Live Stream - Getting to 100 Pen & Ink Drawings!

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[Music] hey everybody welcome to another episode barons art-tips nice it's August 27th Tuesday what are we gonna do today Dustin we're gonna drop so we're gonna draw just like we've been doing for the last couple of weeks gotta get these drawings done look at this I got these in the mail go to the dump shooter yeah got my little book yeah yeah and it's chock-full like a full book finally look at all these drawings we've been able to get done in the last two and a half weeks now I didn't get them done at the rate that I thought I'd be able to do so far I've got 49 drawings done I was hoping I'd have 1500 done by now I'd start going into you know more than 100 after that but doesn't even look like any a hundred by late box but I'm gonna try I'm sorry yes so here we are it is Tuesday August 27th I'm gonna do some more drawing I have no idea what I'm gonna draw today I'm gonna need some suggestions I just finished doing an elephant doing it a cannonball that was kind of fun but uh anyway we've still got our sale going on our back-to-school sale area we've still got our back-to-school sale going on it's 50% off for students and teachers 50% off of our membership and streaming so that's huge so if you're going back to school back to college back to high school back to kindergarten and you want to get this it's gonna be really great so 50% off of streaming and membership so that's awesome the other thing September 28th is our big character design live web class and that's gonna be a six hour class it's gonna be a lot of fun it's got a creature art teacher calm slash live and I'm going to be talking specifically about character design for six hours my approach as you know I've designed characters for the original Lion King for Mulan for Aladdin and and I want to talk to you and show you kind of my thoughts and what I do and how I get into it and you know what it takes to create Disney characters so we're gonna be doing that and it is gonna be covering a lot of what's already in my character design course that you can download but I'm also gonna be doing some new stuff we're gonna be doing it live I'm gonna be answering questions and you're gonna be able to download this the live stream if you're part of it so it's all a pretty big plus so I would say check it out Oh patreon I got a patreon page so if you guys want to give us a little donation here and there we would love it it would really appreciate it it's slash Arin blaze art yeah there it is right there that you know it's doing that kind of thing it really helps us out as far as giving us a little extra income to give us more time to create more courses and more live streams and actually if you do the $10 tier on the on the per month on the patreon you're going to get you'll be part of the live stream that I do just for patreon and right now our audience is small enough that I think we can do some portfolio reviews and that sort of thing matter of fact they're going to be doing one next week for patreon so if you want to get in on that check it out I think that's it light box oh I always forget something yo you're oh yeah oh you know I gotta do I gotta write it down yeah because my mind is like a sieve a sieve you know a strainer so light box is September 6th 7th and 8th Pasadena California it's the light box Expo we're gonna be out there it's the whole reason I'm doing all of these drawings I'm gonna be doing a lot of lectures demonstrations I'm going to be with proko I'm gonna be over with Wacom doing some stuff with them and it's gonna be a lot of fun it's the first of its kind it's being spearheaded by Bobby Chu who is owner in guy that founded school ISM which is amazing Bobby's a great guy and and I think this Expo and this event is going to be absolutely amazing we've been getting a lot of great feedback we're coming in on the fifth staying through the 9th but it's going to be the event itself is the 6th through the 8th and in Pasadena so I think it's gonna be fantastic so check that out it's a lightbox Expo calm be sure to tell programs tonight and I'll be sure to tell proko that Dustin said hi and that's it so today we're going to draw I've got Dustin by my side everybody yeah and we've got Nick in Sarasota and he's going to be fielding questions as well while he gets his air conditioner fixed oh no yeah well oh it's only uh it's only about ninety thousand degrees here in Florida with one hundred and forty two thousand percent humidity oh yeah yeah so that's every day here yeah so Nick will be suffering through that YouTube suggestion do a wolf nice let's do a wolf actually you know what pull up bug go to my photos I'm gonna do a wolf actually I got to get up for my desk gonna help you on for a second photos down two photos right there okay quick quick quick photos photos yeah now let me hold option there now go down to photos you only yeah now go to MacPro latest library choose library now we're gonna scroll through see we got some nice Rams in here yeah get to the wolves a whole bunch of wolf shots in here we got bison we've got all kinds of we got Cougars we've got all kinds of stuff in here look at all that you're welcome so pull up get to the wolves yeah get a good picture of a wolf in there we'll use that as reference all right I'm doing a wolf let's do a wolf a wolf see and then just do it you click on it so it blows up and then do a control option or control shift for do a frame grab then bring it over you want to sit down it doesn't matter just grab one right there that's fine right there standing up any of those shots right there give me a wolf give me a wolf let's go with this one Nick gasps oh did I ever find my Roger Rabbit image I did I did find my Roger Rabbit image on the shelf how's this one that's good and somebody earlier was asking uh will he be doing any live streams at lightbox oh you don't have to give me the whole photo yes no do the photo I told you do a frame grab frame nobody Oh Dustin Dustin blaze control mom animal for control man shift for there we go you got it see now you got it no clump get through everything go to the demi shooter I'm already at the down here Oh so yeah there's all right I did this for Richard Williams after he passed it was just a very quick little sketch of Roger kind of paying homage let's drink that wolf up a little bit yep there you go and just slide it over to the right there we go good shift it on up right there there so wolf let's do I want to do one let's just do I want to do on just caricature based on this photo because I haven't done any wolves in a while so I'm just gonna Oh Dustin by the way is doing a we've just did a YouTube video on because I get the question so often on finding creativity how do I find creativity when I'm blocked and I saw we just we just shot a video this morning or yesterday and today about where I talk about that and in this case what I'm doing is if I'm if I'm want to do this subject that has like a wolf in it like this then a lot of times I'll just find some photos and use them as reference and draw something really fast like I'm going to do here I'm going to caricature it a little bit well Manny is saying Benny while drawing the wolf you need to get go around with Yellowstone National Park yeah so what I'm doing here at the body here's the hind end I'm just reminding myself of all the parts even though I've put out a whole course on how to draw wolves and foxes and coyotes I'll still need a little refresher every once in a while and I like this pose that this wolf isn't so here I'm just I'm going to back end up back up in the air too I'm off to Borneo in a week so can we have an orangutan ooh in a ring obtained I need I'm gonna need some reference for that but yeah let's do an orangutan next actually that sounds great that'll be my first orangutan in that in the group they already answered the earlier question of if you're doing live streams at lightbox we're not sure I don't think we're gonna be able to but we if we can we'll definitely definitely try I want to turn that head a little bit more first I was asking about the array of 10 is also saying that he's gonna be going there in a week I said but going to take sketchbook and some basic drawing tools any suggestions on any particular type of book or tools you should bring well if you're gonna be in Borneo I'm assuming it's gonna be pretty humid so I would say watercolor might be a little difficult although I would still bring it and you know just a small watercolor kit a common watercolor kit would be good and you know then a you know this the Strathmore these Strathmore drawing pads are fantastic so I would think about that as well getting that distinctive shape to the eye is really important let me suggesting here - haven't got you haven't got any hyenas how about a hyena rock band well not this time around we're doing the orangutan next after this and then then we'll see if we have time after that but a ring of the hyena rock band actually sounds really funny YouTube suggesting could you could the next drawing be an anglerfish using his light as a disco ball actually that's a great idea I'm gonna do that I love that idea actually what was the idea again an anglerfish you know that has a little light on there set up and set it up as a disco ball so all the fish are kind of you know I'm gonna said do it so all the fish are dancing that would be cool so I'm going to give this one a little character does I have a perhaps I missed it but can we see the reference you're using you guys drag it over so I'm just you make sure not who's gonna give them a little smile little smile so this year is the reference that we are currently using as you can see this is one of the photos I took in Montana this was at the dragon back please huh check it back over that was a wild life of Montana right there that good it's good but it's pretty good they're both what's the current pencil you're using to so nobody mmm and ebony ebony pencil evany PN and what's the current current size of is that of to be this is yeah it's probably to be or not to be that's a real question Christabel Benson says I've signed up for the character design course really looking forward to it me too thank you very much I'm really looking forward