Live Stream: Painting a Bear in Watercolor

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[Music] [Music] are we on yep oh hey hey everybody i got a little hiccup there hey welcome to our new live stream today it is december 10th friday again i mean friday again these fridays just come so fast we missed last friday i know it seems like we just had one last week it's crazy crazy well you'll notice my surroundings are a little different than what they usually are that's because i'm back at the traditional desk i'm sitting at my animation desk i'm actually going to be doing some watercolor today and um doing some painting uh dustin go to the down shooter i'm going to show everybody what they're what they're going to be seeing let me turn this light off real quick oh shoot let me do this there we go just so i'm going to be painting this guy i pulled this image out of my uh out of my uh reference pile and i really love how blown out everything is on the left side of this bear and um and because we have such a great deal on our bear courts today i thought you know what let's paint a bear it'll be a lot of fun so that's what we're going to do today we're going to do it watercolor i'm going to show you how loose and quick and fun you can be with your watercolor and end up with nice paintings so that's what we're going to do today yeah speaking of that deal our how to draw bears course is at its lowest price ever this weekend only it's 15 bucks it's never been that low ever it's 20 hours worth of material so that is over that's less than a buck an hour yeah so you know for those of you that don't know um back in from 1997 to 2003 i was directing brother bear and we made the movie took us six years to make the movie and over six years i really gained a lot of knowledge on bears and so when we made this bear course it was a lot of fun because i was able to kind of dump all that knowledge that i was able to accumulate when we were making the movie and uh pass it on to you guys it's one of my favorite courses i loved making it um and like nick said it's you know it's got a lot of hours in it because it's got a lot of info and we actually cover every species of bear in the world so which is about i think it's eight species of bear so that's what we do and uh and it's great um the very first course that i worked on in the academy yeah may have been i think you're right dustin speaking of which dustin's here and nick's here hello everybody and so we got the three of us yes i've got my period right here so we got so let's talk about the sales we got going on let's get that out of the way because we got a lot to cover yeah absolutely absolutely so we got the bear course uh is uh uh slowest price ever at 15 right yep absolutely we've also got this is the last weekend if you're in the usa and you want to order a couple of things for christmas we've got our uh signed limited edition leopard print of which there's only a hundred available yeah go to go to my screen so we're gonna show them the original yeah he'll show you the original so you get an idea what the print is going to look like but basically you have until monday if you live in the usa to order this if you want it in time for christmas so yes yeah yeah so um if you guys remember a couple of months ago i actually drew this live for one of the live streams and we had such a big positive feedback on it we decided to do prints of it and so that's what we're doing and eventually um this original will be available for sale as well yeah and basically like you said if you want to get if you're in the usa and you want to get a print uh before christmas you order by monday because that's going to be the the cut off on which we can safely say that you're going to get it the prints are 18 by 24 inches i believe yes they are so there you go so that's a standard size so you can just buy a standard frame for that as well um you don't have to have any custom framing done so that saves a lot of money and framing costs absolutely and then the other thing uh our books are on sale as well they've been out they're shipping and same deal if you're in the usa and you order with rush shipping uh at checkout uh by december 14th we're going to get it to you by christmas so that's uh monday is the cutoff if you want that by christmas and we are just about caught up in all the pre-orders have gone out the door actually there's a there's a handful left that are going out tomorrow but um we're pretty much up to real-time shipping now so yes and that's it just to clarify if you're outside the u.s you can still order a book yeah you can still order a book it's just that you won't get it by christmas yeah you won't get it by christmas vegeta please feel free to order wherever you live in the world but we just want to let our u.s viewers know that monday is your last chance to get one if you want to try to get in time for christmas and you need to pick the rush shipping option yeah as a matter of fact we um we thought australia was going to be like it was going to be after the holidays before they got those but we're getting word from our friends in australia that they're already receiving some of the books so that was that was cool absolutely absolutely and then um and i know everybody wants to get to the drawing so we'll knock these out real quick tony cipriano's uh making monsters in zbrush course is out now we've extended the 50 off sale through monday um this class ended up being huge it's way bigger than we thought it was it's uh when it's all said and done it's nearly 30 hours of video lessons and he takes you through making a werewolf making frankenstein posing them putting them together textures fur he's included six free monster base meshes so you can just jump in and start sculpting right away he shows demos on how to do mummy bandages and creature he talks about anatomy too i mean he gets into a lot of really great academic stuff yeah it's it's a huge huge great course and it's a great topic and he's super passionate about it so uh head on over to for that and then while you're there you can check out we also have two new courses up for uh pre-order uh visual development with um armand serrano which is going like hotcakes and that course is going to be amazing he takes you through his whole approach to developing a film prop design costume design even does virtual reality and demos how he makes a 3d scene and then brings it into photoshop and paints on top of it it's super cool and then we've got a new class from david coleman that's available for pre-order as well and that's all about you know how to get gestural drawings and keep your drawings looking very lively and then how he actually applies that to storyboarding and film techniques as well so uh that's it enough of the spiel we'll jump on over and let aaron uh get in this painting awesome i was just looking at my phone to see how it looks uh live i've never done that before so i figured i had an opportunity but you were running your mouth and by the time i got to it you stopped and threw it back typical let's draw let's paint actually i haven't even opened my brushes yet i'm not sure what i've got me make sure i got the right brushes oh yes oh yeah oh yeah sure no but also i think uh i want to remind you that dustin's uh african african african american i can't speak dustin's african photo pack recently was uh uh released and uh it's it's actually selling like hot cakes yeah and in these in these packs you can get the entire bundle which is over 1400 photos with over 40 different species all of this one giant bundle or you can get two separate packs if you're more specific of what you want there's either the big cats of africa which has cheetahs lions and leopards or the animals and birds of africa which is everything else including elephants wildebeests mass feverbirds just a whole variety of animals in various poses and and yeah it's probably one of my best packs and probably the largest facts i've ever released and also by far the best work i've ever i've done thus far so i'm going to check it out check it out yeah twitch question all those courses and those photos and everything that's included with the membership right yes it is yep if you're a member you get everything on the site being a member is by far the best value you get everything so all i'm doing right now is uh if you go to the down shooter dustin if you're not already there um i'm just lightly sketching in my bear alberta uh thank you very much er eric ericka says that the reference is awesome yeah i've been seeing all your work uh being closed on facebook they look awesome yeah one of the things that we we love is when we release packs like that and seeing the artwork that comes out of them yeah and it's really great we've been seeing some really great artwork yeah to everyone out there that's been tagging me in your artwork from the reference packs thank you so much it's i always love seeing people use uh use my work and uh using them for their for their own dave clayton says hi nick hi aaron hi dustin hi dave clayton that doesn't ring a bell dave who hello daddy dave hi dave's not here man and zoji uh is this a new camera the picture looks different somehow uh computer it's uh it's a handycam well yeah the doctor is the handicap and the face cam is the same camera as before we just applied a filter to increase the contrast again a little bit so that's why it looks a little different [Music] so i can't believe we got through all those books so we've still got several hundred to send out nick and selena nick's wife have been taping and uh mailing like crazy while i've been sitting at home watching movies i feel kind of bad well you should no you've been working on new courses and new content i did i have we've got some we've got we've been doing some cool projects that um i think are really interesting yeah in fact the reason we didn't have a stream last week was because we were filming a new course on do-it-yourself animation techniques with tim hodge and it's like all about making zoetropes and flip books and phoneticus [Music] yeah but it doesn't have anything in it and dave said what a difference a dave makes a danny banks a diet mike uh from casper is a grizzly or black bear more aggressive uh it depends a lot of times um i believe there's been more attacks from black bears than there have been grizzlies and i think the main reason for that is that grizzlies tend to be more open country and so you can see them and it's harder to spook them you know a lot of times when when a bear attacks