Live Sabbath Worship | August 28, 2021

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[Music] good morning good morning good afternoon good evening wherever you're watching us from welcome to this wonderful sabbath morning that the lord has granted us today we are very happy to have you join us here in nairobi central sda church in this evangelism sabbath before us we have a team of foresters ready to lead us with a few items of music as we usher in this wonderful sabbath day and before we begin i'd like each of them to introduce themselves i'll start with myself my name is kennedy movie welcome to this place i do the lead happy sabbath my name is joseph welcome to the sabbath happy sabbath my name is bradley chang feel at god's fate happy sabbath not to forget our pianists sister mabel please play something amen amen so before we begin i'd like uh brother timothy to lead us in a word of prayer we're praying we invite your presence eternal father to be with us in the service of the day bless us all young and old alike it's our prayer in jesus name amen amen we're going to start off with him 382 all day of rest and gladness in our sda hymnals 382 [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] land [Music] a day of sea tree a day to raise a fair share two things above new graces ever gaining from we these the rest remaining in my shoulders amen amen that was wonderful we're going now to turn to uh n z k nimbo zakristo a song is buana named chunga wanna name chunga crystal [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] up [Music] i [Music] [Music] see [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] amen thank you [Music] good morning and happy sabbath good morning and happy sabbath like to welcome you in a very special way this sabbath day of the 28th of august we we're so glad that you were able to join us this morning it's a beautiful day in nairobi kenya it's been very it's been very cold but we're really happy that the lord has brought sunshine and and it's a very beautiful day so welcome to this lesson discussion for those who are new here or for those who have not been with us we usually study the lesson uh and we we divide our lessons in quarterly um in in a quarterly manner and this lesson study or about this lesson this quarter has been talking about rest and rest in the lord and every single week we have been going through a series of lessons about how it is we how it is the lord gives us rest and what is true rest in christ and this week we will be looking at the topic of rhythms of rest but before we delve into the lesson discussion i'd like to invite my panelists so to my right is sister flora ocot laura would you please say hi to the congregation happy sabbath so glad to be here and on to my left is jemima one day a happy sabbath happy to be part of this panel before we start i will request sister flora to begin with a word of prayer let us humble ourselves and pray heavenly father we thank you we thank you for the gift of sabbath and the rest that comes with it a gift of fellowship with you and with one another father we thank you for this study of this week how i pray that your holy spirit may cover us as we contemplate your word this morning that we may not be here as only but do as of your word tabernacle with us we pray in jesus name amen amen so the topic for this week has um is rhythms of rest and it's a very for those who studied their lessons you will agree with me that's a very powerful lesson and a very just a very beautiful dress lesson and as i introduce it i remember i was thinking about rhythms and rhythms of rest and what what rhythm means in in our lives and i was in high school and i studied music as a topic and i remember when we were in school we were told that there are three major elements of music which is melody harmony and rhythm everything basic basically is just the number of beats in our music it's it was supposed to number one make music what it is and just bring some some predictability to to the patterns of music and so i also decided to look at rhythms in nature and i realized that god god created the earth in such a way that he needs patterns and cycles in our lives you know from the very basic enzymatic activities the cellular processes in our bodies to biological processes um in nature and even in biological cycles in our life you know we sleep at particular times we wake up at particular times and so when you study rhythms in nature and rhythms of life you realize that rhythms are predictable or the rhythms that god set in our lives are not only predictable they are orderly and they are they're basically succulents they were supposed to help us um have a pattern of how to do things and as christians and as you look at into the lesson this week we are looking at the creation and how god created the earth now we believe as adventists that god created the earth in seven literal days and so from day one god created something up until day six now the christian story is very beautiful because on day seven as god was filling the earth in in the first six days with plants and animals and heavenly bodies on the seventh day he decides to take a break and god takes a break not because he was tired or or or you know he wasn't tired but then instead of feeling that day with things god filled the seventh day with himself and so god takes this expanse of 24 hours from evening to the other evening and he fills it with himself and see he sanctifies it and he makes it holy and the intention was that human beings may enjoy this particular seventh day in communion with him it was a day that he wanted he gave to human beings as a gift to them but all too often we forget and that's the thing that's the danger of rhythms and that's the danger of routines you can get so involved and so absorbed in the routine that you forget the object of that particular sabbath and i think that's the effect that's going through this lesson had on me because you can get so used to you know you're a born adventist and you know that each and every single sabbath you're supposed to be going to church on sabbath and sometimes you forget why it is that you go to church on sabbath and this lesson was very powerful because it reminded me the why why why we pose as adventists on friday evening and why the entire world should pose and remember and think back to god as being the god of our creator now the sabbath commandment it is a commandment and it's in the in the in the ten commandments and god said remember because he knew that human beings would be so it was so easy for us to be involved or to just get lost in the business and the tasks of life and forget why it is the sabbath was to be a blessing to human beings and so i welcome each and every one of us this particular sabbath day to pose and to remember the why in the sabbath and i really hope that as as we go through the lesson we will remember we will remember that god is our creator and we'll just look at at why this day should be beautiful and and why um it should not be at the expense it should not be celebrated or or or at the expense of the other six days yeah and so i will welcome i will welcome flora to take us into sunday even as we walk this journey about figuring figuring out why god is god and this blessing of sabbath that he gave to each and every human being thank you so much esther it's a familiar portion of the bible genesis chapter one but i invite you to enjoy the excitement of really seeing god in action in creating this space called earth that we inhabit in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth that is genesis 1 1 and it's a statement of fact as lawyers we are familiar with issues of fact it's you can't argue with it the world has tried to argue with it but the word of god is saying in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and we saw through the week one day after the other verse verse 3 verse 5 of genesis 1 says so god called the light day and the darkness night so the evening and the morning were the first day that's the first reading we are seeing that god is creating light to govern what he called day and evening where there is some light but sufficient darkness for all of us to be able to sleep so the rhythms that we see throughout genesis one are just awesome so in short we saw light and evening being the first day in the second day eight and god called the permanent heaven and so the evening and the morning were the second day and so forth and so on but one thing that was remarkable in our study this week is the emphasis that after everything god created he stood back the creator of excellence stood back and said it was good it was good so we see a picture from genesis chapter 1 verse 1 to 31 of a perfect created universe for you and i to inhabit emphasis being literal six days of creation and those things that were created and i loved this that god formed the basic framework of time you know time is intangible we count it but you can't hold it and say now i have time it's intangible but god creates day and night and calls it one day and from that beginning we have time counting to date so he formed the basic framework of time and geography where do we find geography the waters that god created and he separated the land from the sea and then in those spaces heaven earth sea land he puts things there for the benefit of humanity what do we see i'm reminded of james chapter 1 verse 17. if you allow me i'll go quickly to it and it says every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the father of light with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning what are we seeing here the same perfection that we are hearing in genesis chapter 1 in the new testament is repeated through the book of james that our heavenly father creator of heaven and earth is indeed the father of all lights and all good gifts that he has given us the lawns that we manicure and we are so proud to stand back and say wow they have such a beautiful home that's a gift from god the environment where the birds are chirping in your ear every early morning that's a gift from god so what was the purpose of all this when we see genesis 1 26 and 27 something changes god is not just speaking and creativity is coming up god is becoming very close and personal he goes down he molds man and breeds his breath of life in him what are we seeing in this god that we are discussing this morning we are seeing an intimate god who is close to us in a previous lesson we heard about an immanent god that in all our business as esther was painting we are so busy during the week but god is present is present in the bird that is chirping it's a reminder that there is one who is ruling over the entire universe so what does this mean to us in the same genesis chapter 2 verse 7 21-25 we saw that god is also interested in relationships apart from relationship between him and us god is interested in human relations that's why adam and eve are created and eve is created in such a beautiful manner that he puts adam to sleep and then operates upon him takes a rib out of him and create eve and lo and behold when eve is brought to adam adam goes out in song and says bone of my bone flesh of my flesh how i pray children of god that wherever you are that beautiful perfection that god intended for us to enjoy from the garden of eden continues to be prominent in our homes because we can see that was his intention the the lesson is saying marriage was part of god's design for humanity a sacred trust of partnership between ish and isha man and woman emphasis a sacred trust of partnership i was interested this morning reminded of a clip in bbc where astronauts were confirming that when they went to the moon the first moon landing in 1968 they came back and declared indeed there's a god and they read from genesis chapter 1 we as them should continually be singing praises to our god for his creativity in our lives happy sabbath the viewers at home happy sabbath happy and i pray it is not just another rhythm in our lives where we respond happy sabbath this week we are getting to learn what is so happy about the sabbath and i want you to take a moment and just think today we are celebrating the seventh day the sabbath rest what is it that you are celebrating for this sabbath are you just here because there is a command to rest are you just here because you are born seventh day and you have known seventh day as a day of rest why are you here and at the end of um the session today we will go through and see what is your personal reason for rest and we will see what are the general reasons why we should rest when you look at the creation story and esther and flora have alluded to this that six days god created and the first five days it was spoken and things came to be on the sixth day he used his hands and molded man and woman but there's a special creation on the seventh day otherwise we would not be having the seventh day rhythm the seventh day was also a day of creation but this is a creation of rest and we are all called to rest was god tired when he decided to rest no in isaiah 40 28 we are told that god is cannot grow wary or tired so by the time he created on the six six days he wasn't resting because he was tired adam and eve were created on the sixth day and so adam and eve never retired but god called a day of rest and this day was blessed and sanctified if we read genesis 2 3 which is the memory text it says then god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it he rested from all his work which god had created and made so one we realized that it is god who created created the sabbath so the sabbath is a sabbath of the lord and the reason he created the sabbath is that we may get rest from our work he did get rest but he made this day special and he sanctified it if rest existed before sin there wasn't sin when god created on the seventh day but god called people to rest how much more today with sin in our world sin that has caused people