to it as well I think it's gonna be a blast Aaron DS a prompt list for inktober or just make your own theme per day during the month I usually just do my own drawing I don't use the prompt list they have a prop list yeah you think that gives you a suggestion on what to draw I'm working on a Christmas story I'd love to see you draw a reindeer realistic or cartoony doesn't matter well we can do that on the next one foot right down there bend down you know right what are your thoughts on mechanical pencils don't like them well let's break too easy for me I'm kind of harsh with my well you can see the way I like to draw I like to draw quick and kind of rough that's why just hearing the the name mechanical pencil just sends a shiver down down my spine cuz how much I hated him yeah because like you said they easily break but at the same time when you're riding with them so it created like there's a little screech yeah it's like a little it's like not only a screech but it's like a squeak and you feel it you both hear it and feel it in your toes they're just a little want to get a little fluidity maybe I'll buy what have you sharpen your pencils with a knife yeah with a kunai with a Kenichi yes I don't when I'm sitting here drawing you know you got a pencil a pencil sharpener or a simple partner who wants to come over and hang out with me have drinks in the pool tonight I'm gonna have drinks in the pool tonight that sounds like fun yeah and the moment you say that on a live show everybody's gonna hang you down just to hop in the pool with you do you like drawing people uh no I don't mind drawing people I just enjoy drawing animals a lot more I don't mind it like toy people no I mean this job's I'm just I'm just being honest all right I'm just being honest there we go all right there is there's our quick quick little wolf sketch question is this style of pen and ink does it in this style does it matter what the pen tip millimeter size is things for me it does I'm doing I'm using a fine tip wasn't which is 0.05 and so you know that's what I'm using here do you know what you'll do another character design class dream I can't make it make make it for the one coming up also are they available to view later the they'll be available to view later for the people that signed up but don't worry we are going to do more of these we'll probably do about three to four of them a year now the subject matter is going to vary though so it might be a while before I do another character design course that might be once a year maybe twice a year what's your drink of choice in the pool little vodka cranberry a lot of good time there this could be cool if I'm ever in Florida can I visit it sure why not but I was like do not give out our address did she just write that yep our [Laughter] our dress is kyla went out to dinner last night with a old friend of mine johor me he's um he's one of the VPS over at wdi and just got done he was heading up a lot of the work on the new Star Wars attraction and so he's here for press interviews and things like that but we all went out to ginkgos done at the Animal Kingdom Lodge one of my favorite restaurants man is that good we used to eat there all the time like when I was with Disney oh I also I want to announce I won't let you guys know on Thursday our livestream on Thursday we're gonna have a special guest we're gonna bring in my good friend and partner in crime ronnie Williford a lot of you guys have been requesting that we bring ronnie in and i've been doing the same drawing over and over so i thought it might be kind of fun to bury things up so we're bringing ronnie in and yeah so wolf we're gonna figure out their subject matter and all that kind of stuff but I think it'll be fun what technique is best to prove my animal heart is it to find a reference and go full-hearted on on that or is it better to do just fast sketches I think it's both you know fast sketches will really help help for you to show your anatomy knowledge if you have that but then you know doing you know rendered paintings are nice as well so it's it really depends on what it is that you want to show now let me go to a comic book convention for the first time do you have any suggestions of like must dues or must not dues and do you have any anxiety of being in front of people I don't not anymore I mean I always get a little anxiety right before I go on stage but it's mostly just because I'm hoping that all the technical aspects oh well because I've had plenty of times when I get up in front of a few thousand people and all of a sudden the the projector doesn't work or I've got the wrong file or something like that I'm a microphone turns off yeah question I saw a making-of Brother Bear video last week on YouTube and you were almost a kid well it was 20 years ago 15 years ago would you like to see a live-action adaptation of that movie you know what nah I don't think Disney would ever do it cuz I don't think the movie was popular enough but I do think it would make a pretty damn cool live-action adaptation so I think it would be awesome do you have any suggestions I've do's and don'ts for cover conventions of like meeting new people oh just yeah just listen you know don't don't get gout too much you know but um but it's you know I was giving the advice on the as far as getting up and speaking so I think this is a person that's actually speaking right I think so we're just the way the way it asked it was that asking any suggestions of dudes or don'ts yourself invention just be yourself what brain is your pen oh yeah I am using a tool to in-state to take a tank hey hey t UL tool brand gel pen this is a fine fine pen meaning I mean it's fine I don't mean like hey it's fine no it's it's fine it's a fine when I got medium and I've got fine and I'm finding that I'm using the fine pen a lot more than I'm using the medium pen it's all fine we did this baby it brings me back to Little Rascals but I really gives me you know I let me zoom in a little bit are you psyched for a light box I just heard about the concept in all the cool parts of it I'm very excited about light box yes I think we're gonna have a really great time and this is a very first year that's been it's been May right yeah and so how exactly does a lightbox work is it just it's like a convention for animators or it's for entertainment it's gonna be actually a lot kind of wider reaching than even say CTN which is also a great convention I think but CTN is more animation specific like animation so just this is gonna cast a wider net right well hold on question when drawing from reference kind of like these are you trying to recreate it perfectly I do not care as long as it looks okay to you yes I'm I'm actually not I'm only looking at the reference just to get markings and things like that because I'm really I'm really changing I'm adding character to the to the image and I use reference just as kind of a jumping-off point just to give me the initial inspiration a little of the video be out for creative block Dustin that girion sir I am hoping to get it done by the end of tomorrow that is my goal and if it's not your fight II thought Oh candies on by the way it does I love your photos with the new can that that cat pick though what cat picture I don't remember taking a picture of a cat meow but thank you very much Gaby Gaby Gaby I've been having so much fun with a camera and actually the new YouTube video that working on I used my new camera to add a little extra flavor to it so looking forward to present that Jamie ass I'm struggling with the cheek fur and the scrunched muzzle when they bare their teeth any tips yes well first of all look at reference and you got to understand when it when a dog is baring its teeth it's pulling go to this camera over here it's pulling it's the muscles are contracting so you got to think about first of all think about the skull underneath because that's where the teeth are going to be bared so here's a wolf's college's I'm gonna have a wolf skull right here so what's happening is that skin that's over the top right here on the front of the teeth is gonna come back and it's all lifting up so all of the the muscles that are over the top of the the muzzle right here it's all contracting so that's why you get all the wrinkles up on top because those muscles are contracting to pull the skin up in order to bear these teeth right here so think about this structure underneath the the muzzle itself and then drape over the top of it a a group of you know the skin kind of pulled up and if you look at reference think about that as you're looking at the reference think about the structure underneath and then you'll start to understand how that's all working and that's all I have to say about that is this a wolf our coyote this is a wolf he's got a little bit of coyote traits to him right now the way I'm drawing him but he is going to be a wolf what's the best thing for a stiff neck when drawing lay down you might want to look at your chair you might want to look at a lot of any number of things in the way that your your sitting I can't I don't know they don't know what to tell you I've got things down I'm pretty good to where I don't have any problems anymore good chairs to get a good chair that's that's very important some people are like hopefully the skull is fake that the skulls are fake there they're made outcasts although there's one or two up there that are that are real right yeah I've got a real Bobcat and a real cougar and you know just because it's a real skull doesn't mean someone went out and shot it either folks so don't get your panties all in a twist if I have real skulls or other people have real skulls people have real human skulls too it doesn't mean they went out and killed it what's the next drawing the next one after this one yes America thing okay yeah say I need you to pull up that orangutan lightbox question number two are ya participating doing the artist gallery probably have the name wrong but artists visitors tailors and speakers can upload their work and from there on interviews can be established to get to know each other this way Studios can get to know artists from whom they like the art oh probably not so you don't think I'm gonna be participating that probably not I might I'm not sure so there you can see