Live Stream - How to Draw Scales!

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[Music] hey everybody Aaron blades here I know we're late we are 14 minutes late I think that's late as we've ever been I think it is so far well Dustin's fault yeah it's always my fault sorry we're late actually I had to go to the bank he's got to pay my mortgage man and I was running behind so that was my fault you had to do the thing I had to do the thing in order to keep doing the things I didn't do the bank thing in order to keep doing your drawing that in order to keep this in order to keep this always but uh anyway it's a Thursday which means we are only two days away from our master class we have our big master class coming up this weekend August 3rd and 4th just in two days from now and if you guys are interested it's really really close it's right there there it is I'm looking at it up on the screen it's gonna be a lot of fun and I've been spending because I really want to do a good job for you guys and so I've been spending the last few days just reciting going over my lectures and and fleshing them out and and and the more I fleshly mouth the more excited I get about them but I'm gonna I'm going to be talking about my career and some of the twists and turns and some of the things that you can expect as an up-and-comer I'm going to be talking about character design and I'm going to talk about then I'm going to do a character design demo next day I'm going to be talking about Oh know that an animation demo and then we talked about the next day and we'd be talking about story and the way that we construct our films in animation and visiting and from there I'm going to pitch one of our movies and after that I'm going to be doing animal drawing demos animal drawing lectures and then creature design lectures and demos and then in between all that stuff we're going to be signing autographs and doing drawings for people and it's gonna be fun I think it's gonna be a fun few days it's in a beautiful location in downtown Orlando at the Repertory Theater so check it out go to creature art teacher dot-com forward slash Orlando 2019 that's where you go to get tickets or just go to creature art teacher calm you'll find a place to get tickets there and someone's actually asking about the master class will we be live-streaming part of it no we're not live-streaming this now this is exclusive only to people that have bought tickets but there is a chance that in the future we are going to be live-streaming some paid events so if that's something you guys are interested let's say you live in India or you live in Malaysia or you live in Ireland or wherever and you can't make it we are gonna be setting up some events that for a nominal nominal fee you can be included and it'll still be just as educational we'll make it as great as we can but it'll be streamed so that's something that we're looking at trying to do but right now this is an exclusive live event or I'm gonna be there live we're gonna be able to meet each other I'm gonna be drawing like I said signing autographs I'll be filling out sketching in people's sketchbook to all kinds of stuff so I hope you can make it it's gonna be a lot of fun I know it's only two days away so mainly it's for the folks that are close by come on by we'd love to see you and the other thing - oh my perspective course yes there it is my perspective course is well Dustin's almost finished with it we've done we finished the main shooting Dustin's halfway through the the Edit and we are up for yes we're up for you can pre-order now so in that pre-order it's 40% off it's never gonna be this low so if you are interested in learning linear perspective which is something I've been doing my whole life and I've really been wanting to create this course for quite a while then check it out I think you're gonna learn a lot with it so that's really cool and then the other thing too are my new brushes so I'm gonna be using those today I've got a brand new set of brushes that we just released that are all texture brushes on Tuesday we use them and we created the elephant painting which was a lot of fun and I'm gonna use them again today and so I thought maybe we do requested a yeah yeah why don't we do a request that requests it yeah so as usual I've got my trusty dusty partner dusty dusty blaze right there there is and then then we've got Nick in Sarasota and he's answering questions off the other well he's gonna be writing questions off of the other platforms because we we go out on a lot of platforms we go out on Facebook YouTube twitch twin Twitter Twitter and I think we're trying to figure out Instagram so let's do let's start opening up for questions and also let's open it up for requests and see what we come up with there any he he may be shows how to work on reptile scales today reptile scales and someone else just requested draw camels winged horse a lion or tiger I'm doing one and I'm struggling with lighting another person says camels sea otter blue tiger well the the the reptile one was interesting because I think we could do I know we've gotten requests in the past to do dragons yeah dragons and just or any form of lizard or dinosaurs yeah why don't we do something like that why don't we do like a YouTube suggestion evil witch III casting this spell I think we're gonna do the first person we'll just give it to the first person that got in there and that was the reptile skin will do something reptilian so why don't we leave that up and maybe we'll do one more request but it has to be reptilian dragon a chameleon a t-rex tear a king cobra king cobra and Allosaurus Sugimoto like Komodo dragon yeah let's do that let me do like a come let me do a dragon kind of based on a komodo dragon it's so we just said dragon yeah well it's just two dragon Dragons and now that's the other thing too I'm in the in the beginning processes of planning out another course we've got our birds of prey course coming up but you guys may not have seen my latest post on my Facebook page but I did a whole but over the years I've designed a lot of different fantasy creatures elves and forest creatures and that sort of thing and I've done hundreds of them thousands of them and just did a new post and people really responded well so I think along with our birds of prey course coming up I'm gonna be doing a course we're gonna do a series on fantasy creatures imaginary creatures and volume one is going to be forest creatures it's gonna be cool elves and sprites and things like that so we're gonna be putting together a course on my approach to designing what I think about when I design those creatures so it could be kind of fun that'd be interesting yeah so let's do a dragon let me pull up a komodo or at least a monitor lizard I'm gonna go up here and I'm gonna type in monitor of all the dragons of all the films that you've seen which which do you think is your hair figure this is my personal question I smiled I think is great smoke from the hobbit shower oh yeah I always pronounce that shmow schmuck see I love monitor lizards they've got such a great look I think a monitor lizard with some horns I personally like the Komodo dragon I actually remember doing a well the Komodo is basically a giant monitor yeah we were doing a school report on the Komodo dragon I was like in third or fourth grade oh yeah yeah they're pretty awesome they are indeed and terrifying well they're off they're really nice like they can be here's a guy here he just hasn't seen this buddy in the long [Laughter] [Music] somebody also recommends a dragon based on Mushu she's already been designed yes sir I'm gonna come up with something cool cooler than moo shu sir huh I've had to choose color wheel for any type of painting can you explain well I you you wanted I tried to stay within a certain grouping of colors so I stay within I like to use complements but one side or the other being dominant I also look at triads as you know the triadic groupings to keep colors analogous colors together so you're not jumping all over the place analogous grouping so and when I mean by analogous colors that are similar to each other so you get yellow and yellow orange and yellow red you know something like that man there's some a lot of monitors in here sunny says that may be a kaiju type of Komodo how'd you like a like a giant like something that would fight Godzilla maybe 0og all right let's do that let me just make it up here make it up as you go yeah I've got in my head I can see people people are backing them up with smile being being awesome at somebody else fine toothless from the wind I love toothless oh nothing you're up me all right I like dragons with kind of an overbite an overbite what is a overbite Oh like an extra-long lower jaw yeah nice there are quite a few um dragon designs in How to Train Your Dragon I had to have that I see I don't like the I to power up on the on the head trying something a little different here put it in a school setting and it's a hall monitor lizzard very good nice see I want to be able to get some skin texture in here for the for the person that was asking about doing skin texture somebody else a dragon with the smirk expression think think of dragon Chris Hemsworth so as a tiger or not and that just gave me an idea like what if he gave what if we made a lizard like this like this Komodo that your or monitor lizard that you're making but with patterns of like a tiger or sake oh that's interesting I like the tiger pattern yeah gotta get muscle in here thinking about where the jaw comes back and connect let's turn that off let's do another idea yeah I want to go with your first idea there's this Komodo dragon destroying a castle the castle that we stick down yeah YouTube's question before you left Disney did you do work on Treasure Planet I did not I did not work on Treasure Planet does a good movie are there any plans to bring the Orlando live event event to other parts of the country or the world yes yes we just want to see how this one goes they're talking about just the workshop itself yeah we want to see how this one goes and then from there we do this maybe it's just like a so he said somebody's saying a forked tongue Thank You van a forked-tongue have you seen Ring of Fire yes I have too and I love that movie I love the designs of the Dragons and also Matthew McConaughey dude or I still I'm ELISA scribbling are we still going to get a certificate for attending the master class are you getting a certificate certificate you we could I mean we can say that you've gone to the master class I mean we're not giving out any kind of diploma or anything like that there's it's not it's not that kind of thing yeah this would be kind of a fun guy here I was camping in northern Michigan oh it is smuggest FYI huh it's smuggest August yeah meeting I was camping in northern Michigan and now I'm just catching up on last Tuesday's livestream ask Erin well what was it like to meet a Roy Disney oh wow you guys are so funny and I I would put in Roy Disney because you've actually met him uh uh but he typed in Walt Disney so that that question mm-hmm ya know I met Walt Disney but you met Roy Disney yes so what was that like meeting Roy he's awesome see I don't know if I should go with the perfect profile here the tip of his mouth gives off like a falcon or a yeah eagle kind I'm trying to mix a few other animals in here I gotcha that's what's not bad I just don't know if I like it from that angle let me turn that off I'm gonna try how about a really tiny dragon trying to look big and ferocious like those teeny tiny little dragons and How to Train Your Dragon yeah if I wanted you guys