenge idea configure your wacom slash photoshop in a way that the input on your pen is mirrored to how it's put on screen well they have that they have the mirror uh section on photoshop where you can everything's mirrored mirroring wouldn't work on this but yeah i love doing the mirror section be our treatment because you can create all kinds of really fun creatures with that no but what i think they mean is instead of like having the having two lines come out at once it's the one line but it's opposite to the strokes that you're making i don't know what that means like what are you talking like say i'm stroke say i'm making a brush or going left the stroke is actually going right oh well you just keep drawing and it just makes it opposite that's not a big deal you're drawing the same drawing it's just mirrored it's just in reverse i ever tried doing it that way uh no but on the opposite of the brush stroke that you're trying to make oh but you're saying i wouldn't be able to see the brush the stroke that i'm actually needing right oh well that would probably be different like i mean it'll pretty much be the same as to what you're doing right now but it's the opposite direction you're the opposite direction what dustin sings yes i tried for american idol twice will this remain monochromatic yes uh aaron do you have any other hobbies besides art so i like to play music do you mess with opacity and brush hardness a lot or do you tend to stay with mostly one setting for your brushes uh no i i mess with that quite a bit actually in this case i'm not a whole lot because it doesn't really call for it dustin what's your favorite animal worldwide i would say lion no you're lying i mean there's a lion or a bit kind of the same boat as dad but locally i like uh either sandhill cranes or red-winged blackbirds specifically the males because i really like the black with the red shoulders i really like that uh the classic colors living on sponge cake [Music] on my front porch screen smelling shrimp it's beginning to boil if you could have a wild animal as a pet what would you choose and why um an amoeba because you just have to put them in a drop of water amoeba i already i've already raised several wild animals one of them's sitting right next to me right now gee thanks there there back in the days has uh has the lion king been colored on cells or were they already digital uh they were digital uh everything started going digital at the end of the little mermaid the little mermaid was the last cell painted uh movie the last shot in the little mermaid they did that digitally as a test moving forward don't forget about otters dustin i know i haven't forgotten about the otters i like the otters too but i haven't seen them in forever forever forever uh what do you think of uh pete's dragon i think it's super cheesy but still a childhood favorite super cheesy super cheesy yeah i like the uh classical i haven't seen the uh the remade one that they did what was it last year was the last year the year before uh the year before i think the live action yeah the lat well they did they're both live actually yeah sorry no worries but um no really i'm sorry oh yeah the original what was the 60s the original came out in 1977 77 yeah my bad i saw it in the theater shawna theater in the theater god you're old i know i remember i remember growing up watching watching that movie did it scare me a few times yeah you got scared of everything i was a little scaredy cat back then even the what was it the amc yeah you got you were scared of the amc film strip guy film cat i think it was just the noise that you didn't like that that was mainly it for the longest time like i think it was just because my ears were so small or something but i always had to plug my ears for majority for like the good like first first quarter of the movie yeah have you ever drawn yourself as an animal no i haven't it's a it's an interesting challenge you always have a precise and confident pencil stroke was it uh the case before or is it in the way you use your pencil like use your arm rather than just your hand i searched this kind of precise line in my in my drawing sorry for my bad english you don't have bad english um and it's just something that i've developed over the years i've always it it also helped that i did clean up animation for a long time so that helped a lot as well what's your opinion on the new lion kings movie movie animation and realism um i i uh i thought it was okay i just think that the realism kept them from kept the characters from really emoting very well it was basically like they did a really good job with realism but they did too good of a job with the realism at least that's the way that i think of it yeah i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to uh i'm going to put a layer on top okay now animate the entire lion king movie by hand in one week you drop down to some of my texture layers have you seen hamilton i thought it was really good but i was surprised it kept all the swear words except the f-bomb and the disney branded movie uh no i haven't seen it i know they swore ah pete the dragon the the remake is very different but also cool they move it from coastal maine to woodland maine yes i had no idea the original was that was set in maine yeah i don't know why but i always thought it was like somewhere in the tropics or something because it was on the coast just giving this some texture without it being too texturey texturey will the wine have an iris looks blind the poor thing yeah he would i'm just uh i've decided to kind of push it out a little bit let me knock this back even more push it out of the way so that background is just a little more subtle a little more subtle let me try something else are we at the one more thing already no not quite aaron missing some tv paint streams any planned in the near future yeah have you utilized the alt command combo for the animation disk display and rotation uh by the way how's no bear coming hope we get complete complete that in time for oscar submission well we will eventually may not be this one but we'll get it eventually yeah i'm just adding some texture in here that's interpret to be precise they kept in half half an f-bomb and eliminated two oh interesting sounds like dustin you need to watch