LIVE | Bajaj's Transformative Initiative To Skill India | Bajaj Auto Plans | Auto Updates | N18L

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ordinary boldly commit committing to furthering our impact and contribution I want to go back to the early 1900s when Mr jamad Bajaj my grandfather and the founder of the bajad group when he started his philanthropic activities that time there was no CSR there was no 2% uh and that time he decided that that it is something which is to be done because it is nothing to do with philanthropy it has got to do with a natural thing which each person must do every time he believed that business work responsible not only to generate profit but also to contribute to the welfare of the community they serve throughout his life he engaged in various social and humanitarian causes Mahatma Gandhi and vinova G were his constant pillar of guidance Jamal G played a significant role in funding and organizing various initiatives led by Gandhi including the salt saag and the quit India movement something which are very little known to people is that you know it's very easy for Gandhi g to say that all of you jail Barrow let us go for the quit India movement or go for their Sal sagra but many of them were middle class people who had a family to worry about so he did not make any noise about it but he made sure that all those who were in jail or who went for this movement he would fund them by sending them whatever 10 rupes 20 rupees whatever is required for their family to sustain themselves this is something which is very different and never talked about it Frankly Speaking many of us did not even know about it that that was done some people said you know your grandfather supported us and our family that's why we are here now those are things which are very important which is what uh we think is very useful on 31st July 1933 when the qu when the Sal satra was over Gandhi announced that I will not come back to Sab or come back to Gujarat till we attain freedom at that time Jamal G invited him to come to VHA Gandhi g also was very intelligent he realized that VHA and nagpur is the center of India and therefore to do his activity he had both the things it was in the center of the country and also it was in the rural area so he could interact with the masses so both the things were very important now when he came to VHA which again many people may not know that he we have a a village called she and in sheo it was something which was given to Gandhi g which is now become sagah asham the seag asham was belonging to the Bajaj family called sheo which was converted into sag gr similarly vova bhab came there and it became the ponar Asam was also given by him so many of these things are not known to people but I thought it is very important for you to know Jamal established educational institutions Hospital charitable trust provide quality education and health care services to Marginal communities and his wife janid Dei Bajaj who inantly were the first to get the Padma vibhushan first lady to get a Padma vibhushan 1956 for her contribution in terms of promoting khadi eradicate social evils such as untouchability PDA removal and cast and gender discrimination now the interesting thing is that 100 years back we not talk about work from home you can imagine that time there was no no internet there was no communication available in spite of that khadi was a way by which you could work from home the women in The Villages could work from home and earn money so today when we say s good concept that ladies can work from home that was 100 years back Gandhi GI and Jal G decided that work from home is something which is very very useful and today the biggest problem in India is to get employment and that will be more discussed later on but I'm saying so this way if we can each just buy a cloth of kadi lacks and lacks of people can get employment and today that is something which is a major issue which I think the country is facing his legacy was continued by his sons Kaman G and RAM Krishna Bajaj who furthered EOS on of CSR this was supported and strengthened in recent years by Mr Rahul Bajaj even after their passing away their commitment inspires the baj group and serves as a guiding principle for the corporate citizenship initiatives in simple terms we like to bring a smile in the face of millions of Indian families today's CSR for baz group is not only about fully fing uh legal obligations it's about embracing ethical values and contributing to substantial development to the benefit of society the nation and the planet the group has supported programs ranging from providing accessible Eye Care remote in Village remote Villages planting of millions of trees in Barren lands and making mini Forest supporting viewers of khadi and many such initiative that characterize Beyond going Beyond now it's time to hear about new initiative taken by the group and therefore I will stop here and thank you all for being part of this important turn moment in the history of bajad group thank you may I request the Bajaj group leader to please come on stage for the lamp lighting ceremony for e chairman of Bajaj Auto limited to deliver his address warm welcome as you heard from Shri shakar Bai in the Genesis of Bajaj group's philosophy lies the illustrious Legacy of our Founding Father SRI jamnalal Bajaj who Mahatma Gandhi adopted as his fifth son jamnalal G's name is synonymous with earnestness un ing commitment and a profound dedication to transforming words into action Kat exy he practiced what he preached he strongly believed that common good is more important than individual gain we are here today carrying his legacy forward a momentous day for the group to show its commitment and walk in the path laid by a founder SRI jamnalal Bajaj whenever I wrote of wealthy men becoming Trustees of their wealth for the common good I had always this Merchant prince principally in mind said Mahatma Gandhi while referring to jamnalal G before we unveil the reason we are here I would like to highlight one of of the biggest challenges our country faces today skills crisis despite being home to a large and young population there exists a significant gap between the skills possessed by the youth coming in to the job market and the needs of the industry let us look at some of the statistics one study shows that only around 5% of the workforce entering the job market is forly trained in relevant skills which is significantly lower than many comparable economies the Swift evolution of technology is worsening the situation impacting Industries across all sectors we believe it's time for us to take significant steps to address this crisis we believe we should go over and Beyond to help address this significant challenge to the nation Bajaj Beyond may I ask the film to be played be the change you wish to see in the world said Gandhi g the mahatma's Beloved our Founding Father Shri jamnalal Bajaj practiced bapu's philosophy in the spirit of Kath Kar AI as we speak so we do a mantra that's ingrained in each of us guiding us driving us leading us to do to make every ride a joy not just in India but in 90 Nations