to come back to Chile to do a lecture how should I do it when we were there before we were with welcome we would have to do something on our own hold on this is there we go I want to get a nice roundness to look here and thickness to his neck every single wedding somebody's always asking have you met Walt Disney and so for me personally anytime that somebody asks that question I'm going to just change the first name from Walt to Roy there you go so I want to get a roundness to his face get that structure I want to feel that jawline underneath you to question will you try the application crit up for painting I will I've just I've never done it but I will try it so let me see here I'm gonna figure out I'm liking I'm liking what I've got I like the scale of him as I said uh almost has an alligator snapping turtle look to the face I'm wondering how can I change the the faces of my drawing they look all kind of the same for every animal species I draw anthro ant ant amount anthropomorphic yeah it's like ant or animal or something the way he spoke oh yeah for hammers perhaps a beginning the drawing with geometric forms then and details at last yeah start start with big forms like I'm doing now then you find your details here somebody's asking is this a turtle dragon devyn si Aaron when starting a drawing or painting how many sketches iterations do you suggest trying before settling on an idea there is no number you just you just do as many as it takes before you before you like what you have you know we're like today that's what we're gonna do here I'm just gonna do as many as it takes before I end up with something I like so like when right now I am going to rotate this 90 degrees and we're gonna take this guy and turn it around so they can bring him up here right about there YouTube what about a Clint Eastwood design for a dragon well so I'll try I'll try to make this guy squint like Clint go ahead make me roar so here I want to I want you to feel his shoulder blades under the skin so there's a shoulder right there in the upper arms you know looking at that that neck for some reason maybe think how much dingo be to give to give it kind of a king king cobra kind of neck oh we're just it like goes extra wide as a yeah something like that hmm you can make it a flying dragon that could make it make a useful from in-flight that's kind of interesting there dusty - Dieker - let me see let me knock this back when you say royal you mean Roy Disney and I think people are thinking of Volta brother yeah no Roy Eid isn't he yeah parents big spinnaker says hey guys I'm a patreon now oh right on what do you think of this Dustin yeah there's something about that that's kind of cool we can get some nice scale patterns in here and think of EAS speaking of reptiles what did you think of Rango I find that it gets better each time I watch it is that Nick birch saying that I I didn't like it the first time I saw it and it's the same thing each time I've seen it since I like it more and more that's gonna same way with live action being the Beast that what we're talking about with tiger stripes I think of me but you know what I want to do with this now mmm I think his neck has gotta be longer so it feels like this is his neck swing down yeah like that and then it comes down and do his shoulder maybe I need to shrink it up a little bit just just do we eat a bit there we go here is that Komodo dragon I think that's more of a komodo Cobra yeah it's got a little both should it be a winged dragon you think that's it could be once again I want to get I want to make sure that I've got there's a shoulder blade underneath coming out to his shoulder so I want it his shoulders going to have to come out here on this side we get a little bunching of the pectoralis mat muscle right there there's something kind of fun just having them standing up tall like this I think would that pose I think would be interesting if you had like if he was a winged dragon like you have them up unfold out of frame yeah the muscular of the we have to have come up in here the question would be with the wings would you want them to be feathered wings like a bird what would you want them like a bat wing like a badge it's gonna have to have a lot more muscle to it I think we can just roll with it for now it's getting really busy yeah I was too busy take it off I mean no likey you just I wanted to kind of just focus on this portrait now let me see you just free transform it and that this one's getting in the way we get rid of that okay and says it looks like a sphinx now let's think a sphincter he speaks a speech stick something like that I think that's kind of fun it's something we can get done in the amount of time that we have nice quick sketch something also talked about this dragon saying maybe your dragon that glice more than flights like a slim flap under the arm and such skin flap skin flap he spelled it out a sling maybe like a sling flap flip flap flip flap flip flap means skin flap yes that does I'm sure that's what he meant and that's what I've been a fellow on YouTube asks random question but his TV paint worth it yes it's worth it I want to invest in good animation software yes it's very much worth it they make entire features with TV paint random question are you sure it's worth yes I've been using it for five years I love it could it be hot pink hot pink hot pink dragon you're like a female well right now I'm just gonna focus on want it to be a little bit have a little bit of character to it I says I think it would be fun if there were some cow legs just hanging out of his mouth like a little snack well is your standard canvas size alright usually the the size I'm doing right now is the size I usually do which is 20 by 16 at 300dpi it's 20 by 16 inches yeah I don't I like that I and says I think horns would look good on this guy I don't like the old lizard either I'm probably give them like a snake I yeah I just gave you my tiny pupil a big virus and then dark there we go that feels better I don't know why but that beacon that that face in general has reminded me of the the evil characters and the Dark Crystal oh yeah I forgot what they were called though seeing the I can't remember her third and so on YouTube a Raymond ass in the perspective course do you also take time to explain how to use perspective with characters now this is all linear perspective I'm talking about linear perspective so it's really talking about one point two point I mean you'll understand when things are to scale how to place a character in it but I don't specifically talk about random K to be putting characters in perspective know you'll understand how to put them like I said in perspective in relation to what else you're drawing Skeksis that's the name of the creature okay now the Dark Crystal that's right Skeksis it's just a weird name weird name for a weird creature I can't wait for that series that's good I tried watching it the other night the old one the old one yeah just to get caught up and in preparation for the series yeah man it's unwatchable really I think I just could not get through I loved watching it I mean grant I haven't seen it cut in a couple of years but as well try it again I'm sure I'll still enjoy it Greek trembling and impression thank you the great coupon Skeksis yep here's one that kicked it was the one particular character I kept making that sound in that I think you like it some banished or something from after a duel yeah this would be a fun little dragon out of curiosity did you know have you ever been told that you can't make animations or you'll never make this far to become one your when you were young and if you did what did you do I was never told that I couldn't do it no I've never I've never had anybody tell me I couldn't do something I did tell my English teacher told me as I was failing English he he was trying to give me a pep talk and say hey you gotta take English a little more seriously because I know you want to be an artist but the odds of you being an artist are pretty slim so you might want to take English more seriously I didn't I should have I didn't I ended up going to summer school you've taken tough criticism though oh yeah but everyone's but it was all result in support of me though oh yeah I've never had anyone say no you know you can't do this or except for that one feature thank you most likely not gonna make this so you might want to focus on this right now have you seen Toy Story 4 I have not I have you I have not a little I want to watch the movie just for cattle rishis you know ad on the roots crush yes I have a man crush on camera he's just such an awesome dude he's an awesome dude Nick says I still like it but it's slow oh yeah these time under Crystal it definitely is slow I'll give it that but I think it's at a decently good pace and also I just love the designs of everything like the sets I love the designs and the scale of the sets and everything else and just it's a lot of you know it's a lot of really pretty things that just I can't get thinking I can't sit watch it is this dragon gonna be a good dragon or a bad dragon or neutral let's say it's a good dragon he just looks better nick says I saw Toy Story 4 really enjoyed it pretty sure they are done yeah I think they are too that's what I've heard from some of the guys that worked on it yeah this is kind of I like that contantly a cougar comes our Cobra idea Dustin thank you it was kind of cool as far as the it was the way he had the lines made like that that narrow portion of the of the Internet and then the the main neck itself yeah it just kind of had that shape and it made me start thinking King Cobra yeah if you take the films as a whole it's really about Woody's Arc as a character oh that's interesting yeah he does kind of go from that selfish I'm the center of attention to realizing it's not about him he's not bad he's just drawn that way yeah that's just like a rabbit's old wine oh yeah I'm not that just drunk what do you see in that rabbit he makes me laugh okay I can hear them with like a geeky voice other dragon or kind of like the the abominable snowman in Monsters Inc yeah welcome to the heaven let's go yeah when Susie said geeky voice I just started thinking that the carat weight that it's a very typical nerd hey guys making my gold collection I got all these Monday's Cashel over the hill [Music] we give him a little bit of smoke coming out of his nostrils what do you think is a major mistake beginning artists me when struggling to sketch live animals like at the zoo or on Safari I don't think they take enough time to learn the anatomy ahead of time so they struggle with it then they get upset when they when they aren't able to do it it really does take it takes some work understanding that anatomy first just sit and observe let me show you something real quick I'm sorry this is a little snippet of one of the lectures I'm going to be giving and over the weekend and I want to show you some shame where'd it go there it is who thinks Aaron does send the doctor should have their own TV show like Bob Ross and it would be the mysterious voice from from the off screen that we should for me I'll be over the car like alright I'm gonna take this beautiful picture here right now shoot I don't have anything that I saved what what you do I would work I ah nothing God singing all right well scratch all that everything that I pulled out yesterday and added to the animal drawing lecture is not there anymore is it all here in this Drive over here no because isn't it saved well you have this hard drive over here no that's a different Drive no oh well I got to go back into it after we're done