pete's dragon this weekend i think i do is that on disney place i'm sure it is oops i didn't grab something uh what did i miss oh this one yeah there's still a lot of disney movies i need to catch up on disney plus i wonder if i should lose that little tail down at the bottom so i can blow him up i'm going to do that i want wanted to take up more of the image well maybe not that much right about there there we go for the composition and then here that is true lisa disney plus is awesome but addicting it definitely can be there we go just slowly kind of getting that all out of there and coming down here get rid of that ah both versions are disney plus good to know i'll definitely watch that when i get the chance uh where is dominican i'm going to use dominican it feels like the right so one more thing is equivalent to i'll have only one more little slice of the pie yeah i think it's more like i think i'll just take one more for the road which is your favorite disney princess and why uh i don't think about um i think i like pocahontas you chose teachers let me do this what's the name of this style of drawing like what's this style uh based off of i'm i just like it let me go a little i want to go i like the space i want to put spaces between these let me go a little bigger we go 48 can i go that big what was the most difficult scene you worked on at disney and why the most complex one i i worked on and i've actually talked about it a little bit is um is a roger rabbit cartoon yeah that one that i i always get my head wrapped up around that always trying to figure out how you pull that off yeah that one um that was tough i'll pull it up here in just a minute i just gotta i want to get this there how does that feel feels kind of classy huh i'll move this up just a little bit i'll try a couple of things here feels good i like that i want to no i think i'm just going to leave it i want to keep it nice and simple don't oh yeah i want to remind you um don't forget that if you're a teacher educator or school official looking for an online art education course we are now offering 300 plus hours of content to uh at group discounts okay uh go to education to learn more and please help us spread the word all right so uh whoops oh i gotta take it off um yeah if you're looking for group rates for your classes we can help you out and uh we want to help you out so please please please head on over to creatureart and check all that out all right so i'm gonna i'm gonna keep it on that texture i just want to see something really quick what's the difference between designing for animation versus uh designing for games like gaming design there's not a i mean i think gaming design is probably a much more vast world that you're designing for but they're very similar it's a good question there's not a huge amount of difference really i mean every game stylistically has its own style with just like every film and it's something that uh i think it's it's something that hold on it's um no it's okay i'm sorry i'm i'm trying to draw at the same time same old thing um it's the storytelling tends to be uh a bit different but also the same i mean it's you know you're you're designing a world a lot of times especially in uh open worlds um you you have to anticipate you know everything right whereas in a film you're only designing where that character is going to be while the character is acting and uh and so there's some interesting differences but there's a lot of interesting similarities that i find there we go that feels pretty good i'm adding some textured areas in there i think when it comes to uh video game design it can be something as simple as very close to an anime feature where it's very single-minded very scripted you know like you're able to share some details as to like what's happening in the world like the lore in the in the game or you can go as fast as like a role-playing game where you have all like all these side quests and decisions that changes your story and your ending no matter what kind of choices you make it's just a matter of how complex you're willing and how deep you're willing to go into the story for for the video game and i think that's what the biggest difference is between an animation and a video in a video game it's just that this is how vast of opportunities there are in the video game world that's how i that's how i see it and alcohol says hello brother hello brother oh brother don't forget the one more thing whiskers are you dustin favorite princess and why um oh for now i'll probably have to go with merida oh yeah merida is awesome i forgot about merida also i want to remind you that my brother travis's course on calipeg is up for pre-order now at you've only got a week to get that on pre-order after that uh it's coming out and it'll be going up to full price so um make sure you get out there because it's a 50 savings if you guys are interested in doing any kind of 2d digital 2d animation um get calipe for ipad it's a really great piece of software travis is an expert on it he helped them develop it and uh and we got him to come in and teach a course for us so uh uh it's up for pre-order at you can save 50 off now through august 15th calipad once again is an animation app for ipad and has a seven day uh and has a seven day trial after that it's very affordable for a very uh for very deep animation now you can get really deep in it all right so i'm just coming in just putting some finishing touches is the text center yes i believe it is yes it is yep did you save your word yes i'll save it again there we go so once again i wanted to do something a little different so there's our drawing for the day there there we go we push that back a little bit what do you think dust butt i like it oh yeah let's do the uh i don't know if i like it with the pupil like this or maybe a little lighter i don't like it i don't like it i thought i wonder i don't like it it looks great thanks also under is it possible to shift his body to either direction why which way do you think it needs to go i'm thinking left just to bring in more of the rule of thirds and also to center his head a little more into the uh into the image okay let's see here because i um he's right now centered see yeah i don't think i want to go any more than that yeah just