Live Stream: What's Google Saying about Python

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we're live hey welcome to the show everybody so i'm going to give it a couple minutes for people to jump on because i've uh started a little bit early so when you jump on tell me that you can hear me or not say i can hear you i can hear you and tell me what part of the world you are coming in from so you might say i'm steph from montreal i'm natasha from et cetera et cetera et cetera that's it so in this video i'm going to uh as the title says we're going to see what google is saying about python something interesting i came across and we'll take it from there if you like the subject of the video give me a thumbs up if you hate my videos give me two thumbs down and uh yeah hi from yemen hey cool man all right very good well welcome to the show or welcome to the stream i don't know if it's really show but from bunker texas shalom from israel very cool i hear you from the palestine fantastic chicago norway all right the party's just beginning i can hear you samuel from hungary hey very cool from colombia all right so marco from what's up [Laughter] maude from morocco malaysia hey for him here wow you're up late buddy ethiopia london uk alberta hey fellow canuck uh lithuania wow turkey there we go tennessee bulgaria toronto good vibes skyser from good vibes florida all right we're good good holly from milwaukee already i thank you hafik i appreciate it instead of following your advice following your advice from the last two video and got offers thank you hey congratulations cheers to that uh uh goddamn pitch quality is amazing it's goddamn amazing to tell you um all right so uh bosnia well austria i think this is germany i'm not sure netherlands texas all right so we're loading up here with people we got 67 people if you're watching the replay uh as usual put a time index to get to the subject at hand if this it's not my intention but if this stream goes on longer i'm gonna start doing stuff clips because uh these 50 minute streams are quite long i think people will like that they've been asking l.a there we go cuckoo indonesia it's all over the world in fact very the world is very well represented that's which is good all right so 67 61 persons 62 austin texas java indonesia hello from godforsaken place you don't want to know about [Laughter] georgia i hear you all right so um let's just jump into it all i was browsing the googles and i came across this stuff here there we go i just wanted to see what's going on google and you notice how google's got this little box that appears here and we're going to read some of these things off and see what google has to say so is python losing popularity we click through all right so go the main disadvantages of python is it are its slowness its weakness and mobile application developments and it's less popularity in the enterprise development sector additionally with the advent of ai and ml nowadays enterprise are swiftly moving towards aiml-based web applications better server customers so my answer is it's gaining in popularity it's the probably it's either number one number two most popular language in the world today is python still relevant in 2020. these are not my questions these are google we'll see what google says now major programming languages such as python java c-sharp node well knows that language js that's the language supported due to the rapid expansion of the ecosystem this makes it one of the most unique technologies to continue to be relevant for the foreseeable future so that's pretty accurate there was this top seven program languages and frameworks in 2020 will there be a python python4 at the current rate the language excuse me at the current range rate rate of language features releases roughly once every 18 months that means we would likely see python 4 for for some time in 2023 rather than python 3.10 so apparently with python 4 it's not a huge upgrade when you went from two to three it was a you your code could break did break in certain circumstances but from three to four it's just going to be incremental it's kind of like it could be kind of like html5 like they haven't released the new version of html5 there's no html 6 on the horizon html5 i think it became it took over about 2012. it was out before that i believe but it pretty much took over then um there's not going to be an html 6 they're just beefing up html5 so all right let's go back here uh will python 2 ever end see by fondue is it was deprecated a long time ago python 2 is no longer supported by the python software foundation here's what you can do if you're stuck in python 2 in what is fast becoming a python 3 world as of january 1st 2020 that's last year the 2x branch of python programming language is no longer supported by its creators the python software foundation yeah so i shouldn't be doing python too although if you were to learn uh from an ancient python 2 course uh for you to move into python 3 would be like like this i wouldn't be too concerned about it uh yeah what's going on here's another one this weird google hey google's questions here right is python a dying language no original answer by far is python excuse me is python a dying language no it's not diet it's not even close to time it's python enough to get a job python might be enough to get a job but most jobs require a set of skills true for example you might get a job to write python code that connects to a mysql database to build a web application you need to know javascript html and css if you want to get into machine learning you will need to know about mathematical modeling so yeah so python you could do standalone python jobs like a friend of mine he was working for animation house and they had all these render farms basically a bunch of server computers are just processing video and they controlled everything via python scripts so he had full-time python programmers working for him when he could find them because they were hard to find um they're paid very well and they would just write python scripts they wouldn't they weren't writing python applications per say we're just