LIVE from the Lab: Arduino NANO Midi Controller

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[Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] hey guys what is up it's your pal dave back again live in the lab on a sunday and what we got some people in the chat already some familiar faces joseph casey drew welcome back um so sunday seems to be a good night for me to do this um i have a little time so i thought i'd do some fun stuff today um what am i going to do today so i'm getting a lot of comments um you know most of my arduino stuff has been about the uh uno what's that kibbus you better read the comments i want to be loved you are loved sir don't worry about it joseph hello welcome so a lot of people are are uh sending me comments saying what about the nano the arduino nano so the issue has been i haven't owned one of these until today so i just picked up a couple today and uh it's pretty cool like from what i can tell so we're gonna play with it today and build a midi controller with this guy or we're gonna try um and hopefully it's all going to work out so apparently this is pretty much uno compatible and the cool thing also is it has eight analog inputs whereas if you know the uno only has six and another uh person commented uh you know can i make an eight uh pot controller with an uh nano and i'm thinking sure probably uh why not so that's what we're going to try to do today and if it all works we're going to try to hook it up to ableton through a midi interface and if that all works wow we're doing well so first right off the bat this is a 5 pin midi project it is not a usb midi project so this is how we're going to connect it up all right and on your computer if you have an audio interface or a midi interface that accepts one of these that's how we're going to connect it up to ableton if all works alright so just be aware of that so here's um how i got my nano from the store and i basically got it it comes in a little kit here and they give you some headers let me uh give you a better view here okay so um we uh yeah we got a little nano they give you the headers separately and um it's pretty easy to solder these together if you haven't done it but one thing to really keep in mind is you got to make sure these headers are straight right so when you put them in um they flex a little bit right you got a little bit of play so if you solder them and they're kind of you know angled out like this it's not going to fit into your breadboard at all so what you should do is get a little breadboard put them in all the way in the headers and the the long side goes into the board the short side goes into the nano and then once they're in that's going to keep them straight and then you can put your make sure it's the right spacing yeah that's it all right so once they're in you can stick your nano on top and then take your soldering iron and some solder and carefully solder these pins they're very small and that's going to keep it all straight so when you pull it out it's going to be perfectly straight and will fit into a breadboard perfectly so other than that simple to do they also give you a little uh programming header right and we're not going to use that that's if you want to use an external programmer all right but we're going to go through the the usb to get this running okay so there we go and you know like those cookies uh cooking shows like julia childs and all that they are they always have one pre-done so i've already soldered one up so we're gonna use that saves a lot of time and what else was i gonna say about that oh yes uh so one thing this is not an official arduino one okay i got these off amazon and uh they're they're super cheap there are clones um and honestly they're less than five dollars each you know so really cheap uh the only issue is i've had some people say uh in the amazon comments that some versions of this the cheap knockoffs uh they don't come bootloaded properly so if that's the case you would need to use the external programmer to get a bootloader on it and get it up and running luckily i found these guys came um all ready to go so i didn't have to do anything which is uh really good so uh that was handy but if you you're having trouble you may have to do a little searching online and you may have to pick up a a external programmer to get this going okay and i'll put a link uh an amazon link in the video description when i write it uh to exactly what i bought these exact ones and i'm an amazon affiliate uh so if you click that link and buy some of these i get a couple of pennies it helps keep me uh keep me stocked in wires so it's really appreciated okay so let's let's get started so we're gonna take our our nano and we've got one of these breadboards and we're going to use two because i got to wire a lot of stuff and i always get these which are really cool because they actually slot together so you can make like bigger breadboards out of these little little ones and uh it helps as your project expands you can you can make them bigger right all right so first of all we'll stick our nano right at the edge all right and there we go so what do we have to do we have to build some stuff so we have to add a midi jack we have to add some potentiometers and we have to add some buttons and we're going to try to make a fully functioning uh controller okay so let's uh the next thing we'll do is we'll build our little midi interface actually before we do that here's the first thing you should