LIVE: Eldora Million at Eldora Speedway on FloRacing 2023

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huge bursts on the line tonight this weekend here at Eldora Speedway and look at this the weather looked absolutely horrible whenever we looked at it last week I was like man we're going to be so tough to get this race in well so apparently someone in Heaven's is shining down on us because yeah there you go we have got a beautiful gorgeous day out here at Eldora Speedway yeah this is as you said yesterday Chamber of Commerce weather the 50 50 here at Eldora Speedway already over 22 thousand dollars to win if you're watching on our flow racing broadcast you're in the state of Ohio Eldora you can pick up those 50 50 tickets we'll have that drawing later on tonight we have got Ben Shelton and Dylan Welch with us down in the infield in Ben you've been a part of this before this is your second million but but this is a little bit different this is Sprint cars for a million dollars this is a lot different it's not only a different division it's just a different feel I shot a video with Jesse Douglas about it today look the million guys were very excited to be here last year oh by the way Jonathan Davenport who won that race he's in the media center right now we're going to catch up with him tonight because he's here just chilling this weekend but yeah it's just a different feel because Dylan as we've talked about it the Late Models have got a lot of big purses over the past several years have they been Racing for a million no the Sprint car is going to kind of the 10 to 30 000 range so correct me if I'm wrong it almost feels like this is a shock to the system and it makes it need an even bigger deal when somebody's gonna win over a million dollars tonight yeah I certainly think that's an accurate statement because uh I mean look a million dollars is a million dollars right but when you don't have the opportunity to race for anything close to that uh night in at night out it is a shock and even just looking at this banner across from us here this is a million 2023 to win like just seeing it printed it's hard to even battle this somebody is going to have this much money uh you know to their name when they walk out here tonight but it's unbelievable it's surreal to be here the crowd that's coming in tonight this is gonna be a raucous crowd it was great last night the shows that we saw here last night we'll talk more about later but hey it was all Cali all the time last night as we had Brad sweet and Rico Abreu picking up the wins that second feature last night if that was any preview of what we're gonna have tonight we're in for a later we are absolutely and there was a lot of guys that were moving and making moves kind of at the start that uh got called back for some yellows and kind of negated their position a little bit further down the list too Logan sure to somebody that I think even though he's second in points finished fourth last night in the second feature I think he was maybe just as good as Rico in that race and he just kind of had a couple ill-time yellows that that reverted him back a couple spots so uh there is you know legitimately multiple guys that can win this race tonight and I think that's uh that's what's gonna make it so much fun a couple of things when we throw back up top describe the feeling down here right now not just the way you feel just this total Vibe give me the Dylan Welch take on what it's like in the infield at Eldora right now well it's intense and we talked about this yesterday too that you know yesterday it still had that big event deal but it was a little more relaxed the guys were a little more talkative but we walk through the pits and it's all business right now I mean you know it's engine Heat's going on behind us right now these guys are getting into the race cars for the first time and uh it's here all the preparation all the all the mental prep that you put yourself through to be ready for this moment it's time to put into the test right now and then the last thing to touch on right now how much moisture is on the racetrack I feel like it's twice as wet as it was at this point yesterday yeah they definitely didn't have the water trucks on it at this point yesterday so now we are going to have a lot of laps tonight so that's that's something to consider too is we're gonna probably have more laps I think I haven't done the math yet but I think we'll probably have more laughs on it tonight than we did last night especially in the future obviously with a 50 lap feature so uh everybody here just making sure that the racetrack is is prepped and ready for uh for a good night all night at racing so uh first couple Obsession may be a little bit of hammer down fast kind of one Groove but by the time we get to race it everything will be in Tip-Top shape guys it's cool if you're watching at flow racing but everybody here in the house you are in for a treat here tonight the bank of Eldora is behind us there's over 1.4 million dollars in the vault somebody's getting a million dollars of that jet and Blake as we get closer to dirt draft hot Labs here tonight at the biggie I don't I don't know about you but my nerves are even starting to roll a little bit as I stand here and and look over things and think man the magnitude of this event the magnitude of this event and also the people out here they did some really cool stuff for the fans that came out here today they were handed out the million dollar bills did you get one first I did I actually yep I had to have one for my collection coming in here but yeah just setting this up for what is going to be a stellar night of racing the format for it tonight we have heat races six heat races are lined up based on the every lap matters points that we earned yesterday so no qualifying taking place today we got six eight races 10 laps the distance finishers one through three Advanced to The Eldora million finishers four through six go to the B feature event and then finish your seventh on back go to one of two c features and here's how it'll work with where you finish throughout the night we're gonna have three different draws the winner is going to draw to start one through six second place in heat races they'll have a draw on the front stretch for 7 to 12 and 13th to 18th for third place so you're gonna know where these drivers are starting after the heat races will have our draw for third place cards after the C Mains the second place cards will draw after the B main the heat race winning cars will draw for their starting spot the unit adds a little bit of pressure on them too because they will not find out their starting spot for The Eldora million until after the beat main is complete they know they're starting the first three rows but yeah that's it's going to be fun it's going to be intense that might be the most intense draw we've ever had in Sprint car racing history well quite possibly so out of our sea features there'll be 12 laps the distance we'll take finishers one and two to the B feature event so four cars coming out of the two c features I should say two each would be a better way to phrase that from the B main that'll be 15 laps the distance the two highest points drivers in every lap matter standings who do not advance from the heat race regardless of their finishing this position get to start on the front row of that be Main Event they can finish last during the heat race chat you think oh they're going to the scene open they're the high point guy that's left they'll get on the that's a little safety net for having a great night last night it is indeed and also how that be made we'll take finishers one through six into the Eldora million there are no provisionals for The Eldora million it'll be a 24 car starting field 50 laps the distance here tonight for 1 million two thousand and twenty three dollars to win that event we will have a break right around lap 25-minute break that drivers can change tires add fuel but Tony Stewart when we are having our conference calls going over this event how we wanted to do the format we talked about that it was hours and I promise you hours of conference calls of planning this event out from the format how we were going to do trailer park entire rules to just rules in general and Tony wanted to make it clear we want to have that break around lap 20 because I want to have about a 30 lap race for a million dollars you know after the first 20 laps he did not want to have it be a halfway break and it's also unique too we're under this uh open red that we're going to have that 20 lap break they're allowed to change tires on so you can put a new tires on if you need to you can do whatever you need to do to your race car so a complete reset there and then a 30 lap race unbelievable setting us up here 50 laps the total distance tonight and here's the fun thing about our Whistle Stop choose cone that we saw last night same as last night the choose cone will be used for every single restart if we have a yellow flag with one to go and a green white checkered the Whistle Stop chew is going to be out boy could you imagine that Kevin now the race director said in the driver's meeting in the barn for those of you fans over there heard it oh I hope we do not have that a double file restart for a million dollars but hey can you imagine well we will know in a couple hours no we'll know so without direct your attention to the big screen we'll take a look at a recap from last night's racing action here at outdoor Speedway like the great lyrics of Lil Wayne A Milli A Milli A Milli A Milli A Milli here we are at the First Bank of Eldora Tyler Burnett I'm Derek kessinger we are racing for one million two thousand and twenty three dollars how stoked are you you ready to go how are you this is your time to shine buddy sprint cars Big E million bucks Tony Stewart the chairman of money today that's what it says in the corner over here this uh intro to pay somebody you will see these drivers walk out through a race that they're going to race 50 laps for one million dollars uh tonight at The Eldora Speedway a race that might be the only time we ever do this this could be the only time we race for a million dollars in the Sprint Car Series and it is happening tonight and I can't believe it uh it's amazing this is one of the most incredible places to be during a crown jewel event you know this right Suave uh with the world 100 the dream um you've had the king's Royal over the years and now the we're a Sprint car million happening tonight someone's life is going to change tonight and it's going to be something that we will you know never forget for the rest of my life people are wrapped up in the pit area you can tell everybody is serious they're down to business they're ready to go the mood you can feel the intensity building up last night we saw Brad sweet and Rico get the W's there Brad speak on a restart past Aaron reisel those two are probably the favorites right now I would say so like if you weigh odds right you know we like odds we like them others right like we we like to bet on Sports we love sports too short to bet the under we just don't tell our wives right odds right Rico Abram is the the odds on favorite to win this race tonight it's 50 laps he has one of the best wrenches in the entire world in the history of the sport Ricky Warner on the car they're going to make a change at halfway the 24 5 lap Mark and they're gonna hopefully keep Rico out front now he has to get through a heat race tonight that features some incredible Talent behind him the first two rows of each heat race tonight is it's stacked right we saw last night inverted Fields guys drove through the fields impressively through their heat races and put themselves or who's won nine times I just don't understand I was complaining a little bit about the he's he's just hoping they don't do it for the late model she's so damn good here well these late model guys love to be out front and they love to just stay out front and they don't want good racing that we want to watch I love it uh last night was incredible tonight's gonna be even better 50 Laps on the line The Heavy Hitters are on the front two rows of all six of them different between the you know the Eldora million for the late models is the guys are drawing after the heat race wins you kind of knew where you're starting so this is these are these uh pill draws are going to be very very vital tonight I think you slept decently overnight knowing that you were going to start at the front of a heat race just because you put yourself in position with points to be at the front of a heat race you'll lock yourself into the million and now it depends on what that draw is going to be like and the draw is going to be really fun tonight the atmosphere in this place is going to be electric and I cannot wait to see it all okay final question who's walking away with the million dollars who's taking Tony's money do you think is going to get the job here tonight job done here tonight because this place is going to go Bonkers when the guy gets out of his race car as far as gambling I'm not a good one right so I usually do not go with the favorite if you came in here and you wanted to win money you'd have probably have to bet on Rico April last night Brent marks was impressive he was terrible in the you know not good in his heat race I wouldn't say it wasn't good that cars were even he couldn't pass you know the rest of the field he couldn't get into the you know feature locked him through his heat he drove through the B main transferred into B main went from the 22nd 20 you know 20th starting spot up to in the top six I think Brent marks could potentially win a million dollars again tonight I'm going with the favorite I want to go with the house money I'm going with Rico he's going to have a great celebration maybe he'll bring Scott bilim Quest out as we remember you know during driver intros at the Gateway dirt Nationals but every single lap will be live on Flow racing we're gonna have plenty of content I want to go walk the grounds and see why these guys hate late model racing so much you always give me crap all week long but I'm excited we're here at the Eldor million live at flow race and be here for the Big Show and Dylan before we pass it down to you we do have three cars that need moved immediately you better start running because they're in a driveway in Camp 2 parking lot and they are going to get towed it's a white Honda m c p7032 White Honda mcp-7032 a black Chevy mvl zero zero zero mvl00 and a silver Ford ZTE 7945 silver Ford c t e 7945 the tow trucks are on their way Dylan well two you have down to the Pitt area Logan shoehart finished fourth last night in the first feature he'll start on the pole of heat race number two in just a little bit so are you happy with what you learned last night and you feel comfortable enough with what you learned to feel confident today I think we've learned something every time we come here um you know every race this year so far um you know it's just nice we have this driving Duramax CND rigging Federated Auto Parts 1s I think right where it needs to be and I feel really confident you know the guys are working their butts off uh Brennan Lonnie CJ Kyle Bill my little brother's here tonight working on this thing so um a lot of a lot of hard workers in this thing but uh I feel really good I think we have a fast hot rod for those that don't know the story of this shark racing team you guys had to fight scratch and Claw really hard just to to stay on tour nationally and now you're in a position to maybe be one of the favorites to win a million dollars tonight what would that mean to you to get that money for this team and these guys ah just I I don't know if I have the words in my vocabulary to explain what that would mean to me or mean to my team but it'd just be amazing so we're gonna go out there we're going to do the best we can uh we're gonna you know try and prepare the best we can go out there for 50 laps and try and make it happen that's Logan's shoehart so he'll start on the pull of the second heat race tonight Ben Shelton and I'm gonna go after his fifth Eldora win overall and it'd be a pretty big one well we're down at the other end of The Pit Road Brent marks and Brent man you just like hard charging last year you won the historical big one from 14th you win the Kings World from sixth last night 22nd to sixth and I know maybe the night didn't start the way you wanted but passing all those cars what does that give you here for today yeah we uh really dug ourselves out of a hole there we qualified good and just uh didn't quite have the car to get us up there and then the heat race so just how like I said I had to Dick ourselves out of the hole and uh the whole Murray Marsh Motorsports team just really worked super hard all night to to get this car better and and then we were able to drive it up through there in the future and then uh you know get us some valuable points that we needed to put us in a decent spot today so um yeah we're just gonna continue to work on this thing just get it the best that we can and and get us uh hopefully a decent starting spot in the future and I feel like if we just get ourselves a you know a good spot we're definitely going to have a shot at this thing tonight so I just feel really comfortable here um with our program whenever you know the last part of uh feature um you know comes around so uh we're just going to keep working and and do the best we can so it's just an amazing opportunity that we get to raise for a million dollars to win tonight and and I'm just very blessed to be a part of it yeah I mean that was literally my next question you come last year and you had the richest week up to that point in Sprint car racing history he won the big one for a hundred thousand you get 175 000 in the king's Royal would you've ever dreamed rolling out of here with 275 plus that the next year you could win over three times that amount but in one night yeah it's um it's amazing so I like I said for outdoors Speedway and Tony Stewart and uh flow racing and everybody involved all the sponsors that have given us this opportunity it's just it's amazing never in my uh racing career that I think I would be you know able to race for this kind of money so with especially with the career path that you know I've chosen to to stick with third and to uh be a Sprint car driver and you know you'll only ever see these kind of numbers if you get up to the NASCAR level and stuff so uh to see it happen here with uh dirt dirt racing to see it happen with the late models last year in the sprint cars this year we're just we're just so thankful for it and um uh just goes to show you how far along this sport has come and and where we're at today I think it's just uh just pretty amazing guys Brent marks he's going to start third and heat race number one here tonight and he's gonna go for his Major League over the course of course this year right now we're going to step aside we're gonna thank some marketing Partners when we come back here we're gonna get ready dirt draft hot laps the final night The Eldora Sprint car million somebody's winning over a million dollars tonight it's the Big E baby and it's on Flow racing dirt track fantasy Racing is here with dirt drive with action from the hottest drivers across all major dirt series put your knowledge to the test with dirt draft sign up draft your team and redeem points for hundreds of different prizes and for the first time ever you can be crowned an official series fantasy Champion you can't play All Season if you don't play today so play just go to or download the dirt draft app today become a fantasy racing champion [Music] thank you hey race fans picture this a Tap House with 46 Taps where you make all the choices paying by the ounce as you try all of your favorites on our unique self-serve pouring wall Sure Shot Tap House offers something for everyone from crafts ciders and seltzers the old favorite domestics Bourbon and wine oh and let's not forget our awesome beer inspired food menu so race fan Juana Del Dora be sure to check out the Sure Shot Tap House online at just right down the road in Greenville are you looking for a new race car hauler trailer or Easy Go golf cart what about something Dependable how about buying from someone you can depend on contact Elliot's custom trailers and carts they're a certified featherlight dealer with all kinds of trailers and other products to fit your needs located just two hours north of downtown Indianapolis Elliott's Custom Trailers will deliver your trailer or Car anywhere in the United States no matter where you're from or what you're looking for the goal is always the same ultimate customer satisfaction so don't wait contact Elliott's today and find a trailer or golf cart that fits your needs Premier Health was first in the region first emergency room first ICU we created the first ambulance in the air we broke records we made history our 110 years of experience were gained for this one Split Second okay you are granted level one trauma verification the highest level of care for critically injured and sick patients we treat patients that other hospitals can't we are the most experienced Premier Health in the market for sure and Next Level printing make it easy to see that impact race gear has the right combination for simply awesome race shirts we provide shirts and merchandise for the entire Motorsports industry from late models to Spring cars to modifies dirt or asphalt just take a look at the top drivers and teams that trust impact and it doesn't take long to understand why impact race gear is the Easy Choice be sure that your fans sponsors and supporters get the products they deserve when you need the best It's gotta be impact race gear give us a call 877-743-8337 or visit impact to get started on your simply awesome race shirts we'll get set to go here with our dirt draft hot Labs coming out onto the race track great opportunity for you to get your uh dirt draft lineup Pennsylvania I wasn't too bad last night Blake how are you I uh I don't