to get angry dysfunctions in our families as we have seen in the previous lessons we work 24 hours and we physically are tired and so the command to rest is a command to rest both from our physical work which god reminds us is important and also to be able to fellowship look at your typical monday through to friday be meeting friends here and there you may be interact with people here and there but you're rushing from one job to another you're busy moving you're busy working you're busy doing things and so even the personal relationships that we should enjoy we are not enjoying when you come to exodus 20 from 8. exodus 20 is talking about the 10 commandments it is interesting that the sabbath commandment is included not because it is beginning from exodus the sabbath commandment began in genesis when god created genesis one tells us in the beginning god and when it got to the seventh day the seventh day of creation he rested and that was the first introduction of sabbath so sabbath is not being introduced in exodus in exodus 20 we are actually being reminded of what we already knew that there is need to have rest so the children of israel having been captives are now being reminded that your forefathers abraham adam noah all had the sabbath rest but when you moved into captivity in egypt things happened and you became slaves many times slaves don't have say and so sabbath was lost in your sight you began working to be able to meet your employer's demands but now god is reminding the children of israel in exodus 28 to 11 which is the longest commandment in the bible that remember the sabbath day don't forget it it is my day i set it apart it is a holy day please remember it that means that they had forgotten today we are being reminded as christians it's interesting that when it gets to friday we are happy that we are going to rest but what rest this is the day most people travel up country this is the day most people go shopping after all i am free but god is telling us remember when i created this seventh day it wasn't any other day it was a day that i set apart and sanctified that you may be able to get dressed that you may be able to commune with me and this is why i asked you why are you saying happy sabbath today why are you celebrating this rest today what is in it somebody i think the police headquarters asked a question how do we link um the sabbath was made for man and not man for sabbath with the sabbath creation take a moment and think if somebody made a dress for you and gave it to you will you wear the dress or the dress will wear you you will wear the dress cover your nakedness and look nice into it that dress was made for you not you for dress when you look at the sabbath why is sabbath made for man it is made for man so that man can have fellowship man can enjoy man can be fulfilled with one another but also with god and also looking at the creation that god has for us so call for sabbath is called for us to be able to enjoy to be able to feast and have love for one another and the section i just covered was prelude to rest man and all creation is put in place and then god gives them this beautiful gift called savage to enjoy everything he has filled in that space and sabha is actually made for man to rest amen amen those are very wonderful analogies and we really help us to go into the next section which is new circumstances now we've talked about exodus chapter 20 but i will take us back four chapters to exodus chapter 16. now the children of israel are you know they were delivered by moses from and by god from egypt and they're in the wilderness and they have you know they have children and they have gotten children and perhaps many not perhaps definitely some of them have forgotten the commandments of god and they get to a point where they don't have food and so god god provides for them man and it's a very common story but i will just take us through the story of the story of the israelites and god providing them with manna now what did god tell them god told them that i am going to provide this food for you and each and every single day they were supposed to go out and only take enough for them and their household now god was very very particular he only wanted them to to pick to pick up that bread that was only going to be enough and for the human being or for the individual who who hoarded and who took more than their share because of one reason or the other in the morning what happened to that bread it actually was unfit for use and it had worms and it had gone bad so god looks at these people and he's wondering you you guys can just follow simple instructions about collecting food and then on sabbath just to show us how blessed and how sanctified sabbath is and how sabbath was actually made for man and not man for the sabbath god tells the children of israel because my day is a hallowed day and it's a sanctified day what will you do on friday he allowed them to take a double potion for their households and for themselves and instead of going bad on the sabbath this bread actually had maintained its sweetness and maintained its purity and its freshness such that on sabbath that bed that bread that they had taken on friday was still fit for years and and it's a beautiful study because there are some people who still went ahead on sabbath to go collect food even after god telling them i have given you friday to collect as much i mean twice as much food as you may need but on sabbath nobody should go out there and get food for anybody but still people went out and god looked at these people and he asks them how long how long will you refuse to keep my commandments and my laws now just bringing that story to our to our to our you know our context today i i tend to believe and i'm sure that that it was the fear of scarcity because sometimes we are so busy and we are so scared that there's not enough time and there's not enough resources and that what god is telling me he doesn't know what he's saying when god tells you that six days i have given you to labor and to do all your work you you look at god and you wonder but there is this one day where i can actually go and do my viasara my business i can go and read and do well and you're telling me to just hold off and rest now we often fear that there won't be enough time we often fear that there won't be enough time to get everything done if we make a day off to rest and i remember just going back to my school days during exam times there's always that panic when you know you have exams on monday weekends are your days where you where you go full force you know and you cram as much as you need to come and you just you do all you polish up on those areas that you need to polish up and of course everyone else will be going to study on on sabbath but you as an adventist what will you do you'll block up you'll block off a whole 24 hours just to go to chapel and it used to be it used to be it never used to be easy because you we were always tempted to to go and read but you i think my testimony all through i've not lived too long but i think my testimony all all through you know my short life is that god has been faithful and i i never lacked i never looked incompetent and i never performed was because i went to church on sabbath but you see human beings don't have the gift of foresight we can only see things and appreciate them in hindsight so in that particular time in that moment we were very scared and we were very unsure of ourselves and we sometimes we even complained sometimes we murmured like the israelites and we complained and we asked god and we had this fear of scarcity this fear of of of of that you know we are going to fail but god was telling you to be faithful and to just block off that 24 hours just to worship him and the blessings would be immense now uh the bible in if you read exodus chapter 16 verse 29 i will just read it out the moses moses tells them and and the lord said unto moses see for that the lord hath given you the sabbath therefore he giveth you on the sixth day the bread of two days abidie every man in his place let no man go out of his place on the seventh day just to show us that the lord had given the israelites the sabbath and he had blessed the israelites with the sabbath day and so sometimes we keep sabbath and sometimes we observe sabbath very grudgingly you know you you wake up in the morning and you you'd rather go to work or you'd rather sleep at home but god wants us to change that mentality and to just remember that god has given you the sabbath he is blessing you with a sabbath that you may find rest in him that you may find a joy in in just being a christian and worshiping him and just being glad that you are able to you're able to see this day this day today and so for each and every single week for all those 40 years that the israelites spent in the wilderness the israelites were impressed with the sacredness of the sabbath and through the pouring out of mana god god hoped that the israelites would get the point he hoped that each and every single sabbath when they'd collect a double potion and it not going bad he hoped that the israelites would remember and would get the point that the sabbath was made for them and that the lord was their creator that the lord was their miraculous provider he hoped that the israelites would remember of you know that god was there was their lover and he was very tender you know gave them tender love and tender care but the israelites just like we are wherever we forget we easily forget and sometimes we just completely miss the point and and that's why i really found this this this lesson to be to be a very powerful lesson because it reminded me also that the sabbath was not instituted also like when the law was given at sinai because remember we are at exodus chapter 16 and the israelites have not gotten to um to mount sinai where god actually writes the commandments on the table of stone and also if you read in exodus chapter 16 verse 29 when the lord is is his wrath with the with the children of israel and asked them how long will you refuse to keep my commandments there was a commandment that was there even before the israelites got to mount sinai just to to remind us that god god gave sabbath as a as a gift and as a commandment to the whole world and it wasn't just for a particular kind of people it was given to our parents adam and eve and his intention was that it would be remembered all through the ages now i'll finish my section by just reminding us that god has given us six days to do our own work and to carry out the usual businesses of life but he claims only one day in which he set apart and sanctified he gives it to us that we may rest from labor and devote ourselves to worship and to the improvement of our spiritual condition it is a flagrant outrage to steal one sanctified day and appropriate it to our own selfish desires and that's what the israelites did in selfishness and in fear of scarcity they decided to hoard more than the lord had had told them to and they decided to distrust the word of god but god calls us to trust in him and to do our faithful work in the six days and he promises to bless you and he promises to give you rest on this particular sabbath day that you may commune with him and commune with nature and commune with your fellow the fellow you know loved ones that he has put around you and so i pray that we may remember and we may not miss the point because each and every single sabbath god asks us to remember and he impresses upon us with these glimpses of his of his sustenance and his provision and his unfailing love and i really just hope that he may have mercy upon us that we may remember and we may not miss the point the way the israelites missed the point all too often thank you you know when you look at the commandments and this one particular commandment of sabbath rest and how right from genesis 1 it is ripped over and over and over again genesis one you have it in exodus you have it in deuteronomy keep the sabbath day remember to keep the sabbath day but then that was then in the bible if you look at um lesson quarters in the last couple of months it is a theme that keeps recurring and for this quarter we even have two weeks where we are talking about the sabbath god seized every opportunity to remind the children of israel including with mana still of what the sabbath rest should be and that's why he allowed them to pick manna on the sixth day for two days so that on the seventh day it was a day of fellowship it was a day where they would sit in their families and just talk with one another build each other but also look at god's creation and relate with him we are reminded that sabbath is not just a vacuum it is not just another day it is a special day that has a purpose the purpose one is to celebrate god the creator that is our purpose number one looking from the beginning when god created and on the sabbath day he rested because it was sabbath rest so we are celebrating sabbath one because it's god the creator but there are other reasons why we are celebrating sabbath if you look at deuteronomy as you look at exodus 20 the ten commandments are introduced but when you look at deuteronomy uh five the ten commandments are repeated but specifically when you look at 12 to 15 we are told that observe the sabbath at the sabbath day and keep it holy it is now not remember the sabbath day and keep it holy we are now told to observe is it changing no it is not changing in exodus remember the children of israel were in captivity and they already forgot the sabbath and so they were told to remember when they are moving into deuteronomy they now remember the sabbath day because god has walked them through this journey now they need to observe the sabbath day but there's another reason why they need now to remember to keep the sabbath day holy and we move on to 15 it says remember that you were slaves in egypt and that the lord your god brought you out