LIVE From Sotheby’s London | Richter, Banksy and Twombley lead the Contemporary Art Evening Auction

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[Music] go [Music] so [Music] good [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] if [Music] come on split screen hello and welcome to the contemporary art evening auction happening here at sotheby's london on october the 14th it's an exciting moment for the city freeze london and freeze masters return after a forced two-year hiatus and the october cell always marks the most dynamic moment in the annual sotheby's calendar this year it feels like everything is fizzing with even more energy right so i've got about half an hour let loose to explore this important sale with you and as you would expect there are those big names richter boetti those post-war masters but they're joined by the new kids on the block artist i love like flora yuknovic and titus kapha and also big names in contemporary art we've got freud shiraga and even banksy come on let's dive in [Music] it's fitting that we're greeted by three works by gerhard richter he's a painter that's a huge source of inspiration for so many artists around the world joining me to talk about these impressive works is james sevier hello james richter's been interrogating how to make an image and how an image is received for over six decades and you really feel the power coming off these walls were these conceived as a triptych no they weren't they're actually three individual works and we're selling them next week as individual works but they do look extraordinary together and it's so rare to have three paintings of this quality in the same private collection that have been together for over 35 years they're coming from the hellgert and walter laos collection which is one of the most extraordinary and important european collections of post-war art and in fact these paintings have never left germany they've been in the same collection ever since wow okay i mean you really feel the energy pulsating on them of course richter brought the squeegee into art history he brings this sponge in he starts working the canvas with this kind of unpredictable method but i can also see paintbrush marks here so is this is this a kind of turning point for him absolutely 1985 was the turning point for richter certainly in that decade but i think one of the biggest moments in his career in fact he had his first shows in america in 1985 he had his first show with marion goodman and with spirona westwater and 1985 you see this shift in his work from painting purely with the brush to really working with the squeegee and this painting in the two panels on the left and right you see this kind of almost battle between the squeegee and the brush there's a push and a pull you know creating with one hand and then it's scraping back with another and as a result you've got an amazing thickness of the paint in all these paintings a thickness of paint that's actually unrivalled in most of his abstract paintings yeah i mean it's extraordinary it's almost like three-dimensional in these parts here he's an artist of course who was known for really bringing photography into the world of painting brought them together as bedfellows and allowed them to kind of interrogate one another where the the boundary between you know realism and abstraction began and end and of course looking at this you think of him as a master who's really making us think about what we're looking at and thinking about depth and thinking about what is it to be abstract absolutely and richter has described his paintings as photography by another means and you have to look at his abstract paintings in the same lineage of his early photo paintings and where he went from there in the early 1980s he was producing the candle paintings and from there he went into the landscape paintings and in 1984-85 there's this dramatic shift and he suddenly produces these extraordinary bright textured abstract paintings that from there really influenced the rest of his career you can see why artists all over the world cite him as such a source of inspiration there's like a million lessons in this painting isn't there absolutely and richter is without parallel he's an artist like no other both in terms of the versatility and the quality and the range of what he's produced i mean he combines rothko and pollock and de kooning and all these other artists but rather than trying to make the picture play in a sacred space he's challenging it he's trying to make it contemporary and bringing as you said photography and painting together i mean it is very challenging it's very beautiful and you know what it's electrifying i think it's given me loads of energy for today thank you so much james thank you right we're leaving germany to come to italy and look at a group of post-war italian artists artists like castellani who are really pushing and pulling between different mediums you've got these nails underneath this canvas threatening the surface it becomes incredibly sculptural and really castellani is part of a really exciting group of young men who were interrogating what art was and how it should be made what i really want to look at is this beretti and i'm joined by isabel parkman hello isabel i mean it feels so paintly but it's not a painting tell us what it is it's a tapestry um essentially was handmade and the idea came from boetti but he didn't actually execute it so when we think back of the artepovra having a work that comes out of hand woven material is obviously very interesting this is part of a series that he developed from the late 60s early 70s right up into 89 with enormous geopolitical changes and they are very very meticulously executed take a very long time to make so this one being a super big example of the map house is actually very rare um we see the the beautiful shimmer that um even the borders and every aspect of this work has so yes it it has that quality of a painting maybe um yet it is um it's completely made out of bread and so it's the it's a vision of the world by boretti so he's taken each country and delineated it with the sort of image of its map so really kind of underscoring the sense of people and the constructive notion of what a nation is yes like many artists he um is incredibly interested in the world our planet and also in the fluid boundaries that exist between nations which obviously within that period of time have also evolved a lot yeah and his maps throughout these 20 years that were they were made really reflected that yeah i mean of course because you've got the fall of the berlin wall so there's the idea of this map actually becoming like a relic of a past world as the world moves on in a geo-political sense it's also fascinating to me that not only did he not make it but where it was made in afghanistan yes so he would outsource this again with the idea that the artist is the initiator of the idea and it was jen created with an element of chance or maybe an element of error sometimes that could happen which was part of the beauty of the creation here human made so sometimes these backgrounds are actually a completely different color we expect the scene to be blue but you can find maps where they're where it's pink or or purple even which are these wonderful variations and you can see sort of variations within it i mean you you know that this is not machine made but then for me that brings it back to the idea of playing with the medium because it feels even more painterly as a consequence all the different slight tones in the blue well it's an absolutely arresting beautiful thing to look at thank you so much isabel now from one artist pushing the boundaries of how an artwork is made and received to another who in fact did so here at sotheby's and joining me to talk about a work which is fast becoming iconic as emma baker emma you were here when sotheby's got bank seed i was um it was three years ago so it's come back just over three years later and what an event it was it was quite extraordinary and quite stressful to be going through so the work enters the auction room as one piece girl with a balloon from 2006 the hammer goes down it does and it becomes something else entirely so you know a lot of people have focused on the fact that banksy destroyed his own artwork during the auction but actually he created an artwork you know it was girl with balloon dated from 2006 and a few days later after the auction happened it became lovers in the bin from 2018. so yeah it's just remarkable in that sense how we were all there this event happened and it's kind of a moment in history now i mean it took everybody by surprise you can see the footage of people watching the the things seem to slip out of the frame and start to shred it it was supposed to completely shred and so therefore be called lovers in the bins you would have had all these straight lines in the bins the idea and banksy put this on his own instagram so after it happened at the auction he put all these series of videos up saying back in 2006 i put a shredder in a painting waiting for one day when it would come to auction and then there was another video that he released where it said it worked in rehearsals every time and you could see it just coming through and then totally ending up on the floor in the bin which is why it was called lovers in the bin but it didn't do that it malfunctioned it stopped halfway through and the result is this which i think ultimately is a more powerful work yeah i mean arguably it worked out beautifully the the that it sort of supposedly backfired in some way so there's a huge precedent for destruction as a mode of creation in art history you think of rauschenberg erasing de kooning's drawing or jean tangley making these kind of works that deconstructed in front of the art world's eyes the chapman brothers with goya i mean it's part of a whole art tradition i mean it's cheeky isn't it but it's also very powerful and clever i mean it's a very very perceptive insight into the mechanization of the art world totally and you know that's what banksy was doing he was making a comment on value on money the art world and the establishment and this is what on who banksy is he's totally anti-establishment yeah you know we're not the first institution to have been bank seed i know you know this yeah i used to work at the british museum and i got back to you yeah exactly so like around 2004 he was pranking or not pranking or just doing these performances these artistic happenings where he was inserting his own works in these revered institutions such as the british museum he did it with tate he did it with moma he did it with the louvre so i mean 2018 he did it with us and i think it was a moment in his market where prices were beginning to just go a little bit nuts and i think he wanted to play with that and to really pull the rug from out out from under us and we fell for it hook line and sinker i suppose the irony is he's become an even more popular artist he's become even more famous his instagram went through the roof people came and cued in the rain to see this i mean it wasn't it wasn't the end of the story it was almost just the beginning of a totally new chapter totally a new era for banksy i think you know as an observer seeing this event it's it has brought his work to a lot more people a lot more collectors we see purchasing bidding for works by banksy not just sort of people interested in street art it's people who are interested in present-day masterpieces so someone might bid on a mono they also might bid on a banksy like this so it really has opened out his work to a whole different remit of people and just reinforced his relevance and his importance as an artist today yeah well it's exciting to see it come back well obviously the whole world is going to be watching this one go under the hammer absolutely and we're just hoping that it's going to be a lot less stressful thank you emma thank you now from an anonymous artist who used stealth with a little help of electronics to produce a work to someone who used their body in a radical way to produce a painting i'm here to talk to marina ruiz columba about this work which is very dynamic and it feels even more dynamic when you know how it was made tell us so um this painting was made by kazuo jiraga in 1961 he was part of the kutai art association and what this association was all about was making new work every day his technique was very particular he would hang a rope from the ceiling and then pour the paint directly onto the canvas which he had placed on the floor and then he would swing from this rope and we can see here the gestures of him traversing the canvas with his feet it's such a tactile canvas but also we can almost feel the physicality of shiraga swinging across the canvas and making these wide sweeping gestures and pushing the paint all around the canvas i mean it's just extraordinary the idea of the acrobatic painter and this is not just a visceral extraordinary work it's also conceptual tell me about what it's based on absolutely this work is part of the water margin series which are all based on the tales of the water margin this is a chinese classic it's an epic novel that was written in the 14th century and shiraga was given a copy and illustrated copy when he was a teenager and he became absolutely obsessed this sparked a great interest in chinese culture in general and all the works in this series are titled after the names of the characters in the novel there's 108 of them and some of them were heavenly creatures others were earthly demons and they all fought this war and we can almost feel this sense of a battle epic battle