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[Music] [Music] you [Music] you you [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is this is this gonna work hope we'll all find out together hey everybody matt covert here thanks for coming to hanging out for the next hour our probably seems reasonable i can see chat and i think you folks can hear me and we got some time writer music in the background that will keep us going for a little while it's the chosen one I love playing as somebody asked in one of the YouTube comments they said something about are you comfortable with you know with this depiction of mental illness and I'm like humans get mentally ill the Sderot are mad if they're comically mad nope in a way that hopefully it's obvious that doesn't have anything to do with anything anyone in the real world is suffering from so yeah hopefully you guys got to see you folks got to see the Bo hey it's crow gab hey I've got your uh painted thanks to blues light skull beholder uh in the car gonna bring it in and maybe use some of the stream thank you very much Wow fifty dollars holy crap look at pins you're the thing to the top that's amazing I hope you folks enjoyed the patch I have no real understanding of what the difference between YouTube streaming and and twitch streaming is and I'm just curious not literally just curious to find out it's something I've been curious about for a long time can we keep Odie as a player that's gonna be up to the other players I'm gonna ask each of the motion I should do it soon yeah I have a deaf tyrant Minnie in fact shadow thank you very much listen we need all the sport you've beaten yet okay don't get me wrong but every little bit helps keep the doors open and keep the lights on yeah Odie's awesome Odie's amazing he's doing great the only reason the only reason yeah a lot of people III a lot of people don't like blues thank you blues yonder you don't have to come on blues Joe thank you for the for the page it's weird that it's just money I can't say thanks for the bits bits for some reason bit seems more fun how do I feel about the OSR the old-school revolution um I I don't know I'm not expert I don't know a lot about it I know why it exists thanks to the the cd-rom that the they put out they had a whole bunch of cartoons that didn't have the rights to so well five dollars five dollars only called William Parker thank you very much so yeah the old-school revolution is super cool I just there was a bunch of products I picked up a bunch of I mean I have a huge soft spot for dungeon crawls like big epic dungeon Thank You Caleb Thank You Kristen this message held for review Christian West said I don't know how I feel about swearing on the youtubes I swear on Twitch all the time I swear in the square where we play live D&D so I did it so the yeah I don't know how I'm not gonna repeat what you said but I appreciate what you've said um tab thank you very much for them for the $2 everything helps what are they gonna lost mine's Evangeline um it's long I think it's really long but I've read it or I've read big chunks but I haven't run it but I it seems like a really good first adventure was my thinking so yeah I would I think I'd be pretty happy with that the narwhal dentist that would be one heck of a dentist have you played DCC no but I've bought a whole bunch of their adventures and I so there's the thing a SW prime star you said already if you've announced it elsewhere but it's running the game for one-on-one it is it coming yeah but not in the sense that I think you mean I I originally I intend on doing a video on running the game video on how to run D&D for one player aka one on one but I thought about that I was like I'm not really sure what I know about that I have done it but I didn't do it on purpose thinking someday I'm gonna make a youtube video about this our candice Otis thank you very much $10 holy crap thank you hey SW prime by the way 20 bucks holy crap thank you much uh so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna wait until through the natural course of events we do a one-on-one game with the chain of Agron which could happen you know probably when they're in capital proper I think we'll see something like that and then once I'll prep that adventure and I'll run it and I'll be thinking in my head I'm gonna do a running the game video about this and then you'll get a video about it so you get to see it happen and then they get it running the video about how I did it Dungeons & Dragons quick posting I like that's clever you are revered as a God there well that's that's terrifying which addition to the legend of five rings we recommend I I you're probably talking about the role-playing game I only played the role playing game once my friend John ran it for us when I think of when I think of legend the five rings I think of the CCG how well does the Libre Beast Darius a must I wrote an entire I once interviewed at a video game company and as a monster designer and they said have you done an e monster design before and I was like I don't wait yes I wrote an entire monster but for D&D and it turned out the guy I was talking to on the phone the lead designer had that monster book so I think it's my writing then was that's 15 eats more than that like 19 years ago and my writing and my design has changed a lot since then but the I some of the ideas in it I think was still really cool big thanks George Todd says and donated five pounds big thanks to you and the MCM crew well thank you for hang out I have depression often can't sleep your videos have been a blessing on the lung that makes me happy that's awesome the fact that there are people who get the chance to watch like we've had a lot of people watching the stream especially say you know this I'm going through something in my life right now and just getting to put everything out of my head and hang out with a bunch of people and watch them have fun and play D&D and that makes me when do we get that makes me feel like all this stuff I'm doing is worthwhile it has value when do we get oh D and D so if you don't know I ran D&D from an address called my friend Jason has never we never met our friend Wes MacDonald who you you have met if you watched the old code name streams and Anna and it didn't go anywhere we played for four weeks and it kind of collapsed like a flan in the cupboard as Eddie Izzard said and we had a lot of fun but I think I was I think I gave them too many options and they got analysis paralysis and chose to do nothing and we recorded all of it and I and I had Anna and Lara's just washed through it and the I think the reaction was that our audio wasn't good enough anytime anytime two people are talking which was a lot we didn't really have the discipline back to not have a ton of table chatter you just can't understand anything anyone saying gets really frustrating so what I would like to do is I would like to have like Anna and Lars and Jerry just watched it what is for episodes watch it and and pick out the good parts and then I will narrate what happened and it'll we'll use the game as b-roll and you'll get a video might be two hours long it'll be it'll be O D and E but it'll be Matt say okay here's what happened and then you get to watch them play and then I'll come in and go blah blah and watch them play and I think that would be the best of all possible worlds but it would require other people to scrub through it first so I'm Way behind on chat I think can you signal a boost fantasy trip I don't know a lot about fantasy trip so I try to stay away from recommending things that I don't have personal experience with but I know my friend Jim Murphy loved the fantasy trip shout-out to my friendship Murphy and he's a huge fan of it that was his game of choice so by the time 1980 rolled around Jim had already moved on from D&D and it didn't play it again to him at us and like mm let's see happy to support work I am happy that you are here Garret anybody you see people donating money that makes me incredibly happy because you know we made a lot of money in the Kickstarter but it also costs a lot of money to ship all this stuff and print these books and stuff and that money's gonna round someday so people who I didn't even actually know you could do this in still we turn this must be something I turn on a million years ago and forgot about but if you're just here hanging out as far as I'm concerned that is supporting the stream that is important to content that's supporting the channel I'm running a game of new PCs I thought it'd be cool to start them with the with the end boss