always do whenever you start working with a microcontroller is make sure you can talk to it right all this stuff in the world isn't going to do any good if you can't send a program to this so let's plug it in and we're going to send a little blink program and i always find that's a good test all right so let's uh open up the arduino ide just a minute where is it there it is okay let me get back here and we'll go here okay so here's your ide so let's load up the best uh thing to test with which is uh the blink under sketchbook example basics blink all right so that's a really simple program it blinks the led so if you can get the led to blink on this guy you know you're at least communicating and you can load programs into it so we have to do next is go to tools make sure our board is set to come on set to arduino nano right and our com port is set correctly so i believe mine is this is com 5. if it's the wrong com port you'll get an error message saying can't talk to the board so make sure if you got a couple make sure you pick the right one and we should be able to upload so it's going to compile the sketch and watch the rxtx lights and you should see them do a little blank as the code uploads yeah i saw it and as you can see now our our little onboard led is blinking so i've just verified that i can add code to this great perfect we're on our way okay so let's remove power so it's a good idea when you're wiring stuff up uh you know take the power out just saves you from shorting something or something like that so let's do the midi jack first okay so our midi jack and we've done this a million billion times but we'll do it again here's our midi jack it's got five five pins on the back and this is i'm looking at it from the back okay this diagram the middle pin will go right to ground the two outer pins do nothing we do not connect them to anything the pin next on the right of ground goes to a 220 ohm resistor and then to our tx pin on our nano board so that's 220 ohms uh 220 220k 220 ohms and the other side the pin to the left of the center pin goes to another 220 ohm resistor and to plus 5 volts coming from the nano so that's 220 ohms again all right can you see that all right simple done a million times should be able to do it in your sleep so what we'll do is we're going to uh port some power and ground from our nano and we got to get it to all these different boards so let's take a little ground wire now if you can see here there's a pin gnd right that's your ground pin so i'm going to do is take a wire and put that to the blue strip on my board so i always like to use the blue for uh ground than the red for plus 5 volts or positive voltage you know just helps you remember which is which and the pin uh two pins over is five volts so we're going to take that and put it to our red positive rail okay so once i'm in there all this strip is now connected to that and all the blue strip is connected to ground now since we're using two boards i have to jump this over to the other board as well so let's take another wire i think this will work i need the smaller ones and connect the two grounds together and so i'm jumping ground from this board to this board and then jumping plus five volts same same way and i'm actually going to jump the ground on the other end as well because you can never have enough ground connections you want a nice solid ground um okay so that's basically our power wired up so now we can wire up our midi jack so let's wire up the middle first see if i got a bigger wire here okay so middle pin goes directly to ground i'm going to use this longer brown wire all right then we've got a 220 ohm resistor i'm gonna jump the middle of the board from that pin that will go to our tx pin we're gonna do that in a second and then our other 220 ohm resistor uh we'll jump the other side of the board that's right and like we said that's going to go to our positive voltage rail all right there we go so plus 5 volts ground and we're going to run a wire to the tx pin uh why don't we do it now actually i'm going to wait for a bit because we haven't got this programmed yet so i'm just gonna hold off on that for one second remind me if i don't get back to it okay now our potentiometers and i'm not sure i've had these for a while uh i'm just gonna i think these are 10 10k linear uh potentiometers and i put a knob on them just to uh to be fancy and the way you wire up potentiometers is very simple if this is your potentiometer there's three pins looking at it with the pins facing you so the uh pin on the right will go to plus five volt rail the pin on the left will go to ground who's that louise wow you got a big name there louise thank you thank you for uh subbing that's great uh welcome and so we got five volts on the right ground on the left middle pin we'll go to one of our a uh analog inputs from a0 to all the way to a7 so any of those inputs all right and if you mix up your five volts and ground all that will happen is when you turn the pot it's gonna do like if you turn it clockwise the numbers will go down and turn it counterclockwise numbers will go up usually you want the other way so it's not going to hurt anything it'll just kind of work backwards which may be a little weird okay so let's let me show you what i'm doing here now to make my wiring and my life a little easier who's that bellaz bella's welcome thanks for the sub um what i'm doing here is and this is kind of why i like these pots all right is they fit