here but I was going to talk about observing I had a little thing on observing and and just really sit and observe and soak in the subject which question what advice would you give to someone who is at the beginning of their drawing journey apart from pick up a pencil pick up a pencil and draw for life take the pencil and draw from life that's what that's my that's my biggest biggest piece of advice to you if you want if you want to draw better then you got to see and observe the world around you that is if you want to draw representational image REE then you got to get out there and draw it and then later if you want to do characters and that sort of thing then you can abstract from that man I can't believe all that that's a victory I pulled together is gone so he says about the dragon that he can hear sounding like Donald Sutherland Oh will you be using the textures from Australian yeah I'm going to use some textures so let's get in here let's I got a nice little drawing now that's why I always ask have you saved yes let's save as dragon demo I think it was also referring to the it's enough not having all the stuff saved oh no I did so that's the thing that's why I'm confused I saved everything on I don't know keynote are you sure you didn't move in on under this truck me why do you have that drive doesn't work I know it's not on that try I plugged that drive in to see if I can get it to work don't worry about that drive just unplug it then just put on a corner yeah because I don't even think it cut these look on finder see if it even comes up okay and I'm in there yeah say the drive is broken I was trying to get it to work last night it's official the drive is broken how did they come up with the character names for The Lion King I have no idea all I know is symbol means lion which is that's pretty easy but I don't know how they came up with the other names are you using the Cintiq Pro with with touch and if so know you like to touch us no I don't use I don't like to touch I don't use it I don't like to touch you know it just gets in the way it's very buggy as far as I'm concerned but I so I always turn it off there's this I could see this guy driving up a random armored Knight and pulling the Looney Tunes scene I'm gonna hug you and squeeze you and call you George I think I remember that particular episode so I'm going to my texture brushes that I've just made available this is that chalk brush that I like so much I'm just going to lay down some local color what's the most memorable drawing you did as a child I don't remember individual drawings I did as a child I did thousands of drawings as a child I don't remember the individual ones how many times he found yourself on the wrong layer nick says you probably saved it to Drobo oh maybe I did I'll check now it is Swahili for gift oh I didn't know that Nick asked you probably just yes I did I did know that I didn't know that no it was Swahili for gift I just forgot I forgot all about that how many times then you found yourself on the wrong layer it doesn't happen as much as it used to he's feel like but once or twice a day I was all the time you ever get approached to illustrate novels no not not that much I'm not in that world so I do not get approached to illustrate novels this is I want to pull the trigger on this in on the getting a Cintiq pro 24 but bread mixed reviews well I'm gonna send teak Pro and I love it you're on the I've had the pro 24 I've had the pro 20 I've had all of them and I've got him on the 32 right now and I absolutely love it I just wished to do set camp so they can see yeah I you you okay I just I think you love it so are you having some trouble with your words you got it you sure you got it when something goes wrong every IT guy have you tried to turn it off and on again what went wrong I think the whole deal with you're trying to find your files like you think it didn't save properly alright so now I'm gonna go in we get that I is it true there was an alternate ending to Lion King or scar wins no powder was Simba No No so in the beat can they have them get a little bit more gray so this is what that total value looks like a sand candy dragon Wow since work so right along his mouth I'm gonna have that just a little bit grayer around the eye I want it redder with also means King well they just went literal didn't they Nick Nick ass didn't you animate some of that scar symbol battle I did an animated some of the stuff were were there circling around each other and Simba says you don't deserve to live somebody noticed that um that dropped that drawing of you on that bookshop for that one who made that over here yeah oppa doctor she's good that way I'm getting a little bit of red in here I want to get I'd like that I've got orange so I want to do some blue patterning on him maybe we Evert when you work with new Inbetweeners and cleanup artists what's the number-one thing you have found you teach and still or correct in them say that again when you've worked with new Inbetweeners and clean up artists when you work with new people well it's the number one thing that you have found that you teach organ still or correct in them it's your to see the animation don't don't focus on the individual drawings really focus on the animation and for the late comers what animal is this this is a dragon we're doing it made up a little dragon here on his inside his flap here we're gonna put some designs I'm gonna go really kind of bright red with it so it shows off his you know like the lizards that we have that go oh yeah and they're really great right underneath except I want him to have like a patterning underneath just like your for us who inspired you oh I've got a lot of inspiration Glen Keane was my number one animation inspiration and then I've got so many artists you know that have inspired me over the years dead historical artists John Singer Sargent Joaquin Soria Anders Zorn those are all my favorites that feels pretty good you see a question with this dragon live in the desert yes why not it's color yes oh he said that is a Tatooine desert dragon you to question do you think it matters if you practice digitally or traditionally my dad bought me a Cintiq recently but I've heard many pros say that digital will cause bad habits it's not gonna cause bad habits just just draw definitely draw traditionally but I don't know what they mean by bad habits if you're drawing your drawing I mean some people you know try to hit the undo button but I mean that's just don't worry about it just make sure you draw so I'm just adding some variation in some of the color here could you maybe show us how to do a sub to do simplified skills as well today yeah we don't need to draw them all but one tooth why it's clearly a reptile yes I will do that definitely this is gonna be kind of fun I think actually image rotation that feels pretty good night hey he's looking pretty good there but yeah NYX NYX says I've heard old school guys that are afraid of digital say that exactly guys that have only done old school traditional that's what they say about digital that it causes bad habits I agree with that one Nick 100% nothing I've done digitally has caused me to form any kind of bad habit other than I draw even more and which is not about to happen so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a layer on top and I'm gonna just play around a little bit I want to go blue because I want to go opposite color and I want to go kind of bright did you do just the line work on the line King or the coloring - no I just just aligned just the animation rough animation okay let's see what I'm gonna do here always get at least one of these questions could you invite Glen Keane to one of your live streams and interview him I could I could try he gets really busy really quick though you can give them a call hey buddy wanna do livestream with you hey buddy either but but to a question are you referencing any real-life animals for this dragon other than the Cobra like hood not really I looked at some monitor lizards really quick before we started I kind of got that the inspiration for them from the next I really like playing like underwater I look at a lot of fish for their markings as I really love how they play like really bright complementary colors against each other I got so bad with the control-z that when I went to anime out of desk instead of going for the eraser I was doing ctrl Z with my hand mental yeah that's actually pretty common I currently have a 22 HD Cintiq but is it worth it to upgrade to the new pro series you know what I don't find a huge difference between the HD and the new screen I mean I know there is a there is a huge difference but I just don't see that well I don't see a difference you might be able to see better than me so who knows Billy asks probably not a very important question but did the Lion King take any sort of inspiration from Japanese animation Kimba the White Lion I've seen some comparisons between the two what's your opinion you know that's been an ongoing thing since the movie came out 25 years ago I think I can tell you none of us took any kind of inspiration from that from Kimba I still have never seen Kimba and so there's a lot of people that don't believe it but but I've never seen it I never wanted to see it because I didn't want to have any kind of influence from it and so there that's that so I was asking if you could zoom in a bit more on the picture just to blow it up just so there we go those are some bright blues yeah I wanted cuz when he flaps it out it's meant to be seen you know yeah it'd be really cool if he gave kind of like the glow shine to each of those patterns almost like as though i'm gonna say i don't know i'm no i'm mind-reader of thinking of him as a fire breather and I think it'd be really cool if when he opens up his those flaps and reveals those patterns like he's able to make fire flow through through those areas and create a glow like she was like light sources you know yeah just trying just trying to get a unique anatomy idea YouTube question hello from like Esther in England my question is I think I said that right like Chester do you know the artist Greg Corolla Simkins I do not don't but I'll look them up if Disney did another 2d feature and asked you to come work on it would you it depends on the future but yeah I definitely would consider it for sure so the whole idea behind this is if he's being threatened he can flash this and surprise the enemy we're just throwing this on here to see if it's worth doing or not this by the way is going to be one of our things that I'm going to be teaching is creature creation over the weekend this weekend that may have my master class we're gonna sit and do one thing and we entire from start to finish how do you like that those little stripes on the buddy yeah stick with that though I was thinking more black Oh outside that's pretty cool like well I like that image on it more black on the outside well actually you know what like the you know the little spider that flaps his butt up in the air he's bright blues got all the jumping spider I think so seeking like yeah I was personally thinking that would be interesting to have like more what what's the word looking for kind of like this similar pattern do we have what is his mouth like that gray and like that sand ish pattern uh-huh but on his back and so it makes that the blues in in his flash like really pop out got you there's a little jumping spider that's blue I can't remember what it's called it's a peak as a peacock peacock spider yeah is it that yeah somebody saying somebody mentioned that hang on me research twitch question have you