Live Class - CCNP/CCIE Collaboration v2.0 - Call Routing via CUBE

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the one of the first thing that I must do is create a loopback address so let me see if no sono loopback address has been created so I will go to configure T look-back zero and assign and loopback address that come and you don't really have to type it for yourself but I just got used to it alright so this is a loopback address that we need on that router because one of the requirement is that all your sip traffic has to bind from that address has to source from that network we also have to make sure that we can ping that address so let's try pinging it what law everything is good it's not registration of your phone which is already should be done on the backbone so for those who are you have access to the backbone you should see that I have all the phones are registered there right there and using my phone wizard I'm going to change this to port for the last one so now I will open my phone eight okay alright so there you go my part for PSTN phone is live and registered well good Niraj Indian missing Ally oh yes okay so on part 4 I should have phone do we have any phone registered so we should have couple of phones right there okay so she has a lot of phones so let's see which one we're going to use let the do that let's say yes okay okay so HQ phone 1 sounds good ah perfect alright so one of the tasks it will ask you is class of service okay this is your partitions calling search space stuff like that so we were required to create them so go to class of control partition okay add new PT h q9 1 1 this is this is for HQ 9 1 1 calls et HQ local this is for local calls in HQ so you got the point right PT HQ l d PT international those international we need one for internal we need one for tato you know one for called huh these are some of the thing that I gave you that needs to be done so copy them because we have centralized for site seed replace H cube with side C so now I have our parents for site C as well okay so the first set is for HQ second set of these are for Site C ok save now I will not do all of them I'm just gonna show you one or two to make sure you understand okay so site HQ employee and mile HQ employee and HQ manageable executed some sort of problem yes this is something new error Authority okay so he got partitions done so I'll create two columns or space one for employee one for executive so employee can only dial certain calling search space HQ employee and HQ employee and online on one internal and local Tejo local save because executors will have all those plus more I can just impulse a copy which will contain everything we already have changed his name to executive and then add what is it International and long-distance write the two additional so employee can only die a local call along a local call internal and nine on one privilege yeah right now once I have created calling search space I will go to my phone and apply them so HQ phone let's actually make this guy site HQ want to I'll make the phone to executive phone one employee so I'll put phone to into executed calling search space I will change the extension to 0 0 2 h HQ phone to remember site b phone is going to be registered to site big cluster right [Music] okay okay we're not focusing on too much of it already called II won a globalized number oh yeah yeah now all these phone that you see right here I'm gonna put them in the internal partition internal partition so that they can they are protected meaning only certain people can dial them if they have the privilege to dial this one same thing I will apply that to internal however for 2001 and which is the employee I'm gonna plant the calling search space for that into their line level see the previous phone I applied it on a device level you only apply the calling search space to device level it applies to all the line if you have line 1 line 2 line 3 that calling search space will get applied to all the line whereas if I apply the line level that such as in this scenario it will only apply if you make that call from that particular line line 1 if you choose line two the privilege of this calling search space will not be applied to you okay so we will save that okay I'll keep this much just keep an eye on the chat and let me know if anybody asks any questions alright I'll keep the chat window because so I couldn't give space huh oh yeah so we're going to go to the second phone and make sure the partition apply to the second executive forum which is right here bump right there so at this stage actually you know what let me show you something let me remove the partition for now let me show you something and also that we remove the calling source page from the executive for the time being okay so right now I got only one phone on partition and calling search space other one is quite open which is the executive one so to make life cleaner for this scenario sorry Jane you're gonna have to react those phone yourself later - too messy there you go see clean now I know she is gonna be upset about about that but that's fine it's not it won't be the first time it won't be the first time I have experienced for 14 years 12 years of training all right so I'm going to go in and register my this - phone so the call manager phone one call manager 1414 64 the MAC address will be this the phone type will be 79-65 okay so I got both of this phone 1 1 1 2 so you guys are able to hear me right Union Niraj are good okay so you can see that both phones are registered yeah all right so phone one which is right here does not have the correct does not have the correct external phone number mask so I will go right here and change this so that matches our pod ok 1 4 0 8 2 0 4 2 X X X and when I reset that both phones should have the correct mask Rosina see this number right there that's what the external phone number must does ok displays the name alright so let's see who can call who so two thousand one one ringing no problem two thousand two rows your call cannot be completed your call cannot be completed your directory and