kind of I wanted you to see the line work how I how I handle that you know I really want the the line work to accentuate the illusion of fur and a form as well because there's you know there's places here where I'm trying to get that to work you know to show form which I'm doing here you know the line work isn't necessarily it's not going in the direction of the fur it's actually I'm trying to show off the form and up here where the fur gets a bit more coarse and thick then yes I'm going in the direction that the fur is growing how's that oh that's freaking awesome I love it that's a good thing to roll off of I think but give me my wolf back that's really messed up once yes twitch question wolves and wolves and Beauty and the Beast had a very distinct and somewhat sinister look were there other ideas for their designs leading up to the final versions I don't know I wasn't it I wasn't part of the design process for the Wolves on Beauty and the Beast really the only one I had I would even came close to was beast as Glenn was finishing it up Glen Keane the white pen you use for highlights is that gel also yes it's called jelly roll actually so it's a different brand it is a gel pen but it's a white gelly roll pen and the jelly roll is the brand oh I'm going down here sorry joining the right wrong even drawing in the wrong place let me pull out a little bit that's what happens when you zoom in so much yeah can you draw a realest I can draw anything man I can draw anything no I yes I can draw a gorilla's I have drawn guerrillas am I gonna draw guerrillas on this stream probably not you draw everything anything even your own soul I bare my soul man hey please help whenever I use my point five white gel pens they seem to scratch the paper and not really show up over pencil lines what brand of white pens do you suggest okay this is the problem your pen tips are too small I have the same problem when I use my when I use white 0.5 gelly roll pens I throw them out get rid of them and order Oh eight or 1.008 or 1.0 those are the only ones I use all my oh five s or 0.5 s I am given up on them I threw them out they're too fine they don't they get clogged up too easy they don't work so make sure you only get oh wait or bigger what's the most common question that you get asked that drives you nuts that drives me nuts I don't have any questions that drive me nuts I have fun some that I that I laugh at like have I ever met Walt Disney visual Disney like that what I think is kind of funny but none I don't have any that drive me nuts well happens if you hit what happens if you hit a drawing wall oh yeah but I mean I don't I get that question though I mean I don't mind entering it it doesn't drive me nuts I mean there's a lot of questions I get a lot yeah but I don't mind answering it the one quite actually there is a question that bugs me and it's how do I deal when you you know what do you how do you how do i phrase it how do you deal with lack of motivation that's the one that's the one that does drive me nuts because to me that's those are people if you're not you know it's just being lazy though those are questions from people that are being lazy you got to get up drawing is not easy and sometimes no you're not motivated but you got to get up and do it anyway and it's just called being you know disciplined I had a quote today that I used in the in the video that's coming out and it's it's on creativity but I also think it's on work in general but it is you know creativity is a direct result of good work habits the harder you work the more common you know the more often you work the better your creativity is going to be and that's that's an absolute truth you know creativity will come to you more easily over time the more you sit and just work you've got work that's RuPaul you say how do you meet Ronnie well tinder no we we worked at Disney together I was uh back in 1990 six I think it was 95 portfolio came in that was part of the review board back then and I remember this portfolio coming in that just had some of the best animal drawings that I had seen in a portfolio ever coming through into Disney and and so I remember going to my buddy tre Finney and saying hey man check these drawings out and it was Ronnie Willeford then we Ronnie and I later discovered we're both part of the Society of animal artists and it just we had never met but anyway we ended up hiring Ronnie because his drawing with drawings were so great and from that point on Ronnie and I had been friends since 1996 and and and we really hit it off I mean once he came in and we met we we've discovered we both played music he's a much better musician than I am but we had a lot of fun playing music together and yeah we've just become best friends really and because I had 26 years later and we're still buddies I'm here drawing people on your family like Dustin or your dad or Vedanta no I have a hard time drawing people that I know and I regret it I mean you know I I never drew my wife before she passed away I did a couple of drawings but I wasn't happy with them and I've always regretted that immensely I mean it really bugs me I think that some sketch sketches of Vedanta yeah I've done I have done a little bit of sketching yeah Vedanta nothing finished I should do something with you big sasquatch and I'll be my my photography logo there you go Sasquatch photos like that so you can see what I'm trying to do is get a nice circular little composition going right here in the pose I've really pushed it from the actual reference nick says what about the anglerfish disco ball I like that one but I want to do the orangutan question how to draw effects and animation such as water ocean smoke fighter wind etc yes we are on it we are on it I've got the right person I just haven't approached him yet but yes I we're gonna have that on our site it's going to be awesome there you go so there's your answer there you go yes what kind of paper hurries oh that's right sorry about that I am using Stratfor Oh tone the gray Strathmore toned gray nine by twelve inch sheets I ordered like ten ten of these at a time I go through them I go through a pad and probably once a month there's 50 sheets probably less than that probably once every two weeks I go through a pad three weeks something like that once every three weeks I think is right I mean this is pretty much one one pad in the last two weeks for a year all of these oh that's two weeks worth of drawing so I love and this fight it's my favorite it's my favorite paper this tone paper I love what you can do with it especially with the with the white pen can really get these drawings to really sing Dustin yeah you can get them to really sing what's the one mistake you see in portfolio reviews that have prevented great artists from getting hired um you know the one of the biggest mistakes I see from young artists is that they put a lot of their early school class assignments in like you know walk cycles and things like that don't do that nobody in the studio wants to see your initial walk cycle animation we want to see that you can animate emotion that you can do you know complex movement that sort of thing but you know seeing walk cycles is not it's not something that that you need to do and you've recently released a course on perspective but but of course on layout and backgrounds beyond the cards yes definitely on layout you don't have one on backgrounds yeah but button layout and backgrounds really overlap anyway and so there are some people I want to talk to about backgrounds so I'm not a background painter so it won't be from me and I'm not really a layout artist either so that's not going to be from me either but I do have a couple of people that I've talked to that have agreed or one person in particular that's agreed that I think you guys would really love and I just we just need to coordinate when you take a job to character design something does that mean that you draw different pictures from your head how you want it to be or do you get told to draw in a specific way it's gonna be both it really depends on the art director it depends on the stage that the design is at for a certain film that you might be working on there's there's all different elements to what you might go through you know in the in the early stages that's when the design is most fluid and free and you can really explore and then as the as the design of the film becomes more and more established you really get starting to you're starting to get pushed into at least a certain design conceit the way that you construct your shape your shape language and all of that but then after that it might get even more specific with how your characters are portrayed so and then once again it comes down to art direction style and you know leadership style some people are less hands-on and other people are really hands-on so it really it really depends on the style of the people in charge he shows that drawing that you thought was the hardest show you a drawing I don't have anything I don't every drumming is hard there's drawings that are less hard but there's no such thing as an easy drawing or at least there's no such thing as a easy drawing that has any merit have you drawn a clouded leopard yes matter of fact I did one on this gray Strathmore paper right here but I ended up selling that actually and did a big show of my drawings and down in Naples Florida ended up selling quite a few of these all of these are going to be on sale at lightbox in Pasadena and we're also going to be doing a book using these I want to do a book on 100 drawings or we might go who knows maybe we'll wait longer and do it book on thousand drawings as Gaby's asking Erin as a younger artist was there any piece of advice you got from someone that worked wonders like something you never forgot Glenn always gave me great advice there's a time where I can you know the animation for me wasn't clicking and I wanted to quit and he just told me to just keep you know keep pushing it's gonna it's gonna it's gonna happen it's gonna click at some point you're gonna see it and it really taught me to just even if I'm struggling don't you know especially as as artists well established artists you know at some point or another we've been used to being really good at what we do and some in some form or