considered doing in a landscape environment drawing tutorial yes that's coming up as well yeah that's kind of what I'm thinking of right here yeah they're all right and getting a little nutty with this his his markings now we're getting a little too nutty and a pullback what superpower would you have and why want to lose some of those flight because I love to fly I'm just gonna stick with that I look personally go with telekinesis because then I can move objects like stay out of the fridge or something to speak so I can be extra lazy but on top of that I could lift myself and make myself live through telekinesis I get two powers in one yeah was spoken like a true nerd hmm I want Dustin to do a chill hop album with Elvis voiceovers there you go YouTube question hello can you please tell me where online where online I can can I study 2d animation well I've got an entire course on my website creature art teacher comm that covers all 2d animation so I got a creature art teacher calm and we've got an entire course there look you give a man very well review course by the way it's at a very well reviewed course I should say yeah we've been very lucky you've had some great reviews go ahead Dustin sorry about that no worries we'll get myself a plug you know what I mean yeah yeah well you give a master class in Mexico oh I'd love to we've actually done quite a bit of talking in Mexico we've been there a few times Mexico City did you do the storyboard frames from snowbear info in Photoshop and then pull them in just TV paint yes you can story more than TV paint I just find it easier to do it in Photoshop or look at that guy he's crazy huh village marketing all right so we've got our we've got our colors there I would say the colors on his back should match the same the the strike colors on his back should match the strike colors on his head the orange yeah you know that's just that's just like your opinion a video just make the the patterns on the neck pop out a lot more because there's more unique color because you put the blue on the on his back - it just blends too much you know yeah like you blend oh yeah like you blend what you get what I'm saying right YouTube comment I would love to have teleportation that's so pouring to walk twitch question mister blaze I would like to know what is your favorite part of sketching or your artwork is it laying down the foundation sketch base color layers shadowing textures highlights or is it something else in other words what is the cherry on top of every artwork piece for you for me it's finding those last little bits of highlights that really make the image sing I love every stage don't get me wrong I like finding the image and you know roughing things out and then refining it and all of that but there's something about hitting those last few details that really get the image to really pop that's what I really like so once again this is still being done with my with my eyes should do this we think of this too much I really want this to be like super colorful yeah I like I like that blend from from the back wrapping around to the front yeah yeah I say that worked I like it you like it a lot and I can add it up this artwork for music what would it sound like it would sound like Starly vocal band skyrockets in flight speaking of dragons have you seen the video game dragons lair as a whole you know animated in hand-drawn animation Don Bluth of course that was my era man that was when I was in think school it was a hard game still of the scene from or the stranger links to when Dustin and the kids are playing on the the dreck playing the dragon's lair and he just curses out Dragon's Lair it's hard super hard everyone got frustrated with the back then was it just like the timing was always yeah it's just yeah and then you gotta go all the way back to the beginning like if you make that one mistake there's there was there was no checkpoints back there no yeah that would be so what I'm doing I've created a layer on top and I am where is this I've created a layer on top I've sent it to multiply and I'm creating shadows what in your class do you say which program you recommend for storyboarding in my in the storyboarding class yeah or just in your in your workshop in general or just any of your lectures well in the in the start learning class by Lyndon ruddy he talks about what he does his storyboarding in the software he uses when you worked at Disney did you also draw in your free time always yeah we all did a lot of watercolor watercolor in lava oil yeah I did I did a lot of it bottom oil a lot more other than water back then yeah and some of the oils you you make choked like weeks if not months generally taking a long time twitch question would you be interested in doing something out of your comfort zone at one point anything like a certain style subject animation or even sculpting oh of course we I think we all should do that at some point because it you grow as an artist when you do that there's that now it was there dregg's flare but there was also Space Ace yep Space Ace was pretty cool too and that's pretty much the same as Dragon's Lair just different space in space what was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon I love the Super Friends Super Friends hour there was a 1974 there is a live-action show called Shazam it was a Shazam in Isis hour this is but this is back in 1974 Shazam in Isis yeah she says the Shazam and Isis our back in 1974 I loved it I loved the Incredible Hulk he was on every once in awhile so I'm just using my textured brush the way in some shadowing here like can you make his back black and show us how to paint black scales or skin I can darken it up right now I really like the coloring of him he could go a little darker yeah Tim Hajj he's asking how big is this dragon ten feet tall 20 more he's about this big no he's uh that big I don't know I I'm thinking like 10 10 feet he's not huge I mean 10 feet is pretty pretty big well I'm thinking like in the good like 15 20 20 range like he just has that that presence of large scale so what I'm doing here is I'm just laying in these shadows set to multiply using my textured brush so I can keep those textures going and then later on we're going to be laying in some scales should I make the background lighting or the shadows on the subject first I like doesn't really matter I like using doing the shadows first that's just my preference it starts to define the form but the lighting can do the same thing for you I know I should I gotta throw in a background color just something is it coming for a company you work for - how do you sign a contract that they own everything you draw even here in your off time or is that more uncommon well Disney had that with us originally that was our contract but we we as artists we had them carve out things saying that you know it wasn't they didn't get everything you know the very first contract I had with Disney they owned everything that I did whether I was at work or not and I didn't like that because I wanted to be a painter too and I want to be able to show in galleries and do all of that and and and so I felt like I wanted to own my own paintings when I was enough when I wasn't at work and so but they were great they were really good about it and lightened up as they should have from the very beginning yeah what was a typical typical day like when you worked at Disney with kids family painting here free time a typical day was your typical day like well we get in depending on crunch time if we had excuse me if we had a crunch time happening then we'd get in early and we work late and we'd have dinner at the studio and maybe a couple beers here and there and then we would just work until we had everything done and then you know usually that would be a few months and then an ngon crunch times then we were you know doing 9:00 to 5:00 or 96 I should say and it was just like any other work day and you come in and you sit down you you've opened up your scene you see what you're animating this week and talking you know you talk to people around the water cooler whatever you know it's it's not much different than any other place except we animate I love the art you did of the dogs do you plan to do the same for the cats Oh something yeah at some point I want to do something like that with cats I know there's a lot of folks out there that would like to have that YouTube question have you ever tried liquid water color it's like ink with watercolor the colors are so vibrant compared to pen watercolor I don't know that we have actually I'll give those a try I'll have to try that sometime Nick says put them next to a bread box so we can get a sense of scale YouTube question can you zoom and pan yes you can see there's a lot of texture right here that I'm working in I love that kind of brush if he was in a job in ER if you were in a job interview how would you answer this question what are you doing to keep current in animation technology well I'm not really I mean other than using digital 2d animation software I don't do 3d so I'm not really keeping current at all other than using the latest foodie technology so there's that and then also you know what I want to do I want to come back up I'm going to darken give him a shadow right across here I know it's my go-to I always do this oh maybe read along here we study animal Anatomy do you start with the skeleton first then the muscles cuz that's what I'm doing I just want to get that it's the right way yes that is the right way because you need to know where those muscles attached beforehand so yes did they ever allow you to listen to music while animating always always we always all of us listen to music while animating we just couldn't play it out loud because we had other people around us unless we were in an office like when I was in my office I listen to music out loud all the time I just I just didn't blare it too loud will you do a course on how to draw dollars I think you said so a couple months ago yes because I've done a course on how to draw wolves coyotes and foxes so when domestic dog but not domestic dogs yet so we will do doing that coming up that's a good one that's good so there's our base we're getting there so let's go to the next level I'm gonna hit some I'm gonna set that to overlay I'll just hit some brighter areas now well if that feels a little too textured I think it does I'm going to use one of my other brushes you just got to do a question what made you want to go into directing instead of staying on movies I was only an animator it was just want me to challenge myself with something new I could have stayed on as an animator but um you know the opportunity to direct brother bear which is a movie I really wanted to work on and make it was an opportunity I couldn't resist so that's why I did it and and I'm glad I did it was a really wonderful experience is one of the most difficult things I've ever done and one of the most rewarding things as well I'm just going in here mrs. something there Justin hmm - yeah I didn't know if there was something of somebody on there on the asking questions I think I already answered it I've got a deep thoughts deep thoughts by Jack Handey I think a really good president a really good present for the president would be a chocolate gun because he's so busy he need to run up really fast and give it to him remember that no you don't remember that was before your time kind of a life good you don't know I was gonna say so I'm just creating more patterning like getting more light on him is this the dragon or some kind of alien sure I'm just coming up with something completely new and different you don't