without knowing it was a good idea well I did it I've done it I've done twice now and I think it worked very effectively I think that first session of the chain was pretty spectacular and and the players definitely know who Ajax is and they remember him and they know who Morton is and they know all those guys are so I think it's I think it's I think it's I'm a huge fan as you folks know if you have been watching my content for a long time I'm a huge fan of putting the enemy the bad guy the campaign boss whatever that campaign is if it's five levels from first to fifth level or whatever in front of the PCs early not necessarily in the first session but early when the players or characters are to low level to do anything about it right and they're like oh I want to kill this guy always so yeah absolutely and then motivates them so that makes me happy no yeah you can say gnomes the time Ryder grow in size while the time Ryder has a tendency to gobble up other modules Sam guys somebody is chatting at me and the discord so instead of talking to you I'm talking in my discord I would rather be talking to you there we go when will we get em CDM shirts in the stores it's a good question Scott that's more than Anna and larks question that's they that room over there is where all the physical production happens and I go that I don't go insane and I get to make content for you folks but we were definitely gonna do that happy Friday Camryn happy Friday happy Tim Curry birthday let's see what what what what what what what so I like I Oh thank you for thank thanks for introducing me to the black gum yeah I love the black gum one of my favorite books when we're gonna get a video about dark sand that's a good question yeah we should definitely do more campaign setting stuff especially I like focusing on old stuff because I sort of feel weird talking about as somebody who makes definition products I don't feel comfortable reviewing other fifth edition products because I think there's a conflict of interest there even stuff I really like I feel like this this seems like like sending mixed signals to the to the audience so stuff that's old like dark Sun huge fan of dark Sun one of my favorite one of my favorite characters was a dark Sun PC I missed the twitch emotes right the deme plane of dread I don't know if I ever played I mean you're sort of kind of quasi getting my version of Ravenloft with the the inverted tower the under the Underdark of the world below have you ever ran or played and gained and oh yeah no I I well you Brian Musgrave that's a good question that would be a good question even if you hadn't donated $5 but thank you for the donation have you ever played or run a game of gate the gates of fire store feet the gates of firestorm Peaks is a second edition module from the mmm late 80s Early 90s that I did play in as a player and I cannibalized as a barracks Sewell which is the average Sewell was the not Darrow the doís gar is a dog our city fortress city in the world below that the players had to get through it's it's not in Knight below a knight below there was this you know one encounter obstacle and I've said this this this is not cool I think was like an orc an orc town underground I'm like nanana I can do better than that so I went and grabbed the gates of firestorm face which I really liked and thought was pretty awesome an unbelievable map very very 80s but color really cool what codices if I put my games well those of you have been following there too there are officially code to codices in my game in my campaign one of which the players have actually gotten and used Lars used to play a character named sail our bare mantle who our friend Gertz affectionately nicknamed solar wind panel and his quest was to go and get the codex Terra gnosis and he recovered it and he used it and it was pretty epic Striz Nick its critics quiz Nick thank you for the five bucks 11 million for box Makana those guys deserve it which is the meaning for CR and for DD well I don't know what it means for D and E I mean I think it means they're gonna make good to make a dope ass cartoon that makes me happy Josh Campbell finally starting josh is starting his campaign inspire burden you have to choose quick question what do you think about not having to face a big bat I don't think a campaign needs a big Barker extra curve as Anna puts it I don't think the campaign needs a big bag DeLaval you can just play hex scroll you can play you can just play a serialized adventure there's no there's no there's no wow what's the phrase I'm looking for there's no moral imperative there's no moral imperative there's no cultural imperative to Immanuel Kant will forgive us to put a big bad you look at your game the roaming kilt will you ever make videos on creating custom monster races and classes no that is something I won't do because I I don't know I don't know I might I made the ill rigger I made you know what I probably should I don't know I had that reaction because I thought what do I know about that but actually I I could break down my process for doing that like when I made we made a whole bunch of dragons all bunch of gemstone dragons and we're gonna make a bunch more by the way because I really liked them before star holds and followers and so the first thing I did was I made an excel sheet and I put every dragon in the Monster Manual in that excel sheet all their stats and I could sort them and I could say okay what what what changes in the stats from young to old like wermeling to adult and stuff like that what's the difference between this category of dragon that grade right yeah oh look these guys have more strength or more int or whatever and I was able to then look and there's much rules online for making monsters but I wanted to see what the actual monster manual what the actual data was and that process the same thing I do with the ill rigor i sat down I was like okay I want this gotta be stored like a pallet in a sort of like a warlock so what I did was I literally went through and wrote down at every level what do each of these classes get and I threw out a lot of the flavor stuff and I focused on things like actions actions the action economy and damage and what kind of spells they got when they got what level of spells and stuff and so that's that that act of data mining what's out there before you start working I think is important so so I think there could be a video on that yeah how to balance silly and serious in campaigns I don't know about that shadow waving or it's a good question tone what you're asking about is tone and tone is the hardest thing to do I was a writer in videogames for 15 years and probably I spent most of my time fighting this overwhelming desire on the part of the people on the team to want to just throw in the stuff they thought was cool with no no thought to what is the tone of this game and how can it change and what's acceptable like oh we want to throw in a bunch of movie quotes and I'm like now we're not doing that we're not we're not we're not we're not we're gonna make something that other people quote we're not gonna I hated that and some buddies I got this all the time like there was like one movie quote in the Evolve I didn't write it but I let I didn't I didn't I didn't wanna be too much of an that stuff I was like I want to be just enough an so I let it slide in people were like people really like that movie quote it's really funny as I guess but no funnier than if bucket were to get hit in the pie hit in the face with a pie as opposed being hit in the pie with the face which is very different experience yeah and they're so like that slat we could we could throw in some slapstick comedy and people would laugh at it but that would not mean it's good for the experience so it's I don't know how to tell you what I know about that I think tone establishing tone maintaining tone is something that takes a long time to learn and it's just trial and error go watch John Carpenter's The Thing it's a horror movie it's a very effective horror movie it's a horror movie even when it's not be engrossed with monsters it's a paranoid it's also a parent so horror movie it's also paranoid thriller anybody any one of us could be one of those things right but notice how all throughout the whole thing there's humor that's punctuated with humor all the time we could definitely have we have to have humor in our very very serious experiences go watch Pink Floyd's the wall Roger Waters is like this is his movie right he's like man I don't there's no there's a very dour there's no there's no humor in it and humor is what