writing python code to manage the server farm so you see that as well where python is used in a lot of back-end processes not necessarily app building let's jump back in see what else they got uh is python the future over the span of 25 years python has managed to reach the level that is high above other others making it the fastest growing language when was this written april 2013 april 13 2020 excuse me right here not only this but it also has a promising future along with the additional other technology there's no doubt that it has become quite favorite in the software industry so python is 25 years old and it's it's even number one number two uh what will replace python featured python is now one of the most popular programming languages among developers and could soon overtake c plus plus it did this is a 2018 article so it surely did uh but a much younger language julia a possible alternative python which never went anywhere which did not go anywhere as far as i know it's catching on quickly but it didn't actually catch on all right next is java really dying again this is google i'm not picking these questions google is you're right there's no evidence that java is dying another ancient technology and language that is still dominant but no language is best at everything go is widely recognized as a good backend language for servers it's simple and powerful but its ecosystem is limited this is 2018 again java is still right up there it's not number one but it's even it's in the top three most popular languages at all times how we doing here let's go uh can python replace java python continues its rise on the list of popular programming languages in the world according to the thai ob excuse me according to toyota analyst with this rate python can overtake c and java and become the most popular language this is uh last year a year two years almost year and a half ago it took overtook them as far as i understand what is python not good for not suitable for mobile and game development although i've heard that they i think sim city was done with python but i'm not sure about that python is mostly used in desktop and web server development it is not considered ideal for mobile app development and game development due to the consumption of more memory and a slow processing speed while compared to other programming languages yeah i would generally agree but i'm sure there are exceptions it's uh is python 3.9 release python 3.9 was released october 5th there you go so if we go there let's see what we got here uh we're at 3.91 february last date february this year so point one is coming out in uh whoa came out day dinner wow just came out today what a fluke there you go timely uh articles this article explains the new features of python 3.9 compared to 3.8 3.9 was released on october 5th 2020. so this is 9-1 [Music] so let's see samurai summary of release highlights union operator added to dick that's d-i-c-t type hinting generics in standard collections relax grammar restrictions and decorator okay so some uh stuff on the periphery just looking over quickly all right we'll get back to our main piece but yeah well there you go three point nine one is released by the way if you're on a three x branch three if you're you know if you find a course it's three point one three point two three point seven three point six three point eight you're fine right when you get the subversions like that the points the differences are not very big for most people okay uh for most languages for most aspects of the language uh what is just the best version of python for sega compatibility with third-party modules it's always safe is to choose a python version that is a one major point visualization behind the current one at the time of writing python 3.8 one is the most current version the best safe bet then is to use the latest update 3.7 okay that's march 2020 not too long ago uh okay what's going on these are getting boring um oh here's a good question python is python 3 backward compatible with python 2. python 3 implements a lot of very useful features and breaks backward compiled compatible compatibility it does it on purpose so the great features can be implemented even despite the fact that python 2. so basically python 3 is not backward compatible although there are programs that you can run your python through code through to make it python3 it's not perfect but it does work to a certain extent uh what's going on is python better than sql kind of weird because they're two different language categories sql is designed for databases python is a general purpose programming language so that's kind of a word question is python better than ruby we all know the answer to that come on can i get a job with just python we saw that before can i learn python in a month apparently yes you can yes you can i can tell you from my course many people learn python within a month or sooner first and foremost requirement to learn python with within a month or not is knowledge of coding and a little bit pro efficiency in other languages like c c plus c sharp java if you have a workable knowledge of any of these language you can learn python a month well you can learn python in a month if you have a very good course shameless self-promotion there can i get a job with python certification becoming a python developer is the most direct job out there for someone who knows python programming language that's a weird sentence a python developer can be expected to build websites optimize data algorithms no not really i know it depends the type of job why python is not future it is the future what are the disadvantages of python we know it's very slow uh why is python slow python is slower than c because it is an interpreted line interpreted language this is also true this amplifies a number of actual c cpu instructions required in order to perform a given statement the difference is that python code can be interpreted instead of directly by the cpu will be excuse me the difference is that python code will be interpreted instead of directly by cpu so what does that all mean because python takes care of a lot of stuff for you