it's because they've been spooked or you've gotten too close and they have cubs and they want to protect their cubs and that really only happens unless by you sneaking up um inadvertently it happens all the time and so black bears which tend to be deep forest animals you know uh much more treed and that sort of thing um it's easier to walk up on them by accident my father has a story of walking up on a black bear when he was younger you know and i mean they were like three feet from each other face to face and so um by that fact alone um black bears tend to get surprised more because they're in the forest more and so uh i think there's more attacks from black bears yeah and i don't know this for a fact but i think generally speaking there's just more overlap between higher concentrations of people and yes and black bear territory versus grizzly bears exactly right your statistical odds of having to run actually i have a really funny blackberry i'm just gonna say you should actually you should show the video if you can i will queue it up um this weekend so people that don't know um it's actually friday or no sunday because we were we were taking tim hodge to the airport yeah and i got a call from my wife uh because there was a black bear sleeping in our front yard not super unusual because although a little startling when they're that close um you know but we live in a wooded area we you know where where we live there are black bears so you see them in the neighborhood from time to time right this is the closest one's been to our house so you know no big deal he was sleeping my wife was just kind of watching him through the window trying to get some pictures and shooting some video and stuff like that at some point he got up and walked over towards my backyard and so she decided to go outside on her back balcony and get some additional video of it which she did and um next thing you know my dogs start barking like crazy right yeah and she looks out in the backyard and the bear who by the way is called tripod because he's a three-legged bear and i have yeah i was going to say you missed a big part of that yup he's got three legs he's a three-legged bear named tripod um he's about four or five years old so he's known to the area he's he's he does fine even with his three legs he just decided he wanted something in my yard because he broke the fence down and came right through and so my wife had to very frantically run outside get the dogs in uh she was a very safe distance from the bear so she didn't do anything crazy but uh got the dogs inside the house real quick and uh yeah the bear just sat in my backyard for about an hour eating uh palm seeds and uh i'll try to call up some of the videos here in a minute i'll uh i'll cut back to it i don't know the video i i saw a few weeks ago where um these dogs were barking at a bear that was on top of a wall and the woman thought her dogs were yeah did you see her she comes out and punches the bear yeah she started just pushing the bear off the wall hitting the dogs no but apparently she didn't realize it was a bear she saw a really large dog on the wall oh that's funny it wasn't until like she got her dog and turned around and actually saw the barrel oh my god that's a bear i just pushed off a bear yeah that was crazy footage this my footage is not as crazy as that but a lot of people in uh outside of florida are always surprised to find out that there's bears in florida yeah and in fact they don't really hibernate here no they don't and uh you know back in the 60s there was a show on television called gentle bed and it was about and it was uh i think it was ron howard's younger brother that was in it um but um it was about a black bear and it was shot and filmed here in florida rob martin on youtube says my i got my notice my book is shipped and it might get here before christmas it turns out the post office is giving it a world tour though left the blaze household then to orlando then to miami now it's in dallas it's going all over where does he live i don't know he doesn't say i'm assuming somewhere closer to dallas than here yeah and uh kurt zimmerman um also comments on other book said hi aaron dustin and nick got my book last week and it's awesome uh thank uh thank you for putting it out there and looking forward to volume two i'm glad you got it i'm glad you like it youtube question aaron have you ever seen the pose that a defensive anteater makes it's amazing yes when they get up on the on their back and they raise their arms it looks like a praying mantis if that's what you think talking about oh yeah that's dragon ceratops on youtube says hopefully you'll cross 500 000 subscribers before the end of the stream yeah so on youtube we are at 499 000 and change on our subscribers so uh if you're watching on youtube or you want to help us out share our channel hit that like button ring that bell help us get to a million uh share it share it on your socials and whatnots half a million that's pretty cool i remember when when we were yeah are you going to see the west side story reboot at the cinema outfit is it out i think so let's come out today let me let me check these two yes tickets i just got bought tickets to go see alan stone here in orlando for those of you that like allen stone music i'm a big fan oh yeah it looks like it looks like it's out i'm looking at times to walk to see the movie one of one of our twitch viewers just said there you go i just followed you on youtube yay embarrassed like seeing the first uh like little keys of the new website story and i was blown away by the city photography it looked strange it looked like the classic film looked like the classic one and uh and seeing the newer the newer trailers that's been coming out really really quite so i'm i'm going a little heavier handed on the pencil drawing today because i i think i kind of want to see the pencil coming through in the painting i like to do that sometimes makes it a little easier to uh for the viewers to see it from the downstream can you how does that look can you see it yeah yeah yeah a little bit lighter earlier it was uh do i need to zoom in a little bit if you want to you can but it's you're filling the frame pretty good if you want to show some detail work oh hold on you hit the photo button i think what the heck your way to help you out which one is it where is it oh it's on the front right now let's turn to the back right output what this is our first time doing this people there that's a little tighter right that better yeah looks good yeah and steve uh stephen marshall is asking how were the rolling stones stones were great that concert was awesome so took it a step further vedanta and her daughter gloria got online yesterday and were able to secure tickets in new york to see eddie vetter i'd like a special small venue show yeah exciting a little venue in uh in uptown in manhattan so they're gonna fly up for that i think that's gonna be cool then my i'm taking my daughter austin and uh we're gonna go see alan stone and from zoji uh have you all seen peter jackson's beatles get back on disney i have not yet yes i've i've seen part of it i haven't watched the whole thing yet [Music] get back loretta oh great now we'll never be able to monetize the stream dang it therapist says i love how aaron probably has a lot of artist pencils but he's using a free standard pencils yeah i got this from my my brother-in-law the national guard it's a it's a camo national guard pencil you shouldn't be able to see it it's camo it's a number two it was the closest pencil i had on hand one other thing i want to mention speaking of we talked about monday was the cutoff for ordering a couple things but it is also the entry deadline for our new uh art challenge this is our second one where we're giving away an ipad pro uh if you queue up the slide there dustin oh wrong one wait a second animal hybrids urls right huh the url's right but uh you know i don't so we're doing an art challenge giveaway uh aaron tell them what you're looking to see well we want to do animal hybrids you know you guys have seen some of the stuff that i've done in the past and we did one at our last uh our last um live stream i did the the crocodile and the lion mix and um uh and i just wanted to see what you guys could come up with i wanted to i want to see your reference i want to see um and it doesn't have to be realistic it can be cartoony it could be i just want to see something inventive i want you to be thinking about anatomy how's that anatomy going to work um think about you know what would it really look like if you took these animals and somehow mixed them together and i'm curious to see what you guys come up with yeah so you have until december 14th to send us your submission and the winner will be announced on next week's live stream actually do we have um probably don't have the ability to pull up a croc do we uh i can find it i'll i'll keep it up here yeah it said that it's in the youtube videos images so what i'm doing now is i'm looking at the very lightest parts of the of the composition and i'm going to be painting some very warm very light color in there in order to do that in watercolor it's going to be a lot of just water and i try to keep the color very pure so it doesn't get grayed out and i don't get stuck hung up on using little brushes that's what that's one of the things that people really get hung up on don't get too hung up on using little brushes little tiny baby brushes uh i'm thinking i might enter the animal hybrid challenge i plan on using some of dustin's photo references in my work well that sounds capital sounds awesome that's so before i don't and i don't stress out over the fur texture it's a lot of you know a lot of a lot of times when you're painting fur texture it's really about painting the negative spaces the shadows and between the clumps of her youtube question do you typically draw your animals with the intention of them talking no not always it depends on what i'm doing um from subject you know from a subject matter standpoint if i'm doing something realistic or if i'm doing something more character driven for film or whatever you know right now obviously this is more realistic and so that's where i'm pushing this uh autumn beverly said i i submitted to the contest but i think it was the drama of nature should i submit again uh it's the same url so if the form was there you should be fine you can send it again sponsored did you talk about our sponsor no not yet sorry i should have uh we definitely want to