of there with and with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm it is now not just celebrating the creator the children of israel are now called to remember where they were they were in slavery in egypt and they were bound to the service to the egyptian but now god has delivered them this is a new generation and they may forget not the sabbath but they may forget that god actually delivered them and so moses is telling them remember that god delivered you the second reason why we celebrate sabbath is that god is our deliverer he is our redeemer he redeemed them from slavery today we are in our own egypt we live in sin we are bound we are slaves to sin but we are called to remember that jesus christ paid for it and we are supposed to be free and we need to consider ourselves free the second reason why we need the sabbath rest is to remember that we have a redeemer we have been redeemed from sin and we are no longer slaves to sin reason for worship happy sabbath happy day take a moment and continue to think we have been given two reasons one is god is a creator number two he is our redeemer esther has just told us that he is our provider going into sabah do you think about the beauty the goodness of the lord throughout the week so that you have a particular reason why you are coming to church i was thinking through this yesterday that if you take families for granted you think and see your children running around the house and them spare a particular sabbath of fellowship where you just want to thank god for the family that he has given you you have worked today amidst corona where people are really suffering you take a particular sabbath just to worship god and to be grateful to him that he has allowed you to rest from your duties when people are struggling to even get one we have more reasons as christians to come and celebrate our sabbath we just don't celebrate sabbath because it is a command yes the bible tells us to be obedient to the ten com to mother where we are told not we are told not to other gods the same commandment that tells us to observe the sub the other reason is because jesus tells us that if you love me you will keep my commandment are we keeping the commandment even if it is just for the reason that we love christ he created us he's provided for us he sustains us and this is a reason to be able to celebrate the sabbath what is it that makes you enjoy the sabbath what is it that makes you live everything else to come and spend a whole day with god unless we are able to zero in to that particular thing then sabbath is a routine like it is for everybody else we have four categories of people we have a category of people who know the sabbath and keep the sabbath as is and sister flora will be taking us through that we have a category of people who know the sabbath understand how we need to keep this i tell the lord god allow me to keep it the way i want we have a third category we have a third category of people who say i know god created me but i really don't care these are the non-believers i know god created me but i really don't care we are all called to appreciate the fact that he created us and for whatever reason we need to just celebrate the beauty of his creation and the love that he has extended to us so sabbath is not just another day it is a sanctified day it is a holy day that we relate with each other that we commune with each other that we also commune with nature today our teams are out for nature sabbah one way of celebrating sabbath is to be out there and just see the beauty of creation also to have a personal relationship with god who has been with you throughout the week who has supported you throughout the week who has provided for you throughout the week thank you so much and i pray that we have a personal attachment to the sabbath worship amen um thank you so much for your comments i just wanted to highlight a few comments that have been um that have been shared and clifford antony uh says but god's rest days are always on the seventh day of the week remember our labor days taking the day off to relax and pay tribute to those who fought for bearable and safer working conditions and he also adds but says but we forget god's rest days not posing to honor his great accomplishments of creation and continued sustenance remember the sabbath day to keep it holy is a commandment and not a suggestion i just thought that was quite powerful that it's a commandment that god actually tells us that we are supposed to observe this day and to keep it holy thank you so much esther um i was also struck by a question that irene norena asked the reason given for sabbath is different in deuteronomy 5 than it is in exodus 20 does this diminish the significance of sabbath or broaden it irene thank you so much for digging deeper clearly we are twice god's exodus 20 is reminding us that he created us deuteronomy 5 is creating the newly liberated slaves that they are hazed by redemption that is the reminder that comes to all humanity depicted in the exodus from slavery in egypt equals ex exodus from slavery of sin how i pray that we shall really on a weekly basis as we enjoy the rest that comes with sabbath that we may also rest in the knowledge that redemption is ours through christ that cross that old rugged cross bought us redemption so irene it expands and broadens and makes it richer just as we will see even isaiah 55 which i'm about to go to is also making it just richer and richer the word of god is lying upon line precept upon line none diminishes it builds and strengthens so going quickly to keeping the sabbath we buy cars and we take them for maintenance why because we want to keep them in good order we live in houses we sleep them every day we clean them every day i hope because we want to maintain it in good order i think humanity and life teaches us that that which is not kept deteriorates the sabbath remains constant from creation to eternity it's amazing and the question that we've been asking now that we have been commanded to remember the sabbath and keep it how how do we keep the sabbath the lesson writer was suggesting that we haven't been told in the bible the specifics of exactly how to keep it i had someone arguing with that over the week that no in the very commandment we are told how six days later seventh day holy unto the lord don't labor that is the how how do we keep it how don't labor don't make anyone labor even a stranger who comes into your compound allow them to rest and this rest is so important to god that right from genesis 1 he creates evening and the birds go and rest and the cows go and rest everybody is resting of course there are night animals that go and eat and look for food but there is rest created in the very rhythm of life so the how is to do your work and god is not suggesting it's a commandment you know we we try and and and and rationalize like it's it's not very clear it is insofar as labor is concerned that which you do day one to six for a living for bread because it was again pronounced in the garden of eden that we will work and eat from our sweat that which you do from day one to six and i'm now talking to the entire world that is listening to us adventists and non-adventists this is not legalism god is commanding us to rest and i got interested just as i was going through genesis 1. so so what is this about light that was so important that god brought it god gives us light during the day under sunshine which gives us vitamin d vitamin d will help in the absorption of calcium now in the night in the night there's a way he gives us rhythms even in our sleep that there are sections of sleep some deeper than others so when you decide to go away from god's commandment and not rest on a daily basis and not rest on the sabbath you're interrupting god's original design for you to enjoy life going back to how do we keep the sabbath by obeying god by obeying god not just on the server obeying god from day one and day two and day three and day four and day five because if you do that you continue to be restful remember we were seeing a restlessness that comes with sin and we saw dysfunctional families that come with disobedience and favoritism and going away from the rhythms of love peace and unity that god has created for us so how take time off for the sabbath how do you take time off by preparing from day one tomorrow for the seventh server we know because we grew up most of us some of you became adventists in the course of your young life or other life but in most of us our homes you prepared your server clothes in advance today people think it is legalism no it is obedience to god's commandment as the spirit of god will lead you it's not shopping on friday 6 30 in the evening because that shopping you have the labor for day one to six evening morning day one we have that how are we keeping the server it's not legalism it is a commandment which is intended for our good sleep enough in the night work for the night is coming literally during the week how do we keep the sabbath the legalism by some have made the sabbath look burdensome to others where there is so much do's and don'ts that we have created i'm told in certain parts of the world you cannot even press the lift because that is work the word of god confirms when christ was here that the jews had made it so difficult and bad and some but when christ was with them he reminded them if your donkey falls you will rescue your donkey we use that as an excuse to do things that we ought to have done during the labor days and we now do it on the rest day saying oh my donkey has fallen how are we keeping the sabbath we are preparing in advance we are also celebrating the joy of creation on sabbath that's a how to keep the sabbath so when sabbah school started and and and the mama is saying happy server it's a reminder there's so much to celebrate you have oxygen in your lungs in the period of covet you don't have a tank walking around with you that is something to celebrate so that is another how of how to keep the sabbath there's a celebratory mood in it and it's not just floral court saying isaiah 58 verse 13 is saying if you turn away your food from the sabbath as in don't take your food to things that you're not supposed to do on sabbah from doing your pleasure on my holy day and call the sabbath a delight that is a pleasurable beat that finally you have a day full you can rest you call the sabbath a delight the holy day of the lord honorable and you shall honor him are not doing your ways not finding your own pleasure nor speaking your own words god is interested in how you think on sabbath god is interested in how you speak on sabbath remember we are asking ourselves so how do we keep it is there direction from god himself himself on how we should keep the sabbath holy we are reminding ourselves brothers and sisters including flora that god was intentional in the creation they want they too and then he poses makes man after that he says rest and gives him the sabbath the same intention we are seeing in god in genesis 1 should be evident in our daily lives from sunday through to friday leviticus 19 13 is bringing a very very interesting aspect of how to keep the sabbath holy i won't read it it's about nurturing relationships with god and with man in church how many have left the church because it was cold because they came in for months and months and there was no smile no handshake no question of how was your week we are called to remember the sabbath to keep it holy by creating good and warm fellowship among us and creating good and warm fellowship with god but most importantly not to forget in those homes that we come from leviticus 19 3 was reminding us that that relationship is important to god whether you're a child or a parent that relationship at home from day one is reflecting remember the sacred trust that we touched on that sacred trust should reflect on how we keep the sabbath may god help us all as we continue to reflect on this wonderful gift god has given us amen amen thank you so much sister flora as we begin to wind wind up i am seeing very interesting questions in the on the platform and i wouldn't want us to finish without attempting to to answer some of them and i would also just encourage those who can answer to also help us answer on the platform yeah i will throw two questions to my panelists we shall attempt to to respond so the first question is by steve aguirre and steve thank you so much for your question and steve asks that we are told that servants in our homes i'll throw this to mr jemima because you you touched on this so we are told that servants in our homes should also rest now in our churches i see our watchmen working stroke mining our churchgates is that not working yeah so how do we relate with um those of us who who help us around when we're when we're in church and then to sister flora because you also touched on this i will ask you a question from the police headquarters and the police headquarters is asking what are some of the scientific principles which concur improve the creational story as depicted in genesis so what are just those things we see around us that can tell us for a fact that jesus or god created the the world in in seven days so and again those in the congregation who can help us answer also just go to the platform and help us answer for sister jeremiah thank you when god created the world in genesis 1 the world was perfect we did not need to have security guards out in our gates we did not need to have um people watching over us but when sin entered the world we live in fear all the time we are anxious of attacks in nairobi all the time and these we are reminded that god is also a god of order and so yes it is not right live in a fallen one we live in a world when sorry about the disruption we live in a fallen world a world that is now full of sin um you could be seated even right here in church but you're still anxious about anything around you everything