automatically let me just zoom in on instead because python takes care of most stuff for you automatically you do not have to as a programmer manage all these things that you would have to if you're writing the code in in c plus or something or c so what happens is the code's a little less efficient because python when you write a little bit of python code like you know you create a variable you run a function it's doing all kinds of extra stuff that behind the scenes a lot of checks and so on i guess and so just a lot more code is running in the end whereas if you write very clean c code or c plus plus code you got less code running less things are happening if you will this is very very basic explanation so that's why it just runs faster all right let's go on all right uh okay we did that one is c plus plus a daily language no why is popular c why is python so popular first and foremost reason why python is much popular because it is highly productive as compared to other programming languages like c plus and java that means you'd have to write a lot less python code to get something to work it runs slower but you it doesn't take it's much shorter to write python is also very famous for its simple programming syntax code readability and english like commands that make coding python a lot easier and efficient yeah so that's i can't argue with that uh which is better python or julia don't know okay we'll see what they have to say julia is faster than python because it is designed to quickly implement the math concepts like linear algebra and matrix representations for codes that are equally big and complex written both languages juliet takes lesser time at speeds uh of the same order of magnitude c and fortune oh that's pretty fast yeah julia's very specialized language though so you know what else is there all right so uh anymore we'll see what else can kotlin replace python in some fields kotlin has already surpassed python still there there is one field where colin won't compare for now it is in inaudible in in interoperability i i messed that one up colin has a superb platform of interoperability java jvm js browser but it's not quite easy to call c plus cold all right oh yeah that's enough it was interesting to see what um what the google had to say about python here so that's kind of cool i thought it would be something to look at uh all right how we do 153 so um before i forget um yes let's go here if you want to sign up to my nerd need to nerd newsletter it's free i'm just trying to get a direct connection with the audience you'll get exclusive content stuff don't worry i won't spam you i hardly spam people that's for sure um yeah so there we go if you want to get in shape my friend's got this body developer thing again it's free he does free consultations no obligation or anything he doesn't doesn't have a product he's just working on his program so i just thought i'd mention that so you want to check that out the the and if you want to keep direct contact with me need to nerd dot com the newsletter all the links are below all right so we're going to do some q a and then we'll take it um okay i did some research on degrees called game design program most people said it's not worth it taking yeah now game design dart over tight script okay let's see steph advise me i have no future plans well you got to fall in love with the process so what i would do i would say spend 20 minutes a day learning something new whether it be python or php or whatever and then from there you can continue and decide figure out what you're going to do because if you don't have plans that means you're just you're just unaware of options that are out there so you want to make yourself aware options by just exploring different things exploring something and deciding not to do it is not a waste of time you're basically um what's what i'm looking for by doing that you're basically eliminating variables and possibilities which is good let's see what marco has to say about c plus for a beginner that no intermediate c who knows let me try that again for a beginner vet no intermediate of c plus plus but is also a lot about learning python i decided to use python set i want to know which type of task is best to be specialized as a freelancer between the two would be python uh i one almost 100 sure turn on that but you have to have the web in there um but i would look at for freelancing i would look at web stack with node javascript or web stack with php laravel wordpress if if freelancing is what you want to do would you recommend typescript over dart i personally think typescript is going to be most marketable language 2020. well just look at the jobs just go to check out the job see what happens um reuben has to say oh he said i think you should check out c plus c sharp and unity depends on what kind of game you would like to build yeah that's true steph i will be driving buses is there a future in that i would imagine so i would imagine so um kids got to get to school you know if you like driving buses i imagine if you work for the government or school board it's probably a low stress uh type of job you know i know that's cool for you you know uh the python interpreter language breakdown for speed and why it is so slow is spot on yeah pretty much i'm doing the odin project i'm going to skip the ruby part of it [Laughter] steph what are your top three uh favorite libraries in python you mean modules um i don't know it depends on what you're doing you know i i don't know i don't have a favorite depends on what you're doing python difficulty ranked between one and five one being the most difficult five being the least difficult i put it down to five i'd say it's the most approachable language any cobalt programs i hear they make a bunch they do indeed because nobody wants to program cobalt so you probably make a lot of money there i use python for everything generate images cut videos scrape data it's a duct tape language exactly that's its power its power is its flexibility uh there you go um just search okay there's a conversation going on i won't get in there would not compare c plus plus with python