Live Passionately // The Story of Monsta Surf

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in 2012 at just 18 years of age i had one big crazy dream [Music] [Music] so today i am more excited about what i do than i have ever been before such an inspiration to the whole group just an absolute gem of a human never met someone that would go so far out of their way to help you even if you didn't know you can just tell that he's out to encourage and inspire and to make a difference in the world and it's incredible his vision he's such a man of vision [Music] it all started with the drawing i just was sitting in my girlfriend's lounge room just drawing some funky little logos and thought monster surfboard sounded cool really just started from there my friends thought i was a little bit crazy didn't really know what i was doing or why i was doing it but i became really passionate about creating these surfboards and i was just absolutely hooked on it [Music] i just wanted to create a few t-shirts so i could kind of wear my brand and just for me and my mates and like my mates mates and their mates mates started asking oh can we get some hoodies and stuff too and yeah it was really weird i was like people actually kind of digging this and yeah later that year i went to kenya and i went there to be a blessing but found that my own life was transformed through the amazing stories of these kids they really had nothing compared to us but they had an incredible inner peace and that's all that mattered to them and i learned that life is quite simple and we just complicate it yeah i was really impacted by the trip and i'm super inspired to turn this hobby of mine into a platform that could give back and inspire people along the way and got home from that trip super inspired to really turn it into a clothing brand [Music] i want to greet you in the name of jesus my name is mama pora and i asked mama how many fish she wanted to put in the fish farm i am one of your beneficiary where i come as the managing director and she said as many as we can fit and i want to assure you that because you support him to support me we ended up getting 4 000 catfish into this fish farm and also do all the gardening there for the fish pond and in august come and you get a fish from here they are able to eat 2 000 fish and sell 2 000 fish to keep funding the project day in and day out they've got braces one of the most fulfilling parts of my journey has been watching this tribe like movement thrive and grow throughout the world we have a group of ambassadors who are really the leaders of this tribe they take our live passionately message and they promote it in their own communities and through their own ways of life [Music] so the idea is to take the ambassadors on an epic adventure but to also do something that is beyond ourselves we wanted to find somewhere that was pretty unexplored and we're just on google earth and we zoomed in on the philippines region and saw that it was 7 000 islands and we just thought there would be that many unexplored epic locations there for an adventure [Music] so we've rounded everyone up and we're taking them on what will hopefully be the adventure of a lifetime [Music] [Applause] [Music] when i started monster i actually didn't know anyone who's kind of in the tribe at the moment and it's just you know been meeting people here and there that have kind of just it's come together really naturally yeah that's what i love about it it's just a big extended family [Music] hey greetings to all the rafter man in the world james page he one of the most funniest humans he is really funny but then really serious one of the coolest cats that i know is cheeky but amazing he is very compassionate and caring please joy reach you out wherever you may be the right word just the love he has for everyone and like the joy actually brings to the group if you asked anyone who knows who knew jed that would say that he's the nicest person in the whole world the happiest person i've ever met always has a smile on his face the most kind-hearted person that i've ever met like won't hurt us is one of the lads funny as we'll climb a mountain we'll surf big waves so nice to have another girl on the trip with a group of guys she's like i shouldn't even say one of the boys i shouldn't say she's one of the boys tiny is cool she doesn't care what you do like you can you know she's she's like one of the boys elliot grey he's not actually a human he's a rhino what do you got there elliott that's all i have to say always find myself kissing myself when whenever i look at him heaps of entertainment uh brexit is just an amazing soul so kind caring just brightens the room with a smile it gives everybody a chance no matter what yeah wouldn't say a bad thing about anyone perhaps it's an absolute legend brings a good part with the crew he's a man of passion i love his passion for surfing pretty good surfer proper waves so determined to get waves if he's not in the water he's always kind of twitching and it's like there's something not quite right going there so he definitely needs salt in his brain to function i think yeah he said man jordy yeah outdoor personality that loves to be doing your singing and dancing kind of thing and i don't usually hang around with people like that [Music] rocked up in manila late on friday night and then got everyone up at 3am on saturday morning um and we told him we're going on a volcano high he's like yeah we're all jumping on a bus and we're going to climb this um yeah this big crater volcano thing and we're like yeah sick [Music] i