LIVE: 2022 F1 Testing Updates (Day 2 Afternoon)

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ready to go oh I will go live right we're going live we're going live we're going live we're going live we're going live we're going live we're live we're live hello hello everybody Welcome once again sorry that we're five minutes late but my God there's so much to do during a one hour lunch break and that's not even including eating yes yeah exactly yeah eating was uh definitely a secondary uh but that isn't Tommy as you can see in the bottom left-hand side of your screen it is in fact Katie Fairman the the wtf1 author uh welcome um welcome to your first I've had massive fomo watching you guys for a day and a half and I was like I want to get involved in this so here I am let me turn you up slightly because I feel like it might be a bit quiet there we go I can move closer to my mind that's fine it was it was all me it was all me but everyone's saying hello hello everyone welcome back to the afternoon session of this preseason F1 testing day two I am currently into my 13th Hour of talking in two days uh that's a lot it's still intact I just recorded a voiceover in the lunch break uh which is fantastic and um we're ready to give you some some updates so I need to close some windows because I've got so much going on right now it's actually disgusting right so let me close I'll leave that open oh okay cool so Casey give us your uh your thoughts firstly on yesterday and what we've seen this morning because no one's heard your thoughts just yet and I will sort my life out whilst you talk okay perfect uh so I have um well firstly I've enjoyed the content that you two have been bringing absolutely very proud of you haven't been paid to say this um but in terms of actually what we've seen thank you what we've actually seen on track the cars now I'm seeing them on the ground and not through renders or magic shows that the teams are putting on to reveal their cars they do look really good um I was a little bit unsure at first maybe because it was such a dramatic change to what we've seen over the last few years but I do like the look of these near cars um obviously the Red Bull made its proper debut yesterday which those side pods are extremely intense and either Adrian Nui and his team are geniuses or it could be a big risk to take but I think it will probably be the first of the two um what else has been going on uh we had a Ferrari one two yesterday which was very exciting until yeah well until Landon Norris came and came along and beat the time but during that the the one two time I know that you were properly on the Ferrari hype train manager you've been on that for a long time anyway yeah um and then before uh the end of the morning session Daniel Ricardo also went faster so it meant that um we've seen the two McLarens go quickest so far but of course this is only Shakedown or a test or whatever you want to refer it to the times don't necessarily mean McLaren are going to be world champions uh we've seen it so many times in tests where you know maybe Daniel Ricardo in a Red Bull ends up being the fastest and like Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes will still go and win the championship so uh it's just an important chance for the teams and the drivers to get used to these new cars obviously it's a whole new set of regulations lots of them have been changing their driving style to get used to these cars um so yeah I'm I'm getting a bit of fomo not being on the ground in Barcelona as the saying has now come from this watch along um but still very much enjoying reading updates from what the race have been saying xpb delivering us plenty of images and of course um taking part in guess the F1 car or which motorhome is this so it's uh it's been a a good good couple of days and I'm ready to sit and chat through um what's happened at lunch break because we've had um some press conferences going on been hearing from drivers and team bosses and then yeah keeping an eye on what else is going on on the track obviously right before lunch as well we had Sergio Perez bringing out the first red flag of the test so far nothing too dramatic just a gearbox issue it seems to be um but he stopped on the exit of 1013 so making sure Red Bull properly wrapped that car up before it goes in the recovery truck so they don't get any cheeky uh photographers being like Paparazzi trying to get those spy shots but he's back at the garage the car's back at the garage now and uh yeah we've got um I'm just reading through all your comments thank you so much um my Twitter name yes so at ktwtf1 was already taken so my if you do want to follow me on Twitter very nice of you if you do and if you want to engage we'll read tweets out and stuff my Twitter handle is just at katieferman so if you just put my name into Twitter hopefully you'll be oh so Tommy got it wrong no no because at kcwtf1 is my Instagram handle and it does look nicer on the stream it does look like yeah it does but yeah so that's difficult um no that's a struggle an F1 struggle but it is um I appreciate that people want to find me on Twitter and follow me that's very sweet thank you good stuff um yeah so welcome everybody to this afternoon session uh I'll kind of recap because I mean to be fair I'm actually learning what went on during the lunch uh myself so um obviously as Katie mentioned