around the [Music] world to help Indians achieve their dreams through financial confidence [Music] to make every house into a home to empower communities to [Music] thrive to live and celebrate those who live the gandan principles to enable India's industrialization today India is on the cusp for becoming a superpower held back from its chosen Destiny only by a skill crisis we believe it is only this that stops our nation from achieving its due Destiny we at Bajaj have made this hour K G ay we are gathering all our might galvanizing all our forces to partner India into a future Beyond this skill [Music] [Applause] Gap Beyond expectations Beyond limitations Beyond imagination Beyond Horizons Beyond dreams but Jud Beyond k XE e [Music] I request the team to take the audience through the Bajaj Beyond [Music] [Music] website [Music] [Music] [Music] I extend a warm welcome to all stakeholders to visit our Bajaj Beyond website and understand understand all our initiatives in detail to create Maximum Impact through Bajaj Beyond we have integrated all our initiatives into this three Circle approach the core is our primary focus will Center on skill development throughout the group here we leverage not only our resources but also our core expertise to design and Implement programs that skill our youth Across the Nation making them industry ready few examples of the programs that come under core uh Bajaj engineering skills training it's BST bestest certification program in Banking and Financial industry CP BFI Bajaj manufacturing skills Etc then there is direct we go beyond and drive in initiatives in specific thematic areas like health education recognition Etc few of the examples are Bajaj Institute of Technology Jamal Bajaj Awards Kaman Bajaj Hospital shika mandle colleges in VHA and nagpur and then there is support we recognize that there are critical areas in our country that require attention and there are many nonprofits that have made significant cont contribution over the years we are committed to collaborating with such institutions and backing their efforts to make a positive impact on communities with this integrated approach on behalf of the Bajaj group I'm pleased to announce a future forward [Applause] [Music] statement our long-term commitment to towards Community with a sharp focus on skill development with impact over 2 CR people in the next 5 years by committing 5,000 crores once you have absorbed this I'll go to the next slide while fully committed to Skilling we do recognize that there are other critical areas that need our focus and support we partner with several institutions and Empire individuals and communities by working in areas of health education recognition and other areas like sports water conservation and environment protection yeah Play The [Music] A [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Beyond Ki truth and integrity form the Bedrock of prosperity of our business honoring the words of Sri jamaral Bajaj we are committed to not measure success by the wealth we amas but by the lives We Touch ignite and improve as part of Bajaj Beyond core initiatives we have already taken a step forward in implementing few programs I invite Mr Rajiv Bajaj to come on stage and present highlights to the audience thank [Applause] you good morning everyone chairman is excuse me chairman has finished 20 minutes before time this is how he keeps passing on the work to me so anyway I have some good news and some bad news to start with the good news is that you are now halfway through through the session the bad news is now you have to listen to my G for the next 20 minutes friends you've all undoubtedly heard the quote what is more important the journey or the destination and the answer is neither it is the company that you keep on your journey to the destination so I want to actually first start by acknowledging and thanking the people who have made today possible I want to start I I couldn't see them in the morning but if they are here I see some of them now I want to start with sorab is sorab here oh there you are s uh sorab Verma is actually uh I can say candidly the inspiration behind the thought of making Skilling the primary focus or the core Focus for the Bajaj group so don't carry the wrong impression from here that any of us had anything to do with it uh we were just fortunate to receive uh outstanding analysis uh and uh a great conclusion from sorab so I've known sorb for a long time since his days at Leo Bernett he is now the prolific founder of wonder Labs he's here with his team I I just saw sides I'm sure Rajesh is there somewhere right see and Sanju who's done all the running around is is further behind so thank you team wonderlab and thank you sorab thank you very much for this not with us today is our executive director Pradip Shasta uh pradep is head of all operations and he and his team uh in Engineering in production also their colleagues in R&D in the supply chain purchase functions and indeed across the company many of whom are sitting here in with us uh this is the team that's actually put together everything that uh we have formulated and hope to execute as bajo uh as our contribution in the area of uh Skilling our country uh pradep is in Japan because uh just yesterday or day before uh Bajaj Auto became the first Indian origin company as they call it and I think only the 31st or 32nd in the world to receive the world class TPM award from jipm in Japan and uh although we are not here to discuss that but with uh such a big media contingent I cannot pass up the opportunity to put this before you and hope you carry it back with you so that's why Pradip is not here unfortunately but uh he's just played a uh Stellar role in bringing it all together and then there's the team in the front that's uh actually pulled it together and made today happen and we'll actually Implement at the front line the CSR team at Bajaj headed by Ravi Kiran sudhakar Ramesh uh some of whom you saw on the video and so many others um we won't run through all the names so and and of course their colleagues Deepika and everybody else in marketing that have put together the show today for us so really from the bottom of my heart uh thank you everyone for making this happen and finally uh yeah a lot of people to say thank you to because it's been a massive effort so finally to our partners out there uh banali that we started with I don't know if there are people here from banali but if you here thank you very much um and uh the people at symbiosis I would earnestly request all of you to come to the afternoon session at symbiosis um some of you have been here to watch uh as we launch the motorcycles that we make please come today to see the skills that lie behind the motorcycles that we make uh you will be more impressed by that I can assure you um I haven't seen it myself but uh I've seen some videos and it looks fabulous so please come so thank you very much symbiosis and finally uh our friends at CI led by chandrajit the director general of CI who's taken time out to be here um you know I'm not uh uh you know uh very discreet so I'll just say that he's probably the second most