want to tell you that part of it I'm not on the leaderboard here in just a minute but no it wasn't terrible uh but yeah it's a third draft hotline's coming up if you're signed up for the first time you go or download the dirt draft app and uh don't forget you can use your promo code out there all kinds of free t-shirts you also get a 50 death rate Optics promo code if you're signed up for the first time but download that app it's fantasy dirt track racing just like any other fantasy sport you play You Dropped a team of five hopefully your team does better than everybody else's team and you're in points you can spend in the dirt grass speed shop for anything for pit passes to t-shirts and hats and you name it they got it all but the dirt draft uh leaderboard is up there for the Eldora million there's a championship there's a trophy on the line they also have uh pit passes upcoming Lucas Oil Late Model dirt series races the All-Star circuit Champions United States Auto Club and so on so forth available for the top 10 finishers than the top 25 get bonus points for the speed shot but right now it looks like uh racer Billy is leading this little Shin dig out here at the Eldora million so I had a good night last night for him and bear 95-95 currently second 65 Miller currently third Tristan and then uh racer Rob down there rounding out those top five don't don't see Tyler McKim on there and I do not see Tyler the hardest thing guys what do you think we get the 50 th you up to tonight oh I gotta think we're 25 Grand already we'll be well north of 50. oh I I uh that's a challenge I have challenged the fans of LDS Speedway we want to draw a 50 50 ticket that is over 77.5 we want it to happen here tonight let's do it we'll hammer it can you imagine you go to the that's what I'm talking about it's born time down here that's eight minutes that's right can you imagine going to the richest short track event in history and oh yeah by the way you leave with over 77 000 all right that'd be nice sign me up coach you'll be able to come back next year you could bring back your friends your neighbors yeah and if you didn't have friends you could buy a couple of 75 000. I bet you could find a few of them up at the world famous Eldora Speedway bar with that kind of money I probably you could buy The Eldora Speedway bar hey Blake did you make it by the Whistle Stop today I did not get there this morning because it was a late night but I plan to hit there probably tomorrow but probably not breakfast I loved it I came by there man it was almost noon and there were probably 30 people just lounging outside it was a nice afternoon and again the Whistle Stop and let's be honest That Whistle Stop uh restart cone Dylan that could be the terminating factor and who wins a million dollars tonight if somebody rolls the dice light in that feature yeah I think that's gonna be a super compelling uh part of the feature especially late in the evening when the uh you know after the halfway break and we get down to really the nitty-gritty and it that will and can make a difference I think of of of maybe who gets this money at the end of the night because you can pick wrong you can pick right you can make a mistake in the right lane and and it can all go away just like that so I love that the choose cone is is here and being implemented in Sprint car racing a little bit more and more around the country and uh it's gonna be fun to watch yeah it makes it where it doesn't Force you if you don't want a car for a restart if you want to be on the bottom you want to be on the top vice versa you can't blink well definitely point that out later when it comes into into play but that is something here tonight that uh you know the eight cars in front of you can say man I really like the cushion and that guy back in night said you know what I really like the bottom it's going to be one of many storylines to watch her tonight guys Ben one of the cool things about Eldora Speedway not only the prize wanted to leave this place the infield Care Center that takes care of all of our drivers but one of the the only dirt track in the country that has a lifelike helicopter come in at every race for the safety of our drivers and our own Derek kessinger did a little piece on our life flight that comes in each every night to eldorf Speedway all right you guys want to go in take a little closer look at the track sounds good to me you're the pilot because I'm jacked up right I'm not gonna rides like this are just kind of like it is what it is I love watching people get excited watching this thing I love it I think Tyler's got that smiled blue to his face because over here to the right when Earl owned the place this field right here he was gonna make a huge half-mile race track not too many people get to see you know that's where the mile track was going to be right care flight uh 40 years 1983 I think they said yesterday so I mean this is surreal but I get to do this for a job you have to go over eldorf Speedway the damn helicopter this is awesome it's always a pleasure to come out here and support the community um this is our 40th anniversary at careflight and we've been providing air medical uh Critical Care Transportation for 40 years we always are on call 24 7 365 days of the year we're basically a flying emergency room ICU an ambulance all rolled into one so there's another challenge certainly face in the ICU or the ER I can't stand up everything I'm doing is on my knees or in a squat if I have to do CPR straddle the patient put my back up against the ceiling and then I'm doing CPR every once in a while when we forget how cool our job is we do something like this and watch you guys react the way you're reacting and you're like oh yeah I forgot it do have a pretty sticky cool job yeah [Music] boy Chet does that make you feel good when you know you got a Life Point the best of the business with Premier Health here at each and every race at eldorf it definitely It's gotta gotta make all the drivers feel good and everybody here on property feel good as well we get set to go hey player all new digital collectible card game featuring some of the biggest Sprint car drivers in the world it's just like baseball card games you love just digital you can scan the QR code on your screen or up on the big screen uh it'll be coming up here in just a second only a few packs are still available but the tazos digital Collectibles and it's everything from there's rare and ultra rare and uh I thought somebody else that got an ultra rare you've got one more day one more day you purchase through tomorrow guys they're getting close to pushing the first wave of hot laps out to the speedway obviously this is a special night for the racers the fans the staff I I want to I'm kind of curious Blake before tonight what has been the biggest most meaningful race that you've been a part of as part of a broadcaster man probably the 50th annual Knoxville Nationals Amy Swindell white like I was on the call for that one at Knoxville Raceway when I was the weekly announcer there and thinking man this it's 2010 Sammy had won the Nationals in 27 years and was arguably the fastest driver in the Sprint Car World at that point thought Man Sammy is going to win the Knoxville Nationals I was calling the race with Toby Cruz I remember looking over to him he was the Sammy fan with a passing the Sprint car Hall of Fame like thinking man we're a lap and a half today from history and and yeah a quarter mile later boy did that change yeah things went the infamous that was the right rear year that was and then a couple weeks before that it was the right rear here at the king's Royal it was a Tyler Walker one the famous picture of Sammy standing there pointing at the tire the crowd it knocks so racially just erupted cheering for Sammy when he took that bow Chad man what's been the one that's really just been the one that's one that solved in a lot of different types of Motorsports through the years but uh you know I'm gonna go I'm not I'm not after covet up at Park Jefferson International Speedway whenever we came back and had that event where there was no fans that were allowed to come out to it it was just the drivers came out Brock's earphos picked up the win that night but uh drivers came out Brock zirfoss picked up the win that night but uh that was kind of a surreal experience on multiple levels for me but that is definitely the most memorable event I've been involved with thus far Dylan what about you my friend well for me I'd have to say the Indianapolis 500 and I've been fortunate to be able to be a part of that broadcast team the last couple years and uh it's uh it's a one-of-a-kind event of course and as is this and and uh this has every bit of a big event feel of that race and um and it's it's equally as important to me to be on this broadcast Cruise so uh I'm with Chad this one's uh this one's up there pretty high it's pretty awesome to be a part of I think this one's very likely going to number one for me but before that the 2013 World 100 as a kid growing up love and race and get to be a part of anything at Eldora Speedway surreal tonight is unbelievable and we've got race cars on the Speedway as dirt draft hot laps are coming your way I'll tell you what Chad yeah I'm always happy for my announcing friends to do well but I will say few things bring a bigger smile to my face and make me more proud than turning on the Indianapolis 500 and seeing my good friend Dylan Welch on the call that is so special to me that's also surreal it is it is very so I'm so proud of you and it's been so fun but session number one of hot laughs for the richest dirt track race ever rolling off and rolling into turn number one the driver from Worcester Ohio the nice energy drink West Tennessee Expediting hot Brothers Pizza the Frozen farmer number 17 Sheldon hot and shield just beyond him on a race track out of Myerstown Pennsylvania in the M M Painting construction vaps paints Live Wire Customs number 19 it's Myerstown missile Brent marks high side of turn number four from Southampton New Jersey driving the Mid-Atlantic Transportation J.G cronenberger jewelry number 67 Justin Whittle and that takes us back to the short pack Cole cozy clothes Bruce the Speed Shop number 35 be out of Elverson Pennsylvania awesome Bishop pulling rolling off the bottom of turn number four from lamora California they all buy your alternative the sea Valley Transportation Tarleton and Sun liquid Trucking 41 Carson macido and just behind the 11 T car out of Liverpool Pennsylvania that is TJ Stutz to Mountain View Travel Village Square Plaza high-tech middle sponsored hot rod rolling down the front stress from Wampum Pennsylvania at the shopkick electric Miller masonry economy Landscaping number 13 M the Wheelman Brandon Mattis take us back to the yellow number 13 car out of Monrovia Indiana Avanti Windows and Doors Big Spring Car Wash water treatment by Design Justin Peck in the number 13. from Broken Arrow Oklahoma the Dahmer power train Telstar Champion oil Fatheads eyewear number 21 8 the Macho Man Brady bacon bacon from right down the road hey well Bacon's out here on Racetrack I want to mention this he also a promoter of races and he's got the rich Vogler of Memorial classic coming up down at not too far from here Winchester Speedway what a cool place yeah what a cool place indeed also out on racetrack I kind of lost track of where it was right there the number 25 car or 25 or car I should say Jordan Ryan out here castalia Ohio racer CK warehousing and distribution Joy Ride transport Ronnie f blutz Garage number 25 and early is inside for warrnambool Victoria Australia the money Farm 17au is Jimmy Beville [Music] Collision Concepts number 35. so we are throttled up here with group number one from Wilmington Ohio the performance powder coating high-speed tie Bush final place number 4X is Bradley Ashford and I believe we may have uh missed the Butler Pennsylvania Runner there in the McCandless Ford priest Enterprises number 29 Carl Bowser Carl coming in here a late entry Checkered Flag coming out on group number one and lo and behold the local Runner he now calls West Union Ohio home but brainy Bay Camacho man a 13-7-1-2 a 21-inch car into the number one spot Carson pacito the number 41 second quick Justin Peck the 13th third quick then Jamie viel to 17 a.u fourth quick and Austin Bishop the 35b rounding out the top five in group number one but the Macho Man coming out here and flexing a little muscle okay guys you saw the cars in that set and a lot of impressive paydays represented we're going to talk about it throughout the night of course Sheldon hot and shield won last year's High Bank Nationals a hundred thousand you talk about Carson macedo 75 000 at the national open in 2021 and of course Brent marks picked up 175 000 and 100 000 here last year a couple days apart tonight somebody's record all the time is going to get shattered here at the Big E that's gonna be so cool to see the emotion in Victory Lane is the second session of dirt Drive hot laughs rolls off one of the favorites coming into tonight comes to us from St Helena California the Rico April kurb back in Stadium Racing Whiskey Myers hey there in concert just down the road in Greenville August 19th get tickets now Dark County Fair for and the style Hopper construction pepper jack channels Tony toast construction 24 as we go Abreu ready and raring to go trying to get himself out onto the point the racer out of Hanover Pennsylvania driving Duramax c d rigging Federated Auto Parts Number One S that is Logan shoehart Al equipment Pennsylvania the Canton director's service Premiere pilot number 45 the Steel City Outlaw Tim Schaefer and out of Sydney New South Wales an important building Harlan kitchen Solutions grp Motorsport electric number seven it's Ian Matson from Wampum Pennsylvania the McClymonds plane Transit young Funeral Home McBride Farms 33 is Brent Mattis and then just beyond him we head to Sunnyvale Texas at a true north dot bet Town Line gas and groceries 15a check Sam hey for team from Port Royal Pennsylvania the valley Supply Friday SCA Incorporated Juniata beverage gibbsville cheese number five C Dylan cisney well guys more accolades in this set Logan shoehart fifty thousand dollars in the Jackson Nationals a few years ago of course Tim Schaefer a former winner of the Knoxville Nationals he picked up a big payday for that one back in 2010 150 000 and how about Rico Abreu last night he's a guy that a lot of people think could be the guy to beat here tonight Rico is going to be tough Alpha D moving back through the field just coming out turn number four 15 M car out Newark Ohio yard bar mechanical Whitetail Outfitters AutoZone Mays Trailer Sales 15 Emma Mitch horrible we're gonna go into turn number one the bottom and turn one from Sykes to Missouri the Victory Fuel Rossi feed and grain hot Farm stay Davidson scrap number 39 100 Hunter Sherman bird also out on a racetrack from Lemoore California Tarleton inside complete Parts Durst stink Kelly Moore number 21 Tia Cole macedo back to turn number three from Indianapolis Indiana the nice energy drink C-Max Elliott's custom trailers and cart 7bc a sunshine Tyler Courtney 83 Junior car also out here rolling around that racer hailing from Penn Grove California Toyota Racing development Roth Enterprises HR livestock Transportation that's buddy kofoi and high on top turn number four now from Cobble Hill British Columbia Canada Robbie price and the 7s sponsored by Saratoga Motorsports Park Millstone Heating and Sheet Metal Jim shook next and Dancer Logistics that'll be the field that you'll see in heat race number two and it's session number two a hot labs guys I love Dylan sisney last night after he won his heat race and Dylan asked him Dylan Welch asked him said is it like running back home at Port Royal and all that he said man this place is faster than anything I've ever seen and the emotion on his face and hey he's not just an ordinary citizen as we guys you guys talked about he's the mayor his crew asked the way not referred to him as the mayor because sometimes they can't get his helmet off after we do that so but it was really cool to see a first timer here win a heat race in the Raw Motion in that he's been good this year too Runner well down to Port Royal also on a racetrack Lewisburg Ohio's Ryan Myers the 56r Ohio crankshaft sponsor 56r and they DeWalt from Plymouth Indiana five words for positive Rod it's Champion racing Oil Camden signs number 23z green flag coming out on hot lap session number two for any vacant a 13-7-1-2 the number to beat we'll see that well easily eclipse the z-scars continue to work the racetrack in this buddy Cove Point the first one to do so now Hunter Schoenberg the 39 car into the number one spot kofo ain't off the pace now back onto the pacelet maybe trying to find a little clean air to work with there for the 83 Junior car checkered flag is out up front Logan shoehartz is he gonna be the quickest out of group number two we're gonna find out here we'll finish off these final cars coming out turn number four and it looks like he will be a 13-205 now for shoehart hey for team goes second quick Schoenberg April and Robbie price now your top five dirt ground hot laps guys talking to one of the 2021 Kings Royal Champions today Tyler Courtney I said did you ever dream that year when you pulled through the pit gate you'd have a chance to win he said honestly we were just hoping to make it to the B main we just wanted the lapse and he said and if you go back uh Blake I know you remember he had a chance to win both those races he goes I feel like I might have gave the other one away too we could have won two kings Royals in one day yeah he was in the mix I think ended up fourth in the second Kings Royal that day talk about a driver it was easy uh transition for him into the wing cars coming out of the non-wing he adapted very very quickly and he loves Eldora 13 wins here and did a while Ro Del Dora feature with him today and something that a lot of people might not know I know I know you guys know it but his name's Sunshine that was given to him back around 2010 by the late great Brian Clawson because he had long hair and he was always smiling and he said after that nobody even knew my first name was Tyler anymore it was just Sunshine it was so true I remember back then that boy he did group number next out on the racetrack making his way down into turn number one and impel's tire service low E reflective insulation Newman's racing Edge is number one hey that's the shark racing ride of Jacob Allen out of Hanover PA from Gettysburg Pennsylvania the weichert's livestock Sanders Fruit Market Racers new news Sports Warehouse 48 is double e Danny D track down to Brisbane Queensland Australia the Toyota Racing development Roth Enterprises HR livestock transportation number 83 that's GMAC James McFadden following him from Benton Ridge Ohio the Hercules Tires Ohio Logistics dnci trucks number w20 the sheriff Greg Wilson look a little further back into from Watertown Connecticut to Houston Speedway Jacksonville Flex number two David gravel from Greenfield Indiana the b h contractors Eddie Gilstrap Motors bird IPC Factory King Shocks number 19 L C J Leary out of Apollo Pennsylvania the most East Motorsports Ducati of Pittsburgh diesel Property Management number 42 Psy Lynch on the racing service from Lindsay Oklahoma the Cherry's Outdoor World at newmeister racing trainers Children's Hospital sure built suspension 11n is Harley White also on a race track out of Cardiff Western Australia the rbh group Monday Jung Mechanical Mobile that is tougher to say in the utisping going into it that's Trent picked in Beyond a wheel the 19w car down to turn number three from Waco Texas the Bush's Chicken Iron Wolf Ranch and Distillery easy print of Australia CSI Shocks number 9R is Chase Randall also out on Race Track the number four out of Canton Illinois and the nice energy drink Elliott's custom trailers and cars Whistle Stop Sure Shot Tap House Triple Crown champ Chris Windham from Struthers Ohio the Jazz Bova Excavating pro quality demolition Richardson tree SP Tech number 20b Cody Bova and joining us also on the racetrack the 55-t had a good starting spot there last night struggled a little bit we'll see if she's regrouped tonight that's sassy hassie McKenna has yeah Des Moines Iowa in the High beat Delta Dental of Iowa Laura kopetsky Triax and Vivid clear RX number 55t green flag as the 50-50 crosses the thirty thousand dollar Mark jet it's on its way to 77-5 we'll see if we can get there Eldora for those of you watching at home on Flow racing inside the state of Ohio get those 50 50 tickets buy them often been challenged them and they said challenge accepted yeah we went up five grand since then it's a number to beat in this one a 13-205 going to be quick as the dirtcraft hot laps Logan shoehart that one escort the number to beat Danny Dietrich so far the quickest out of this group goes into the number three spot Chad if you look over to turn number one right at the entrance where some bumps where you can see where they brought the steamroller out on the racetrack there to try to smooth things out so far it seems to be glass smooth over there DNA definitely teams up and it's interesting they want all day long they kind of worked with that sexy Hunter and get those bumps smooth down of it but they uh tip the Caps to the track crew yeah Rob plot putting gang do a great job shark racing looks stout here tonight Logan sure and still your quickest 13-205 but Jacob Allen the one a car second quick with a 13-2-17 for deep now third quick Danny Diedrich mckinnahassee rounds out those top five you know everyone seems to say Everyone likes to say shark racing The Underdogs they are not underdogs those guys come to play Logan short more than 35 wins with the Outlaws Jacob Allen's got five Outlaw wins they both won at the Knoxville Nationals a year ago and prelim Knights I mean they they can race Carly white stopped out on the racing surface it looks like for the 11 end car we'll get here clear back in as we push off our