colleges so 2001 can dial 2002 but not the other way around so 2001 happens to be the CEO ok so imagine 2001 is a CEO who because your call cannot be completed as dialed please can talk because of this again or digits your operator for assistance maybe they're recording so what do I need on form two for this calls to work I need a CSS applied to it so if you take a look at your class of control calling search space I have a CSS both CSS has the internal partition see that so you go to the phone phone - and I'm going to apply that to device level which will apply all the line the phone might have so now I will read aisle okay so he has to reset it redial redial from here so everybody is happy they're all able to doll each other so this is what the partition and calling search space is doing giving you privileged who can doll okay moving forward so you will have to do this for a quite a bit of phones so I will leave that up to you to finish that now we'll jump to trunky so it says that we must configure okay we must configure SIP trunk let me open my topology so we must configure SIP trunk between this call manager with our cube router right we must configure SIP trunk between this with the backbone so this is sip and this is safe we must configure SIP trunk between this call manager to this okay so what we're going to do with this when HQ wants to dial sites be phone so in HQ dials okay three zero zero one that call will go via the gateway to this we are the cube rudder to the edge site be call manager so that would be one of our tasks and any 911 call all these numbers the call will go from HQ to the cube cube to the PSTN any inbound call call will come in this direction okay so I'm gonna do one of each step-by-step so the first one I'm going to tackle is calling between my HQ side and my call manager side a side b side b and HQ between them three four digit darling okay i'm going to allow my HQ phone right here to dial this phone across this pad right I mean you don't really have to care don't worry about whether the cloud is an MPLS PSTN or blackbox all you care that can I ping from HQ side to side B as long as the IP connectivity is there whatever it goes through is not our none of our business it can go through MPLS network can go through VPN can go through satellite can go to muna like here so for good well then what we're trying to achieve in yen Niraj okay perfect alright so first step this tells me that I must configure my HQ router as a cue okay and I know I must allow these permissions so there are off so first thing first I have the loopback down I'm going to go to config T voice service void I'm going to type IP address trusted list these are the IP address that I will trust now I could be a lazy and I put everything in one statement that will cover everything that means wild card okay but if I want to be more specific I can say okay this is what it's allowed this is site B call manager first to our HQ publisher and subscriber second one was site B call manager and what else backbone what else sorry this is the cube configurations yeah for 64 to 54 now you might be asking why am i creating one for each router because although we're not going to be covering those dial plan in this class but I will be adding more complex dial plan for this course and then once I have a video and I'll send it to you guys or you can go you can download it so that part it's not going to be ready for at least another month alright so these are the IP address that should be allowed so for good alright next thing I'm going to do so I'm going to say no what do not authenticate these IP address so no IP address trust it so who whichever IP address is trusted do not authenticate that okay oh wise routers is trying to authenticate them so ask you that if you disable this then this will be prevent can cause toll fraud which is fine now because the cube router should have permission to dial receive sip connection send sip connection out so both inbound and outbound should be safe so we must allow that [Music] so we must say allow sip sorry sip to say so originating connection will be saved terminating connection will be sick as well oh boy remember the bind command we need to bind the sip traffic so that always traffic originated from the loop bag now this is something that we faced a problem on portal one yesterday we say sip bine control source now as I as a cisco short guy who tried to do shortcut in every way we usually put L 0 L o 0 but loop back for some reason it does not like it and yesterday Michael and I traveled shoot up almost a half an hour an hour figuring out that that you have to actually type loop back full name ok that was the only problem yeah now we spent like an hour troubleshooting that imagining that he had to do that in the exam in seci exam now in nowadays the CCI exam is forced to hours you have to troubleshoot a network before you can go past the configuration yeah you can you just have to do it because sometimes we just put Fe 0 1 right we get we're happy we have a habit of doing that ok so that's all I need for now but it knows I should have said all media okay so in nutshell the configuration should look like this okay so by now if this is what you've done I love circus okay now I'm going to configure Kodak list codec class Kodak can voice class codec Chan I choose number 10 just for the heck of it so the to show you the difference but you can choose one two three five 99 whatever codec preference first choice would be g.711 muller second preference would be G 729 alright so remember the capability remember the KP act s DB or capability is to offer make an offer is gonna make this to offer saying that I can support these two codec what can you do okay next now it comes to pattern darling so my first goal is to be able to reach an inbound call or which one do you want to do reach inbound or side to side so let's do side to side I want to call between the HQ phone side B phone okay which is not in there yet so first I'll pair I'm going to create 2,000 VoIP or you can choose 10 whatever you want doesn't matter I just say 2,000 VoIP