busy person in the country after the prime minister so we are very fortunate chandrajit is here and uh thank you for coming uh with your colleagues and hear something exciting to share with you uh towards the end of today's function so let's come back to the subject of Bajaj Autos CSR friends uh to me personally the real Hallmark of a company is its ability to make a transition when there is a big moment in time and I would like to say that in the 33 years that I have been here at Bajaj and witnessed it personally I have experienced at least three major transitions the first as some of you know well is the transition from being a scooter company to becoming a motorcycle company many people still disagree with this transition but frankly we don't care uh the second transition is from being a domestic company to becoming a global company this is still work in process maybe we are about halfway through and now the third transition has been thrust upon us which is that to new energy Vehicles not just electric vehicles but new energy vehicles and so we have the chance for the third time to do something new to do something different to do something exciting and that is what brings us to work in the words of of Darwin we are adapting and Darwin if you remember said it is not the strongest or the most intelligent of the species that survives but the ones who adapt to change who best adapt to change so that's what we trying to do at Bajaj and I think to adapt you need two fundamental virtues or characteristics one you need a good strategy a strategy is a direction which needs a good idea and then secondly you need some skills some competence otherwise the strategy or the idea will just remain on paper will just remain a dream that will be hard to bring into reality so I think the two cornerstones of adap in our strategy and skills because skills give give us the power to take action and to make execution happen on the ground why are skills so important for a company a company that I perhaps admire the most no surprise maybe is Honda Motor Company through schol School through college and through my career I have been very impressed by everything that I have seen of them including having had the chance to meet many many senior people who I met in the '90s and in the 2000s who had worked in the initial days of Honda when they built the company from virtually nothing and they used to tell us that they were very inspired by their founder soyo Honda who apparently used to say let Honda be the place to realize your dreams let Honda be the place to realize your dreams this was his call to the best Engineers to come to Honda the best managers to come to Honda to make scooters Motorcycles Cars Etc and how do you come and realize your dream at Honda of course you need skills in much the same way we say to ourselves at Bajaj Auto come to Bajaj Auto to become the best version of yourself to do the best that you can do with this life that you have and once again if you have to come to Bajaj AO or indeed to any company and to be the best version of yourselves for sure you need to have some skills with which to do that you have all seen outside the great quote of Gandhi saying be the change that you want to see in the world without these skills at our disposal it is hard to change ourselves and if we cannot change ourselves how are we going to change anything in the world as someone said you don't change the world by staring at it you have to do something about it and if I may say you don't change the world by sloganeering at it either saying make in India doesn't change the world saying atbar doesn't change the world saying vocal for local doesn't change the world saying viit bat doesn't change the world words don't change the world unless you have the skills to put those words in action and you certainly don't change the world by creating a sensation saying I going to spend tens of thousands of crores of rupees on CSR I'm going to touch billions of lives or I'm going to create lacks of jobs since all of you are from the media you will forgive me for saying that all of you carry all these slogans and all these stories but maybe it's time to pause and reflect how much of it is actually translated on the ground and that is why once again I urge you to come this afternoon to symbiosis to see what we are actually putting on the ground there in what we believe is our Flagship project so then what should CSR mean if it has to go beyond staring at the world slogan earing and creating Sensational sentences or sentiments I'd like to suggest that CSR should mean not Corporate social responsibility it should mean constructive social reform constructive social reform and I say this because this was the subject matter of a short discussion or our correspondence between Gandhi g and Jamal G and this was actually brought to my attention by an Italian gentleman called Fab fabrio Petri fabrio Petri who in the past has worked as the first Secretary of the Italian Embassy in Delhi and is currently the Italian Ambassador in Uruguay and so if you look this up on Google or Wikipedia you will find a couple of paragraphs that I would very much like to read to you today in the context of CSR as in constructive social reform constructive program is a term coined by Mahatma Gandhi to describe one of the two branches of his satyra the other being some form of nonviolent resistance I civil obedience the value of a constructive program in the struggle for independence of India cannot be overemphasized as Gandhi described Civil Disobedience as an aid to constructive effort so Gandhi g is saying that civil disobedience is only a means to an end the end according to him was actually constructive effort Gandhi wrote to his friend and supporter jamnalal Bajaj saying my real politics is constructive work friends our country will change when our present generation of politicians will say my real politics is constructive work Gandhi's constructive Gandhi's constructive work included a campaign for people to to spin their own cloth at home as my uncle Shaker just alluded to and mine their own salt to avoid having to buy from the British in their anti-colonial struggle whether you're making cloth or mining salt you need skills to do it as opposed to other forms of nonviolence that focus on tearing down systems of Oppression a constructive program's focus is about creating more imaginative just and equal communities through focusing on equality economic self-reliance education and environmental efforts so foro wherever he is in Uruguay thank you for this tip I found it so relevant to the day so I thought I would take a couple of minutes to read that out with those words I I have no choice but to present to you the PPT that has been made so bear with me I will run you through it really quickly okay so anyway um so this is a quick PP on U what we like to call as best B Bajaj engineering skills training because we are a engineering company a manufacturing company and our strategy has been to take the skills we have as a engineering company and bring that to Bear upon people and people's lives in the marketplace next please so fundamentally what's