another and and then so it's easy to get frustrated and and you know walk away from it even and so I was kind of in that stage because I'd always it always come easy for me art it's all of sudden now I was struggling and and I didn't like it quite frankly and so that really taught me a lesson and you know first of all you know drop that ego out the door because you know you really does show you don't know as much as you think you might know and then and then when you know if you struggle just push through really push through and then and then getting honest criticism - you know so often people don't give honest criticism the another story I have is I remember I wanted to I wanted to do wildlife prints in the 80s and I went to a print house that specialized they're one of the biggest print houses in the in the country as far as the prints that they would put out there and they were handling the biggest artists Robert Bateman and Rob guy coeliac and all these guys that worked selling huge you know and and I wanted to get in on that that was 1985-86 and I remember bringing my portfolio of animal drawings and paintings and stuff to to the to the print shop well it's not a shop I mean it's a big Factory and I remember going in and they actually the owner was there and the guy that you know it was millpond press and he was you know he was he was probably 80 some odd years old at the time but he agreed to see me and I just you know walked in and hey maybe I'll make a deal with this guy and he looked through my portfolio and he he was very quiet and looked through it well yeah okay let's see I mean we went through and and then he goes well do you want me to be honest with you or do you want me to lie to you I remember him saying that specifically and I was like I want you to be honest with me he goes all right well he goes if I were to put out a print right now that I knew isn't gonna be an absolute bomb it would not sell and it would just be a complete disaster I wouldn't even choose any of your works to do that and what he was saying was my work isn't even good enough to put me to be put out as a failure and it really it really knocked me down a few notches and I look back on that work now and I cringe when I when I realized what I was bringing in their thinking was great and he said but he said he says look I this is when I went up to an interview with Ringling he says I I understand you've gotten to talk to Ringling there's some really great instructors there that I know listen to what they've got to say go in there learn as much as you can and then maybe come back and see me again in a few years and so I did I went to Ringling I took it to heart it was hard to hear but but I took it to heart and I've always been good at taking criticism and and I and I did I went to Ringling and learned as much as I could and actually my goals ended up changing after that I ended up going to Disney instead of wanting to go to millpond Press but I really learned a lot and it was because someone had you know the audacity to or not audacity but the balls to just tell me what I needed to hear and not sugarcoat it and I think that's what we need more of you know out there now there's a lot of kids out there that are spending you know two hundred thousand dollars on trying to get to college for four years that you know need to hear that their their portfolios aren't as good as people are telling them you know and so I you know I try to be as honest as I can without being I don't think I can be as harsh as mr. Llewellyn was that was telling me you know his critique of me oh I wouldn't do that to somebody but I do try to be as honest as I can nowadays but do it with a velvet glove you know YouTube questions just got here I have a question have you heard of the fire that's happening in the Amazon and what's your opinion on their decision I'm not handling it I think it's ridiculous and it's not a fire it's fires it's not hundreds thousands of fires and and I know they are handling in certain places it's I'm not sure I know the the phone over the prime minister or president of Brazil turned down aid from the from g7 but I'm not sure where it stands now but it's definitely an indication of you know we need to do something about our climate you know this is the worst it's ever been and for the Amazon to burn the way it's burning is just crazy and hopefully the monsoons will hit soon have you ever thought of making comics no I'm interested in comics and all that but it's not it's not my forte I might write to Beyonce I take that back I have thought about doing something with animals though not with humans thought about doing a comic with animals I thought it'd be done it kind of fun so here I've got a wolf sketch done quickly night which you're not gonna do any white gel that's gonna be my next step so I've got the I've got the the black ink done so now I want to throw in some white let's get some highlights on that nose first we zoom in on the on the head because I'm gonna work on the head nick says we should talk to them now and see if they will do a print with you now at Mill Pond actually that's not a bad idea Nick I'm not sure where they stand in the market anymore I'm not sure if they're a big but yeah let's check them out I purchased some tool pens here today and they had both ballpoint and felt-tip which are you currently using I'm using well I'm using ballpoint but it's Joe the other day the other Dean are there any plans for any kinds of bird drawing classes in the future yes I just keep putting it off but there will be yes yes yes yes yes yes yes when will you be working on your oil painting course when I get to it I don't know what to tell you I've got so many irons in the fire right now I'll get I will definitely be doing it's just not it's it's a little bit down the line when Leonardo DiCaprio just donated five million to help the Amazon well that's awesome good for you Stuart okay there's a some actually all right how do you decide where to put the highlights and when to stop right now I'm doing the highlights based on markings as well as thinking about a light source so it's a little bit of both question would you consider do doing a animal gesture livestream in the future I'm working on that and an opportunity to ask questions and talk about it would be great and some feedback some feed can you scroll down for me some feedback go over here to the left hand triangle that there you go right there just some feedback as well thank you yes actually that's actually a great idea actually I think that'd make a great course that animal gesture course camis asking well what is your favorite dessert I love hallo hallo hallo hallo yes what is Hannah hallo hallo hallo is a Philippine desert basically everything I love baklava don't know what that is either so buckle vows Greek great I think I had no idea it's uh pistachios and honey and phyllo dough it's a pastry but hollow hollow is my favorite I love becki becki ass Aaron have you or will you do any hidden ladies like Heinrich clay did in the background landscapes no no and it's all I can do just to get the drawing done rather than top of trying to get figure out some hidden characters in the background do you critique artwork give one asks no not lately because I don't have the time we will work it out at some point we're gonna be gonna do something like that but right now we don't have the ability to do it so I'm not doing it and and I have to charge for two because it takes up quite a bit of time into critiquing someone's work a lot of thought and process goes into it do you know Gregg man chess I don't know him personally but I love his work we've come very close to meeting but we haven't met yet I'm hoping I get to meet among late box Queen Tina asked will you draw werewolves or more fantasy creatures I'm actually going to be doing a fantasy creature course so stay tuned for that that's going to be our next course and it's gonna specialize on creatures of the forests fantasy creatures of the forest and Tom senator mentions about the desert you're talking about it's not Greek its Arabian Arabian there you go thank you ultimate I read originally and most of the Arab nations I love baklava oh my gosh my mother used to make it for me for my birthday she did she made it really good one of the things that she did to me for me that was very nice are we doing on time it is - OH - we have to go get the kids pretty soon from school there we go you do know what time J M Watkins asks mr. blaze was wondering if you ever had had the pleasure of working with writer Judy fruit burg who wrote americantale in a Land Before Time for Don Bluth she was a close friend of mine no I never did get to work with her I love those movies though baklava is really big here in Israel yes I love it love it love it no-one's mentioning hollow hollow that's because all the people that eat hollow hollow are probably in bed right now if you do mythical creatures course don't forget to thrown a few lesser-known ones I'm gonna make up my own the mythical magical the magically delicious [Music] they're just a little edgy twitch question did any Disney classic movies have loop animations scenes or shots I can't think of anything that had loops I'm trying to remember we tried to avoid doing that as much as we could because we had the budget that we didn't have to loop stuff now there's a lot of animation that was reused from shot to shot from our from movie to movie if you look at the stuff in Robin Hood a lot of that was used from Cinderella and Pinocchio not Snow White actually it was Snow White cuz Reese it was Robin Hood it was reused from Snow White and I couldn't get that out Debbie says I'm still hoping to see your take on chimera a Chamara Jumeirah Chamara Chamorro sure come on let's check the comic on do you like mr. Tucker dealers yeah I love drawing them matter of fact know what I've got you and I have assessed watching X again good i've got when i can show you let's show you something real quick let me show you something let me show you some so there's my wolf no sign it real quick I want to show you something real quick we're gonna pull this way out all right I have got a portfolio that I recently found in my closet I'm hoping this shows up because it's gonna have some glare on it is he using like