destination pattern - dot dot dot dollar sign that means that is before digit or I can just leave it empty doesn't matter I always put dollar sign to make sure that it it starts with the last the for digital it will be only for digit session protocol sip we choose oke session IP v4 session target what will be the target 2:02 dot dot going toward HQ because right now I'm right here so to dot dot dot is like going toward yeah so no to the HQ call manager so from here to dot dot dot we'll go to the column manager here so that ultimately rings this phone three dot dot dot will go this call manager ultimately rings this phone okay nine one one will go to backbone think about it like you're in the middle you're saying any car with two thousand range goes to HQ any code the three thousand range goes to side V any call 911 goes to PSTN you guys are okay with that new Raj anyone come on it's Friday show some enthusiastic know you'll have a party time Indian already did his party bintang is that bintang what is that selamat datang yeah it started up exactly what do you call like welcome or say salaam at that time okay yep see I know I know a little bit of I actually I actually delivered to Cisco course in Jakarta back in two thousand seven and eight and ten sorry three course I did in Jakarta okay good morning oh wow things new good long time yeah so two thousand range will go to fourteen 6421 right now what is next is I'm going to incoming call number I'm gonna put what can I put 2 or 2:30 - Dada sure now so this is a simple dial plan going toward anything we're missing the Kodak right correct voice class product 10 ok now we're not going to do this keep alive for now but that part will take you over later DTMF relay sit KP ml or RTP and TE alright so this is my first doll plan at some time I can be lazy so I copy that to notepad 3 365 the opposite direction right this is going toward ah incoming yeah so dial PR voice summary it tells you what do you have going where so if we type this command they will show you all the doubt plan that you have in a summarized table it will tell you the operation state of this doubt plans are up yesterday a Michael and I discovered that something was something new was called busy out if you see the word busy out that is usually due to your keep alive not configured properly between the SIP trunk and the dial player on that IP address so if two zero zero two dot call arrived it goes to this IP address its arrived goes to this IP address so we're good alright now this part is done our next step is to go to call manager right now this is HQ call manager I'm going to add a SIP trunk it next we'll call this HQ q sure okay what else accessed for pstn sure run on all interface sure now significant digit calling search space remember calling search space now you have to keep one thing in mind this is very important see this there will be trunk from this router to this call manager right ok now you have to keep in mind that this trunk is receiving called that will ultimately ring this phone that is the goal right ultimately ring that phone but that won't belong to a partition remember internal and what happened to 4i phone - when we're trying to dial phone ex-ceo it did not work because we needed to what when either calling search space so we also need a calling search space on this trunk as well otherwise the trunk will not be able to reach this phone neither of this phone why because they belong to internal partition so think about this trunk is like as a phone trying to make a call to this phone think about the trunk entry point is a phone trying to make a call to those phone so they must have a calling source face ok so this is why the calling soul space is the most important part for you to understand because it can break and make your life miserable ok so does that make sense to you guys Niraj indian ok so here the inbound call the calling search space I'm gonna choose the most privileged one that's a good it now will that give you everything because like this is a gateway think about it he doesn't you don't really have to control a gateway is not gonna make a sudden call to a CEO employee can so Gateway should have everything oh sorry missing something then you scroll down you're going to define the IP address of your queue so which IP address should I use I'm sure that is correct CSS access to group or partition you have to put a loop back because that's what we bind your mother loopback address we bind the SIP command that so we must put that address not just any address address on the router the router could have multiple address but whatever the address we bind it whatever the address we bind it here should be the IP address right here you mean the physical address now then it will reject the call it's like think about this I'm sending you call through one Nick I'm expecting and return traffic on that same link but if I send the traffic to you one leg and you're trying to sell it on the link I'm going to say well I don't recognize that traffic so it's gonna reject that call you're gonna get an error message saying 5:03 server error okay okay so what is that address we're gonna put well show run interface blue plug zero that is the address we need to put right here so for good we must define a sip trunk profile say profile and we are ready to go do a reset on the trunk all right now we have to send a call from HQ to sightsee correct so it's like B what are what is the number the user is gonna dial the rich side B something with 3000 because I'd be starts with 3000 range so I'm gonna for I do that I want to put this guy in a rock group because rock group decide which gateway to the call or call will use so I will choose our GHQ and I'm going to add this route group in there then I will create a route list we will call this our lq and it will contain the ad we're gonna click on add route group and we're going to add the one rod group that will create it that's it okay so run on all interface because we have both publisher and subscriber and reset so finally we need to create what route pattern that's what the user is gonna dial