on a breadboard pretty nice some don't fit as nicely you may have to connect wires to them but these ones kind of fit really nicely in there so i've got my three right and i got to kind of think a little backwards on this so let's run some power and ground so the right hand one here will go to plus five and you gotta have really delicate little fingers to get this working and the other side will go to ground all right and we're gonna wire up all our our signal pins uh at the e after we put them in place all right so let's kind of i gotta fit a lot on this board so i'm gonna get them as close as i can without touching i think i have to go one more over yeah that kind of works okay so let's just put them all on before i wire it so i don't have to redo it and we're going to try eight i think that was the request was eight and that's the number of analog inputs we have anyway so can't do more than eight without help so i'm just doing a simple controller with this you know i'm not using any multiplexers or anything like that because i haven't confirmed they work on the nano like uh like i want them to so maybe we'll do that next time but we're gonna make a really this is gonna be you know eight controls which is a lot you know how many controls do you need come on uh where are we how many do i got i need one more okay so that's uh that's a lot of controls all right now the fun of wiring the joy the absolute thrill of watching someone plug wires into a breadboard all right that's tight there we go so once again right pin to positive voltage left pin to ground center pin we will jump to our nano board ah the things i do for you guys and next one you know this may not be the thrilling part but it's gonna get so exciting in a minute you won't believe it i was watching bob ross marathon on twitch this weekend and man that guy is awesome you know the painter guy with the big afro he is so cool so i want to be like the bob rot bob ross of electronics except without the hair and the patience and the raw talent so what does drew say what about maybe a photoresistor for one of the inputs yeah you could uh you could do that if you want to uh you know get into some blue man group kind of uh kind of stuff you know sure sure why not so anything with resistance who that works like you know a potentiometer that um that the arduino can recognize as analog input you could use and sliders or sorry faders you know linear potentiometers work just as well so you can use those they work exact same as pots drew excited you caught you live finally thanks drew awesome i'm glad i'm glad you're here so maybe for a filter yeah sure you know that's the thing like you can you can get all like cirque du soleil performance art stuff going on you know use various appendages to to sweep your filter i'm not gonna say which one i'll leave that up to you all right i think we're almost done this part and quick double check make sure i'm not doing anything dumb i don't think so yeah okay looks good alright so all our powers and grounds are hooked up and yeah why not that was good that was fun exciting so now we're gonna take some of uh some of these guys which are also super useful so buy them by the truckload if you can and let's see so i'm going to do it like this will be a one oh wait a minute yeah this will be a zero one two three four five six seven and so since these are closer we'll use some shorter ones a0 into our middle pin so you can see kind of why i put the pins on the back because otherwise i'd have to sneak everything through and it would just be uh even messier than it's going to end up anyways and the next one a1 not only a pin but also a steak sauce fun fact for the non-north americans and a2 let me uh move that over here see if i had a nickel for every wire i've put in a breadboard i'd be really happy a3 we'll go to this guy so just remember we're starting at a0 so a0 to a7 a4 all right and i think we're gonna need some longer ones starting now what do i got here yeah i got two long ones three perfect okay so almost done all right this is a five and a six and where's that long one a seven let's use this one maybe nope i gotta use this one all right there we go and our perfectly neat wiring job is done cool okay that's great so what should we do next let's uh let's test this out and see if we can get these working at least okay so what you're gonna wanna do is go to everyone's favorite website notes and volts dot com so let's see joseph as possible use a usb output instead of midi not for this guy okay that i'm gonna do that in the future uh i'm gonna switch to different platform do usb midi but for right now this guy is five pin only five pin midi only which isn't a big deal and i'll show you how to hook it up to your software if i can get everything going so scroll down until you get to uh arduino midi controllers potentiometers and download the software here right click on that and then just download this guy to your desktop midi controller version 1.2 it may be higher if i add some stuff but you just use whatever the latest one here is okay so i've got it on my desktop already once you download it and extract it you will get this okay three three files what's that drew radio shacks going on biz didn't they go on a biz like ages ago i think they've been going out of business forever um what's that joseph he has dave has the answers uh sometimes uh so midi controllers so open these two are library files who's that jarrett has subscribed thank you and