LIVE: India's PM Modi Aims to Globalise the Rupee: All You Need to Know | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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[Music] hello namaskar this is first post and you're watching vantage with me py [Music] Sharma how can the rupee become a Global Currency the prime minister of India has asked the Central Bank of India to work on it on making the rupe more appealing and accessible globally why is this important and how can India do it we'll discuss that tonight in China phone maker xiaomi has become a car maker and its EV debut is a super hit 90,000 orders on day one and a 7mon waiting period but the company will incur millions of dollars in losses because of this car we'll explain why in West Asia Israel attacks the Iranian Embassy in Syria Iran says it will respond is Netanyahu angling for a wider conflict what is the strategy here in the US lawmakers write to the justice department about Rising anti-hindu crimes and Temple attacks Indonesia's new leader goes to meet Xi Jinping in China even before he takes office we'll tell you why Bangladesh's prime minister has a stinging reply for the opposition's India out campaign vistara Airlines hits turbulence flights canceled and delayed we'll tell you what's going on there Dr Congo gets its first woman prime minister we'll bring you her story also a report on what big Tech knows about you and how they're making billions off you finally The Art of Doing Nothing and why all of us must learn it all this and more coming up the headlines first taiwan's front Island Frontline Island on alert amid provocations by Chinese civilian drones Adan Island is just 5 kilm from the Chinese Coast taipe asks its soldiers stationed there to increase their vigilance Beijing claims Taiwan as its own territory an Israeli air strike killed seven Aid workers in Gaza prime minister Netanyahu says it was quote unquote unintentional most of those killed were foreigners who were delivering food Aid to gazans Israel launches a probe amid International outcry in India trouble for the trino congress's leader Maha MRA the enforcement directorate files a money laundering case against her in the cash for query raal in December Maha MRA was expelled from Parliament for allegedly accepting gifts to ask questions in the loksabha Egypt's President Abdul fat AL C sworn in for his third term the former Army Chief will remain president till 2030 he won the election in December with over 89% of the vote since 2013 LCC has been in power in the most populous country in the Arab world gold hits a record Peak prices rise to a new high over the prospect of interest rate Cuts later this year in March the bullion Rose by 99.3% its biggest monthly growth since July 2020 and ax suspend its new CEO over allegations of insider trading in 2023 Alex Cruz bought more than 177,000 AA shares just a week before his appointment was announced Cruz had taken charge of the Dutch Club on 15th [Music] March central banks have a thankless job a lot of pressure but not a lot of credit just consider India Central Bank the RBI or The Reserve Bank of India consider everything they do they protect the Indian rupe from volatility they defend Indians from inflation they keep our interest rates in check and they keep commercial Banks honest none of it is easy but prime minister Narendra Modi has given the RBI a new task and arguably tougher one the Prime Minister was speaking at the rbi's foundation day listen to what he said be acceptable be globalize the rupee that's the message from the government but what does it mean a global currency is basically a reserve currency it is used in global trade it's held by most central banks and it's easily controvertible it's easily convertible rather you can buy and sell this currency easily and how many such currencies are there not many the US dollar is the biggest one it makes up 60% of All Foreign Exchange reserves plus 40 to 50% of global trade other examples are the Euro and the pound sterling but nowadays a lot of countries are D dollariz they're moving away from the US dollar China wants to globalize its Yuan bricks is talking about its own currency and now India wants to globalize the rupee but why the sudden Rush well one reason is financial many countries are struggling with foreign reserves they use dollars to repay loans and to trade as a result they running out of dollars like Sri Lanka did in 2022 so these countries are looking at other options like trading in local currencies the second reason is political some major exporters are under Western sanctions countries like Russia China even Iran they're all sanctioned so you cannot use dollars to buy from them so what do countries do they look beyond the US dollar they try to use local currencies and India's reasons are a mixture of both both of these political and economic we trade a lot with countries like Sri Lanka and Bangladesh countries that are low on dollar reserves we also trade with sanctioned countries like Russia and Iran so we need alternatives to the US dollar but beyond this there is also a third reason a strategic goal India is the fifth largest economy in the world it aims to become the third largest in this decade so we talking about a global power which means you cannot depend on foreign currencies you need something more reliable like a globalized Indian rupee it would protect you from foreign volatility it will also insulate you from economic Warfare so we've answered the what and the why now let's look at the how how can India globalize the rupee it won't happen overnight just look at the Chinese after the 2008 recession they