around you getting lost so when we find that we have people keeping our gate we just are reminded in the world that we live in it is a fallen world we still ask god to be able to grant us wisdom on how to handle this and leave it unto him but remember that at creation it was a perfect world everybody needed the rest today everybody still need the rest but it is a falling world and it is not a perfect world anymore thank you police headquarters i had seen your question even before esther picked it and i was wondering so what is the answer to this and i was hoping someone would put the answer in the platform so let me attempt i don't know the answer but the seasons of life are scientific we read about them in geography we were taught about the seasons of life no matter which part of the universe you come from that is a constant it's a rhythm principle is that which does not change and the universality of seasons to me is indicative of the reality of god's creation that we see in that rhythm that he is creating right from day one in fact one of my favorite songs song 100 vastu says summer and winter springtime and harvest sun moon and stars in their courses above join with all nature nature is what the scientists call science all nature in manifold witness to thy great faithfulness love and mercy manifesting day one but one of the things that for me is so stuck we have had a tsunami where the oceans really just breached their boundaries and went to where god had said you cannot go this far there's a verse in jeremiah i can't remember which one that says it is god who tells the ocean you can only come this far and no more since creation the oceans have remained we have created some some lakes but the ocean has remained the ocean they may go there and they go back right to the boundary that small pebbles called sand have created for this huge mass of water that kills when you're in it little pebbles of sand so that is science for you police headquarters i may not be so scientific to explain it but we see it thank you the nature and what god has created pretty much declares the wonders of creation and there are things we do that are necessary for us to actually worship you know so we'll have people who help us the deacons you know we'll move chairs here just to facilitate worship of god and i think some of those things that are necessary to do then we do them and there's a blessing in having you know in serving and and and helping us worship on sabbath we thank you so much for for for your participation this morning and at this point in time i really hope that this sabbath just as we have looked at into the lesson how the sabbath is at the night i really pray and hope that you will find delight in the lord this day that you will go home and you will thank god and glorify him and you will actually say that you have been with god today so thank you so much and may the lord bless you and i will ask i will ask us to bow down forward of prayer let's pray our kind and our loving father in heaven we thank you we glorify you we thank you for the sabbath day that you created that you sanctified that you set apart that you may be able to have communion with you and i pray dear lord that as we go ahead and as we go along that you may be continually reminded dear lord of your blessing a lot of your of you as our creator you as our deliverer you as our provider and you as a sustainer i pray a lot that you may keep us in perfect tune in tune with you oh lord and that you may give us a wonderful day thank you for the lesson discussion that we have had i prayed a lot that you may be glorified and that you may be lifted up not only now but forever more fortunate i do pray and believe amen thank you thank you so much analysts for such a lively and interactive session the question to you and to me is what does the sabbath mean for us what does the sabbath mean for you and i invite you to join us in song but before we do that i'd like to reintroduce the team for those who may be joining us just now my name is kennedy movie mighty welcome to the sabbath my name is bradley ching happy sabbath and on case we have our sister mabel so you're going to start off with song number 262 in an sda hymnals sweet sweet spirits [Music] there's a sweet sweet spirit in this place [Music] the spirit of the lord [Music] [Applause] and i know they feel the presence of the lord is [Music] [Music] um we know prevented when we shall leave this [Music] [Music] good morning church good morning church and happy sabbath good morning viewers from wherever you are yeah we want to welcome you and take this opportunity this morning to go through our announcement and listen to what the church has for us for this day and before that i just want us to bow our head for our word of prayer our kind and loving father in heaven this morning we recognize your rulership and your lordship of our lives and that is why before we open our mouths and before we do anything we invite the presence to be with us so this morning as we pose to listen to the guidelines we invite the president to be with us and may thy holy name be praised is my humble prayer in jesus name amen thank you we have several announcements and i would want you to be attentive and listen to the announcements announcement number one mass wedding and family life together is weak the church intends to join in holy matrimony through mass weddings all those church members wishing to formalize their marriage get married or remarry those separated due to death of partner at the end of family togetherness week scheduled for 5th to 11th september 2021 there will be a change on the date for the mass weddings and a new date will be communicated next sabbath and eligible members are hereby requested to contact the password for registration [Music] and for further enquiries send email to family life at the next one is about baptismal class this baptismal and post-baptismal class which is going on in this church both virtually and in person here behind the the the church this morning one which starts from 8 00 to 9 00 a.m every sabbath the baptismal class are facilitated by elder robert arunga and the number is given which is zero seven two two seven eight nine one six and elder benson attend zero 707 34 4154 and brother abura kadyani zero seven three three six while the post-baptismal class are facilitated by elder mesa cordera his number is zero seven two two eight four nine one nine one under dialysis ember his number is zero seven two zero two three five four seven nine is being assisted by brother brian cajun ajuang and his telephone number zero seven two eight nine one two eight five two those who are desiring to attend these classes are welcomed to get in touch through the above contact contacts there's church membership registry audit which is going on and it is almost complete and members are hereby requested to check and verify their names the names are pinned outside there at the entrance you can check and see whether your name is appearing on the members who are available or on the list of members who are absent then all members are hereby requested to confirm their names either from the notice board or visit the church website via the links provided below if wrongly listed or absent then please get in touch and clarify with the church clock immediately through the charge clock cell phone the charge clock cell phone number is zero seven two six two four six zero four i'll repeat two zero seven two six twenty four sixty four zero four that is the charge collect number and also you can also use the nairobi central sda dot or dot ke for members i think these contacts are even pinned outside there and you can also see them on our website number three is the wedding band the wedding ceremony which was to be held between brother eric commander swetie of nairobi central sda church and sister jacqueline bossie boris sonia of sda church creator nakuru on 29th august 2021 at nairobi central sda has now been postponed brother eric has lost his brother and so they will not be able to proceed with the wedding ceremony a new date will be announced we have concerns death has occurred of belinda natici or camera on 19th august 2021 she was daughter to teresa mora and the late charles machera sister to ben or camera heather gordon and india paris there will be a funeral service at nairobi central sda church on first september 2021 from 2 3 from 12 30 pm while burial will be held on 3rd september 2021 at yangena in kisi contributions to help defray medical expenses can be channeled to pay bill number 400 221 account you put your name death has also occurred of samwell okore ho ching on 21st august 2021 he was husband to bertha ching father to ruby vivian juni tersi and jahavi jahawi there will be a memorial service on 2nd september 2021 at nairobi central church from 2 pm barrier will take place on 3rd september 2021 at corner barrie de caggiado county death has occurred also of daniel nyakiri machache he was sent to the late joseph magetto muchache and angela narangi muchache family and friends are meeting at their house in jambo estate nairobi burial will take place on 30th august 2021 at their gata farm in nakuru death has occurred also of mama jane simenga on 20th august 2021 she was mother to ruth in bayer and mother-in-law to christopher embarra a virtual prayer service come fundraising will be held on monday 30th august 2021 at 7 pm burial will take place on 3rd september 2021 at ivarkale village caca mega county for updates on funeral and burial arrangements please contact sister ruth in bayer on zero seven two two two eight six two two seven or brother chris empire on 7 2 2 72 6 4 2 3 we we as a church convey our heartfelt condolences to the brave families and let us remember the families in prayer and visitation thank you and may god bless you as you proceed and enjoy the services of today welcome back to this scene session we're going to open our sda hymnal song number seven four like the river glorious before in our sda hymnals [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] shade of care [Music] trusting in jehovah us are fully blessed finding as the promised perfect peace [Applause] [Music] every testing comes from god above even to his children we may trust him [Music] find him holy truth [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] going to steal you know sda hymnals sda207 it may be at moon [Music] he's baby [Music] breaking [Music] oh [Music] lord jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] me [Music] [Applause] glory when jesus receives his soul o lord jesus [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] no sickness [Music] we the lord [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] we turn to 561 still in our sda hymnals 561 we plow the fields [Music] [Music] love [Music] [Music] the breezes and the sunshine [Music] [Music] he only is [Applause] [Music] the evening [Applause] [Music] much more to us is he gives a daily praise [Music] [Music] for all his love [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we turn to song number 12 joyful joyful we adore thee still in sda hymnals [Music] joyful joyful we are told of glory [Music] [Music] was [Music] day [Music] stars and angels seek [Music] being made of [Music] called us to rejoice [Music] ocean death christ our brother all who [Music] how live love each other [Music] let us now turn to animbo the crystal nzk mahali missouri [Music] m [Music] [Music] heart [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you [Music] m [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see [Music] we now turn to sda hymnals hymn number five zero six almighty fortress [Music] almighty fortress is [Music] [Music] of is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] us [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] with [Music] we will not be forgotten [Music] scream [Music] is [Music] [Applause] almighty [Music] almighty forces [Applause] almighty for jesus [Music] the lord was [Music] [Music] [Music] interesting [Music] the body they may [Music] is [Music] thank you so much thank you so much music team for that wonderful singing as i was sitting down there and listening to you i was wondering if singing can be this nice here i wonder how it will be in heaven we give honor and glory to to god for that good morning church members happy sabbath i want to take this opportunity to welcome you to this service after a long week we praise god for keeping you safe and bringing you here this sabbath morning i also know that amongst us we are visitors we just want to welcome you to worship with us i also would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge our online viewers i know we cannot see you but you can see us but we feel you we feel your presence through the messages that we see online and we just want to say thank you very much for being with us every other suburb and we glorify god for you are joining us welcome to this service remember the service is being aired through our nairobi central church sd platforms it's also being aired on our national television channel kbc it's there on youtube and facebook platforms so you can join us is any of those platforms now serving you today are our prayer session is going to be led by elder luca mayo uh the scripture reading will be done by sister miley center quarry and the summon will be given to us by our dear pastor pastor david odimbo caribou pastor and at the sign language desk we have sister joyce cumbacha who is based at kbc studio and then we have sister clemencia nyaboke who is at church with us we also want to wish to recognize the presence of children who have been great ministers to us every sabbath and i also take this opportunity to to acknowledge the choristers our pianist sister mabel omalo we thank you for being with us always and my name is eric jiaoko one of the servants of this church so welcome to this sabbath and god bless you good morning church yeah it's