someone else has subscribed james um so open open the uh the midi what's uh james five bucks thanks for all the great tutorials my god man james thank you you are awesome you just helped purchase my nano that's uh so awesome of you thank you um okay so you're gonna get three files open uh the arduino file midi controller so these two are library files that i created to kind of take all the nastiness out of this project so open that one and it should pop open in your arduino software okay so the idea with this and i don't know uh how successful i was but i tried to make things easy for you with this program um so it's kind of like a plug and play kind of thing and all i have to do is configure some stuff at the beginning of this program who's that melissa melissa's aisle welcome welcome thank you for the sub man that's great um okay so let's kind of go over what you do like it's simple it looks kind of intimidating but it's actually very simple or so they say so the first thing you got to do is you go how many potentiometers are directly connected to pins right and all eight of our potentiometers are connected so we're going to put this to eight all right so that's that done then we'll skip down to define directly connected potentiometers um and this is basically i'm using um objects for this and this is the a pot object so the first parameter is pin number second one is command and notice i said command is for future use so there's only one command right now so just leave that as zero uh the third thing is cc controller number right and we're gonna set that to the ones we wanna use and the fourth thing is um midi channel number and we're going to use channel one in this project so i s i made some example pots and all we have to do is uncomment them to make them actual things and what we'll do is we're going to add two more because we're actually using eight pots on this guy and we'll name this p07 and this one po8 and our arduino pin a0 a1 so we got to go a6 for this guy and a7 so that's the actual arduino nano input we're going into the next thing we got to do is set some cool controller numbers that we want to control um so what i'm going to do is since i want to kind of use this to control ableton if i if i was you know controlling a synth or something i could look at the manual and see you know maybe i don't know controller number 33 is a filter resonance and then i could use that right but for ableton i just want to use something that's not going to get in the way of other things so here's a great site nick fever midi cc list all right now a lot of midi cc numbers um are already defined to stuff right especially some of these lower ones and uh let's see this is volume you know uh portamento damper is always 64. so a lot of these are are already assigned and if you kind of reassign them to something else it may cause weirdness and headaches and what have you um okay so let's go down the bottom so some of them are undefined and let's use this range here so 102 to 119 are undefined so that means we can use them how we want is that your gay brazil welcome from brazil so crazy that there's people all over the world watching me ramble like a crazy person in a basement but i'm thankful welcome okay so we'll use 102 to 119 uh as our controller numbers and that hopefully will mean we won't step on anything else it's that dust boy it's 3am here in sweden better get to bed and i'll check out the rest tomorrow have fun guys thanks dusk boy it's like all the way from sweden at 3am my god um okay so one uh so okay let's do our our cc numbers okay what do we say we're going to do 102 to 119. so we'll start a0 call it 102 103 104. 105. and you know where i'm going with this 106. 107. 108 109. okay um so there we go we've set our cc controller numbers our channels are all one our command leave it at zero for now because there ain't nothing else and the last thing we have to do is this array of pots we have to include the name of each pot in the array and i kind of did a little example here so i'll show you basically what you do and paste those guys in so po1 right po2 and you have to put the ampersand signed in front and i'm going to paste that again and edit them get rid of this last comma right so four five six seven eight all right so that's all our pot objects in this array and what the reason we do that is uh basically the software kind of uses this array to read through all the pots and i didn't know how many pots you would be using so by putting them in the array you can have one pot two uh you know up to eight up to more i think if you had more inputs um okay simple so just remember number of pots set it to your number uh define your pots right define your cc numbers define your pins put them in the array and that should be it oh and one last thing we got to hook up our tx pin i told you guys to remind me all right tx pin two tx on the board it's up here all right and i think everything else i think that's all she wrote yep all right good luck i'm gonna double check make sure always think a little bit before you plug everything in all right now let's upload stuff see what we broke um yeah looks like it's going watch for the flashies perfect and if i move this you should see motion on the tx light and i'm seeing it good great so the next thing we'll do is we're going to test and make sure so let's open our midi monitor software and see if we can get messages so we need our midi cable and i have a midi interface hooked up to my