thank our sponsor who without this without them this wouldn't be possible uh let's bring up the side again for our giveaway um our animal hybrids giveaway if you go to mac is presented by our good friends at um who are giving us these ipads we're not giving them anything in return they're super nice they've been great to work with they're creatives themselves and follow our channel and they just reached out to us um you know they've got a whole trade-in program if you have an old ipad iphone mac apple product whatever you can actually trade it in over at their website um in fact uh we have this we started this segment this quality question segment and um if you go to their website and they've changed the url so it's nice and short now cash for your mac dot com slash aaron it's up on the screen it's easy you can submit a question of that we're going to read one later today but you can submit submit a question through their website that we'll read on our on our future live streams and they also just rolled out a thing where if you are trading in a device to them and you use the promo code aaron they'll give you an extra 25 bucks for that so one thing you want to be careful about your painting you know think about your lightest lights and that's what you know in this version the paper is going to be the lightest light and so i'm painting what i'm painting right now is basically the number two number one number two lay a step down in value from that perfectly white at zero and so i'm going through now and just kind of laying in the initial color this is all going to be shadow on the right side but i want to lay down a base and i keep it loose [Music] um do you have an estimate and how many uh submissions uh you got already for the challenge i don't it was over 400 last time we haven't even counted this time yet we kind of do that at the end when we go to start probably a lot longer but we look at them all yeah i do it takes up some time too i'm really excited to see what people come up with yeah i him too we were able to find that no uh i'm still working on something else i will do this momentarily i will let you know um all your animal drawings have so much personality and how how do you do that do you have any tips on animals with personalities you know a lot of it is just getting the getting the um the features you know getting eyes to sit in the right place and that sort of thing if you can do that the rest of it will fall into place and it a lot of people say oh you give them so much personality i'm just i'm really just putting the features in the right place because a lot of times um you know when people are painting animals they'll get a little bit of perspective off or something like that and um that'll affect the way the character is perceived the painting is perceived so it's really just i i shoot for accuracy and what it is that i'm painting so you'll see that you know in the stout you he starts to lose a little bit of fur and you're seeing more skin which tends to be dark and gray and muddled and so i use that payne's gray colored uh get that in there oh shoot you know i gotta get my uh hairdryer this is going to be i think i'm going to be able to keep this a little bit looser than what i usually do and it's going to especially with that white there i think it's going to read really well i'm going to get my hair dryer real quick [Music] all right it's the sound of a hairdryer i'm painting on um arches watercolor paper block this is 9 by 12 inches hold pressed so it's rough i use windsor newton watercolors farming birds when you're working in the studio having a hair dryer is kind of a must you should be able to independently use aaron's mic when he does this what's that people whoa yeah i'm sure i'll get that but i mean from i don't think you i think it's because it's worse if you want to switch to the desktop aaron or dustin i've got aaron's animal hybrid from our last live stream so this was his crocodile lion uh if you want to talk about it aaron yeah so that's the crocodile lion and what i was trying to do there is just thinking about the anatomy even though they're completely unrelated in in the types of animals they are there's ways of mixing that anatomy together to make it kind of believable and so that's what i tried to do there and i also tried to put it into a setting that you might see it in and strike a dramatic pose i was thinking about lighting think about all those different things that are going to make up the composition and that's what i did yeah one of the uh hybrid ideas that i kept on having when i when i was seeing that image being done was um but i thought of a lion with uh mixing with the alligator or crocodile i was thinking more of like the whole lion head and everything but instead of fur has but have like the the skin hide like all the plating and smell that well you certainly could have done it that way baby uh the blue color on the nose is that ultramarine blue or is it paint gray yep yeah it's both yeah so whoever called that didn't called it well that is barbara martin berger you called it it's both question was it hard going from human anatomy to animal studies do you find any similarities in that oh there's oh there's tons of similarities when you start getting into comparative anatomy you'll see that we all have the same parts we're just shaped and proportioned differently so that's that's what actually makes animal anatomy understanding anal animal anatomy a little bit easier once you get that comparative anatomy idea in your head you can start comparing parts to your own body and understand how things work and uh so that's kind of cool when it comes to that um but i actually started drawing uh animals before i started drawing humans so uh you know it wasn't so bad making the leap what is your favorite song by the beatles black bird uh hey jude um [Music] have you noticed that if you just songs that have the lyrics are disproportionately good yes [Music] yes that's the one uh i think one of my other favorites has to be um can't buy any love yep that's one actually just that's one that's one i don't know but that's one i think all the music from from the early from the early days especially from the uh the movie they did the part days night movie and phil yeah he's one of the kids in it there's a point where there's a whole bunch of kids running up to him for autographs and phil collins is in there i think that's where it was i think i think that's what they were doing my own question but what do you ever think of the um uh prop universe movie that uses all the beatles i loved it yeah i liked um i liked uh the other one that used elton john's music a little better um a moulin rouge oh yeah wasn't it yeah pretty a lot of it was i mean um while i don't sync with zelda with steve with roxanne yeah and they do yeah but they use uh maybe it's only just the one song maybe i thought they used a couple alan johnson so what the one song you're thinking of is the um uh when you and mcgregor belts it out yeah your song yeah this is your song yeah it's just called your song oh your song i thought they did more than that nope that was it that was the only song of his in the movie huh i believe so yeah i thought there's a couple of them no want now say one of my all-time favorite scenes of any film has to be the roxanne yeah because it's just so intense and it's telling stories from two different from two different uh uh position best placements you okay you're trying to find the right word youtube comment i literally just bought the watercolor course on black friday very excited to start soon oh that's awesome thank you and thank you for purchasing uh syed on youtube has a question aaron i have trouble with midtones do you have any suggestions you know a lot of times mid-tones are trouble because you don't have there's a couple of things mid-tones can get muddy so you want to make sure you keep your keep track of your color and then they also if you don't have other tones to set like dark and light like i'm really keeping extreme light and i'm gonna be working towards the dark if you don't have those to have your mid-tones balance out then they're gonna feel flat so make sure you keep track of your darks as well uh when brad bird was hired by pixar uh how how did he come up with the idea for the incredibles i have no idea brad bird's a genius more than likely he had that idea before like they didn't hire that wasn't i have a feeling but yeah they've all got a relationship with each other too um yeah they only all went to school together and but um yeah i'm pretty sure he had that idea after iron giant mr kent on youtube says hi aaron i'm from the philippine philippines and i just got my first drawing tablet and i've been watching some of your old videos they are gifts to everybody that wants to learn drawing digitally a big thanks to you oh thank you i love the philippines the philippines you've been there several times right yeah i've been to manila several times yeah i love it there it's a huge country right oh yeah so i was i always there are a thousand islands is that i don't know how many are there are i don't know i was there during a big typhoon but dante and i were there oh no there's over 7 000 so i was right there's over a thousand that's right a question to all three of us uh have you seen sonic the hedgehog and what did you think about it uh yesterday paramount released a trailer for the second movie and i love it oh cool i'll have to check it out yes public trailer and it is i'm super excited and i've and i have seen the first one and i absolutely love the first one and i and i do uh love and thank the vfx crew for taking the time to redo what they were originally going to go through well that was the choice of the director jeff jeff fowler who was a friend of mine that i went to school with which is what i was just going to say he's a good friend of mine well he's a friend of mine i shouldn't say good friend we haven't talked we don't talk every day but he's a good friend um and uh he's a great director and he did uh years ago he did a short animated film called go for broke um that would got nominated for a bunch of awards i can't remember if it won or not but um he's been working with um tim miller tim miller and blur studios for years so it's super cool that he got a chance to that was kind of his directorial debut and he's always been awesome with comedic timing and like that's always been his thing and like the timing of sonic is just he nailed so yeah and i'm excited to see what he does for the