next group first one coming out of the gates here on the bank straightaway the racer out of Neptune City New Jersey Capital Renegade Coors Banquet beer henders record service number 91 of Kyle Reinhardt following him down the back stretch from Fresno California the Logan Contractor Supply Cox metal fabrication concrete supply armor electric number 18 is hot sauce Giovanni cells a 4ts guard the Buckeye tornado Tyler Street out of Fredericktown Ohio Integrity Auto start con sales velocity print company mules hauling and expanding sponsors on the 4ts back behind him into turn number three from Holmesville Ohio the Simcox greining and steal Amanda J Lewis attorney at law Jack vitamins and minerals number 81 is Lee Jacobs and Grass Valley California's red sweet beyond the wheel of NAPA Auto Parts fuel me curb records number 49. from Gold Coast Queensland Australia the dirty air playing purview Don deck sheds ice performance number 25 is 10-10 Lockheed McHugh out of Jonestown Pennsylvania and heavy equipment loaders apart c d rigging at damski tracking number three Z it's the Jonestown jet Brock's earphos from Bremerton Washington the Glenville Station Pub Goofy's Eatery Jim Blaker Enterprise control system design number 23m Michael Millar look back on the uh turn number three just into turn number three I should say Waterville Ohio racer control design Solutions Banshee Graphics Tire slick number five T of Travis Philo just pushed onto the racetrack in turn number two from St Mary's New South Wales Australia the TK concrete maximum Trucking Logan contractor supplies zip bonds Smokers Choice Cigar Bar of Brownsburg Indiana number 55 the madman Kerry Madsen I believe we've got them all there chat pending who rolls onto the racetrack yeah I was kind of watching down there I think there's a couple but they might be coming out I think the number nine car is supposed to be rolling out here out of Enumclaw Washington into Caravan fuel me team ASE number nine that's Casey Kane so Kane getting a push off there comes Corey Crabtree the driver from West Jefferson Ohio the defending ovsca champion and the fourth Timber skagpower pine tree Towing number 11 C Cory Crabtree also she'll be joining us out here in this group I believe I'm looking down through seeing he's definitely gone for the bit area but Michael Miller out of Bremerton Washington and A Goofy's Eatery and Spirits Glenville station number 23 now Mexico got to talk to him earlier on today and just wanted to throw this out there a lot of people don't understand our ears on a back shoot they're just on the entrance into third number three but uh Michael Millard sponsors her or funds his racing team with his social media accounts tool made a move into four tens he moved back to Maryland now he lives in Maryland so he can run in central Pennsylvania darn near got rookie of the year at the Lincoln Speedway last year he finished second in the Rookie of the Year standings down at uh Emma Stone Pennsylvania but uh yeah tip of the cap to him he has a job he's actually a cad programmer by day and you can find him weekly well for the most part this year not quite as much as his eighth race season but when he is running mostly convention Chet at Lincoln Speedway a good majority of their races live right here on Flow racing green flag out on session number four that numbered if you want to be quick as the dirt draft hot laps 13-205 Logan schuhart sitting in fp1 spots white flying quickly Comes Out Boy the old Wing Cortez put the laps behind the Wayside and a tremendous race here at Eldora Speedway Corey Craftsman out there a guy that just said I want to be a part of this cool event he picked up the obsta title and always a tough Contender at Atomic Speedway Casey Kane a former All-Star and USAC National winner here so check your flag coming out on this Gary Madsen the quickest out of this group the number 55 car fifth quick overall a 13-2-9-5 for Carrie Madsen he knows you said that and talking about Michael Miller there he said he rolled out he said I knew I didn't have a shot to win he said I haven't been on half miles that often he said but I wanted my name on the list for The Eldora million well guys you talked about Carrie Matson you see him on the Jumbotron I talked to crew chief for that team Clinton boils today and he said man you guys made us Rock Stars last night with that front end change he said we've had a lot of traction he said the reality is everybody in the Sprint Corps World probably felt we did it a little too slow because they know how fast it can be done but he said Kerry mats at the end of the night came in punched one of the cabinets in the trailer and said this Fortnight couldn't have gone much worse and he said well let's hold on well now they're starting fourth in the fourth eateries I think the Knight could have gone a lot worse and who knows man we'll keep an eye on it as the 2014 Kings Royal Champion Carrie Madsen he's got a chance to go after a million here tonight yeah that's a top driver that he when he went to this ride with Tony and Jen Vermeer he was sitting third in points at Knoxville Raceway driving for car owner legendary car owner guy forbrook as the next session hot laps rolls onto the racetrack this will be session number five first corner of the racetrack from Lebanon Indiana before we use that National champion in the true Tipper camo Roscoe tactical outdoor gear TRC Transportation ice cream Landis number five estimates are based in and two turn number one out of Fayetteville PA in the j s fabrication Valley Supply c d ringing macri concrete number 39 M that is the Hall of Famer Lance Deweese from Bixby Oklahoma the Andy Ray Sparks dkw transport Charlie Garrett Racing Engines number 71 is Shane Stewart 17 b rolls long just back behind out of Heartland Wisconsin the Anderson's viewer maple syrup gibbsville gck contractors number 17b the North Pole nightmare that's Billy balog from Elk Grove California the Finley Farms jbi group hulkins brothers trucking blow racing Android number 57 Young Money Kyle Larson aladuke Alberta Canada the dirt sharks excavation pack rat dumpsters Pat back Motorsports number 99 Skyler G rolls down to bank shoot and from Lucas Iowa the big time racing number six sex is Frank Rogers in El seapulp Oklahoma in the Smiley's Glenn steyers racing number 52 Blake Khan from Higginsville Missouri the Casey's fvp Andy schwozen custard impact signs awnings and raps number 21 is Blackjack Brian Brown down on the inside of the racetrack into rudzik Excavating Precision overhead garage doors number 49x out of Maryland Indiana kale Thomas behind the wheel from Quilcene Washington the Ardent racing Windsor Construction Company Sugar Street Bar and Grill hers Precision products McIntyre Retirement Services number 97 JJ hickle 11 K rolls along just back behind out of Bloomington Indiana the embassy Valley Transportation Southern Pacific Farms Border Tire DRC chassis all sponsors for Craig Kinser and Cody moraski in the 101 from Gold Coast Winds of Australia the running boxer Farms Captain Jack canvas Coral bullets and excavations here's the shipping company 101. foreign [Music] able to crack the top 10 their quickest down that group for the number 71 car gets into the number eight spot with the 13-3-3-7 what's crazy about this you get down through 12th quick and we're within about tenth of a second Logan shoehart still up top 13-205 Jacob balance Sam hey for team Danny Dietrich Kerry Madsen as we have now had looks like 68 cars on track for time here in dirt Ground Hot lapse and Chad you touched on it last night Kel Thomas he will start third in heat raise number five the Indiana driver the 25 year old and that maximum race car he has been strong so far this weekend you gotta think it would be a career accomplishment to date if he could put it in the Big Show here tonight no doubt about it so we roll out our sixth and I believe final group Yeah final group looking down in staging late you see what's stacking up for us down there as we roll down into turn number three and four up front how about this the 10-time World of Outlaw Champion Attorney Stuart kerbach and genie in racing Carquest Ford performance State True Kurt records number 15. that's Donnie shots from Angola Indiana the race for Dean Foundation Sun dollar restoration TC Powersports Hager Realty Skagit Speedway number 26 is that why now to Clute Texas to the commercial Edge Ridge Development Fulton Brothers trucking number eight that's Aaron breitzel shooting past him from Bremerton or Bradenton Florida that'll be Connor Morrell family motor oil Moon and dagger tattoo National pediatric Cancer Foundation 2 MD larion Pennsylvania Runner to mobile Bail Bonds Wilwood Collision a barrier family number 46 Michael Bauer and early past Tim from Kokomo Indiana the talk sticks epoxy Co Elite Wings high performance duplicates Hills racing number nine P the law firm Parker price Miller a lot of work took place on that number 11 car last night Visalia California is where he calls home High Plains building mobile one marching Cattle Company that's Corey Eliason he's got the beef is more Junior wrenching for him from Columbia from Columbia Missouri the Fisher Body Shop impact signs awnings and wraps Linville repair Incorporated Mid Missouri equipment 24w is Garrett Williamson and it'll take us back to looking back in here the number 55 kind of rolling around the bottom are 55 p as he's being scored out here this weekend from Owosso Oklahoma Ally Valvoline XYZ Machining Darren Pittman in the 55p rolls down into turn number one we need Nicholas Conrad to return to your vehicle for the sheriff's department Nicholas Conrad backed your vehicle for the sheriff's department yes lady lightning Paige polyak out there in the 19p elite or page piloting the Kaiser Farm Center 315 weatherworks CMT number 19B also on the racetrack the number three car getting up the speed out of lauman New York into Westward training company Tio's with construction Empire Dodge Chrysler and Jeep Denny Peebles Beyond wheel the number three [Music] Tigard flag coming out on this session the Owasso Oklahoma Runner Darren Pittman a 55 P's gonna be the quickest down this group goes six quick overall a 13-3-1-6 lap time the LI 55 P car son's gonna do it for our dirtcraft hot lap sole drivers have been reported out onto the racetrack 80 drivers we did have two scratches on evening here tonight Chris Andrews out of Sandusky Ohio the 15c a scratch on tonight and Tulsa Oklahoma's NOAA gas in the 20g also a scratch here on night number two Nicholas Conrad we need you to return to your vehicle Nicholas Conrad II please return to your vehicle per the Sheriff's Department so that is a request to the Sheriff's Department so 50 50 almost to 35 000 34 988 and I'm sure it'll cross there it is 350.93 now get your 50 50 tickets online at and we have a piece about our 50 50 here at Eldora that you can watch on the big screen and on Flow racing our mission for racial crew belief started in 2014 to raise money for the local firing Ms Tony Dewitt's foundation for the fire department means so much we have been able to purchase equipment we would never been able to purchase for a long long time funding for the 50 50 had accomplished a lot of our goals ranging from training aids to rescue aids to ice water rescue so it's a wide variety of equipment that we were able to purchase the mission of our organization is to provide quality volunteer EMS in our community in our surrounding townships we've been able to purchase much needed medical supplies and safety equipment for our members that we normally probably wouldn't be able to purchase this has been a great thing for our our organization it's like a gift we know we're doing things right and is definitely helping them out as you can tell here today with the amount of equipment that is here it's just a great feeling to be able to help our family and friends in a time of need just a matter of when that time comes but yeah that's a good look to see where your 50 50 money goes to helping out I don't think the Tony Stewart Foundation but Racing for Relief and keeping the area safe around here in a Western Ohio Central Western Ohio should say but Allen and gang worked so hard and it's all thanks to you great race fans across the state of Ohio and here at Eldora Speedway oh for thirty five thousand dollars tonight being donated to them so let's keep that number client we're past Ben Shelton's halfway mark hey a question it gets asked us ask of us often if we can get flow apparel well you go to if you go to scan that QR code right on air take you there and I know they got a lot of new stuff coming in New Stock being added all the time but uh again easy to find I'm apparently gonna have to take a trip down to Memphis and pay a visit to Ben and Cheryl to get my it was funny if it didn't come in I would have brought it up here but I will get it to you Blake when's the last blank is going to be a minute before I see you again I know uh September Falls that's right right after the world 100 we'll be there one for the road in February that Tuesday we'll get it to you though buddy but yeah really cool merchandise I did get some of it in and uh really cool stuff and people always want the flow merchandise there you go QR code hit it up well then we're getting closer to Opening Ceremonies we're going to head to break and we'll be back at the Eldora million at Eldora Speedway in just a moment [Music] [Music] every weekend it seems like we're at a racetrack somewhere so we're living it we're doing it I think it helps us relate whenever they call if they need more grip or they need more turn we do it all the time we can relate to what they're saying we're not just there to sell them this or that we're representing not just us we're representing our vendors our customers our employees so it's important to let them know that you care we want to provide the best things they can have the best experience in the race track that's what we want with our race car too I'm not coming out until Casey's has thin crust one thing Chris you have no idea how much this means to my son [Music] hey bud Casey's finally has thin crust [Music] party coat with a touch of Cecil he's finally coming down in crusters the wait is over Casey's new light crispy thin crust is here are you ready to take your video content to the next level made by Racers for Racers MSP camera mounts took an idea and turned it into one of the most versatile action camera mounts on the market our no tool design and all new stainless steel ball with 360 degree rotation can hit any angle you can think of our design reduces vibration producing crystal clear videos and even the toughest conditions used by top teams in video production companies across the country visit MSP to order and use code flow for 10 off at checkout Saturday August 19th at the Great Dark County van the Dark County Agricultural Society Whiskey Myers Myers live in concert tickets are on sale right now get yours and learn more at charged by phone by calling 800-736-3671 or by in person at the Dark County Fair box office reduced by variety attractions [Music] California [Music] it's gonna be Kiana McIntosh tonight [Music] [Music] foreign Parkersburg West Virginia Dave poskey's performance parts is the Premier parts store in the Ohio River Valley Housing all of the world's top name brands and Motorsports Dave poskey's performance parts is also home to Octane race products and Hoosier Tire Ohio Valley and rest assured we have what you need to get you on the track and into Victory Lane ordering is fast easy and simple and can ship directly to your doorstep visit Dave poskey's Performance Parts online at or give us a call at 1-800-430 race Dave poskey's performance parts serving the Ohio River Valley and Racers across the country since 1978. since 1958 winners performance has been crafting the strongest most reliable Driveline components available and we've been building them right here in York Pennsylvania winners Quick Change rears have equipped some of the winningest teams in history night after night week in after weekend we're right there with you in the pits and in the Winner's Circle so when you're ready to step up to the best quick change readers and Driveline components around step up to winners [Music] Premier Health was first in the region first emergency room first ICU we created the first ambulance in the air we broke records we made history our 110 years of experience were gained for this one Split Second we're gonna take you to Miami Valley Hospital okay we were granted level one trauma verification the highest level of care for critically injured and sick patients we treat patients that other hospitals can't we are the most experienced Premier Health welcome back to Eldora Speedway and Chen earlier this spring our friends at flow racing you work for Flow full time I do yeah but they're still my friends yeah there's you guys are still my friends I should say that well you guys dropped a great document around the Bettenhausen family and I announced for you Sac back it's been over a decade ago now back when I was young and in college and you and us for USAC now so it's near and dear to both of our hearts but they've got a very special documentary coming out the next piece in the full racing Legends documentary series coming out this month and it's pretty closely connected to Tony Stewart that owns outdoor speakers it is indeed actually it would be Tony's favorite driver based on him hence the fact that he runs the number 14 but uh check this out we got a little teaser for you as AJ foyt the next subject of our flow documentary series [Music] one of the greatest race car drivers of all time you name it if he drove it he won it he worked for everything he got but he was tough he's flirted with death so many times I told him you ain't got nine lives you got 29 lives which matches his car number as a rookie [Music] I don't care about talking about all that well we'll have to know everything about anything just like anything you get a crawl before you walk and a lot of people look at racing you know very dangerous I think racing is just as dangerous you make it if you want to be a fool the center lady is going to catch up with you and I think each individual's got their own way they gamble people got me figuring a long difference but I never paid them I don't care what they say they like me fine if they don't I don't give a crap all I can say I had a long time [Music] I meet Michelle a coyote spring Chet I you saw comes out on the 19th so I know what I'm doing at 7 p.m Eastern next Wednesday night yes and they do such a phenomenal job with the Legends the racing series and I I don't know how many episodes they have planned but the Bettenhausen one was phenomenal AJ foyt I got a little sneak peek I haven't got to see the whole thing yet but just as good actually uh maybe my favorite one but uh yeah just a phenomenal job by the whole film crew who is here actually filming a documentary on the Eldora million so our film crew is with us yeah we got the cameras rolling here and everything but you'll see a lot of uh a lot of videographers running around with uh some really serious backpack camera mounts while they're filming a documentary on yeldora million and you all get to be a part of it and that's the cool thing about flow racing we don't just capture the racing it's documentaries interest pieces and so much more at low Sports and that's something it's going to be fun to watch in the coming months obviously it doesn't come together overnight they're gonna have hours and hours and hours of footage to sort through but I can't wait to see what they come up with man it's gonna be good look forward to seeing that as well as we got uh well just getting closer to the opening ceremonies I believe before two off long in the meantime I think we are uh take a look back we're watching our we're a little bit directed up here that's what I was looking back to see what they wanted us to do but I think we're uh getting close I think we're really well you can tell how close we're getting if you look down to the front stretch that is that is a target yeah Bend why don't you lay out there um no no okay well no fun boo boo boo boo what do we think it's a target for guy are we gonna drop the one million one million 23 then the Brinks truck is going to be falling out of the sky we're going to go like fast in the series I'm glad you said that speaking of which how about this uh Victory Lane thing we got going on now I know that was a brilliant concept is open I gotta tell you guys I was just talking to Jerry gappen's GM about it his original ideas he wanted to Chariot with horses for the winter but then he said Tony goes man what if the horses get out of control and it's dragging the winner around the racetrack which would make a great live TV they backed up on that they went with the ball but yeah you guys have got a great view of that whoever who Ben whoever would have thought Tony be the one to turn that down I feel like I don't know him anymore I know well we're gonna take a quick break and we will be back with Opening Ceremonies at the richest race in dirt track racing history the old or a million foreign welcome back to Eldora Speedway in The Eldora million and Chad if you look down to the front stretch we teased it before the break no we are not dropping a Brinks truck out of the sky as you probably I know that probably hard to believe brace yourself but we will have people coming at us the facts track Flyers are going to be landing on the front starts bringing in the American flag during the national anthem that's going to be pretty cool and team taking some wind speed measurements down there some direction to get them dropped off the proper location but uh yeah all kind of pulling out all the stops here for the Eldora million about 50 50 guys over 40 000 we're gonna shatter that 77-5 yeah we are we're at forty thousand five seventy five get those tickets get them out and then about 15 seconds we're gonna have a video on the big screen as we build the opening ceremonies here so go ahead and turn