computer and i'm going to go into the midi input so this is a midi output on my board and if i move the knot the pot look at that so let's uh make sure so first of all look what i'm getting so if i move the pot all the way counterclockwise i'm at zero so the way you read these things the first status byte that's your midi cc status byte right that's the command for status the second thing is the actual midi cc number and it's 66 and you may be going hey man we set it for like 102 why is it 66 well because this is in hexadecimal we actually use decimal and i'll kind of show you that in a sec and the final thing is our number that should go from 0 to 7f right and if you're kind of confused with a hexadecimal thing go to your windows calculator go to programmer mode right set it to decimal and let's type in 102 and what's the hex 66 right that's why we're getting 66 on our on our midi monitor but that's actually decimal 102. all right so that's good next one should be 67 68 69 and remember we're in hex so instead of 610 we're going 6a and then 6b 6c 6d perfect nice okay so that wasn't too painful was it ok now let's while we're on a a crazy roll here let's do some buttons and take the power out and while we disconnect our midi okay so let's do some buttons and buttons are in a way even simpler than pots okay so our button what we have to do is there's our button and there's a set of pins here a set of pins here um so basically these two pins are connected these two are connected so we're going to use one here that's our ground and this one will go to a digital pin on the arduino right and i think we have like d2 to how many we have on this d2 to d12 yeah so i think we got 10 pins so you could do 10 buttons that's pretty cool all right so there's our button let's uh try to squeeze everything in here and get get them in place all right make sure they're seated on your board and we'll connect uh the lower leg to ground on each one and second one third fourth okay excellent great and we'll use some of our jumper wires and how shall we do this let's move let's do yeah so i'm going to do d2345 all right so you could i could do eight buttons that would probably make the most sense but four is what i got on hand and one more okay so there's our buttons connected and let's go back to our midi code and we'll plug our thing in everything cool yeah yep yep okay so let's define some buttons on our thing and we basically do it the same way as our pot so number buttons we're going to set to four okay go down to uh define directly connected buttons so uh for buttons first is the pin number right uh second is command and there's a couple of uh so uh joseph asked what about pull up pull down resistors are using the internals yes i am so part of my program when you define a button it actually uh sets the internal resistor so these guys have internal resistors so you don't have to do it it makes it even simpler okay now on buttons we have some actual commands so if i use the zero that's a note command so it's actually like pushing uh a uh key on a keyboard right and you can set the uh note to whatever you want that's a midi note value if i set it to 1 it's a cc and if i set it to 2 it's a toggle cc now the difference between a normal cc and a toggle normal when i press it it will send a command and when i release it it will release the command toggle i press it once and release it sets it press it once again it resets it so you know depending on what you're trying to do one will be better than the other and we'll kind of take a a look at some examples so uh what did uh our pots we went to finished at 109 so let's start with one 10. so our buttons i'm going to uncomment four buttons and two pin two three four five and that's what we did right digital pin two to five let's use our command um let's see let's make one a midi note one a cc i'll make two of cc and three a toggle cc just for an example um and we also have another parameter this is your channel we want midi uh channel one and there's one more parameter which is debounce time so this code also has a built-in debounce uh code so this is the number of milliseconds it's going to debounce the button the higher you do the more it's going to debounce but could add some lag to your button press so i found 5 for these type of buttons is pretty good if you find you're getting multiple uh messages for one button hit then you can increase that a little bit uh all right was i talking uh 10 110 for our number 111 112 113 and everything looks good yes yes and the last thing we have to do is we have to add it to our array just like we did before all right cool so that's done that's done i set the number that's done so set the number uh define your buttons and put them in the array and upload and let's see everything looks good watch the flashies yes and let's pull up our midi uh monitor again plug it in and this guy yeah so you notice that one we set is a note on and when i press it i get a note on when i release it i get a note off okay perfect second one cc and the way a cc works as a kind of toggle is you notice when i press it it goes up to 7f and let me show you something because this is important so you know when we're using our pots we're basically using a variable cc number right from zero to 127 but when we use a button we we we're just using an on and off state and if we look for uh some guy here so you notice like this one here is a on and off switch if my number is 0 to 63 it's off and if it's 