was kind of expecting us to rock up to the bottom of the mountain with a little dirt track and go for a little hike i was pictured the the classic um volcano where you just walk up it's just gonna be steep and just quite barren steep and bad and then when you get to top you'll see lava that's what i thought we jumped in these like tiny jeep things like four of us in the back and i was just watching like jet and stuff at the back of us just like getting thrown around going through these like rivers water going everywhere and then when we kind of came around that first corner you can see the those ash cliffs that pretty much blow me away it's pretty hard to explain like kind of like another realm i don't know something you kind of see out of a movie [Applause] [Music] it just looked like we're on the moon or like in the himalayas or something and it was just it was incredible a couple hours on the jeeps and then we had a pretty epic 7k hike just straight up started hiking up and up and up kept going jumping over these rivers [Music] so we end up getting up the top of the mountain can we get over the hill and it just turns into this beautiful open vast i've never seen anything like it for the first 10 minutes everyone was just speechless [Music] so beautiful [Music] [Applause] it was a pretty remarkable experience just to see that firsthand nothing what i expected at all it was better one of the best days of my life i reckon yeah already from that day one already surpassed what i was expecting for that mountain high [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] like [Music] like that [Music] is [Music] my [Music] like uh [Music] [Music] so so we rocked up in um summer and uh we went to a little town called a little island called calicon i tried to research it before we came and couldn't find any waves or what was going on there but once i got there how much the um palm trees were just gone there was no palm trees because of that super typhoon hit a couple years ago like the eye of typhoon yolanda smashed through um back in 2013. um it was the biggest recorded typhoon in history with winds of up to 400 kilometers and so talking to the locals who just understood more and more of what actually happened and kind of the after effects of the situation that happened three years ago [Music] the time when the typhoon came that was end of october i went to manila and in the time when i was there i was so on the news and like it's really massive typo and it's like really really crazy that's the first time since i was born here just the first time we saw like that kind of typhoon the initial assessment showed that hayan left a wake of massive destruction that is unprecedented unthinkable and horrific i called my parents and then my friends you guys need to be ready because this type of is not like the type one we already experienced they warned that there will be a typhoon surge it's just like a big wave and then after midnight if there's no more signal and then i can't even contact anyone i was on the on a plane i saw the place it's like my turn is falling and then i saw it's like no grain anymore like all brown like all grounds like someone dropped an atomic bomb on the island it's like nothing all the people didn't follow the warning so that's what happened many people didn't evacuate when after the typhoon i see people dead on the streets so many people all of us were crying the families were crying so it's very sad [Music] you know it's it's been over two years now and just to see that houses were still just destroyed and people hadn't been our recovery was pretty confronting when you're driving through like through the area still three years later and there's just there's there's places with no ruse all the walls and everything have fallen down because they can't afford to [Music] rebuild like we have it's so easy in australia like we re we rebuild so easy it's been three years and like there's so many places that still haven't been like rebuilt like people's people's houses and stuff you see that you see it everywhere see when you're driving we should play that we can have our house again and no more disasters just like that and a fine weather just like that [Music] [Music] [Music] one of the most interesting things that i learnt was the whole community in calicoan and sulawan area to get away from the typhoon they all came together into this one church and because this church was the best structure in that village they were able to be safe from the [Music] need typhoon place to hide a safe place somewhere in the woods we can start the fire yeah some of them like stay in their house if they have like a strong house but people like they have like uh not really good house everyone like goes here yeah like uh eighty percent of people in the village doing here in this church yeah i think we have like 3 000 people in this village or more [Music] you know okay so we've come on this trip to find adventure and chase waves but it's also not about us we've found ourselves here in cali cohen which was actually the eye of the typhoon that hit here two years ago which was the biggest ever on record we've met this incredible lady betty and we just got talking to her and she was telling us about her village in sulawan which is five kilometers from here and they actually don't have clean drinking water so today uh we're gonna go trek into suluwan five k's from here and we're gonna install some clean drinking filtration units and just meet with the locals and and really serve them today it was just such a neat experience to share with them and