decided to globalize their currency the Yuan it's been almost 16 years now yet the Yuan makes up just 5.8% of international payments it's still behind the dollar the Euro and the pound so do not expect miracles with the rupee with that said let's look at what India can do and just a disclaimer this is not there is no exact handbook here different currencies had different paths to globalization the pound used colonization the dollar used the second world war and and the Euro used institutions but if a country wants to globalize its currency most economists talk about four requisites four things that you need to do the first is financial stability your overall debt must be under control your inflation must be moderate and your per capita income should be high various RBI committees have talked about this they say fiscal deficit should be less than 3.5% of the GDP and inflation must be less than 5% and these levels must be maintained over a long period of time only then you signal stability and I'm afraid India is not there yet India's fiscal deficit is 5.8% of the GDP so we need to fix it first that is the first requirement the second and the third requisites are linked and the logic is quite simple here you need more people to buy and hold the rupee but they should have a reason to do that either India should export a lot of goods in which case Cas you can use the rupee to buy those goods or buy these exports or it must be great investment the Indian rupee must be great investment let's look at exports first India makes up just 2% of global exports the US makes up 8 and a half% and China makes up almost 15% so India's share needs to increase if not other countries may not want the rupee just look at Russia they decide decided to call off the rupe ruble trade system why because Moscow was stuck with billions of unusable rupees which brings us to the investment angle let's go back to to the year 2010 assume that you had $1 back then $1 was worth 45 Indian rupees in 2010 almost 14 years have passed today that $1 is worth almost 83 Indian rupees so the dollar has appreciated in value but the rupe has not meaning the the rupe has not been a good investment so you need to expand your exports and make the rupee desirable finally let's look at the fourth requisite removing State controls you can pump endless foreign money into Indian markets but the opposite is not allowed you cannot take unlimited amounts of rupee outside India there are limits on this movement and these limits are called Capital controls and investors do not like them what if their funds get stuck in India what if the value keeps falling so investors like currencies that flow freely same with currency value the rupee is often defended by the Central Bank of India if it falls too steeply the RBI intervenes they sell dollars in the market to prop up the rupee again investors do not like this they prefer a robust free floating currency so the challenge ahead is huge but the good news is that India is quite serious about it in 2022 the RBI announced a big move it allowed International Trade settlements in rupees basically Traders could buy and sell in rupees and many countries now accept the Indian currency countries like Bhutan Nepal the UA Sri Lanka Bangladesh even Iran all these countries allow trade in Indian rupees plus India's exports are gradually Rising India's total exports were worth $500 billion in the year 2020 they increased to 770 billion in 2022 and they were expected to reach 900 billion in the last Financial year we still waiting for official data so to recap there is a strategic need to globalize the rupee there is political will to do it and the financial requisites are slowly being achieved this is a marathon where focus is the key our Second Story is about cars specifically electric vehicles Eves if you're looking to buy an EV you are in luck because right now this is a buyer's market the prices are going down and the number of companies offering electric cars is going up in countries like China there is in fact an over Supply and a new player has zoomed into the arena looking to shake up the industry and park itself in pole position we're talking about xiaomi a household name in smartphones and electronics xiaomi is now entering the electric car market last week they launched their first Eevee a sedan called the speed Ultra 7 or su7 for short speed Ultra 7 this car has made a rocking debut within 24 hours of launch xiaomi had more than 88,000 orders and now there's a long wait list many of those who booked a car will have to wait for at least 6 months to get it it's a dream launch xiaomi's new car is a super it even before it rolls out of showrooms the company's stock price has has surged by 16% their market value has jumped by more than $7 billion xiaomi's valuation in fact touched $55 billion today which makes it more valuable than car companies like General Motors and Ford General Motors is worth $52 billion Ford is worth 53 billion and xiaomi at 55 billion is bigger than them the electric car has supercharged xiaomi as of now the su7 is available only in China but this launch is generating Global buzz and the reason for that is xiaomi's business strategy it's aggressive pricing the base model is priced at around $299,000 that's close to 25 lakh rupees now compare this to a Tesla a xiaomi car is at least $4,000 cheaper than a Tesla and at this price point xiaomi is not making a profit in fact it is losing money on every car sold it will lose $10,000 $10,000 per car so this price war with Tesla will bleed xiaomi let me show you an assessment it is by City research they say if xiaomi sells 60,000 