there's there's been some press conferences going on obviously the main talking point is Russia and the Ukraine um and as said this morning and I think I want to Echo you know my thoughts and condolences go out to the people of the Ukraine that are going through such an awful time and uh you know I couldn't believe the the news that I read this morning and I really hope that the the situation improves um and it kind of links in kind of with what Mattia bonato said where um he was interviewed and said that it's an awful situation very sad all we can do is wait and see from now until the race in September there is time my wish is for everything to stop very soon we will have a meeting tonight to understand and manage the situation so obviously the team bosses are having an emergency meeting to discuss all of this my personal opinion is to cancel it to be honest with you um but uh we won't get into that too much but obviously that is the main talking point uh right now um other drivers have been asked for their opinion on the Russian Grand Prix getting a lot of this from uh the race live text updates which we've got a link in the description below if you want to go and look for yourself but we obviously keep you guys in the loop with all the information that our colleagues at the race give us LeClaire said I don't know all the information it's very sad to see that especially to see that especially in 2022 will take a decision I think F1 will probably take the decision I can't express myself more than that verstappen when a country is at War it's not correct to race there it's not only what I think is how the whole Paddock decides what we're going to do next Alonso said it's going to be Formula One decision eventually I think we have our opinion and it's a same one as everyone but we don't have the power to decide we can make our own decisions for sure but eventually I think F1 will do the best and then thing is what is assumed with that um so I think most of if not all of the paddock is in unison uh with the feelings around that particular situation uh so yeah there you go um other things that have gone on uh Red Bull obviously retrieving the rb18 from the recovery truck after Paris stopped right at the end of the morning session uh due to what was suspected a gearbox problem hasn't been fully confirmed as far as I can see here um but uh yeah it's going to be interesting to see how quickly they can get Perez back up and running because any loss mileage is going to be a negative thing especially for the likes of Red Bull who have gone for a very aggressive strategy with their their side pods and things and things like that as for the day two afternoon lineup I'll run you through that Mercedes is George Russell Red Bull is Sergio Perez if they can fix the car Ferrari's got Charlotte Clair McLaren it's got Ricardo solando had a full day yesterday Alpine is estebanokon Alpha tari is Pierre gasly against NoDa and both Alonso had full days yesterday Aston Martin is Sebastian Vettel Williams is Nicholas satifi Alfa Romeo guanyu Joe finally getting a run out maybe if the Alfa Romeo is running uh for this afternoon session and in the Hass is Nikita Mazza pin so there you go yeah well touching upon um the Russia Ukraine situation One driver that has made headlines over the lunch break is Sebastian Vettel who has said that even if a race does go ahead in Russia he won't attend he won't go um Seb is obviously always somebody who is great at speaking his mind and standing up for what he believes in um look at Hungary last year with the same love Rainbow t-shirt he had um to sort of make a protest against the fact in Hungary they're a very strict lgbtq Plus rules um but his full quote is similar to yours you know he woke up this morning to shock to the news it's horrible to see what is happening if you look at the calendar we have a race scheduled in Russia for myself my own opinion is I should not go I will not go it is wrong to race in the country I'm sorry to the people innocent people who are losing their lives getting killed for stupid reasons a very strange and mad leadership it's something we will talk about but the gpda which Seb is one of the president's off or chairs of hasn't come together yeah personally I'm just so shocked and sad to see what is going on we will see going forward but I think my decision is already made that's seb's comments on it all so pretty strong from him to say that he won't even go if there is a race scheduled there yeah and the GPD for him for standing up probably worth mentioning gpda means the Grand Prix Drivers Association for those uh that don't know um but yes uh there's gonna be clear stances and I think F1 will make the right decision um with this to be honest with you uh because I don't think they'll have anyone to race there if uh if that is the case um so there you go on that one I'm just going to keep an eye because I imagine it's green flag I haven't actually seen an official green flag at the end of the pit Lane oh no it's afternoon session is go there is a green light at the end of the not flag light it's a light mat and Vettel is the first to take to the track this afternoon it took 13 minutes but we have a car back out on track after lunch and uh Vettel is at the wheel of the Aston Martin so they weren't eager to get straight out of the blocks which is uh which is strange I'm going to be