your attention to the big screen we have a video coming your way everyone I'm Tony Stewart and welcome to the Big E tonight you are going to witness history Wing Sprint car racing has never seen a million dollar to win sprint car race until tonight you guys are a part of this history now but somebody's gonna walk out of here tonight One driver and One race team are gonna earn one million dollars foreign [Music] fans at this time we ask if you are able to please rise for our invocation and national anthem tonight's invocation by Mr Bruce Cohen let's bow our heads and bow our hearts before the Lord father we come to you in the name of Jesus and we thank you for this auspicious occasion that we have this evening to witness history in the making father I thank you right now that as I pray I pray safety over each and every one of the competitors safety over all of the teams and Lord not only that safety throughout this entire facility thank you for all of the race fans that have come out to witness this and Lord I Thank you that your blessing in your hand is going to be upon it today Lord as we go about our business of racing and thoroughly enjoying this we are just so grateful that in the name of Jesus the name that's above every other name that Lord he is going to be the king and the ruler over this racetrack tonight as we invite the spirit of God to rest and to Reign here that the peace of God would be in this place and we thank you for it right now in the precious name of Jesus thank you very much Bruce and now for our Star-Spangled Banner Miss Holly Eaton [Music] [Music] for the rest parts we watch were together and please streaming and the right [Music] [Applause] [Music] proof through the nights that our flag was still there [Music] Spangled Banner away [Music] or the lands of the free in the heart of the praise fans how about it for Halloween and how about Old Glory coming in from up above race fans It's Time To Make History tonight at Eldora turns one and two are you ready turns three and four are you ready front straight away are you ready Eldora Speedway are you ready ah Blake Chet it is time tonight to make history over a million dollars on the line and heat race one is sitting and staging boy you can feel it look at this chat right in front of us how cool is this Make some noise for the fast track flyer Here Comes Old Faithful [Applause] beautiful Landing let him hear you oh not only did we bring in the Flyers we brought him in Under Fire from the fireworks display there on the back straightaway that ought to be a cool view that'd be awesome absolutely incredible Opening Ceremonies in the books The Eldora million 1 million two thousand twenty three dollars up for grabs here tonight but to get there you got to make it through the heat races first top three will advance directly into the eight main event tonight positions fourth fifth and sixth go directly to the B feature event everybody else to the Sea main well they'll try the racer way up through lined up based on the every lap matters points that we established last night to set us up for these six heat races and we get set the rule out heat race number one waiting as we'll get the front stretch cleared here from the Flyers and we get set to go at the Adora million a front stretcher is Miss eldora's Mallory and Savannah make sure to stop them give them a follow on the social media channels get your selfies with Miss eldoras Mallory and Savannah's Pete race number one check Crystal about to roll on to the racing service brought to you by TJ here is how they will come to the green on the pull from Lemoore California the Alba your alternative live Transportation Tarleton and Sun liquid Trucking number 41 Carson macido starting in the second spot coming to us from Monrovia Indiana the coastal avani Windows and Doors Big Spring Car Wash water treatment by Design number 13 Justin pan now takes back to row number two on the inside Eminem and painting construction baps paints livewear Customs number 19. it's the Myerstown missile Myerstown PA Brent marks rolls off third on the field and two he's outside from Wooster Ohio and an awesome drink West Tennessee Expediting number 17 at Shelton hot and shield third row to the inside from Broken Arrow Oklahoma the Dahmer powertrain Telstar Champion oil Fatheads eyewear number 21.h the Macho Man Brady bacon starting sixth from castalia Ohio the CK warehousing and distribution Troy Wright transport Kohl's energy Rod edelblitz Garage number 25 are the catfish Jordan Ryan thanks back to round number four on the inside from Vince Town New Jersey in the Mid-Atlantic Transportation Pioneer Auto Body JG cronenberger Fine Jewelry number 67 that's Justin Whittle and he'll be flanked by the racer out of Elverson Pennsylvania Char pack goal cozy clothes Bruce's Speed Shop number 35b of Boston Bishop rolling off ninth from Warden bull of Victoria ostra the Monte Farms number is Jamie viol and starting 10th from Mooresville Indiana the day star directional drilling Edco General Contractors Collision Concepts number 35 Zach Hampton TJ stunts out of Liverpool Pennsylvania rolls off on the inside of roll number six and to Mountain View Travel Village Square Plaza high-tech Metals number 11 t-car and to his outside will find the racer out of Wilmington Ohio that's Bradley Ashford and high-speed tie Performance Powder Coating Bush Auto Group number 4X final road to the inside from Sarver Pennsylvania that'll be Carl Bowser driving the McCandless Ford McCandless service sales priest Enterprises number 29 and rolling off 14 from Wampum Pennsylvania the mcclymond supply entrance at sub chick electric Miller masonry economy Landscaping 13m the Wheelman Brandon badass that's how we line them up for T.J Ford's heat race number one 10 laps the distance top three to the a main adjusted Tech big partner Big Spring car wash one of his Partners Glenn Hyman owns racetrack with plan on being here got inducted tonight into the Northwest dirt modified Hall of Fame so is it the Northwest bird modified Hall of Fame induction tonight congratulations on watching on Flow racing wishing you could be here Justin starts second There You Go Justin Beck also a late model fan I saw him down the Gateway dirt Nationals it's interesting I love it play models and Sprints Biggs I don't care what they say they do and I think that's a thing that flow racing has really done well is kind of intermixing our fan bases in the Gateway dirt natural is a big reason for that with the midgets a couple years ago it's been so great seeing the fan bases come together more and more guys how about the top five starters in this one five different states represented six different states and oh yeah we're throwing Victoria into this one as well for Australia what a great build this weekend 16 different states in the bid area I think we figured out what four different Australian States and uh territory as well and three different Canadian provinces just an amazing build has come together this week in Eldora and thank goodness the weatherman was wrong earlier this week that's all I can say and Ben even cooler just tonight's crowd alone you race fans 46 different states bought tickets to Eldora million and five countries just here in the grandstands tonight alone unbelievable give yourselves all big round of applause we all make history together [Music] around here and set the going again that front row gonna be Carson messino high points man coming out of last night's basito Hometown now Las Vegas Nevada he could be your neighbor he could be my name you never know Justin Peck thrown off on the outside of that front row Brent marks and Shelton hot Shield row number two Row three Brady bacon and the 25 are your grind Jordan Ryan has been improving this year quickly I feel like every time I see him he's a little faster doesn't have Owen quite yet but boy Attica Raceway Park he got passed on the last lap he's run second a couple of times Jordan Ryan's going to pick up a win and as soon as he does they're going to come often yeah team owner Matt Russell they really put a lot into that team he had a second finish at Wayne County as well his man seeing this build lined up seeing this crowd if this doesn't get you excited I don't know what to tell you guys let's do it one to go from a starter stand to get the finger coming out turn number four we go green next time coming by again 10 laps the distance top three of the eight main fourth fifth and sixth of the semi or the B main as you call it I'm sorry I'm used to call it a semi with the United States Auto Club V main semi Last Chance showdown in and seventh on back go to the c main from well actually two sea Mains here tonight so taking the top two from each of the sea Mains of the back of the B well the top three gonna make a redraw threat so here we go these might be some of the most intense heat races we'll see all season The Eldora million t-ray section is underway green flanks start gonna even start up front down into the quarter mosquito down on the inside Peck looking around the outside gives up some distance 41 car goes to P1 here comes a charge out of hot Shield trying to get back around the 19 Car breath marks Shuffle back into fourth or as he goes back for the number three spot Brad marks takes 30 to start Finish Line he'll take third into turn one Sheldon on the high side now diamonds off the corner and comes downhill but marks has the spot into turn three well marks you remember last night did not run well in his heat race started down on the inside a little slip of the grip found himself falling back through the field he'll try to get a little Redemption here tonight's got good power working down on the low side hot Shields the one that searched around bacon Trails back behind in that fifth position as they roll into third number three as up on the high side Brady bacon trying to rope in Sheldon hot and Sheldon bacon is dropping into that advantage that Heiden Shield has for the fourth spot yellow and turn number four Bradley Ashford in the forehead it's kind of perpendicular on the racetrack just on the exit to turn number four right ahead of your race leaders so brings out to gosh and flag will stack us back up seven laps remain three laps according into books TJ Ford's heat race number one macedo looks Stout nope you have him on your dirt ground you know Chad to every position matters every lap matters at The Eldora millionaire every position matters in these heat races whether you're heading to the Bee or heading to the Sea because where you finish will determine where you're starting in the B of the sea you know what else matters the shoes restart oh boy as the Whistle Stop choose restart cone and as that gets ready to come out Blake again explain for first timers how this works so how it will work what we'll get for athlete turned around we'll get the lineup set there make sure they're in their correct positions and then Kevin now is on the race Electronics receiver radios will let these drivers know hey the cone is out on the front stretch you can see Logan now's with it down on the front stretch go high of the cone or go low of the cone if you go low you're going to start on the inside if you go higher you're gonna start on the outside and you can pick the top six cars can choose to go low Seventh Place goes High well now seventh place will restart second and that kill what comes into play here is everybody talks about the fact that Eldora Speedway you want to start on the outside you want to start on the outside well everybody can't start on the outside well technically they could they could but that's a great opportunity for someone else to slide to the inside pick up a little better starting positions Here Comes The Whistle Stop out onto the front straightaway Dylan Welsh down there in the infield Dylan announces for the high limit Sprint Car Series and Dylan got to see at their season opener at Lakeside Speedway for fifty thousand dollars just how important that choose cone can be yeah Geo sells he took advantage of that he's maybe taking advantage of it honestly more than anybody this year at least on the high limit side of things and it's it's been interesting because it's so new it's so different and a lot of guys haven't been able to utilize it it's sometimes hard to decide where you want to go in the Heat of the Moment that's what adds some complexity to it and uh and guys will get mixed up sometimes so it's been really interesting as it's been implemented more and more around the country uh guys are learning it they're learning how it can be advantageous to them they're learning how it can be disadvantageous to them as well and uh one thing's for sure it definitely changes the complexion of these races and cool to have it involved in the heat races last night we saw some faking out too that's what I was gonna say it's also a great way to play some mind games with those of you back behind here we go it is to choose coming around to Whistle Stop choose go we'll see where we're going to go and look at this the 41 looks like he's going down to the inside and he is they break apart everything right now oh Carl Bowser picks up the spot because Justin Whittle stayed high so there we go and Bradley Ashford and gang stay high as well so not a big shake up but a little bit of a shake up in the back of the pack it was interesting to see how that played out there apparently the 41 feeling confident down on the inside for macedo so we get Seth go back to green the Ford Raptor Pace truck back into the infield Pace pick it up down to turn number three and four again seven laps remain in TJ 14 race number one we're back underway keep your eye on Brett Mars Shelton hot Shield goes to the middle there goes marks to the top spot in Peck and Hunt she'll nearly come together Brent marks into second and chasing Carson macido and again it's so crucial to be inside those top three positions basito Stout though 41 back out into B1 Mark shuffles in second back behind the 13 car a little slip of the grip down into the corner it's hot and shield not close enough to capitalize Here Comes Brady bacon for the fourth spot bacon going after hot showed once more hot Shield pulls away Shelton hot show trying to close it on Justin Peck for the third and final transfer one thing you can't forget about is Brady Bacon's got some wins here at Eldora Speedway knows how to hustle this joint again lives just down around the road in West Union Ohio as here comes the run at P3 hot Shield looks low on the number 13 pick able to hold him at bay where does Justin Peck go he'll roll up to the middle of the racetrack please Shelton the bottom Shelton oh yellow Gonna Fly again Jamie Beal a flat right rear on the 17 a.u going to bring out the yellow flag and Jamie came over to America a couple of weeks ago made his American debut on Saturday at Knoxville Raceway where he finished 15th he was 11th in the Brad Doherty Classic on Tuesday with the World of Outlaws now Synergy during Sprint Car Series 23rd last night for the 2020 Australian Sprint car champion in 2015-16 World Series sprint cars Champion which overseas in Australia the World Series sprint cars those are the top forest for car racing in Australia it was over here over here around with World of Outlaws a little bit actually sub for Jason Johnson back in 2015 with the Outlaws you were talking about but also last or yesterday looking at the list of drivers that were coming out here for the Eldora million was one of those drivers we had circled on the list there's a potential to win this thing and what he got down there well we got two drivers down here Zach Hampton a lot of nose damage on the left side of that nose wing and as she said bill has got a flat right rear Hoosier they're gonna pull it off put a new one on there but right now we've got a new nose Wing they're gonna try to get this 35 nose Wing off we saw some teams last night I believe it was uh JJ hickle last night where they had to fight that nose Wing hopefully will come off a little bit easier on Car 35. Logan now scrabs the Whistle Stop Bar and Grill chews cone two minute clock running in the work area looks like a cut great rear tire on that you saw the slice in it there as they went down but yeah the choose current has been out here so the two-minute clock started and the nose Wing the old nose Wing is off of Zach Hampton's guard new one is going on the head coach General Contractors number 35 the Daystar directional drilling entry the Indiana racer as Indiana and Australia down here in the high pit I think we've seen about as many cautions so far in this first seat as we saw all of last night and guys something two on the choose cone that always interests me you know I think there's some different strategies because you may choose based on where you think you're going to get the best restart launch so macedo has chosen the bottom you know two of the last or both of these last restarts despite it kind of being a race to the top side he may be doing that just because he feels like the top side isn't getting as good of a launch so he wants the best launch he can get that's why he chooses the bottom and that's the strategy too a little bit further back that's how you get going the quickest to where you want to be good stuff Dylan Welch we saw that work last night Logan shoehart got a great start and that 1s car was able to put himself up into P2 in a very short order Zach Hampton able to restart winner with the fast on dirt Sprint Car Series in June at Circle City Raceway on the Marion County Fairgrounds in Indianapolis Jamie veal pushed back off he tags on to the tail of the field Hampton comes around we take one to go maybe from the starter stand nope not just yet still working under caution four laps remain and heat race number one TJ 14 race number one six laps scored into books looks like lights do go down around the range tracks have to go green next time coming out turn number four and again macedo down on the inside the restart Zone a little bit narrow not narrow but a short restart Zone down here a lot of the series like with the United States Auto Club it's anywhere between three and four not the case here for the Eldora million you can just see it especially if you're in the infield here later on the front stretch over in one and two it's the two green lines in turn four that's the restart Zone so a narrow band Lookout we'll see if this one flies no red flag will fly Jamie veal upside down oh man Chad fired her down to the corner heavy damage to the 17 a.u that's going to end it for him right there so that's not something you can be repaired to work here you see him moving around inside the race car and a vicious shunt into the wall and turn number one Beetle up and now that race car give him a big round of applause down there but heavy heavy damage the swi Racing 17au Car so he's already headed back towards the pit area he'll hop in the side by side with the Eldora Speedway safety crew you can see where he got into the wall there Chet when the wall gets covered like that makes it nice and easy for us they see the scuff marks here on the top shelf so a little cleanup taking place here on to 17 a.u Carl we'll get him uh dusted off or get that card picked up off the racetrack he dusted off back into the pit area but that's pretty much going to end it there for him he's headed towards the sea main with the 17au if he opts to start we kind of suspect that this would be the case you know if you're backing to see Maine early the top two will advance from each of the sea Mains and they go to the back of the B main yeah you can run the alphabet but you have got to make a stellar run and you've got to feel very good about your race car to do so heat race number one of six for us tonight 50 50 Crossing 47 thousand dollars and those if you look up the big screen you can see that is the first green stripe and then there's one just to the left of that about maybe 50 yards that might be the second one that's the green start that's right regardless yep there it is there's the first one up on the board kind of in the middle of turn number four right by Sheldon hodgenshield's car and then the second one is close to about where Justin Peck is sitting and that's the restart Zone another thing came up uh here recently and we're going to point this out to you as well the official Finish Line the official Finish Line here at Eldora Speedway is very well marked and it is directly underneath the flag stand that's very unusual usually it's before the flag stand or maybe a little bit after flagstand but here at Eldora it is underneath the flag stand there's a red pole that you can see if you're sitting here in the stands if you're down the infield or if you're sitting up here up wide there's also a red mark down in the infield that red strike just before the Victory Lane that is the official Finish Line so that's where the scoring Loop's located and we have cameras that was uh obviously something for an event of this magnitude you want to dodge your eyes and cross your t's but I was at Deer Creek Speedway last Saturday night and that came to a head with a two thousandths of a second finish so not only do they have that marked on the wall they told the teams today there's going to be a camera straight across in case we have a situation like we had at Deer Creek last Saturday we do have a straight camera shot at that line and it's also a super slow-mo camera too that's shooting in like a bazillion frames per second so we got that figured out a bazillion may have been a stretch there Blake it might not be quite that many still part of it though more than I can count is that less than a gazillion is it more where's that rate less than a gazillion okay all good to know if I'd have been smart right there I'd have said a million frames per second but dude that one I didn't think of that until now that's one of those shower thoughts except I'm not taking a shower anyone out there enjoying a two dollar beer here at Eldora Speedway I love it have one for me tonight have a nice cold Bush light for me we talked thank you bye guys down there right behind the