64 to 127 it's on so any number in this range is off a number in this range is on [Music] so when i go back here and i press this oops do a cc notice when i pressed it it was 7f which 127 which is way up there and 0 for off okay and that one was also cc and the last one is toggles so you notice i press it once it's on i press it again it's off right so that's what a toggle does all right simple so before we go on to ableton i'm going to set this button to a controller and yeah so let's make that one and i usually unplug my midi cable because uh the tx line shares the uh the serial port that's bringing code in so i'll get a lot of garbage coming out which isn't normally a big deal but you know if you've got a synth hooked up maybe you don't want to send all that it might change some parameters or do something weird you don't want it to do i'm doing that i'm gonna get a drink of water do we upload are we done yes we're done and let's just test it good excellent okay so that looks like a midi controller to me i don't know about you guys but i think that's pretty good okay so let's get rid of our mighty monitor and let's get rid of that let's get rid of that and let's start ableton okay so um here's our ableton interface now ableton is really cool in the way it uh it maps [Music] maps control parameters to stuff okay so uh it's really simple to do so the first thing you gotta do is you go to uh preferences where is it where's preferences references there you go and here's your you go to link midi now you notice uh i'm using a 8 input midi uh interface it's a mark of the unicorn i don't know the number but it's eight it's got eight midi ports on it um so what you have to do is make sure that remote is set to on as an input okay because uh that's going to allow us to use our controller as a controller and that's good next thing you do is you go to midi this little button here and you notice everything turns blue let me uh let me do a full screen here run out of space okay so uh everything turns blue and all you have to do and this is super cool is click on the knob you want so hey say this potentiometer and turn the dial that you want to control it and now you see our midi cc is 102 which is what we set that to and if i disable midi mode go back to normal you can see now let me do this few as i turn the pod this fader is turning along with it right that's pretty cool so uh alexandra what's the name of the console app that monitors the midi event it's called midi ox ox um really good program so you know i was you can download that and i think it's like free but you can donate to the guy if you want and it's really useful so use that one for if you're on windows of course okay so pretty cool so that pot is there let's do another one midi so let's do the next plot over and we'll use this guy and now we've got this guy controlling this second one is controlling this nice and let's let's do some more let's do this slider on number three and let's do this slider on number four all right and let's see how that works so number three is this slider right number four is this slider and you can see you can go nuts with this stuff and uh the cool thing is you can even do um uh effects too right so say i had an effect on this channel i think you can map the effects to uh knobs as well so that's that one that's that one that's this one and that's this one so you notice now as i do these last four knobs i'm actually controlling the uh the effects you know super cool like uh and real easy to set up okay so hopefully that makes kind of sense what i did there now let's do the buttons all right so basically the same deal you know select your midi input mode and select a button so let's do uh enable let's do a solo on each channel okay i'll show you a little something so solo right and there we go so as i press button one solo one goes on solo two solo three solo four all right so that's kind of cool now i want to find something that kind of toggles let me try this so if you go to midi and you can also uh kind of control like if you don't like something just like click on the button and you can delete what you did now so my final button i'm going to use the uh actually let's let me show you this so i'm going to delete all those i did and i'm going to do the track enable now let's uh i think that will all right now notice i don't know if you can see that as i click um this guy you notice as i release it it goes gray and then it goes not gray right so it's not sticking and that's where our toggle button will come in place so this one's same but this one you notice as i press it it toggles on and i press again it toggles off so if you're controlling something with a toggle kind of idea so on an actual controller you know you click the button down and then you click again to take it off you you need to use that toggle function for it to stick otherwise you get like just a momentary kind of thing right yeah that's better you can see it so there's one right doesn't stick there's two doesn't stick three doesn't stick four does stick because we set it as a toggle all right that's pretty cool i gotta see myself so you know think about it you got you know five dollar arduino board you got some potentiometers uh you know a couple of bucks each you got some buttons like less than a buck each some wires a midi jack and you got a a fully functional midi controller you could put this in a box now now one thing other thing to think about right now we're powering this