going on on the surface of this canvas absolutely i mean i'm not familiar with 14th century classical chinese literature but i want to be after i look at this painting and i know that it comes from a very special collection belonging to an artist i love it when an artist loves other artists this is the greatest honor for us to be able to offer a work that has belonged in the collection of anish kapoor and it's not only an incredible thing to be able to offer something with an amazing provenance but also to get a glimpse into the mind of someone who is an artist himself but who is also a collector and who um which artists he appreciates and he thinks of and maybe he is inspired by when he's producing his own work um i personally see a glimpse of kapoor in these canvases his interest in pigment and this beautiful colors but also the expressivity of the paint how he's interested in in the materials in the texture um you could almost see everything in this camera yeah they're two radical artists you can see them here together communing in some way thank you so much marina thank you we're moving on from a visceral abstract painting now to an early drawing by lucy and freud a very finely detailed work joining me to talk about it is tom edison hello tom tell me where is freud in his life when he makes this so this is a welcome paper from 1951 so ford is in his early 30s at this point and really had been working in earnest for the past decade really this is really fascinating uh point in his career this is a painting in connemara in the west coast of ireland and he went there for the second time in 1951 with his then wife anne and it really was the start of a love affair with freud and ireland and what we see here is a really wonderful meticulously executed um with high degrees of scrutiny and observation um which is so emblematic of freud's career from his works on paper in the 40s and early 50s throughout his paintings and if you look closely here you just see such painstaking detail and observation you have this wonderful steamboat um on the shore of connemara um this was a boat i think which used to take day trippers from sort of casual hill which you can see in the distance but what freud's done here really is you really get a sort of focus you see he's left all of the sky left to shore and it's really pinpointed down into the main focus of what he's looking at it's amazing because he allows the paper to do the work for him so you really get the sense of the time and space all this half of it's blank really but yeah it feels like a very intense very realistic kind of work i mean the the different styles of cross hatching i mean it's like he's looking at someone like gilandayo an italian renaissance master this is magnificent yeah it's it it's really it's so tight and focused and when you step back you don't quite see all the details you say it's sort of this big mass but it's so um linear and you get to see little boats further down the shore and this connemara pony next to the wall who's tied up and so at this stage it's not like he's making lots and lots of paintings i mean drawing really is actually the core of his practice yeah pretty much from the 40s the predominant nature of his work was works on paper um and you get a few paintings in the late 40s of his wife kitty garman and a few other protagonists but really drawing was the real focus he was so uh intent on it um and it really stems the foundations of the rest of his career when we look when we think of his paintings you know the grand big broad brush stroke paintings of the sort of 90s and 2000s the foundations of which are that huge uh meticulous observation that is so prevalent here in this drawing well it just has this absolutely beautiful powerful quiet energy thank you so much tom thank you moving on from a british master to less established names i'm going to be talking to hugo cobb about these artists hi hugo yeah these are our young and emerging artists in the sale many of them are appearing in a sotheby's evening cell for the first time this is miriam khan yep we have this wonderful painting by hilary petches this from the south african artist singer samson and this amazing group portrait by salman tour wow i mean i really love frisbee because it is about seeing the great but it's also about experimentation all these younger voices i mean this for me is such a good example of that flora novak who i used to live down the road yeah this one we're really particularly excited about i think first and foremost this is just a dazzling painting the pure energy of the brush strokes and the way that she blends figurative and abstract modes of depiction you know that's something that's really really intentional by this artist she's spoken about blending the the macho abstraction of the contemporary era with the prettiness of the old masters yeah and of course she's an artist who's only born in 1990 but she rubs shoulders so seamlessly with those rococo masters absolutely yeah and and out of them i would say that that fragonard is the one that this picture is most directly based from yeah but she's not just adopting that language and imitating it she's actually subverting it you know where fragonard was creating these these very pretty as we say scenes full of blushing nudes they were absolutely titillation for the male gays meanwhile yaknavik's figures refused to be seen so it's a very very intentional point there yeah she really subverts that traditional male gaze absolutely and actually she gives us a painting for the 21st century and i love the way that you kind of pushed and pulled thinking about the figures but then thinking about the brush strokes and actually the bravery of it to have it be so dynamic with the drips of paint here these really quite aggressive marks at the top and actually just passages where you have bare canvas there's a lot happening i mean it's extraordinary that she's so technically skilled um at such a young age yeah and although we speak about the old masters a lot standing in front of her work i think you can also look to contemporary painters particularly cecily brown who she's regularly compared with and so this is the first time in the evening sale for her yeah and i think it's really really exciting to to show yukonovic's work alongside such painters as gerhard richter yeah bridget riley yayoi kusama and see her rubbing shoulders with these guys and absolutely going toe to toe with them yeah really deserving her place well i'm really looking forward to seeing what happens it's a really special work thank you from one artwork that brings the ideals of art history through to the present age to another and joining me to talk about it is antonia gardner here in the contemporary art day sale antonia this is by titus cafe and it's quite a thing to look at indeed it is so this is one of his iconic shred paintings it's mata from 2008 it's one of our top lots of the day cell to make these as you can probably see from the work itself it takes a huge amount of work he first copies old master paintings really really very delicately painting them and then he uses all sorts of different methods to kind of cut puncture some of them are covered up he uses oil rag to kind of deconstruct the image so this one's really been shredded and it looks like it started out quite precise with a scalpel and then obviously it's got very frenetic and there's this amazing push and pull you get these almost these puncture marks as well yeah exactly so he he cuts through them again as you say it's very very precise um way of cutting through them and in doing so kind of really references this long um art historical lineage where you know artists like lucha fontana slashed through the canvas opening up two-dimensional space to the three dimensions and here he uses it to address kind of art history and the kind of the blank spots in art history you know where black figures have been ignored uh by by art history so it's a sort of a very exciting moment where you have a african-american artist in the 21st century looking back at art history but repurposing it repurposing it using it to his own ends and actually giving her something entirely new i mean it's it's a performative kind of art isn't it definitely yeah there's a lot of performance in it and you kind of it the final result is very much you can feel the processes that have that he's been through to create them yeah it's kind of very it's very physical in its being as well and there's another work over here which is so physical i can feel it kind of safe eliminating off the wall and this is by jardi fado jatimi she must be one of the youngest artists in the sale yeah she's one of the youngest and actually she's the youngest in the whole tate collection which is a super exciting thing and this is a model mine that's never confined and what's particularly incredible about this work is the extraordinary color that you just mentioned and she takes an influence from all sorts of different places anime and that japanese influence you can definitely get from the present work yeah i mean i think what's amazing is that the color palette is so robust and that it's so seamless but yet actually there's fluoro in here things are clashing with each other there's things which are translucent and gentle other parts which are kind of quite aggressive there's an entire kind of cacophony of noise being marshaled by her here definitely and it she kind of creates them very much as a sense of identity you know there's this real playfulness to them as well kind of elements of childhood with these really as you mentioned the floral colors popping through and it's just an extraordinary cacophony of brushworks as you say so do you think that this really is a sort of painting about her identity or finding identity or are we looking at kind of like a inner psychological working of this young artist's mind she's spoken a lot about how it's reconstructing her identity on the canvas and i think that's very much what you see here you know there's moments of calm these kind of huge moments of passion and injection of color and vibrancy in it yeah wow and it feels like it has just literally been painted yeah it's just feels like it's still wet it feels like the energy of her is still on the wall and it is this is this is from 2021 um and it's actually being sold to benefit wwf and art for your climate which is a really amazing course of how kind of bringing the art world um into the climate issues that are happening in the world today oh okay amazing well i love it even more thank you so much no problem thank you from one artwork charting a complex emotional landscape to another and joining me to talk about it is oliver barker who's actually the auctioneer for the contemporary art evening okay good morning hello ollie i mean i've just seen the rhaegar exhibition at the date britain and i was just staggered she's just such a singular artistic force you know i think it's it's so right when you look at the surface of these pictures it's very difficult to tell kind of the dense complexity of everything that's really going on behind them but this is no different this is a work which was created at the beginning of a series called the dog woman series in 1994 when uh paula was coming to terms really with the death of her husband victor willing and of course you know she up until that point hadn't really been an artist in her own right but of course she begins to eclipse uh him of course and very much in pictures like this and i think the dog woman series really is all about um women being sort of trivialized almost as a bastille force but of course it's much more it's womanhood sort of really been celebrated on its own sort of shape and also taking a wide range of influences in this case actually from portuguese kind of legends in fact uh of a woman in fact who lived in isolation and went mad living in isolation with winds sort of coming down her sort of chimney and ended up eating and devouring the animals that were around her very rigouresque stuff really um especially post lockdown thinking about the madness of isaiah yes that's absolutely right but you know i think that here is an artist really at the height of her powers not only sort of in terms of kind of addressing the kind of the man woman and the divide between the two but also kind of technically really attacking you know pastel and i look at these pastels and this one being actually on canvas and feel this is you know the best pastel pastels kind of technique maker since digger yeah you know the the the level of kind of you know mastery of that medium a notoriously difficult medium is quite extraordinary and i think the other thing also is that this work is notable as the end of the dog woman series the very last one and it's titled good dog and you can see that she uh autobiographically in the picture is taking this of somewhat subservient sort of pose uh almost looking up at her master to say yes i've been good but at the same time being assertive and being strong and being feminine there's so much going on here yeah i mean always with rhaegar you get all of this psychological depth i mean it's very compelling well i've had the most glorious time sluicing my way through art history with all these amazing pictures thank you so much for having me and i'm going to hand over to you for the closing remarks absolutely thank you so much thank you very much indeed ladies and gentlemen in addition to today's tour you of course have the opportunity of viewing ourselves physically here at sotheby's in newborn street and we are opening our doors on saturday the 9th of october at midday and of course all of the pictures and