flagstone they've been supporting you all day I appreciate it and you think about it Tony Stewart boy I mentioned it last night Tony Stewart brought this place in 2005. a beer was two dollars in 2005 and it's still two dollars in 2023 19 straight seasons of two dollar beers at Eldora Speedway Blinky just busted somebody out because somebody's buddy went to the Beer stand with ten dollars and came back he gave him one beer ten dollars lots of delivery fee hey I love the crowd shots here and we got one on the Jumbotron I don't know if we get it with the camera at the end of the front stretch grandstands for turn one I call it the Fret Flintstone Zone there are like eight of the biggest lawn chairs you've ever seen they're purple they're orange and they got them marks might try to get from the infield that looks like the Zone I would have been want to be in having my little uh my fruity drinks that I like my flavored vodka it's like the place to be I have been out drinking with you and you do love a fruity flavored drink then uh to redirect your attention if you look off of Turn number three we talked about we had that piece earlier on the Premier Health Life Flight it's the landing well circling to land now down the middle of the back stretch then I got it I'm jealous of swamp he got the right now I don't want to ride in a helicopter like that maybe I wanna if I'm gonna ride in a helicopter like that I want to ride like slob did yeah something not get the ride that you're not gonna remember I was in one time and I was unconscious that didn't work out so well on my bucket list is riding in a helicopter I haven't done it yet I gotta do it well I'll tell you if you come out to Vegas again helicopter rides out there for like five bucks but I love it yeah you might want to hang on Janice and the seat belt you might remember The Supernaturals I remember growing up they always had one of the mass helicopters at the Walmart parking lot across the street I could never get my dad to let me do it well there's a reason yeah I know yeah but Logan now says the Whistle Stop chews cone we'll get him lined up and he'll make his way into the front stretch in just a moment when things get to work out here tonight Logan's getting his workout here he comes look at the hustle out of it good workout a logi bear they're even rooting him on down here look down in front of us yeah they're rooting him on good placement there look at that just boom boom ah these guys down here I want to be drinking with them I want to be drinking with them I love it so where's the party is I yeah there's a lot of parties as soon as I said that I thought about that Winners performance drone shot we got at the campground it's absolutely jam-packed this party is called Rossburg Ohio is what this party is called oh here is the two well Carson Vicino oh man I was getting I thought he was gonna prove Dylan Welch wrong and go high if you hit the cone what's the penalty I don't know is there a penalty Dylan do you know he gets down there ask him how protective he is of his own but hey so seriously though that's that's the decision making it's as quick as that right we'll see how it pays off for him here but it could have been the right boot it could have been the wrong move maneuver there to get himself to the outside he almost got stacked up start third on field green flag killer back out macedo oh no no no no oh my goodness oh we got a lot of torn up cars on this one guys that was catastrophe and that also affected a lot of very good race cars well good to see Shelton odd show climbing out of the car under his own power tough break here for Sheldon hot and she'll obviously rolled into this one of the favorites to win now finds himself deeply behind the eight ball with the number 17 car Kyle ripper in gang at it's 10 house Junior Marshall racing gonna go hard to work I would imagine Kyle Ripper that was the deal that whole thing kicked loose you talked about a mid-pack mastication taking place for the number 17 card just got chewed up and spit out Jordan Ryan as well here on the front stretch chat just past the flag stand and Brady bacon if you look where's Brady I see him on the big screen I don't know where he's parked though I don't see him but on the background there he is inside of the back stretch right below the Premier Health bitsy Dixie vodka sign Big Top win game look to the big screen on the Dahmer powertrain 21-8 and Ben Shelton well it's about think you're about to get busy sorry I was looking to enter 21. well broken shock on the front as well hey so they either the 17 crew has got all the parts and pieces down here to try and at least fix this so they'll obviously have to get Sheldon back in the car once the car gets back here but they are going to at least make an effort here initially to try and get this thing back on the racetrack every position matters it doesn't matter even if you go forward two spots and you're still in a c name that's uh that's a lot of spots you don't have to gain later in the night so it all matters here especially with other cars crash right if you have to make a lap Jordan Ryan they're gonna looks like they're gonna pick that car up is a flat tire and like you said likely shock damage on that race car and hey guys it's a million dollars on the line tonight there's a lot of shaking and there's a replay here's a replay Ben you up on a big screen you can see it right there Hello friends carted fire that was that was kind of odd how that all took place and unfortunately Shelton was trying to shoot the Gap and then the Gap was not to be found well Matt here's another Replay for you Justin Peck able to avoid it Justin able to keep that 13 straight well Matt Hummel and gang going to work on the 21 and and Brady is is uh barking out orders here from inside the Kaka he builds most of the race cars that he runs both on the wing side and the non-wing side he he knows how to put these cars together knows what he needs just go out here and make laps and he's kind of instructing the crew right now I think they may leave the top Wing as it is and just put a new a new nose wing on and send him back out here I see Laney Nichols there and Kevin osmolsky from The 9p Landing from the 15 team Parker price Miller's crew chief um the left front and then you got all sorts of action coming your way with the Stenhouse Junior Marshall number 17 about to head your direction guys and it's busy down here there's a lot of teams helping a lot of teams down here there's a lot of torn up equipment man you hate to see that start the night tonight and a new right front shot gonna go on Brady Bacon's car and they are going to take the top Wing off so uh trying to get that off right now while the rest of this crew tries to change the uh the front suspension pieces that are broken and then as you said behind them the 17 crew the Nos Energy Drink group awaiting Sheldon hot and shield scarf it's able to make its way back here yeah that'll be Kyle Ripper Andy hook and gravy well I'm sure other teams too many teams yeah a lot of teams coming to assist and even drivers you remember Blake Khan last night working on the front end of another of a competitors race car trying to get them back out onto the racetrack and I'm sure you're going to see the same thing happening here not only with Brady bacon as you notice there's way more guys working on that race car than her on his team but you're gonna see it with 17 as well and there goes the top Wing guys trying to get it off what a great shot from our drone over the work area I can imagine pretty hectic down there Dylan and Ben is I I think they're struggling getting the 17 on the hook but they think they finally have it coming your direction in just a moment the crew is obviously very anxious to get that car down here impact wrenches they've got a front axle sitting out here a nose Wing I got a radius rod and they have everything and Ben on Brady Bacon's car the the top wing on the bottom where it mounts to the mounts was bent and crumpled so they were having a hard time just getting it cleared to get it off get the damaged Wing off so uh Brady as we said was was inside the but kind of directing the crew he maybe had the best angle of where it was damaged uh compared to the guys that were kind of back behind the cage here just trying to unlatch it so they got that done and now everybody's all hands on deck here trying to get the new top wing on it looks like most of the work can being uh being completed up on the right front for uh for Bacon's car and the 17 of Sheldon they are heading back to the trailer didn't the tow truck did not make the right hand turn down to the work area guys and getting word they're saying too much damage on that race car is it was the decision on that well Ben and Dylan Brady bacon a lot of people obviously think of Brady as being a non-wing racer obviously four USAC National Sprint car championships but he won with World of Outlaws lost energy drink Sprint Car Series here this year at Hopstop he's one with the All-Stars here at Eldora four Crown Nationals and before his USAC days hit a lot of racing with ASCS National Sprint Car Series in the late 2000s you know we were uh actually Brady now we're talking here yesterday about as he was starting on the ASCS tour I was out there announcing the ASCS tour there was also another guy out there cutting his teeth named Jason Johnson and a lot of memory Shane Stewart was on tour back then Aaron reitzel is just getting out on the tour and I got to see a lot of young and talented drivers made a lot of memories out there Tommy Estes and the Gang back in the day and Brady was a contender each and every night when you talk about Brady out here not only with those also but starting off the year he picked up at Australian speed car Championship the kickoff Point 23 but in his ear of the drive for five as I like to call this he's looking for his fifth National Championship the time with time with Levi Jones uh yeah currently third the national point standings of course you can watch every race with the United States Auto Club live right here on Flow racing and Chad you guys big week coming up with Indiana Sprint week it is indeed and actually we kicked it off and I was talking since we're talking about Brady I'll throw this out there again the rich folkler classic takes place just down the road to Winchester Speedway 20 minutes and that is Brady and his wife ceciana they both promote that event together and so not only eraser but also a promoter and they put their heart and soul into that event if you've never been to Winchester Speedway that's coming off that's actually what kicks off that's on Thursday before Indiana Sprint week so you're coming out to this area that is a great great event to participate in they got the top Wings secure Clinton Boyle's actually came in from the Vermeer team and it looks like hopefully they'll be able to get that car back out there and they're going to roll it Forward get the push truck behind it Brady bacon will return to the back of the pack yeah there's Clint I saw Jacob Weaver in there as well how about it Brady bacon set to rejoin boy we Ben and Dylan chat we have seen some impressive teams go to work this week so far and I was going to say that there's a million dollars a Winner's purse or what a Winner's portion a million dollars here tonight but a testament to the family of racing if you will all these teams coming together help each other out try to get them back out on the racetrack they want the competition to take place on the racetrack not into work area and that's just the tip of the cap to this great sport that we all love yeah so the Whistle Stop choose cone back out on the front straightaway the Ford Raptor Pace truck going to bring them back through guys I can't remember the last time that TJ Force heat race one was not on the racetrack this one has been just chaos so far a marathon and Ben and problems for TJ Stutz now slowing over in turn number two is and I'm not so sure if they don't push him to the work area I'm not so sure that Brady might not duck back down in here just to make sure everything's buttoned up tight we'll find out though would be wise you're 50 50 over 52 000 now I think 77.5 was we may hit my 77.5 and he released number one tonight before it's over a lot of two dollar beers with 77.5 except for that one guy that where he's bought them they're ten dollars or ten dollars so we'll see what TJ stunts looks like they're going to push the 11 T the bullet square plus 11 TJ a regular in central Pennsylvania we've seen him do a little bit before traveling the last couple years and it sounds like he's the groove oh sorry it sounded like he was pointing out some debris back there in turn number two so TJ had seen some debris they picked that up so he gets his position back another safety stop and Chuck that's stuff they tell him in the drivers meeting hey if you see debris you think the lineup is wrong you're in the wrong spot your one-way Draper radio stops working stop and then official if you think the lineup's wrong or your race your one-way race Electronics free receiver radio is wrong you can stop at the entrances and turn number four the exit turn one those where the officials are or if you see debris just stop by it we'll give you your spot back see we're talking about TJ Stutz a five-time national Open champ at Selinsgrove yes and he's having a great season at the Port Royal Speedway and at Williams Grove Speedway here we go the one to go signal from Rick Monroe on the stand not as much tomfoolery this time no no Shenanigans not whistle stops shenanigans that happens every now and then but it's more down in that it's 40 Whistle Stop and Sonia yeah about 10 miles south of here so stacked up 19 Car Mark sitting on the outside of that front row Maceno down on the inside then it's Peck to the inside of row number two to the outside 35b Austin Bishops we get set to fire off so we're playing some games there on the back straight away Kevin says on the one-way racing Electronics receiver radios no games and look good for a side by side starting again you have to be in that start zone right at the first line they punch the throttle we're underway Dodge for the race lead back to the inside goes basito into number 41 car aceto slides marks marks Cuts underneath them and here comes Justin Peck battle for the top spot as we cross flight number seven down into the quarter for the number 41 car glued into that middle line for macedo is able to maintain down-to-back straight away marks trying to close I'm 13 a peck that's your top three looking to go to the email event as Bart's got good drive down on the inside white flight comes out up front Brady bacon trying to work his way through the field has worked up into this eighth spot as the McCandless 29 and TJ Stutz go to work Carl Bowser slides across the nose take the spot as opportunity for four Carson macido takes the white flag and a 19 of Brent marks back Beyond just a peck watch bacon bacon if he can get two more spots well one two three there it is that'll put him in to be made as we got a tire down shred at the left rear tire and akashic comes out but just as I was saying that bacon needed those two spots that's a good enough to put him into a b main as opposed to a c mate yes spots one to three head two the a main spots four five and six head to the B Main and seventh on back go to a c main and TJ Stutz left rear exploding yeah shredded that you can see the shrapnel flying up an ear off that number 11 t-car hope that these seams fueled up for this heat race because man who would have thought you could run out of fuel possibly in a heat racer tonight at Eldora you know that's a very valid point Ben and I wonder electric exploding Mike has texted me and said that it looked like it starts bleeder too for hanging out on the left rear and it was going flat so Mike a good eye there for the series director from the Outlaws yeah my golly good eye Mike I hate to say it I I look forward to giving Mike a hard time the next couple of days he isn't a I like to remind him of that every time I see him of course tonight A million dollars on the line tomorrow night twenty thousand dollars to win the night before and then Saturday night 175 000 to win the king's Royal you know that's what we talk about the million to win but it's two million week out here with the World of Outlaws coming in for the next two days if you can't make it the next two nights we've got tickets still for sale in a monster crowd and tickets for sale you can get them at or go to the ticket office here grab your tickets here if we can't make it we'll have in the dirtvision Applause covers the next two nights you can find a place to go out there and sit and what did Ben call it the Fred Flintstone Village Flintstone Village out there you seem like nice people and some of the teams down here are starting to get a little concerned about the number of lapses yeah so I was gonna ask you Ben is Chet mentioned it I imagine there's a little bit of uh anxiety down there you could say there is yes [Music] with some hand gestures out in the car I don't know if he is pointing to his crew or are just giving away that okay so this is the thing too where you can talk about this for everybody out here knows this but I'm just going to say it because it's obvious the issue you have with the fuels whenever you get in the corner with that slosh of the fuel that's where you lose your steam pick it up yeah so that uh that's gonna be where we're going to see some issues perhaps with these cars if they are getting low on fuel and you want to keep the weight down on your race car you want to put just enough in there to get through the heat race and not any excess sounds like we may have some more information from down to pit area well I was just going to say to your point you know these teams calculate you know how many gallons they burn per 10 laps on a half mile race track and you don't really burn that much under yellow but enough yellow laps I think you start to get concerned because they have it down to a science and and you want to be obviously as quote as close to the the weight minimum as you can without being under so uh all of these yellow laps it does burn fuel in it it's got some guys concerned down here meanwhile a new left rear tire going on TJ Stutz number 11 and look at so if we were coming off boys I'll get you a deal for your race car buddy uh there's not enough duct tape in the state of Ohio to get this one back together the running joke is Chad at the Gateway Dirt Nasty I'm in the infield and I collect Parts because Ben and DJ say one of these days I'm going to have a late model just from Parts at the Dome and if you know the Dome you can watch on Blow racing there's a lot of Carnage at the Dome there's a lot of bumping and bang well Ben is so kind to find stuff for me to get a Sprint car but if he raced one we're gonna be able to build your complete Sprint car here tonight as TJ Stutz they got it back down on the ground the record will pull away we got a push truck behind him and he'll rejoin the party and and better see you did I get it yeah I know better maybe ask a crew chief and you can go Anonymous How concerned are they on Builders I can tell you somebody in the top three came up very concerned in the past four minutes okay he wanted to know how many laps were left in this godforsaken race that was I could tell him green white checkered coming here I told him that he didn't like that so yep well here we go boy I I'll have to look in my race pass when we get this imported because it'll have the clock on how long this heat race has lasted can you tell yeah actually right now we're in 31 minutes oh man the marathon yes it is I could finish a 5K baby in that baby well I know I couldn't but that's beside the point here we go green flag out we'll see if we can finish off he's final how about Justin Whittle jet yeah then thread the eye of the needle there he's able to rain for his way into the number three spot for the number 67 car and Brett marks gotta think he's running out of fuel jet and as the issue as the white flag is out Brett marks fading almost all the way back to the tail of the field Brady bacon has slowed down the front straightaway white flag is out gotta limp it through to the checkered flag and off the turn number four Carson macido will pick up the heat race when Justin Peck maybe out of fuel there he definitely slowed down Widow third how about Carl Bowser to four and Brady bacon gonna lift it back as is Brett Mars wow did that [Music] we have just witnessed out here in TJ Ford's heat race number one finished chat looks like I was out there eyes on a swivel if you're down there we're coming in Scales you got another one coming at you oh boy and looks like Austin Bishop out of fuel over there in three and four finish looks like this Jamie veal comes on 14th in the 17au 13th the Jordan Ryan and the 25 are 12 to Sheldon hot Shield the 17 11 the 4X Bradley asked for 10-19 Brett marks ninth and 21-8 Brady bacon 8-13 then Brandon Mattis seven to 35 B Austin Bishop six to 35 South Hampton fifth 11 team TJ stats and fourth to 29 Carl Bowser your top three locking into it until a night's Eldora million main event third of the 67 adjusted Whittle second at the 13th of Justin Beckett made some noise for the 41 of Carson macido Carson you pulled down here you won the heat race but you're shaking your head just describe the chaos out there in heat one oh I mean it just the heat race I thought that was never going to end there you know I got Brent beside me I knew he was going to do a good job I was just nervous every restart trying to switch it up but I feel like you can only switch it up so many times before he kind of gets an idea of what exactly what you're doing and um I don't know just weird like the white flew at one point then the white flew again and I thought the race was over it just that was wild but uh thankful for my guys thankful that we could still come out on top I was like I said nervous there but uh Philippines they did a great job I was I thought we were