cars this year the company is set to lose 4.1 billion yuan which is around $560 million us so at this rate the more cars they sell the more money they will lose which brings us to the question why is xiaomi doing it because it can and the Chinese state is helping it xiaomi has a cash reserve of $15 billion so it can afford the price War and the loss plus it has the backing of Beijing you see xiaomi is not building these cars on its own it is using a state-owned manufacturer a company called the baic group they are the ones making the xiaomi Eevee China already has a large EV ecosystem xiaomi is simply leveraging it to enter a new market and to disrupt it they can sustain a short-term loss to get a foothold in the EV market and China State infrastructure is helping them do this Beijing has spent big money to build it this infrastructure from 2009 to 2023 Beijing handed out $28 billion $28 billion this was in the form of subsidies and tax breaks to EV makers and these stops attracted many players they made China the world's largest ev Market in fact now it's overcrowded there are at least 200 car makers in China 200 companies they make both EVs and hybrid cars last year China cut some of these subsidies so these 200 companies are now looking to compete in New Markets outside China and the rest of the world should be on guard the US Treasury secretary has already issued warnings her name is Janet Ellen she says China is treating the global economy like a Dumping Ground they have more EVS than buyers so they're sending their cars overseas in fact let me quote from a statement I'm concerned about global spillovers from the excess capacity that we are seeing in China China's over capacity distorts Global prices and production patterns and hurts American firms and workers as well as firms and workers around the world Europe is concerned too according to one report one out of four e sold in Europe this year will be made in China One out of four and Chinese EV makers are eyeing India to including the company called byd the world's biggest seller of EVS today last month byd announced that it wants to cover 90% of India's EV Market by the end of 2024 this year 90% of the market so the Chinese are coming for everyone and it's no longer about who sells the best car it's about who can bleed the other side more it's not a Level Playing Field Chinese companies have stayed subsidies they artificially lower prices and kill competition so governments around the world need to step in and protect their markets and their companies against Chinese dumping [Music] it's a major escalation in West Asia one that could pit Iran against Israel we're talking about a disastrous confrontation it could drag the whole region to war so what exactly happened on Monday evening missiles targeted a building in Syria in the capital Damascus this building was an Iranian consulate it was located right next to the Embassy and what was the damage seven Iranian officers were killed in the strike among them were two big names Brigadier General Muhammad Reza zahedi he was a senior commander in the ks Force he served in Lebanon and Syria between 2008 and 2016 so an experienced foreign hand for Iran the other was Brigadier General Muhammad Hadi rahimi he was the hadi's deputy so two top Iranian generals have been killed the question is by whom both Syria and Iran point fingers at Israel the Syrian government has released an elaborate statement it says Israeli Jets flew in from Golan Heights some of their missiles were shot down but the rest hit the Iranian building now as you would expect the regime is lied the Iranian State media has released a statement from the supreme leader and he is promising to punish Israel the evil regime of Israel will be punished by the hands of our brave men we will make them regret this crime and similar ones God willing and what is Israel saying they haven't confirmed or denied the allegation their only response was no comment but there is precedent for such attacks in the past Israel has carried out multiple strikes inside Syria one of them was last week in fact Israeli bombs targeted Aleppo and Damascus around 53 people were killed another strike was in January again Damascus was targeted by Israel they killed around five senior Iranian officers now these attacks raise a couple of questions a what are Iranian officers doing in Syria the government says advising basically helping the Syrian military fight the rebels and and B why does Israel Target them well Israel accuses Iran of building an AIS of evil of using Syria to support anti-israel groups like Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza Israel says Iran funnels money and weapons via Syria hence these attacks but Monday strike went one step ahead not only did they hit a foreign Embassy they took out top Iranian generals the question is why why would Benin Netanyahu risk an escalation we can think of three possible explanations one is a preemptive strike maybe Israel had tell on something big maybe an attack coordinated by Syria it's unlikely but it is possible the second reason is to test Iranian resolve we've seen a lot of tough words from thean but we haven't seen actions Iranian proxies have been attacking ships and planes but not Iran the regime has stayed away from direct involvement but an Israeli attack on Rafa could change that most most people agree that it would be a bloody operation thousands of civilians could die and and that may tempt Iran to get involved so perhaps Israel was testing the waters to see how far it can push Iran and finally the third explanation to drag the Americans in Joe Biden has been scaling back