makes it feel human it makes these things feel real so you have to have some humor in there even in our various series stuff it's just a question of pacing and when to do it and how to use it as punctuation alright great chat everybody see it no running Dean me four whole years says Alexis Laughlin that makes me very happy Alex Alex ass Alexis I'm I'm I'm I think I'm about 80 20 on pronouncing people's names uh let's see greeting from Austin Texas hello Austin Texas planning on running on new bTW I'm cleaning for a few people next week awesome that makes me happy well it's the reason I started that literally the reason I started this channel is because I was frustrated that more people didn't want to DM because I think dungeon mastering is fun how much is being a game to have useful for DMA and vice versa I think DMing I think DMing is one of the most productive uses of your time you learn a lot if you do it right you'll learn a lot it's probably very easy to be a dungeon master for quite a long time and never learn anything but like I learned a lot about management I learned a lot about I remember you know talking to a friend of mine who ran a company that I worked for very early on called Last Unicorn games now I think some unfortunately somewhat obscure and I was talking about how like you know everybody at the table is there for a different reason it's my responsibility didn't know what those reasons are and he was like you literally that's like one of the number one management techniques when you're managing employees is that not all employees are created equal you can't treat them all equally you have to each person is there for a different reason each person wants different things and you got it you got to kind of meet them halfway so everything I learned in DMing made me a better game Dov I don't know about the reverse because being a video game developers are often very technical experience any advice for someone getting into voice work says sleepy genius you got to get a real get it make a real put the real online and go find an agent agents will listen to your real it's their job and and if you're good you can get a gig although keep in mind that you know there's not really I guess it might be different now when I was coming up starting in the early 2000s there were not really such a thing as voice actors the way we think of it now or there were but they didn't like being called this was my experience keep in mind I was not one but I dealt with them all the time we I think 80 different speaking parts in mercenaries - I know which we had hundreds of auditions and we did it all in our office we were in Westwood so we could have we had our own recording booth which was amazing it meant that actors could very easily come to our place to audition and record and so I got to know those guys pretty well and they just thought themselves as actors they would come an audition for us after having gotten off of an audition for a commercial and then they would be here on a video game and then their next audition when they left you know just 45 minutes later was gonna be a TV show and they just thought of themselves as actors and some of them get prickly if you if you call them voice actors but that has changed I definitely know that many of my friends were voice actors they pride themselves on specializing and kind of dominating like being really good at this one thing it's definitely a it's definitely a unique skill it's very different being a good voice actor is you know it's as different I think as theater is from film and that's a distinction that we that's a distinction we all accept that no one gets freaked out about I'd like to buy you lunch I'm gonna die but thank you anyway because you're all amazing extra dice' Anna is and it is awesome because yes but oh you have no idea oh my god that was a hundred dollars we'll we'll come on let's come on let's be oh goodness now I feel like you have to be responsible adult um thank you very much well yeah Anna Anna does have to you have no idea what Anna has to put up with let's see what are you doing streaming during the day I don't know I just thought what the hell I just you know like I can't some there are some things there are some things whatsoever there are some things that I over grossly overthink and then there are other things that I deliberately try to avoid thinking about because I feel like overthinking it would kill it so I was like let's stream around YouTube see what happens oh so I turn down the music I didn't mean to in fact I'm give me one second I'm gonna go to my SoundCloud here because I want to make sure if I don't if I don't stop it it will suddenly start playing some other wankers Muzak so I'm gonna switch it to something that's not what time is it's 12:20 so we need let's go to let's go to the Krell patch the famous grub patch okay now your cell didn't have you I love this office we're gonna do we were gonna do a tour of the office today I was gonna go film a tour of the office but we decided to do this instead so stay tuned you're gonna get a tour of the office soon have you ever or would you ever run a Star Wars RPG Luke Turley asks well if you've been following me on Twitter you know that I was just thinking there the day about I was looking at that Hildebrandt piece for the original arc the original poster for Star Wars 1977 that was I was just taken back to being seven years old and and all the work and thought and effort my friends and I his little kids collecting cards and stuff imagined about that universe before Empire Strikes Back and what we thought was true of it and how much fun it would be to run a Star Wars game probably using like edge of the Empire here a lot of good things about that running a Star Wars game in that setting like make inventing my own Star Wars universe starting with just that 1977 movie so part from that no I've never played in or run I liked this day streaming thing days dream who the heck are you know that was Michael wait what stop spamming somebody spamming it's my probably that was a hundred pounds yeah that's it's heavy no yes it's a lot of bits more than hundred dollars favorite third edition adventure besides red hand of doom I think I've talked about this before those of you who are who have followed me for a long time on Twitch you're probably gonna hear a lot of the same answers over again for the people on YouTube who are new and don't hang on twitch I don't know it's a good question the Bane warns which are gonna get to see probably on streams you don't tell anybody but also I love that adventure also there's a long quote unquote adventure in Dungeon Magazine called tears for Twilight Hollow that I quite liked that was what is okay what's and okay 50 something 50 knocks dover thank you very much well I tried to act responsibly with the money that people give us for this company streaming at a reasonable hour right here in the UK it's not anyone here use fancy guns I quite like fancy grounds apparently we're getting a new we're getting the fancy grounds unity is coming soon which makes me very happy [Music] if your group had a soundtrack but with the theme song be well I don't know you mean the actual players that's a good question I think the Iron Maiden song of the mercenary is pretty good there was a couple of songs by the sword that I quite liked you worked on Knights their table I did not well I worked I worked on and I designed the Knights of the dinner table a card game which was a lot fun it's called hack have I played hot caster no Robert says hi I'm a new DM from Sweden hello Sweden I have many good friends in Sweden land in fact I got to work several times with Peter storm RA and that guy is super he's he's basically as cool as you would hope he would be and he I got I got I got a lot of the juice from the Swedes on the team because I introduced him to them and then they gobbled at each other in their even lingo for like 20 minutes I also I think it was like my friend Matthias is like swedish fish what is what is what is there we had swedish fish he goes he's on that fish and things are not Swedish because I will bring his Swedish candies and he went on vacation went back home and came back and brought us all these candies were like oh what sees that looks like little powdered chocolates but they were not they were not powdered and they weren't chocolate they were salt covered licorice and if you're expecting if you're expecting sugar powdered chocolate and you put salt covered licorice I think if you're expecting anything you put salt covered licorice in your mouth you were gonna have