works of art you've seen today are also online where you can see the highlights of the day sale which is taking place the bidding opens in fact on the 8th of october concluding on the 15th of october and again all of the details of the works are available on the evening sell of contemporary art will be taking place from 6 p.m on the 14th of october and of course as usual in our own unique style we will be live streaming that auction through and our facebook channels as well and we very much look forward to welcoming you physically virtually if our experts can be on hand please reach out to them contact them as well they very much look forward to helping either online again or indeed over the telephone and emails both in london here europe asia and new york and after that thank you very much for joining us we hope you've enjoyed the tour and we very much look forward to welcoming you here at sotheby's [Music] [Music] shifting on the dream split screen [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening ladies and gentlemen and a very warm welcome to sotheby's in london for the very first time since the pandemic we are thrilled to welcome back some 200 clients into our sales room together with my colleagues on the telephone banks and of course the participants online my name is oliver barker [Applause] and i will be your auctioneer for our contemporary evening sale presented in partnership with the french fashion house and luxury goods brand celine house london is most definitely the place to be this week and in the spirit of the freeze and freeze masters art fairs currently taking place our auction tonight will offer the classic names in post-war arts side by side with the most exciting artists emerging onto the marketplace the sale will be led by a trio of exemplary abstracts gerhard richter paintings acquired 35 years ago by the eminent german collectors helga and water laos and together they are estimated between 17 and 23 million pounds tonight of course we will also see the return of banksy's famous shredded artwork love is in the bin almost three years exactly to the date since the painting shredded in this very room following the artist intervention and just before we get into the action a few housekeeping notes as your auctioneer i may open the bidding on any lot by placing a bid on behalf of the seller i may further bid on behalf of the seller up to the amount of the reserve by placing responsive or consecutive bids for a lot for those who are intending to bid please note the following please note that there is a guarantee on lot number 32 and please further note that there is a guarantee and an irrevocable bid on each of the following lots that's numbers 8 10 14 16 17 18 and 23. please note too that the following lot has been withdrawn that's number 25 and without further ado we're going to start with property from the el nimer collection in beirut to the adel adnan of course the first time is the auction debut that she's making in an evening sale with his fabulous picture here the untitled on my left and painted in 1973 after she'd moved back to beirut this is a magnificent example of her coveted abstract landscapes and i'm going to start here with some interest already at 30 000 pounds so thirty thousand forty thousand fifty thousand sixty thousand seventy thousand eighty thousand i'm taking from you eighty thousand ninety thousand one hundred thousand is my bid one hundred and twenty thousand and i'm out to one hundred and twenty thousand pounds at one hundred and twenty thousand pounds counts better one hundred and twenty thousand clearing the commission bid one hundred and forty thousand a year thank you michael 160 000 at 160 000 give me eighty please at one hundred and sixty thousand on this side are you bidding us about one sixty one eighties bid now with michael and against you david at one hundred eighty thousand pounds give me two hundred thousand please two hundred thousand there it is isabelle parkman ahead of you again david at two hundred thousand pounds it's with isabelle parker 250 000. thank you mike at 250 000 excavators 300 000. at 250 000 with michael mccauley here at 250 000 pounds at 250 000. with the telephone bid further there in the corner 250 000 at 250 000 it's your bid mike at 250 000 300 000 with 250 000 expenditures i'll take 280 from you at 250 000 here it's mike's bid at 250 000. selling to my currently 250 000 pounds and it gets you marco here no i said before i'm not taking 260 next bits 280. at 250 000 still with mike at 250 000 could be 80 please at 250 000 looking for 280. 250 000 pounds still with you michael at 250 and against you all at 250 000 pounds at 250. you're saying more at 250 000 against your bassy is against you there james two with 250 000 pounds fair warning now 250 000 pounds i'm going to sell it here at 250 000 gonna be last chance here 270 i'll take 270 000 we got there a little bit higher than i wanted to go but uh or less than i wanted to go but uh 270 000 is bit 280 now i'll take it for new mic now at this point at 280 give me 90. at 280 000 still here at 280 000 pounds give me 90. at 280 000 it's mike's bitter and selling fair warning now at 280 000 fair warning and selling david who coming in make it worth my while at 280 000 say one more at 280 000 pounds i'm going to sell it now fair warning it's mike spitter off to a great start at 280 000 pounds thank you mike it's yours it's paddle number 130 130 000 mike mccauley thank you mike very much indeed and ladies and gentlemen we move on to the pitches the hillary purchase the summer patio painting showing here on my left this fabulous thing and as you can hear already a cluster of bidders lining up the telephone bidders i'm going to start the bidding already at twenty thousand thirty thousand forty thousand fifty thousand sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred thousand at one hundred one ten one twenty is my been against you antonio at 120 000 pounds in the book of 120 000 pounds 130 i'm out james it's your bit at 130 000 pounds 150 thank you antonio 150 000 pounds with antonio gardner 150 000 pounds here 150 000 you're bidding up front 150 at 150 000 pounds back with antonio carter at 150 thousand anymore 150 180 now james's bid at 180 000 pounds give me 200 000 antonio 180 000 still with james sevier here at 180 000 at 180 at 180 000. 160. i'll take from you there james 160 000 pounds it's back with james now 160 000. looking for 170 antony from you please at 160 thousand say one more at 160. it's your your bid james at 160 000 and selling it here at 160 000 pounds it's against you ashkance against antonia and i need 70 from you at 160 at 160 000 pounds fair warning now you out antonio thank you for confirming that ashkan are you out are you in at 160 last chance now i'm gonna sell at 160 000 pounds thank you james that's yours that's number one to four and on number three we have an untitled study by avery singer whose record has been broken three times at auction uh this year alone in hong kong and in new york so wonderful example showing here on my left the untitled study and starting the bid here at one hundred twenty thousand one hundred and thirty thousand one hundred and forty thousand one hundred and forty thousand pounds and one hundred and forty thousand pounds anybody said one fifty at one hundred forty thousand one hundred and fifty thousand haley spinner 160 now i have against you hey with the commission bid at 160 000 pounds at 160 170 thank you james i'm out now it's your bid at 170 000. at 1 7 with james francis fox on the telephone at 170 180 is bid now antonio has been at 180 000 pounds at 180. he's back with antonio it's against you james now 180 is still in the room 190 is your bid you heard him at 190. at 190 000 pounds at one night say 200. okay at 190 000. 200 thank you antonia it's your bid now with 200 000 pounds and tonya gardner here at 200 000. it's all on this side telephone bidders anyone over there want to take take apart at 100 200 000 hugo you coming in please no at 200 000 still with antonio on this side and selling do we have online bidding at 200 000 pounds and i'm gonna sell it last chance at two yeah at 200 000 pounds we're just having a couple of problems getting the online bidding working at 200 000 you'll be to wait just a second yes at 200 we're just going to wait one second just to get the online bidding resolved at 200 000 pounds as we look forward to the bank seat coming up soon at 200 200 000 here we are for the avery singer at 200 000 pounds 200. at 200 000 pounds at 200 000 anymore at 200 000 pounds it's still yours thank you antonio at 200 000 pounds ben how are we getting on 200 000 pounds at 200 000 pounds at 200 000 pounds are we going to go on at 200 000 pounds at 200 000 at 200 000 pounds now how are we getting on at two hundred thousand pounds i think we're just rebooting our system two hundred thousand pounds at two hundred thousand at two hundred thousand thank you for your patience ladies and gentlemen stood at 200 000. how's it going at 200 000 pounds 200 000 pounds antonio we're back online thank you it's your bid at 200 000 you're bidding at home online at 200 000 pounds it's here on the telephone i'm going to sell it this time fair warning for 200 000 pounds thank you antonio paddle number 35. thank you so much and lot number four is the flora yuknaevic solar's view thank you very much indeed hopefully showing on the screens here it is showing on my right i'll have what she's having this wonderful painting that's been very well exhibited in our galleries a lot of interest in the picture wonderful thing here showing on the screens acquired from paraffin gallery of course this fabulous picture and i want to start binning here at 40 000 pounds of 40 000 50 000 60 000 60 000 70 000 80 000 90 100 000 120 at one hundred twenty thousand one hundred and fifty thousand at one hundred fifty one eighty now two hundred thousand two hundred and fifty thousand we say three hundred three hundred thousand three fifty four hundred thousand four fifty thank you very much 450 000 here in the room at 450 000 pounds lady spit at 450 500 000 pounds now 550 thousand at 550 thousands back with the lady at 550. give me 600 000 please at 550 600 000 it's bit online thank you 600 000. say fifty that's six hundred thousand pounds six fifty seven already at you online no at six hundred and fifty thousand with the online bidder at six hundred and fifty thousand pounds david come in here at six hundred and fifty thousand at six seven hundred thousand pounds it's bid now it's on the telephone it's seven hundred thousand seven hundred and fifty thousand against you at 750. back with the online bidder at 750 000 pounds now alex let's say one more please at 750 000 pounds 750 800 000 thank you sir 800 thousand now at 800 thousand 850 000 is big now 850 at 850 000 pounds eight fifths say one more nine hundred thousand is it a very it's a new place here at nine hundred thousand nine hundred and fifty thousand thank you james at nine fifty give me a million i'm fifty at nine hundred you see it here it's online with the online bidder one million pounds thank you and one million pounds one million one hundred thousand at one million one one one at one million one hundred thousand pounds try for two please and one million one hundred thousand is still online and it's against you alex lindsay two one million one hundred thousand one million one hundred and fifty thousands in another new place with david schroeder at 1 million 150 000 pounds one million two hundred thousand dollars at one two three here at one million two hundred thousand fifty one million two hundred thousand pounds david it's against you here one million two hundred and fifty thousand it's back with david schrader now one million two hundred fifty here at sotheby's one million three hundred thousand is b antonio you've been bidding 1-3 looking for 50. give me 50. still three of you in it and one million three hundred thousand and the absentee bidder online at one million three hundred thousand pounds at one million three hundred thousand pounds say one more yep at one million three just be patient online we're just waiting for our telephone video one million three hundred thousand at one million three one million three hundred and fifty thousand pounds thank you dave one million three fifty and one million three fifties here one million four hundred thousand is big thank you so much one million four home again one million four hundred thousand sotheby's dot com at one million four hundred thousand pounds now at one million four hundred thousand here online one four let's go on davey at one million four one million four give me fifty one million four hundred and fifty thousand here it is it's back with david again at this side of the room at one minute one million five hundred thousand five thank you alex it's in another new place at one million five hundred and fifty thousand with alex lindsay one million five fifty one million six now alex against you one million six try fifty please at one million six hundred thousand pounds still online at one million six not yours yet alex at one million six hundred thousand need fifty from you say one more this fabulous picture one million six hundred thousand pounds one six and one million six hundred thousand one million six hundred and fifty thousand now it's back again with david schrader on the telephone one million seven hundred thousand is bid now it's online again at one million seven hundred thousand pounds one seven at one million sir i'm looking for 50 from either of you alex lindsay or david schrader 1 million 700 000 pounds it's with our online bidder thank you so