guy from usb right which is fine and it works but maybe you don't want to do that if you're making like a performance kind of box you want to take on stage or whatever you may want to power it from a external power source so once the code is is loaded on this you don't you know usb is just providing power you don't need to have it anymore so the nano and i'd have to verify but there's a um v-i-n pin somewhere yeah the first pin here is is v i n and um i think that's the regulated pin so you can put like uh i think the range is about six to i don't know say 10 volts you like verify it go to a nano site and verify this information but you put the the voltage in there from a power supply it's going to go through the regulator and convert it down to 5 volts there's also a 5 volt pin i think you can put a regulated 5 volts in there but once again double check go to the nano site and google how to externally power an arduino nano right that way you don't need your usb cable put in a box hook a power supply to it and uh there you go right you're done so guys what do you think i think that's pretty good so you know not too hard i think uh anyone could do this and hopefully that kind of explains it you know for people who can't kind of see the whole picture we went from beginning to end how to control software there you go so uh was joseph one can go crazy with the possibilities yes you can and i have gone crazy a long time ago i think you were right but it's a good idea to double check that yes double check you know i'm going off top of my head you know but double check everything um all right guys any questions any uh comments uh anyone any any or did i just do it so perfectly that you know there's nothing left to say because if that's the case that's the absolute first time for that so okay i've seen seen nothing so that's pretty cool i think we'll call night um hopefully this inspires you to build your own stuff a simple little cheap controller um we'll look at uh i'll have to research uh multiplexers if we can if you need more than this the you can use a multiplexer but i'm have to make sure it all works like i think it does was that joel says i thought it was a good idea another uh crossover for ground yeah you know like ground ground is the cause and the solution to 99 of your problems in electronics uh james uh great stream dave did you plan to do another one on the teens yes i do so what i want to do is i want to port this code over the tnt because it's a little a little faster a little uh a little more functionality and it's got a really nice usb midi component so we can uh actually do usb midi instead of our five pin all right you know i know there's hairless midi for the arduino and some other things and i i just don't even want to get involved in them like you know i've looked at them and it's like ah you know i'd rather uh i'd rather something that's kind of purpose-built for it and the teensy kind of fits that bill a little better matthew can i connect a a piezo mic as a trigger yes you can so basically anything that's going to trigger a a uh analog input on your arduino you can use so as long as the arduino can recognize it um as a you know a valid source then you can use it right all we're doing is triggering an analog input so yeah you can it there's a little you google piezo uh triggers and it's a little more involved but and my software won't natively handle it you know so you know google it check it out uh let's see uh kenzos says can do midi usb midi with arduino micro as well and that's uh you know i haven't played with the micro um so but as far as i know that you have to do some uh some finagling uh with stuff whereas the teensy it's kind of built in so it uh it kind of works a little better but you know double check once again i'm talking off top of my head you know double check um and my code wouldn't handle usb midi um natively so i'd have to update the program and uh that's a new it's kind of a different topic so we're gonna get into that but i gotta wrap my head around it a little bit first all right guys that's uh that's awesome um once again check out uh you know subscribe on youtube if you haven't already uh twitter all those different fun sites go to the youtube page or my notes and volts dot com and lots of information um i am an amazon affiliate i'm going to put some amazon links in the description where you buy where i bought my nano and if you use that to buy your nano um you know i get a couple of pennies so that's really helpful also i have a patreon uh page if you really like my stuff you know helping uh that really helps too um super helpful love nuts notes was that a typo matthew uh let's see kenzo says it's actually really easy with the right library i think it's usb midi yeah so it could be so you know double check that i haven't got into that yet but i will be looking into that uh in a bit uh so anyways guys it was a lot of fun once again um nice hanging out with you guys i hope you have a great week and i will see you next time so until then uh have fun go make some noise have a good night [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Notes and Volts
Views: 101,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arduino, Electronics, Music, Synthesizer, Ableton, Controller, DIY, Midi, Nano
Id: ellhUszaMZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 50sec (4670 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2017
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