a bad day I have I've created my own world continent and I want your opinion uh do I have to create a new world for a new campaign that's a good question and I think soon we're gonna do smack very soon I want to do a video about ii-i've failed to correctly convey in earlier videos how easy and straightforward it is to build your own world quote-unquote by which I really mean a local area to start in so we're gonna do another video on that subject and it's gonna result in a handout a forum fillable PDF that if you bunch of like 30 questions on it if you answer these questions you will have completed a world as to your world I do not I do not know I cannot add it to your campaign and wouldn't matter even if I could because I'm not one of your players it's your players that have to like it I mean you have an advice on finding work in the world of game writing Oh Sam Gordon so Sam Gordon asks do have any advice on finding work in the world of game writing I got some bad news for you Sam that is not really what I call a track there's not really a track for writing I don't mean I'm not even really sure there's a track for design there it sort of is but like programming production animation a concept art all of it you know all of these things there are tracks for you can go to school you can get a degree you can go interview get a job at a low level work your way up but writing usually it's the people at the studio that find writing the least onerous that end up doing it there are some companies a few I can count on one hand where the writing in the games is so important that they take it very very seriously but usually it's the person running the company the reason I take it seriously is because the person runs the companies right and so those guys tend not to be hiring a lot of writers some of them do like Bioware tends to be always hiring writers they do a lot of writing in fact it used to be that their games were designed from inside their dialog tool I know because I saw their dialog tool and I got to play around it but there are you know I think like we looked at the five best-selling games of all time they either have no writing in them or you could ignore the writing like League of Legends and it's so like that's the problem with being you kind of already have to be least in my experience my own experience is you sort of have to already be in the on the team be doing something else I was a designer but you know every once in a while the thing is every once in a while a company will hire a writer and the odds that it's gonna be it like you are incredibly small it's like luck and some people ask me how I got like I got lucky I got lucky I can't I can't actually I can't actually say do a B and C and you'll get a gig I can do that with all these other disciplines in game development but not writing it not designed gravity tips already cursive straw I do not because I have never I have never read it or run it or plated I'm not caught up with chat Cameron it was awesome I don't remember meeting you at Gen Con but I'm sure was awesome yeah I love Gen Con Gen Con was a blast I don't think we're gonna be going back this year view only really can justify going to one convention here and I think it's gonna be packs on plug but I met probably like 300 people at Gen Con make more and I only had one person really do the let me tell you about my character my pokey man's let me show you them and even that person was cool don't get me wrong but it was everyone else was just super cool and chill and it was fun talking to people and I say tell me about your game and are you winding me right now and some people like oh no I watch your stuff but I don't run the indie and I'm like ah so you're telling me I'm a failure which is do you guys plan on just you guys plan to stream other campaigns or one-shots DM to buy we don't plan on it in the sense of oh we would like to do it we think about it we talk about it that we have not we have not pulled the trigger on it I have friends of mine that have gone to school for game design and every single one of them said that was a waste of time that being said I'm not I haven't done a stochastic analysis of it I couldn't those four or five people aren't statistically significant as a DM how do you role play else or a reclusive society that is different from utopian lore the Rings elves I don't know I don't run L it's that way more like folklore steal you when you're sleeping yeah but I mean III take a lion joy running elves the way my friend Jim does I took a lot of inspiration from the way he when Jen runs elves he plays them as wholly alien like his eyes go dead he puts no expression on his face they're like greys from you know from Conspirator the alien conspiracy stuff and that I love that I thought that was really cool and we had a whole evening a whole night of D&D that was just me and the king of the elves negotiating over over a war that was about to happen and he and I trying to stop it and Jim did an amazing job in character for four hours and I was like that is how to roleplay an elf but you know I haven't I haven't I don't die I'm I'm not dying I haven't I've only done elves one or two different ways let's see I can't tell if I'm there's not unfortunately YouTube doesn't have a go to the bottom of chat let's see we're about half an hour into this chat I think it's going pretty well so far do you recommend giving the player is an optional exit to test their engagement so you're talking about if you're on an adventure if you're playing an adventure but almost every adventure is on Rails right convention you make up an adventure you buy it assumes that there is a goal and the players are gonna jump through a bunch of Hoops and complete that goal and what if they don't want to what if they want to go off and do something else I like I just like trying to make it so that if the players are sufficiently motivated they can always go somewhere else but they're not literally locked in like I was prepared by the way for the players to decide not to go to capital at the beginning of the first game I didn't think it was likely but I want to remote jungle campaign see the problem is I Luke Luke and Obama asks about how to balance you know I don't I'm that's a good question I don't know if you're gonna run a remote jungle campaign how to balance survival exploration with society resources I don't know give it a shot and see what happens if it turns out it's not working well monkey wouldn't try to I can't lot it that's a but probably the most popular question I get and I which I typically ignore is people who are saying I'm planning a running game like this what should I do I have no idea I don't yet know ask me sure like again my I can't audit your campaign if you're having a problem if you have a problem in your game or you're inspired by something is this a cool idea I don't know it doesn't matter if I think it's a cool idea it doesn't matter what problems I might be able come up with because I'm not the one behind the screen if things go badly you can't blame me that's that's why I try to tell people who are people who get really I believe this is just my personal opinion I believe I don't really have any other opinions besides personal ones um I don't have like chemical opinions or you know I think that like people play some undue emphasis on the rules of dandy I don't think undue emphasis I think the rules are important and I like knowing what they are but I think people can place an undue emphasis on them because at the end of the day it's not the folks it was just a constant who's sitting behind the screen you you can't tell your players well I'm sorry you had a bad time it's because of people in Seattle no you're the one on the hook for not me so at the end of the day it's your game that has to so Kate X asks if I have any tips on how to deal the barbarian pcs it keeps getting away with charging headfirst at the expense of the fun and tactics of other pcs well it sounds like that that that that player is having fun but I think it's relatively straightforward to design an encounter where charging head-on headlong into it is awful and like and will result in the player the trick is if the trick isn't designing an encounter where if the player charges hit he'd listen to combat they're gonna get smoked the challenge is designing that encounter in such a way that the players have a chance of realizing it because punishing that player for doing the thing he likes that's that's that's that's that's tricky but setting it up so that people paying attention which maybe this player isn't but people