much on sotheby' for the online bidding of 1 million 700 000 pounds and looking for 15 out for either of you at 1 million 700 000. it's not yes yours on this side of the room either one million seven hundred thousand pounds anymore one seven alex want to try fifty one million seven hundred and fifty thousand one seven fifty one million seven hundred and fifty thousand it's against you online now one million seven hundred and fifty thousands with david trader here on the telephone our colleague from new york at one million seven hundred and fifty one million eight hundred thousand now at one eight won it try one more one million eight hundred thousand pounds now still with the better online against you alex is that just one bid or can we are we gonna have another one one million eight hundred thousand try one more at one million one million difficult pictures to find one million eight hundred thousand and one million eight for the euroconific one million eight hundred thousand nuances record of course of one million eight hundred thousand say one more one million eight hundred thousand here still thinking with david one million eight hundred thousand pounds 1 850 000 thank you alex 1 850 thousands back with alex lindsay there at 1 850 000 pounds on the further telephone at one million eight hundred and fifty thousand alex's bid and it clears you both now one million eight hundred and fifty thousand pounds again against you on this side of the room at one million eight hundred and fifty thousand are you out online at one million eight hundred and fifty thousand pounds one eight fifty it's with alex lindsay it's against you david i think i'm selling it here at one million eight hundred and fifty thousand the hammer is coming up here it's against you david are you out one million eight hundred and fifty thousand pounds fair warning to you and very fair warning to you also at home online at one million eight fifty multiple assistance tonight david for the sound thing and 1 million 850 ably assisted by antonia and caroline at 1 million 850 looking for 9 from you david how's your persuasion going women in 850 have to hurry you know at 1 million eight hundred and fifty thousand pounds what do you want it a one eight fifty no we leave it alone and selling final warning and thank you very much your bidding thank you online alex congratulations it's yours thank you very much indeed congratulations thank you so much thank you our online bidder thank you very much david congratulations alex to your client and all the other bidders thank you so much and we move on lot number five of course is the salmon tour the fabulous garden party painting showing here on these or on my left great to have physical art back in our spaces along with yourselves and i'm gonna start the bidding here at sixty thousand seventy thousand eighty thousand ninety thousand one hundred thousand i have one hundred thousand already one hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and forty thousand thank you say sixty seven hundred and sixty 160 180 000 no at 180 000 general spit on this side of the room thank you sir at 180 000 pounds 200 000 is bit say 20 so at 200 000 and tony gardner's bidder at 200 000 want to say 20 here at 200 000 against you sir 200 000. try one more at 200 000 pounds on this side at 200 000 back with antonio again at 200 000 thank you antonio i'm going to sell it now with 200 000 pounds against you on this audio world sir no at 200 000 here it is antonio is bitter and selling last chance at 200 000 pounds antonio still with you at 200 thousands you'll be at 200 antonio it's your beard two thousand two hundred thousand antonio it's your bid at two hundred thousand good just wanna clarify that at two hundred thousand pounds i'm going to sell it here last chance at two hundred thousand this a problem with the board it's saying 220. sorry the bid is at 200 000. yes your bid at 200 000. yeah oh it's online i'm so sorry we've got an online bidder at 220. thank you very much indeed at 220 it's against you now antonio 220 with the online bidder now at 220 000. i'm sorry online it's your bid now at 220 you have to give me 30 at least at 220 000. give me one more at 220 000 pounds i'm going to sell against you antonio 228 000 pounds say one more you win 220 000 fair warning now last chance at 220 000 pounds antonio 230 000 thank you at 230 000 pounds back with antonio again at 230 000. you need to be 240 at home if you wanted it 230 000. it's here with antonio again at 230 000 on the telephone at 230 000 here it is in newborn street at 230 000 with antonio gardner and selling last chance at 230 000 pounds thank you antonia it's yours it's paddle number 35 at 230 000. thank you so much number six is the eva just givings the maria showing again on the easel thank you very much indeed and i'm going to start the bidding here at um at twenty thousand thirty thousand forty thousand pounds i have fifty thousand pounds i have with the commission bid at fifty thousand i could sell at fifty thousand sixty thousand seventy thousand i have here at 70 000. say one more 70 000 at 70 000. where is the bid 75 000. i'm taking online 80 000 is mine focuses say 85. it's mine with 80 000. 90 000.95 000 is online at 95 000 pounds ahead of you here at ninety five thousand one hundred thousand with david at one hundred thousand one hundred and ten thousand is big online again at one hundred and ten thousand against you fergus one hundred and ten thousand pounds one hundred and twenty thousand is big online again at one hundred twenty thousand pounds at one twenty one thirty it's back with david again at one hundred and thirty thousand pounds one hundred and thirty thousand here with david one hundred and forty thousands against you one eighty thousand yeah here's a man who knows how to bear thank you david rothschild at 180 000 pounds at 180 000 it's your bid at 180. at 180 000 pounds with david rothschild at 180 000 against you on this side of 180 thousands with david rothschild's against you alex at the moment 190 now against you david say hundred thousand please 190 000 looking for two from you it's online now 190 000 pounds 190 and against you alex lindsay at 190 000 pounds one night 190 000 i'm going to sell it here to the online bidding against you both here 190 000 looking for 200 000 ferguson will be out 200 000 thank you david 200 000 taken from you at 200 000 pounds you betting sir no 200 000 it's back with david rothschild on the further telephone 220 thousand at 220. try 240. 220 at 220 000 online at 220 and i need 240 from you david please at 220 bidding sir at 220. you've come a long way 225 000 pounds thank you 225 i'm taking from you and he got married on saturday so yeah at 225 000. give me 30. 225 000 with david's bidder against you online now 225 000 230 is speed now at 230 000. want to go on david 230 at 230 000 pounds 250 now it's bid online at 250 000. thank you online at 250 at 250 000 pounds it's with the online bidder it's the battle of the online bid is here at 250 000 you out david at 250 000 i'm going to sell it now the hammer is coming up 280 now it's bid again at 280 online again at 280 000 pounds at 280 thousand still online against you david it's the pair of online bidders 218 and selling it here last chance at 280 000 pounds thank you very much indeed sold online it's paddle number it's at 137 187 thank you very much indeed and moving on the moment we've all been waiting for um we have of course banksy's love is in the bin and i'm sure many of you will remember the artwork shredding in this very location three years ago just seconds after the hammer fell and at that moment girl with balloon became an unexpected piece of performance art and a newly created artwork we have ladies and gentlemen for your delectation lot seven lucky seven property from a private european collector the banksy love is in the bin and i want to start the bidding here at two million five hundred thousand pounds two million five hundred thousand three million pounds at three million pounds three million five hundred thousand four million pounds now four million five hundred thousand take from humanity four million five five is the next bit four million five hundred thousand five million is put over here five million pounds so give me five please at five million pounds at five million pounds say five five five million five hundred thousand is bid online six million pounds is my bid now six million pounds six million five hundred thousand six million five hundred thousand seven million is bid with the absentee bidder now in the book at seven million pounds at seven million seven million five hundred thousand is bid here seven million million 500 000 pounds now at seven million five hundred thousand pounds anybody else seven million five hundred thousand ibanissa seven million five hundred thousand that's seven million five hundred thousand eight million pounds he's in a new place thank you nick at eight million pounds here on another telephone at eight million pounds and against whoever eight million five hundred thousand is bit again with michael with michael buhara now with eight million five hundred thousand nine million pounds as with nick again at nine million pounds then so this side of the room here at nine billion pounds at the moment at nine million at nine million pounds nine million five hundred thousand is bit at nine million five it's back with michael again at nine billion five hundred thousand your bid sir at nine billion five hundred thousand should we say ten million at nine million five hundred thousand say one at nine million five hundred thousand where's the bit ten million pounds are you bidding man at ten million pounds still with nick again at ten million pounds back on the telephone at ten million ten million five hundred thousand ten five there it is ten million five hundred thousand what a bit ten million five hundred thousand pounds and against unit ten million five hundred thousand eleven million pounds now is big at 11 million pounds and against you again on this side at 11 million pounds it's all on this side the left bank towards me i had 11 million pounds for the banks here a million five hundred thousand is bid at 11 million five you're bidding sir at 11 million five hundred thousand pounds i had 11 million just reprocess from one to the other 11 million five hundred thousand twelve million pounds now 12 min at 12 million pounds at 12 million pounds on this side 12 million 500 000 is better 12 million 500 000 again on the telephone it's michael spitter at twelve million five hundred thousand anybody twelve million five hundred thousand bidding over here twelve million five thirteen million pounds now at thirteen million pounds at thirteen million pounds thirteen million five hundred thousand emma baker in a new place now with 13 million five hundred thousand pounds here at thirteen five seven thirteen million five hundred thousand thirteen five fourteen million thank you nick fourteen million and against two members fourteen here it is 14 million give me five 14 million pounds at 14 million pounds here it is up here on the telephone still of 14 million pounds at 14 anyone in the room want to come in at 14 million pounds 14 million percent it's here at 40 minutes 14 million 500 thousand thank you 14-5 14-5 15 million pounds it's back with nick again thank you sir 40 15 million pounds further back at 15 million pounds here it is nick buckley woods bidder at 15 million pounds thank you 15. at 15 million pounds at 15 million pounds four lovers in the bin the first time at auction in this state had 15 million pounds and hopefully again and still in the same state and 15 million pounds at another time sometime in the future at 15 million pounds it's here emma are we going to say one more at 15 million 50 million 250 000 at 15 million 250 thousand 15 million 250 000 pounds here with emma bacon against you nick on the telephone of 15 million 250 pounds and against you in the room 15 million 500 000 pounds thank you what's going on 15 million 500 000 at 15 million five thank you nick it's still with you with 15 million five hundred thousand pounds on the further telephone here and against you mike mccauley and against you alexandra here and against you michael 15 million five hundred thousand pounds you're coming in at fifteen million five hundred thousand against try 750. 15 750 there it is 15 million 750 000 pounds next bit's going to be 60. 