time for prayer and i'm going to ask all of you to kneel down if possible so that we can be able to seek the lord in prayer our kind and loving father in heaven is yet another moment that you have given us the opportunity to come into this house that is called by your name to give you glory and honor because you are worthy to be given glory and honor and worship at such a time like this in this place a place that is dedicated for you and for your holy services father we want to invite their presence to be to be here at this moment that as we worship thee we may be able to worship thee in spirit and in truth and may the holy spirit guide all the services that are going to happen here this day we want to thank you lord for your grace and we want to thank you for your love and we want to thank you for the fellowship of the holy spirit that this morning oh my father as thy people assembled in this house that is called by your name you have called us to come at a time when challenges are so many in this world but you have asked us to come and praise your name and give you glory and honor i remember in the book of genesis you have asked us whether is there anything too hard for you and in the book of james you have also asked whether is any one of us afflicted and this morning my dear lord of glory i believe and trust that many of us are afflicted in so many ways we are going through thick and thin but we thank you for the hope of thy second coming we thank you for your son jesus christ who died for our sins and we thank you that we can again call upon this holy name the mighty name of jesus a name that has never been called in vain and at any moment that this name has been mentioned things have changed those who have called this name when they are sick father you have relieved them men and women who have called this name when they are breathing further you have comforted them and this morning i want to commit people who are believing this morning wherever they are but lord my god you may blame comfort into their heart those who are looking for jobs that father in heaven you may open ways of help those who are challenged in various ways that father you may be able to touch them as we pose to listen to your servant pastor david udyambo he has prepared to present a message but father in heaven i want to pray that thy holy spirit may touch him may give him something to share with us that father in heaven we may be encouraged and be well prepared for your second coming we have gone far away from you but father we are waiting we have come this morning with our empty cups but we are looking at you oh lord that you may fill them by the power of the holy spirit that our hearts may be full and father we may be ready for thy second coming thank you for everything may everything go well according to your will and may the power of the holy spirit visit each and every one of us and father in heaven may you o lord convict us that our coming here may not be a waste of time but that when you are coming again with us by thy kingdom you may be among those whom we have redeemed thank you because i prayed all these things in jesus name amen [Music] good morning once more it is that special moment when we come to our god with our titan offerings and before we do that i'll just read of us malachi chapter 3 verse 10 is a verse that is well known to us and it says bring all the tides into the storehouse that there may be food in my house and try me now in this say the lord of hosts if i will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessings that there will not be room enough to receive it may god bless the reading as you are giving offerings we will will do the online payments through our mpesa um sure they're being beamed on the screen now so you can look on those details and let us pray as we prepare to give to our lord let us pray dear father in heaven glory and honor be to you o god we thank you father we recognize you for being our creator and for being a redeemer god lord it is that moment that we come to you to return our tithes and offerings so i pray this morning father in heaven that even as we give may you bless this offerings father so that he may go a long way in extending your gospel so that you are returned maybe soon almighty god bless those who will give and even those who do not have father in heaven bless them so that they may have another chance to give we pray this believing and trusting in your name jesus christ amen um [Music] happy sabbath children and welcome to another sabbath day a day that the lord sanctified and set aside and commanded man that on six days you'll be engaged in other activities but on this special day you will take a rest and worship god to this morning this about morning we are having a panel from primary b uh who will be doing a presentation for us today and with me on my right i have rafael mamba and on the immediate right i have edgar otieno ah and the only lady in the house today is thank you and shine for jesus uh before we pray before we start off can miriam give us a lot of prayer please let's have a word of prayer oh lord thank you for the gift of sabbath thank you for the gift of life and salvation and thank you for bringing us to church guide us and forgive us our sins help us to be good boys and girls in jesus name we pray amen thank you and shine for jesus and edgar can you remind us what is our memory of us for today our memory verse for today is romans 10 verses 17 and it says so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god shine for jesus and we've been looking at uh pulse missionary uh janice uh raphael where was paul last sabbath last sabbath paul was in ephesus but there was a riot because demetrius felt that paul was reigning his idol making business but luckily the city club controlled the people ah thank you yes through the working of the holy spirit the city clock intervened and controlled the people and so the riot was controlled um marion what are we learning today today today i our memory our story is acts chapter 20 verse 1 to 12. yes it's on acts chapter 20 verses 1 and to 12th and we are looking at the journeys of paul paul coming from ephesus he's going to massadonia and where did paul go after that well paul went to greece and stayed there for three good months ah paul went there to greece and stay for three months paul is a missionary so he's traveling from place to place presenting the word of god teaching people now paul ain't intended to go to syria from greece and but he learned that there was a plot against him so he detoured went back to macedonia and went to pdp on his way to cross and with paul were seven disciples who were assisting and helping him and who knows who they are can you tell us if yes yes timothy etika center of umass uh-huh that was three yes edgar aristasia and secundus i shine for jesus and sopata sopata the son the son of pirates from berea and gaia's from devil ah great raphael and signed for jesus all of you our children for remembering the seven disciples of who were assisting paul so paul went on and went to drawers who remembers how long he stayed in troyes yes he stayed there for seven days yes he stayed there for seven days teaching and encouraging them then on the first day of the week paul and his disciples came together to break bread and the next day he was to move on travel as he was a missionary always traveling always on the road and preaching and so on this day he was preaching and teaching them and encouraging them um who remembers up to what time how long was the was did the preaching go on yes he preached until midnight ah he preached until midnight and so um raphael i'm not sure if you remember anything about the midnight prayer that we have someone they do yes i remember there was a young man his name was yutikas he was seated by the windowsill he started dozing off as paul preached ah so he was dozing off at paul preached um yeah i think there was more there was something even more dramatic than that yes [Music] as paul kept talking you take us sank him to a deepest league and he fell down from the window and and died ah wow that was sad take uticas fell down from the wind away was sitting and and died so paul rushed down to where utica was i wonder what happened did paul cry yes edgar what happened yes paul cried when when they went downstairs for paul fell on him and took and put his arms around him after he put his hands around him what he said paul put his hands around uh uticas embraced him and what what what did paul say yes paul said do not worry yes for his life he's still in him yes paul said he's alive and through being being filled by the holy spirit and trusting in god paul declared uticas alive ah so i think that must have been so sad i think they just parked up and said no we've had enough today let's go home is that what happened no what happened they went bus they went back to third third floor and had their holy communion ah they went back to third floor and continued on paul uh together with them had holy communion and i think that what do you think rafael after that they just said you know what you've had enough even fell down yes not quite they paul continued preaching until early morning it was a whole night of worshiping of preaching and worshipping god ah whole night of preaching god that guy you want to make a comment yes yes tell me tell us i wanted to say the same thing that rafal was saying go ahead tell us again when when polka one broke when thank you and shine for jesus so they paul went on preaching and after the holy communion paul preached and he preached till morning and on the morning it was time for him to move on but the people were really comforted and they were encouraged and so uticas was taken home and was taken home alive in the morning what a great day what a mighty god that we that we serve right what a mighty god that we serve and mariam you seem to be having a comment what do you want to tell us i have i have landed that we we should we that god heals ah you've learned that god heals uh-huh edgar did you have a lesson from this yes yes tell us how we should have faith with god in god we shall believe in god and that god is the three in one that means that god is the father the son and the holy spirit ah shine for jesus raphael do you have any take home um from this yes i do i learned that we should trust in god just like paul trusted in god to bring uticas back to life ah shine for jesus yes i've also learned some lessons one of them is that we can also be missionaries like paul that we can be able to take the word of god to different parts of the world to different people even if you're starting um small by talking to our neighbors about god but i also learned something uh from utica you know um we i told that our attention span in primary is about what 30 minutes only we can increase it we can get involved we can do notes isn't it what else can we do yes we can draw what the person's teaching yes we can write what the pastor is teaching about and also we can write a verse that the pastor is going to be preaching yes so we serve almighty god that's what we've learned as well so my god is so big so strong and so mighty there's nothing my god cannot do for me my god is so big so strong and so mighty there's nothing my god cannot do for you um raphael can you give us a heart of prayer let's put our heads for out of prayer god thank you for the sabbath thanks for allowing us to tell about paul's work for you forgive our sins and help us to be like paul in jesus name we pray and believe amen thank you uh children and uh that's all for today sabbath primary b has been presenting for part of paul's missionary journeys and we learned from acts acts 18 acts 19 and acts 20 just in part of paul's mission of journeys and for now till next sabbath bye happy sabbath our scripture reading is going to come from the book of daniel daniel chapter 4 verses 34 to 37 daniel chapter 4 verses 34 to 37 and i'll read and at the end of the time i nebuchadnezzar lifted my eyes to heaven and my understanding returned to me and i blessed the most high and praised and honored him who lives forever for his dominion is an everlasting dominion and his kingdom is from generations to generation all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing he does according to his will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth no one can restrain his hand or say to him what have you done at the same time my reason returned to him and for the glory of my kingdom my honor and splendor returned to me my counselors and noble resorted to me i was restored to my kingdom and excellent majesty was added to me now i the nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honor the king of heaven of all whose works are truth and his ways justice and those who walk in pride he is able to put down may the lord bless his word happy sabbath happy day happy sabbath i wish to acknowledge the congregation we have here happy sabbath and happy day thank you thank you we keep having the blessings of the sabbath and we are even joined by another congregation yet in kabc we welcome you dear viewers join us even as we continue in the music and we're going to start with s a hymnal 303 beneath the cross of jesus turn to your books wherever you are in your house just turn with us to the opening song beneath the cross of jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] the [Music] upon the course of jesus [Music] [Music] and [Music] my [Music] grace [Music] my sinful [Music] my sinful [Music] shame [Music] my glory all [Music] amen amen praise the lord our god is good and all the time this is a blessed sabbath for all of us who are in the church and to our viewers at home through kbc and in other platforms of the media we want to welcome you again to our worship this morning believing that the lord has been faithful to you throughout the week indeed it's the best thing that we can experience in life having a moment with