the need for best quite clearly I think all of Industry will resonate with this that uh we hire a lot of young people who for no fault of theirs are really not uh industry ready so to speak and since we don't want to just stare at them we want to do something about it we think that we can bring our capabilities together to help them to be the best version of themselves next please next please yeah so best baj engineering skills training and on the right side second from the bottom you will see that in terms of the delivery 70% of what they will learn with us when they are with us for between 4 to 6 months will be handson in the labs in the workshop actually doing something and not just talking and listening like we are doing right now so it is with that hands-on experience that they will then enter industry and they will be ready to perform from day one perform in what next we have tried to create for them a curriculum which is absolutely industry relevant not just to the present but to the Future as we anticipate it we have put our best people on the job of developing the curriculum we have worked with our partners including CIA that is present here and of course with our knowledge of engineering tooling manufacturing itself we have put together the equipment the hardware not just is the software that we think will give them a fantastic industry real experience next there are four modules that we have put together as you can see the first one is quite obviously mechatronics which if there is even a little bit of an engineer in you you would know sets the foundation and then there is the basic functions of sensing and motion then of course Robotics and Automation and finally all that makes it future relevant in terms of AI Etc so obviously there's a lot of detail behind all of this we move forward to see some examples of what you will see later this afternoon uh a Scara robot for example is fundamentally a pick and place arm but it can also perform some functions like the application of sealant for example um next another example of of man and machine working together is what's called a cobot for those of you who've not heard this term before uh since the robot Works in cooperation with the human being doing various things which are either repetitive or difficult or dangerous for the human being to do um uh you create a cobot cell so you will see that also of course you will see it in our factories and in our supplier factories but you will see it today at symbiosis next please and this is like the full setup from start to finish all the way from a feeder station through inspection and processing and movement all the way to the end to the assembly and and and sorting so you will see really the spectrum of activities that take place in industry and you will gain appreciation for the fact that all those who spend 4 to 6 months experienc ing this on a daily basis 70% of their time will go back um you know quite empowered with very industry ready skills next please um so on our radar right now we have uh 15 best centers some um or I should say two at the end of today uh operational some are WIP um and some we are still U uh you know in the process of finalizing but of course this is only the beginning uh and I don't want to make a big deal about the numbers whether it's uh uh it's the crores or whether it's the thousands of beneficiaries because this is really just the tip of the iceberg um when we say that Skilling is our core CSR activity what we mean is that for a company like Bajaj Auto which has quite a sizable CSR budget um over 80% perhaps over 90% of that budget will will go into this and this is our Flagship initiative so this is for the diploma engineers and The Graduate Engineers but then we have to take it down the line because not everybody is a graduate engineer so we have to take what we have formulated as the Bajaj manufacturing system BMS that syllabus that curriculum down to even wider audience reach the I reach ultimately all the way down perhaps to 10th grade 9th grade e8th grade and from their Crea a funnel to draw people in and as they go through school college and graduate we have to do our best to keep adding value to them so that ultimately at whichever point of time they exit from the funnel they are able to be the best version of themselves next I think now we have uh a short video the video please India produces 15 lakh engineering graduates every year but only 2.5 lakh succeed in getting jobs in the core engineering industry insufficient practical knowledge and lack of Industry exposure are the primary reasons for this skill Gap it is with the purpose of bridging this skill Gap that Bajaj Auto came up with the best initiative let's experience the best center in action the curriculum at best is developed in consultation with the experienced engineers at Bajaj Auto and Engineering colleges of India in mechatronics the basics of hydraulics pneumatics electrical electronics are covered while in motion control and sensor technology the student is exposed to Advanced industrial sensors process control systems and Industrial instrumentation in robotics and automation the students are trained on different types of robots programming and a NST modular manufacturing system using PLC and Scar industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing covers manufacturing topics like industrial iot Ai and ML and VR I from very ruler family so this uh program is uh very beneficial for us and even it is Bridging the Gap between college and Industry actually the best thing is B is offering the scholarship to the best program so that the we economically weaker section can also afford [Music] it here we are learning is cutting it means the technology that has been present in India right now or after 10 years it is going to launch in India so that is the thing that took my attention more into best more than just academics it is the Hands-On practical experience that makes a great engineer our vision is to expand the best program across India to ensure a bright future for our young [Music] engineers and friends just to close this is uh just to say this is a simplistic representation of our way forward being a TPM company we always say first we establish proof of concept or a pilot concept or what we call manager model activity uh so we've done that at banusali which is just outside of Jaipur we are uh going to Showcase that to you at symbiosis today uh so whatever you've seen in the video it actually exists the labs are there the equipment is there the students are there the teachers are there and they're actually doing the things that that you just saw and then we have to horizontally deploy this with uh Improvement to to all the other centers and then of course uh a continuous Evolution or development U of best will take place so I think that's the end of the PPT is it is there anything else after that yeah so I like to share with people things that I learned from people I refer to as the eight gurus I've had in my life and one of them was Dr Wallace that I met in the '90s and one of the learnings he left me with was this that whenever you seek to do something new ask