going to run out of fuel you know we caution come out I lean the tap down they started going faster and I was motioning my guys working around on fuel honestly so um we didn't we won the heat race I'm really happy and these guys did a good job so thank you all our sponsors uh we're in a really good spot we'll just keep it rolling race fans he can hear you how about it for Carson you know the winner of tj4's heat one the 27 year old out of a little more California picks up the win and the Jason Johnson racing Maxim race car it will start no worse than six tonight your top six will redraw as will position 7 through 12 and 13-18 and I can tell you one of the drivers teams that were concerned guys about the fuel was one of them that did indeed run out of fuel in those closing laps yeah how your fortunes can change so quickly here and I think you know that's maybe something Ben that the later heat races can benefit from knowing seeing just how intense these heat races are and how much it means to maybe throw a couple extra gallons in there knowing what every spot means here at the old one yeah I don't think anybody had on their bingo card a 31 minute heat race though so you know how do you they were starting to run away TJ 14 race number two well you see the damage here on the left-hand side of uh Brent parks's car where he got a tire up on there and kind of ground around on him as we get set to go it's TJ Ford's heat race number two again looking for the top three to send into the eight main events on the inside of Road number one out of Hanover Pennsylvania driving Duramax c d rigging Federated Auto Parts shark racing number one ass Logan shuhart rolls from the pole and to the outside hailing from Saint Helena California to Whiskey Myers number 24 it's Rico a brew second run to the inside from Penn Grove California the Toyota Racing development Roth Enterprises Roth Motorsports HR livestock number 83 junior is Buddy KO Foy starting in the fourth spot from Port Royal Pennsylvania and the valley Supply Dryden SCA Incorporated Juniata concrete gibbsville cheese number five C Dylan cisney inside row number three on Indianapolis Indiana the Nos Energy Drink C-Max race lubricants aliens custom pharaohs and cards number seven BC and sunshine Tyler Courtney rolling OFF Fifth on the field until he's outside is going to be the racer from Lemoore California Tarleton it's on complete Parts dursting Kelly Moore number 21 d of Cole macedo fourth row to the inside from St Mary's New South Wales Australia the Morton Buildings Heartland kitchen Solutions CRP Motorsports Esslinger electric number seven is Ian Madsen starting eighth from Aliquippa Pennsylvania yeah I can't erector service Premiere pilot number 45 the Steel City Outlaw Tim Schaefer your night starter on the field hails from Sikeston Missouri in the Victory Fuel Rossi feeding grain Jay Davidson scrap metal hop Farms number 39. it's 100 Hunter Schoenberg and his outside from Sunnyvale Texas in the true north dot bet Town Line gas and groceries number 15 H Sam Hayford 11th started from Cobble Hill British Columbia Canada the Saratoga Motorsports Park Millstone Heating and Sheet Metal Jim shook neck Dental Logistics 7s's Robbie price starting 12 from Wampum Pennsylvania the McClellan Supply Transit young funeral homes McBride Farms 33 is Brent Mattis row seven on the inside for Bloomsburg Ohio the Ohio crankshaft number 56r Ryan Myers and he'll be flanked by the racer out of Newark Ohio the Art Bar mechanical Whitetail Outfitters Auto Zone maze trailer sales number 15 now the field again TJ Ford's heat race number two 10 laps the distance top three directly to the a main events [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the demons [Music] let's go green on TJ Ford's heat race number two looking for the top three Descent of the eight Main Event everybody else the one of the semis is a green flag goes up and the Hammers go down Rico goes to the high side short through the middle Logan sure are going to lead him down the back for Joe trouble in turn number two red flag Sam Hayford Junior upside down along with the seven of Ian Madsen Tim Schaefer involved nose Wing off of the Bryant Grove owned 45 my goodness boys and Chaos ensues so we had an interesting discussion up here I learned something I was asking the question about that first heat race and in the driver's meeting they tell them 60 laps green and yellow together and we did not get to 60 laps there yeah so there you go so we were underneath the window the fuel Windows of the teams knew that so that answers the question about the cars that ran low on fuel so we did not hit that 60 laps that's green and yellow combined but again the replay coming up we'll see what happened down here in turn number one and two it happened quickly so we kicked off T.J Ford's heat race number two you know a lot of people sell with inverts last night we might have these issues we didn't have these issues last night we're straight up tonight and it's man it's uh it's gonna be a full moon tonight it feels like oh good to see you Sam here for cheap JR out of the corner and eat the Zone power here's an instant replay oh hey for cheap and he and Madden coming together and Schaefer nowhere to go in the 45. he wasn't really close to that whenever he kicked off we'll see if we can watch it again here from a different angle those two cars making contact on the inside of the racetrack kind of swept up across right into the path of Schaefer in a 45 car if I came for deep kind of slit up high on the racetrack and uh unfortunate Matson not able to avoid he tried and the end result is two balled up race cars and Tim Schaefer just a victim of circumstances see if he can roll down to the work area to the attention of Trent Miller and gang well Dylan and Ben getting their workout in I would imagine here tonight we're getting some heat we're getting some steps but uh these teams are getting some cardio it's like CrossFit down here rebuilding the race cars his man you hate so many great cars these guys work so hard obviously this is not a cheap sport case these torn up race cars here tonight and if you're in these other games sitting in staging what's going through your mind right now well then while we wait for the cars to get to the work area we're going to step away for 60 seconds and we'll be back here with heat race number two are you looking for a new race car hauler trailer or Easy Go golf cart what about something Dependable how about buying from someone you can depend on contact Elliot's custom trailers and carts they're a certified Featherlite dealer with all kinds of trailers and other products to fit your needs located just two hours north of downtown Indianapolis Elliott's Custom Trailers will deliver your trailer or Car anywhere in the United States no matter where you're from or what you're looking for the goal is always the same ultimate customer satisfaction so don't wait contact Elias today and find a trailer or golf cart that fits your needs [Music] [Music] [Music] every weekend it seems like we're at a racetrack somewhere so we're living it we're doing it I think it helps us relate whenever they call if they need more grip or they need more turn we do it all the time we can relate to what they're saying we're not just there to sell them this or that we're representing not just us we're representing our vendors our customers our employees so it's important to let them know that you care we want to provide the best things so they can have the best experience at racetrack that's what we want with our race car too [Music] well you see the damage there unfortunately on Ian Manson's car I got to correct something Blake here real quick I said that uh Brady was out of West Union Ohio it's Union City Ohio I knew it had Union in it but my apologies well there's car owner Mike Stanford on the right front and uh hard at work already yeah there's several down battle on Tim Schaefer's race car down here is obviously front bumper has got a nice little bow in it new nose Wing is going on they are going to work on the front axle looks like it's like a little bit the drag link has been for sure they're gonna pull it off try to get a new one on there Pitman arm's okay very into the race cars okay like you said guys he's just wrong place at the wrong time and all the damage on Tim Schaefer's 45 on the front of this race car I see yeah they say Carl Bowser and Brandon Mattis hopping out I see Alex Grove who is the car owner's nephew Logan McCandless coming from the 29 team lots of Western Pennsylvania helpers there on the 45. they tether up the new drag arm they'll put it on the race car also radius rod here on the left front and again a lot of uh you got a scrap metal dealership I'm kind of a deal tonight they could use a little cash you could use some scrap metal there's a pile of it building up down here on Pit Road also word coming from down to bit Sam hey for team back to his pits so did not go to the work area with the 15 H car so tough break for the driver actually picked up the uh the win there on the tune-up for this race he picked up the win during Ohio Sprint speed week presented by kemetic gasket saw Sam last year pick up the win in the final short track Nationals at I-30 Speedway he and Aaron reisel had a spirited battle it looks like they've got Tim Schaefer's car ready to roll they're gonna push it off to win the back of the pack Sam a five time ASCS National Sprint car champion and Ben he picked up that short track Nationals win but it took him a couple years to get the monkey off his back and finally get a short track now since then when he did it was like a sigh of relief it was and uh that place meant a lot to him that Sunnyvale Texas not too far down the Interstate 30 off into Northwest Northeastern Texas and it's meant a lot to him and he got that final win there Tracy clay she did tell me uh she's trying to get us both of a short track Nationals at Texarkana and Blake she said they would have gotten game you know she knows the way to my heart there you go got that text last night we're gonna try to get this one back underway and uh one of our other Memphis Area Sprint car drivers Derek Hagar he texted me before that happened to TJ Stutz now last team he said that was definitely his bleeder laying on the racetrack so man it's kind of it's just been a chaotic night where some of the stuff for guys going for another one just random failures as we're coming back to the green so high pressure here he I look down on front strand so I'm like where's the Whistle Stop cheesecard oh yeah we didn't score lap into the books complete restart 10 laps to go and we're back underway per se now watch him down there buddy kilfoy down the inside top is going to be able to make a bold move instead as Rico April blazing across the front end of the number seven BC car as he moves around Sunshine Tyler Courtney sets he sites on running down two heart up front come quick going after Sunshine into turn number one with Dylan in the wing Sunshine goes through the tough stuff and turn one drag race down the back for Tyler Courtney back to the final transfer spot when kofoid parked on the back bumper and kill Point follows him in up across and into the flop for the 83 Junior card right down across the student of the epoxy obsessed back behind marks that well one two three four fifth position on the racetrack for the number five car as he'll now occupy the attention to kofoi he'll insisting on the move on the high side of the racetrack right to the back bumper of Buddy Copeland he'll go down to the inside big move for the fourth spot up across the race coming together cokewood has the spot down the back shoe and kill Point 802 Escapade with the 83 Junior card back into the P4 again fourth fifth and six all headed to the B main meanwhile the 21-t starting to find speed here late in this with Cole macedo come the life back Beyond makes a move around sis they'll pick him off in the number five guard wait Ted you have to hit the high side of turn one just right otherwise that jockeys you around a little bit up way up top you almost have to enter On The Hotline above the cushion in turn one Logan shoehart looking Stout out front that one escar kind of working to build the racetracks we got a slow one on the front shoot 45 A Schaefer pulling down low on the inside we'll see if he's able to clear the racetrack meanwhile we stay under green as we hustle around the big half foul laps winding down this time by seven of the books to three to go for Logan shoehart Rico Abreu and Tyler Courtney looking to join him in tonight's Eldora million main event as you are an upfront on contestant for that P1 spot Hebrew solid to number two position back Beyond sunshine to seven BC rounding out there's top three then you got a gap back to Buddy Cove Point the 83 Junior car not able to reel in sunshine he found his line as he hustles out turn number four down to front straightaway but unfortunately Freedom just not enough speed to get in the mix for a transfer spot White Flag will fly this time for Logan shuhart who kind of came into this event as a guy that a lot of people thought could win The Eldora million he's got four wins here with the world about loss energy drink Sprint Car Series including one in May Rico Abreu closing about the hour classes running out off the tournament before the checkered flag will fly danger flag coming out zuhart picks up the win April closes he'll finish out second sunshine to sell NBC rounds out those top three of their buddy copoi to close fourth back behind but TJ Ford's heat race number two goes into the bugs finishing now tense will be Sam hey for TV and mad since I'm sorry 14th rather finishing out 13th Ian Madsen Tim Schaefer scored 12. 11th is Brent Mattis Mitchell Arbol rounds out those are his finishes 10th on the field ninth on the field Ryan Myers Hunter Schoenberg 8th Robbie price has scored seventh sixth is still insisting bull macedo's Fifth and fourth buddy kofoi your three transfer cars Tyler Courtney scored third recave for a second and picking up the win and T.J Ford's heat race number two Logan shoehart the 1s Logan shoehart currently fourth in the world about all his Nos Energy Drink standings two wins on the year one here at Eldora with Outlaws other adhesives and the 30 year old will move off to the main event tonight the triple X race car for shark racing and he will start no worse than position number six in the redraw later that one started off a little rough but it ended up working out well as Logan shoehart good run last night started on the bolt didn't get the win in that pre-win like he'd hope it still came away with the top five I'm working on getting his gloves off it's a little humid out here tonight the sweat factor is real as Logan shoehart the winner TJ forged heat race number two pulls off the helmet Logan the first heat race the first day and he's got a little bit of fluid in here he's got a lot of fluid what is going wrong under the hood at this number one uh I'd say we got a bad power steering leak guys I don't know I couldn't see crap the last couple laughs but I felt like Rico was probably close to me I don't know how far out front we were but um there's a handful of the last couple laps couldn't couldn't see and it got oil all over my gloves well he's got a lot of work we're gonna let him get back to the bit area Luke and shoehart couldn't even slow him down and guard number one as as oil all over that cockpit man if you don't think these guys battle adversity uh I don't think I couldn't do it in a perfect situation he had a lot to overcome there guys amazing able to hold on to that Logan two aren't going to be in the redrop top six starting spots TJ Ford T race number three on the track next on the pull from Watertown Connecticut the Houston Speedway Jacksonville High Performance superkins number two is David gravel starting second from Hanover Pennsylvania the Pell's Tire Service low E insulation Goofy's Eatery and Pub shark racing number one a Jacob Allen takes back to row number two on the inside from Brisbane Queensland Australia the Toyota Racing development Roth Enterprises HR livestock Transportation 83 it's jmac James McFadden and so he's outside from Gettysburg PA into Sanders Fruit Market wakers livestock number 48 it's Danny Dietrich third out of the inside from Des Moines Iowa the HyVee Vivid RX or capacity Triax Delta Dental of Iowa number 55 T McKenna hasi starting six from Canton Illinois driving the nice energy drink Elliott's custom trailers and cars the Whistle Stop short shot Tap House number four big daddy Chris Windham your seventh starter on the field Hills from Benton Ridge Ohio to hurt his tire Ohio Logistics dnci drugs w20 it's the kid Greg Wilson at his outside we will find the JJ auto racing Riders Racing Engines Worthington Industries number 23z out of Plymouth Indiana Zane duvalls performing stack Sprint car Champion CJ Leary from Greenfield Indiana gonna start on the inside of row number five he's sponsored by b h contractors Eddie gilstrat Motors bird iupc and Factory Kane shot and starting 10. the 360 points leader at Knoxville Raceway from Waco Texas the Bush's Chicken Iron Wolf Ranch Distillery easy print CSI shocks 9R is Chase Randle inside the sixth rail at a quarter Western Australia the rbh group Monday jump Mechanical Mobile number 19 W Trent pigdon at the outside of pingdon Indy 11 in car it's Marley White out of Lindsay Oklahoma Jerry's Outdoor World at newmeister racing and Shriners children's all on the 11 in seventh the final Road side coming to us from Struthers Ohio that's going to be Cody Bova the Jazz both Excavating pro quality demolition Richardson tree SP Tech 20b and your 14th and final starter from Apollo Pennsylvania to the messiah's Motorsports Ducati of Pittsburgh diesel Property Management number 42 is silent 61 000 on that 50 50 now cheddar just about there if you're in the state of Ohio buy those tickets for sixteen thousand dollars from Ben Chilton's goal that's not too far off it's gonna be there before you know it's getting set to go TJ Forks heat race number three 10 laps the distance top three to the main [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jacob Allen to the outside shark racing represent here in the second one we'll see if he's able to do as well as the 1s car as a green comes out we're underway look down stacked up down on the inside business picking up quickly as David gravel leads him into turn number two down the back stretch Jacob Allen in Hot Pursuit battle for 30 to turn three a little chaotic here towards the tail of the field Here Comes running a race lead however down turn up three and four in a big move for Jacob Allen gets around gravel gravel keeps him side by side into one gravel takes the top spot Allen unrelenting goes down low with a 1-8 car Jacob Allen not backing down from a fight let lap one gravel tries to cut her needs him it's a drag race to the start Finish Line Jacob Allen leads last two by 13 100th of a second with gravel posing in off the turn two a rambled down into the corners we got one into the wall Diedrich does not go over constant flag comes out that was close you talk about tooting your stink whistle wow Oliver said that baby up and over for the number 48 Car all but over for Danny Dietrich on the 48. Dietrich having a strong season points wise second in points at the Grove and at Lincoln is things have kind of picked up for him lately picked up a win at sealants Grove in April then didn't win till Ohio Sprint speed week percent of my commit a gasket at Fremont the first week of June and since then a couple of wins at Lincoln Speedway three one last Saturday night he picked up the Williams Grove championship last year foreign time that was fun Racer's new news first Warehouse he's right there at Sanders Fruit Market he is Gary Kaufman The Coroner and Ben and Dylan I think the work area going to get busy again here's a replay on the big screen there's the crown replay coming up on the big screen and Danny gets in there man just looks like he hit a little bit of a hole a biked just a little bit got it upset and he goes nose into the turn one wall yeah knock the front end out of the Sanders fruit market 48. bit of a balance there but man if these rates of the speed you're looking for brutal honesty on social media Danny Dietrich on Twitter you can find it any day of the week he's going to let you know exactly what he's thinking Dylan Welch you you saw that some something to think man that didn't look like that significant but when you're in the car and it gets upset like that describe what that feeling's like Well in that instance he was kind of just a passenger you know it started to bounce and sometimes you can save those but not when you're right up against the wall like that so uh and obviously that's at the highest point of speed on the corner so uh not much he could do there and and I've I've been watching a few guys kind of go through that same spot and it's been treacherous I'm a little surprised that Danny's the first one that's really gotten tripped up kind of by himself just like that because uh there's been a couple of guys that have had some moments that have just been able to save it and continue on interesting to watch him headed down the back straightaway there at the 48 he was motioned into the tow truck driver he said go go go go go go he wanted to get back to the work area as quickly as possible he's gonna make his way to the hot pit meanwhile the whistle stopped choose cone it's gonna make its way back out to the front straightaway it's seen a lot of action so far tonight it has I don't know where the tow truck went I lost sight of it I think I think the tow truck's a little lost too he needs GPS to the fork area there we go he said one bear make the left turn as he gets right there past the kcp hauler and he'll make his way into the work area a lot of work to do in that race car in a short amount of time once it gets here that's some tight quarters through there too we talked about it last night there's front end changes about three minutes to change the