paying attention like this is a bad idea and then he charges it and it turns out it was a bad idea that I told you so experience may actually change the Barbarian players behavior right now I've got a now we've got to think about this and a friend of mine who used his fourth edition charged into battle and marked a whole bunch of Knolls so they were thinking now they'll attack me and they'll leave the party alone and they did attack him and he died ha ha like literally barked all like eight Knolls and they went okay they just backed him into oblivion so he let his lesson Shane Kelly says with nude and eBook ghosts of saltmarsh having fewer choices what with with the nude and ebook girls it's all marked having a few adventures from doja magazine what magazine content would you select has he come to find me I don't know I mentioned tears from Twilight Hollow I quite like that I think there was more castle what I'd like to see that in a in a fifth edition update official thing what do you think of DMing tools like the deck of many names I don't know what that is can you help me do Bessel functions this is hard but they're very useful the being able to calculate the diffusion of heat through the cylinder turns out to be incredibly useful in a million different ways which is why we like it or not Bessel functions is kind of where pulled the ripcord on physics because I was like I just can't with this hope you do work with your schedule yeah I think Sam we're yeah we Kauai we rely more on Jerry to do anything and I also kind of gave up we stopped doing the campaign Diaries because I was recording them on Fridays and then I want them up on Monday I want people to have two or three days chance to watch them but that man I was spending my weekend editing them I know this is not fun and I just give up on I gave up on the campaign Diaries but even though still every time I upload a campaign diary YouTube's like congratulations this is the least popular video you've uploaded in the last ten and videos oh my god but people who watched them really liked them and so I don't want to let those people down and so now instead of worrying about being up and ready on Monday I just record it when I'm ready give it to Jerry and when it's edited we pull it up how do you feel about the idea of if you can't remember then your character can't remember I'm feel pretty strongly in favor of that ultimately ultimately you're the player you're the character is not the player and the it's not the it's not the character who is overcoming challenges it's the player at the end of the day whether those challenges are tactical or role playing one of the challenges is knowing what the hell is going on I definitely will have players make checks for I'll have the players role history checks or insight checks to remember things that their character would know from before we started playing but if you didn't write down that NPC's name then you probably are gonna have you have to remember yourself you can't roll a die and say there I rolled the die we beat the combat no you have to fight it out you can't roll the die and say I do that the dice aren't keys that unlock the adventure and give you a shortcut to stop I don't think hi Matt Oh Garrett thank you for the thank you for the $10 donation I love your content MCD I'm in strongholds and followers have you ever designed encounter that you didn't know how the players would succeed oh that's the only kind that's the only kind of make I regularly icon Oh blex I threw it all blacks at the players and it's like a CR 4000 or something and I'm like oh this will be I have no idea what's gonna happen and actually they smoked I think it's funny that slim did like 70 points of damage in one round isn't interesting how we started off with about custom classes and as we move on we're getting more bog-standard classes like boots just became a regular everyday Bard and Phil was playing a pugilist and now he's playing a regular everyday fighter and he's he you know I made I made a class for Ana and people have caught this seems super this seems really overpowered but slim who is like apart forming a gift which I don't think is giving him any damage - he's his damage output is absurd and he is a completely legal Player's Handbook character do I play video games you know there it's a good question and dude 49 I these days I really only play hearthstone I don't have for me video games or primarily social thing and so I no longer had this tight-knit group of players that we all play games together kind of the end of that I think rocket League was the last time a bunch of us were all playing the same game and I loved rocket League that was amazing [Music] how'd it make the how to make it an Engel boy asks how do you make it so the bad guy doesn't die as soon as they first find him legendary actions legendary actions legendary actions legendary actions are the best why did boots change back he didn't go back to the Bard he had never played a bard before he did not know that the College of swords bard existed and when someone on Twitch I believe said you should just play a you've taken the Duelist in the you've taken these two homebrew classes or maybe one of them is an optional class from an expansion Roxanna Thor's guide and the other ones homebrew and you've kind of tried to mash them together but really it seems like you just want to play a College of swords bard and Tom's like what's that anyone looked up he's like oh I love this and we had lunch literally the hours before he played he goes so can i play and I was like sure he goes why I made a character I'm like great and I looked at it oh my god it seems pretty straightforward he's automatically way happier speaking the campaign I can't find episode 12 well Lex vs. Steve they the diary has not yet done being uploaded because it's four hours long not the diary the video the actual video episode number 12 which you'll find on our second channel is not yet ready might not cook till tomorrow morning because it's four hours long and in 4k it takes YouTube a long time to chew through it well top hat after you once you've made a pantheon how do you wait that's not the thing the thing scrolled Tony Detra let's see Wow five dollars there's an art isn't there an artist teach let's see what that name hugely influential oh you here you are toaster waffle asked after you've created gods for your Pantheon how deep do you dive in regards to specific ritual ceremonies other well um if given the opportunity in the time I don't I don't go so toaster waffle asks you create creative Pantheon do you then do a bunch of like rituals and ceremonies I don't think I've ever done that but I do do stuff like the language that they use and their ethos and the way they behave in the world I don't do a lot of stuff about what are their holy days and what you know what rituals do they do top hat says hey Matt you're stuffing begin the dandy that makes me very happy I want to do a whole video I won't do a whole video about like if you're 15 right now go play D&D you were missing out if you're not playing D&D because that is prime 15 to 23 ending it's the prime D&D age and if you get into it later that's fine better late than never but you will you will regret not having played when you were a kid because I think that's when the belief it's so easy to believe in the secondary world and you'll have your strongest memories have not seen the newest episode of the chain know I was about to do something terrible I was about to spoil one of the riddles for you but I'm not going to do that I'm a good person not dumb not like to say smart I want respect is that literally DiTerlizzi holy Wow ah yeah yeah your stuff was hugely influential that is a that is a that guy did a real thing [Music] did you ask a question was this question I apologize I'm new to we're all we're all I think new to the live chat thing I'm having trouble trying to make my world intriguing while keeping it sandbox see how to keep it craft awesome I don't know I don't know I don't have a problem keeping gravitas in the sandbox thing I don't know I don't know how I run a typically a the threat of death is ever proud my games I think that's how we keep up serious tone I think that's about it any other youtubers you recommend for GME advice Allah there are a bunch of good with it here we go 22 Lizzie's watching my videos I just swore on YouTube I promised I would not I would try not to do that haha a beloved PC has secretly fallen to the curse from a helm of opposite alignment from B - that's not keep on the Borland's that's b1 let's speed to