that's what the user is going to already have 1c3 XXX she created it but we're gonna point this to RL q moneda whenever somebody dial 3000 series number the call will go to the cube rudder in this case H key rudder does that make sense to you guys okay now let's without going any further I'm going to do a quick call and troubleshoot it I know the call will fail perfectly fine I'm going to make a call from HQ phone one and I want to see if the call hits the router so there's a debug command you can type on the router so let me clean the clear the screen it's called debug si si si si si P messages this is this allows us to debug sip traffic troubleshoots if traffic we're going to dial what number I'm going to dial three zero zero one okay okay so there you go call coming in I guess it's Friday so he's taking his time okay so it's still not working but let's see we'll wait for something some sort of invitation okay so let's analyze this a little bit so start I'm gonna actually try again because the monitor part was not on so let's try again three zero zero one for mobile did you call coming coming coming coming and and the call did not work so this is where my debug messages started see invite three thousand one at the IP address of my cube call came from 2001 at 142 14 64 21 and you'll see that as I saw at that moment the invite message comes in the content length zero what does that mean no offer exactly it's a delay offer so the content length zero means that they initially did not make an offer then it's going to strike trying means trying to call ringing but fast busy or whatever and you scroll down scroll down it goes back and forth it says cancel because I canceled it remember I actually hung up so I need to find out it says request cancelled okay now let's try again and this time I'm going to wait for a little bit time see what happened what happened if [Music] please keep trying trying out imitates probably fail okay so now we do know one thing that the call will not work unless we have a SIP trunk from the side B to the router so let's go to the side B call manager now device trunk no trunk is created inside be yet maybe let's see that is sorry that is my arm back ball o 1465 21 beside me up okay so her site B is not up or maybe there's a VLAN issue so let me log into that first of all nine so suppose to convey that network side be robber ok side P is also in the same villain which is fine now I may have to check the default gateway it might be the because we used to have a different before gateway before so that might be a problem so you gotta be really like oh never reconfiguring this it's okay to face problem because the problem will teach you all the commands and troubleshooting everything that we need so it's extremely important so some time and some time I see the students does get frustrated when they don't get things working you know you know one shot or two shot so you gotta be very little bit patient about it so show network detailed Ethernet details so let's see what is my default gateways on this okay so before gateway set to one which is incorrect so we're going to change the default gateway it should be set to 254 that is a side B router there we go see so now site B should come up see a little bit of quick VA more troubleshooting tools for you it's my Friday bonus for you alright so log in to side V call manager me Raj Indian so far good so what we're going to do right now is establish the SIP trunk from a side B cluster to the cube router [Music] okay so first thing first go to trunk I'm assuming there is no trunk wait now oh there is one trouble all righty so let me go ahead I will just leave it as it is possible pretty slow today all right so go to sleep trunk is so slow interesting next so just like the way you have created a sip trunk from sigh HQ to the HQ router we're gonna do the same thing from side B to the HP rudder all right we'll call this HQ cube so what IP address here same IP address to look back so uh 114 4.60 for the solute back address that is quite dot form so I'm going to reset now as because my debugging is already on I believe is still on so let's see if the reset will generate any messages there no actually my car sick messages off okay so that's done let me try one more time the call this time difference do that please collect all your directory and call again before I was no noise at all no no ringing no ringing back no lady complaining you know now you have something saying that users are call cannot be completed so now let me analyze the LAT log so I'm going to start I'm gonna actually clean up the background so that you can start from beginning redial no call cannot be completed I thank you so I start from the beginning so this is my initial invite message okay and I will then scroll down scroll down is ringing is trying trying trying trying trying trying there you go it says 404 not found now 404 not found that is what type of error message server-side the client-side client-side error message there was nothing wrong with HQ router okay so 404 if the problem was with HQ router then you would get 5:03 error message right so why why is that running but so the ones are probably possible reason is that well the phone is not even registered on side B Gazoo don't have a side B phone open or maybe the number doesn't exist okay so we don't have any phone registered here for site B so let's see I don't think she registered any form so I'll just use this one agent one wizard three zero zero one Oh perfect so I'll just copy this into my phone wizard so I will register phone number six no that is not the MAC address I'll copy there's phone number six but 1179 65 142 14 65 21 that is my site B so I will go ahead and open phone number six okay so I have a phone number six I have my HQ phone okay I'll dial again three zero zero one run successfully completed my answer okay when they answer you get a fast busy okay that is secondary problem we're going to deal with that is your something we need to troubleshoot but you see how simple if everything is up and running should be working now you notice let me try