it is totally different game in terms of runtime and spreading writing speed depending on the use case yeah pretty much they're they don't uh like comparing um a jeep with a sports car you know they have different purposes uh one is not better than the other it just depends on what you've got to do we'll see a ref refuke has to say i've studied a few languages c c plus c sharp java and got little deep into oracle python is so powerful especially if you're doing something related to ai and ml yeah pretty much it's got a lot of uh backing there uh the more language is dying the more you get paid yeah there's some truth to that exactly you know because of rarity rarity of coders php and java are the nickelback of languages no one likes them but they are everywhere for so someone has to be using them um i don't know i think php coders tend to like php java people i couldn't be you know i talk to java people they may like it you know those are two languages i've used quite a bit uh but isn't python like super slow it is super slow it is pretty slow but it doesn't matter because uh computers are so fast speed of right time is always more important a speed of run time these days so translate that languages that are easier to write to get something done faster to write to get something done most of the time be out languages that are the opposite so uh depending what you're doing uh what's the most popular language for iot you know i don't know what that would be but i think it might be c in all honesty uh hello my hello man in my company i'm using python script to scrape the data back in so there you go uh there you go what's your opinion on python being used in gate development you know i have never used python for game development and so i heard that python can be is used in gay development in my python course i teach you how to build a simple game but it's a text-based game i i think it could probably be used for strategy games and games that don't require a lot of processing why not i'm not sure now the problem is when you're developing a game like anything you gotta look at the platform and which is you know how many if you write a game in python where is it going to be run right i don't know how well python would run on mobile phones because i assume that's where a lot of people be playing those type of games but again it's not my field of expertise um green from romania nerds uh yeah perhaps that could be the case uh i thought python was supposed to be fast no no no no no hello from finland damn cold here yeah i know how you feel uh uh these these streams this streams are amazing please don't quit try not to um all right so i think i got most of the questions anything else uh what's your advice for newbie in python libraries where to use it well you let the job dictate that for you you know what i mean it's like um you you do your python courses you write a few little python programs uh you know maybe try to do some web scraping with python do some file manipulation some io that kind of stuff and then look for look for jobs look for jobs and then you'll learn what you need to learn for a particular job you may find yourself using a rare unused barely used modules in python or you may find yourself using very popular mods i don't know is php a good choice for mobile development thanks php is good for server-side web development so on the front end you'd have a web you know html css javascript front-end you could use php for the back-end php strength is that it's very specialized in web development that's all it does it doesn't do anything else you could use php to do other things which you would be silly too but when it comes to the web it's easiest to on board as php uh steph why do you think newbies go goes to trend language versus old ones of java php and so on they don't like the hard way well um the newbies tend to go for trending languages because there's this idea that you have to know the latest or you're you're screwed in software development you have to know only the newest languages and so on if you actually look at the actual job availabilities and so forth you can see that it's a lot of the old languages like python like javascript like java like c sharp sql php these are all 20 25 30 year old language c c plus plus 30 40 year olds i don't know 45 year old languages these are all the languages that are in demand the new languages there's some some job opportunities but not really compared to the old ones and that's because as i've been teaching for a long time is that the rate of change in programming languages has really diminished quite a bit back in the early 90s things used to change pretty quickly over a year or two two three years was like a totally different game i remember back in it was like 2002 the web had gone through this the whole web standards evolution or revolution if you will and they basically it transformed the way web sites were built in terms of the front end right using css and so forth as opposed to the old way html tables and it was a huge change it was a huge change i remember a friend of mine had stopped doing web stuff in 98 took a few years off came back to in 2002 and he's like wow it's so different it's like a totally different thing and it was a totally different thing and i think and you had that kind of big shift in the technology trends over you know several years it would happen every so often but this has stopped largely since i'd say around 2012 2014 maybe things have really flattened off in terms of the rate of change instead of the coding and the programming languages and the stacks changing what changed was more about server deployments devops perhaps devops server deployment that changed quite a bit and now we're seeing with the server uh configs and and setup and so forth that's becoming highly simplified as well so that's kind of plateauing as well so that's why um you know you know the way people were building apps five years ago they're still pretty much building them building them the same way today um you know hasn't changed so yeah that's why so there you know there's this notion amongst young developers that we're still in