want to do what everyone else sees us like do something different you know I wanted to do something I thought of a dragon I thought of monitor lizards and then I thought of spiders and their markings the peacock spider there's no reason why you can't be influenced by all kinds of stuff if you had to choose between always traveling or staying at home what would you prefer you know I love to travel but man it gets exhausting I that's a tough one I'm sure that yeah like like like you said now I've traveled all over the world so it's a little different for me because I've already done a lot of traveling I think I've been almost 30 countries now which isn't a ton but it's not too bad they have any regrets during your entire professional career any regrets rigors that's a good that's a good question I do have a couple of regrets you know I'm just having the forethought of no you know I don't it's hard to say you know when I came back from California when I left Disney and started working with Digital Domain I really put a lot of faith in the in the executives I and I I have a big regret there that I should have played a lot more conservative and you know that sort of thing seems to see wait and see what happened rather than just going all-in which is what I did but I thought that's my personality though and I when I do something I see something that's what happens with me and sometimes it bites me in the butt and sometimes I I do alright that in that case I got burned bad and but I learned a lot nick says maybe move Leary's to lower left since that section of the screen is empty oh but I'm used to Nick you're messing up my own in my entire flow boy am I in the picture over on the left around the right move me over to the left well I can't because it Mouse's all the way over and just move me over there or over there no over there move me over there the left all the way to the corner come on man I didn't know if you want just like it's like cuz right now but we're not doing anything on that side yeah oh I just took your mouse there you go good see now people can see the layers yes can you see all the layers yeah all of them every single one let's do a low let's do our typical reflected light have you saved I have oops all right I'm doing our little rim light yeah oh you know what I forgot to mention I've got a patreon page now and it's it's been working out really well and definitely go check out my patreon page and I would really appreciate it if you wanted to contribute to it because it really helps us out as far as being able to do more of these streams and provide you guys with a lot of content I've got a new patreon page oh hey Kelly's going oh Jesus crazy dog we got a new Britt on patreon page it's preaching on backslash n blaze art how many years have you drunk professionally now 31 31 years they've all more than that 30 almost 35 years yeah a long time I think longer than most of my listeners or viewers have been alive YouTube's question when drawing characters like this do you make up a personality for them in your mind like tone of voice behavior quirks and such I kind of do it's more I don't know if I go that detail but the more I draw them the more alive they come they become in my mind and I can just feel their I don't know there's something about I can just feel just kidding this nice simple [Music] a little brighter and more pure with a you do question here and you often talking about being use why is it important I assume it is for resting the eye is there any other reason I draw pretty tightly do you have some tips other than zooming out Thanks you know drawing loosen just keeps you focusing on the shapes the big shapes rather than getting caught up in the details save the details for later you know you don't have to have all those details a lot of times you can find you'll find that a lot of times that you just just need to hit a few little details here and there to get a whole image to really to really sing and too much detail makes an image become kind of boring because it's the same intensity I guess all the way around all over the place and your you do get your eye gets a little tired looking at all of that so you know I just recommend just try using bigger brushes and using bigger brushes and and don't do get zoom out you know trying to stay focused on the big picture see the forest before you get focused on the trees you know that kind of thing my hair in a dustin is it a good idea to draw animals from wildlife documentaries after studying the anatomy before going to the zoo yeah I do that that's one of the that's one of the tools I use if you can't if you can't see the animal directly right away use it and use duck use documentaries is both oh yeah you you know use dog Oh losing my language do you ever rotate your canvas they suck I do every once in a while I'm here taking a child's random drawing and reimagined it never seen a grown man naked that's from the movie airplane yeah yes I have done that I did it with my kids ever one time um in high school I made that spaceship I drew it out and then you painted over it yeah that was cool all right so we've got these mimosa textures now there's a couple of things that we can do which question I am bad at drawing and want to improve it but when I see my drawings I feel bad and lose motivation to draw got any suggestions stop it yeah that's my suggestion you know if you want to improve you just got to keep drawing if you stop then then maybe you don't like to draw as much as you want then you're staying you are but just just do it get over it and get over yourself just know that you're gonna you're gonna not do well in the beginning that's you know nobody is an expert at anything when they first start out so you have to do it more and more and that's just how it is that's just the way it is it's just the image rotate horizontal so we're slowly getting there all right so this is another technique I want to show you guys let's do this when will you start reviewing others art and arts and portfolios like you mentioned a while ago I don't know yet we've got a lot of things that we've had going on that are on our plate right now like our the master class we just have that are teaching in England we've got more travel coming up Nick and I are going to Africa there's a lot that we have coming up and therefore it's it's hard to say when we're going to be doing some of these things that we're gonna do but we are gonna be doing them we just need to get to them so one of the things I want to do here is I'm going to go with a kind of a brown color let's see here I'm gonna create a new layer on a new document I'm looking at I'm looking at like under his skin flap some of that shape there I want it to be yeah the skin flap on his neck and so I want I want there to be let's do this if I hold my shift key down I can create a whole bunch of lines like so just like that now if I go and it free transform I can stretch them out so they go off the page you can bring them over to the edge and hit return then I can double that up and drag it over and I can combine those layer merge layers and then I can double that up drag it over and combine those layer merge layers and then double that again drag it over so now I've got all these lines going across lair edit only doing layer merge layers now I can double this up again this time edit free transform turn it this way I'm gonna do them at an angle like that Dustin I think I think so sounds about right bring that this way stretch that that way now we've got a nice grid happening I'm gonna stop answering questions just for a second here although I got these you twitch question this summer I picked up drawing again my dexterity is way behind can I do anything else then just get the hours in no just get the out person I don't know what else to tell ya that's the only thing that's gonna give you a dexterity back you just got to get in there and draw Oh next week is Shark Week so next creature should be a shark inspired Shark Week creature that's a great idea so what I'm trying to do is I want to looking at this really quickly I'm trying to think of a way oh I know what I can do let me do this background I'm just gonna go very light and fill this not sure if this is the right thing to do but we'll see now I'm going to take these two I'm going to merge those you know keep one separate that I'm going to take one turn that off merge it with the back with that color I just created there were layers then I want to go to layer pop pop pop there's style bevel & emboss I think it only does that whole layer that's what I thought okay so cancel go back Z separate those now I'm going to bevel and emboss this layer layer style bevel and emboss there now we're getting something that's kind of cool then I want the light direction come from the right you see what I'm doing there Dustin yes you do and I might just leave it at that [Applause] and I'm gonna turn this one on copy it again turn that one off I'm gonna put this one underneath and let me do I'm gonna try another effect layer style drop shadow hold on a second yeah just you wait a minute Dustin I'm just sitting here distance that's a lotta scares size there we go that's what I'm looking at looking for see how I'm creating a little bit of a relief on the scales you see I'm saying relief yeah like you can feel you can feel Oh bring the opacity down a little bit it okay bring their opacity down a little bit and bring this opacity I'm creating scales is what I'm doing on a mass level this life ok so now I'm going to take these layers I think I'm gonna take the color out of that and just make it wait Oh Nick says can you zoom in yes I'm sorry there I'm gonna zoom in right there so I'm trying to create these scales created basically a grid pattern and then I'm going to take that grid pattern and I'm gonna lay it over oops the our lizard guy just want to do one more thing there style bevel and emboss Oh cancel I was on the wrong layer I want this one is to all shadow sorry I got a I'm gonna go there we go and which one to go a little darker there's so here's the there's there's our patterning that we're gonna be doing okay so now I'm going to take this I'm going to go these three layers and I'm gonna merge layers so now they're all one layer so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to grab a section right here I'm just gonna drag it over to here alright so I can set this to multiply and I'm gonna bring the opacity way down and then we're gonna edit free transform probably read about in this size that's what I'm looking for maybe a little bigger I want that I'm trying to hit this curve so I'm going to go to edit warp now I can get this curve get it to match the curve of our lizard our dragon a dragon y'all talkin there we go get some bigger scales maybe what do you think of that that's not too bad right yeah not bad at all me wait wait oh boy there we go can you zoom in a bit more yeah there we go so you can see we've got a subtle pattern happening right there and then all I got to do now is go in and erase section I don't need I don't quite think we needed here yet not with the way I'm doing it gonna let it fade out in some of these places kind of works right here but I think I'm going to handle that a little differently I'm just gonna let it fade out I'm gonna knock that opacity back just a little bit more I want it to be subtle so you get a nice you get a nice subtle feel for those a little bit more and then what I do is I can put a layer an overlay layer on top and we'll just go with a kind of a lighter color and I'm gonna go with my drawing brush and just lightly it takes a little while but I can go