16 million pounds here it is for this great icon the banksy at 16 million pounds at 60. that's 16 million pounds here it is 16 million pounds still with nick at 16 million pounds hammer against you here it's next bit still with nick don't let this one go 16 million pounds that's 16 million for the great iconic banksy are they out thanking them anyway at 16 million pounds ladies and gentlemen we are selling the banksy here at sotheby's you were here this fantastic moment at 16 million pounds alex you're coming in i can't tell you how terrified i am to bring down this hammer just checking that everyone is accounted for we know who you all are and selling ladies and gentlemen for a new world record the banksy love is in the bin sold to you 16 million congratulations number 40. nick congratulations thank you very much indeed thank you so much and it's still there can't believe it and we move on ladies and gentlemen the bridget riley thank you very much eddie bastian and helena if we can just move to one side show the wonderful riley there it is behind you if we could show that thank you so much the red return showing on my left there it is the bridgette riley and i'm going to start with some interest here at eight hundred and 850 thousand nine hundred thank you alex nine hundred thousand nine hundred and fifty one million thank you maki so much of one million pounds is your bid at one million pounds here with mackie at one million pounds and of course selling at one million pounds and against you marina at one million pounds on my right at one million pounds there it is one million pounds at one million pounds here for the ride one million pounds and selling it here one million one million and fifty thousand with the hugo corp at one million and fifty thousand thank you hugo one million fifty thousand still with you at one million and fifty thousand give me one please it's hugo's bid one million one hundred thousand thank you marina one million one and one million and one hundred thousand pounds yeah one million one give me fifty please one million one hundred thousand i need fifty from you it's here with mourinho one million one hundred thousand say fifty sir and one million one hundred thousand on this side and needing fifty from you please one million one hundred and fifty you heard him here one million one hundred and fifty thousand for the riley one million one fifty at one million yep one million two hundred thousand thank you marino one million two hundred thousands your bid one two at one million two hundred thousand pounds any more one million two out of one million two hundred thousand brook will be coming in at one million two hundred thousand one million two fifty thank you i thought it might be there one million two hundred and fifty thousand pounds at one million two fifty at one million two hundred and fifties brooklyn police bidder here at one million two hundred and fifty thousand pounds and against you there one million two hundred and fifty thousand pounds i'm going to sell it against you mourinho are you out yes thank you so much at one million 250. hugo we're out yes at 1 million 250 000 pounds brooke please thank you thank you very much indeed paddle 57 thank you so much at 1 million 250 000 pounds thank you sir and lot number nine is the the wonderful castellani property from a private european collector thank you so much the superficial bianca number 33 and again i'm starting here with some interest uh sorry i should have read the fact there are some notes on it but uh i can read those yep here it is the castellani one of the influential flawless white canvases of course that define the artist's career in fact this was exhibited in 1966 at the venice bin ali and since shown in all of castellani's major international exhibitions so great great work from a european private collection and i'm starting here at and fifty thousand five hundred thousand five hundred and fifty thousand held five hundred and fifty thousand for the castellani at five hundred and fifty thousand pounds at six hundred thousand thank you ashken and six hundred thousands your bid now a six hundred thousand selling here at six hundred thousand we bidding here at six hundred thousand pounds six fifty now thank you very much six fifty now it's with lorenzo at six hundred and fifty thousand pounds against you cloudy at six seven hundred thousands emma baker spitter at seven hundred thousand now and looking for fifty at seven hundred thousand on this side at seven hundred thousand pounds that's 720 going backwards okay 720 thank you caroline for coming in here at 720 thousands caroline lang's bidder here at 720 000 to your beard for this beautiful painting seven hundred and fifty thousand hour with ashken against you and i'll take seven hundred and eighty thousand pounds seven eighty i've taken it on this side now from claudio dweck thank you so much at 780 at 780 000 pounds for this extraordinary work of 780 000. here with claudia it's 780 give me a hundred thousand thank you so much carol and eight hundred thousand pounds at eight hundred thousands caroline's bidder at eight hundred thousand pounds at eight hundred thousand pounds caroline's bid and 800 000 pounds ashkay give me 50. 800 000. still with caravan 8.20 8.50 it's here at 20. 50. eight fifty eight hundred and fifty thousand ashken eight hundred eighty thousand thank you carol at eight hundred eighty thousands your bid now at eight eighty 880 000 against you isabella and against you cloudy on this side at 880 000 pounds eight eight at eight hundred eighty thousand nine hundred thousand thank you cloudy at nine hundred thousands against you here at nine hundred thousand pounds you want a bid man at nine hundred thousand nine twenty ladies first dash cam at nine hundred and twenty thousand try fifty though nine hundred and twenty thousand still with caroline at nine twenty but fifty would be yours at 920 000 what a beard 920 thousand still with caroline and against you uh claudia 950 at 9.50 here at 950 000 pounds it's cloudy as bitter at 9.50 i need 80 from you 980 thousands your bit of mine clap yeah we have a million at 980. still with you on this side at 980 thousands caroline lang spitter at 980 and looking for a million at 980 000. claudio we're going to go on 980 it's on this side one million pounds thank you at one million pounds i have to make it at least 50 at 1 million on this side behind you at one million pounds still be cloudier toy one million and fifty thousand thank you at 150 at one million and fifty thousand next speed's gonna be one one at one million and fifty thousand pounds one million and fifty thousand here it is one million and fifty thousand pounds and one million and fifty thousand say one one million and fifty thousands caroline's bidder against you ash candidates against you claudia thank you so much and selling at one million and fifty thousand pounds thank you caroline paddle number forty seven thank you so much and many many congratulations so this beautiful picture thank you and number 10 we turn of course to the seminal example thank you so much uh showing above everybody's head the wonderful mapper the boeity and um a similar example of course in the celebrated mapper series universally regarded as the artist culminating achievement which was bought directly from boetti himself by the current owner in the 1980s and i want to start the bidding here at one million four hundred thousand one million five hundred thousand one million six hundred thousand one million seven hundred thousand now one million seven hundred thousand against you here one million seven hundred thousand pounds at one million seven hundred thousand pounds at one million seventy bidding in the room one million seven one million eight hundred thousand take here one million eight hundred thousand give me a nine i'm one million eight hundred thousand next bid's gonna be nine give me nine where is the bit one million nine thank you sir one million night two million pounds which aims sevien against you in both places all three places two million two hundred thousand now no it's a two two already have to say four now two million two hundred thousand gentlemen spinner two million two hundred thousand here it's in the red in the room here at two million two hundred thousand two million three hundred thousand is big will you say four sir at two million three hundred thousand pounds it's alex branson's bidder at two million three hundred thousand give me four sir two million four hundred thousands in a new place with claudia dweck at two million four hundred thousand thank you claudia to four and against you james two million four hundred thousand pounds still with claudia two four at two million four hundred thousand against you michael gets you in the room sir at two million four hundred thousand pounds at two million four hundred thousand here at two million four hundred thousand pounds here it's with alex branchek at two million four hundred thousand pounds so sorry claudia my mistake at two million four hundred thousand against you alex in that case give me one more at two million four hundred thousand pounds with claudia and selling against you stefan are we bidding no at two million four hundred thousand pounds two million four hundred and fifty thousand thank you sir two million four hundred and fifty thousand two four fifty two million five say fifty cents two million five take 50 from use at two minute five you out sir at two million five hundred thousands back with claudia again and selling this time against you alex against you on this side the hammer is coming up fair warning and selling at two million five hundred thousand pounds are you out thank you claudia two million five it's your bid l zero zero seven four thank you very very much indeed sold as viewed was uh selling of course the scully soldiers viewed property of an american collector lot number 12 in fact we're skipping on number 11 in slot number 12 the landline green blue we have the sean scully for you and i'm going to start the bidding here at 450 000 pounds so 450 500 550 000 now 550 000 pounds 550 at 550 000 pounds at 550 600 thousands alex lindsay's bid at 600 000 pounds now thank you alex it's 600 000 against you emma at 600 000 pounds is still with alex olynyk six hundred thousand six hundred and fifty thousand it's ms bid now at six hundred and fifty thousand give me seven please at six hundred and fifty thousand pounds six fifty at six hundred and fifty thousand six hundred and fifty thousand no i'll take except well seven hundred is my bids with the absentee bid it's seven hundred thousand pounds still my better at seven hundred thousand i can sell it's against you both at seven hundred thousand pounds could be fifty seven fifty eight hundred thousand is my eight hundred thousand pounds now it's with the commission bid at eight hundred thousand pounds at eight hundred thousand i'll take twenty from either of you at eight hundred thousand pounds at eight hundred thousand stole my bidder eight hundred thousand pounds 820 850 000 is bid with my bid again at 850 000. i'll take 70. at 850 pounds no sure still my bid you might want to try at 850. alex you might want to try one more at 850 000 pounds still with 850 it's my bidder with the commission bid commit at 850 000 fair warning now and selling give me one more alex give me i'll take 70 from you alex you want to try one more i'll take 60 from you if you'd like to at 8.50 8.60 thank you there we go i'm alex it's your bid now at 860 000 pounds it's with alex lindsay at 860 000 and selling fair warning at 860 000 pounds thank you alex it's paddle number 135. thank you so much sold us viewed again thank you very much indeed uh the aberdeen lot number 13 property from private german collection the baum painting here showing on the screens of course all around the room for you and i'm going to start the bidding here at two hundred thousand two hundred and twenty thousand out two twenty two hundred and forty thousand now two forty two hundred and sixty thousand hugo's bidder you'll be at 280 000 on this side thank you at 280 you're out now uh hugo with 280 give me 300 000 please at 280 000 it's eddie spitter at 280 000. thank you eddie it's your bit sir at 280 000. all on the telephone and selling at 280 at 280 000 on this side and it's your beard at 280 000 i'm going to sell it now fair warning coming in james at 280 000 pounds still with eddie again at 280 000 pounds at 280 000. anymore 280. selling a hit eddie's bit are you out james let's make the decision now please at 280 thousand pounds at 280 fair warning now at 280 000 pounds it's eddie's bitter fair warning you say 90 last chance at 280 000 pounds eddie's big thank you eddie it's yours at 86 at 280 000. thank you and on number 14 is solo's view thank you very much property for an important private collector this is the clifford still portrayed by york barcelonz wonderful work showing on the screens for us around the room and we're going to start the bidding here at 280 000 pounds 280 300 320 000 320 340 000 is bid now with james 340 000 i'm selling it on this side at 340 000 james francis fox's bidder at 340 thousand pounds here thank you james at three hundred and forty thousand it's your bid here and selling at 340. 340 000 i'm gonna sell it this time thank you james it's your bid last chance at 340 000 pounds thank you james it's yours huddle number 103 um and we move on to the ernst wilhelm nye for you property from an important private collection the tram the dream and i want to start here this wonderful picture here showing on the screens at um at 180 000. uh 180 000 pounds two 200 twenty thousand two hundred and forty thousand out two hundred and forty thousand pounds at two hundred and forty thousand pounds two fours at two hundred and forty thousand pounds two hundred and fifty thousand thank you david it's two hundred and fifty thousands your bid 250 260 thousands in a new place thank you sir 260 000. it's in the room at 260 270 i took it from david a first 270 would you say 80 sir 280 000. thank you sir and against ubashi too 290 is bid now 300 thousand thank you sir at 300 can we try 20 bestie 320 000. expert will be 40 sir at 320 000 pounds it's bastian's bidder at 320 000. 340 000. 360 in a new place 360. it's already gone past you yep it's your beta 360. yes yes we need 80 from you bastian 380. thank you very much indeed at 380 000. all on this side a three it's bastien lloyd is bitter at 380 000 you're bidding no at 380 thousand would like to say 400 sir at 380 000 or i'm selling it on this side of the room 380. 390. it's in a new place now 390. thank you sir three four hundred thousand now in the room of four hundred thousand you out sir at four hundred thousand gentlemen seated still at four hundred thousand pounds against you all basket 420 000 420 yes no sir at 420 000 on this side with bastienne and selling 420 000 pounds your bid and against you both in the room at 420 000 pounds bastian it's with you final warning and selling for 420 000 pounds 440 thousand thank you for coming back sir thank you antonio at 440 000. at 440. at 440 000. 