it I remember and it is now lawful evil the best evil maybe the best alignment as a DM I fear for the rest of the mostly good group well that's good question so Tony Tony DiTerlizzi who really shouldn't need to ask me for advice so yeah this is a situation where no one at the table volunteered to play an evil character but he put on a cursed helm a helm of opposite lineman and now I would ask I would first thing I would do is I would talk to that player and ask them how they intend on playing lawful evil that's that's huge but also make sure the other characters the other players understand that something has happened maybe they don't know what maybe the players know cuz I saw it happen but the characters don't know exactly what's happened and it's gonna be a challenge for them like it's a cursed item really the fact that the fact that they're evil isn't the issue the issue is they're under a curse that's the problem solved the problem solve is how do we get this helmet off him it'll go back to normal so yeah you may have some you may have some party conflict because now that one of the players is playing evil character but not back choice they're not doing it by choice they're doing it because I mean the choice was they put that helmet on but having done that there's no reason to like punish the entire party for that so I think if everyone is in the right spirit of things the problem is just how do we and you may even say that I have no problem if I can see that the players are going down the wrong trouser of time I have no problem just coming out and saying the challenge you guys face is how to deal with this helmet and they'll go huh yeah right how did y'all down so I don't know if that's useful I hope it is it would be amazing if I got to give you advice thank you for the 20 bucks by the way yeah like we're gonna do by the way fYI is AP BT Dubbs we are gonna do a whole video pretty soon another one because I like it about alignment because we've had it come up several times in Chane about plank players who were unsure what their alignment would be and felt weird writing down what seemed correct and I was just talked about just talked to I'm playing copper or Anna playing judge if this happened how would you react and they're like I would do this and I'd be like then you are this alignment oh I get it and so having done that and feeling like it was useful we're gonna do a whole video on that how kind of small isolated designer get better connected to the community nobody sees any my work I labor in obscurity says Jacob Kellogg I don't know networking it's a good question it's hard work and it takes a long time like a people it seems as though suddenly my youtube channel came out of nowhere but in fact I had a blog for years the nobody read and then I had a podcast that nobody listened to and I had an entire youtube series that nobody watched and so that was 12 years so that's there's no guarantee that that if that's people didn't like this when I on Twitter somebody said to what do you attribute your success and I said luck and people like no it's not luck and I might go but it is though it really is so luck is a huge part of it but also networking and you know I'm tell you a story those of you who haven't watched the live streams there was a lot of storytelling in them and it may not be immediately applicable to Dungeons and Dragons I can't promise that it is but at a friend of mine who got a book deal and she got a book deal it wasn't it wasn't arcane or abstruse she just busted her ass she went to look she's a mystery writer and she's lucky because there are for some reason mystery bookstores tend to thrive and the entire bookstore devoted to one category of fiction and she would just go she was lucky that she lived and I and she went to all these different bookstores and she would organize events there she would go and she would say hey she would go to them say hey if this author this author is releasing a new book would you guys like to do a signing and they'll be like absolutely we'd like to a sign they go great and then she would go find that author's agent go hey these guys want to do a signing well I'm gonna put you together right and she would organize these things she would volunteer to help when the signings were happening she would go to book fairs and so all the time she's meeting people she's meeting agents and stuff and they just got to like her and she had a she had a blog and they knew she was a writer and eventually they were like let's see your stuff it was it took years it took years of doing this but eventually she became know and the Internet makes it incredibly easy for anybody to create content put it online the flip side of that is it's even easier to labor in obscurity all your days and there's no there's no magic bullet for that I wish there was I love the chain I love you Milgram 12 I look forward to it every week that makes me super happy there any chance you could start an hour earlier well yeah I think Anna already answered this but we start as early as we can because half the players have it have jobs and they're not here so they do their work and then they come in there already by the way Phil and Tom and Tom are leaving work at now Matt are leaving work in an hour early in order to in order to get here but it must be okay right because Phil's one of the owners so so a spill let's see what did I miss any two line Hartley thank you twice how you folks think the chat chat went 45 minutes how do you folks into chat is going how do you guys feel about this experience good yeah are you secretly an alien no I'm an immortal Scottish wizard I'm really I'm rather new to D&D not really know how to design non-combat based encounters guild challenges are an option but beside the well I mean you're talking about NPCs right your type of NPCs or traps we could do a whole thing on traps but I think NPCs are all about you you're gonna meet this character you're gonna meet this character the wonder what circumstances what impression does this character give and what does that character want right what in front what does this character have that the players need and what do they want that the players can do for them once you figure these things out it becomes actually really easy to roleplay NPCs I know who this character is I did some work on their person Helen and I know what they want right it's a very act early thing to say I know what they want and I've given I've come up with a reason why the players need this character you put those things together and you're gonna have a great non-combat encounter I guarantee it not a guarantee I'm on my phone so I can't see the chat when I type well that's funny because I couldn't read that how does it feel sitting in this ever color changing room yeah it wasn't that a song by was English beat uh no the I wasn't it was a style council the Style Council um I I can't work without it I love this in fact if it were up to me the entire wall all the walls someday someday maybe several Kickstarter's from now this entire room will be just these pulsing changing lights you prefer the youtube over twitch that makes me that's interesting I think a lot of people do i matter love your series and i love yours run in flux i want to say your series helped this major introverted writer writing is if you're an introvert start writing because it's great it's a credibly solitary thing to do take a leap into DMing well that makes me happy yeah riding in dungeon master who are very close cousins skills the skills of one are oft applicable to the other so that makes me really happy and i think i think like that's a great thing about D&D right is that all of these different disciplines come into you know somebody sewed the chain of a cron flag now somebody out there could be a dungeon master and their campaigns are probably awesome because whenever there is work they will so something and making you like this is incredible some people paint many some people make terrain some people are great writers in to do great plot and characters some people great artists and they draw map so people are cartographers so that's the thing I love about DD any advice for a long-running epic campaigns keep playing keep playing all campaigns become long-running epic level campaigns give a keep playing hey Matt how do you do you're here what product do you use in it there's a canonical answer to this which is wrong and stolen which I'm not going to do I think Anna has it memorized by now but it's the no I just watch me I just watch it yeah I just let it I think I think I'm now at the age where