a clean clear is like using a cover yeah but I've gotten a portfolio right here but I have a whole bunch of work that I did whoops I was from Lion King these are all you have to turn the side when I get something to do this but these are watercolor and you can see they're fairly large watercolors I did as development work way back I did most of the I did all these at home but I did these as development images for some stuff I was developing at Disney and I was able to keep these because they I did these at home but I've got piles of these yes if I go wider guess I can't go much actually can you guess you can't really shoot over my shoulder and yet you can you take this and shoot over my shoulder like in well I can try to view adjusting this further up oh yeah there you go that's good that's good like that and I'll just do it kind of at an angle so people can look at it this way right there yeah there we go there we go there we go so I've just got piles and piles of paintings that I did character things and these are all imaginary creatures that I was trying to come up with see pile inside here lots and lots little little images and I did a lot of these for myself over the years lots of fun little creatures and this is the kind of stuff that I'm going to be doing the course on these are different ideas for what trolls might look like another hard to see you pull this out of the way move it up here lots of lots of fun stuff I should do we should do a YUM we should do a stream where we just talk about this stuff just about fantasy creatures well just going through some of this I literally have hundreds and hundreds of drawings in here that I've I've done of different creatures hundreds of them and there are a lot of fun different designs for different different ideas all for different projects that I've worked on so is this I probably got about 500 drawings in here in this portfolio so it'd be fun to go through all this with you guys and just show you what I've got all these kinds of little pen drawings ideas for four characters lots of these are see what this is I sure would have gotten here so a lot some more stuff oh you know honey you know what this is okay so this is in the and I forgot this is in here it's out of order this is from these are original drawings this is from The Lion King where they go and I just can't wait to be king and they run down between the the zebras the zebras get in line and Nala and Simba and then the zebras turn around there and then yeah with their tails that's what this shot is that's a animation that I did if Nala going down between the Zebras so that's original Lion King shot right there then all the rest these are all like Mulan these are all a lot of miles on the line design drawings right here these are all original yeah design drawings these are all coming out let me actually zoom in on that when it came to that dollar animations how difficult was it to start from small and and enlarged yeah you get that question a lot it was it wasn't easy it wasn't it wasn't easy these are all cow designs early ideas this is his final design here but this is an earlier design way and someone's asking why did you use red pencil for the drawing because when they scan it it doesn't show up so the the clean up artist could draw over it and it would be fine that the the red wouldn't show up on the scan so these are all cool on sketches ideas for different soldiers lots and lots of there's there's Yao areas right there Kingdom that rock yeah there's an early drawing of Yahoo before he got his final look but yeah I've got piles and piles and piles of these asking what do you sell any of these original drawings no none of these are for sale I have in the elf ones he showed earlier no no these are all this stays in the family unfortunately sorry this is a charcoal drawing I did of an early character idea for Mulan this is before the the look of the movie was really established so I wanted to there's a character named Bao Chun who was the villain at the time and this is an idea that I had for Bell gung I had been cast to animate bow-gun for the movie and then he was written out of the movies and I ended up with Yao and the ancestors but yeah I've got I mean there's so much stuff in here I know this this all just kind of went off the rails here this is all more more yes and more on Mulan stuff so one of these days we'll do a livestream and I'll go over this stuff but I won me I already did we barely we barely scratched the surface actually but uh I wanted you guys see this oh there's another there's another charcoal of bow-gun on his horse this is original yep never spray fixed it either this is about twenty years old this this image is drawing very cool stuff I love going back through this old stuff and finding all these because it brings back memories or all these drawings and onto your computer know some of them I've got scanned and saved but other most of them I don't does this move with references or all from your imagination those are all from imagination although he did use some reference for for the armor at least yes for the armor I had to I had to learn one of them to make sure the armor was accurate right you know I had to make sure that the armor was accurate so we gonna move this back down again was it zoomed all the way in there it's a little let me turn this this way there that's better actually I like did the the way you had before because I it's too far away I can't draw way out there so I'm joined right here so that's how I'm doing it that's all that's all and that's that's how it's gonna be it was just the way the Inc tango the camera was it made it look flatter yeah yeah shut up so anyway so that's that was based on the person that was asking about the fantasy creatures I've got that whole portfolio just full of nothing but fantasy creatures that I did years and years and years and years ago what times it is 215 215 I think I can do something in a few in about 30 minutes here 40 minutes so there's there's a wolf that goes into the next pile but then you are sitting here sketches how much do you usually typically sell them for all these these sketches here these are all going for $100 apiece so nine by twelve black and white sketches they're 100 bucks apiece and as if they sell out fast in there I just I pray some according to demand so the the price will go up because I can only draw so fast man but it's a good price if you want to get down on it you can get a because there's only 50 right here and I don't know that I'll have more than 80 when I get there alright alright the tank twitch drawing suggestion the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog that's a good one that is a good one and I will do that one but I'm doing the orangutan right now I just want to do a caricature did you know Craig Caldwell he worked on Milan in Tarzan No he probably worked on on them from California I really ought to put together an exhibition with those early sketches and animation sheets you just showed us um I'm sure I could yeah how do you look for animal skeleton references I have been looking for diagrams on them online similar to how event would have in their office I just google the specifics you know I Google you know dog skeleton or dog skull or whatever it might be I just Google that was and usually I get what I'm looking for so I said Google those those boughs so I'm just sketching right now a my version come in orangutan the person that mentioned about Craig Conwell says that he's one of my professors at the University of Utah awesome actually you know what I'm gonna I would like to look him up want to get more it's waiting here those poses making me laugh everything aaron i would love to see some insect paintings the digital or traditional of the color range is so large yeah that would be but definitely do that I like I want to do a whole thing on insects to like series of drawings like I'm doing now but just on insects I thinking to be a lot of fun you can probably do a special Halloween course based on spiders and how how to draw spiders yeah what do you think that idea I like it I do like it whoo-hoo just have these little vines coming down verse says I'm looking for I'm looking at lying Tigers and most more exotic animals I was expected to say lion tigers and bears oh boy the same person that belongs in a museum plugs in a museum so you can see like here's what I'm doing out of my head so you know the last one we just did but the the the wolf I did that you know from a photograph but also you know pushing it a little bit this one there's a photograph of an orangutan that I'm looking at but it's not it's nothing like this I just wanted to see how an orangutan is built and then I've taken it and I'm going much further with it and I'm really pushing the caricature so yeah this is the other thing that bugs me is I put my pens down that my arm goes on them and then I don't know note on that and then the pin sticks to my arm and then they fall on the floor and and we also mentioned that moths would be awesome to their their colors and patterns are more intense than most butterflies our brotherly camping huh it's like camping camping yeah yeah they're intense yeah made a dipper of the day I advise to draw animal Anatomy yeah you got to get out there obviously and learn it and the places you learn it are online you can pick up roadkill and I don't recommend picking up roadkill although I used to pick up roadkill you can there's a lot of different ways of learning animal Anatomy there's books although I don't know of any books read off the off the top of my head for a specific on the animal Anatomy can you whistle Dustin's a good Whistler [Music] so here actually like this guy I'm gonna have to do more of this guy there and if i zoom in you can see the amount of detail that I put in it's not much it's just enough to give me a little bit of a roadmap for the drawing but I got to hurry up and finish this because we have to go get our kids it is 2:24 currently Edwin s you ready for the Mulan remake sure did you hear that they're doing they've done a live-action lady the is coming on Disney Plus yes I have seen that what is this a plus coming up November 26 November 26 June 18 November 26 you huge I'm having trouble finding a quick way to transfer traditional animated