front end unfortunately two given to you in the work area which my math I had public education but in my math that's your minutes shy on that oh they've got the the new front end going down there and they're going to go to work but they're probably going to need one or maybe another costume or so to have any chance to get enough time to get this one fixed as they got a lot of work to do in the two minutes has started what doesn't seem to be a lot of urgency down there well there's there's yeah there's some unhappiness but a few things so they're trying to find the tools they need it sounds like most the tools are back at the trailer and they're actually using the tools from the big game Motorsports entry for gravel he's got his War box down here and they'll go to work on it but again time is ticking away tough break for Danny Dietrich man if you gotta remember last night and qualifying in his group for the longest he was the top of the leaderboard ended up second and from there he ended up getting in out of the B main last night but I just did not have the night overall that he would have liked and tonight bad luck there just hit that hole getting into one took him into the fence and they got a lot of work to do and they're still trying to get that little broken one out of the front the front end and get the new axle and all the fun stuff with the radius rods and all that suit suitcase Jake is working over that front Wing there he was halfway one minute down one minute to go in the work area and obviously the double file restart already set with the choose cone as we talk about all the time the legendary sponsors and dirt track racing weichert's obviously a huge when weiker's livestock also this number one Cochran up in Pennsylvania over the years we've seen it on late models of course the Geisler Motorsports entry and I believe Alex free in that car now and just those companies that support racing whenever you can please support them and let you know let them know where you heard about them they're the ones that keep these cars going in circles yeah long time partner of national dirt late model Hall of Famer Lynn Geisler they're gonna finally get this old axle and assembly out but again they're gonna they're gonna need another caution to have any chance at all went unfortuner taking a look at the other axle a lot of times the teams will have an axle ready to go with the tire and wheel already on one side so you can just kind of slide it through and get things bolted in place and they're not going to make it coming to Green here two in the Bucks eight to go Jacob Allen controls the field officer to the outside on this restart trying to find speed it's going to be gravel keeping company down low the number two part D down into turn number one takes over to the top spot Jacob Shuffle back into second on the field side by side go a pair of former USAC National Sprint car champions Chris Whitman CJ Larry is Jacob Allen challenging David gravel for the top five how about this CJ Leary makes a move followers sees way into the number four spot sets he cites on running down McFadden the 83 part that's your last ticket to the big dance coming out of this heat race Jacob Allen not letting David gravel run away from him as Chase Randall throws a slide job on Chris Windham for the fifth spot with him hangs on in the turn one Randall comes right back at him yeah Randall Lane sweep on through and instantly dodged back down to the inside a little slip of the group coming out of the deuce down the back straight away from the nine car that'll allow window getting back through clear by about three bar links onto the front straightaway meanwhile up front CJ Leary's coming he is running down McFadden in the 83 car does he have enough time well it's still five make that four laps to go for gravel this time through just CJ Leary's third wing Sprint car start of the season last night with the high limit spring Car Series at Tri-City racing or Tri-City Speedway in Pontoon Beach Illinois David gravels three to go watch them down the back straight away into the court a little bit defense first formation up front Leary still is closing but it's not by much it's not by enough I don't believe getting himself one of those top three spots but not too bad of a starting spot moving into that b Main Event a little bit later on as gravel is already back through a pair to go and gravel gonna face some lap traffic Jet and this might give him a little bit of an advantage he's going to see how that big game Motorsports two car handles in that dirty air a little test of tune for him if he will as he looks at the outside hang on to 19 Car slides up across victim about to go lap down gravel easily Works through those last two cars onto the back shoot the white flag is already fluttered about this Checkered Flag out of turn number four David gravel the points out of the World of Outlaw Synergy during Sprint Car Series picks up the win and heat race number three Jacob Allen and James McFadden gonna join him in tonight's Big Show finished two TJ Ford seat race number three it looks like this 14th of the 48 teacher 13 to 19 W Trent Pigman 12-20 B Cody Boba eleven to 42 Sai Lynch 10-11 and Harley white ninth the w20 great Wilson eighth the 55 Tia McConaughey and seventh to the 23.00 they'll head to one of two sea mains six goes to the nine hour Chase Randall fifth to the fourth Chris Whitman fourth to 19 L of CJ Leary they'll head to it be main tonight Carson locking into tonight's Eldora million Main Event third to the 83 of James McFadden second to the 1ao Jacob Allen in winning tj4 seat race number three from Watertown Connecticut to Houston Speedway number two Make some noise for David gravel David gravel eight-time winner on their current World of Outlaws Knox energy drink points later one the governor's Reign here back in 20 a 52 thousand dollar payday and he used the restart to go to the lead he will be locked into the top six starting spots David you and Jacob had a heck of a battle for the lead on the restart you were able to drive to the top spot how are you able to make that happen uh luckily the juice going deal helped me out there you know him choosing the outside and I got as good a start as possible and pressured him as much as I could but he had a really good car he was really fast and uh they just who won or lost it on that start I thought so luckily we got it done David gravel one for Connecticut he moves off to the a main he'll start no worse than sixth after winning TJ Ford's heat race number three and we've off to BR Motorsports heat race number four there you go BR Motorsports heat race number four lines up like this on the inside of row number one it's the big cat Brad sweet out of Grass Valley California at an app Auto Parts fuel me curb records number 49 and so he's outside we'll find Fresno California's Geo sellsey and the Aspen air Royal flooring Logan contractors number 18. second row to the inside from Lockport Ohio the Ohio hitting Helms construction Motor City Auto Transport Craftsman Powersports number 22 is Cole Duncan starting fourth from St Mary's New South Wales Australia the TK concrete Maxim Trucking Logan contractor supplies zip bonds Smokers Choice Cigar Room of Brownsburg Indiana number 55 the madman Kerry Madsen it's going to be the capital Renegade course banquet beer Henry's wrecker service number 91 out in Neptune City New Jersey Cal Reinhardt rolling off on the inside of the third row and so he's outside is the race around the Gold Coast Queensland Australia the dirty air Ike's performance clay preview number 25 it's Lockheed McHugh fourth row to the inside from Holmesville Ohio the Sim Cox grinding and steal Amanda J Lewis attorney at law Jack vitamins and minerals number 81 is Lee Jacobs starting on the eighth spot coming to us from Enumclaw Washington the caravan trailers fuel me curb records team ASE number nine Casey Kane sounds yet Brock's earphos rolls off on the inside of row number five and a heavy equipment loader support c d ranking damski Trucking number three Z car and to he's outside we will find the racer out of Fredericktown Ohio Integrity Auto Sales I'm sorry Integrity Auto and Truck Sales velocity Brick Company mules hauling and Excavating number four TS of the Buckeye tornado it's Tyler streets sixth round to the inside from Waterville Ohio the control design Solutions Banshee Graphics Tire slick complete collision services number five TS Travis Buy Low starting 12 from West Jefferson Ohio and the four Timber skagpower pine tree Towing 11c Cory Crabtree Dan slave to be your final two cars cars on the field it's going to be Michael Miller out of Bremerton Washington the Goofy's Eatery and Spirits Glenville station and in a scratch on the field tonight out of Sandusky Ohio Chris Andrews was slave to roll off that 15 c car on the outside that final Rowan fortunately not able to make the call here tonight that'll do it that's your lineup for br Motorsports heat race number four see on the big screen there Chet the 17 of Sheldon hot Shield looks to be ready to roll Kyle Ripper going to the left rear there crew chief on the 17. and I got Danny dietrich's car rolling again as well but obviously both those drivers oh man quite the hole they dug here tonight and Ben if you look to the back of the trailer on the uh standing on the gate there Lauren Albano from not Synergy drink big tip of the Captain Lawrence she does so much for Sprint car racing so many teams and events sponsored so great to see Lauren out here for a big weekend of racing at Eldora yeah Nas has been a game changer for dirt track racing it really has a lot to support it and again support them whenever you can as man Shelton heinshield last night dominating win in his heat raised he didn't have quite the finish of the feature he would have liked tough tough luck here tonight beautiful winners performance grown shot Dara shout outs Winner's performance from helping us out make it all possible the field around get them all tucked up tightened up behind the Ford Raptor pay strut brand sweet Giovanni salsi on that front row Gio makes his way up through for the number 18 car so one to go from the starter stand this time out of turn number four again ten laps top three to the eight-man events there's a question that came in they said is there a way that there's going to be a tie and well no because now we're on positions so there's points lined us up to get to this point from here forward or well from the heat races forward it's all racing all the time and even when we had the points it was your qualifying time was the tiebreaker and we did have some questions on 60 laps that is for every event amen B main c main heat race qualifying every event 60 laps 60 laps of qualifying to be a little rough that would be but green and yellow laps combined every every race so they are told loaded up with fuel it's a brad sweet down on the inside Seth bringing this field to life selzy sit to the outside we're underway a little split formation three wide back in the field Here Comes McHugh oh Kerry Matson into the wall and on his side and upside down goes the matinee yeah unfortunately a little hot down into the corner for the number 55 Karen got into it a little bit of content got her capsized you hear guys talk about it so often if you get a Sprint car into the wall let's put the right rear a lot of times it'll bring that right run around and bring and get you into the lawn at that point you're along for the ride Gary Madsen out of the Tony and Jen Vermeer on 55. and then you talked about it earlier talking with his crew chief Clinton Boyle stuff kind of the emotions of Carrie Madsen this week here at Eldora yeah I mean everybody's intense and and hey man they call him the madman he is always intense with what he does and that's why he's been very successful not just here in the States but obviously back home in Australia former Knoxville Raceway track Champion with guy forbrook and gonna be making return to that car for the Knoxville Nationals we'll go to the crown replay to see exactly what happened to the madman down in turn one and let's see Carrie got high and oh he kind of hit one of the bumps and at that point it just kind of shot him into the wall yeah and I looked at Dylan and we were doing well Center we agree man it was the the same hole that bit Dietrich down there if you get it it's gonna send you in there if you can get around it it's fast but once you get into that cushion Dylan there's just no steering out of it at that at that speed that close to the wall correct you just don't you don't have much room for air I think that's the biggest thing is that you know a lot of times you maybe have have a little bit of leeway and you can drive out of something like that but when you're right up on the wall and the cushion is is kind of fluffy and and packed in and the wall is right there too if you don't hit it right that's the outcome every single time so it's a lesson to these guys in these later heat races now that we've had uh what is this two heat races in a row where somebody's gone down into there and hit that same exact hole so don't do that if you're the guys in uh in this race and he raced five and six too but on the flip side these starts appear on the outside if you don't oh you're gonna lose four or five spots there's a chance you're not going to get them back well and I think and so I think the thing too is I guess just being aware that it's there and then you adjust the angle of how you get through it because obviously you got to be up in the cushion and that's where the hole is and sometimes you just got to drive through the holes but you got to be aware of where they are and how to set your car up to get through it the best so uh easier said than done but it stripped a couple of really really good guys up here your Vermeer team has got the space top Wing they've got the spare front Wing we were going through a lot of wings here so far in these heat races and I think about every single one so far we've had somebody that's had to replace uh replace them both and they'll keep in mind they're the ones that change that front end yesterday in the work area and they're gonna have oh yeah now they got the wings too so they you know they always got at least they've got practice with the front end change yeah the good news is they get ready to Fab for the second half of the Season these guys are heading down to an art when they're in the shop they won't know how to act and Flint boys down here with the impact wrench waiting on it to get the nose Wing ready to go right out of the gate and the car is making its way into the work area clock will be starting momentarily and here's so here's Chet's Point earlier about the the spare front end it's already kind of prepared it's got the I believe that's the right front already on it so they'll just take the front end out and then just slide that whole assembly right in there it speeds up the replacement process uh infinitely and just makes it a little bit easier a little bit less uh that you've got to bolt on once you get the actual axle and radius rods and things put into place and they also just pulled about three pounds of Eldora Speedway out of that right front where that car dug in when he got up into the wall so yeah they're gonna go to work on it we're gonna get the front end out nose wing damage obviously top Wings gonna have to be replaced and I got to think as good as these guys did last night they're going to need what they had last night where they got a caution that gave them a chance to get back out and a big tip of the cap down there he's on the left front the sunglasses on it set up on the big screen Logan McCandless from the McCandless team I think he's been in the work area every single time tonight I've seen him in every single car so that's pretty cool and you you mentioned Kerry's prowess overseas he's a four-time Australian Sprint car Champion which that's a race that they have over there to Crown the champion at the end of the season and it moves every year it moves to a different Australian state every year so that's pretty cool and he was the World Series Sprint car champion in 0203 also picked up a three-time water bowl classic winner as well over there another big race that's their Knoxville National Kings Royal per se the highest paying race in Sprint car racing over there takes place at the end of January my favorite Carrie Manson facto is he has actually has career highlights from four different countries it's insane yeah he was born in New Zealand but then moved to Australia at a very very young age and then here to America he's been in America since the early 90s and very successfully 360 Nationals win at Knoxville Raceway a couple of years ago and some great runs at the Knoxville Nationals of course the highlight of his career the king's Royal here in 2014. you know guys looking at some notes getting ready for this weekend one thing and I think sometimes you forget you think about all the success that Kyle Larson's had with Paul Silva but you know you remember Saint Stewart won the 360 Nationals four times in a row with Paul Silva he wanted five overall but four of them came with Silva and Paul Silva's been part of a lot of driver's successes over the years and they're trying to pick up a million dollars here tonight and then the way that Paul and Shane won racist those couple of years with ASCS I mean that you talk about a shoestring budget that was a shoestring budget if you've ever seen one well even they roll in here they're not rolling in here in an 18-wheeler you know they they come in and they they bring what they need to I kind of compare it to what you see with rumbling Motorsports on the late models that Kevin runley they roll in with one car you know and they got a they got a box trailer and they make do and they kick butt a lot of nights my favorite part about that those they bought the Crites racing the the famous hauler and we're going to build a holler out of it I think it's still going to be refurbished in that but uh that's the that's the other hard I'd like to see him traveling to that and you did a cool piece on that a couple of years ago maybe 2021 2020-ish yeah yeah it should be up on Flow racing if you look up there I did a tour down at the shop and uh we showed that holler that was uh very famous in the Central PA area look look on the big screen there he is Paul Silva I think I can tell you right now he doesn't like to be on camera no he does not he does not like to talk I think Ben the best comparison or the best think I've ever heard about Paula how good he is at stretching things and making things work if someone once told me Paul Silva can stretch a dime to a dollar I mean the guy just knows how to make things go and knows how to do it the right way our owners if he can do that then he can turn one a million into 10 million here tonight let's go we could all get no taste of that one let's go well guys they're getting the front end back in they get the nose Wing going on but they're showing them one to go if they can get another caution I think they can get back out there but otherwise not gonna be any luck for Carrie Madison here tonight last night he got that lucky break we'll see if he can get it again don't forget 77.5 let's go 87.5 I'm greedy now guys at this point let's get the six figures then we'll give it to Silver then it becomes a million exactly it's as easy as that well complete restart coming officer number four Brad sweet Giovanni selzy and we are underway at E4 another good drag race coming off the front row down in Turner boy to two sweet down on the inside slides up tries to take the wind out of the sails and sells he sells he quick to look down to the inside not gonna be able to challenge for that top spot into three Cole Duncan in the third spot the small family owned operation out of Southern Ohio his father Rodney wrenching on the car this would be huge for them locky McHugh takes the fourth spot from Kyle Reinhardt McHugh came out onto the racetrack he is here to do battle with the 25 car had a great start initially on this one before the red flag came out now he's got himself thrombled up in Hot Pursuit to pull down to that 22 car I don't know if you have Partners Carson is here but he's pacing more than anybody in Ohio right now with Cole Duncan running in that third and final transfer spot Reinhardt going back at McEwen Here Comes Crocs here Foster the 3-z yeah trying to run down to 91 to Reinhart lost just ahead Capital Custom Trailers hot rod working that top shell break to the outside that divot getting into turn number one he kind of found a fast way to get through there and brings a lot of speed onto the back shoot now looks down to the inside trying to make a run on the 25. Brad sweet a two-time Troy a winner Paces the field as we close on halfway Giovanni sells he's still second with Cole Duncan running third Rick Monroe cross him up five down and five to go and Heat number four interesting to watch sweet get down into turn number three turn number one and two he's riding a rim all the way around turn number three kind of slides himself on entrance down there to carry speed onto the front shoot I say that this time he makes a liar out of him he stays on the high side and turn number three and four but sweet still plenty fast to maintain B1 traffic going to play a role in this one for the big cats as lucky McHugh continues to try to close in on Cole Duncan not having much luck as Brad speak sets the pace battle for the thick spot down the back stretch into turn three Brock's your boss continued to close in on Kyle Reinhardt well it looks like he was going to make a move that time that's not Casey's trailing by bound four car Likes down in Turner boy to two but here Foss is way smoother in turn one he's got that line figured out big time as we'll take him across now with two laps to go Reinhardt has fifth searfoss wants it there's laps flying down with a pair to go into turn number three off to Number Four The White Flag flies one to go for the big cab yeah sweet down to the Cross sells he watching