in and hit the edges that are supposed to be in late I don't have to hit all of them I just have to hit enough that get it to pop like along these edges here ultimately I'll have this whole thing laid out and nice and light you should come my goodness I'm drawing every scale when I draw a snake I will do this next time yeah see you can you can there's lots of shortcuts you can do so you don't have to do that which is pretty cool yeah and then pretty soon after this I'm gonna draw over the top of the line drawing art we blow this up even more so you can see I'm assuming most people are watching this on their phone so you can see you get a nice consistent scale pattern if you plan ahead and draw on the you know create another grid there so you can see we've got a nice we got a nice little scale pattern going there now if I put another layer on top of that and grab a nice bright color you can get a nice edge going here I I'm gonna hit it with my a dry brush later on rough up these edges Oh what am i doing there we go what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing fire so back to our overlay see the problem with red and it's just it's just a problem the problem with red is that you can't get bright red if you go bright red you get pink red is one of those colors where it's just red like you can get bright blue you can get bright yellow you can get bright green but you can't get bright red red only gets so bright and then it doesn't get any brighter and so when I try to put a highlight on here it starts to turn orange what's interesting though is I can go in because these are scales say I want that to be a highlight no saying doesn't can you move the picture with Aaron to the right or to the top please the facebook comments are right over his picture so we can't see him yeah you don't need to see me so even putting little little tiny highlights on the scales this is probably more detail than we need just like a little little glint it's a nice little texture yeah we do the same thing over here this is where the little it's where the rubber hits the road baby you barely see the road for the heat runoff there we go does your perspective video cover reflections and water and mirrors does it cover shadows caused you know what I didn't cover that that might be something I should add you know what I'm gonna add that we've got time before the pre-order comes out I'm gonna add that I completely forgot about doing uh reflections and shadows and shadows yeah because that is a definite definitely part of linear perspective thank you whoever who asked that Jimmy Nicholson hey Jimmy Nicholson you just you just got that added to the course yay YouTube question do you ever make a traditional painting and then add digital textures like this no I don't think I have no but what I will do is I'll do a traditional painting and if I'm struggling with the painting I'll take a picture of it and bring it into Photoshop and work on it and Photoshop to figure out the problems and then I'll print that image out and use that as my reference so there so now you can see how you can create a pattern and use it for your benefit so there's that let's sound another piece we're clover here we're gonna deselect I'm going to grab piece along the neck there I think I went too big yeah I definitely went too big we're gonna multiply it knock it back transform it transform transform whoops looking for it to do that Photoshop free transform my name is Optimus Prime like if I if I it might find like a really bad raspy voice like like if like having a hangover or something when you like when you're like I do like you do like you get that extra deep voice yeah at that point I can I can pull off a great up this prime but during times like this it's a little bit trickier because you really gotta get that voice really low let's see if that will work [Music] if you don't need I don't need to have highlights on every piece of scale just little areas oops I should be there like he's definitely catching some light here there are you just gonna scale the the neck area no I'm going to work on the body as well I just don't want it to be super super strong no we've done something like that before or are you experimenting no I've done lots of this before this is how I get a lot of the textures on my creatures this is photo bashing this is what's called photo bashing how everyone goes isn't that cheating yep I'm totally cheating look at all the time I'm saving dozens voice is great for dummy thank you growing up one things I'm father doing was getting to a voice acting but yeah a little bit with me a little bit maybe you'd be good at it thank you there wrote this really requires a lot of patience it does but imagine how much patience you'd have to do if you weren't using a powder to throw in here I can't even imagine this is not nearly amount of patience that you would normally need there there we go now it feels like those patterns are integrated right into the skin so let's do the other side there we go baba let's go ahead and why I don't want to flop it select deselect I am going to get that section dragging over I think I went too big on the scales again multiplied that it free transform Oh we do this and it horizontal there I want those scales going up the other way pretty much want the mirrored sort of pattern yeah work going to work back at the scale see this you see those are some basic skills you get there mr. dragon and if I can't get away with now it's too square no we're not going to do that we're not gonna do it Dustin not gonna debt get a be there or be square so are slowly getting some pattern coffee okay there but yeah I'm alright there but all right let me do another one indeed rotate the whole thing there we go I need nice voice impression Aaron that's the Dana Carvey imitating Bush is it even possible for you to make a set of directional scale brushes you know what yes it is possible I could do that I think I've experimented that myself I can't remember what I've got something similar that I I tried to make I didn't like it so I didn't release it did you just drop them no oh I thought you dropped a chalupa there all right here we go when you're a Walmart this true jump 15 shots did you put away your shopping cart now she got it's got to have that that office prime kind of voice yeah did you put away to your shopping cart stretch these out see what kind of voice but have because when I write here what I'm not thinking about John I'm thinking of Benedict Cumberbatch from I smiled yeah you know screwing this up well stop doing that I gotta start over actually let me do this leave it there and see see there we go stop it Oh No the other big bit of a Dark Crystal Skeksis by gonna he does the dragon really does nick says sketchbooks are our this weekend just arrived and they look very good ooh so that's another thing we were going to surprise you but we for those that are going to be there but we ordered sketchbooks and we ordered sketchbooks and they just arrived with Nick and he said they look really good if you can take a picture Nick if somebody said this is a cart Guardian the car Guardian yours are you good enough I'm just I'm gonna stop messing with this it's good enough I am the car to Guardian so here are gonna knock that back just to touch there we go that feels better you don't want to be too overpowering say what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab some of this blue me take the pic well cause it's books do you use Strathmore lately Strathmore gray whoops Strathmore gray sketchbooks so Dustin the voice of Optimus what program is air using Aaron is using Photoshop Hoos are good though you know you're too far off the money there like I said it needs me like at the right time of day like the voice needs to be properly warmed up and all that all this jazz like it's it's a really tricky voice to pull off ahran ahran ahran what are the sketchbooks for the seminar what are they they just they're small we just the giveaways but it's uh it's a sketchbook that um that has one of my one of my sketches for my one of my sketchbooks on the cover a little giveaway for that even today's Aaron did roll his arse I could not roll my arse you cannot go wrong your arse no I can't shut up man just why not just give it to ride I've never been able to do it [Music] oh boy alright so we want another pattern so there's four under his neck what do I want to do for his face we can do the same thing on his face I'll see what that looks like you need a cog well on YouTube says I met you at the 1993 at the simi luster workshop in Alaska yes you did how are you and we did that workshop that was a fun workshop that was my first trip to Alaska Hannah hang on it was awesome all right so I'm just gonna take a little chunk right here bring it all right up hill I'm going to set that to multiply I'm going to drop that percentage way down I'm gonna bring this uphill we're gonna bring this way down right about in here now we're going to start wrapping gonna start wrapping we want those scales to follow form what is that we are creating here we want those scales to follow right around like so they're not so you're setting up for the lower job yes you see that wrapping around I did see it sir oh that looks that works pretty well actually and then I just have to come in release I love it when a plan comes together or each of these scale patterns on a different layer yes so I'm just taking one piece at a time and I just keep throwing it on top just like that that looks pretty good you like that yeah it fits yes so then I just have to go in with my bright color and and you want to hit yeah I'm gonna get all the those sections here and give our just along the highlights I think with the overlay I don't have to hit them all just enough that the I will fill in the rest oh that's my phone my phone's ringing yeah I don't know if next trying to call me or not Nick if that's you I'm my phone's in the other room there we go should I just go grab it no it's probably a it's probably a telemarketer there we go well I wasn't sure going me to go over there and just shut it up yeah so there we got scales on the face in the thirties in the face you can see you can see how you know using that warp tool you can get that pattern to wrap right around the form of whatever it is that you're creating it's a very cool nick says wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't me so good then it was a telemarketer Nick I think is in the other thing there so how long do we have been at this uh it is currently routine also 2 hours and 15 minutes yes so we're getting there well I just wanted you guys to see almost let see the scale pattern how much fun that is when you when you take enough time to create a little scale pattern off to the side now let's do this if it wasn't I was wonder if you're gonna pull the head up Nick it wasn't me was it shaggy I think so I can't remember her so long ago Warren says I bet that your brother Travis when your phone trolling you again yeah it could be he does that hey there brother how are you doing just slowly like she thought I call put my voice out there say hi and bye so let's bring that down to the right size first got percentage up just a little bit now we're going to bring that down again so I gotta make the eyebrow like it's all scale pattern on it yeah first thing I want to do is get everything working with Vicky's face you get it all working hey what about simplifying the scales or will that be later yeah you can go ahead and simplify right now I'm just showing you how to lay them in and definitely go in and simplify them are you gonna are you gonna simplify