sequel is he tapped to do the sequel yeah he's directing it i think it's already in the can yeah the the final turnout of um of the first was really really good and yeah he said in the community that looks great and i gotta say to campus steals the show so i'm being careful not to go too dark yet i'm trying to get as you know even though these are all um shadow areas there's still warm areas within the shadows you might want to move up the uh the paint a bit because you were you're starting to go off-screen yep got it america's bae said love watching your paint watercolor it's so peaceful thank you meanwhile naked on the background one thing i love especially doing fur i i'm a big fan of asian calligraphy whether it's chinese japanese just the act of the you know and the zen of it all and i try to do watercolor in the same way i love especially painting fur i love getting in there and treating it like calligraphy barbara says every time i drink green tea like i do like i'm doing at the moment i hear aaron's voice in my head it's good for your heart good for your heart i wish i haven't had any green tea in a long time and i don't know what i don't think i've ever had it's it's good it's earthy so dirt um say what he's like like yeah it's like a type of purpose so for those of you just joining us i want to let you know that uh part of the reason aaron's painting a bear today is because our how to draw bears class is on sale this weekend only it ends on monday uh it's 15 which is its lowest price ever i don't think this one's ever been below 40 or 50 dollars actually um so it's a big course that's why yeah it's a 20-hour class it's over 20 hours and it's a huge goes through all kinds of different bear species um so you know it's kind of the holiday season so you know we've got some specials going on right now that are abnormal but uh get it while you can because it might not ever be too slow again so if you go to preacher art teacher dot com uh check it out he takes you through bear muscles panda bears grizzly bears sun bears bear cubs express panda express but that's on sale until monday oh yeah he's got bear locomotion in there as well and apparently my voice is being choppy and i'm thinking it might be because my microphone is so far away here let's see if that works because the uh i think that might not have been picking up my voice all the way and so the uh uh the noise canceller kept on uh cutting me out in the auction you are the droner [Music] youtube question what did this person draw for disney this person meaning me yep i believe so i um well i started when i started out i started on 1988 and uh back during the days of the little mermaid and oliver and company that's when i trained as an animator and then i i was officially hired in 1989 where my i first worked on a roger rabbit short called roller coaster rabbit that's where i met the banecrofts we were all young little kids coming into the industry and uh as i trained within about a year or so into my into my first job there i i was able to get promoted to an animator and um after we did a roller coaster rabbit we we worked on a feature called uh the rescuers down under that was my first feature i ever worked on where i animated a lot of the little prison animals in the that are being kept in the cellar and um that was a lot of fun that i kind of cut my teeth on that and then from there we went on to uh beauty and the beast where i worked with glenn keane animating the beast i was 20 i was a youngster i was 23 or 20 22 or 23 and really nervous really scared i remember but really learned a lot and uh just absolutely enjoyed myself and and glenn was just for those of you that don't know glenn keane's one of the best animators in the world and i was very lucky to have him as my mentor and um and so from there i um i was given my own character after beauty and the beast and created raja the tiger for aladdin and animated him and then also helped out with jasmine and aladdin and had a good time with that with uh mark hen who was the supervisor of jasmine and also a wonderful teacher i learned so much from him as well and uh and then after that did the lion king and i created nala young nala for the lion king melee and um and had a lot of fun with that and then um worked on pocahontas with glenn keane again animating pocahontas and then uh what did i do after that oh then we worked on mulan i did yao and uh and all this and the great ants and the ancestors the ghosts and then uh then after that i was offered the opportunity to direct the movie so i directed brother bear co-wrote and really had a great time making that as well and then i uh those are the last features that i really worked on i helped develop some other projects in california i transferred to california but um never got anything made after that and i ended up leaving leaving disney in 2010 and here we are here we are uh how was your um how was your experience with mark davis when you met him and which character he did was is your favorite well mark davis i met just briefly i mean he was um like how how quick is briefing briefly like it takes a couple of minutes yeah but you know all the bambi characters and everything i just love how many characters did he did he animated that movie i think he well he designed a lot too yeah he did a lot of the work there and um from kevin van clavron or claven uh aaron my son uh asks uh do you know the maker or artist of the movie uh luca my friends luca no i don't i don't i would like to it's a great film you guys whispering yeah oh is it cutting out his voice yeah it's competing with uh it just doesn't want me to win you talk too much kid i i try uh have you seen encanto yet from erica have i seen what in kanto and kanto the uh the disney movie set in colombia oh no i have not sorry the new disney i'm so out of sorts as far as what's out yeah ever since cobit i kind of lost track of going to theaters and all that yeah because being locked down it made you more made you get more into your in your artwork and so now it's to the point where um like you've been working on another project for weeks and to the point where i'm sure you haven't really gone out a whole whole lot like what was the last of you guys ghostbusters nick and i and the families went and saw ghostbusters i still need to see that yep it was good good do they uh do they stay true to the to the original mm-hmm good it's it's actually pretty emotional i thought i agree really yeah i'm guessing some of the some of the old characters come back for for a little cameos you'll just have to watch twitch question or youtube question wait was that a switch from a round brush to a flat brush for the hair texture yes and i'm also switching to the green yep do the background here the questions we're um we're text avery bob clamp it frizz fritz frieling frailing chuck jones and robert mckimson were they the um creators or the the five fathers of the bugs bunny or i don't know if they're in the five yeah but i don't know the history of bugs money well enough but yeah i didn't know byron directed encanto wait what i didn't know that either yeah he's the co-director well that is awesome well now you really need to see it aaron do you happen to have a photo reference pack for drawing bears we have a photo reference pack from yellowstone that has bears in it yes it has black mirrors and and uh there we go yeah the yellowstone photo pack in which uh not only includes bears but also a wide variety of other animals but in there are um a fair amount of photos for black bears and grizzly bears along with cubs so go over there and check those out on oh cbs and that's the way the controls i mean how's the power of voices now uh we turned down the uh the fans so hopefully our sounds are coming through a little better and uh from arturo garcia are you painting this bear from memory or are you looking at references i am looking out rough or else it's time to blow dry sorry about the noise here it comes you you know if this was live we would time lapse of this all i mean if it wasn't live we were just all ahead oh it's hot in here now go hot hot pot we muted the mics during the hair dryer by the way what's that we muted the mic during oh good hey turn it back up yep so i'm gonna try throwing in my usual ultramarine into the shadow areas i want to see what happens i'm either going to ruin it or i'm going to make it better the chances you must take edwin says this bear looks like he wants to cry yeah it's it's kenai i thought it was because someone had been littering what colors uh do dmx for the green background and what colors uh for the dark fur uh the green background was sap green ultramarine blue in uh payne's gray and then i'm using oak yellow ochre cad yellow cad red and uh um and then payne's gray and ultramarine in different amounts to tone those colors down um and to get the browns and reds and what brand of watercolor is that what was your name it's pretty much your go-to isn't it windsor newton is my go-to might as well have a t-shirt that says wednesday noon well you know what i'd love to get a sponsor anybody from windsor newton or that knows what they're doing you guys been listening hey i'm using windsor dude watercolors right now and please sponsor me i'm giving you a free plug let's talk nudge hit wink wink send them all send them all my home phone number is five five pop um actually we got a lot of people that have just joined or joined recently so i want to let people know that they have until monday to order our new uh exclusive prints um aaron's got this leopard charcoal drawing that we did on a live stream a couple weeks after he did on a live stream a couple weeks back and uh there's we all we limited the run to 100 a lot of them have already sold uh and if you're in the usa and you want to get it before christmas monday is the cutoff so that's your last chance to order it also our art of we have two books out erin has uh one book is called 100 drawings and the other is the art of aaron blais volume one both of those are available right now at books and if you again if you're in the usa and you use rush shipping uh we're gonna get it to you before christmas so uh but monday is the cutoff for that as well the december 14th so check them out go to books or for the print you can go to prints and both of them are available while supplies last check it out on cbs and from kevin van gaal clever and dustin if you want if you want to play a prank uh put baby powder in the hair dryer you have some special art then oh yeah that would go over