getting loads of images from xpb and I assume Tommy is going to be sending me some as well I haven't actually spoken I'm going to be crazy so we've got oh that is just literally a a blank thing there we go the Sebastian Vettel um yeah so he doesn't look particularly happy in that photo to be honest with you um have we got any pictures um being loaded up on xpb yet Katie is there anything of Interest uh there's some pictures at the moment from the press conferences if you want to see what drive is it like sat in their chairs I'm speaking for chat but I'm assuming you guys would just like to see any content that um gets uploaded let me know if that isn't the case you'd rather just see the cars but I think you guys want to see what what's going on um so yeah feel free to send over whatever you see Katie that would be great should I send them to you by email is that the easiest just said to be on slack if that's okay just uh yeah of course yeah thank you very much no worries I'm having a quick Swig of actamel because uh you know need that need to keep yourself yeah exactly other yogurt drinks are available I suppose um but I had a Rio yesterday and I'm having an optimal apparently today I'm trying to um yeah trying to be healthy right uh how long have we got we've got seven and a half thousand people joining for the afternoon session already welcome everybody how are you watching this is DJ melter we are we aren't we're not we're not watching it we've got people on the ground as Katie loves me saying um I do it really is it makes me happy in Barcelona uh via our colleagues at the race which I'm sure you have heard many things about their a team of journalists they do incredible articles and also you know run a great website and YouTube and do loads of podcasts so they are actually in Barcelona and we've got direct communication with them we've also got xpb images who are taking pictures at uh the track and sending us uh the latest hot off the press pictures uh so it's all very exciting and uh yeah it's it's all good uh no time from Vettel as far as we're aware just yet um Russell and gasly now on track two so very exciting to see some more cars out on track so right now as we would have seen from the morning session Danny Rick P1 in that McLaren on the C3 Tire not C4 like Lando I believe one new show is out there as well uh because it says one lap but maybe he came out and then came straight back in after an installation yeah I've um I've really enjoyed seeing um the Aston Martin out on track you know because the green like we you've mentioned it before the green has changed from what it was last year and I was catching up on uh Sky's coverage yesterday and they've got some of their guys in the uh pit Lane there and filming it I don't know if it was maybe the light but it just looks such a good color and it makes me question why was it not this color before because it just looks so much better and hopefully it does pick up better on TV and you know yes Barcelona is nice and sunny for now it will be a test when we get to night races or rainy races where it's a bit gloomy um but I love that Livery I think it looks stunning I think it's still my favorite out of all of the ones so far absolutely um of course they had their previous sponsorships which may have uh taken their particular Livery design in previous years in a certain direction but they've got it absolutely spot on uh this year it's uh it's a brilliantly looking it's a brilliant looking delivery unfortunately Ferrari for me still uh top sets but it is a a gorgeous looking car and you know when Tommy The Livery expert says he likes it as well there's something that's definitely gone right in that Ferrari Camp um so just to recap so it's Danny Rick 65 laps this morning science did 71 gasly did 64. album 47 stroll 55 laps Shoemaker 66 much better for Hass this morning 21 laps for bottas and Alfa Romeo 38 laps for Perez before his gearbox or something went wrong in the car yet to be confirmed 40 laps for Hamilton 66 that's for okon three laps now for Vettel this is this afternoon Russell and Joe have one lap as far as we're aware at this particular moment so I wonder how guanyusho is doing Nicholas atifi out there as well granujo now has two laps on the board so he is officially getting used to that 2022 F1 car and he needs all the time he can possibly get and I'm sending through some images for you now by the way by the on slack thank you very much conference moments oh we love that here we go boom boom right let's stick some stuff up and get rid of uh potentially quite sad Sebastian Vettel there is I say we get rid of him we've now got Seb and charl uh who is getting interviewed there during the lunch break a lot of McDonald's memes about the Ferrari overalls this year I don't quite see it I actually don't mind it I think it looks all right um I think there's some there's definitely worse team overalls out there I don't like McLarens and uh who else am I thinking of Alpine as well just although they do merge a little bit better they actually merge the cards a bit better I just don't like the colors full stop so that's uh there's seven and charl and then you got Max and Fernando being asked some questions during the break and then we have another picture of Perez's broken down car this time this was just before it was salvaged Perez looking down at his car solemnly he's only a couple