yourself if it checks all the boxes in what he would call as the five hours so the first hour he would say was for real realism be realistic in what you're trying to do you know don't try to be too audacious take a small step forward the second was responsibility be clear about responsibility and I think in this endeavor we are very clear about what is our responsibility each of us at Bajaj that of our partners and and everybody else will be associated with this effort the third very important is resources make sure you don't under resource something very often we start with lofty ideas uh and then we simply don't have the focus so we fragment our resources and very often a good idea doesn't go all the way to the end because it runs out of resources so as I explained over 90% perhaps of our CSR budget every year will go into this effort so I don't see that happen fourth very important record keep a record of of the progress you are making because only then can you improve upon that year on year so to the people who are here from my team and and from our partners I would say please be mindful of this you keep a record of everything not just of what we are putting out there but in terms of how the student is doing after he passes out from here uh so that we improve year on year and make the program more and more effective over time and of course finally uh recognition you know uh it's all very well to talk about Bajaj and Bajaj group and Bajaj Auto and symbiosis banali CI everything uh but let us also recognize that at the front line there are people who actually make this happen you know the teachers the staff The Faculty uh that dedicate their lives to do this because as you've all undoubtedly read in the book Tuesdays with muri if you have where he says a beautiful sentence he says a teacher touches eternity because he doesn't know where his influence ends you know so think back for a moment to all our teachers uh because of whom we are here today actually so we we will find a way uh uh to recognize these people um what is our goal in closing let me just say what is our goal our goal is a qualitative goal um Microsoft is supposed to have said once that their goal was to put a computer in every home we want to put a world's favorite Indian in every home in every home we want to create at least one skilled resource who can help India move forward who can become a world's favorite Indian as we believe we have become by being the third largest motorcycle maker in the world the largest three-wheeler maker in the world the largest exporter out of India and for some time now the most valuable two wheer and three-wheeler company in the world if we can do it you know everyone can do it everyone can do it because there is absolutely nothing special about us we just focused on an idea and we executed it with the skills at our disposal and we kept trying to improve on that year on Year and that has brought us where we are so I gave you one definition of CSR I give you a second one now not just constructive social reform but CSR for us specifically stands for create skilled resources it is as simple as that we don't need big slogans we don't need big words we just need simple ideas and we need to put them into action that's it from me today again please come this afternoon to see what we have to show you um as much as we have at Bajaj Auto done for engineering uh so has Bajaj fin serve and the team there uh for for the financial industry for the fintech industry and uh I'd like to invite now sanjie to come up and share their work with you thank you very [Applause] much we are still in time so still good morning folks in Bajaj Fin's journey to go beyond our primary focus is on Skilling and we also do a lot of work for child education and child health but I will primarily speak about Skilling today and as Rajiv was rightly done there is a large team that works day in and day out to make this happen and I'll name a few of them who are here today so we have kuroani who runs CSR at serve we have thanks kuros we have uh palavi who runs the cpb FI program and travels all around the country doing that we have our uh Team communication teams we got swapna we got Freda we have our training partners that enable this all around the country and some of them are here so I think we have girija from Cel we have UD over here from wagons learning and there are others as well thank you and finally the chairperson of our CSR steering committee my wife shifali you know normally when you forget somebody from the family you have a hard trouble at home in this case because I've named her I'm going to have trouble when I go back home I can already see her staring at me our journey on Skilling started in 2016 across Bajaj Finance baj aliance insurance as we started penetrating smaller towns tier 2 tier 3 tier four towns around the country the skill Gap became very apparent our branches our offices there needed local people and there were enough young graduates but the gap between what college taught them for financial services and what we needed became very apparent and as as we talk to other peers in the industry we realize that this was a common problem in financial services and as always once you identify a problem you try to find a solution and when you don't see a solution then you create the solution and that is cpbf next our program then for Skilling became how do we actually enable able youngsters primarily from smaller towns from Villages first generation students 70% of them are women how do we enable them to realize their dreams in financial services our program is National because as you can understand the requirement when you have a large distribution as in banking insurance asset management is National and we had to identify and work with a set of training Partners to make sure that we can deliver this program nationally and we worked on a operating model of bringing the best Minds together in creating the program in delivering the program and ensuring the right access next so our Target segment principally is students tier 2 to tier 4 as you can see we since we've been running this for over 6 years now 66% of students are first generation graduates they belong to tier 2 to tier three cities we were very positively surprised that 70% of them are girls and young women and we have so many examples of young girls finishing the programs getting a job in financial services and coming back to us a few months later saying that you know we have doubled and tripled our household incomes and we have a voice at home now so tremendous positive consequences some of it even we had not imagined or planned for I must be honest next for as we started building this program we built a core module on Tech technical Skilling for the banking the insurance and the asset management Industries but we realize very soon in the first year itself that for youngsters in these small towns to get into an established office to suddenly start working 8 10 hours a day in a institutionalized process they just didn't have the soft skills for it and we worked with noted institutes to create a soft skills program including um English as a