really well oh yeah i'm sure that it would be a great prank only you'd watch your father kill his son yeah i was gonna say that um it's not gonna be like it's not gonna be completely red with my blood oh i would never it would be kind of funny twitch question and then i go come on dude that's not funny twitch question how do you choose a color palette when creating an art piece reference reference experience both yes both also do you have any advice on choosing colors yeah i mean a lot of times i like using uh analogous colors i try to keep it that way uh stay away from pure color unless you're trying to draw attention to it most color is toned down in some form or another so start to understand your compliments um but you know it's really about understanding hue and value and hue meaning you know what what family of color is that toned down color in because most like i said most color that you're using is toned down you know there's no pure color in this image whatsoever it's all browns and grays and whatnot another twitch question so farah asks for the winsor newton paints are you using pre-filled pans or do you use tubes tubes using tubes i mean it doesn't really matter right it's just preference it doesn't but tubes tend to be that will give you a much easier time getting rich deep color because you don't have to keep scrubbing it like you would with the with a cake interesting uh from steven marshall you never seem to make any miss strokes uh when you paint fur or uh and grass is the secret to just keep practicing yeah it's keep practicing and and uh i plan ahead and i make lots of mistakes i just i embrace the mistake and it becomes part of the composition yeah i think that's part of what people don't realize is that you just keep moving you know you don't go oh i made a mistake and stop and you just keep pushing through yeah that but that comes from years of making mistakes and and realizing you know you can embrace them and move forward from castra who came up with the ram gag in brother bear when they say no you're sure yeah i can't remember who specifically came up with it we were all sitting around and um we just thought that idea was funny and um and i i remember it taking off in the room and everyone really laughing at it but i can't remember specifically who came up with it robin on youtube asked is that artist tape does it hold the paper well and pull up clean yes that's why that's why it is artist tape it it's way overpriced artist tape is so expensive it's ridiculous but it's because it comes up completely clean well even more expensive than artist tape is gaffer tape oh yeah which is basically like duct tape on steroids because it will just hold to anything and i mean it's like 40 bucks a roll but it's incredible yeah will it tear paper though oh no yeah you wouldn't want to use it for art it's not for art oh gosh i was just on a tape tangent um you know while we're doing all these questions i think it might be time for our quality question of the day is how do you approach studying for a course or a film about animals thanks well i don't know it's it really just comes down to immersing yourself in the subject and studying as much as you can um you know it's not just book studies it's also getting in there and seeing the animal if you can well you have to and um and just in burying yourself in it i remember you know for that small role of of raja the tiger in aladdin um you know i i designed and went and found tigers at local zoos that i could go into the pen with and draw and paint and and uh really kind of threw myself at it with with brother bear we brought bears into the studio and um we did a lot of different things we went to alaska to understand the world and the environment and went to the university of alaska to you know talk to some of the scholars there and you know it's really it's just it's it's doing as much research as you possibly can because through that research it will spark ideas uh for story and that's what's really important is getting a compelling story right by the way uh some people messaged us about this over the weekend and we just got a message about it now um on instagram there is a scam account there's an account that's impersonating you um it's aaron blaise art but with two s's in it and they're basically using all of our art and all of our uh graphics and they're basically completely emulating you um so uh well that's flattering yeah but um if you guys go it's aaron blaze art with two s's and uh it's the one without you it's the the real one has only a single s in it and also we have the little blue check mark so if you guys help us go report that if you're on instagram go find it and report it and hopefully we'll get it taken down because uh i don't like the idea of people scamming people with your name are people getting scammed well yeah the whole idea is i mean the only reason people do that is to put up links and hope people click it and then get viruses or get their information stolen that's how all that works we had a few people several over the weekend say hey is this you and i was like no so just report it uh i'm gonna take a facebook question dustin just because i see it did you see any hippos near the mara river camp not a single one he's got so many hippos they just become like mosquitoes you're just they're just there they're always there they're all night long you hear them grunting and farting and fighting and pooping and everything else there are so many hippos lots and lots samples that's it that's perfect that's exactly what they sound like they sound like jabba the hud if he's in the water yeah they do actually garcia uh how often uh do you draw on your ipad when you're at home with your cintiq never nearly use the ipad outside of the house yeah i don't really use it at home extremely rarely yeah i like it it's just that i've got so many other mediums to draw with i just it's not one that i it's not my go-to do you care if i zoom in on some of your details sure we're gonna zoom zoom zuma zoom there's a whole bunch of room and zuma zuma from becky becky luckily erica bay uh last page illustrations nick easel and zamji all are saying that they have uh reported that uh that account on instagram terrific including myself i did it as well so i did it too darn impersonators it was me it was me i was impersonating myself you just misspelled your own name yeah the kids happened well i'm excited how could he see me and erica bay says uh digging the mickey mouse shirt oh thank you this was uh purchased at target on a last or no it was a walmart purchase at a last minute because i tore my shirt that i was wearing and it had a big hole in it and we were out somewhere and uh this was the one that jumped out so there you go we were playing incredible hulk and he well yeah someone made me angry and it was just how's that when i was a kid my older brother was a bodybuilder and he was built like hulk he was built so big and my uh and we had another brother that they looked alike but he was the smaller scrawny one and we we'd make he'd make he turned his eyes on the back of her head like uh and david banner on the on the tv series make his eyes go white and then we'd be swimming in the lake and he'd dive underwater and then my bodybuilder brother would come up and rip his shirt off it was always funny from casper do you prefer to see gorillas in the wild in uganda or rwanda i have no i i don't i don't know which which one's better and we we we have yet to i don't know about the i don't know enough about the social issues over there their social situations right now so i'm not sure what's entirely sure aaron plays pulls off mask and it's aaron blake surprise i would have gotten away with it too i wonder if i can adjust the the filter while we're still streaming what's that well it's just the whole left side something that is pretty blown out yeah i'm wondering if it's possible to adjust the filter oh i think it's the sunlight has changed that's what's happened then we can maybe we can block the sunlight with the uh the drive one yes shift that over just keep an eye on it blown out a lot well i mean your hand is in the painting you see the chat but it's like it's just so hot it's just because it's white no but you can't see you can't see the the light brown yeah it's completely white you don't seem like rock i see it i see it on the viewfinder here yeah yeah so maybe i can even try to disabling the filter you can drag it over to there if it's trying to get the mouse over hold on hold tight there there you go almost there almost fire which this is the webcam after we reported the fake count should we help you again and block the sun yeah i'm not going to turn it off i'm just going to adjust that right uh do you want to animate like uh award kimball or mill call i'm more of a milk call guy i love ward kimball but my style is more in the vein of word of milk call and what i tend to go more realistic milk is more realistic like what what characters uh he always did the human characters but i mean he did he did robin hood and uh like which pair which characters robin hood brotherhood himself yeah oh okay he's really known for that little head tilt sw twirl thing that he was you always oh like sure like what's your con yeah because he animated sheer khan as well and did he anime was it the butler or was it the uh yeah the old man in the aristocats yes both of them i know he did the so here's what i see i saw both of them didn't do that head twisting yeah he may have done both of them because he was it's pretty prolific as well yeah i miss watching i missed that when you were sick i always loved the two the two guard dogs you can always you know you can always watch it again it's not like i know i just i haven't watched it in a while i want to watch it again while i go home now wait a minute i'm the leader i'm almost here when we go okay here we go we go that's a little more accurate it was the just the contrast thing was kicked up too high yeah do not adjust your sets we have taken control of the picture the horizontal and the vertical we have taken control of your picture do not be alone it's the outer limits what's your favorite medium erin watercolor charcoal oil i like them all i do i don't have a version to disable that yeah just bring that over there uh do you prefer bugs bunny or mickey up mouse ready to zoom back out yeah i can adjust it if we don't uh are bears more wolf skully or more a no tier at all they're kind of a mix between a dog and a cat and their skull structure yeah i say like very close