450 000. there it is 450 000. want to try 60 sir at 450 000 on this side no 460 yes 460 000 instead of 460 pounds 460 470 what do we think want to say one more sir 470. 480. no capacity's out it's with you sir and selling it here your bid at 480 000. i'm going to sell it the gentleman in the room thank you sir at 480 000 pounds thank you very much elisa 933 thank you so much 933 and that's of 480 000. and ladies and gentlemen of course next up is the first of a trio of wonderful abstract paintings by gerhard richter thank you very much indeed ably shown on this side of the room from one of the most sought after periods of the artist's career acquired 35 years ago by the german collectors helga and walter laos very shortly after they were painted these works have remained with the same family ever since and we're going to start with the large work in the middle of course the sd work 1985 is fabulous fabulous abstract painting fresh to market here first time at auction and i want to start the bidding at six million pounds six million pounds six million two hundred thousand six million five hundred thousand six million eight hundred thousand out six million eight hundred thousand at six million eight hundred thousand pounds that's six million eight hundred thousand seven million pounds thank you very much indeed seven point three million pounds thank you hugo it's seven million three hundred thousand pounds it's hugo's better seven million five hundred thousand who's been with david schrader now and against you both on this side at seven million five hundred thousand pounds seven million eight hundred thousands alex's bid at seven million eight hundred thousand pounds eight million pounds back with david trader at eight million pounds at eight million pounds looking for two with eight million pounds please eight million one hundred thousand pounds at eight million one hundred thousands against you david it's eight million one hundred thousand it's with alex branchick eight million two hundred thousand thank you sir eight million two hundred thousand thousand eight million two at eight two at eight billion two hundred thousand it's worth it alex at eight million two hundred thousand beautiful painting at eight million two hundred thousand they don't come along very very often like this at eight million two hundred thousand at eight million two hundred thousand pounds here it is on this side at eight two at eight million two hundred thousand david's bitter at eight million two here at a million two i wanna try eight million three at eight million two hundred thousand still with david schroeder here eight million two hundred thousand pounds anymore eight million two still with you david and against hugo and against you alex selling it on on the telephone here you out thank you so much last chance for the abstract at eight million two hundred thousand pounds thank you david a million two that's panel number 68 thank you and we move on of course number 17 is the next work the furthest one thank you so much for showing on our fall you're far left ladies and gentlemen the abstract is built of course and um i'm going to start the bidding here at four million four million two hundred thousand four million five hundred thousand four billion eight hundred thousand five million pounds now thank you alex at five million pounds five million two hundred thousands with hugo again at five million two five million five hundred thousand thank you alex i five million five hundred thousand now at five million five anymore five million five hundred thousand pounds at five five five million seven hundred thousand thank you mackie five million seven hundred thousand give me one more here at five million seven hundred thousand at five seven six million pounds thank you alex it's six million pounds here still with you it's six million pounds six million two hundred thousand six million four hundred thousand at six four at six million four hundred thousand pounds six four five six million five hundred thousand thank you mackey at six million five hundred thousand try eight at six five at six million five it's mackie's bitter here it's six million five hundred thousand on the telephone on this side of the room at six million five hundred thousand still with mackie up here at six million five hundred thousand pounds and looking to sell at six five six six is bitten six million six maggie what do you have at six six that's six six wanna try seven at six million six hundred thousand at six million six and selling fair warning it's against yumaki this time alex's bid and selling for six million six hundred thousand you out six seven is big six seven is that no you intend to bid or no he's definitely out alex at six million seven hundred thousand say one more please at six million seven still with mackie i'm gonna sell it this time now at six million seven hundred thousand fair warning it's mackie's bid alex are you retiring gracefully at this time is that out six seven fair warning thank you mackie it's your bid at six million seven hundred thousand pounds sold okay congratulations 142. and lot number 18 the last of the wonderful richters alex if you could move to one side just let the room see it no he's in sconce but there's this one closest to us behind alex branchick thank you alex the wonderful abstract the last one here and stunning the bid here ladies and gentlemen at four million pounds four million two hundred thousand four million five hundred thousand four million eight hundred thousand four million eight five million pounds his bid from hugo at five million pounds here and selling five million pounds at five million pounds thank you hugo it's your bid at five million pounds i'm gonna sell it hugo cobb's bitter it's against you further further back at five million pounds here on the telephone at five million and selling here with hugo it's your bid sir at five million pounds last chance at five million pounds thank you hugo that's battle number 99 thank you so much and lot number 19 is the the next of the works from abu ullen bommy behind you thank you very much indeed there it is probably from a private german collection the untitled painting fabulous picture here showing on my left of course and i'm going to start the bidding here at 350 thousand 350 400 450 000 now 500 000 thank you so it's your bid now at 500 000 pounds and i can sell to you 500 000 pounds 550 thousands bomb is bid at 600 000 now it's back with the gentleman in the room it's six hundred thousand six fifty sir seven hundred thousand is your sir at seven hundred thousand pounds i need fifty from you barbies here in the room thank you sir it's seven hundred thousand pounds next bit it's going to be 50 of course 700 000 pounds still with the gentleman here it's 700 000 you out by me at 700 000 pounds 700 000 pounds still in the room 700 your bid sir and selling last chance at 700 isabelle are you coming in you out no and it's the bit here it's yours at 700 000 pounds thank you very much dean thank you that's paddle number 930 at seven hundred thousand and lot number twenty property from a private european collector of course we have the wonderful work by pierre monson's celebrated acronym series which has been this time in the same private collection since the early 1970s a wonderful italian collection great great object here and starting here at 200 000 pounds 200 thousand 220 250 250 280 thousand at two hundred eighty thousand pounds two weights at two hundred eighty thousand three hundred thousands cloudiest bit three hundred thousand starting yourself at three hundred thousand pounds at three hundred thousand with cloud you get three hundred thousand pounds there it is at three hundred thousand three hundred and twenty thousand at 320. thank you alex at 320 thousand give me 50. 350 thousand 350 at 350 000 pounds next bit's gonna be three eight three hundred eighty thousand thank you alex at three eight that's 380 pounds where's the bit your bids are here sorry 400 000 pounds thank you very much indeed you'll be at 400 000 pounds and against alex's time at four hundred thousand pounds gentlemen seated at four hundred thousand looking for twenty four hundred and twenty thousand four hundred forty thousand what are we saying 460 thousand 480 000 at 480 500 000 no at 500 000 pounds here on the telephone still at 500 000. still with alex um lindsay here at 500 000 pounds i'm gonna 520 thank you sir 5.20 now against you alex at 520 000 540 000 here at 540 000 i'm going to sell it here it's against you alex and it's against you in the room at 540 000 pounds not your sir at 540 000 pounds thank you alex paddle number 32 at 540 000. and we go on to uh number 21 another word by uh castellani soldier's view thank you very much indeed another superficial bianca superficie and i'm going to start the bidding here at 250 280 300 000 320 000 320 000 pounds at 320 000 pounds at 320 000 anymore 320 thousand 350 is good now thank you antonio 350 000 pounds it's on the telephone it's selling here 350 000 pounds 350 000. here it is it's antonio's bid at 350 000 pounds i'm going to sell it 350 380 has been in the room now 380. at 380 000 pounds i mean against 400 000. lorenzo's been ahead of you all at 400 000. give me 20. at 400 000 pounds and turn are we saying one more at four hundred thousand for 20 years speed now it's back with antonio 420 000 pounds for no it's already at 420. next it's gonna be 450. thank you lorenzo at 450 000 and looking for 80 for 80 now it's antonio's bid again at 480 000 pounds four eight five hundred thousand thank you sir five hundred thousand pounds back with lorenzo again it's your bid sir five hundred thousand needing twenty from you now antonia if we're gonna break the bait at 500 000 pounds you're out anybody everybody else out 520 is your surf course 520 thank you sir 550 570. you give me 600. six hundred thousand is big take twenty from me so six twenty is your sir six fifty 670 700 000. want to try 20 720 750. no it's here at 750 000. you're outside thank you anyway at 750 000. here in lorenz's telephones yours bid sir and i'm going to sell it at 750 000 pounds thank you very much indeed battle number four thank you don't see that paddle very often thank you so much and 22 is next also soldier's view another work by and i'm going to start at 180 200 000 220 000 220 000 pounds 220. at 220 000 pounds 250. thank you ash candice you'll be and i can sell at 250 000 pounds at 250 000 on the telephone here it's ash cancer i can sell it for 250 000 james so we're going to come in 260 now at 260 000 pounds 260. at 260 000 i should please use a landline in the future thank you at 260 000 pounds to 70s bit at 270 000 pounds 218 out at 280 000 pounds 290 thank you at 290. 300 000. there it is 300 000 pounds ashkam wanted to say tensa at 300 000 pounds still with you james at 300 000 pounds there it is 300 000. ash can be going on three hundred and ten thousand three hundred and ten thousand now still with ashcan again at 310 at three hundred and ten thousand pounds three ten no it's ash can spit it 310 000 pounds still with you sir i'm going to sell it last chance at 310 000 pounds thank you ken thank you very much paddle number 30. and we move on of course the uh the sideswamblies soldier's view thank you very much indeed the uh extremely rare large-scale diptych on paper by sideswambley created while the artist was living of course in italy and i'm gonna start the bidding here at two million one hundred thousand two million two hundred thousand now two minute two two million three hundred thousand two billion four hundred thousand two million five hundred thousand thank you mike at two million five hundred thousand pounds it's your bit two million five hundred thousand at two million five hundred thousand and selling of course two million five hundred thousand anymore too far at two million five hundred thousand pounds on the further telephone with mike mccauley here at two million five hundred thousands your bid sir at two million five hundred thousand alex do you want a beard two million five hundred thousand no there it is two million five and selling for two million five hundred thousand pounds thank you mike it's yours at 2-5 thank you very much indeed thank you for coming sir at two million five hundred thousand that's uh lot number 24 of course is the exception of work by chirago uh from the artists celebrated water margin series the first in a group of works in the collection of uh wonderful famed sculpture and artist denise kapoor and i'm going to start the bidding here at one million four hundred thousand one million five hundred thousand one million six hundred thousand one million six hundred thousand one million seven hundred thousand at one million seven hundred thousand pounds at one million seven hundred anymore one seven and one million seven hundred thousand and one million seven hundred thousand at one million seven hundred thousand one eight now one million eight hundred thousand at one million eight hundred thousand one million nine hundred thousand at one million nine hundred thousand fair warning last chance at one million nine hundred thousand pounds is not sold at one million nine hundred thousand 25 is being withdrawn so we move on to lot number 26. the uh the joseph boyce the um oven sculpture artist's perspective again property from the collection of anish kapoor showing here on my left and i'm going to start opening here 220 230 000 230 000 pounds two