his support to Israel there is pressure to cut off military aid but a face off with Iran would change all of that it would force Biden to extend more support to Israel we're seeing indications of that already most agencies have blamed Israel for the air strikes China and Russia have also accused them but the US has refused to do so bombed Iran's consulate building in Damascus today apparently killed an Iranian military commander did you know about this in advance you concerned this is an escalation so look I'm aware of the reports our team is looking into it so I'm not going to get ahead of of anything just yet but obviously we're aware of the reports and our team is looking into it I'm just not going to go beyond that what happens next there are massive protests in thean many of them want action against Israel so the regime may have may not have an option they've already been weakened by protests and Terror attacks so now is not the time to appear helpless but what kind of response are we looking at Iran could use proxies to hurt Israel it could use cyber attacks to infrastructure or it could choose the nuclear option to hit back directly but at this point such a deadly response looks unlikely and whatever Iran chooses is Israel is ready every day we gain further evidence that we find ourselves in a multif front war that is both offensively and defensively we operate everywhere every day in order to prevent our enemies from gaining strength and in order to make it clear to anyone who acts against us all over the Middle East that the price for action against Israel will be a heavy one this is what long Wars do they create more scope for escalation for miscommunication unication and eventually more destruction Israel's focus should be on defeating the Hamas to wind up the current war in Gaza not triggering a new one our next story is from the US it's about the rise in hate crimes hate crimes against Hindus a rising trend of Hindu temples being attacked which has led which has led to and I'm quoting an increased Collective anxiety among Hindu Americans these are the words of a US lawmaker Congressman rajak krishnam morti a Democrat from the state of Illinois he's been leading the charge against anti-hindu hate crimes in the US along with four other Hindu members of Congress together they wrote to the US justice department recently asking for an update on investigations into vandalism at Hindu temples they want to know what the police are doing to prevent these crimes and who is behind the attacks here's our report a few days ago five members of the US Congress decided to sound an alarm they wrote a letter to the US justice department asking for information about hate crimes but not all hate crimes the five members of Congress are looking for something specific hate crimes targeted at Hindus specifically information on the recent Spate of attacks on Hindu temples in the US over the last few months many temples have been targeted in both the US and Canada the people behind the attacks seem to be khalistanis who want to break up India and carve out a separate nation called khalistan from the Indian state of Punjab khalistanis had their he back in the 1980s but India crushed the violent movement and khalistanis fled the nation and made their way to countries like the US and Canada and continued to propagate their ways as the West turned a blind eye and Justified separatism and terrorism as freedom of speech fast forward a few decades and this is what you get attacks on Hindu temples by the descendants of these separatists it got especially bad around the new year a Hindu American politician claimed that six Hindu temples were attacked in Just 2 weeks this includes the Shri swaminarayan temple in New York New Jersey and several temples in the state of California khalistanis are suspected to be behind these attacks because they announced it themselves they wrote the phrase khalistan zindabad on every Temple they vandalized that means Long Live khalistan they also wrote the phrase Modi is a terrorist referring to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi now political opinions are one thing but you can't deface a place of worship and you can't terrorize a community that is a hate crime and multi multiple such crimes took place in quick succession around the turn of the new year with similar things written in each instance suggesting that the attacks were coordinated it's been a few months since all this took place meaning American law enforcement has had time to round up the perpetrators so you think that the cops are on top of things right sadly that's not the case as the five Hindu members of Congress have made clear in their letter it states that they haven't been told of any leads Hindus are living in fear and intimidation the community is concerned if we remove the layer of diplomacy the Hindu members of Congress are effectively pulling the cops up they demand to know what's going on and they've issued an ultimatum April 18th is the deadline the Department of Justice has until then to give them an update and a plan on how to deal with Rising anti-hindu hate crimes it's a sharp rebuke and it draws attention to the plight of Hindus in America their places of worship are under attack by some who believe in a divisive political ideology the United States of America is well known for preaching peace to others it's high time that they get their house in order by reigning in these divisive elements at home back to China which hosted a new leader this week rovo subianto the income coming president of Indonesia he's yet to be officially inaugurated Indonesia has a long transition