to like a dog switch question do you have any advice on signing your artwork i always struggle with where to place my signature and often it feels like it distracts from the piece of the hole well that's the p that's what you don't want to do i see so often i see kids signing their their art and they just sounded so giant right in the most contrasty place it's that's not you're not supposed to do that put your signature off where it's just gonna blend in with the rest of the image you know traditionally is the lower right or left-hand corner and i tend to i try to i look at the value of whatever is down in that area and then i i make my signature you know a little darker or a little lighter depending on if it's a light value down there or a dark value uh zucchi asks uh aaron would you ever consider writing and illustrating your own picture books this style would be so beautiful yes so now i'm going into the details i'm going into the darks this is where it's all going to pull together hopefully and uh stephen marshall said that call did roger in dalmatians and he also did uh yes roger he did a great job with roger yeah roger was the tall yeah he's the owner of ponga oh pongo and vanessa's on here hey madonna all right here we go uh from melissa cook uh do you know how long it will uh be before your uh book ships depends on when you place the order if you're if you've already ordered it uh chances are it's going out in the next day or two because we're pretty much caught up to all of the existing orders just about probably two or three days behind and uh if you are ordering now for christmas and you choose rush shipping it'll be going out next week yeah absolutely we've got uh for those who don't know we have two uh art books erin has if you go to books uh and you're within the usa and you order uh with the rough shipping option by december 14th uh you should get it in time for christmas delivery so uh monday is pretty much uh what we're setting is the cut off to try to get things to people for christmas and if you've already pre-ordered uh it's already been shipped uh except for a handful which are going out in the next two days so uh there you go there you go sorry i was getting a little wordy there no i'm just helping you out uh what's the difference between a wildebeest and cape buffalo a mussel structure a completely different species a cape buffalo is probably three times the size of a wildebeest yeah well the base is a much more uh slightly built savannah animal yeah wildebeest are very they're very lean yeah kate buffalo is extremely they're they're huge big yeah a few thousand pounds think of them as hairless bison with bigger horns yeah they are they are very intimidating and they kill people oh simon combs who is a wonderful african artist was killed by kate buffalo years ago i was a fan of his well still i'm a fan of his work and um very sad story some people are probably just joining us but earlier i told a story about the black bear in my yard and i just finally got that footage queued up if we want to go oh yeah pull that up go over to the desktop is it our desktop does it yeah switch to the desktop i thought i did oh you did okay sorry i'm on the oh yeah there we go so this is a three-legged bear uh named tripod that was in my neighborhood um and he uh broke into my backyard uh my wife got this footage from our garage roof and um he's been we don't know if he was born with the three legs we think he was because he's been this way for years he's been documented i just moved to the area but there's articles on him going back several years and he seems to be thriving and he decided that he wanted something here he is in my backyard he broke a hole in my fence and he was eating these palm frogs um they're not the palm frogs but the palm seeds these uh for those of you that aren't from florida this particular type of problem drops these little you can see them in the foreground there these little orange almost berry type things and they've got like a seed on the inside that's sort of a pulpy flesh on the outside and i mean there was no healthy flesh there were several hundred of them uh on the ground and after this footage um when i went back outside the next day because i wanted to make sure he was long gone uh there were there were none left uh he just said oh you helped to clean the yard yeah he did actually which is good because my dogs eat them too and it's a pain in the butt when the dogs eat them so literally yeah this is uh you know this was my backyard and so that bear is busted through the fence and that's probably 20 yards not even from my back door so yeah that was kind of a pair raising experience i just want to show this walk cycle again this is the a three-legged bear walk cycle which is interesting how he gets around yeah he looks so labor intensive yeah and you were saying aaron you can kind of see that he's sort of his musculature has sort of changed yeah his his skeletal structures changed along with his musculature i don't i i don't think he was more in that way i my opinion is that you lost it at a young age the way it's it's cleanly taken off there who knows uh from leandro hair uh do you occasionally rest your hand on a wet part of the painting by accident i plead guilty on that all the time all the time marvel what does the buffalo say to his kid have you ever set up at the epcot festival of the arts i seem to vaguely remember seeing your work there one year or another no no we you were there for the lion king event which yeah but that wasn't we weren't showing up we were just doing it right right but i'm just saying that that might be where the memory is coming from because that event uh was it the 25th anniversary lion king when you had a little reunion yeah i think so so they had a little mini reunion that overlapped and they gave a talk and it was in it was it was part of the festival of the arts so aaron was there for that but we've never done a booth and uh melissa cook who who asked about her book order a little earlier said that she ordered hers on november 13th okay we'll send an email to support and we will get you taken care of and how long huh now what humphrey bogart movie is your favorite uh mine has african african queen african queen oh wait if she ordered on november 13th that was after the pre-order period so yeah those are all going on next week what was it yep gotcha [Music] have you ever tried the grayscale color method what do you think of it and do you recommend it for getting your colors right well i mean i'm always thinking of the grayscale you know when i'm thinking about my values when as applied to color so even now that i'm doing i'm thinking about the the grayscale so it's always in the back of my head but i think they mean paint the whole thing in grayscale i mean well i know i don't and hey if that works do it for me that's overkill um but no if that works for you then go for it whatever works uh will you make a christmas themed live stream yes and actually it seems that this year christmas eve lands on the front on a friday oh does it yeah so we'll i don't know if we've ever done one i i don't think we have i think we have once could be wrong i want to say that that would say about santa claus and you and i dress up as elves i want to say that baby yoda was uh well that was on christmas eve but we've done we've done christmas themed live streams no no no but i think that was actually a christmas eve one i think i'm not sure i don't think so i think that was the week before christmas eve uh what did you think of the animaniacs reboot i love it i have not watched it i've not watched it they've really kept with the original originals now just you know just enhance the quality uh from nick easle uh hey uh hey hey uh you may have covered this but do you have a loose outline of the courses or projects you have uh coming in 2022 no we do not something different on twitch asks has the animal hybrid contest closed yet it has not closed yeah they are not closed for those who don't know our animal hybrid contest uh you have until december 14th to enter if you go to creature mac uh you could uh enter submit your artwork based on the theme it can be traditional or digital it could be cartoony it could be realistic uh well semi-realistic since it's a of an animal that doesn't exist but uh basically whatever style you think best uh suits you know put your best foot forward and aaron's gonna judge the winners and next friday december 17th we will be announcing the win so uh go to mac for your chance to win an ipad pro uh brought to you by our good friends at um who by the way if you're selling an iphone or a ipad or want to trade it in and get the new model that's a good place to check out they're awesome nice oh yeah erica bay and uh um a few others are saying that it is that the baby yoda was december 20. crispy cactus asks what was your best approach what's your best approach when it comes to a bear in your backyard like that do you lock all the doors and wait it out hoping the bear goes away do you call someone we don't have bears where i live so i have no idea tackle them give him a big bear hug i do that you do what um the one guy did for that salmon commercial where he just right at the bear they just have a fish fight no i mean you just wait it out you know in our case what we did is um you know because he broke in through the fence i was pretty certain he was going to go back out the way that he came in and that's what he ended up doing but also i went around to the other side where we went around to the other side and opened the fence and propped it open so that he could get out an easier route if he needed to um but that bear is like a ninja we turned we were watching it or my wife was watching it and she turned around like 15 seconds later it had completely disappeared i don't know that whole question and conversation just made me think of i think it was it uh it was definitely up in canada but it was a the guy opens up the door uh to his backyard and it's a black bear and it's two cubs he's he doesn't get like right up to him but he like he stepped outside and said hey can you get off my yard please i'm trying to get i'm trying to get ready for work and the bears go start wandering off off the yard he's like thank you oh that's a bummer someone just posted in the comments michael nesmith of the monkeys just passed away oh so that is three out of the four monkeys gone now dang it mickey's the only one left with the monkeys i love them as a kid i saw them in concert yeah probably 