give back to the community where we're staying [Music] we felt so much better now [Music] yeah this is good thing because we don't need to boil it anymore so we can just filter the water and then we can just drink it right away so it helps a lot so thanks for the water filter and that project also [Music] we feel so much better now [Music] [Laughter] so we all thought it would be a great idea as a group to go and check out these amazing limestone caves at about 5 p.m just on dark we still thought no no we'll still go went to this cave was absolutely amazing the clearest water we've ever seen went swimming had an amazing time like mind-blowing left the cave it was last like practically last light it was pretty much pitch black two phone torches nothing else six people three pairs of shoes kind of do the maps i had bare feet pretty much had to use the towels um someone someone else's towel on my towel to wrap around my feet because it was the sharpest limestone literally poking into my feet just the the tension and and confusion that arose between everyone there which was like i'm not used to so it was quite like it was it was weird i thought i thought [Applause] mate i'm tough and then this is this is [ __ ] because it's night we're walking back and we can't see anything and it really hurts jed was laden we had it and then two turns into it we kind of made a a fork entry and a few crew went right and a few crew went left just got completely lost and i think it took us about four hours to get out of the forest and bugs insects bites centipedes the size of your foot ants crawl on up your pants cuts blood i don't like cavo not one bit that cave sucks seriously every time i go near that cave i want to punch myself in the head straight up what is this oh there's it's one of those man eating things boy guys let's go oh i'm getting bitten oh that is heavy [Music] what's up what's happening let's just go back and start walking that track that we came down here in because this isn't it but i can't even find the truck where that's the thing where you just [Music] phil's probably like knocking back red horses just laughing his ass off hiked up a little mountain and then we've got down the other side had to bush bash our way we've got t-shirts as shoes bleeding everywhere and we just found this road so frothing the power of team let's do it [Music] two days later it's pretty nice day waves are two to three foot joshie was frothing at the lunch table going sick we're going to get some wine the gang had a surprise for us usually a surprise or something like really just well i would think it's like yes like everybody's really happy to do it so this morning we spent a couple hours searching the coast for waves didn't turn out but but we had a good time and now we've found some good spots for this swell next week so we thought this salvo would be a perfect time to set our own agendas aside and do something for the environment so we after lunch we're gonna head uh down the road a bit and we're going to clean up the cave it we're going to pick up rubbish around [Music] snakes [Music] [Music] it was the most humid hot like i had sweat just dripping off me probably close to 80 or 90 community not gonna lie like did not feel good at all not one part of me actually felt good just pick up rubbish passionately i think one of the best things about cleaning up the cave was seeing the locals that were already there actually start to help out as well at the end of it when i actually looked down and saw the froth on those locals and how it pretty much every single person that we walked past with all those bags of rubbish we're just frothing that's where that's where the enjoyment came and seeing how much that couple hours out of my life could impact those crew and make them froth out but yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] looked so much better once we did it and it was really rewarding to see how much of just a little effort can go such a long way [Music] [Music] halfway through the first week um josh being the the frother that he is was just hooked onto the the swell charts and saw a typhoon um coming across the north of the philippines and just got so excited he was actually supposed to be leaving at the end of that week when i first saw the typhoon as well i automatically canceled my flight and booked one week later and then emailed work and was like i'm gonna have to stay for another week so we kind of left it up to to josh and paigey to um sort out where it was going to be best to surf and then tracking the swell was probably the most frustrating i've ever tracked ever because every single four hours every update it would change it would change the intensity and direction or how high it was or how low it would push there's a couple of ways that we really did want to go hunt we're looking at this one spot where we've only heard good things from there's two setups didn't know how long it would take to get that far north or if it would get skunked this would've never been there but instead we chose another little tropical island to go to it can accommodate for all pretty much in perfect little waves little slab setups little left little riots river mouse rights tucked in behind [Music] islands [Music] i woke up pretty early the next morning i just thought i'd go for a little walk down on the beach because i couldn't hear if it was the waves breaking on the beach or if it was the ac cranking and got to the beach and was just stuck to the horizon pretty clean sets [Laughter] [Music] and then when we got the boat ride to the island and i first