period so while he won the election in February the inauguration ceremony will take place only in October but that did not stop Xi Jinping from inviting him and subbiano from traveling all the way to China you have chosen China as the destination of your first post selection visit and made a special trip to China during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan which reflects the great importance you attached to China AIA relations she was keen on meeting proov subianto so he extended an invite he asked subbiano to plan a trip before he was inaugurated which is a break from convention and has raised eyebrows in Indonesia too no president-elect has traveled abroad before the swearing in ceremony subbian is the first to do so and he did it with the permission of the outgoing president Joko viddo so that's one reason why this visit has attracted attention it's unconventional the second reason is the political message it sends Jakarta is signaling continuity in its relationship with Beijing and it's an important relationship for both sides not without challenges though China is Indonesia's biggest economic partner from 2010 to 2020 Indonesia has got some $15.9 billion in Chinese Investments almost 16 billion in 10 years so biano wants to keep this going and this is what he told Xi Jinping in Beijing once again I would like to emphasize that I would like to continue the policies of President joku Doo I am determined to use all his achievements as a foundation for my programs policy continuity that's his promise he wants more business with China and this will be a tricky man Indonesia is a key player in the asan The Association of Southeast Asian Nations it's an important Block in Southeast Asia its members are at are at the receiving end of Chinese aggression but as a block asan has failed to stand up to China look at the member countries individually most of them face China's military provocations you have Vietnam the Philippines Malaysia brune they all have disputes in the South China Sea China claims the entire region these other countries have competing claims same with Indonesia Chinese claims in the South China Sea overlap with Indonesia's exclusive economic zone Jakarta has challenged Beijing in some instances but it has chosen not to be too vocal about it it has been careful and calibrated president Joo viodo has walked a fine line he pushed a policy of Friendship with China his goal was to engage with Beijing to focus on the economic relationship while maintaining lines of of communication with the West too and subbiano wants to continue this policy China was the first stop in his trip his next stop is Japan in fact subbiano arrived in Tokyo today he will meet fumio kishida the Japanese prime minister just like Joko Widodo subbiano wants to work with both China and the west but it won't be easy as tensions continue to grow in the South China Sea Beijing has increased its deployments in the region the Chinese Coast Guard is attack ing ships they're striking Filipino vessels with water cannons almost every day now similar escalations against Indonesia May derail subo's plans push him on the back foot right at the start of his presidency and that's the thing about doing business with China it works only as long as you do it on their terms let's turn to Bangladesh now their opposition has devised a new political strategy or rather retrofitted an old one the India out strategy we saw it succeed in the Maldives last year so Bangladesh's opposition is giving it a try but their prime minister is having none of it that's shik Hina she's built a career on closed ties with India so Hina is pushing back listen to what she said at a recent event I have a question for those politicians who are now seeing boycott Indian good how many Indian sis do the wives have and why they're not taking the sis from the wives and setting them on fire please ask BNP leaders I have more questions for them we are importing spices onion garlic ginger and many other items from India why don't they cook without Indian spices they must cook and eat food made without these spices no half measures there sh Casina is on the charge and she's got a point Bangladesh's main opposition is the BNP the Bangladesh nationalist party and they want to boycott Indian products that's easier said than done Indian India exports essential Commodities to Bangladesh like spices oil and vegetables so the prime minister's question is valid will the opposition boycott those to we'll come to the economic angle in a bit but first let's look at the politics how did this movement start the trigger seems to have been the election in January shik hina's party won quite easily but many activists and Bangladeshi expats pushed back they did not just blame Hina they also blamed India one such voice behind this movement is pinaki bhatacharya he's an activist based in France and look at what he said I'm quoting authorities in Bangladesh managed to conduct the farsal election after India covertly and overtly sided with the ruling party a couple of problems here one he has not offered any proof and two Bangladesh's opposition chose to boycott the election so what else did they expect of course shik hina's party Cruis to Victory right now this India out campaign is mostly online let me show you some pictures in fact these were all posted by Bangladeshi users you can see popular Indian consumer products like oil and cosmetic products but all of them have been crossed out and look at the hashtags too India out hash # boycot India # boycot Indian products and these hashtags have thousands of posts but will it work well that depends on many