on something again and this time I will watch this redial power but this time let's analyze the message a little bit so this is the invite content length is zero right content length is zero so that means what no no delay so I know it's a delay offer you're trying trying trying trying trying calls ringing see right there the phone is ringing so before we did not see this message before you see trying but now he's actually ringing because there's somebody else there on the other side so as it rings well actually I did not answer the call today okay let's try that we're going to try answering the call redial answer call feel okay so this is the phone ringing as you can see right here then you receive an acknowledgment okay it was successful look at now content length is greater than zero all up until now everywhere the content length was 0 0 0 C 0 here 0 here the moment he answers the call there is a content length greater than 0 that means an offer was made and that offer says is a version 0 Cisco Systems saved call manager this is the bhagavad is that right there it choose g 729 somehow it negotiated G 729 for whatever reason this was I believe okay so that's a good question is it an offer or is it respecting this is the offer because there's no other offer right right okay so then 0 0 0 and you answer the call and I think that's why it's failed because he couldn't reply with the not work except buffer so this is how you would trouble complete a call now let me try to show you something go into HQ site this is HQ I'm gonna go back to the trunk see this HQ trunk only thing I'm going to do I'm going to check this mark media termination point I'm going to check check this and save it redial Oh clean up okay so it's clear okay I know Isis slow because of the recording the video is being recorded all right so three zero zero one answer yeah so this is something we'll do it now it's also could be you should deal with something is still content than zero so it's supposed to be it's supposed to have g7 as a mediator many early offer enable for it but for some reason is still probably not taking it so probably a couple of reset requires now let's go to the HQ diapir I'm going to do something on the top layer level actually I'm going to go to the voice service void no save early off or forced okay let's see what happened I'm going to forced hourly offer call has been answered simply by checking the earlier forcing the early offer the call was successfully completed okay so if I go back you see the initial invite message okay I'm gonna start it try again with a clear background phone one so my recommendation is that whenever you practicing do this little tweak and see what the results are and take a note of that that's the best way to learn guys our call was successful no problem but lot more messages there see this is okay I think it's because too many message just came in it truncated but you see the now earlier for took place okay so this is something that sometime you might realize that call why the call is failing and then you mainly you may realize we may need an early offer to make that call work compatibility issue which is to enable media early offer an able that yeah yes okay so that is our first test so I'm going to take a quick break and then I'm going to show you how to call how to receive a call from PSTN to your pod after that we're going to take another break then we're going to show you how to call from your part to PSTN so the inbound call were from the PSTN phone you will down this phone number that call will come in through the cloud to your site b sr h qs cube from there we will pull the call in to our call manager from there we'll ring this particular phone make sense okay so first thing first let's register a phone to PSTN which is poor phone number eight I think was then I'm going to make a test call just to see what number what information comes in now we're gonna assume the PSTN is already configured okay well that's not something that we're going to go through in this particular lab we're going to assume the PS chain is already configured trunk is there we're just going to do a debug just to see what information comes in so this is my HP phone I'm going to close that I'm going to dial one four zero eight two zero four two zero zero one this is my HQ phone number how do I know well because a PSTN I sign that and then based on this right here CH qud dot one sixty four one four zero eight two zero Y to X X X so I will do the same thing one zero eight two zero four two zero zero one and as I dial them it's going to get a fast busy I did not see anything because term monitor on was off redial okay so Kali is not even coming in okay so now let me find out this problem on the PSTN side maybe the PST is not configured we'll see so go to look for odd one sorry hot for device name so these are my pot for devices pot for RT r HQ r TR that's my pot for device so let's go there okay so that is a incorrect it should be for to loopback address we'll save that and recycle so once this is defined we also have to make sure that the route pattern is there so let's try the route pattern one four zero eight two zero four search for this and we have one going toward the right place okay so let's see if anything change our parent config so you click on this so this is the route pattern your partition your gateway which is the apart pot for RTR HQ and everything else is pretty default login console okay so call came in now what what you don't see the Gateway it's right here but for HQ RTR that's the name of the gate we were studying the costume okay so you notice how if you look at the invite message it says the invite message came from this for this guy it came from the backbone and of course early offer content trying not found and even give you the know dial peer matching found okay-y let's go type show dial V pure voice summary the rudder does not know what to do with this number see this number that's coming in the rudder does not know what to do with that number so what we're going to do first give me one sec let me just do this one second let me