on for P2 Trails by about well a little over a second down into that end of the racetrack meanwhile third in the hands of the 22 of Cole Duncan not challenged by Lockheed mchughes Here Comes The Checkered Flag out of four Brad sweet gonna win heat race number four Giovanni sells his second and cold Duncan gonna lock into tonight's Amy those three cars lock into the Eldora million [Music] the 55 of Kerry Madison 12 through the 11th sea of Corey Crabtree 11th of the 23 I'm a Michael Millard 10 to the nine of Casey Kane ninth of the 40th to Tyler Street eighth of the five tier Travis Philo and seventh to the 81 Elite Jacobs those guys will head to tonight's seamane cars locked in tonight's B main six goes to the 3-0 broxier Foss fifth of the 91 of Kyle Reinhardt fourth of the 25 of Blocky McHugh top three cars heading to tonight's Eldora million Main Event third at the 22 a cold Duncan second to the 18 and Giovanni selzi and picking up the win and he raced number four from green or from Grass Valley Missouri driving to Napa Casey or Napa number 49 how about a round of applause for the Mickey cat Brad sweet and Dylan Welch the Big Cat Knows big events here at King's Royal he certainly does two-time King's Royal winner and picked up his sixth Eldora win last night here in one of our features so car looked pretty good last night you feel like it's just as strong here in this heat race and and tonight yeah car feels good um yeah we've we're not changing much from last night so it's either gonna uh play out in our favor or not 50 long laps uh just excited to be racing for a million bucks all right that's Brad sweet heat race number four winner Blake Brad sweet picked up 50 Grand at the 2013 Kings Royal 2019 picked up 175 thousand dollars in tonight into the redraw for the pull of the million check chrisner the next Heat race about to roll onto the racetrack heat race number five on the pole from Elk Grove California piloting the Findlay Farms jbi group Wilkins brothers trucking flowracing number 57 Young Money Kyle Larson starting second from Higginsville Missouri the Casey's MVP Andy's Frozen Custard impact science number 21 Blackjack Brian brown row number two on the inside Fairland Indiana runs against evading Precision overhead garage doors number 49 exit kale Thomas at his outsides good of their racer hailing from Lebanon Indiana through Timber Cambo rothko Tech going outdoor gear nice Crete and land is blocking concrete number five is Spencer based in third round of the inside from Sapulpa Oklahoma the drive Smiley's Racing Products Glenn Styers racing CSR garage number 52 is Blake on starting sixth from Bixby Oklahoma the Indy race Sports dkw transport Charlie Garrett Racing Engines number 71 Shane Stewart It's the North Pole nightmare rolling off on the inside of row number four in the Anderson's pure maple syrup gibbsville cheese season CK contractors number 17b Billy balog out of Heartland Wisconsin Jay hickle driving the Ardent racing Windsor Construction Company Sugar Street Bar and Grill hers Precision products McIntyre Retirement Services number 97 14 cars for 10 laps top three to the a fourth fifth and sixth of the B and seventh on back head to the C two one two three four one [Music] we'll have out and we'll have more fun baby all the way down the line you've got money honey I've got the time there ain't no need no near it let's start out tonight bring along your Cadillac leave my old record behind God's money money I've got the time all right well stack it up heat race number five BR Motorsports heat race number five behind the Ford Raptor Pace truck and uh just about out of heat races we are five of six oh sorry go ahead performance drum can gets the coolest shots it does it's awesome so notice the tail back through the field one to go from the starter stand green flag the next time by Kyle Larson sitting down on the inside we talked about this he talked about this it's been on Flow racing onto segments and that but Larson one of the few if not the only driver out here that has won a million to Win race in the past whether or not that takes pressure off of him he said he feels like it does give him a slight advantage Jonathan Davenport in the house tonight as a race fan we'll have him on the broadcast later on this evening yeah don't look now he's got Matt Langston from Longhorn with him the late model world look out they're here guys they're thinking about going Sprint car racing aren't they I know rtj definitely wanted to Longhorn Building sprint cars 2024. here we go Kyle Larson Brian Brown heat racing number five snails pay so they're on the hamburger looking around the outside had bad luck last night unfortunately for the driver of the 71 cars trying to get her up to speed meanwhile down the back straightaway it's gonna be Kyle Larson bringing around here for lap number one challenge for P2 Thomas might be able to challenge that's not in case he was left by the way he's not his bed he comes up attacked off the ground he was waiting for it he maintained a momentum down into three and four Kyle Larson starts to pull away from the rest of the pack he's pushed that lead over a second from Brian Brown and Spencer Mason play Pond challenging Shane Stewart for Fifth and turn two yeah the game's a foot out of the turn number two and down the back straight away no doubt about it deep into the quarter for the number 52 car Stuart slides himself up off the bottom goes to the high side for the number 71 guard both of those cars however are not closing on hail Thomas 49x maintains that distance working at Fourth position on the track big run by blakecon the two-time afcs Nationals per car Champion trying to close in on another former afcs Nationals champion and Shane Stewart and blakecon just kind of working his line around here for the number 52 car speeds down the back straight away and voters his way into turn number three stores that time stays up high for the number 71 carminole up front your race leaders encountered lap traffic Kyle Larson trying to shoot past Frank Rogers who runs up on the high side and now through the middle of the racetrack Carson slides him he's got clear dance floor in front of him with three laps to go yeah just a few laps remaining for Kyle Larson has pulled out a 1.7 second advantage over the 21 to Brian brown brown down into turn number three Works around Rogers as well as he'll slide up across the racetrack meanwhile based and trying to use that to his Advantage for the number five car based in throws the slider on the left arm moves on by Gail Thomas still in the fourth spot Shane Stewart Fifth and right now Blake on six headed to the B main as this time by the white flight flies one to go one final void to Velocity around Eldora Speedway for that number 57 car out front a little bit of lap traffic lies ahead as he raised into turn number three Larson rolls through lap traffic and Kyle Larson will win Heat number five Brian Brown and Spencer Mason join him in tonight's El Dora Millions main event [Music] so be our Motorsports heat race number five comes to a conclusion they pick up that checkered flag and head on through Frank Rogers will finish out 13th on the field J.J hickle 12. Cody moroski is 11th scholar G 10th great Kinser ninth eighth is Bill balog Lance Luis is 7-6 blakecon fifth chain Stewart fourth kale Thomas finishing out third Spencer based and Brian Brown goes second and picking up the win in VR Motorsports heat race number five how about it Young Money Cal Larson she may be been good luck here voice of the high limit Sprint Car Series with Tony bakoven in the last two heat races have gone to the two guys that own high limits Sprint Car Series I was just getting ready to say that you took the words right out of my mouth I apologize still been a uh been a good day for the bosses as it were and Kyle Larson who's won in just about everything he's driven here at the Eldora Speedway on his way to setting himself up for potentially a million dollar victory tonight with the heat race five victory in dominating fashion getting the helmet off get the headstock off what'd you like about what your race car did there I felt really good in clean air I think that's the first time I've been in clean air really uh so far this week so yeah I felt good um I don't know how big the lead was there or anything but I feel like I put together some decent laps but um it's nerve-wracking starting next to Brown and a half mile is his car always takes off so good so I was uh really nervous but uh thankfully this router engine you know took off well enough to beat him into turn one there so um give that to potentially a big spot you know first and second that heat so uh good to get the win and um you know pray for a good draw here and you know get out and lead some laps yeah it's Kyle Larson race five winner and he brings up a good point those positions one and two the difference between starting potentially uh inside the first three rows or rows four five and six so you got the opportunity to win these heat races you got to take it now to take it indeed is we'll put that one into the books take us in to be our Motorsports heat race number six and on the inside of row number one out of Clute Texas to the virtual Edge Ridge Development folk Brothers tracking number eight it's Aaron Aaron Reichel rolling from the pole and to the outside will be The Driver out of Fargo North Dakota into Carquest Fort performance Saint troop curb records number 15. it's Donnie shots second row to the inside from Kokomo Indiana the Chopsticks epoxico Elite Wings high performance lubricants Hills racing number nine P the law firm Parker price Miller and starting fourth boy did Brad Alexander and Stephen hamriel earn their paychecks yesterday keeping this car rolling from Visalia California the high plains Building Division mobile one Lubbock Record Service Wilson record service number 11 of Corey Eliason Owosso Oklahoma's Darren Pittman rolls off the Ally Valvoline XYZ Machining number 55 P backing at number five starting spot and your six starter on the field hails from Angola Indiana Sun dollar restoration race routine Foundation TNC Power Sports number 26 is zip wise four throw no at gas scheduled to start on the inside Runner for he is a scratch so Paige polyak will start on the inside row number four from tip in Ohio and Kaiser Farms General equipment 315 weatherworks CMT number 19 p and starting on the outside of row number four from Bradenton Florida the tuba towels Amberly motor oil Moon dagger tattoo National pediatric Cancer Foundation number two MD Conor Morrell somebody else that's looking for Redemption from last night is gonna be the drive round of Columbia Missouri that is Garrett Williamson starting to the inside of Road number five Fisher Rod Body Shop impact signs on his wraps glinder Glenville Repair Inc sponsors on the 24w car and so he's outside we'll find the racer out of York Pennsylvania Newman's Racing Engines Bells Tire Service number one M of Landon Myers final row Sixth and final row to the inside from Clarion Pennsylvania now calling 84 Pennsylvania home will be Michael Bauer and the mobile Bail Bonds Wildwood Collision the barrier family SP Technologies Knox Raceway number 46 and final starter from lyleville New York that'll be Denny Peebles of the Westford painting Tioga construction Empire Dodge Chrysler Jeep Logan's equipment number three you get a good look at the Eldora Pond there off turn number four and we had a piece on Flow racing at that pond the house that Hewlett built the house of Hewitt and Jack is here with us tonight Dave argerbright's here with him they got his book for sale you can get his book he was signing autographs earlier on but you could talk to Jack oh look at the big screen chat Just Married up on the wall congratulations how about that that's awesome I loved watching that piece on Jack because I loved watching Jack give our own Tyler Burnett a hard time for the better part of a half hour Jack gives everybody a hard time but in a good way it's like hitting a hard time from Jackie beautiful sunset wow what a day and we talked about that you know uh coming into this week the weather did not look good for the Eldora million and lo and behold look at this the heavens shine down upon us and we are good to go here tonight but uh man we thank and appreciate each and every one of you coming out here and joining us at Eldora Speedway a phenomenal weekend on tap the Kings Royals coming up the night before the Kings Row a two million dollar week here at Eldora Speedway incredible we'll talk a little bit more as we get closer to the main event about some of the history we're making tonight look at 50 50. 71 474 so they won't sell for a ton longer maybe another hour at the most so get those tickets now if you're in the state of Ohio watching on Flow racing or if you're in the grandstands and you've got friends and family back home let them know they can buy tickets if they're inside the state of Ohio so if you're in you're in Athens Ohio or you're Cleveland Ohio Dayton Ohio Toledo Ohio you can buy or Columbus but not if you're in Athens Greece but not if you're in Athens Greece no 71 000 can you imagine going to see The Eldora million and then driving home with 71 512 dollars it's gonna be more than that yeah we're gonna keep it climbing but on the grounds get those 50 50 tickets you saw the video earlier about all some of the stuff that that 50 50 money goes to locally and then the Tony Stewart Foundation does so much with animals with that money as well enough behind the quarter after base truck final Heat chat after this sixth heat race our third place cars will go to the stage and drop their starting positions so we'll have our first of three draws so that'll be we'll know where six cars are starting how about that and then after the c main our second place cars will draw there you go and then after the B Main our winners boom so a lot of redraws happening here and set us up for the Eldora million tonight getting that race 50 laps the distance we're gonna bring around here one more time should see one to go from the starter stand this time out of turn number four Aaron writes will sit down on the inside of row number one he a former Ohio Sprint speed week an All-Star champ yes three-time All-Star Champion a former ASCS sprint car champion and second in points last year at Knoxville Raceway and Aaron having a strong season already seven wins this year don't you talk about the Australian drivers that win in Australian come over the U.S and win he wins in the U.S went over to Australia and won as he won in uh Australian World Series over in Toowoomba I announced that race I was over there for his win at Toowoomba I just like saying that name I do too and it's a cool race track I enjoyed my time over there about to pick up the pace down into turn number three and four comes the field Rachel down the inside shots to the outside green flag is up and we're underway then move down on the inside for Pittman into 55. look out they come together and how about that Corey Elias said into a transfer spot and said wise goes after Darren Pittman for fourth now why is it a battle for the lead Donnie shots goes to slider shot Fleet slap one and gets around the front of the number eight guard that'll Shuffle right until back in the second on field he'll ride the wall on the entrance down there to turn number one and hustle down the back shoot reitzel not one to back down from a fight Texan puts his Spurs on his boots and digs in he'll walk through the north dakotan of Donnie's shot shots continuing to control the fields right to go second Elias and third and Zeb wise trying to close in in four Lloyd wrightsell took a pretty good shot at shots that last time now turn number four to no avail however Donnie just kind of wrote it out and drives off into the distance meanwhile back behind Eliason hoped out B3 looking for a good finish in his he raced however Zeb wise who has been hot to Tron of late is slowly trying to reel him in 23 of the last 25 races that wise has been inside the top ten the last two of them though he's had to pass more than 12 cars to call his way to his finishing position trying to close in on Corey Eliason yes and since he just wants to pass one part that's the 11th guard lies just hit that'll get him into the feature event now to the B main as we are at the halfway point halfway through that time by five in the books five to go Donnie shot the guy that you some say maybe struggled this year but I said coming into this race it would not be a surprise to see Donnie contain and he gets up in the seat the big money on the line shots the Knoxville Nationals winner a year ago setting the pace and he's got himself still out in front of the number eight card down the back straight away works the outside a little bit of lap traffic it'll be getting people's going to lap down to your race later he brings it out turn number four and across for lap number next Meanwhile Back God is still right sold second Andy 11 car lies and still maintaining a slight advantage over ziploise trying to close it Corey Eliason wow you think that guy got upside down in his ear he said I had to go and somehow through a heat race tonight could potentially walk into the Eldora million Main Event out of a heat race with the pair to go down into turn number one and two I keep my eye on Zeb wise that's going to be your battle shaving up when this is all said done forget about Donnie shots although he just got mired Beyond lap traffic team up stuck to the back of Michael Bauer in the 46 cards able to clear him down the inside that allows right so to clear it just her bid her closed down onto 15s we got one into the wall heady race leader oh man up not quite well sort of in a precarious spot oh gonna throw the red just in case Conor Morrell there on his side rearing completely knocked out of the left rear off and that's how it's going to sit in that odd spot you can see it on the big screen those of you on Flow racing have a great view the left rear knocked off with the car leaning on that left rear but Conor moving around I see him waving to The Eldora Speedway safety crew how about a big round of applause for that safety crew they've been busy tonight they do such a fantastic job Conor Morrell driving for car owner Mark Daly out of Charlotte North Carolina Connor a rookie this year with the tezo's All-Star Circuit of Champions presented by mobile one and been running the high limit Sprint Car Series as well in that 2md they got a new scheme for The Eldora million normally red and black he's got the old tub of towels it does they're a big partner of that team long time partner Connor Morrell coming up through 360. hey guys yep uh we're gonna get out of Martz here uh yeah oh when in Rome big money on the line what do you think here is it us we've made it yeah we did I love it we're moving up in the in the world I wish I had this one pretty good I feel like we're in Dumb and Dumber three right now [Laughter] I don't know if Savannah found them uh Savannah Moran where did you find these I'm a big online Shopper so somewhere online I'm not for sure is this Devin moranz is this your brother's yeah all the short stuff I get from him wait a minute short stuff what's that supposed to mean if it's Dylan he's normal height there we go guys we're having a good time here tonight it's a break for Connor Morrell there but hey when you're giving out big money you gotta you gotta look the part right Ben Savannah probably one of the few people you could say been to in a roundabout way all Renditions of the million oh yes she was at Victory Lane sort of yeah you were here for the million that your dad won in a sense you were down here in Victory Lane when Donnie won right uh yeah I just wasn't really out here breathing living by myself I was still in the stomach my mother but so you're free loading still that's what you're saying okay uh were you here when Jack hot and shield won the Mopar million I was not a part of that all right boy we tried she was definitely here when Jonathan Davenport won JD would have worn one of these two by the way Dylan he would have worn out a lot better than we did but all right well we're gonna be rocking it here tonight it's a little warm down here but that's okay final heat racing right now what about Donny shots Dylan looking strong in the 15 car he is looking good and Donnie always shows up when there's big money on the line we know that much about him so he's in a uh in a prime position here to set himself up to go for the big bucks a little bit later tonight guys is indeed you know and it's fun to watch him get around a racetrack and I've noticed this in the past watching down evolution of the World of Outlaws racing down there and was watching Donny shots and and obviously I'm going to make an obvious statement here but it's something to witness if you get a chance to watch him when you're in the infield his car control is impeccable just his throttle control his car control he puts the car where he wants it he's all he seems to be under control it's a 15 car and uh it's just really something to witness up close I mean you can see it from up here in the stands you can see it on the screen but to see it up close from down the infield where you're staying right against the track just blows your mind well and watching Donnie Sharon okay and uh you know the thing was a lot of people you know talking about Donnie having it down you're whatever they did that last year and what did he do he got his 11th Knoxville Nationals title and tonight he's going after a career payday a million plus talk about numbers five time King's Royal winner A six-time Williams Grove National Open winner
Channel: FloRacing
Views: 566,426
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Keywords: eldora million, eldora speedway, floracing, dirt racing, sprint car racing, live sports, live racing, tony stewart
Id: rcXaUCx4BDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 30sec (10770 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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