factors the BNP the opposition party does have a history of anti-india politics they used it in the late 1970s they used it again in the 1990s so the idea is not new for the BNP only the slogan is new and they can thank Mohammad muu for that but making it work will be hard in the Maldives India out became a street movement it had clear electoral benefits but in Bangladesh that is not the case the movement is largely online it is being promoted by activists and leaders based abroad and that is a key difference Plus in Bangladesh a lot of money is at stake the bilateral trade is worth almost $16 billion India is daka's top export destination in Asia even higher than China so no Bangladesh government can afford to push India away away and do not forget the culture and history India and Bangladesh were once the same country they fought together against Pakistan so it's a relationship that runs deep and by challenging it the BNP is playing a dangerous game look at what this Bangladeshi commentator wrote and I'm quoting again instead of promoting National cohesion or furthering strategic objectives the India out campaign poses a risk of creating division hindering Economic Development and isolating Bangladesh on a regional level we could not agree more but what should India do about it ignore and move on or keep a close eye on matters maybe the second option it's clear that the India out movement is not a nationwide campaign yet prime minister shik Hina spoke about it she decided it was important enough to criticize and India should do the same maybe expand its out reach in Bangladesh understand what its people think about India and invest more in People to People ties it's the best way to nip this movement in the bud in India it's been a turbulent few days for vistara one of the country's premium carriers it operates close to 300 flights daily many of them are from India's biggest cities but now vistara finds itself in the middle of a crisis its Pilots are calling in sick flights are being delayed many of them are being cancelled passengers are stranded and the government is seeking an answer so what is behind the sudden crisis Reports say it's the merger between V between vistara and Air India our next report explains chaos has gripped India's Aviation sector again and at the center of it is one Airline vistara on Monday 50 vistara flights were cancelled 16 of them were delayed the crisis continued on Tuesday at least 38 flights have been cancelled most of them from Key cities like Delhi Mumbai and Bengaluru 70 more could be cancelled in the future in fact the cancellations got so bad that the center had to intervene the ministry of civil aviation has taken notice it has sought an explanation from the airline so what led to this chaos the airline says it's because of Staff unavailability but reports suggest otherwise vistara Pilots have reportedly sought sick leave and mass many of them have not turned up for work other Pilots were pulled in to cover their shifts but that wasn't enough thus the flight disruptions so why are the pilots not showing up well vistara is merging with Air India so it has given Pilots a revised contract Reports say it includes a new salary structure it has a fixed salary for 40 hours of flying and for many Pilots this could mean a pay cut for some this cut could be more than 50% of their salary so they weren't willing to accept it according to reports vistara even issued an ultimatum to its Pilots it said accept the new pay structure or be prepared for a pay cut and that hasn't gone down well with many vistara began its operations in 2015 it was a joint venture between tataa Suns and Singapore Airlines tataa had a 51% stake Singapore Airlines had 49% in 2022 Tata acquired Air India the plan was to merge it with vistara Singapore Airlines would get a 25.1% stake in the new company India has approved that merger Singapore has given its no as well brand vistara is not changing till 2025 but it is already in the process of merging its staff with Air India and it is this merger that seems to be behind the chaos so what is vist are doing about this the airline has taken two measures to resolve this crisis one it's reducing the number of flights it operates and two it'll deploy larger aircraft on busier routes vistara is also offering refunds to customers the carrier says it'll resume regular operations soon but the government isn't convinced the dgca has pulled up the airline that's the directorate general of civil aviation the aviation Authority in India it wants vistara to submit information daily this includes the details of canceled and delayed flights vistara has also been asked for a response on how it plans to navigate this situation currently the carrier says the situation will be resolved soon but the question is how this thara has no answer yet so there could be more cancellations in the coming days if you're flying this thara anytime soon make sure to double check the status of your flight now we turn to Africa to the Democratic Republic of Congo the DRC has a new prime minister their first ever female prime minister her name is Judith Judith sumina tuluka she became PM yesterday after being appointed by President Felix toii she wasn't elected to the post but that does not mean that she's a puppet because in the DRC the prime minister's post holds some sway they have the power to oppose the president especially if they come from different political parties and that happens in the DRC because of Coalition politics all this is to say that the DRC has achieved a milestone in wom empowerment we in India send our best regards after all South Asia is a Pioneer