the lord allowing all other things to cease to draw our attention and set our minds on the lord god our creator today i want to welcome you to a very special teaching and message from the book of daniel yesterday i was having my hair cut and the baba the lady who was in the barber shop was asking me about the book of daniel he had me share with somebody regarding issues of faith and he said well the bible is very difficult especially the book of daniel and it was like providence that when i was just preparing to speak on the book of daniel somebody was just interested in knowing more about the book of daniel i don't know whether she could be hearing me or he could be hearing me at this moment but i want to believe that anyone wherever you are the book of daniel has continued to be one of those stumbling books in the bible but today in a very brief moment we'll have a glimpse onto the revelations that god has given us in the book of daniel i know that we're living in very special times we're living in times when we can tell who truly is of god a few years ago i remember i was traveling from nairobi going back to nakuru and uh in a different means of transport as we call them back here we know they are matatus and i remember that a friend of mine was traveling in another matatu happened to be in a matatu that was hijacked when he narrated the story he said that the men who are seated behind in the matatu prior to the hijacking were all giving testimony about the goodness of god and he was surprised that just in a split of seconds man who are giving a testimony about god who is good changed and became the robbers in the matatu they had a testimony but they seemed not to have surrendered their lives to the god whom they had acknowledged kenya our nation we are living an interesting nation where nearly everyone seems to bear witness about god you will hear people in the social media all saying god bless you praise the lord you will walk and hear the politicians in their stands everyone standing up and praising god even when their eyes are bloodshot showing that they have just been on wine all through but all of them saying praise the lord it is out of these that i began to ask myself then when or how will we know that who are truly of the lord it's no surprise that jesus will say in matthew 7 verse 21 23 that not everybody who calls me lord lord is truly of me that's the reason today i want to entitle my message when god is not the lord when god is not the lord probably this would be much easier reading it in its original where we understand in the book in the old testament that god's name had different translations or different manner in which he was addressed the jew reverend the lord and therefore fear to call him by name but we receive from them the title adonai which is lord but we also know that in any instance of where the lord is referred to as a covenant god is called elohim and therefore sometimes this name elohim is not only for god who is a creator but is the name that all gods assume so that's why this morning we want to try and consider this topic when god is not the lord because many people could have gods but they are not the lord adonai the lord our redeemer i want to welcome you together to read the book of daniel and we'll be considering chapter four in that context of when god is not the lord heavenly father we truly adore you we truly exalt you we truly acknowledge that you reign in heaven and in earth we acknowledge that the mountains and the valleys are all held in your hands as you open your word father i want to pray for special blessings upon us grant your spirit to be above all our teacher as we read your word in jesus name i pray amen the book of daniel chapter 4 and i want to read a few verses just before we open them up the book of daniel chapter 4 allow me to read just a few verses just to bring us into the story chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 1 and i'll allow myself to go down into verse 18 now chapter 1 chapter 4 i'm reading from the english standard version which happens to uh place verse 1 to 3 in chapter 4 but there are certain versions that you'll find that that section is put in chapter 3 for all right purposes of the manuscripts that were utilized let's read from my english standard version and in that sense i'm taking verse one to three in chapter four king nebuchadnezzar to all people nations and languages that dwell in all the earth peace be multiplied to you it seemed good to me to show the signs and wonders that the most high god has done for me how great are his signs and how mighty he is wanders his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and his dominion endures from generation to generation i nebuchadnezzar was in at ease in my house and perspiring in my palace i saw a dream that made me afraid as i lay in the bed and fancies and the visions of my head alarmed me so i made a decree that all men of babylon should be brought before me that they might make known to me the interpretation of the dream then the magicians enchanters and caldeans and astrologers came in and i told them the dream but they could not make known to me it's interpretation at last daniel came in before me and he who was damned the baltus belt shaza after the name of my god and in whom the spirit of the holy gods i told him the dream saying oh beltishes the chief of the magicians because i know that the spirit of the holy god is in you and that no mystery is too difficult for you tell me the visions of my dream that i saw and their interpretation the vision of my head as i lay in my bed were these i saw and behold a tree in the midst of the earth and its height was great the tree grew and became strong and its top touched the heavens and it was visible to the end of the wild earth its leaves were beautiful and fruit abandoned and it was of food for all the beasts of the field found shelled under it and the birds of the heavens lived in its branches and all the flesh was fed from it i saw in the dream of my head as i lay in bed and behold a water a holy one came down from heaven he proclaimed the loud and saved us chopped down the tree and lope off its branches and strip off its leaves and scatter its fruit let the beast of the let the beast flee under it and the bads from its branches but let the stamp of its roots in the earth bound with the bound of iron and bronze amid all the tender grass of the field let him be wet and the dew of the heaven let his portion be with the beasts in the grass of the earth let his mind be changed from a man and let the beast of them let the beasts let a beast's mind be given to him and let seven periods of time pass over the sentence is by the decree of the sentence is by the decree of the watcher the decision by the word of the holy ones and to the end that the leaving may know that the most high rules the kingdom of man and gives it to whom he wills and sets over it the lowest of man that the living may know that the lord rules the kingdom of man that seems to be what encapsulates the message of the whole chapter the big question as we begin is who controls who indeed is in charge of your life and my life you know there is one way alone that i believe all skeptics all people who doubt god especially in the times we're living in when it appears that we are serving a weak and unloving and an insensitive god i want to believe that there is only one way we are able to testify about the lordship of our god in heaven that is when we are able to let him reign in our lives to let him control our lives paula said in acts 17 26 that every nation of men that dwells upon the earth of upon the earth god has determined our times and god has even determined the boundaries where we are supposed to live the theme of this chapter is the call for each one of us to recognize that the god of heaven is the one who rules all the affairs of men this is a call for recognition of the supremacy of god in the lives of his people as you look at chapter four the key texts that our sister nelson read so well draws our attention to the confession of a man who previously had refused to submit to the reign of god that is nebuchadnezzar chapter four comes to the climax of nebuchadnezzar's life we understand nebuchadnezzar in the book of daniel as a very prominent character the bible tells us of nebuchadnezzar that god in his grace and mercy allowed him to be his seven one man who was surprised about nebuchadnezzar becoming god's servant he's habakkuk when habakkuk looked around him and saw all the evil that had surrounded him he wondered why god was not doing anything god told him i'm raising up a man my servant he calls him nebuchadnezzar a wicked man god calls him a servant because he becomes an instrument in god's hands so in chapter four we are coming at the end of the life of nebuchadnezzar at least up to this point we will not hear about nebuchadnezzar anymore up to this point we come to see a life that god touches but up to this point we see a man who had been oriented in the wisdom of paganism a man who knew no god a man who god came to frequently or repeatedly trying to lure him to him we see god's pursuing love in this man and therefore we look at the main thrust where nebuchadnezzar begins to acknowledge that god is not only god but he's also the lord in different sections of this chapter if you are with your bible you could quickly browse with me you will see the theme being expressed that god is overall and he is lord meaning he reigns over all things in verse 17 to 18 the bible tells us the sentence is by the decree of the water the decision by the word of the holy ones to the end that the living may know that the most high rules the kingdom of man and gives it to whom he wills and sets it over the lowest of man you could also read with me verse 22 again it is you o king who has grown and become strong your greatness has grown and reached the heavens and your dominion to the ends of the earth in verse 24 he says this is the interpretation these are words of daniel it's the decree of the most high which has come upon my lord the king there are different glimpse that shows us that the theme of chapter 4 is about the sovereignty of god that god rules all the affairs of man god has appointed you a time of living but also god has appointed your boundaries of of dwelling you are not around because you have desired you are around because god reigns over all our lives we want to begin by looking at how one could be with god but not allowing him to be the lord the first thing that we see in the first verses is a confession nebuchadnezzars confession look at verse one to five or verse one to four based on some versions we see a personal confession there is a first person pronoun that nebuchadnezzar used he says i nebuchadnezzar the king and to all the people it means that in the book of daniel the spirit of god allowed nebuchadnezzar's testimony to be included some people have wondered whether this shows that nebuchadnezzar was a prophet it wasn't necessarily that nebuchadnezzar was a prophet but the lord utilizes his testimony that he may teach us certain lessons especially in the end time you know children of god this reminds me how we all decide need to see the big context of the book of daniel the book of daniel is based on two aspects two one being history and two being prophecy in the historical part of the book of daniel chapter one to six we are able to see certain characters that the lord desires that those who are waiting for the ultimate time of the history of man we all need to cultivate those characters in chapter 2 we are able to see how god calls out his people to be prayerful we see in chapter 2 daniel engaging in prayer to receive god's revelation in chapter 3 we see god calling his people to have a spirit of fortitude a spirit of courage that we may withstand the wiles of the enemy the history of chapter three is one of courage fortitude being able to be faithful like the three young man even unto death now chapter four is what we're considering in a little while will continue to expound on it but just in the bordering chapter five we see that god again now calls on to his children that they may not allow themselves to have this vice of pride a young man whom the lord has given good things in the name of their child the bible tells us he has grown in all the goodness and favor of god to an extent that now he shows god contempt he takes the things that god has entrusted with him and begins to show god contempt is this not the spirit that is prevalent in our day today that god favors us god exalts us and the things god give us are the thing we use to show him contempt this is a vice that god desires that we may not we may excuse we may not allow to be part of us in this latter days of life and finally in chapter six we see again a man in the name of daniel him standing up praying to god to the accent that god denies the lions to consume him now that is a historical part and then we go to chapter 7 to 12 which begins the prophetic part and i want to tell you for many people like the gentleman i met in the saloon yesterday the book of daniel is just as easy as that god has one prophecy one message which he keeps repeating because he understands that we are not able to absolve it he gives you the same message in chapter 2 and then he repeats it in chapter 7 he expounds it in chapter 8 and 9 and chapter 10 he gives you the ability in the manner you can receive that revelation through prayer again in the life of daniel is shown to us in chapter 11 it gives you a historical account that helps you to see how those things have been fulfilled in history and then he sums it up in chapter 12. that is the book of daniel but now in chapter 4 children of god where again god is calling each one of us not to allow yourself to develop such a trait the bible tells us about the bankruptcy of a man called nebuchadnezzar nebuchadnezzar has a confession but is not converted somebody is