yeah nothing too extreme that feels a little too much to me yeah it's just his head his head felt a little too far to the right i hear you i hear what you're saying you know what i'm saying yeah you heard you hear what i'm saying i hear what you're saying saying saying twitch question hey i saw your review of the cintiq pro 32 how are you still liking it i love it i absolutely love it i wouldn't use anything else i dig it baby i dig it i think i'm there think you're there i think i'm there i'm there yes of course that's why i like merida scottish ancestry curly hair horse and enjoys archery of course aaron have you met carter goodrich he's one of my favorite character designers yes i hear he's super shy i met him is it true it's true is it true that he's super shy that i don't know it's just something like this the nickname that you gave me which one was it dusty yes but all my friends called me erroneous aaron you know erroneous erroneous yeah i'm a mistake sometimes does it go hey hey ron okay rob hey wrong all right i'm just noodling at this at this point but i think this is it what do you think yeah i like it all right there's our there's our attempt at doing something a little different it came out nothing like what i had in my head but i like it i like it i think it makes kind of a cool poster what do you think oh you want to get rid of that uh what's that drawing down there is that layer 18 enough for something that's one more thing uh where's 18 there it is yep it's layer 18 right by the 2020 some leftover drawings so now all i got to do is grab some color there go up to the top layer once again oh that's the top layer and we'll do this and incomes there it is all done so there's our that's going to be our uh lion king lion king our lion day poster for 2020. might as well be lion king yeah so if you guys want to order this we will have it available and uh it was a lot of fun to make i enjoyed it and i hope you guys enjoyed it and remember our uh group education uh setup is available at education and uh and this is a setup for any of teachers out there educators that have classes that are looking for a group discount for their classes we have something available for you so go on over there and check that out once again it's education and uh we want to help you out also our scholarship remember um it's uh we're look we're taking the first 200 submissions uh each month and um after that you're going to have to wait to the next month but we are giving away a 5 000 scholarship every single month and we'll take the first 200 submissions and we will look at them and make a choice from that i think this month so far we're up to 115 so we've only got 85 more spots left but if you miss if you miss it this month remember you've always got next month and make sure you focus on uh you know quality don't rush it if you can't make it this month don't worry you'll you'll get next month or the month after and if you submit and you don't get picked you don't have to submit again okay we uh we'll keep you on record and we will continue to scrutinize everyone that's already submitted uh remember travis blaze my brother has got a brand new course coming out on how to use calapeg and he uh his his course is up for pre-order uh and so you can go to now and you can order that we've also got tim hodges new course that just came out on how to draw uh mythical creatures and uh that's doing great and we've already been seeing some artwork coming out from that and that's pretty cool and then also dustin and i have been working very diligently on trying to get done uh how to draw birds of prey so we've got a lot of stuff coming out plus tony cipriano's how to use uh zbrush which is digital sculpting uh lots of great stuff so stay tuned for all of that and i hope you guys had a great time today i had a blast let me blow this up a little bit so you can see a little better it was quite nice it was quite nice right and uh what time is it 3 45 so you want a little bit long 3 45 33 425 but there's our there's our uh our line and we really focused on drawing today drawing and texture and it was kind of fun i enjoyed it it might be a bit close for the uh for the instagram viewers here we go i love that that that's that so maybe i'll move over this is what they were seeing oh gotcha i'll move it over well right there yeah that's that's what it looks like really shrink it up even more yeah so anyway um let me just just full screen there you go it's full screen yeah so anyway i hope you guys enjoyed it uh go out have a great week uh just a reminder nick and i are gonna be off this coming week we're taking a little bit of a vacation before our kids have to go to school and uh so we're gonna take a little r r so uh we won't be around this coming week but uh next week on tuesday we'll we will be doing our very last tuesday live stream okay the week after next for the week after next yeah we are going back to one time a week which will be fridays and uh so we'll see you then i hope you guys have a wonderful wonderful week um stay safe put some beauty back into the world be nice to somebody put your shopping cart away and i will talk to you in a week and a half see you later we should definitely do like a big big like tuesday finale thing yeah we should yeah yeah it'd be good thank you guys so much for watching glad you guys enjoyed this stream and if you get if any newcomers are interested in any wildlife photography as well as artwork you can check out my instagram at dustin underscore blaze and i post a lot of wildlife out there specifically a lot of florida wildlife and along with that you can check out my wildlife photo reference packs over at that i have available over there well over 600 uh photos of florida wildlife and county and so hope you guys enjoy those and hope you guys enjoyed everything that's been going on and stay safe out there next week and we'll see you guys the week after next and until then cowboy bebop later
Channel: The Art of Aaron Blaise
Views: 20,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aaron Blaise, Lion, World Lion Day, Photoshop, Tutorial
Id: y_Wv2q_Biik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 58sec (9358 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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