like the the body portion like that's Brittany in the shadows yes I'll put a little extra just a little extra talk this on there there we go there you just got a little bit of a little bit of scale in here just enough but whoops there we go just enough to get it to feel like it's part of the thing I think that was a little animal doing that then he showed up in one of your license forgot what kind of animal was put our poodle either food or might be a dog if you're talking about our poodle he's great for time I like way back from the possum possum maybe well he wasn't so great he wasn't so great yeah he didn't quite make it you got a new one now Bryan does there let's do some let's do some highlights over the I so I think we're getting to a place where we can kind of start taking it easy here I'm gonna go multiply you know small to apply multiple you gotta multiply that way then we'll ask you don't use the liquify filter I do not versus yet the opossum and there's a new opossum and uh everyone's family but they have the old rooms now past yeah he passed yeah they're very they're very sensible first of all possums only live about three years really that's it that's it yeah they weren't handed the longevity genes so here I'm just going in and adding a little bit of shadow on some of those lip scales there you go and simplify I mean as in simplify for say a tune that would need so much detail but these to apply scales oh yeah Oh image rotation which question have you ever killed an animal that's a very personable personal emotional question I did I killed when I was young I went duck hunting with my brother and I cried all the way home that's what I learned I wasn't a hunter then when I was a teenager we had a lot of game you know chickens and ducks and geese and all kinds of stuff and our you know that we were raising and I came home and there is a giant rattlesnake right in the middle of all the animals and they weren't leaving it alone and it was striking at the animals and I knew that they were going to die if I didn't do something and so I ran in the house and we had a couple of guns in the house I've never been a gun owner but my parents were and and so I grabbed the 22 pistol and I went outside and I shot the snake and killed it it was a big one it was as big as my arm you know big head and it was a big female I felt really very very bad about it and so I asked I cleaned it I skinned it all out before my parents got home gutted it and attacked the skin up on the on a board I used a head for reference for drawing because I didn't want didn't want to go to waste and then I asked my mother to cook the steak for dinner and she did so we had rattlesnake for dinner because I felt bad that I had to shoot it and so if I shot it I felt like I needed to eat it because that's the law of the land and so we had rattlesnake for dinner and everything I felt I felt better about it I remember yelling at it while I was shooting it just like why are you doing [Laughter] [Music] I'm in the glass cage of emotions I felt horrible I didn't want to kill it Larry No good afternoon Aaron I'm late again but glad you decided to come on I love the detail in the scales here now we need to learn to do this and procreate well it's really just doing layers but I said stop dipping the thing snake gonna stop doing the thing I felt horrible they need infield and for this think when you ate it Martin says no I didn't because I felt okay at least I at least I'm not wasting it at least it didn't get didn't give up its life for nothing right so now what I can do is on this on the 20th layer yeah on the 20th layer see I want to I can take that and go to that 20th layer and use my my cloning tool my cloning stamp which is right here and I'm going to knock that size down but I can just put it by pushing the option I want it to clone that part then I can come up here the Hornets almost look like glass oh that's interesting let's put a like you know it is completely screwed that up it up using the clone tool was not the right idea want you to go back we're gonna grab a little section I'm gonna drag it over over uh-huh over and out over adult Yeah right there and then we're gonna set it to multiply like that opacity back to there bring that up here shrink it down like so and then we're gonna work the heck out of it or take out with it we're gonna work the heck out of it sounds like a great plan get those scales to fit right on there right on there and I noticed you know what I notice when I'm doing this kind of stuff I'm a total mouth breather you've always all right so we've got some of that no I don't over here that's not the right one where is it 14 almost there and the person that I don't know if this is the person that asked earlier but but for this late comer Jimmy Nicholson he asked does your perspective video cover reflections and water and mirrors and does it cover shadows caused by man-made lights no yeah no it doesn't that's that's why I decided me to go back and do him yeah I think he left this stream earlier when we when we officially answer that question oh I got show just a couple more details we're going to do the brow and you do the dew okay come on have you ever seen the International Space Station you live near Cape Canaveral right I do live near Cape Canaveral never the only time I've seen the International Space Station is when it flew over us and there's your skills everywhere here but oh yeah oh yeah scales everywhere that warp tool transform tool is completely necessary did you just drop one no oh it's wondering why your gig one that's just in my head transform I do like the weirdest things and see I can get these scales to fit the brow a little better if you were going to race at Daytona never have I haven't either but I really wanted go that fits the fits of the proper together yeah it fits you a pretty good berry which the bow pretty goody oh it's pretty good there but uh do you already have an idea for what you want to draw on world lines day no not yet I don't know yet oh you better figure one out there but okay buddy okay so we've got texture pretty much I haven't done the left side of the face yet are the screen left side but we're good enough right now because I want to I want to get this sick done so this is a way you can do scales all over your creature just like a song that's a lot of scales there but nick says I suggest something involving a lion for drawing for world wine day so that's good good I figure if it's something else other than line you have a lot of angry Lions I suggest you let that sit there marinate all right oh let's so I was asking is this Photoshop our clip studio this is Photoshop okay so we're gonna get a little bit of blue in here I'm gonna put a layer on top and knock that opacity back and I grab nice soft brush here did you have to throw away here charcoal drawing after the cat poop definite or did you frame it up before like Bob no it's it's just sitting in the corner right now all the poop got scraped off I wasn't framed up before it was not framed no it was exposed seriously just said should make Dustin into a lion but technically I already did that with the Oh animation oh yeah but here just hitting his eye getting a nice little glint happening in there so he's asking what about some bioluminescence coming from the hood markings are you crazy that's insane I have to see your drawings when you complete them we throw them out just jacket so now going through just hitting some highlights on some of these scales that is the wrong soft round that is the wrong one as well where is it someone who mentioned on here about YouTube and I just instantly started thinking of the moment when we watched a an old livestream playback and we slowed down the time and so made us sound like two drunken idiots yeah so yeah so yeah a lot of my drawings for the person that asked what happens to your drawings when you complete them they are going to be made available on my patreon account this image right here will be made available on the patreon account as the entire Photoshop files so you'll be able to get all of the layers break it down and see how we did this it's really cool it's gonna be me if I do say so myself I'm just going through right now I'm putting in some eye detail having some fun with that can you explain the thing with Jim Jackson who moved on the moon is this an inside joke no come on Jim Jackson is well Jim Jackson's gonna be doing a course for us and he's one of the most brilliant animators ever and you know there's not a joke at all wasn't he the 13th he's the 11th male did not walk on the man on the moon okay this this question of you joke Aaron have you thought about working for Disney you're really good at John there so now we're gonna put a layer on top we gotta end these scams living there my my dry brush I'm gonna go a little dry David ass do you consider this character suitable for animation no not yeah be a lot to have to figure out on this guy's still lots of depends if you want to draw a 2d or anime in 3d yeah this is not suitable for 2d at all it is way switch question is the mouth the hardest part to animate that's an interesting question no I don't consider the mouth the hardest part to animate I think it's a hard part to animate there's no I don't think there's any hardest part probably depends on what kind of depends on what you're trying to make talk like creatures like Smaug for instance with the extra-long Mouse and everything are probably harder to animate a conversation but I think it just depends on the character what are your thoughts on that yeah but it's there's a lot of different things that make animation difficult so there's no mouth shapes are not necessarily the most difficult thing for me so it's although it can be difficult I know you said no bioluminescence but what about iridescent I yes we could do that but I just iridescent takes up quite a bit of time to render and I'm not gonna render that right now iridescent yeah what is that again like they're in essence like in the feathers of birds YouTube question have you ever done anything for the Disney parks la 4wd I I went and did some lecturing over there after I left Disney which was a lot of fun I really enjoyed that so they're due we're getting somewhat close to being somewhat done I mean this is just taking a long time you have a favorite classic Disney character mmm not really done Disney character so they just do just gonna go in let's hit some of these areas can't seem to stop nick says as far as the Traxxas go your art has been featured in some of the attractions also didn't you do a Dumbo animation for an attraction technically you were the attract you were an attraction yes technically we work when we're at is the animation yeah for Disney for does the the Disney Paris does the Euro Disneyland I did some Dumbo animation for commercial for that and that was one of the first things I ran out it was Dumbo which is pretty cool and if you go into California adventure into the animation exhibit my drawings are used as an example for the animation going across the across the ceiling and everything and that's kind of cool too it was very much an honor for them to use those those drawings or beast drawings did your partner Nick I worked at Disney Nick did not work at Disney he wanted to but the animation kind of the bottom of the animation fell out before he was able to graduate college by the time he graduated college then the studio was shutting down what do you do a live video when you draw the world lyon's day piece it's on the 10th of august oh that's a good idea maybe we will so I'm just hitting some nice whoops some little