spoken language and we added that to the program we also realized that a number of students were leaving within the first 100 days of working in an office environment because the pressures of it they could not handle and that's where the entire attitudinal training module got added to this program as well and finally as we started supporting these students after they had graduated and after they had got certified in this program for jobs we created our own mock workshops to get them ready for their interviews and for their jobs next we can't do this ourselves and I talked about C and wagons we also work with a few other training Partners uh uh five in all we have worked with them we have built the training module we have trained the training Partners we have over 250 trainers pan India through them and they go tie up with the colleges within a set of uh um I I would say boundary conditions that we have discussed with them and identify the students for the program so that's a five-step operating model that we've been working on next we are now present um in 22 States 410 colleges as I mentioned with 240 plus trainers and five Training partners um our aim is to continue growing as you can see we've made an entry into the Northeast as well a couple of years ago but we have to further penetrate that and Northern India uh but with this training program we have now cumulatively certified over 50,000 youngsters and in this year alone we should be doing 12 to 15,000 of them next so just a set of Milestones our first couple of years between 16 and 17 went in putting together the first version of the program running pilots in VHA which is our hometown my uncle Shaker talked about it in nagpur building the right connections with industry with training Partners between 18 and 20 as we started penetrating all of maharash and expanding beyond that Co hit us and the program went through an evolution to make it fit for working in a non- Col environment um and training the teachers in a different Manner and then in the last couple of years further expansion to take it to a national program including um the team has put 11,000 enrolled that's for this year our Target is to close 14 to 15,000 uh We've also gone through two more revisions of the program uh this is now a 100r program U so it's quite extensive and um it runs in the third year the final year of college these are of course bcom ba colleges in tier 2 to tier 4 cities it's a program that is typically in the last term and it's a of course it's a voluntary program it's an additional course that students have to perform uh we are looking now at lighter versions of this digital versions of this versions of this in various languages and that is going to be the next phase of activity we have a small film which we'd like to [Music] share knowledge up skill opportunity experience empathy change exciting future India young vibrant aspiring a country of a billion dreams realizing these dreams is possible and is already [Music] underway at Bajaj finerve we are part of India's journey to making the dreams of Rohit DHA SEL and many more come true the Reigns of our future are in the hands of of our youth Skilling our youth can catapult India into a global economic Powerhouse knowing this we launched our CP BFI program in 2016 to upskill Young students and prepare them for employment in the banking and finance industry today our CP BFI program has given Wings to the dreams of 53,000 young people enabling them to evolve as banking of Finance Professionals in this course I came to know in depth what is actually banking I didn't had any idea about insurance I'm ready to switch from teaching sector to banking sector nobody from my family is in in this sector uh everybody is engaged with agriculture I am the only person who came out of that sector Finance can help me to do my agriculture better the Intensive 100 hour CP BFI program has been created by top industry experts it's a employability skills program which helps student to get uh entry in banking insurance and finance industry I really feel that students are uh really making most out of this program because the technical knowledge that they get here is not available anywhere along with uh banking Insurance classes we also have gone through communication classes in which uh we have improved both our written and uh speaking abilities it helped us boost confidence at the same time uh the class was so engaging the Deep Reach of CP BFI across states in [Music] India ensures that students from smaller towns and cities are ready to meet the specific local needs of financial services businesses in their own regions I'm really able to understand the uh banking like their transactions their loans and the most important thing the honesty of a manager the program is aimed at aspirants in tier 2 and three cities on completion of the CP BFI program students undergo an assessment process followed by workshops by human resource professionals this is extremely important as these mock interviews are simulated by Bajaj finer recruiters providing student students insights into industry expectations from them before the course began our students were in dilemma whether we should take up this course or not but once they started the course they developed the confidence this confidence which is the need of the art One Finance professional at a time the CP BFI program is making a telling impact on society and the financial services industry 70% of students are young women while a sizable 66% of students have parents who are not graduates the CP BFI program is enabling these families to grow their income multiple times leading to their financial well-being I'm on first uh postgraduate in my family uh I currently doing MBA uh marketing this program inspires me to enter this sector so the old trainers are so inspirational what started out as a training program to meet the talent Gap is now providing youth with opportunities catalyzing social change and enabling a young India to take Wings into a limitless sky and we hope to go a long way scale up to scale up exciting fut creating Finance Professionals for the [Music] [Applause] future as we were building out this program last year I happened to spend some time with Shri dhandra Pradhan who's our Minister for Skilling education and Entrepreneurship and coincidently he happened to ask me he said What are groups like you doing for Skilling so I talked to him about our CP BFI program and he came out exceedingly supportive he says this is exactly what we want industry to do he said we are very happy to connect your team with AIC nsdc so we can certify your programs you will get a skills India certification it will just create wider opportunity for students and then he went a Step Beyond himself as I mentioned to you this program is a 100h hour program it takes up an entire course in the last year and students have to do this in addition to their normal statutory courses and we've all been students right so who wants to study more than is required he has started us on a process where in the coming months we will be I think the only financial services company and other than a few it