when it comes to women in top leadership Sri Lanka and India were the first nations in the world with female prime minister Siro band for Sri Lanka and Indira Gandhi for India so it's always good good to see the practice spread across the world the Democratic Republic of Congo has joined the ranks it's one of the few African nations to do so and that too before the likes of Western Nations like the US so the drc's progress is even more impressive but let's focus on the woman of the hour Judith tuluka tuluka is an experienced politician before becoming prime minister she was a Cabinet member she served as the drc's minister of planning from March last year before that she was is working with the president's office so T tuluka and tshi have worked together before it will help them hit the ground running now Toca does not just have domestic experience she has also worked with the United Nations at the United Nations development program un DP there she worked on peace and development efforts in the DRC and this wealth of experience is backed by educational qualifications as well she has a degree in applied economics which rounds up her her impressive background and all this will serve her well when she officially takes on the duties of prime minister because she will have a challenge on her hands the Democratic Republic of Congo is the second largest country in Africa by size it has about 112 million citizens it has an abundance of Natural Resources like copper and Cobalt but the DRC is one of the poorest nations in the world the reason years of internal conflict armed insurgencies gorilla groups Warlords going after the rich mineral wealth the DRC faces all of this and it's another reason why the country needed a female head of government Rebel run territory is Lawless sexual violence is common even by factions aligned with the government DRC leaders have been working to change this sending PR government Rebels for training in Europe before all these training es that we have taken we could let ourselves do whatever we wanted but after all these courses especially on the rules of combatants the protection of medical missions respect and protection of children protection of women prohibition of sexual violence and the protection of famine and humanitarian access and so on now we feel we can see there is a change on the ground and so we can't let ourselves do whatever we want anymore this is a goal of the DRC government bringing societal change in the attitude towards women getting a female prime minister was part of this plan an election campaign Promise by President tishi his Coalition won the December election by Landslide and he delivered on his promise that is what led to to Luca's elevation now it's up to her to deliver work towards the betterment of her nation and we wish her the very best for our next story let me ask you a question what does big Tech know about you the answer is practically everything big Tech knows everything about you they have all your data and they're using it to cut million dooll deals Facebook has been accused of giving Netflix access to private messages Google has been accused of tracking users even in incognito mode there have been lawsuits there have been settlements but big Tech is unlikely to stop anytime soon we live in a world where data means money and privacy means very little our next report tells you how big Tech has been misusing your data and making money off you imagine a day in your life your smartphone wakes you up your smart watch tracks your fitness goals your cab rides are tracked your commute is mapped your coffee order is documented and so are your food preferences the way you live the clothes you wear the songs you like and even the dreams you dream all of that data is collected in the 21st century privacy is a relic of the past big Tech knows everything about you it collects hordes of personal data because in today's world data is money and it's being used to seal billion dooll deals take Netflix and Facebook for example in 2017 Facebook launched its own streaming service it was called Facebook watch Facebook had lofty goals they were planning original TV shows but in 2018 all plans were shelved why because Netflix asked them to but don't think of this as some friendly compromise Netflix new Facebook could emerge as a competitor so they cut them a deal Netflix was already a large Advertiser to Facebook but since 2018 they have ramped up spending in 2018 Netflix spent $150 million on ads on Facebook by 2019 it went up to $200 million not just that there were other deals if you thought your messages were private on Facebook think again Netflix was allegedly granted access to inboxes of Facebook users this was an exchange of million-dollar advertising deals so Facebook was showing your messages to Netflix and in turn earning Millions all of this has come out in a recent lawsuit it's it's a class action antitrust case against meta but Facebook isn't the only one holding your data so is Google how many times have you browsed in incognito mode you thought it was a great Shield against tracking but the truth is even in a private browsing mode Google was still collecting your data in 2020 it faced a class action lawsuit in the US it accused the tech giant of invading people's privacy it sought $5 billion in Damages Google disputed the claims but it agreed to settle the lawsuit so Google will now destroy hundreds of billions of private browsing records it would also have to submit to restrictions on its power to track users so two lawsuits two big tech companies and hordes of personal data it shows how much big Tech knows about us it tracks