frames on paper to a background slash landscape on my computer do you have any advice I don't have a tablet see that again I don't quite understand the question I'm having trouble finding a quick way to transfer traditional animated frames on paper to a background slash landscape on my computer basically cutting now the image the animated images he he or she made on paper but trying to have them into a background on a computer from TV can't you just make JPEGs and put them together in Photoshop I'm not quite sure I'm understanding it still don't know that I'm understanding the question right you're just trying to put them in the background there we're trying to do is create an animation with paper scanning them into a computer and trying to implement the animation that's that's still on paper the scan paper into a scene that has a background in landscape well TVP does that automatically and you can scan it and then you sit you set your if it's on white paper you send it to multiply and it'll sit right on right over the background so it'll eliminate the the white out of the drawing yeah that'll eliminate the white you gotta set it to multiply though I think that's what they're asking nick says we have an animal drawing bundle with over 40 plus hours of lessons and we do we've got if you're looking for specific I mean we are all of our animation our animals are very specific but to the person that was asking about the animal Anatomy you know we've got over 40 plus hours of animal Anatomy and teaching and all that but they're all specific I mean I've got big cats bears wolves coyotes and foxes but it's you know it's really quality stuff and you'll start you'll start to see the similarities between the animals so if you're interested in that check that out it's it enough to plug my own stuff but [Music] it's it's I think it's I think it's quality stuff and we've got nothing but great reviews on it Dustin is funny thank you funny looking doesn't Palpatine looks like he might be in the new movie what Liv Palpatine's advice be to morons who talk and use mobile phones during the movie don't do it and he is he is definitely gonna be in the last one I can tell because I'm pretty sure that in the news trailer they just released I'm pretty sure that was his voice towards the end of the trailer and at the very end of the first trailer they they released was it was Palpatine's signature laugh that's my that's my best poutine Wow is there any way to refill those pens I think there is I think you can buy refills although I got a pack of you know get a big pack of them here for $9 but I'm pretty sure you can buy just the refills instead of using nubs for pencils do you ever use pencil extenders I used to I just don't have any right now yeah I need to get some because I don't throw out my my little nubs I'm using nubs right now let me zoom this in a little bit you can see the the drawing that I'm doing Dustin deal like the old animated Jungle Book I loved I just haven't seen in years I always loved the classics stay thirsty my friend stay thirsty you owe you nothing like cool delicious water hello Aaron hello I just wanted to say that you're a greatly skilled artist do you ever come across burnout periods where you just say where you just have to step away from art if so how do you usually overcome them I don't overcome it because I always want to go back to it but I do get burned out occasionally I mean I do this every single day that's when I I going do different things I hang out with friends and family and we have a fun little backyard and I spend a lot of time back there I've got a boat I do a lot of boating I get out into nature as much as I can so there's a there's a lot that I do and and then when I have done that usually I inspired to get back to it and so and so I do of what size penury currently is it this is a point 525 fine fine fine retractable 12:00 that says fine yeah there's number zero point five millimeter fine point comfort have you tried drawing with your right hand yeah I don't like it I don't like it I think you should do that as a light livestream just draw out the right hand then you'll all know I'm a fake I'm a fraud I finally got my two-year-old to stop watching the Sandlot she's now obsessed with Jungle Book why'd you take her off sand pod that's when the best movies ever they're killing me smalls you're killing me smalls I was talking about the the dog floor and do if brother bear what was the origins of the I spy joke well we all play I spy I mean at some point another or at least here in the States everyone you know you're going on a road trip as kids and we all would play iSpy when you're on a long road trip and the the joke was everything looks the same to them and so they weren't you know the Moose weren't creative enough to come up with anything different other than trees it's just trees trees trees everywhere I spy a vertical log tree poetry I I love that animation of what he says vertical log but he's lucky vertically he's tilting his head yeah those were animated by Bruce Johnson & Tony Stanley they did a great job with that animation oh yeah I Spy something green three three yeah I love the voice performance on that because they believe they get meat I'm like oh yeah man you got it and that and was all that improv it was all improv that didn't count it counts my favorite bid from that particular scene is wind that when the Bears take off and then you're like what my guess pool guess we'll catch up with him later II just sit back and enjoy the ride well okay we it was all improv Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas I can only imagine how how hard must be trying to hold in your laughter those it was a very it was very difficult I blew a few takes because I started laughing hey all right go outside yeah how many animators are usually assigned to one character it depends on the size of the character you know if the character is really big in the movie you might have up to six seven eight eight animators on that character then the supervisor has to you know be in charge of all of them I know one beast and Beauty and the Beast there's a lot of the Beast and so there are six of us animating the Beast and commend glen keane who is the supervisor was up to him to make sure that we were all animating the beast the same way Caroline from from the castle says I finally saw brother bear today it's been a mission since peckerton castle loved it bit of a tearjerker I also loved the change in the aspect ratio from human to bear 38 director thank you that was a fun fun project I'm glad you finally got to see it hello Aaron hello I ride horses weekly and horses what got me into drawing at a very young age I just wanted to say thank you so much for the drawing course on horses it's so accurate and fun good I'm glad you like it I actually spent a lot of time when I put that course together a lot of time with horses we've got a horse farm nearby where I live here that I was out there almost daily you know making sure everything I was doing was was completely accurate if you like horses I've got the best horse course for you it's um it was a lot of fun to create I think you'd really like it if you like horses question how do you decide on the direction of your pen strokes when adding details or shadows for example do you use it to help the movement of your character I tend to make them too random I think about either fur direction which is what I'm thinking about now but I also think about shape so you'll see that like on my elephant drawings I'm really following the form like if you see if you look here because I have a muscle that's coming down around here I'm letting those bees pen strokes follow the form of the muscle and it gives it it gives it a little bit more form well in this case here if you look at the arm I'm really following the fur de faire de fer defender Lafleur a Lafleur you dodge a wrench you can dodge the ball they're gonna dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball yes so you did that one perfect Rip Torn Reptar go get a tire those are pressures from point doesn't ever thought of voice acting I have I have actually did some scratch voice for dad stuff on ten bow back at digital domain but I never really got the voice acting beyond that never quite figured out how to get into it it's more of a just a party trick I guess you could say you do impression of the old animated Shere Khan I cannot remember how he sounds yeah it's very very British and drawn-out like the only line I remember of his is Bravo that one's good the sad little bit was pretty good Bravo jolly good one day you could do a street with dust and drawing and Aaron commenting over a shoulder huh be funny Dustin do the thing draw the thing right there question what are the pros and cons of being a director like what's good and what's bad my favorite part of being a director is the fact that I'm involved in everything that I love because you know as soon as you get tired of one thing you move on to another the one of the cons is that I didn't get to draw in nearly as much as I wanted to I was still drawing don't don't get me wrong but not nearly as much as I wanted to and I definitely didn't get to animate as much as I wanted to but I really loved getting in I loved getting in with the voice talent and directing those sessions it's one of my favorite and then one of my absolute favorite is that when we got to recording the music recording score is absolutely beautiful I remember when we when we first did our first score session we had the entire Orchestra who's an 82 piece Orchestra there to record the score for brother bear and I started crying it was just it was so moving and so cool to see you know how just a couple of years earlier this little idea that I had for a movie had turned into this thing where we were recording out on the in the sound stage and it was in the Markman Cena who was our composer had written some beautiful stuff and it was just so nice and moving really to be out there and listen to it being recorded their life so I love that part of it how many sleepless nights did you spend on me to the beats not many eating the Beast I did a lot of a lot of late nights but I didn't I I never stayed later than 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning we're