this phase in the software development world where things are changing so quickly but it's just not the case anymore it's not changing so quickly anymore so i wouldn't be so concerned about that um so it's not so much that the older languages are harder because everybody's in real world is using the older languages you know it's just that it's just that stigma that thinking that we're still 1999 we're still 2002 2005 where the rate of change is still fast it's not anymore it's that's done it's over and that's normal actually for any industry uh if you go back look at some old videos when i was a kid in the 1900s where you have uh you can find photos and maybe some videos probably more photos of of cars automobiles and they had car all these weird designs right with three wheels and giant steering wheels and all these weird designs and over time they refined the the methodologies and in the way that you build a car so if you look at all the cars out today they're all pretty much the same you know the steering wheel and the brakes and this and lights it's all pretty much the same just it's more about aesthetic and some nuance the only the major change that we're starting now after like whatever 100 years is we're going from combustion engine to electric vehicle electric um that's that's that's and you know that's the only change in terms of automobiles and forever so you've seen that in software so that's why people are like that long explanation but uh that's the truth uh what is the difference what is the difference in technical skills interviews between junior and senior developers depends on the company it depends on the company you you have to look up the company that you're dealing with and see let me give myself some cover there there we go i was looking pretty pale you got to look at the company at hand and see what it is that they're looking for every company is different things are stabilizing now the things that are changing are the frameworks and not the languages themselves yeah i would say that that being said the tried and true frameworks are still very very you know express django darivel bootstrap not bootstrap um do you have a spring there we go uh you know those are pretty stable as well but yeah you were right generally speaking like like for instance javascript frameworks it's it's react view and angular react view angular it's been that's been pretty stable for a while years now should i use you angular or react to build projects depends on the job like if you were independent contractor i would lean towards vue although i heard react the new react has made some big upgrades i don't know angular is something i think more for the enterprise but i'll leave that for you to explore uh yeah what else do we got here how are we doing for time 30 minutes okay i'm gonna be wrapping this up uh i was told this django support is a django sports having trouble with the django area go back to laravel it's safe there what is the difference in technical skills okay we had this one if you understand vanilla js is it easier to learn any framework of course of course of course of course of course yes yes you have to learn your vanilla first then you go to a framework if you don't know the language you're not going to be able to learn the framework you're going to get hit the wall very quickly because you're writing you know whether you are using vue or react or angular or any javascript framework you are writing a lot of javascript code so you better understand your javascript so you have to start with the basics you have to start with the basics you know all right we'll see what el horias has to say stefan i love the way you argument things your experience speaks for itself what type of apps you see are in demand in the future web okay in terms crm salesforce ebs marketing social media opinion that's a good one i think apps are able to automate business processes like you know figure out training training people putting resources together um i know it's very vague uh there's still a lot of room in that there's still a lot of room in that i i don't want to reveal it my friend of mine has a company it's ai based and he's doing gangbusters because he with his ai he's able to without revealing he's able to automate uh very common business processes with his ai and it's uh he's doing fantastically well with that so that's something but there's all that's a broad question dude that's a good question all right let's see what chad williams has to say listening to this live stream as i'm working on my web dev job very cool no college and south top thanks to studio web 2018 studio web graph hey congratulations see studio web grads they beat out the guys with computer science degrees we knock them out pretty easily yeah it's true actually you can if you look on the google reviews you go to google type in studio web you find a guy i think he posted it there he said that he did studio web no other background there's a couple months of studio web training and he beat people with computer science degrees and got the job so that's kind of cool hi steph how can i expand my ebay business put more products on there do you think basic front-end development for like brochure websites will be completely done with editors such as webflow squarespace in the future instead of hand coding no i do not think so you got to look at those editors as tools that you could leverage i remember the same exact fears were coming out when um wordpress came out when wordpress came out people were all worried worried that that would replace web design everybody's just going to use wordpress and now you have this huge industry wordpress industry where you got wordpress professionals so i wouldn't be too concerned about uh hey steph how do you feel about the ruby tag in html no go [Laughter] well if you if if you wanted if if you had too much traffic on your website and people were loading the pages too fast i would implement the ruby tag but which would put a uh it would slow down the page loads it would slow down the page loads so this way your servers wouldn't be so tasked you know because the page loads will be slowing