just refer to this okay sorry about that okay so what was I right there so the rudder does not have any doubt pants I'm going to go and create a doubt man tell P envoy 2001 4:08 VIP destination pattern one four zero eight two zero four two dot dot dot dollar sign session target ipv4 call manager oops wrong one [Music] session protocol sip v2 voice plus product 10 what else do we need ah DTMF relay save what is a KP ml RT b NT okay so let's try again well of course I gotta have a phone up to HQ phone has to be able so I'm going to redial I'm getting it fast busy again okay no problem so now it is telling me that outbound out there no dog here matching still so now I want to find out what it doesn't even match any dog here at all so I will unzip they'll say debug VoIP CCAP are in out sorry debug dig debug wiped out here all this will allow me to troubleshoot all which now paired is taking this command so debug voice dial PR all allows me to troubleshoot all dial peers so if I read I'll it's telling me that it's taking the right now peer see that we choose the right one now pair one four zero eight the one I just created it's me which dollar it is it has chosen one four zero eight so what is one four zero eight that is my dog here right here so why did not like it okay so let's go to comalander for a second so this is my HQ trunk right here [Music] so on the HQ trunk I'm gonna make one change it's called significant digit for reset while I came on that page let's read Isle still does more and work what a magic huh geez okay so why me why did it make a different significant digit for so let's do a debug debug CCSF ah as a be messages so I'm gonna read dial again actually work just because of one check the reason see these numbers is coming in one four zero eight sorry one four zero eight two zero four two zero zero one is there any phone register with that number see that eleven digit number that I dial right is there any phone register because HQ phone is not registered with that number HQ phone is one 2001 this is the extension length of the phone is only four digit but I'm dialing eleven digit so I have to convert I have to convert to four digit so what I did in currency in the trunk in the trunk I've said significant digit for that means the what's most important to you is the last four digit drop everything else so that selection basically indicates that he's going to take the last four digit and drop everything else so the last four digit of that phone number is what two zero zero one and after dropping it the system know that through zero zero one is one of the phone registered inside [Music] does that make sense Union Mirage Saudia does this make sense oh yes okay does that mean that we don't need to translate it away we can just do it here damn adorned I was about to come to that he you right so significant digit basically says whatever the number is coming in through this trunk whatever the number is coming in through this trunk select the last four so whatever the number is coming in through this trunk to the core manager select the last four digits so it's going to take the last word sorry last four digit of this number yesterday yes or no so I'll come to that does that make sense to you Union so significant digit takes whatever the number comes through this trunk they will take the last four digit if your extension length of five digit it will be last five digits right to left okay all right so that would cost you one not super on their union okay so what's your national dish there okay so now the question is do i if i use a significant digit do I need to do translation so first understand get in your memory what the significant digit does significant digit takes the last whatever the number is defined that many digit from your number it's starting from the right to left okay okay now this the most recommendation is that it's better to do the digit manipulation on the water then I'll call manager because of the CP utilization right so the recommendation is to that do as much as translation possible on the water because water is more Hardware related okay so we do not want to use this method sorry early I have to make your life hell so we do not want to use this significant digit so we're going to set it back to all we're gonna set the significant digit back to all and we're going to use translation rule to change that so at least one thing we have guaranteed that our path is fine sometime you have to take a one baby step just to make this thing works so our path is guaranteed so I'm going to change this back to all okay so right now if I read uh if I reset I'll make sure reset I will shoot back to normal again the call should not successfully go see cannot go anymore because significant is set to all means is receiving all these up indigent yeah yeah if you can go to the forum and say no what what if I just change the whole number to 11 digit I could do that for zero eight to zero for that is also best that will work what it 11 digit which is not really practical you could you could yeah but I don't wanna get some or does the e Ito wants to a translation but I don't want to go there right now so let's try this now so a lobbying digit number okay see that extension is not alive in digit so this poll has 11 digit number but having 11 digit number is not practical because then internal you have to dial all 11 digit to reach other people that's what we always have to you rely on so what's what's the quickest way to fix significant digit that make sense we yeah I will show you that as well in here so significant digit will allow us to take only the last four digit or last five digit depending on what we select before I go to the router I will show you another option so first option is one significant digit the cheapest fastest second option we're going to translate the call number in call manager using translation pattern right using the translation pattern in call manager okay so I'm going to add a new translation pattern so I go to call routing I go to call routing translation pattern and add a new translation pattern and what I want to do