listening to me he has a convention but not compassion the convention is as such the bible tells us that nebuchadnezzar in the three verses says how great are the signs of god how great are the wonders of god his kingdom is everlasting and endures from generation to generation is that familiar with any of us are we not all about that we acknowledge that god has done great things recently i was driving in an uber and the man again was telling of how god is indeed always seated in the drive in the passenger seat he wakes up and saturn not knowing where he will find his next meal but there god gives somebody a call to call him as a uberman and he has his next meal he acknowledges that god is a god of great signs great mighty works that's what nebuchadnezzar says god works supernatural manifestations he declares god's kingdom is everlasting to everlasting he says god does not change nebuchadnezzar had a confession it shouldn't surprise anyone today that people have confessions regarding god people around us may have great confessions of how god is great how god is doing wonders in my life it doesn't match a great i always say as jesus says the letter things of the world not occupy your minds for such is also of the children of the world because jesus understands that the things that the world give us are not the primary intention of our relationship with god god can act mightily as much as of our day-to-day many people want to believe that it's only as the lord comes through to us in the things that the world provide then we know that we have testimony with god nebuchadnezzar bears witness he has a confession jesus will say regarding this for what will it profit a man in mark chapter 8 verse 36 to 38 what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul or what will it gain a man what will a man give in exchange for his soul for whoever is ashamed of me my words is in this adulterous sinful generation to him the son of man will be ashamed when he comes in the glory of the father jesus says what will it benefit a man to have the whole world what will it benefit a man to testify that god has done great things but is not converted by the acts that god has done to him nebuchadnezzar testifies to us children of god that you can have a confession of the signs and wonders that god has done but you're not converted nebuchadnezzar also is telling us that it is possible to be successful in every way in human times to be successful and still a failure it's possible to have all but still lack everything it's possible because the bible tells us that in this moment nebuchadnezzar was sitting at ease in his palace but he was fearful nebuchadnezzar was a successful man in this instance but he was fearful he had all but lacked everything a man by modern status of symbol can be can be as nebuchadnezzar successful but the success would not protect him from fear nebuchadnezzar was fearful nebuchadnezzar was still burdened and that's why we want to say child of god true prosperity of the soul is not possible unless the lord jesus is in your heart because jesus is one who is more valuable than gold jesus is the one who is more precious than rupees as the bible tells us that's the reason why we look at nebuchadnezzar a man who seems to have it all in modern times but still fearful is it not true children of god that's the reason why we're coming this morning to say when god is not lord nebuchadnezzar had it all but still he did not allow the lord jesus to reign in his heart he didn't allow the lord to be king over him children of god i want to say that up to this point god has pursued nebuchadnezzar god has been on the heels of nebuchadnezzar just in chapter 2 we learn when nebuchadnezzar had the first dream and they couldn't even remember the dream by providence god brought daniel to tell him regarding his times and his boundaries but nebuchadnezzar still could not get it he could not respond to it in amazing way god is pursuing nebuchadnezzar speaking to him that he may be converted even in chapter 2 nebuchadnezzar had a confession he confessed about the greatness of god listen to the words of nebuchadnezzar daniel 2 verse 47 this is nebuchadnezzar a convention he had without conversion nebuchadnezzar says this the king daniel 2 47 the king answered and said daniel truly your god is god of gods lord of kings revealer of mysteries for you have been able to reveal this mystery nebuchadnezzar acknowledged that truly daniel's god is god that daniel's lord is lord that was a confession but my submission to us this morning is nebuchadnezzar is still yet not converted in chapter 3 again god gave nebuchadnezzar an opportunity god is pursuing nebuchadnezzar you know people of god this is the reason why if at all even today you could be wondering whether god is concerned of you you know david says in psalm chapter 8 that the god who made all things the one in whom mountains and valleys are held by his hands what is it that is so concerned about you man that he has even crowned you with so much horner it's because of his amazing love for us he pursues nebuchadnezzar in chapter three again he brings nebuchadnezzar into an experience that he witnessed this three young man in fire and one man coming together to be with them he gives nebuchadnezzar an opportunity to see that that he may bring him to himself as the lord god who reigns in the lives of men listen to the testimony again a confession of nebuchadnezzar daniel 3 28 and 29 daniel 3 28 and 29 daniel says this is what the word of god says nebuchadnezzar answered blessed be the god of shadrach meshach and abednego who has sent his angel and delivered the servants who trusted in him and set aside the king's command yielded up their bodies rather than serve and worship the god except their own god therefore i beg decree any people of nations or languages that speak anything against the god of shadrach meshach and abednego shall be torn limp from limp and their houses laid in rune for there is no other god there is no other god who is able to rescue in this way then the king promoted shadrach meshach and abednego in the province of babylon a confession a man acknowledging that the god of daniel the god of shadrach meshach and abednego is the only god but you know people of god the burden of the message today that even with all this confession this man had not allowed himself to be converted by all the amazing love and grace of god when i'm talking about conversion i know that this could be a very a very uh you know debatable thing of what it is all about compassion children of god this is what i want us to appreciate that conversion includes every moment of our encounter unique encounter with the god of heaven every moment of our unique encounter with the god of heaven in this encounter god seeks to transform our minds god seeks to transform our feelings god seeks to transform our habits at times children of god we get caught up in this instaneous conversion which could have happened years ago when you were baptized and you have assumed that that has all been what god demands of us but i am burdened to appreciate that your conversion is a continual work of god in your instances in your moments of life when he transforms your mind when he brings you into an experience that turns your mind and your feelings and your habits but unfortunately children of god we get so stuck in the past where god acted and in the ceremonies that we conducted as we responded in the acts of the past and we forget moments probably like nebuchadnezzar where god is calling us to a renewed moment where we are now finding him to be all in all the lord of our lives is it not true why we live in times when there seems to be a contradiction with people who have a confession is it not true children of god that we live in times when people have a confession but their lives are different is it not true and not surprising because in ii timothy chapter 3 one of the signs that paul tells us or tells timothy the times will come when man shall have a form of godliness but not the power of the word of god it is true so i want to fear that it could be possible that i would have a confession but i'm not converted nebuchadnezzar had a convention regarding the power of god about the wonders of god but he was not converted when god is not lord men and women have a confession but they are not converted children of god the second point that trails from chapter 5 from verse 5 sorry of daniel 4 we are not able to read it because of time but you could go back home and read the second point that i want to address of when a man has god and not the lordship of god is when a man has a profession but not the possession i'm not playing with words i mean what i'm saying when a man has a profession confession has to do with what you say profession has to do with how you live nebuchadnezzar we are told in chapter 5 in verse 5 to 27 that nebuchadnezzar had a dream and the bible tells us the dream disturbed and troubled him that he could not in any way be able to sleep we are told that nebuchadnezzar had never learned from chapter two that the magicians the chaldeans and the enchanters could not help with things of god nebuchadnezzar did not remember what the bible says in first corinthians chapter 2 verse 14 to 16 the natural man does not receive the things of the spirit of god for they are foolishness to him nor he know them because they are spiritually descent but he who is spiritual judges all things yet he himself is rightly judged by no one for who has known the mind of the lord that he may instruct him but we have the mind of christ nebuchadnezzar had not yet understood that the things of god are spiritually discerned he still runs to the magicians he still runs to the enchanters he still runs to caldeans to come and tell him regarding the dream that he has had the bible tells us from verse 8 through to 18 that nebuchadnezzar remembered daniel he had confidence in daniel in fact nebuchadnezzar testifies that the spirit of gods even though for nebuchadnezzar the god of daniel was among the many gods that he knew it doesn't mean that he had already surrendered at that point he says that daniel the spirit of the holy god dwells in you the king calls daniel and the bible tells us that daniel came the king narrated the dream this is how the king talked to daniel regarding the dream and daniel tell the bible tells us in verse 10 of daniel 4 the vision of my head as i lay were as i saw a tree so it was about a tree and he tells him regarding the tree listen to how he describes that the tree had a great height the tree was strong the tree was beautiful the tree was fruitful and the tree was a shelter for beasts and animals this is this is why i'm talking about profession because daniel will come in verse 22 and say it is you or king who has grown and became strong meaning if anyone would find nebuchadnezzar and look at his life the life of nebuchadnezzar the profession of nebuchadnezzar was acceptable if i would say so the babylonian kingdom of nebuchadnezzar was enormous in size in strength in prominence in beauty fruitful and all the nations of the world depended on babylon you know people of god the bible tells us that this is nebuchadnezzar and listen to the reason why god gave nebuchadnezzar that dream read with me in verse 17. the bible tells us that the sentence is by the decree of the watcher the decision by the word of the holy ones to the end of the living way that you may know that the most high rules the kingdom of man the purpose of this dream daniel will come and tell him nebuchadnezzar you are the tree now this was not strange this was not strange in the ancient days trees represented great man time will not allow us to go there but you could read ezekiel 17 22 where we find the great king symbolized as a tree we also find other references in isaiah 2 and verse 12 to 13 where again a tree is a symbol god will refer to the nation of israel in isaiah chapter 5 as his fig tree that he had planted when jesus is moving into jerusalem in his final stage of his time on earth the bible tells us that jesus again met a tree that was well green and beautiful but there was no fruit in it and the bible tells us jesus would cast the tree a symbol of the children of israel the tree was a symbol of man and in this sense we say the profession what was seen of nebuchadnezzar was strength was size in extent was prominence was beauty was fruitfulness but i'm suggesting this day that yet though he had everything he lacked everything he had a profession but he didn't have the position of what he professed the reason why i'm saying these children of god every good and perfect gift is from god the devil did not bestow nebuchadnezzar with all the size the strength the prominence it was god still but yet the profession he did not have the possession i don't know what i'm saying but the bible tells us in first samuel chapter 2 verse 7 to 8 regarding that it's god who grants all the things men have first samuel chapter 2 verse 7 it says the lord makes poor and makes rich he brings the law and lifts them up he raises the poor from the dust and lifts the beggar from the ash hip to set them among the princes and make them to inherit the throne of glory for the pillar of the earth are the lords and he has set the position upon all men it is god who makes man rich the problem is when he has made them rich they set themselves in the place of god as of nebuchadnezzar the bible tells us judgment comes god raises up man because he controls them he takes the beggar from the dust and sits him together with the princes every moment i read this text i praise the lord at times i want to refer to my own life knowing that the lord can raise men from places where they could never have imagined and make them sit with princes of the world because this is god who is the lord who controls the lives of man god can bring the rich from the top and make them to be beggars it's a testimony that we can see because he is