it's starting to recede so we'll see what happens but it happens to lots of people I can't complain about it I have a player who struggles to play his character and oft needs a list of options before he can decide what his character does any advice well I don't know that player so this is this is one of these problems is that I can't audit your game I don't know that player so this might be terrible terrible advice but I would definitely stop giving them options if the player is like what what are my options I'd be like how do you how would you know that I don't know what your options are just lie to them and it's true it's not a lot I don't know what your options are because they're they're limitless you could try it's dungeons dragons you can try anything I don't know what kind of crazy nonsense you're gonna come up with the game isn't about what my idea of your options are the game is about what your idea of your options are that's why the Dungeon Master's job is not to solve the players problems it's to solve their solutions the players come up with all these nonsense plans and schemes it's your job to figure out how to make them work because you want to you want the players to have fun you want to reward their planning and scheming so yeah I would take those options away from them and not indulge them and force them to start thinking outside the box because once that happens once it once they start even though it might be painful that painful process of what do I do what's the right thing to do what am i I don't have to just decide then they begin the process of actually playing D&D up until then they're just playing a really slow boring video game when is it appropriate to use a roll initiative every round mechanic well we only did that actually I'm I we used to play roll initiative every round all the time and we liked it but in this day and age it just makes dexterity even more even more important than it already is we know that we used it well I've used it once recently well recently in the past couple years it's recently for me in the one-on-one campaign with campaign one-on-one battle between the champion of the mutant trolls and Nicodemus and that was pretty effective I thought but I think if I were gonna do that again I could come up with better ways to make a single combat thing fun and engaging give the players options have you designed clearly stealthy mission adventures no but players have turned things that's where the colville screw comes from players have taken inventions and turn them into stealth adventures Clayton McPherson as long as you're watching I will keep making content gotta go take it easy man well we're almost done mr. Hanson thank you for hanging out I have fun this weekend if you had no other commitments or responsibilities so where'd your dream game be like I'm kind of running it I'm lucky I get to run the dream game I want the chain of Akron is really like its I ran the game actually any of those games and like a hex crawl would be fun like did you use the mayor Lafitte fiend conflict between know the players never got that far that's some book three I believe and my players have never got that far what means do you wish you I have a ton of minis but those are they're not most of them aren't useful what minis thank you by the way for the donation Enkidu I think Gilgamesh is looking for you any advice says onslaught six thank you for the two dollars on running a hex hex scroll well put a giant map in front of players and ask him where they're gonna go 200 and okay's whatever that is oh that's this is from the domo-kun who also was donated night before a while ago i tinkered on my own setting inspired by destiny i play destiny i quite liked it 98 of it 98% of the NPCs are designed to be interacted with it's only through killing them that's why that's interesting it's funny that you figure that out designing it that's who who is the most likely to get who's most likely to get a chain tattoo me probably any tips on running extra planar adventures well it depends on how what your land up latardo is what what your idea of the plains is I think one of the fun things about being a dungeon master is creating your own cosmology I have my own idea what the astral plane is it's informed by a lot of things where did the idea of codices come from I don't know I think I just made them up would you say natural law factors into alignment no I would not say that it might in your game but 900 Darrow thank you for the new dollars you'll get in that you'll get it I've talked about alignment before it will definitely does it say there are 1700 people watching Hey 1700 people Norwegian Crona Oh awesome hello hello hello in Norway what are the idea of codices come from I love I love I love them III guess Steven ho girl if that's correct hey girl I guess it comes from my idea of what a wizard spell book should be like I always sort of imagined a wizard's public being this powerful tome and and obviously dandy doesn't deliver on that and the idea of libraries having these powerful books in them so I R I always had this idea that a wizard's tome should and then I just took that and amped it up and the idea of a codex and I don't I don't know if the Codex Terra knows this was the first time I really pulled the trigger on this but it might be so it's a relatively recent invention on my part the wood chat here's have some money Thank You Jacob we will put it to good use always say it's the biggest tool for creating immersion when running a game music does help the biggest tool for creating immersion says ask the paradox is your ability to convey the truth of the setting in a straightforward manner right go look up David Mamet's advice David Mamet one of the great one public I would say one of the two great writers of the last half of the 20th century his advice to the writers working on I think what was his show it wasn't the liar it was the unit I think the absolute unit and he said he just did a brilliant job talking to the writers as a memo talking to the writers and he says listen the the actor's job is to find the truth in the moment all right that the writers job is to find the truth in mome the actor's job is he lays it all out it's our job as Dungeon Master's to imagine a world that itself can self-consistent doesn't have to be consistent with the real world in any way that is self consistent and then convey the facts of it in a straightforward manner because that will cause the players to believe that it is real the our goal is to make it so the players feel as though this fake imaginary world is a real place and I think that in my experience the you know of course I would say this I write hard-boiled fantasy I don't deploy a lot of poetic language when I'm describing the world I try to do it in a straightforward manner I try to do a simple language straightforward declarative sentences and statements and then as a result a the words makes it hopefully seem like the world is real place but then B when I do deploy flowery poetic language which I will do once or twice a session it has a lot more impact so you know we're choice and stuff like that but also just your ability to treat this fake world as real if you can do that your players will ultimately we were limited in the degree of immersion as soon as you have roll 20 sided dice and talk about armor class no one believes they are this fantasy character anymore it's not possible but you know you can definitely achieve verisimilitude all right down down to goblin down where are we do you speak any other languages I'm still working through English figure another couple lifetimes I'll haven't figured out how much do you think the chain relates to the black company just a premise none of the I haven't I haven't really stole of any of the plot points as far as I know from the black guy I probably have without even thinking about it Loki hem that's incredibly complimentary thank you very much not only is it made Matt Brooks it's been released and played in the theater down the street I do feel about characters worshipping multiple deities that doesn't bother me I mean the the Romans believed in or I should say they yeah they worshipped lots of different gods they really they really they really believed in rituals and stuff like that and thought that stuff worked so it makes perfect sense to me how would you use the Tarasque in a game good good question grant train I get a lot of questions about what's your favorite monster and how would you use this monster now like I don't know it depends on the circumstance but I definitely think the Tarasque is one