1986 or 87. wow people save me monkey heather shepard uh hey heather shepard how are you how are you and i used to work together at disney nice uh she asks uh can we submit a 3d model yeah totally oh that'd be cool i'd love it oh someone asked what size of the ipad pro it's it's the large one it's a 12.9 inch it's 24 inches it's one of their new super large models no no it's basically the it's basically 12.9 inches it's 256 gigs of hard drive space um comes with an apple pencil included oh and you also get a one-year membership to create your architecture can you imagine a 24-inch pipe ipad at that point would just be called a high monitor uh do you know when the chorus find many will come i think that's still in the world what when the curse point manny it's gonna be a while he's still in the filming phases or early filming phases so hopefully early next year but probably more towards middle of next year would be my guess don't call me on that uh from jenna young hey aaron is there any art boards you recommend for painting i thought of painting on them one day art boards art boards yes um no well like some people paint on bristol board you know stuff like that yeah no i um you know i use these for the watercolor i use these blocks um but beyond that i uh you know most of the professional quality stuff that's out there is great you know if you're gonna buy less than professional grade you're really opening yourself up for some problems um so i always recommend you know there's some student grade stuff you can do but i by and large i i recommend using professional grade paints and especially painting actually you can get away with um you know student grade a lot of times but when it comes to uh your surfaces that you're painting on you want to make sure it's really good quality so you know i'm always using for my paper winsor newton um just because i've never found anything better such great surfaces to paint on yes what's your favorite uh looney tunes character uh probably yosemite sam sammy samus is that time well like i like the foghorn legboard too there's 70 sam's a cowboy oh look here son look at that house see it smells chicken one over there oh giant chicken is that yeah that's foggy with lego i see i say it now see here boy no i'll see i see yeah boy see the house over there spells d-o-g that tells chicken do you have any tips for the animal hybrid contest make it good make it good no it's just you know uh be aware of your composition your environment uh think about the anatomy um and how it's really going to work you know think about the musculature how's that all going to work underneath make it entertaining it's a youtube question hey aaron do you have any tips on what kind of chair to use or what's the best posture to draw from from a quote i don't want my back to hurt perspective um just sit up straight for one thing don't slouch you know if you look at me now if you go to my camera go to the camera dustin the side camera i sit straight up and down and i don't don't get in there and you know drop through a lot of people really lean in like yeah don't do that they put their face right next to the brush yeah don't do that it's gonna kill your eyes um you also are a big advocate if it you paint from your shoulder more than your wrist now you're doing a little detail work right now yeah but even then i'm very i'm being very like dainty with it yeah and i think that makes a big difference um i'm a big proponent in a standing desk i like them a lot i have one of the ones where you can raise it and lower it i remember having one of those that when we worked that digital domain and it was it made a huge difference yep they do yeah because oh my brother would sit i'll be sitting down working and like i'll start getting like a backache or i'll start getting tired so i just hit the button i just stand up and it helped my back and it helped get the blood flowing and once i felt awake enough or my feet started hurting i sat back down again it was a constant pattern going back up and down but the fact that you had that freedom is just great have you seen the video footage of the guy skiing with a bear chasing him it's insane how close he gets and how fast the bear can actually run i think that's composite i don't think that's real and i've seen a couple of videos like that where you could tell they were composited but it's still insane how fast the bear can run yeah uh twitch question when sketching do you use pencils with different hardness or do you just use one one for all of them i usually just use one for for 90 of it and then i'll use a softer pencil for darks and it's usually if you're i mean it when you're sketching for something like this it's pretty much one even tone if you're doing a pencil drawing is when you would bring in different graphics yeah exactly if i'm if i'm using you know creating value with the with the graphite from heather shepard do all professionals keep the price tags on their brushes i uh yeah i just never took this one off i buy a lot of times i'm buying cheap brushes too yeah i think almost every pencil and brush you have has a price tag on it still yeah they do from casper can you please do a yosemite sam impression that's for you just that's not for me no that's very no he's asking you i can't do you know i can't do impressions i don't really heard enough of uh 77 i think the only yeah he's a he's a little cowboy with the two pistols right yeah he's always fired for his guns he's a crazy voice you know the only line that i i think my biscuits are burning yeah oh yeah one of my the one i remember ben is from space jam when he blasted himself on the stage like nobody's going no immediately gets zapped by the laser but that's my best yosemite sam and i say a lot better with uh like uh what is it i'm gonna find the hunter be very quiet i'm hunting rabbits you guys laugh down it's like get uh do you have any tricks on flower sac animation practice about to do it next semester i don't know about tricks it's just a matter of understanding the trick is to understand the concept of whatever it is that you're animating right now if you're doing character-driven stuff with a flower sack then you gotta you gotta understand those concepts uh are you more painting in an alla prima style when you lay in watercolor no alla prima is is a much thicker style i'm blazing glazing blazing he's so glazing he's like a donut just like a donut it's like glazing and uh from leandro hey eric hey how's it going how's it going have you ever watched a rocket launch on site if so how was it it was cool uh not on site but i saw one from about seven miles yes which is kind of in a way almost on site but i mean you still hear it and feel the rumble in your feet from that that far away it's it's absolutely powerful experience too it's pretty darn cool yeah uh from we're told uh fredericka uh are you going to make more giveaways or is the hybrid one the last one oh no we'll do more down before the contest goes got more coming oh yeah we're definitely going to do more yeah from casper who's your favorite simpsons character oh wow uh the uh the drunk guy barney barney i love barney i am barney he smells more like kermit oh yeah [Music] i think he's like a little more a little more slurred in his words for obvious reasons because he's drunk and yeah and kermit is now current is not kermit is a holy frog um i think moe would have to be that was pretty good i mother too you know i like bart i like them since i was a kid oh yeah eat my shorts man eat my shorts nancy cartwright worked with us on brother bear did she yeah what'd she do on it she we had when koda nancy cartwright is also a voice coach oh and she know she does other characters she works with children ah and so coda was originally this little five-year-old kid that we cast and man he was five years old it was really hard to get the performance out of him and so we hired nancy cartwright to help us in our recording sessions ultimately we just couldn't do it we ended up hiring uh um jeremy jeremy suarez instead kicked a little five-year-old to the curb no he was a cute kid we just we just couldn't get the the performance but the range is the other range child acting is hard i mean it's you just don't have the wealth typically speaking they don't have the depth of experience to give you the nuance you know it's youtube question i submitted i submitted my drawing last week but then i made a new one which is better it says i can't submit more than one drawing is there any way i can remove my previous entry and replace it with this one i don't know that's a question for you nick sure i mean if you want to do that we will take the most recent one why not go for it that's what i say hey now you're a rock star we will only judge one play hey now you're a rock star get the show i used to go to the uh go to the bar every wednesday for karaoke night and that was always my fault was all stars by smash mouth remember when we went and saw smash mouth at disney yeah but recording the video it was more staged as it was staged it was they were doing a video yeah and you got really ticked off about something oh it's because i really wanted to go on star tours but you said no i love saying no to you me too and you got you put on just a little like hissy fit it was so funny i didn't even smile in the face we got this family photo and we're all sitting there we look like the biggest hippie bunch and you're just sitting there completely straight faced all down or whatever just wanting to be miserable and every time i look at that child having a meltdown at disney world that is so unusual yeah we're at the happiest park in the world we're getting close to being done here oh yeah i always regret that picture every time i look at him i was like thank you man well you were what seven yeah come on sorry kids are kids oh no seven is too old sorry no i think i was like 13. it was last week it was last week i want to ride star course son you're 31 years old get over it do you prefer frozen or tangled better uh tangled yeah tangled i think too yeah yeah the part that always makes me laugh and just have fun is the um when they go into the into that bar yeah all the time yeah it just goes inside or what seeing that for the first time in theaters everyone including myself were just laughed [Music] like that that faith that he makes towards the camera exactly it's like it's right out of uh blazing saddles yes yeah that whole scene in general like just that whole group from that to to breaking him out what's the password what no