details here those Evo's oh sorry I was gonna say so you can see real quick you know if you lay in that pattern you can manipulate it paint highlights put texture on it you know you can do all kinds of stuff to that pattern once you lay it in and it really works well and it takes a lot of the work away for you and you can see you can just warp it and then paint the highlights shadows all that it comes together really well Frank on YouTube says I worked with a guy who worked in the Florida Disney and he said he did not mind working in the fishbowl so much no you get used to it you really do it didn't bother me so much what was the most challenging scene you had to animate during your days at Disney I had a lot of challenging scenes every scene that was a challenge in some form or another probably the most challenging to get the the acting working right it's a scene a sequence that I always talk about which is uh in Beauty the Beast where Belle is trying to bandage beasts arm after he's been attacked by the wolves and that was a that entire sequence where they start to argue I animated that but it was also one of my first major sequences I never animated and so it was a big weight on my shoulders to get it right you know but I took my time and spent several months getting it done and by the time I was done that really provided me with some really great animation that I could show on my reel for the next movie which was Aladdin and so on the Ladin I was able to get my own character with Raja because of the animation that I did on Beauty and the Beast and I wouldn't have been able to do that I'm beating the Beast had Glen Keane not been generous enough to give that to me so I really owe it all the Glen Keane for that it worked on a lot of Disney movies so what about characters such as Mickey and goofy and alike have you done any work on those very very little I worked on prints in the popper the Mickey version of prints in the popper I worked on that prints of the popper which was it's where Mickey has a twin they trade places oh and like his brothers like the crazy yeah crazy walk on here there we go so you can see all the textures on his face the first directing gig was was a goofy short ya directed a goofy short how to haunt a house Oh to haunt a house twitch question what do you think of the animation style of the family guy I love it I think it's pretty cool to be honest with ya pose a question yeah what do I think of the family since I'm a family guy so I'm just gonna call this done here in just a second I'm gonna do a little cheat and blur some areas out but this is kind of fun I really wanted to show you guys how you could take a scale pattern and layer it over your painting and get it to sit Oh Spencer the dog on YouTube asks if you can only have three art supplies besides the sketchbook or some paper what would they be also like if you send your watercolors all of the colors would count as one supply yeah it's for me and B watercolors I have to have a brush pen that never ran out pencil and my paint I want to coach but you need you need a canvas for well you said other than sketchbook other than yeah we do this grunge did Glen Keane ever direct a feature no not at Disney he directed the deer basketball shorten or yes and animated it but that was Disney was for puzzled wreck by clicking no tangled was directed by Byron Howard and Nathan Greta but we all see we all used to work together in Florida you have me or have you been to Madagascar I've never been and I would love to go that's fine yeah so I've got this grunge I'm thinking I'd like to and all over the character I just want to dirty him up a little bit what do you think Dustin the gross tool yeah I like it just get him all dirtied up we're not using it to frame the no-good dirtying Emma Oh thought I'd try that out what do you think yeah I like that idea yeah have you ever animated a character whose design you weren't particularly fond of um yes trying to think of an example I've done some commercial work on with characters that I wasn't happy with the design I did some stuff for target I did a character it wasn't that I wasn't happy with the design I thought I think people love this character who remember it but I just I found him kind of awkward to draw was a character named marsupilami do you remember marsupilami he was a character back in the nut early 90s that had the super long tail and I just found it very awkward to anime or school if someone's asking who the green creature was they got the ground Trump oh that was just a old drawing that I did old forest creature image I'm just giving them a little underglow little red underglow they bounced light have you ever animated Mickey Mouse yes I have I ended me - Mickey Mouse and Mickey's pinch prints in the popper just a little bit not much all right I got to finish this up I gotta I gotta call this done it's almost four o'clock I know this has been a marathon almost added for three hours right now sometimes they get a little bit long hey hey oh he said a little bit all right so I'm gonna take this and we're going to come up here and I'm going to grab that and then whoops take that and grab that there we go we're gonna create a new folder I'm going to double that up I'm going to turn that one off we're going to merge the group and up here I'm just going to who's some of these edges go just softening some of these edges a little bit now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to come up [Music] my soft ground turn off YouTube question is it possible to tell a story too much while you're doing an illustration are painting should we tell them little and let the viewer imagine the rest don't know if I'm being clear yes you don't need to spell everything out you know you don't have to let you don't have to tell everything's the viewers can fill in the gaps absolutely there are there are times when you are telling too much story if the if the viewer is getting everything spoon-fed to them then it becomes boring for the viewer so what I'm doing now if you can see this blow it up a little bit more I'm just blurring out little areas that are further away from camera I'm giving it a shallow or depth of field which is actually going to shrink our character a little bit but I'm using this in order to get away from having to do much more detail I knew you'd be back there we go like that like so yes there we go I do a little tilt shift on them just I'm gonna get lazy just on the bottom they're asked why do you why do you merge you don't get to edit anymore no I kept I kept I kept a folder that has the and I'm gonna put a multiply it's just my technique don't worry it's okay a little darker down here so we're not looking at so much of him what's the difference we're doing illustration and concept art well concept art is there to feed is there as a as it's meant to develop an idea it's a concept it's there to be developed and reworked and reworked whereas an illustration sits on its own now you could argue that a piece of concept art is in itself an illustration but concept art in its definition is meant to advance a piece of work further on an idea ooh push that saturation a little bit running it pretty good just great my paintbrush how do you make them blur with the with those line how what filter did you use do I use the smudge tool with a with a airbrush and I also use the blur filter color Dodge they're gonna knock this down six percent that should do it Eric this brightening up a few areas here you okay doesn't your gonna make it I don't know I can't I can't I can't hold on much longer they're just giving them a little bit of glow right here there we go I feel like the moment it hits for I'm just gonna go this needs a crop this just a little bit because of the blur what do you do live streams next week yes we will do you need 3d 3d and third we're keeping up with all the way up through August September early September gonna be out of right shoot as lightbox is it's a timber right what is that like just a weekend thing yeah so but the the next big trip is in October for Africa what do you think of the smoke no yes no yes yes yes but I feel they a bit I don't know hold on let me let me do it again like I should they should like travel upward like straight up yeah this is one of my other custom brushes to make clouds and smoke works pretty well I'm gonna try something tried to think what the feel like maybe the inside of his nose is glowing a little bit there's a little bit of heat in there his nose is on fire something like that I can't I can barely see here from here Oh like you just like you just made it you see it a little bit like it's glowing a little all right we're done if we're losing steam we're losing the momentum yeah we are so I hope you guys enjoyed that I hope you learned something with making patterns like scales Larry follows up his earlier karmic success thanks Erin for making me use my brain I have learned to work scales into a snake and procreate yes yes that makes me happy so once again let's go over everything again Dustin don't forget I have got a patreon channel and I'd love for you guys to visit me and help support us and it really helps us to give you guys what you want and gives us enough time to come over and do these live streams for you and all of the paintings yes otherwise I'm not able to do that let me blow that up a little bit more there we go there you go good that was fun that was a fun one to draw the other so so yeah please visit our patreon channel page it's Baatar ford slash aaron blaze art and if you could support us even a little bit that really helps us out a lot also let's go to the live of the master class so we are doing our master class this weekend I know it's really short note it well it's not short notice we've been telling you guys but we're coming up on the deadline this frost Saturday and Sunday and now we would love to have you guys there I'm going to be talking about story structure I'm gonna be pitching I'm going to be talking about creature design like we did today animal drawing I'm going to be talking about animation my own career we're gonna be talking about character design all kinds of stuff so I'd love to see you guys if you can make it and then also I've got my new brushes out my new Photoshop brushes that's what we use today and there I'm finding them really really valuable the texture brushes and so go check those out at creature art teacher comm and then lastly my brand new course on perspective is in pre-order right now as a matter of fact out of this live stream that we did today I discovered that I missed a video so I'm gonna be adding some videos on reflections and shadows in perspective imma be adding those next week and you can get that at 40% off right now at creature art teacher comm so check that out because that won't ever be that low again so that's pretty much it perspective paint brushes master class procreate I really had a good time today thank you so much I know this is a long one but thanks for hanging out with us I always love doing this with you guys twice a week it's pretty cool so go out put some Beauty back in the world put your shopping cart away and be nice to somebody and with that Dustin thank you guys so much for watching glad you guys enjoyed this stream hope you guys enjoyed future streams as well and until next time come and be back see ya you
Channel: The Art of Aaron Blaise
Views: 36,927
Rating: 4.9723501 out of 5
Keywords: Animation, Photoshop
Id: qYXsGvmmo5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 6sec (10086 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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