companies the only company that that will now get rights from the government to give credits for this program in colleges around the country which is a very big step because one is the confidence that they've shown in the programs he has had a whole team evaluate this program with our team it also then means that this can replace three or four credits in the final year for students and make the adoption of the program that much more he was also very keen to launch this program in odisa that's where he comes from and last month we launched this in 50 colleges um and the team and I were there so that's a picture from that so coming with that to my last slide we have so far cross 53,000 students we will close this year with uh over 55,000 students our aim over the next 5 years with this and similar programs is to touch the lives of uh 400,000 students and more thank [Applause] you the Bajaj group has had a very long relationship with CII I've also had the opportunity to work with CII as its president two years ago and hence as much as chandrajit banery who's the director general of CIA tries to get away from Bajaj he finds it difficult to do so I would like to now invite him on stage to make a very special announcement very good afternoon and uh thanks n g thanks shakar G thanks madur G thanks Rajiv and sanjie for really including uh CI and my institution and ourselves into this uh very special function of yours indeed grateful thank you very much and to all the members of the Bajaj family staff and guests uh congratulations on such a phenomenal uh launch and a phenomenal idea which you all are taking forward today and again once again thank you for including us in this uh very special Journey as uh sanjie just mentioned mentioned that there has been a very special relationship yes of course with Mr Rahul baj and CI is a synonymous some Jo for very fondly if there was any institution or any company leader who was called the owner of CI it was from this institution that it we kept he kept being referred to as that not just two times the president but we still considered him to be a conscious keeper so to say of the institution and and uh many many achievements and he was just not a plain speaker uh like U that one has heard Visa the general ecosystem but he was also a very straightforward and tough within the CII system too and uh you know I one does Mrs Sunday one hour calls even today but last Sunday when we the institution was going through a special challenge sanjiv knows about it U we were going through the special Challenge and we had a past president's meeting called in just two hours time my question uh to S sanjie successor as who is the president now was what would have Rahul baj said in this meeting and can we reflect on that before taking a final decision on what we took that day on Sunday so that's how we still remember him every every every time um uh Rajiv mentioned about the second most and he didn't mention who's the first the first is he so uh he beats me definitely on it and otherwise my job is at stake Rajiv so so you better be the number one there uh but thank you once again you know there's a lot that was talked about and so well presented on the plans that uh Bajaj has going forward in terms of Skilling and it so much matches with ours uh we have looked at the demography of our country we've seen the demographic dividend and we've seen how we could really make this uh uh into uh uh something which would help India attain a double- digit growth which is just by seeing to it our our how do we employ and make our people employability employable uh to get into that group so our first Skilling Center you'll be surprised to know the CIS first Skilling Center goes back to somewhere in 2006 and uh no I mean it's a very difficult guess as to where it was it was the first killing Center that we set up was in Kabul so we were actually requested to set up one in Kabul those days so it was not in India that we set up a full-fledged Skilling Center for various trades so it ran for quite some time and thereafter of course we replicated many across the country uh so we have four different models through which we work one is the multi-skilling center which is called uh which if I can say the model one and uh these are various companies coming into that Center uh many companies participating be it a manufacturing company or be it even a service sector companies from chefs to uh drivers of uh training drivers on uh construction equipment uh uh to what have you so each of these centers have 10 to 12 private sector companies participating and we have a few centers at this point in time which we want to scale this up from from uh from 4 to 24 over a period of time and uh that's one very important model which is working very well in some of these Cent these are National centers but located in different parts of the country the second is a sector specific Skilling centers that we have one which is running very successfully at this point in time with our partners our partners are both Indian companies but also uh you know International agencies like an example of that is an institution called EOL which works out of Luzan in Switzerland and which trains sh the for the hospitality sector and our partners in India include companies like ITC or uh T tatas or even now others who are uh so these are joint certification program Hospitality programs 24 of them across the country this has been a pilot but we are now replicating that to many other sectors including in healthc care where we are looking at Radiologists and many other areas of training uh into the healthcare sector through such partners and then we will move into areas like Financial Security even areas uh like uh cyber security of course uh we were in Singapore just about a week back 10 more uh just two weeks back and their uh Singapore Minister was Keen that the health Minister was Keen that we set up again uh nursing training centers over here uh in in certain locations we always wanted to do a project uh uh or an you know uh which would which would uh which would cover up many of our ideas that I was talking about so this is an opportunity today and as we are building up these sector these and moving on to these sectors today we talked about manufacturing sectors we are looking at areas like uh fitter welder electricians all of that work is still continuing in sectors but we have moved into we are moving into sectors like the manufacturing 4.0 where we are talking about drones we talking about uh even creating uh operators for our drones uh uh which will really touch a lot in the rural sector robotic welding CAD cam of course and UI ux animation uh gaming all of those are areas where we are now venturing into and these will grow into uh different centers as we move along the third model is our International National Mobility work actually with Japan the government of India appointed us as the sending organization which means that we train people uh in India and in Japan over a period of 1 to one and a half years and including the language of course but then it could be again from Elderly Care to agriculture Specialists to electronics