open this door not even close i want to let people know that uh tony cipriano's making monsters class making monsters in zbrush is actually out now uh it came out uh last friday uh but we've extended the 50 off sale uh through monday uh to give you a chance to still get in on it um the course is huge it's uh almost 30 hours long he takes you through skin textures scars building all kinds of you get three base meshes ready to pose and begin sculpting with he does a werewolf he does frankenstein he does mummy bandages and creature skin and textures and things uh it's tony is super into this subject so he's he's worked for universal disney all these people sideshow toys he's a professional sculptor does ninja turtles toys all kinds of stuff all worked with the frisetta state on frankfurzetta sculptures he's he's really an expert and he's amazing in zbrush and uh um it's a good it's a great class so we're really proud of it and if you head over to you can get it for 50 off uh now through monday and he's my neighbor and he's your neighbor and just be like all right noodling it now everybody but star tours is awesome yes it is star tours was like my number one ride at in disney world i remember every time we went to that back when it was called mgm studios uh star tours was like the number one place i would go to the moment we got through the game but the other ride that i really enjoyed but unfortunately is no longer there so i missed it is the uh the movie ride oh yeah it's a great movie right yeah it was a great great movie about a year ago it's now a mickey and minnie right oh it is yep is it have you i haven't written on it yet it's supposed to be pretty fun [Music] aaron when picking value for light and shadows how many values is optimal in your key i'm learning lights and shadows and if i just use three my paintings look flat but but more than that it's confusing well yeah i try to use three when i'm figuring out my composition and then then within your shadows you can usually put another probably three or four values even within the shadows um but you still want it to stay within that range oh the tearing of the table yes this is the best part of satisfaction this is the best part everything i guess the tearing of the tape it's the tearing of the teeth uh what do you think of invasion tv show invasion i like it i've been watching it what what's on apple it's on apple yeah i've been watching it as well all right well let me take that back the first it got it was really cool when it was like is this a fungus is this a what do you know what is this thing and then it just turned into a straight up oh they're monsters that's when it kind of went off the rails for me um but i still think it was a fun show it's a fantastic i have not yet seen it i i didn't even know any i don't think i knew it existed but if i remember by the time i get home i'll be sure to check it out but i'm more excited and nervous at the same time from paramount plus where they announced um the live action series of halo uh which looks which they released the trailer for yesterday and i mean it looks good like visually looks really good and i'm just uh i'm really nervous about the story don't be nervous don't be nervous uh what dreamworks film is your favorite aaron um you know a lot of people didn't like it i really liked the christmas one they did was alec baldwin doing the russian santa and oh wait alec baldwin did the russian santa the the guardians yeah i don't know chris uh pine wasn't it was was jack frost but i liked it yeah i didn't i had no idea about that ball yeah i like the idea of a russian santa claus yeah i think that was definitely boulder wasn't it yeah let me double check on that the guardians was that rise of the guardians rise of the garden that was um response jack frost you jacqueline's bunny bunnyman about the easter bunny this little fisher was tooth fairy i didn't know that that was actually a story created by uh william joyce and brandon oldenburg brandon went to ringling he's our fellow ringling oh alec baldwin yeah he was santa or aka north fergus which character which character burgess so you can scrub in areas too and soften them that's what i'm doing a little bit of now just softening a couple of areas oh you're doing here one more thing yep softening one more thing chord says this painting is so beautiful i can't believe you did it in under three hours why thank you yeah i would say um when it comes to string work three more films i would say one of mine uh has to be sinbad mainly because of the animation of the villain never seen really like how she flowed it's one i've actually never seen no it's a good watch there we go there it is folks for better or worse there's my painting there's your painting i like it i think i've got one more thing in me oh another one more thing yeah i want to add some warmth in this area over here this is either going to destroy it or it's not uh dustin what do you think about the new cowboy bubble live vacuum series sorry if this had been asked before and it has but um yeah i don't i don't like it they they kind of butchered all the all the characters that made the series awesome in the anime version and um they actually have cancelled making a season two for the live-action cowboy bebop so they did they did it's official so and i'm not i'm not making i'm not tearing up over that because i'm good for that anyways go see so go watch the anime if you haven't watched it yet it's a lot better in my honest opinion no we want your dishonest opinion oh my dishonest opinion i'll go see the live action version it's so much better no honestly don't don't see the live act aaron don't forget to save your painting okay don't forget to hit that control s uh from casper are baboons vegetarians or predators or omnivores they're omnivores they do eat meat yep matter of fact i saw one killing a baby antelope really on my first trip second trip there yeah i had no idea well that probably does explain the the giant canines that they have a lot of that's for show for like uh like dominance yeah males no it's actually for show they like to do a lot of uh a lot of glamour yeah like african beauty pageants it's a big thing the big thing there in the masamura how the animals get together oh shoot i forgot i forgot i took the tape off oh no oh no oh no oh no anyways yeah exactly that's that's that's how the cookie comes that's why you don't take your tape off until you're absolutely sure you're done and that laser german is how the cookie crumbles control z control z someone's saying now on to the next car yeah really i'm really trying to tackle that have you ever painted chris christmas cards for people no i'll give i don't give cards to people no he just sends gift baskets is even the greatest can have mishaps oh yeah very true i'll do this dab it cover it up if you frame something like this you just bring the mat right to the edge of the image or you just use the white out so part of the reason we're doing a bear today is because our how to draw bears course over at creatureart is on sale for its lowest price ever it's only 15 bucks uh this weekend only you have uh until monday to get it i just realized there's a typo in that slide the weekend ned weakness this weekend only this weekend uh come on nick you gotta do better i know anyway aaron it's a 20-hour class it takes you through skulls muscle structure grizzly bears black bears panda bears sun bears all kinds of uh bears bear cubs polar bears uh we learn about locomotion we learn about uh their feet their claws their paws the muzzle structure it's it's a really in-depth course it's anything you want to know about drawing bears this is the class for you it's in there head over to this weekend you can get it at its lowest price this week not only and alongside that with the with bear of course if you're needing any references of bears you can take a look at the yellowstone uh reference pack that does have black bears and grizzly bears within that pack among others such as rams and bison and and so on and so forth so go over there check that out and be sure to get that alongside with the how to draw banners course now we've got two new classes up for pre-order we've got one from david coleman which is a uh doodle uh yeah sorry a new drawing class from david coleman where he teaches you how to do like life like gestures how to capture energy in your drawings drawing from animal reference and how he applies that to career things like storyboarding and development sketches uh takes you through some academic approaches as well as practical application and then we've also got a new uh visual development course from armand serrano where he teaches you um come on there we go the visual development transition no problem a new visual development class from armand serrano which is also 50 off pre-order and that one is awesome he takes you through prop design world building character design uh there's there's historical research he takes you through his whole approach and armand is amazing he's he's one of the most in demand uh visual development artists out there right now he just did a ton of work on the what it show for marvel he's done tons of feature films um so go get those at they're both uh 50 off along with tony's course as well so and then this is your last chance if you want to get uh one of the limited edition run of 100 uh signed prints by aaron uh you have until december 14th for those people that are in the usa so if you go to prince or just the main website you'll see it there so that's it for this field we'll get back to aaron all right folks we are done i hope you guys enjoyed it i had a blast i love painting and watercolor i love getting on the on the traditional side of things every once in a while for you guys so um get out there and grab some paints and get your paint brush dirty and just you know you learn by doing i can tell you everything in the world but unless you do it that's really when you're going to start learning and go out there and have some fun with it so i hope you had a great day have a great rest of your week have a great weekend have a safe weekend go out and put some beauty back in the world put some kindness out there and i will talk to you next week thanks bye later bye cowboy people
Channel: The Art of Aaron Blaise
Views: 12,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LSInYGFn3u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 11sec (7571 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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