Live Editing Sessions - Capture One - 5th November 2020
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Paul Reiffer
Views: 5,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Capture One, Capture, One, Post Processing, Editing, Phase One, Capture One Pro, Live, Examples, Training, Learn, Lessons, RAW, Photo Editing, How To, Guide, Competition, Win, License, Variants, Clarity, HDR, Tools, Effect, Filter, GND, Neutral Density, Graduated, Masks, Natural, Histogram, Processing, Gradient, Support, 20.1, Features, Q&A, Lens, Edit, Crop, Levels, Adjustments, Contrast, B&W, Colour Mask, Color, High ISO, Noise, Reduction, Clone, Heal, Keystone, Black and White, City, Convert, Night, Light, 21, v21, Upgrade, Update
Id: zirtcKE49u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 3sec (3723 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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