of those things like Godzilla probably I would try to make sure that the Trask was a well a world ending experience but I also like the idea that there was once a threat I think maybe an RPG note about a setting where the setting of a city built on the back of the Trask how do you balance crunch here here's a question how do you balance as someone starting a career in game dev hopefully any advice balancing crunch and work time with a social life in D&D well I find that not not having a being single and not having a family is the best solution because you end up with tons of time and you can you can work a full time job and then go home and make youtube videos and eventually turn it into something that is possible at least one person has done it I gotta go love you I love you Zachary so it's 1257 do i like ben brode he's the hearthstone guy actually I met and hung out with him gamed with the guy who hearthstone whose idea hearthstone was and that guy was pretty cool I liked uh we played mechs versus minions I think I don't really know Ben Brooke I played his game a lot I like the game hello hello in Estonia how about your youtube would you approach differently if I could do it all over again if I could do it all over again if I could do the YouTube thing over again I don't know what would I do differently I would probably you know the first we did a bunch of D&D videos like four or five and then I did a movie review I did a review of midnight special because I've been doing movie reviews the whole time on my blog and I did a whole Mad Max fury road post that got sixty five thousand views in like two days and I was pretty impressed by and so but I think I probably would make sure that I was making more I would do stuff like the Frog I got to record the Friday night video for tonight we're gonna talk about gell-mann amnesia I would probably start doing that like once a week do a video that has nothing to do with the indie because people freak out when I upload stuff that doesn't have anything to do with D&D and I understand that but I would have I would probably try to make it so that I could do more stuff like like John and Hank green do and and people wouldn't think that was weird that's why is there a Matt Koval effect in the community not that I've heard of although I think if I were going to describe one it is that there are more there are more Dungeon Master's now and people feel like they can they can all time favorite Star Trek episode tough to beat duet from Deep Space nine that's pretty good Matt Mercer - effect members her effect any thoughts I don't know what that is Matt Mercer is that does the - is the - in that question Christopher Christopher Christopher is the - in that significant does that does that mean something well be going to Jen thumb alas I don't think so I mean it's possible I don't think so I think we're just gonna go to pax unplug I think packs some plugs but Gen Con is big and packed and hard to get around hard to just go to a booth and talk to have a conversation with the person with the booth do you play magic not anymore I played magic from 1993 to 1995 or so my player is terrified of dying he gets beets for AC and scared of doing anything any advice well I've done Rob dad I don't think that's I don't think this is a problem to be solved necessarily so I what's going on through Jeff which were preferred matter of choice Photoshop the thing is like you know anything you might want to do building a map somebody's already done in Photoshop and made a tutorial for it which is one of the reasons it's so good luck as lil Chico I sure that all the time yeah the Matt Koval effect is you run a game I don't it's not always great and then you go if I were a better Dungeon Master I do this all time however been a dungeon master I would have worked its out if I were better Dungeon Master we would have seen course off Bastion in the game two nights ago alas mr. make-believe theater of the mind how do you try players enemy movement in 3d space chat said you have a video on this I do not I don't I don't well I would I would I generally only use theater of the mind when there's like one bad guy to fight and I don't really have to worry about positioning otherwise I bust out it so I don't I'm not the best person for that but um you know I might check out the ship ship-to-ship combat game from the decipher Star Trek RPG which I designed where I just had abstraction ranges like close medium long and then you could just you could just describe this guy is with long range he's at medium ranges of close range if they're in close range you can use a movement and get into melee if they're at medium range you have to you have to it's gonna be around if their long range it's gonna be more than around stuff like that Fahad Fahad said once they saw yet but there's no hay in there Fahad says Adam couple part three whenever that dude invites me I'll do it I love him Adams awesome thank you for the dollar John our thank you for the five bucks behad thank you for the dollar Sam thank you for the five bucks mr. make-believe that's still a hundred pounds thing is kind of blowing my mind so what do you folks think I'm out of Driscoll should you stay or should he go if it worked to you right now we're almost done in fact it's one on one so I think we're gonna be done in a second I just want to see what folks thing what type of streets are the streets of Capitol made up mostly I think um stakes day go wait there was a go there was a go Brendan Burke Brendan versus like get rid of that guy pay my house stay people seem to like him yeah if only you knew him no he's awesome well it's not gonna be up to me as compared to the players when did you become a socialist all let's not get into that although it's a good question um somewhere I think when did when does anybody do it College almost certainly Justin Hawkins Matt it's been awesome seeing Matt OD in the chain thank you for the 15 bucks hopes he makes more well like I have a somewhat ambitious idea about running a second campaign with the chain and other players that are playing the junior officers also in capital and Matt O'Driscoll that may be too ambitious yeah I I usually run for six or seven people but so for me a large group is not it's a large groups are possible but it's just running for a large group it just depends on the players you can run for four people and feel like this isn't working so he paid me to write this day hey Gerry Gerry it's up to Gerry to figure out how we get how we get seven people around the table we may have to get a new table so thank you thank you for the thank you for the the two pounds and the two bucks Travis and the frugal poodle you know about that rule you just donated two bucks that makes us very happy so do you guys still play hearthstone yeah I like the weird classes I like playing warlock and paladin and stuff nothing so I think we're gonna stop because it's lunchtime and we've been doing this for an hour but if if this we're gonna look at this and see how successful this was and we might do it like once every other week or something like that it seemed relatively straightforward so I was pretty happy let's see yeah okay well those of you who tuned in on very little notice we didn't really talk about doing this much we mentioned it in the game I think I mentioned at the last running the game video we're gonna do a new running to get in that game video I'm gonna try and get it recorded today although I'm already wiped out I woke up at like 7 o'clock this morning so we'll see no promises but what's the next one in the game video I said what was gonna be oh it's gonna be the B plot that's gonna be cool I'm looking forward to that so yes this was super cool thanks everybody who contributed money to the cause you help keep the lights on and the doors open and help me keep people employed so that we can you have no idea how much work at Horsham charity do I would go I wouldn't be able do it I wouldn't build it it's insane we probably need more people so we'll see what happens all right I will see you folks if not on Twitch if not on Twitch tonight or tomorrow night playing FTL then I'll definitely see all of you folks next Wednesday and the traditional stream outro is reference to the prisoner a great very weird mind-bending TV show from the 60s BBC show the senior
Channel: Matthew Colville
Views: 41,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Mi_PxFTdb08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 4sec (4504 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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