drunk from imagination do you have the picture in your mind's mind's eye before you actually begin to draw or do you wing it as you go it's both like with this one here I kind of built it I had an idea in my head of what I wanted it to be and then I just start building it and let it evolve and then you know good then go from there I'm talking about brother bear I always loved Sitka's funeral when the two Rams I'm not sure what the names of the animals are but they are fighting with their own egos the echoes echoes no you sure I've got some outtakes on that that are not safe for work Dustin's hurt oh I love it there's an online particular I won't say makes me laugh every single tear those guys were so funny they were the original Bud Light lizards and all that stuff Budweiser lizards and all that and yeah and that's why we hired them they were just they really weren't great off of each other and they were great ad lib you know when they would just be just let him riff and good kid a little all ready to go it was it's so funny dusty can you do the invitation of the EA Sports Logan II a sports it's in a game think it's a I think it needs to be a bit higher but I've never heard it I can't I can't judge you no I don't play video games man it's unlike every commercial for like the NFL football game isn't like the Madden games yeah the maddening games there was EA Sports it's in the game how we doing on time mama is that it yeah that was it that's something exactly like you just did I thought you were playing yourself no no that was the actual that's exactly the same that was funny yeah 35 okay and I think it's because one of the games I played all the time or no I I would watch a lot of like Madden commercials and all that and and I think there are certain racing games that were said ea sports certain racist games well yeah racist games racing games I'll get that had that bad that's not going to go e a spores it's in a game question was Chuck Jones one of my heroes yes I love Chuck Jones I never got to meet Chuck Jones which is a bummer for me but I everything Chuck Jones did I just thought was genius we were saying that you should do an animation with my with my voiceover yeah well we already did the oh my well there's that oh my there was also the a dummy put your car away oh yeah we did Ryan - yeah do the Green Giant oh ho ho green I don't know that one Green Giant especially like Santa Claus no it's the Green Giant but Santa Claus I suppose ho ho ho yeah but so does Green Giant Oh sounds like Morgan Freeman maybe more like Oh I have Morgan Freeman you ever get to me or Noah Hannah or Barbara karemera hop hanna-barbera hanna-barbera that's either hanna-barbera that's talking about yeah Jack Hanna and they're my childhood favorites did you ever get to meet or know them no I never did I have a lot of friends that worked at hanna-barbera they got their start there when my friends buried temple who's a teacher of a Full Sail now he was a he was the animator of flounder from The Little Mermaid and the creator of that character and a lot of others he got to start over at a hanna-barbera he was working on Scooby Doo back in the day the other day berries an amazing animator next here's our orangutan orangutan next year does the enemy the studios is going to do Raya and the Last Dragon which is inspired by the cultures of South East Southeast Asia oh cool do you recommend people go to Full Sail no I don't sorry for the folks that work there my friends that work there no I don't I think there's other schools that if your depends on what you're if you're looking to be a sound designer then definitely yes say mister have you ever met Walt Disney if you're looking to go be an animator that no I don't recommend it I think there's other schools that would probably suit you better and that's not a reflection on my friends that work there I just think the the curriculum is not as good as it could be but I think I think I think there's a lot of schools that I wouldn't recommend nowadays I really I'm starting to believe that you know learning rate off the internet is one of the better ways to go as far as just because everything has gotten so expensive I truly am believing now that you know getting your education online is probably the smarter way to go because nobody nobody in the animation industry cares if you have a degree or not now what a degree will get you is if you if you learn better with other people around you then yeah that's that's gonna be that's good you know to go out and do that but if you're one that's self driven and yeah you might not need to get that you know spend that $200,000 in college that's all I got to say about that Aaron a dozen was your favorite funniest moment in a Disney movie favorite funniest moment funny favorite favorite funniest moment I don't know and I know it god there's so many good ones well there's none of them that in my mind that I can think of that I just like not your belly laughs you know just knock yourself down belly laughing I know one one of my favorites is from Princess and the Frog when when ray helps out the Gator with the with the one sticker pulls it out like thanks man how about the other side just shows the whole his but follow me just here I go Oh cue me to death the house of snow bear coming along it's coming it's kidding no more further along than it was last time you asked me that I put together the teaser a couple of months ago but I haven't been able to get back to it since then so it'll happen I'm just I'm wrapped up with other things what's the best advice you can give to someone older who is making a career change into the art field don't self no self doubt just do it dude you've got the you've got the advantage of maturity on your side so utilize it definitely do you guys like madam minima from sort of the Stone I love madam and she's actually when I think one of the fit my favorite characters I think she's one of the funniest was she the one that had that like transformation battle with yes gotcha that whole transformation battle is hilarious yeah kind of like the curly forgave them that's another good one someone says mine is Timon and Pumba hula drag dance yeah that's good that's a good that's a good her as we used to say back at Disney can you say the memories from when you worked on Steven Bob Willy no notice how I choose my voice to the other so they all tell me tell me okay don't try me wise when you worked on Steamboat Willie oh humanity oh the humanity I was not there back then is there a particular way you set up your lighting on your drawing desk or for your drawing desk yes I keep it very simple I just make sure that my lighting is off to the right because I'm left-handed so I want all the shadows to be cast in that direction so I can see what I'm drawing see if I cast if my lighting is cast over here like so and I try to draw the shadows are in the way so always I always make sure that the lighting is being cast from the right side so that it doesn't get in the way and I use both warm and cool light fluorescent and incandescent I love this sort of the stone but I also love the animated Robin Hood do you remember that one the one with the Fox yeah that was actually the first Disney film I ever saw in the theater came out in 1973 I was five years old I went with my grandfather [Music] there is you're just seeing it you will sit the perfect Dustin [Music] I'm just gonna take your taxi I'm the sheriff of this town what's the name of that sheriff character the sheriff of not again wasn't it yeah thought he had an actual name yes Sheriff of Nottingham YouTube's question hyoeun what are your thoughts on UB Iwerks designer of Oswald the rabbit Mickey Mouse are there are any of his animation techniques still use to be honest with you I can't remember if he was pretty rubber-hose II in his approach if you look at cuphead yeah they lose his techniques and cuphead so do you Ronnie have an idea of what you guys are going to draw or is it still open request we're not sure what we're gonna do yet we're gonna we're actually we're getting together for lunch tomorrow to discuss that very subject what are we gonna do what do you guys want us to do if you guys are going to tune in on Thursday what would you want Ronnie and I to talk about draw do maybe we just talk who knows what do you want tell me let me know talk to me baby come on will he ever do the Bancroft brothers podcast again I was there second one there second second one on their podcast I don't know but they asked me Napoleon Lafayette in the Aristocats whole scenes are just hilarious remember I can't I can't remember those the they were the two dollars around the windmill I was like one of them was like all right let's go no hold on there I'm the leader I'll say when we say where we go all right here we go George I think one was a bloodhound or what was a bloodhound the other was uh was a little wiener dog yeah well the scottie in in Lady and the is pretty damn good pretty funny those kind of the the tiny little gobby well the little dark-haired while you're here guy all right yeah with the Scottish accent I completely forgot that he had a stylish boys needs an end and ending up down tell Ronnie I said hi says Gaby I will are you gonna be around on Thursday Gaby because you can tell them yourself in the zoo Vienna there's a female orangutan guy that did some paintings ah you need to see those I did some drawing at the San Diego Zoo of the orangutangs and they came right up to the window and watched me draw it was very very cool and the same with the bonobos I did some drawing of the bonobos and they came up and really he actually knocked on the window to tell me to show them remember that Dustin I was when we were with proko let me have been dumb ain't been this first time I was with proko oh we were at the yeah yeah at the zoo yeah the bering team's name was Karen that's right I already watched the that video that pro/con that made when we all went to the zoo see I'm just getting a few of the vines in it was a basset hound and a bloodhound so they were both howl it's just different types what was the best one can he bring his portfolio Thursday right he doesn't keep a portfolio I mean bring some paintings we don't always we don't all keep portfolios consider one of the dragons from Game