saw like those sets stacking up and you just see big blue lines coming out of the deep you like start losing my mind but then it was fat and then pretty much if the boat had gone about 100 meters further we would have been sunk so and we kind of trekked around and mucked around a little bit um everywhere was a bit down because we hadn't found a place or where we thought was going to be good wasn't good i was on top of the van came around the corner over the top of this bridge and just looked out to this beautiful right-hander like that's all i've dreamt about when i think about the trip i was like yeah sick right-hand barrels can't wait like good ones clean beautiful it was pretty sweet i don't think i've gotten so many vowels in one session please don't put that on [Music] water in the afternoon [Music] [Music] spray [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] two [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] hey hey guys i'm just typing it i love snapchat so after the big day in the surf everyone was pretty cooked we thought it'd be a really cool idea to kind of get the crew up and about and blow up some inflatable pool toys that we we brought over [Music] and not expecting much but then all these kids ran out from nowhere ended up getting down the beach and just was swamped by kids [Music] we're in a pretty isolated place so the local kids don't see many foreigners especially white people yeah i love this little province that we're in because it's a nice little community vibe and there's always kids on the street frothing out or doing something and just getting annihilated in the waves i thought it was hilarious [Music] so much to do there's so much [Music] [Music] i'm always filling the days [Music] it's really cool to see how just the simple things in life in like their labs just makes me so happy like just a high five and just a smile something that i'm sure they won't forget for a very long time and probably something that we won't forget either and one definitely one of the highlights of the [Music] trip line so coming into the last few days of the trip we had one last initiative um for the the crew to to do and that was some more water filtration and we stumbled across upon a local hospital and i think it was elliot got talking to some of the nurses there and found out about a school that was off um on a different island just a small remote island that the kids were getting really sick from the water there and they were having to boat the kids over into the hospital and just getting really really being really really unwell from from the unclean water back in australia we're so like so blessed to have clean water but these guys it's so easy to get sick from um dirty water like the biggest killer in um the world i'm pretty sure is like diarrhoea you wouldn't really expect that diarrhea is the biggest killer in the world but that's because of dirty water so it's all water waterborne diseases get cut out from this water filtration process and it's just it's just where my heart is and you know it's one way of being able to give back to others [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we actually got told that there was no school for the day so we're pretty bummed but we're like we'll go over and actually just suss out this little lawn and see if the primary school kids are there when we got there i'm pretty surprised but one of the ladies were like yeah just the kids were there [Music] coming into the island and just being greeted with all these smiling faces and like kids cheering and and jed of course was just off to the side like playing slaps with the kids and just like frothing out [Music] just been told from the teachers that the kids have been getting sick from the dirty water so we've come here today to the school of this island in the philippines and we're gonna give them some clean water so let's get around the kids up and show them how it's all done hello how are you good yes very good this is [Music] let's do it come here so we have the leaves as well kids are stoked we're stoked [Music] so much joy around this area right now good feeling good feeling an awesome awesome way to end the trip i was so proud of how everyone had just come together and had not just seen this as another surf trip we're all here to get good waves and have an amazing holiday together but it runs deeper than that and being on surf trips like we're just surf stuff so far it was really cool to do things for other people to see the look on the kids faces from like dirty to clean water was more than incredible kind of sums up that it's not just about you especially traveling to these countries it's not all about just getting pumping waves it's not all about yourself it's not all about getting a tan it's that easy to do something for an hour two hours out of your two-week holiday to make a difference and considering our impact wherever we're going we are blessed to be a blessing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i have never done a trip like this before and can't wait to do the next one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Zorali
Views: 297,063
Rating: 4.91466 out of 5
Keywords: Live Passionately, Monsta Surf, Philippines, Tribe, Cam Greenwood, Monsta Surf Tribe, Surf, Surfing, Documentary, Water Filtration, Give Back, Monsta Foundation, Waves for Water, Miraki Creative, zorali, zorali outdoor
Id: DXwmy1fyBUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 7sec (3127 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2017
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