the lord who controls the lives of man when daniel interprets the dream he tells the cardinals but this is for you but how i wish it was not for you daniel expresses the heart of god he doesn't tell them nebuchadnezzar this is what fits you right he said oh i wish this was for your enemies but he tells daniel in verse 27 that i wish you could repent that this may not come towards you people of god when god is not lord men have a confession without compassion but men may have a profession without a position nebuchadnezzar not only enjoyed the gifts of god but his life was a testimony of a god who lifts the poor and make them rich of a god who can also bring the rich to become poor for that's what we see in the life of nebuchadnezzar god will eventually take him out when judgment come the bible tells us that that the tree was cut down he was sent off into the forest and you can't imagine a man fisting on grass feasting on grass what can god not do when he pursues you long enough and you don't respond a friend of mine who is now led past on jico would tell me sometimes that you know it's rather you respond to god when he's calling you now for when he decides to come for you he may come for you broken he may come for you when he makes you limp he may decide things that will not be pleasure or pleasant to anyone it's rather you come when he seems to be begging because in his great love he may still come to you he may not make you like nebuchadnezzar to eat grass but surely enough he will make you come in a manner that will not be very pleasant children of god the question we want to ask ourselves what happened with nebuchadnezzar do we need also to avoid number one it was because nebuchadnezzar was indifferent remember the word indifferent to the revelation of god you know people of god it's not outright denial of god but is killing the people of god today it's indifference indifference is you don't deny it but you are also not committed to it you are there you are there for instance today we were talking about the sabbath of the lord people are not outrightly denying the sabbath but people the manner in which they profess to leave out the sabbath shows the spirit of indifference the better way to illustrate this is the spirit the message to laodicea we are not hot and we are not cold we are indifferent or men and women of god we do not deny things we live in a time today where probably you are listening and looking at me you are not bad after all when you look at yourself and people who go to church you're probably the same with them you are indifferent nebuchadnezzar had received revelation from god but he was indifferent he was not committed to the things of god number two nebuchadnezzar was indifferent also to the power of god god had shown him great signs and wonders but he was indifferent he didn't deny them but he didn't commit himself to them so he had a profession but he had no position he was also indifferent to the person of god he had seen god in the water who comes and cuts down the tree he had seen god in the individual in the flame of fire but he still was indifferent the problem we have as the bible the book of hebrews chapter 2 says how shall we be saved if we do not if we neglect hear the word the danger of people of god is neglect how shall we be saved if we neglect such a grand salvation that the lord has revealed to us indifference is the enemy of people of god it's not that they have denied god but they are not committed to the things of god they are indifferent they have a profession but they don't possess what they profess this is a problem where god is not lord problem that we see here with the nebuchadnezzar children of god is the problem of pride in fact this is a spirit of the antichrist second thessalonians chapter 2 verse 1 to 12. we go and read the bible tells us that the antichrist sets himself in the house of god i know that we have identified the antichrist with an institution and we have identified the antichrist in the latter days with an individual who will be the epitome of all that is against god but the spirit of the antichrist is still demonstrated in the lives of many of those who confess and yet are not converted or many who have a profession and yet have no possession of the things of god the spirit of antichrist is evident even a man of many who profess god's goodness and that's why children of god the judgment of god comes upon nebuchadnezzar i want to bring this to an end by making this appeal looking at the verses that are read out to us today verse 34 although 37 nebuchadnezzar praises god nebuchadnezzar gives a personal testimony now the king begins to exalt god and he begins to acknowledge that truly he is god who reigns over all things this is what nebuchadnezzar is calling us to to also he spends more time now from verse 34 he spends more time exalting the lord listen to what he says and in the end of the days i nebuchadnezzar lifted up my eyes meaning after god had sent him for judgment to eat grass the stump of the tree that was left a testimony of god's grace god restores him to the throne and now when god restores him to the throne he begins to praise the lord now god is not only god but now god is becoming lord he acknowledges that he's the one who reigns over all things children of god my calling for you this morning is this as nebuchadnezzar we need an experience as his we are not referring to god taking us to eat grass but we need to come to a place where god fills our heart where god becomes the lord of all things not only the things out of us but the things of our life where our lips confess what our life experiences where our life professes what we truly possess in everyday life nebuchadnezzar finally sees the glory of god and i believe that this man actually will be in heaven one day when the lord grants us to be with them he gives a testimony of a conversion of a man who not only has a profession but has a possession of the things of god what will he take you today what do you want god to do in your life so that you may not only have a conversation but you may also have an experience of conversion a changed mindset a changed manner of living what will god have to do for you and me how will he have to to demonstrate his power what will it take for him to occupy fully your heart that you may say he is lord and god just like timothy thomas will say you are my god and my lord children of god let's remember that in this story of nebuchadnezzar we see a god who never tires to pursue us he will pursue you to bring you to the place where you will acknowledge him as god and lord in the story of nebuchadnezzar we see a patient god who the bible tells us even after telling them i'm judging you it took 12 months before the judgment came upon him what will it take you children of god for god to bring you down from the pedestal of pride that you may allow yourself to be let me tell you pride is not only with the people outside there there is a refined pride among us who believe a pride that sometimes is not seen but god will indeed break it at its opponent at the opportunity he will break the pride like he broke it with nebuchadnezzar my calling for us this day for my viewers who at home god is a jealous god he shares not space with anyone it's either you have him or you don't have him god does not seek any political mileage that he will be happy when you have a confession about him if you are not converted god is not political in any sense where he only entires you to give a profession god wants you to be a fire that has hit and god wants you to be a flower that is smelling nice not anything else and all this is possible when he occupies our heads let me pray with you as we hear from the singers our final music hoping that you will allow the lord in the name of jesus christ to sit upon the throne of your hat father in heaven thank you so much for your pursuing love thank you for your patience and above all thank you because you alone are the one who raises the poor and make them rich and are able also to bring the rich to the dust bless the people that you've granted to hear this message that it will not be found of them where the voice of pride reigns in their lives let you alone or god of heaven who holds the heavens and out sit in the heart of all men in jesus name we pray amen thank you so much pastor for the message that is timely and also gives one to think uh the words that i remember from his from someone do we pay lip service to the lord and yet are not converted within us we have that confession of saying that the lord is good and all the time the lord is good but our hearts remain indifferent do people outside see that we've been blessed of the lord and yet we lack the very thing that will give us eternal life that is the gift of the son may the lord help us all and i'd like to invite the congregation that is within to rise for the final song of the close this summer 507 in our sda hymnals moment by moment we've been sitting all day so please rise and let us sing joyfully [Music] with jesus [Music] looking to jesus till gloried or shine [Music] moment by moment [Music] from above [Music] oh [Music] never a trial that he is [Music] [Music] moment [Applause] is [Music] looking to jesus still glory [Music] o lord i am [Music] is [Music] never a danger [Music] he thinks of his own life looking to jesus dear glory to shine moments by oh never a weakness [Music] [Applause] moment of life from above looking to [Music] and our lord unto you who only alone is able to keep us from falling to give us a true confession exhibiting our compassion through profession that we possess be all the glory and honor and praise in christ jesus our lord and savior amen praise be to god happy sabbath it's nice to see you church members those who are inside or those who came to church may the lord continue to bless us and protect us we also want to thank our members who have joined us from their homes may the lord continue to bless us all we also want to thank all our viewers across the world those who joined us and listened to the word of god and we want to thank the lord for our pastor pastor david odimbo who has given us the message about nebuchadnezzar i hope that the message will impact will help us to reflect on our work with god i want to thank our charisters for the songs the enriching songs that they've been giving us since morning the sign language team those the one that is at kbc studio and the one that is with us here and i want to also thank the communication team led by victor charo and our floor manager paulo dira and i want to thank also our pianist mabelo molo for being with us and assisting us in praising the lord the children ministry thank you so much for the work you're doing and i want to thank also our elders and all those that participated in today's in facilitating today's worship service may the lord continue to be with us kbc team we can't forget you for joining us in the spread of the gospel may the lord bless you may the lord bless the management as we continue to partner together in the spread of the gospel i just want to let the church members know those who are with us here inside and those who are viewing from their homes and everybody else that today is our family sabbath day will not have any afternoon program we'll worship in our family homes may the lord bless us may the lord keep us safe as we continue to worship him god bless us all thank you god bless you welcome back the next song that we're going to sing is in sda hymnals 1 9 8 and can it be that the love of god should prevail but this is a different arrangement by dan forest that the choristers with me are going to present and i invite all of you to follow even as we present this and for this item i'll also invite our brother dan rookie to lead us welcome [Music] and can it be [Music] amazing love how can it be and can you [Music] blood [Applause] [Music] for me [Music] oh [Music] my god [Music] for me [Music] he left his father so free so [Music] grace emptied himself over [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] my god [Music] and can it be [Music] amazing love how can it be no condensation alive [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the crown [Music] is [Music] [Music] is god [Music] amazing love how can it be [Music] [Music] amen we now turn to nimbo zakristo 2 in cs that's 5 8. [Music] my [Music] is curry [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] food [Music] is [Music] let's turn back to our sda hymnals here number one nine six tell me the old old story so [Music] tell me oh jesus [Music] jesus [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] him o jesus and peace [Music] [Music] jesus came to save tell me the story always he threw [Music] to [Music] tell me oh jesus [Music] oh [Music] glory is [Music] [Music] jesus makes me holy tell me the old old story tell [Music] o jesus let us turn to nimbo zakristo wim nambari miyamoja aruba nina tisa hua workers 149 in nzk would you live for jesus [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] amen let's turn to our final song of the day the song in our sda hymnals 6 6 9 the lord bless you and keep you and it being the final song i would like to request the congregation present please stand that we may sing together the lord bless you and keep you and thereafter share in the words of the grace [Music] the lord leads these [Music] and give you my [Music] [Music] and be gracious and to your gracious the lord be gracious gracious [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] and now be the grace of our lord jesus christ and the lord and the fellowship of the holy spirit and forever amen thank you for joining us [Music] you
Channel: Nairobi Central SDA
Views: 7,431
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: h-vBrh16jtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 19sec (13039 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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