is I want to capture all the number cuz it comes in 2 0 4 2 X X X the reason why I don't want to put 2 0 0 1 I don't want it for one person on for the whole company right right so company will issue they give you two zero four subjects Pablo will give you 2 0 4 2 X xx that covers anything about 2002 2 9 9 9 so all your next extension has to be in that range sometimes they might even give you 4 XS that covers have a lot more dirt lot further so if I took it if I look at that number how many of those number is important to me last four technically right Jane the last four digit is my number I want to keep that and I want to drop everything else so there's one way of doing it see between these two between 4 and 2 I'm going to put a dot it's a it's a marking point it's a marking point say I said it's a predock then I'm going to come down where it says discard digit just cut the digit pre dot that means before anything drop anything before dog this card reach it before dog doesn't make sense Niraj saadia so we want a disc Union we want to discard digit so how many did you anything before dog will be dropped so what is left only the last four digit is left but the one problem now the translation pattern is converting the number and then is going to down to 4 2001 which is HQ phone 1 correct so let's save this it's a general what direction right with us we'll talk about the later outbound call so now what you're saying is that if I want to dial one four zero eight two zero four two zero zero one is the translation pattern has the highest priority he picks up the call drops everything before done that means the first how many digit four seven seven digit it drops the first seven digit keeps the last four so let's see what happened now okay all my PSTN phone went off for six no four six Bonilla eight ok so now I'm going to dial one four zero eight two zero four two zero zero one I still get a fast busy no problem let's go back to the router what does it say why is it failing it's still saying no the au pair match not going to help here match not farm so basically what it's saying 404 error again the problem is on the client side so why did not work this is my translation pattern it looks correct because 404 is the error indicating coming from the client side 503 is indication the client I'm from serviced over the call nitrogen being pushed back push back to the response coming back no I mean the collimator knows what 2001 is right can anybody take a guess colonizer knows at 2001 it's a part of the systems part of the Dow plan call come in we match that number see that number basically says that one four zero eight two zero 4.2 X X ax or two zero zero zero one so after pre dot is going to be 2 0 0 1 so combat it knows a number 2001 by still cannot reach it no CSS calling search space see that calling search space yeah because your phone belongs to partition the extension 2001 belongs to partition you must have CSS applied to the translation pattern and as soon as I do that born in case you do well again you have to don't you can't compare this with other problem everybody has their own ways of prioritizing it so we can't don't want to get into that vendor comparisons right now all right what we're gonna do right now so the two ways we learn how to digit manipulate right significant digit what does it do just last four last five whatever the number you define and drop everything else translation pattern convert some number what if I do not want to use pre dot okay let's let's take a look at one thing before I touch this so now this is between my IP phone two IP Phone HQ to HQ but if i dial this one four zero eight two zero four two zero zero one your call cannot be continued I think this phone is not registered like this this one we don't have to because it's dropping I'm just saying drop the number okay so now I don't want to use this either I'll delete this I don't want to use that either so if I were to redial call get pills again so this is where I'm gonna go my trance I want to use a translation rule now I want to use the translation rule so config T voice translation rule rule number 1 rule 1 capture everything I don't care what number coming in 10 digit 11 into 20 to 30 digit capture it dot star how many digit of that number comes in is important to me that's four digit so how do I in order for me to keep it create a bucket what do I need before bracket what do I need yeah slash slash bracket okay so the caret symbol now not caret symbol now karasuma means the number has to be from the front two dot dot dot dollar sign yes the last four digit we starting with - backslash close power slash that's my search replace put the bug put the value bucket number one that's it now I need to create profile translation profile D ID direct inward dial translate calling or the called number called number based on rule number one what am I going to apply that to my boy doll appear boys one four zero eight going toward call manager translation outgoing call D ID now going back redial my phone just died [Music] Kancil okay so redial I see as smooth as it is natural to you yeah it's like I punish yourself like a high school you know near kindergarten you do something bad in a class what the teacher does I will not do it again I will not do it again I will not do it again they make you type hundred time well you know you want to learn go back to that age okay does that make sense to you guys inyoung see your eyes shut up oh I was like yeah it's recording yeah it's recording so like that you should be able to do it 911 local call so so far we have just a site-to-site and in bomb now we want to test an outbound and that will be the it for my side my part then I'll let you go back to that okay so now on my call manager that's not called manager HQ I'm going to create a raw pattern route slash hunt road pattern add 9-1-1 HQ 9-1-1 center cause to queue use external phone number mask let's use external phone number mask as a caller ID so that this number will show up one four zero eight choose a large check this for now saved now I will get my brother up debug CCSF a MSRP