every gesture monitors every purchase analyzes every comment and influences our Behavior with one algorithm and advertisement at a time big Tech looms large as the ultimate Arbiter of our digital existence they are truly the orwellian overlords of the digital age if you wonder how much big Tech knows about us the answer is practically everything and they use this data to their advantage in today's age where data is King big Tech has reduced us to M Pawns are you tired if you belong to the 21st century the answer is most likely yes our lives and jobs have become increasingly complex now keeping busy is the modus operandi laboring over too lists is the norm and stress you could say is our best friend often this is good it helps us set High benchmarks for ourselves then pushes us to achieve them but there is a flip side here it can shift Focus from personal well-being and this comes with severe consequences anxiety and stress related diseases are on the rise one in four workers the world over are experiencing burnout and that is the average 1 in four in the US 43% workers suffer from burnout in India the number stands at 59% and in South Korea it is 70% and these are only a few examples the fact is no one is immune to burnout but the Dutch claim there is a way out it is called Nixon it is as simple as doing nothing quite literally Nixon comes from the Dutch word NX which means nothing so Nixon refers to the Art of Doing Nothing it is difficult to Define what nothing means here after all we are always doing something even when we are sleeping but practicing Nixon is about being Idol or doing something without a goal the goal of being productive this does not mean that one stares at a wall because that's just creepy Doom scrolling or meditation does not qualify either because your brain remains actively engaged Nixon simply involves moments of relaxation combined with easy automatic activities where the brain is allowed to switch off it could mean just hanging around or listening to music or knitting there is no one-size fits-all approach people can do what works for them and it seems like many have been over the past few years Nixon has intrigued the world it has become a publishing sensation there are fitness clubs with Nixon classes even experts who teach people how to do well nothing Nixon may have been born in the Netherlands but today it is a global rage though we should point something here The Dutch are not the only ones who support this Theory the Danish have a concept called hugu it refers to staying in not doing much and just being cozy then there is lome it's a Swedish concept of accepting life with a moderation mindset but it's not just about cool words or capitalism working its magic with Wellness strengths it is about the wide ranging benefits of slowing down there are mental perks here ironically doing nothing makes us more productive it allows us to rest to come back with more focus with sustained attention it boosts creativity and then there are physical advantages Nixon curtails the aging process believe it or not it strengthens the immune system there are emotional advantages as well like reduced anxiety and stress and improved mood and this is enough to encourage most of us to practice Nixon the problem is it can be difficult doing nothing is a tough ask it is not easy to let go of outcomes it requires some amount of rewiring because humans hum S have a tendency of of thinking in terms of doing and not being and Nixon is about actively carving out the time to just be if you're thinking on similar lines remember that Nixon is called an art for a reason it needs to be cultivated so find the balance between working hard and taking a beat try to push through the initial discomfort choose it over the familiarity of busyness do something without an objective for a change but do it with purpose and dare to be idle because stress is a part of life but burnout does not have to be now it's time for Vantage shots images that tell the story in the White House a bunny takes over the Press briefing in an April Fool's joke in Tokyo residents push Rush rather to view cherry blossoms ahead of rainy weather and 2 days ahead of the 75th Anniversary NATO receives a special delivery its founding Washington treaty was delivered to the headquarters finally we're taking you back in history on this day in 1982 Argentina invaded the Faulkland Islands it was a British colony since n 1892 but Argentina had long proclaimed its sovereignity over the Faulkland The Invasion led to the Faulkland War it ended with Britain regaining control of the islands we're leaving you on that note thanks for watching we will see you tomorrow oh so cute are you the president of the United States are you the vice pres are you are you John Kirby's your how was I think thumbs up thumbs up two thumbs up from the bunny all right thank you bye Happy Easter [Music] made [Music]
Channel: Firstpost
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Keywords: firstpost, vantage, palki sharma, vantage palki sharma, first post, firstpost palki sharma, rupee global currency, pm modi rupoee global currency, currency global rupee, rupee global currency challenge, rupee global currencies, global currency india, india global currency, currency india global, global currency challenge rupee, rupee global challenge currency, global currency rupee pm modi, modi rbi, modi rbi rupee, modi rupee rbi, rupee rbi global, rupee global rbi, rbi, rupee
Id: KQhov9bDIY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 40sec (3280 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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