thirds at 230 000 at 230 000 pounds anymore 230 000 at 230 000 pounds at 230 000 pounds 230 last chance fair warning now it's against you bro we're just trying to get the telephone bill on the line at 230 000 pounds take your time at 2 30 now at 230 000. just waiting for brook spitter at 230 000 pounds yeah at 230 thousands against you brooke 230. at 230 000 at 230 000 still waiting for you at 230 000 pounds take your time at 230 at 230 000 now for the boys from a niche's collection of 230 000 pounds you're going to be 230 000 pounds it's against your brook 230 thousand pounds say 40. no at 230 000. we're trying again yeah one more time at 230 000. i had 230 000. just ask for your patience ladies and gentlemen at 230 000 just trying to get a telephone video on the line sure at 230 000. thank you anyway last chance at 230 000 pounds it's a pass at 230 000 and moving on to the last of the works from uh anisha kapoor's collection the philip gustin head from 1972. thank you very much indeed showing here and i'm going to start the bidding here at 220 240 000 at 240 260 000 at 260 000 pounds 260. at 260 000 pounds anymore two hundred and sixty thousand two hundred and sixty thousand last chance two hundred eighty thousand thank you brooke at two hundred eighty thousand pounds your bid now two eighty at two hundred eighty thousand pounds brooks bidder at 280 and selling fair warning for two hundred and eighty thousand pounds thank you bro it's 117 for 218. handle number 28 is the the gormley work soldier's view thank you very much the fix 2 the sculpture here and i'm going to start at 120 140 160 000 at 160 at 160 000 pounds 160 thousand 180 is ferguson's pit 180 thousands your bids are at 180 000 coming in antonio at 180 000 pounds still with fergus stuff on this side of the room at 180 at 180 000 speed 180. at 180 000 190 i'll take at 190. fergus gonna round it up at 190. wanna give you two hundred thousand still at one hundred and ninety thousand santonius bit behind me at 190 and looking for 200 000 from you sir at 190 000 pounds fergus what are you going to say 190. at 190 000 pounds any more 190. that's antonio's bitter at 190 000. you going to go on sir 190 and selling it fergus against you sir you out fair warning and antonious bid for 190 000 pounds thank you it's paddle number 35 and lot number 29 of course is the work by miriam khan an artist born in 1949 making her debut here in a sale at sotheby's fabulous head the decent thrilling uber left showing on my left some interest here i can already start at 10 20 uh 25 000 pounds i have with a commission bid 25 000 28 000 30 000 is with me 35 000. i'm out now it's your bid ash counter 35 000 pounds ash can spit at 35 000. it's against you online 38 000 is bid online now 40 000 thank you ashcan of 40 000 pounds against you online 42 000 in the room here 42 thank you for your bid 45 000 is another bid at 45 000 48 000 want to try 50 please at 48 000 pounds on my left hand side here forty eight thousand fifty thousand in a new place fifty thousand pounds next bit's gonna be five fifty five see maybe here fifty thousand pounds thank you so much at fifty thousand pounds give me five please at fifty thousand pounds fifty five thousand is big at fifty five thousand pounds now try sixty at fifty five thousand here it is at fifty five thousand i wanna try sixty now watch again no you out at fifty five thousand it's here it's against you online and it gets you on the telephone say 60 60 000 pounds sexton thousand thank you sixty thousand sixty thousand here it is the next bit's gonna be 65. from finsex at sixty thousand here it is do you wanna say 65 no next bit 65. at 60 000 pounds here it is looking for five please from you at sixty thousand pounds i'm gonna sell it last chance at six nine thank you at 65 000 now want to say 70. at 65 000 pounds on the further telephone and selling at 65 000 against hugo last chance at 65 000 pounds sold thank you very much it's paddle number 41 paddle sorry lot number 30 is next the wonderful paula rega the last of the the dog series here and of course coinciding with her wonderful show the retrospective at tate britain i highly recommend wonderful wonderful show but it's great portuguese english artists here the paula rega the good dog fabulous pastel on canvas and i can start here at 650 000 pounds 650 700 000 out 750 000 at 750 000 000 pounds 750 thousand 800 000 is bit thank you madam at 800 000 it's your bid currently at 800 000 pounds ladies bid here at 800 000. 850 000 is bid now at 850 1000. at 8.50 at 850 000 pounds at 850 000 hugo's bidder at 850 000 pounds any more 850. 900 000 thank you madam at 900 000 pounds now at 900 000 against your hugo at nine hundred thousand pounds ladies bit at nine hundred thousand pounds thank you so much at nine hundred thousand at nine hundred thousand pounds at nine hundred thousand ladies spit again at nine hundred thousand nine hundred and twenty thousand is picked nine twenty take fifty matter from you at nine hundred and twenty thousand pounds hugo spit at nine twenty at nine twenty give me fifty nine hundred and twenty thousand pounds on my right 920. 950 thousand thank you barmy 950. new bidder at what are we going 9.50 at 950s against you both the 950s bomb is better now 950 thousand pounds 970 thousand 970 bomb it try again at 970 000 pounds we'll try another one at 970 000 pounds you sure next number sounds so much better of course at 970 thousand no at 970 000 and again with the new artist record it's your bed here and selling for 970 000 pounds thank you hugo well done number 18. thank you at 970 000 pounds a lot number 31 we turn of course to the the lucian freud head and shoulders of a man by uh lucien of course from the collection of j.i kislak which is being sold to benefit the kids like family foundation and which was last sold in these rooms in 1993 the head and shoulders and i'm starting here at uh at four hundred thousand four hundred and fifty thousand out of four hundred and fifty thousand five hundred thousand at five hundred thousand pounds at five hundred thousand pounds at five hundred thousand pounds anymore five hundred thousand at five hundred thousand pounds five fifties big with james sevier five hundred and fifty thousand and selling here on this side at five fifty what if it's a six hundred thousands with a hugo it's against you now james six hundred thousand on this side at six hundred thousand pounds six fifty years bid now james is bitter again at six fifty and looking for seven please at six hundred and fifty thousand on this side seven hundred thousand yours again at seven hundred 000 pounds at 700 750 000. 7.50 750 000. 800 000 now and 800 000. at eight hundred thousand try fifty eight fifty thank you james today fifty at eight hundred and fifty thousand pounds nine hundred thousand at nine hundred thousand at nine hundred thousand pounds no it's here on this side nine hundred thousand pounds and against you james i'm gonna sell it here at nine hundred thousand no they've hung up at nine hundred thousand hugo's euros again at nine hundred thousand pounds thank you so much sixty all the sixes sixty six thank you very much um good night madam thank you for coming good night and we move on to the number 32. of course another word by lucian freud this time the wonder for the boat in connemara showing on my left here here it is on the ease of the fabulous drawing and i'm going to start here at 450 000 pounds thousand five hundred thousand five hundred and fifty thousand out of five fifty at five hundred and fifty thousand pounds at five hundred and fifty thousand at five hundred and fifty thousand pounds what a pizza at five hundred and fifty thousand at five 550 at 550 000 pounds at 550 000. at 550 000 pounds at 550. at five feet 600 dollars at six hundred thousand six hundred six hundred and fifty thousand now six hundred and fifty thousand seven hundred thousand now at seven hundred thousand at seven hundred thousand against you there seven hundred thousand last chance fair warning at seven hundred thousand is unsold at seven hundred thousand and lot number thirty three is property from a private collection the wonderful head here the frank our back the head of catherine lampert showing here on my left beautiful painting here and i can start the bidding here at one hundred and fifty thousand pounds one hundred and fifty thousand one hundred eighty thousand two hundred thousand now at two hundred thousand pounds two hundred and twenty thousand at two hundred and twenty thousand pounds at two hundred twenty thousand pounds to twenty at two hundred and twenty thousand pounds anymore two hundred twenty thousand pounds at two hundred and twenty thousand at two hundred and twenty thousand fair warning now at two hundred and twenty thousand last chance at 220 000 pounds not sold at 220 000 and we move on this time to the the composition here the wonderful 1947 painting the nicholas de style with a distinguished exhibition history having been included in some of the most significant retrospectives on the styles work to date and of course it is sold as viewed thank you very much indeed that's the wonderful composition showing on the screens here the great detail of the painting here and i'm going to start the bidding here at 750 000 pounds 750 thousand eight hundred thousand now at eight hundred thousand eight hundred and twenty thousand at eight hundred and twenty thousand pounds at eight hundred and twenty thousand pounds eight twenty at eight hundred twenty thousand pounds at 820 000 pounds at 820 000 pounds anymore 820 thousand at 820 000 pounds it gets you here at 820 000 pounds against you talk about 820 000 fair warning now last chance at eight hundred and twenty thousand pounds not sold at 820 000 and on number 35 is the jade uh fedor giutimi also solos you thank you very much indeed which is the the barefooted scurry home property of a private european collection some interest here and i could start the bidding at one hundred thousand one hundred twenty thousand one hundred fifty thousand one hundred eighty thousand two hundred thousand two hundred and twenty thousand two hundred fifty 000 280 000 300 000 320 000 do you want to say 50 sir 320 350 380 000. it's my bid 390 400 000 it's my bit 420 000 it's your bid 420 000 i'm out of 400 000 your bid at 420 000. at 420 450 000 thank you marina no 480 is the next bit you're saying 480 yep 480 000 pounds at 480 000 give me 500 000 please at 500 480 000 marina we're saying 500 000 at 480 000 pounds at 480 thousand at 480 000 bucks your bid 480 000 against you dave with 480 000 and you bought 480 000 pounds you're saying 500 000 at 480 000 pounds at 480 000 500 000 spit online at 500 000. no next bit is 550. five 000 thank you hugo at 550 000 pounds 600 000 pounds thank you at 600 000 say 50. at 600 000. on the further telephone is 600 000 pounds and against you david it's against you uh marina here at six hundred thousand say fifty at six hundred thank you take it from you it's six hundred and twenty thousand here will you say fifty no absolutely not and six hundred twenty six fifty is the next bit at 620 000. here it is it's 620 000. say 50. at 620 000. still with here hugo at 620 000. uh i'll take it from you 640 660 will be the next one though 668 we're not taking 50 at 640 000 here at 640 try 60 640 000. here it is it's 640 thousands try 60 no it's at 640 000 with david rothschild i'm looking for 660. 640 000 still on this side david's bidder and selling for 640 000. hugo what are we doing at 640 thousand pounds 660 is good online that clears it up at 660 000. now it's still online at 660 000. 660 000 660 000 pounds you want to be at 660 no still with the online bidder and i'm going to sell it here at 660 000 pounds but not to you david last chance it's on the online bid i'm giving you fair warning last chance the hammer is coming up 670 thousand pb8 please at 6 70. it gets you online at 670 000 pounds and looking for 80. it's still online it's all right still with you david 670 and selling fair warning at 670 000 pounds david it's yours paddle number 53 at 6 17. thank you lord number 36 it's so does view thank you awesome actually tag the york dolph painting and it's showing on the screens of course around the room and i want to start here at 60 70 80 90 and ten thousand pounds already at one hundred and ten thousands with my commission bid against you all at one hundred and ten thousand pounds one hundred and fifteen thousand one hundred and twenty thousand haley is against you here 120 give me thirty please and one twenty would you say thirty at 120 000 is bid and 100 130 marina i'm out it's your bid now 130 000 pounds marine speed at 130. still at 130 000 against you hayley i'm out of course of 130 000 and it's against you online at 130 000. busty want to say 40. still uh marina speed of course of 130 000 pounds and selling 130 000 last chance and forty thousand with tom edison thank you tom at one hundred forty thousand pounds tom edison's bid at 140 and it's against you all at one forty haley we out you out yep thank you at 140 and selling thomas bitter vastly against you now and selling for 140 000 pounds thank you very much it's paddle number 17 and we move on to lot number 37. also sort of view groundbreaking works from the collection of john caldwell i'm delighted to announce we will be selling a number of other works from john's collection coming up in our new york november contemporary day cell of course esteemed wonderful australian collector and we of course have the andreas gursky chicago mercantile exchange now from his collection um he's an arts collective philanthropist and founder founder of uh caldo public art projects an