Live: How to bargain at Thomann Fleamarket 2019

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hello everybody welcome to YouTube live here at home intrepid or fits the flea market and there's a guy still next to Phil holding a beer this is how you get a bargain at a flea market your beer congratulations a really good beer I enjoy it very much it's not my first one today are you gonna drink it good post so how do you speak English I was told that you do okay we're live on YouTube for Tommen and we're also if you've got any bargains today any good prices report anything if so what did you buy it's not what I'm looking for I just wanted to buy such a guitar yeah as you can see I think I've no use for me okay I even say repairing guitars no I'm not in repairing guitars I'm only a guitar player okay well I I I am Telling You that's quite an easy fix I'm tempted to buy that myself because it's quite an easy fix and how would you do it glue and some clamps blue enfant blam blue come and find me later I'll show you how to do if it's still there so we're talking about how to thank you so much let's talk about how to get a bargain and that's how you get a bargain you find someone else had to teach you to repair the guitar and you buy a 500 600 euro guitar for 250 anyway I'm gonna find someone and try and buy something I've got hey Daniel Daniels bag I found the Gretsch for 150 for 150 left handed left handed it works well so what's what's wrong with the month well this is a there's a bit of a crack here you know I I'm not sure if it's cosmetic or structural you know I I'd rather pay more and not have like a cup with guitar but but I think this is only cosmetic if you can see you know what do you think are you a guitar expert I'm not an expert but I know stuff about guitars I would say that if you bought it yet no take that off you'll find out okay okay I mean there's there's a lot of tension on those strings that is entomb oldest tuning okay there's it's put a lot of tension there unscrew that and if the headstock falls off I don't know man sometimes with these structural things it's better to actually break it off and then reglue it you are Kadena I'm good luck good luck so this is nothing more we promise you this is not how to bargain this is how to repair guitars so let's go and get a bargain that was Daniel from the first live stream we did he's from Canada and was searching for a cheap left-handed guitar and quite unbelievably he found one so hey hey don't are there fretless I can arrange for there to be fretless guitar s I can quite easily turn a friendless Fred guitar into a fretless in fact there may be some but if it's a genuine question as in fretless guitars the answer is probably not Oh at least not designed to be fretless let's see what's left I see what's left this is Patrick he's one of the perches and managers here I'm gonna try and get a bargain out of him I've got 50 euros of my own money Patrick we're doing a live stream okay how to get a bargain at tomans flea market and apparently the way is to come and give you a hug and put this just here look I'll be for only four young women what what do you need I don't need anything okay what would you like I don't know what have you got the good that's left I mean what I loved I loved the Marcus Miller basis but I might get one later something unusual something is repairing I'm capable of repairing things what what we got for me something like this if you're good at repair you can repair it with the gluing it it looks like a bit very broken now but you know that you can repair it and this is a guitar that normally is around four or five hundred euros I'd give you that 450 may I look at the break what do you think people have a look at this break is that worth 50 euros certainly I would need to put some splines in there so you could put it on and then branch it out the problem is I don't have a router so if you just use the hardware and the pickups that's more than 50 euros was likely already man has a point okay what else have you got so he wouldn't give me a 25 euro discount and I'm not happy with the level of discount there I want to bargain not a not a little quart of a little a little good shine the discount was on the discount so don't forget that what do you got there Patrick but this is the left hand this is obviously something for you but it's a CST the custom line from Harley Benton these aren't really a great bang for the buck guitars kind of like PRS style guitar really nice glued neck a lot of them are actually quite and all what's wrong with it let me see the body's got a damage somewhere see that's that that's all this is all it has so other words than that there's no rip no repairing it's the backside you wouldn't even see it on a stage so you're saying I can have this but I have to learn how to play left-handed guitar yes well maybe we'll find one right half of that go all right all right okay you see this is a beauty but this one has a broken neck that's really not too bad but I see I give you a bargain on that I'd go down to fifty on that one as well he's going from 95 to 50 I'll be honest I'm not feeling tickled I think that's a good discount but the guitars not what about that white one there close and lean not even close on your range well that