messages clean my screen pick up phone one dial nine-one-one no coconut my call cannot be completed charm bond redial your call cannot be complete so my it's the same message you see same message da post na ho 404 not found why show doll pier voice summary the router does not know what to do with 9-1-1 does it so what do I need I need a healthier so config T so well do because 91 1 is very important thing we must create a dedicated au pair for 9 1 1 C I'd like to create my dog Pierre with the exact purpose of the number so nine one one nine one one ok session protocol seep v2 session target ipv4 140 to 160 for 100 voice class codec can sip boy DTMF real a sip KP ml and an TV RTP sorry anything else I'm missing all right let's give it a shot horse consider the call will not work we're getting used to that by now [Music] police will come see non one call works I have a problem with that I have a problem with this call the problem with this call is that the man is seeing the extension 2001 it will never be able to reach me and save me so what do I need to do we'll go to call manager see the normal pattern I'm gonna say use external phone number mask and external phone number mask of the phone is right here it's right here so I'm going to use external phone number mask save then we dial 2001 but let me still not do this the reason I'm not happy with that because the non Iran policy is that it should show you the trunk line not the individual number it should show you the trunk line not everybody I know and I need to know the trunk line because some company they overwrite individual D ID but what if I want to write down the company's number main switchboard so that in case they have to call back they call back to the receptionist so but then I cannot do this check mark because I will take the individual numbers so what I do he says where it says calling party mask I will say one four zero eight two zero four two thousand that's the company's main number it overrides the mask okay it overrides the mask okay Vidal mm this number right there matches right here because of that if I put zero eight eight zero one seven something zero this is how I was able to pull my wife saying that was invalid if I punch change the phone number in my office when I call to my wife you got when did it go to biology most not American company they will allow you to change the caller ID to whatever number you want but this is not allowed in Asia our Middle East they will overwrite service provider fee if you try to send your own D ID sometimes they will overwrite that does that make sense to you guys your saudi a union oh you know what all right so we have seen how outbound call works we have seen how inbound call works we have seen what site-to-site call works right my suggestions today spend the rest of the day doing this this is more important the partition calling search space gal plan these are the most important for you day-to-day administration okay in the meantime what you're going to do over the weekend it's a twelve days boot camp with two days no class but you will be finishing the videos on media resource you look at the video and then these are the slide you're gonna finish to that now if you have finished Alpine lab then lab number five a day five lab sorry will show you how to configure conference everything an extension mobility will cover this stuff lecture wise I extension mobility single number reach on Monday but Monday will also touch base on CMS consist Co meeting server so goal for Monday to Friday okay Monday we will do media CMS and mobility Tuesday will do annuity connection and you see CX contact center Wednesday we might even do presence actually will do presence as well I M V on Wednesday we will do telepresence expressway Thursday what else is level oh we will do our mgcp here and I I pee for a physical phone registration telepresence expressway I think that's it and then thirst and Freud will continue well expressway and everything and if I try to if I if I can I'll try to show you some off in nine-one-one overview of overview of e-911 and Friday Thursday and Friday we won't focus more on troubleshooting like this so the way we did today okay this is our goal that will complete our ucce CCNP sorry ccnp applying plus because of CMS because of ECC acts you're going to learn the foundation of CCI as well so this course is actually the reason why we call it a ccmp color brush and plus is actually hybrid course that covers CCNA CCNP and CCI foundation it is intensive but it is lab oriented so you will be doing it will be finishing unity connection lab you will be finishing presence contact center lab you will be doing the presence expressway 9-1-1 we won't be doing it here but you will get an idea or maybe you will so this this covers the wide range of did in a regular CC and pickle operation course anywhere else they don't cover CMS that they will not cover in a known one they will not cover contact center so this is extra bonus for you guys any questions Niraj sorry in yen if not we are going to take our lunch break and rest of the day it's all labs no more lectures Saturday Sunday you can continue to access your lab practice otherwise we will meet up again on Monday morning yes Union you had a question gateway not showing where [Music] oh you know okay so you a criminal route group a you don't see the Gateway in the list okay that because you're already assigning the gateway in your odd pattern delete the route pattern and you'll see it because if they're assigned to your route pattern it will not be they will not be available in rock group so delete your route pattern then go back to route group and you will see the Gateway there so that may make sense [Music] okay books enjoy your lunch
Channel: VoiceBootcamp Inc
Views: 1,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ccna ccnp ccie, ccna voice, ucce, icm, callmanager, unified communication, ccie collaboration
Id: tid0WkQIgpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 52sec (5932 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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