of Thrones what drawing one of them I think uh no I have but that'd be kind of fun you draw crocodile or a dragon someone else answers yeah this for a Thursday I believe so okay we're bringing Ronnie in I mean you guys can ask questions of right it could be like a talk show kind of thing we do a jelly roll white pen and for some reason it feels like it's running out of ink and isn't working well what size is it if it's point five or smaller it's too small you have to get point eight or one that's the problem you're having there we go my little Ranga king so now I had some other markers over there can you look in the drawer I don't want to make them go too dark so I'm gonna get the point [Music] [Music] oh mylanta oh mylanta yeah that's it better that's a better value right there Oh three I'm just going to throw a little value down on them here different draw marine wildlife like sharks and stuff yes are are those copies markers I think it meant to say okay yes these are Copic markers these of I'm using right now even though they look like they're dark or just when they dry just a little bit darker than the paper that's interesting requests for Thursday or suggestions it'll be interesting to each have the same assignment and work separately then compared the result like both do a giraffe on stilts and see how you treat them differently well that's interesting but you're half on stilts I don't think the draft needs to be any taller well then I think that's the joy I guess that's the joke I can just see a drawing of a giraffe on stilts but its neck goes off the frame ready now your drawing sea slugs the colors are so wonderful nope never drawn the sea oh I take that back I've drawn I have drawn sea slugs Mike came out with sea slug character for a movie that was taking place underwater his name is gherkin well I guess he was a sea cucumber so close enough that he was going the sea cucumber looking for the character design lasting it's gonna be great great it will be great we gonna have a ball so I'm just gonna finish this up with this marker you guys have any last questions to ask movie vertigo is that called help I'm a fish was it called what help I'm a fish help on a fish help I'm a fish No Oh help I'm a fish no there was a movie that wasn't released it was called shrimpy the whale and Gabi was the one that mentioned about the seasonal I said no no Aaron sea slugs and cucumbers are different you're hurting me I know they're different I'm just saying that's as close as I came because I ended up doing a cucumber but not a slug the person was complained before about the jelly bean not working says my gelly roll pen is an o8 medium oh really and it's still not working that's strange it may be that it might be in the texture on the paper it might be because I use a know a medium as well in mine that's they work fine for me it's when I get into the O fives that they're too small or see what I can get for this one [Music] so you can see that this value of Copic is just a little bit darker than the paper so I like that it's it's not too dark what is a jelly roll someone's asking well it's either a food or it's a pin both are delicious a roll made out of jelly good the gelly roll pens are the that's the white pen that I use it's this - tooth jellyroll really roll pin made and mold the Montero question could you talk about line weight in more detail that's a good question what I'm doing drawings like this I use my heaviest line weight for shadow areas and then my lightest line weight for a lot of my hatch work and and lighter areas for where I'm drawing form but in the shadow areas I try to get the heaviest line work now line weight now the pen I'm using the line weight doesn't vary so it's the amount of line that I'm using but if I'm using a pencil I could use a heavier line weight so now what I can do is I can jump over to my number 4 just hit a couple of darker areas here oh that mark you're using is that a warm gray one or three or is it a cold gray one or three this is a cool gray number three and now I'm using a cool gray number four for some of these shadow areas looking over like hey how you doing what's that the arrayanes just hate ya the way his eyes are is like me how you know how you doing what's up don't mind me I'm just hanging out there we go it's a nice shadow areas back here nice and easy regular neo oh they're just not asking I'm just gonna do a little touch of white on his eyes it's a little highlight and they'd bought questions given all she's got captain well you can't ask for any more than that they came yet that's about all I'm going to do for the white I'm just a touch on this face maybe a little bit on this there's a new wave easing the EA Sports staff are for you air red blaze he does a thing there we go maybe a little bit on the slippery here I just necessary shot some nice pictures thank you yeah took some photos of some airplanes last week and over the weekend had a fun little get-together here at dad's place at the rock the pool got some cool shots there any love might uh be this huh showed off like tubby this yes you did and uh and they're all on my facebook I'm planning on adding adding the photos to my Instagram I just don't know how to group them insert in a certain little grouping you okay yeah trying to find the right words and when I can't find the right word fast enough I just get to a stay out stay on me words I just all my brain just Falls up few little leaves here and there and like I add details after you put in your signature yeah I just decided that I needed some leaves it needed to be done you just couldn't leave it alone and what do you try to capture in a photo colored color expression detail scale light and shadow yes all of that not so much expression maybe a little bit of expression but I like to add my own oh it was meant for me oh excuse me I didn't have to finish it Hatcher another capturing a photo that's what it was that's for well when I'm taking but I take for reference photos as well those are all the things I'm looking for it's all is all that stuff yeah now I try to do the same thing though recently I've been trying to look more into composition I feel I've gotten the color and lighting down quite a bit but still that composition of trying to find that right angle you know that right angle that right timing still trying to figure that that part out but and when it comes to other stuff like I'm looking more into color in detail it lights in the occasional shadow especially everything you said I mean Edwards says foliage is my kryptonite all right we're done I'm finished he done yeah it was my little ringin tank I done so he was fun I enjoyed this guy he's a lot of fun so anyway that's it for today you guys we're gonna see you back here on Thursday why didn't I highlight the first someone who's asking me well the fur is dark and it's not it doesn't have a sheen to it and so if I start highlighting it especially with the the values that I have in there it's gonna look like it's wet and I don't want to be wet so it doesn't mean a highlight I focused on the shadows more than anything and and so that's how he sits in his environment so that's why I didn't highlight it but um you can switch over to this camera Dustin so so that was it thanks a lot you guys I really had a great time today and remember I've got the patreon page that I've just put together and any donation really helps us and you'll get rewards for the $1 donation you get four images a month for the $5 you're gonna get four images that are full Photoshop files and for the $10 donation you're gonna get a live stream once a month as well so we're really really happy with that and I've got thousands of images that we're gonna be sharing so just get in there and check it out and like I said any little bit helps and and we like to give back to you guys as well so that's slash aaron blaze art and then also remember September 28th this is really big September 28th and it's only open to the first 300 people we've got our character design course live you can be there live learning character design with me online we're going to be I'm gonna be there to answer questions I'm going to be demonstrating I'm going to be going over everything that's in my character design course and then putting it to use we're gonna design a character right there on the spot and six hours of teaching and and I think you guys will really dig it and it's at a really affordable price too so go over to creature art teacher and check that out as well and then the other thing too is we've got our back-to-school sale that is happening and so if you are interested or even thinking about getting a membership with us and you're a student or a teacher then come on over now is your time because you can get 50% off of memberships and streaming and then lastly remember September 6 7th and 8th we are going to be a lightbox Expo in Pasadena California it's going to be awesome if you want to see check more on its lightbox Expo com I think it is or I can't remember now but sorry about that but um it's gonna be a blast we're gonna be there selling original work I'm going to be doing lectures we're going to be selling prints I'm going to be there in person we can talk we can meet we can shake hands we can have a great time and so that's September 6th 7th and 8th in Pasadena California we're gonna be there and we're gonna have a ball so I hope you guys had a great time today I had a blast got two more drawings done so there's do you want to go into the pile so thanks a lot you guys take what you learned today and go out and make something beautiful put some beauty back into the world be nice to somebody make someone's life better and with that I'm gonna hand it over to Dustin all right I think guys so much for watching glad you guys enjoyed this dream how'd you guys draw your future streets as well and we will see you guys this Thursday along with Ronnie Wilford if things go according to plan so until then everybody Cowboy Bebop see it guys
Channel: The Art of Aaron Blaise
Views: 15,386
Rating: 4.9795222 out of 5
Keywords: The Arts, Animation, Art, Illustration
Id: 2bnE7EF8ALc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 58sec (7978 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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