says 50s it's got two in front of it so that's it yeah 250 what's wrong with that Epiphone house broke neck broken leg broken somewhere oh yeah there you go yeah 250 might be a bit too much but if we won't get in the rain so I'm trying to get a bargain here live on YouTube turns out I've pushed him too far can we start a Kickstarter right now like a GoFundMe to get Andy an Epiphone that's broken at the tomah free market I think I failed Patrick I think you've done a very good job I'd say what would you will try and find something else and I'll offer you like 60 for it Thank You Patrick so I work here and he's still only knocks off like 50 percent that's terrible genuinely the way to get a good deal at the flomax is to wait until the end because at the end of the flea markets they don't want anything left over so if you have the the cojones to wait that long or maybe stash it somewhere secrets then you come along later and get a good deal let's talk to some other people to find out what people have BOTS and what sort of price they got it for I'm looking for people it's a certain kind of person I'm looking for one with a beer in their hand [Music] what I'm doing this are there any comments that needs to be answered come on people let's get sorted Lisa well go outside in them and we're just going to see Lisa oh sorry this is Lisa she's on the cash desk so the next step in bargaining I guess would be to bargain with Lisa Lisa are you allowed to give people discounts yeah see so we're doing a livestream on how to get a obviously how to get a bargain here at Holman flea market it's already a bargain it's already cheaper yeah but Patrick just offered me but I've got 50 euros okay 50 euros and well there wasn't a hang-up what yeah yeah I want the offer that Patrick wouldn't give me he offered me 75 50 then he offered me 95 for 50 but he wouldn't go to to to to to 50 that's what I just said yeah so if you wait to the end there it is like Darren it's a real that's real all right we're gonna go and look at some non guitar stuff or did you want to go outside don't look at the nice weather quickly let's have a look about nice weather [Music] so we're live on YouTube making famous this this is a outside yes hi this is that so these are people that are sending their own stuff privately out of the backs of their vans is it that works there's actually some cool stuff there's a squire show master here somewhere there was a 70s Fender Strat and I'm talking guitars again I'm really sorry I'm just walking past the other non guitar stuff records Oh some clarinets I don't know anything about clarinets Phil you know stuff about clarinets if you know any about Claire Annette's here that's interesting that tickles my fancy that Framus and a saxophone there's a hell of a lot of acoustic guitars just here so I wonder what's going on here then some patches there there's a self built thin line Telecaster just there you see so we've got even bigger people building stuff people bringing their own beers hi we're just having a little look around showing as much as we can I got looks like Mike Matthews from ehx [Music] so most of these guitars are in good used condition got a little player over there a little watch and a little list of this guy play [Music] this guy has a collection of eco letter reverb and space things maybe we should go to the T kitchen fill the two kitchen is the the canteen the restaurant here or there's a big old beer Tisch over here we can interview people but their mouths full of food exactly so hopefully people have got their bargains and now they're sitting here enjoying them with the beers and the foods and actually I have a voucher for a sandwich I could kill two birds with one stone here look at that red flag and get a sandwich over there all right that's what I'm doing after this live stream there's a guy over there with a beer on an amp let's go talk to him babies in push chairs smiley faces let me ask him let me jump in there just a second enjoy your beer hey you're welcome he didn't want to give away his secrets he said no I've got too many secrets nd I'm not giving them away just make him feel what backwards up a hill right now how are you doing in the comments section by the way you seem to be very very quiet it's a glorious day here in Germany not for her but for many people as a two of the older gentlemen's behind us they seem very happy they're walking to the tea kitchen incidentally on Phil's left over there or all the lorries park up to do your deliveries and that normally is hustling and bustling with lorries going in and out all day long to get all your gear to you one moment excuse me do you speak English a little have you got some good bargains today we live on YouTube with them and for Tommen oh that's okay hello my name is Andy and you are yes it's free it's not just the case yes you or the pier I saw you earlier pick that up yes that's the one that I was going to look at but you were too good on me I saw you pick it up yeah I mean we were doing that yeah well I liked the purse as well because I was going to buy that guitar but we were doing the first live stream at the time I have one hand free I can hold that get and was that the advertised price or did you get a little bit off just across the price and now it's