electrical and so on and so forth and so far we have been able to send uh in the last 2 years 300 odd people who go from here into Japan work there for two to three years and they're expected to come back because they would be well trained to be employable anywhere else so now we have been approached by countries like Finland uh the Nordic the even Australia and Middle East for taking that forward so that's a third area of our model which we would like to expand and work on and the fourth and the very very interesting one is something called an MCC which is a model career center uh which is like a private employment exchange and these are located in many parts of the country near a metro station so an ITI person just can walk out walk into it to say that this is that this is what I am and H how do I take my career forward and here also there are many companies maybe 10 12 company representatives from our members who are present in these centers and they talk about career counseling they talk about they impart soft and uh um you know employability skills uh digital skills and then they work on placement 100% placements from those centers primarily and uh many of them are with institutions like the panit and all of that so at these mcc's we have uh uh we are looking at taking it from 41 mcc's in the country to 100 this year uh because of this uh partnership that we are really looking at so all four types of uh uh these uh models that I talk to will be subsumed in this phenomenal partnership that we are looking at and in the next 5 years we are looking through these models to really touch 10 million OD youth so that's the that's the sort of Target and the work that we are working in one critical area that we shall look into would be actually reskilling as well as upskilling and uh and the and and the focus will be on the future of work which is becoming extremely uh uh different as we all of us know we are really looking at uh as I mentioned 4.0 and other other disruptive that are coming into it and besides that the center that we are really looking at this is a going to be a multilocational center but we will really focus a lot uh for with the states as well as with the central government and also when we work with International work uh International uh geographies uh in areas of Mobility uh so that policy advocacy also becomes a very strong area of work besides of course standard setting I wanted to conclude that uh you know uh when um I don't want to sort of be talking about my age but then when I was a kid on the Block in 1987 in CII one of my first assignments in CII was to uh look at Skilling and that time Skilling was really not in the uh not not appreciated in the way it was and I I was asked to look at a model called World World skills Olympics and it was Australia which used to host it that uh at that point in time and then when I understood how do we celebrate skills uh and we conducted uh in 1988 February if I recollect correctly uh uh a skills competition amongst workers from all across the country about 100 odd member companies of CI participated in the eastern part of the country but it was a truly uh uh Indian competition uh and today India as you know participates in the world skills uh Olympics so that 19 1987 start by us in terms of celebrating skills was a huge huge U milestone for us to see that and then slowly of course it became a movement within the our institution uh today when we work on on on skills as an institution we also look at how we are able to not just uh uh work in uh Indian cities tier one tier 2 tier three our dream is to go into the villages open more of our uh district and Rural level Skilling centers and look at non-agricultural rural jobs get them set for it so this particular recognition if I may say by the Bajaj group for to be U including us in this uh uh in this uh vision of theirs would be of great value to us and would help us uh scale up our work on Skilling uh which as a national service and as a something which just not our member companies required but I believe it will be so very critical and important for our nation once again thank you to the Bajaj family and the all all of you at Bajaj thank you very much India the world's fifth largest economy and poised for further growth is ready to develop a future ready Workforce for the rapidly evolving employment landscape and Rising demand for skilled Talent a strong Foundation has been created by CII for building a robust skill development ecosystem through many ongr initiatives as a catalyst CII has been equipping India's Talent through Skilling reskilling and upskilling seamlessly integrating youth into the dynamic demands of the workforce for decades late Shri Rahul Bajaj inspired CI thought process as a Guiding Light and committed Mentor building on his vision and aspirations CII is launching the CII Rahul bajad Center of Excellence on skills which will stand as a beacon in the Skilling domain to scale up these initiatives CII is instituting a new age Center of Excellence which aims Chad's impetus to employability of Youth impacting 10 million youth in the next 5 years this scaling up will be enabled to a fital platform with a multilingual portal and an app boosted by a pan India presence for better Outreach of services equipped with in-house sectoral technical experts and operating from sectoral industry centers embodying industry excellence and a commitment to nurger a future ready Workforce the center will unlock Avenues towards increased productivity and map emerging job roles creating benchmarks for future Excellence through industry aligned curriculum and quality certification the center of excellence will aim to create internationally benchmarked specialized job roles the center will scale up across India through the various onr initiatives the multikill training institutes being the model Career Centers and sectoral training Institutes the center of excellence will work in a huband Spoke model pan India and will cater to the training needs of key high growth sectors it will be headquartered in Pune with state-of-the-art infrastructure and Hightech AI driven sectoral training Labs laying the robust foundation for young Indian Workforce equipping them with global Skilling standards digital skills International Pathways and lifelong learning the center of excellence will also host high-tech Aid driven Labs on key sectors like manufacturing lab Health Care Financial Services Hospitality it ites and uiux automotive and also a drone technology the CII Rahul bajad Center of Excellence will embark on a collaborative journey and partner with countries and international organizations to l their best practices to create an agile Future Ready talent pool with this cented of Excellence as a vibrant node let's all converge together and set the pace for India's robust growth with a skilled [Music] Workforce [Music]
Channel: CNBC-TV18
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Id: CVIdEvWx_rg
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Length: 85min 50sec (5150 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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