down quite a bit that's how i'd use the ruby tag uh which programming language what let me just get this which programming language should i start learning to get into coding do python check below links below check out my python course um you'll learn pretty quickly with that i am fairly certain so there you go all right i'm just trying to get the right color match here there we go that looks pretty good gotta keep the uh the video quality happening here ah okay i answer a few more questions then i gotta go i got a meeting we have a lot this is we have a lot learned as cs students do you think i need to take my time in choosing the path i want or should i settle on one thing from the beginning now you're gonna you can you can maneuver like this right you can maneuver like this and in your coding career likeliness you will switch from one stack to another one language to another but when you become an experienced professional developer you'll stop thinking like a nerd link where you figure um i only do this i only do python i only drew jet i only do java et cetera you when you become more advanced you start thinking i'm just a coder just like a great musician a great musician they may have their primary uh instrument guitar or keyboards whatever but you find all the big all the big professional musicians they all play many instruments um so that's you know so yeah you got to think that way you got to think that way but you can as you become more advanced as a developer you can pivot from one language to the to next and so on but uh so don't worry about it don't stress it out don't stress it out you'll be fine you know uh should i learn react or precise my knowledge in php my write projects get paid to learn and if a you see there's react jobs in the horizon then learn react at that moment in time okay uh frameworks are getting to the point where you don't need to know coding to do your job uh maybe for simple stuff but generally speaking i would disagree laravel is my happy place [Laughter] it works it works how do you get over imposter syndrome when joining a new company well don't worry about it just just write code answer questions if you've got to bone up on a particular tech because you're weak just learn it don't worry you will come it will come it's normal when you get into any new environment it's new so you're gonna you're gonna have to learn but one of the key skills of a professional is to be able to adapt and move with the requirement of their work so i wouldn't be too concerned about that python for scientific simulation i believe it is used there i am not in that space though but i believe it is used there ah salah says how are you i'm very good i'm very good thanks for asking i hope everything is good with you uh that punch almost removed my head from my shoulders okay so to end this video let's see if i could just do something here so we end this video people don't know before i was uh before i was a coder i was a martial artist did it for 30 years just about and my last i don't know five years or so it's pretty much just doing boxing so i'm going to teach you guys how to throw a hook i'm going to teach you an uppercut most people they go like this you see it go like this this big mistake because that leaves your face open they drop their hand they leave their face open so when you throw an uppercut you just go like this you're lowering your body to get under a person saving with the hook a lot of people will go like this big mistake new mistake because you're leaving your face open to get punched so when you throw a hook you're always protecting see look look at my fist never lose my cheek and use your body position to throw that hook there you go now you know how to take care of business if you got problems don't get into fights not worth it trust me all right that's it i hope you like the boxing lessons uh pj's fifty two two two old to learn is fifty years old too old to learn coding no i have friends or in their mid fifties or actually coding still so you're fine all right that's about it i appreciate you dropping on the stream if you do like it please give me some thumbs up my recommended books are down in the links below if you know your foundations you've done a couple little projects if you want to up your game it's time to take off the the tutorial baby training wheels no more tutorials and you want to get the book on refactoring it's down below refactoring that will up your game boom like this and uh there's another book on there on there it's on um design patterns so if you are comfortable writing code you know your way you can write objects and functions and methods and you can write a little program you can do a little web app or something now you're ready to start refactoring and design patterns no more tutorials your your past tutorials you're done with that you gotta get rid of baby wheels you do that your game will up like within within a week or two your game is going to go like this you're going to be like game stop but it never crashes it just keeps going higher it never stops so that's what i recommend links below if you're total newb to coding you should take my studio web course because though i am very biased i think it's the one to go with hour you can do my book which is on amazon you can click through check out the reviews you see it's very highly reviewed so that's if you're a total beginner and there you go thanks for joining and like i said if you like the stream please give me some thumbs up share with people and all that good stuff that's it all right i'll leave you with my asmr uh main video cape elizabeth maine which is uh northeastern usa one of the most beautiful places you can go and i took this video last year i think it is but because i'm 169 years old it was probably 25 years ago but i think it was last year in my mind at least all right i'll talk soon you
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 3,374
Rating: 4.8984771 out of 5
Id: 8rqwxO3IAzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 0sec (2760 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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