about 50% of the advertised price nice so you've got a studio right yeah I have the same one at home but she looks so nice I [Music] yes different I play guitar since 15 years excellent and what are you gonna charge selfie per hour to teacher maybe an hour because I'm very hungry so is that a deal Sophie if you're bargaining right now for this or Sophie should say lunch today and tomorrow okay well how much did you pay in total for this three guitars in a case understand before we had people from Canada we had people from that was online we had Australia but Canada some guy from Canada over here yes I don't know came here for another reason and they're just I think he didn't have to agree to disagree there I'm gonna hand you your guitar go peers people have come to me now because when you send a hammock people start looking at you especially we have a microphone in your hand we're gonna run in here very very quickly and see if people have got any bargains ladies got a lot of chips so this is where we come to eat our food and drink our drinks and chill out when we're not making videos and sweating it doesn't seem to be anybody with any stuff in here I'm not gonna blame you Phil but your theory was wrong man and there's a guy behind you with an awesome hat probably how many chips they're giving you these people normally you get like a good amount of fries on a plate but today it's like chip city chips everywhere or fries or promise well Phil there's a total of about zero people in here with stuff they bought unless that thing is food let's just get one of my friends on the camera Hey well we're live on YouTube you'll say hi hi hey I'm great I'm very there's the lady with the shoes buttons buttons shoes how much of the shoes how old are they costs so do yours thirty euros by great shoes okay well if there's anybody that wants any questions answered in the comments please let me know otherwise we'll walk back over to the flea markets and say goodbye unless we meet someone on the way of course so if you have any questions let me know now Phil will relay them to me otherwise I'll get a sandwich earlier looking for something to buy he looks at the kind of guy that wasn't looking for something in particular but now seems very happy with the banjo so Dan you've got that guitar in the end for 120 do you say 120 or 130 okay I realize that he was talking to me and it wasn't actually listen I need a sandwich it's guarded yeah we are cutting a ver right now do you have any questions any things you'd like to see are we even live right now let's go bit further than I know we could talk to Dominic down there who's advertising for jobs he asked me to talk to you guys we did this last year because Tommen is an ever-growing family we need more family members so here's a wonderful human resources team who are going to go into trying to persuade you that you should come and live and work at Ullman thanks Debbie we're live on YouTube no yes we are are you busy sorry call two two hands you are today looking for people to come to work and join the term and family that's right tell us why because we are looking for more people we are increasing the teams we are buffering up the teams especially international the strengths Department is searching really hard PA Department searching really hard and it's kind of hard to find in the countryside unfortunately but yeah we're doing our very best have you supposed too many people for a flea market I would say yes not really like will interviews but short discussions short information and stuff like that so cool any English people unfortunately not yet so you could start with us with you want thanks I'm the only one I like there's Marcus's Sophie that we sometimes featuring videos so that's Sophie from strings Department she's been in videos with us on YouTube wonderful well I wish you luck and if anybody watching this does want to come and work it's Holman then you can send an email to job said Tom under de high-five thank you right let's head back in and say goodbye just to see if there's any more just talking about jobs at tone one for a moment we're near a city called bamberg and that's one of the most beautiful cities I've ever been to as genuinely a beautiful place very River nice to it okay Phil do you have anything from the comments for me apart from Andy gum get a sandwich then I will go and get a sandwich this has been the flow max the free market 2019 we're gonna come back again 2020 it will be the third Saturday in July as the third Saturday in July so if you do want to come and visit us I recommend you do if you're in Germany or any surrounding countries otherwise we're open all the time you can come and pop down to Tomah and come and chat with us and check out some gear what is Phil pointing at wow you've got a Miraval nice how much cheaper right I finally got someone to buy a Miraval those are my favorite things at the flea market I gotta go get a mirror for thanks for watching subscribe if you haven't already and we'll see you soon take care bye bye
Channel: Thomann's Guitars & Basses
Views: 5,995
Rating: 4.8490567 out of 5
Keywords: musikhaus, thomann, music, demo, review
Id: -NmwQzrEJ0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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