organization that collaborates with international artists to create site-specific art projects in public spaces around australia i'm thrilled to offer this wonderful photograph here shoulders viewed and i'm going to start the bidding here at some 100 120 150 180 000 hundred thousand two hundred and twenty thousands your bid to uh take 220 i'll take it then for mike 250 000 is my bid though at 250 with the commission bid at 250 now i want to say 28280 it's your bidder several places 280 here want to say 300 000 300 000 thank you madam at 300 000 pounds at 300 000 ladies bid 350 now head of you there 350 helly say 350 with you take 380 madden next at 350 000. say one more three hundred and fifty thousands mike mccauley's 380 000. thank you haley 400 000 is big here at 400 thousands against you still at 400 000 pounds at 400 in several places here at 400 000 pounds give me 50. at 400 000 pounds now up close here with ashcan at four hundred thousand pounds celestia can spit at four hundred thousand pounds here for the gursky four hundred thousand pounds at four hundred thousand pounds there it is at four hundred thousand pounds say one more four hundred thousand pounds still with ashcan at four hundred thousand give me another one at four hundred thousand pounds mike it's not yours four hundred thousand pounds at four hundred thousand pounds say another at four hundred thousand pounds what a bit at four hundred thousand pounds here on my left haley are we out no it's still with you ash can i'm going to sell it at 400 000. i'm gonna come in take 20. you know how good this is and in great condition at 400 000 can't tempt you fair warning and selling at four hundred thousand pounds thank you very much sixty-three and the uh the next to the boat who works is next property from the estate gabrielle and robert lee thank you very much indeed here it is the sense of the law showing on my left hand um here left-hand side and we're going to start here at 220 250 280 000 300 000 i have 300 000 is my bit 300 000 pounds at three hundred thousand pounds at three hundred thousand with a commission bid and i can sell at three hundred thousand pounds my bidder at three hundred thousand pounds anymore three hundred thousand at three hundred thousand still my bidder it's against you claudia at three hundred thousand alex will be coming in no alex are you ready at three hundred thousand pounds at three hundred thousands my bid three hundred thousand still with the commission bit take ten alex i'll take ten if you wanted ten three ten thank you very much 320 though it's mine try 30 please at 320. need 30 from you might just get there at 3 you sure at 320 000 still my bidder and selling fair warning at 320 000 pounds so panel number 79 that's where the commission bid and we move on lot number 39 the malopti solos view thank you la bestia vilero property from a private european collector showing on the screens and 120 starts at 120 130 140 000 at 140 150 this bit with balmy at 150 000 thank you barmy it's your bed at 150 000 pounds at 150 160 now thank you stefano 160 170. stephanie try 180 please 180. it's 180 against you no it's yeah 190 now you take 190 thank you stefano give me 200 000 200 000 220 210 okay 210. no at 210 000 it's with barmy and i'm going to sell it here at 210 000 pounds thank you barbie 109 10. and number 40 is the wonderful kusama the infinity net showing here the xaz by yayoi kusama showing up here and we're starting the bidding at 400 000 450 000 thousand five hundred thousand five hundred and fifty thousand at five hundred and fifty thousand pounds any more 550 you want a pizza at five hundred and fifty thousand pounds you bidding at five hundred and fifty thousand pounds 550 it's here at 550 thousands against you nick at 550 000 pounds at 550 thousand six 550 000 give me one more 550. at 550 000 pounds 550. at 550 thousand 550 thousands against unique at 550 looking for one more at 550 000 fair warning i'm going to sell it this time at 550 000 pounds nick yes no nick are we out can somebody have a word fergus see bidding nick is that a yes or no yeah order nine 550. it's about as far as it goes 550 000. not sold at 550 000. and we move on of course lot number 41 is the singer samson fabulous liftoff show my left is great south african artist here i'm going to start here with a liftoff at twenty thousand thirty thousand forty thousand fifty thousand sixty thousand seventy thousand from fergus seventy thousand seventy thousand eighty thousand thank you sir at eighty thousand ninety thousand one hundred thousand at one hundred thousand pounds one hundred and ten thousand at one hundred and ten i wouldn't want you to leave empty-handed sir try twenty at one hundred and ten thousand one twenty now so it was another truck 150 thank you david rothschild at 150. try try 60 sir please at 150 000 pounds here with david rocha 160 sp thank you mourinho at 160. they're only going to get more expensive sir 160 thousand try 70. 170. it's david rothschild spitter at 170. at 170 thousand give me eighty one seventy now at one hundred and seventy thousand pounds it's really good sir one hundred and seventy thousand you betting at one hundred and seventy thousand and selling it's here at one hundred and seventy thousand anywhere on this side haley want to be 170 180 bastian spin i'm so sorry marina almost exactly the same time 180 190 is back with david again try 200 000 marina want to try two you bidding madam no i don't think she is 200 000. we got there eventually marina thank you 210 000. it's back with david rothschild at 210 000 pounds and the next bit's going to be 20. 220 220. david against you now 220. at 220 000 it's with uh bastian here at 220 david i wanted to say 30 sir in that mean pinstripe at 220 000. say 30 no it's here with bastien 225 thank you 230 000. say fine sure you're out you're up 230 000 is bit i'm going to sell it here thank you so much thank you uh david and selling for 230 30 000. 30 25 or 35. 235 000. thank you michael at 235 000. do you want to say 40. thank you at 235 000 need 40 from you 235 yes that's selling it's michael's beard michael goodman are here at 235 000 pounds fair warning at 235 000 pounds bastian 240. quickly 240 245 it's bit online now against you here i need 250 from either of you 245. it's a bit online at 245 000 pounds expert's going to be 250. thank you online at 245 000 pounds at 245 last year no but it's online at 245 000. 250. 250 000. it's back in the room at 250. at 250 000. with bastian loiter on the telephone here thank you bastie it's your bid at 250 000 pounds are you going to bid online at 250 255 000. it's back with michael again at 255 000. 255. any more wanna say 60. pass your way out 255 000 is michael's bitter and selling it here last chance fair warning at 255 000 pounds thank you michael it's yours paddle number 53 thank you so much and of course we have ollie epps love song painting which is sold as view thank you so much one of the most iconic painting from ep self portraits series which was featured on the front cover of timeout magazine in 2019 and we're going to start here at 20 000 22 25 28 30 32 35 30 8 000 pounds 40 000. alex 45 000. 50 000 thank you madam 50 thousand fifty five thousand sixty thousand sixty five thousand seventy thousand say five seventy five thousand eighty thousands mackie spit at eighty thousand eighty five thousands back with the lady in the room at eighty five thousand pounds ninety thousand james ninety thousand ninety five thousand with hugo ninety one hundred thousand at one hundred thousand now james francis box of one hundred thousand at one hundred thousand wanna say ten at one hundred thousand pounds here 100 000 say one more no at 100 000 pounds at 100 000 pounds thank you 100 000 pounds we're selling it here 100 000 mike will be coming in again at one hundred thousand pounds on this side at one hundred thousand pounds one ten i took it from michael ahead of you jake so 110 000 hugo i need 20 from you 120 there it is james thank you very much 120 000 pounds james francis fox again at 120 000 against you market against your hugo i'm gonna sell it here at 120 000 pounds 130 with michael again at 130 000 pounds at 130 140 at 140 000. michael 140 drive for 50. 140 000 pounds james is bitter and selling last chance at 140 000 pounds a bit in the room alex where's the bid michael again you bidding at 140 000 no and selling it last chance at 140 it's your bid thank you very much indeed paddle number 14. and we move on ladies and gentlemen to lot number 43 which is the the uh the trey abdellah soldiers view thank you very much indeed the backyard bbq showing on the screens around you and i'm going to start again um at 32 35 38 000 pounds now thirty eight thousand pounds against you brooke at thirty eight thousand pounds at thirty eight thousand anymore thirty eight thousand pounds forty thousand thank you ferguson forty thousand and selling fifty thousand and tony spit against you know fifty thousand pounds sixty thousand thank you nick it's 60 000 against you antonio this time it's 60 000. it's nick buckley wood here at 60 000. need 70 from you antonio at 60 000 pounds say one more please it's 60 000 pounds nick's bitter at 60 000 and looking for 17 hours 60 000 pounds anymore 60 000 pounds at 60. 65. thank you antonio 65 000. at 65. here on this side at 65 000 we're gonna sell it at 65 000 70 000 is bid now it's back when nick again at 70 000 pounds at 70 000 pounds 70 000 75 000. 75 000. nick you're coming in 80 000. 80 000 give me five ninety thousand and ninety thousand nick do you wanna go on here at ninety thousand pounds back with antonio again at ninety thousand pounds and needing a hundred thousand from you please against you alex as well at ninety thousand ninety five thousand thank you at ninety five thousand and ninety five thousand pounds at ninety five thousand stupid nick at ninety five thousand against you broke on this side at 95 000 pounds any board 95 at 95 000 pounds anymore 95 95 000 pounds fair warning and selling it here last chance alex coming in at 95 000 pounds for the barbecue at 95 000 pounds any more there's a lot of thinking going on but not a lot of bidding i'm 95 000 pounds okay selling it here the bbq is going to overheat at 95 000 and selling alex will be out next bidder fair warning at 95 000 pounds so there it is ninety five thousand nick can i have your pedal please nick can i have your paddle nick paddle please puddle please number seventeen thank you and we move on to the last slot of this evening sell ladies and gentlemen thank you for your patience the michelin thomas the claravel left left from the pomeranz collection in vienna and i'm gonna start the bidding here at um hundred and twenty hundred and thirty hundred and forty thousand hundred and fifty thousand pounds i have already with the commission bid and selling at one hundred and fifty thousand pounds against you all but selling to me currently at a hundred and fifty thousand one sixties marina spitter i'm out marine it's your bid at 160 000 pounds 170 with james francis fox are you saying 80 now david 170 thousands which aims and 170 180 it's mourinho's bidder 180 now and 180 000 pounds 190 now david rothschild at 190. thank you sir two hundred thousand two hundred thousand can we try twenty as the next bit at two hundred thousand pounds at two hundred thousand pounds anymore two hundred thousand two twenty thank you lorenzo two hundred and twenty thousand at two hundred twenty to forty thank you marina 240 thousand pounds two forty 50 now back with david rothschild again at 250. and against you david schroeder 216 ounces marina is bitter at 260. what a bit 270. thank you lorenzo 217 280. it's worth a try 300 000 at 300 000 pounds at 300 000 pounds 300 on this side of the road 300 000 pounds anymore still here three hundred thousand gonna go on three hundred thousand pounds anymore three hundred thousand fair warning now at three hundred thousand pounds i'm gonna sell it 320 now it's lorenzo's been at 320. you're coming in here david at 320 000 next is going to be 50. at 320 000. at 320 now 330 000 of course dave at 330 000. it's worth a drink in vegas 330 000. at 350 000. 350. thank you lorenzo i appreciate that 350 000 to your bid now 350 000 pounds for the mclean 316 hours back for david again at 360 000 pounds any more 360 000 pounds and against you all at 360 000 david schroeder is currently taking it home not you david not you lorenzo it's david schrader here at 360 000 fair warning and please remember that our day cell is closing tomorrow the online sale i will take 365 so i can plug the day cell uh midday closing 3 p.m i'm so sorry 3 p.m uk time we have the day closing tomorrow please look at the wonderful gems in that sale fantastic harlem miller great damian hurst great joseph boyce great gursky 365 000 and selling last chance fair warning for 365 for this record-breaking banksy sale last chance at 365. there it goes seoul thank you very much indeed 151 thank you ladies and gentlemen thank you very much indeed thank you so much for coming to sotheby's have a very good evening we hope you've enjoyed the evening thank you so much thank you split screen [Music] [Music] [Applause] so do [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Sotheby's
Views: 28,324
Rating: 4.8264298 out of 5
Keywords: sotheby's, art auction, auction house, fine art, contemporary art, luxury, global, banksy, girl with balloon, love is in the bin, richter, shiraga, twombley, live auction, boetti, freud
Id: LKdDz5n9weU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 33sec (9153 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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