of Corners away from home but clearly had to stop the car so that further damage wasn't done or maybe it just didn't have any more drive because you wouldn't imagine unless it was a serious issue why they would have just crawled it back to the pit Lane during that particular time so I wonder if Sergio will get back hear that in in the mic because it's a little bit at the moment yeah I thought I wonder what that was and I'm like why has it started right now as soon as we're about to begin but um I can put myself on mute in case it's a bit noisy it's a bit atmospheric you said yesterday you wanted a background yes maybe some slow jazz I can give you hail give me how brilliant thank you Katie uh we'll see how loud it becomes um but apparently a thunderstorm wasn't Jack from the race lets us know that um the only Rebel update so far is that the uh the stoppage was a gearbox problem so that is 100 confirmed that that was the case so that is the reason for Perez not running at the moment of course they will have had that hour or maybe 45 minutes 30 minutes depending on how quickly they got the car back to work on the car and try and get it fixed but let's see You'd imagine it's going to take uh take a little while before we see Sergio back on track Alex Alban still P4 as you can see on the times of 21.531 in that Williams 47 laps under his belt so far in day two it's good to see Alex back in the sport and that Williams looks much nicer than what we've seen in the past I'd have to say uh it's uh deliveries growing on both myself and Tommy at quite a rate of Knox Katie is it doing the same for you yeah very much so I think when we watched watched along live to it um obviously the renders and the actual car itself look very different because Williams are going to make sure that the renders that are the things that get like widely distributed look you know chef's kiss but um yeah it is it's definitely growing on me um but yesterday we didn't get much of a chance to see the Livery in full working order because they use all those flavors paint and so for most of testing yesterday it was just covered in like this horrible vibrant green snot to check this check the uh all the Aero and everything's working well but yeah some people liked it reminded them of a Bernardi or something like that but um I think I'll stick with just like the blue and the the Reds and that they've got there at the moment absolutely uh what are people saying in the chat uh how's Alpine doing um well Brian plays 10 44. okay she's on the case as well with the picture love that um I've just closed that there we go Alpine how would we talk about Alpine 66 laps oh I mean kind of what I said at the end of the morning session it's clearly not any sort of performance run whatsoever from Alpine uh but 66 laps that's where you judge it on the mileage I know I sound like a broken record but I know people dip in and out of of testing streams and whatnot but judge it on the mileage and 66 laps is is a good a good Benchmark uh for a morning session from ocon and uh he'll get further time and further experience this afternoon providing there's no problems and uh but the the team that stands out for me not only because I am passionate but also Ferrari you know they did 153 laps I think it was and they've already done 71 laps today they are getting a gargantuan amount of mileage uh in this new car and every single lap turned is a new bit of learning for the teams so you you have to think at the very you know at the very least that the teams that put a huge amount of laps in should be in reasonably good stead uh come uh well at least the next testing session in Bahrain in a couple of weeks time Nicholas atifi has just slotted himself in to p7 with a woman at 22.063 after four laps of running half a second off what his teammate managed uh this morning so uh good job actually that's a 21.894 now he's improved even more since I just spoke so three tenths now back from Alex Alban so the goatee feat is on track okay see yeah I mean this is going to be a big year for him I know we haven't even had our first races the only day two of testing um but going up against Albin who obviously has a glowing resume and lots of people thinking that he's a very good driver obviously it was a Red Bull got the demotion back in F1 um latifi will be hoping that he could maybe beat album this year I mean I don't know obviously in junior categories Albin because I raced in and dams together in F2 in 2018 I think it was um and album sort of trounced um latifi but we'll see maybe being more embedded in Williams will give latifi an edge um because Alvin is coming in as the new new boy um so I'm excited to see that um how about Championship battle or teammate battle um looks over the course of a season who do you think will come out on top from those two out of here too sorry out of Albany um well I mean I've kind of yeah I've kind of said I think in our podcast previously uh that album has to demolish latifi if he's to be I suppose on a good trajectory uh moving forward uh in in the sport because you know no disrespect to latifi but he's not he's not the best driver on the grid I don't think he's anywhere near really uh the the level in which you want to be sort of benching yourself at so he has to be um latifi whether I think he will I think he will I don't think it will be a white wash I think it will be kind of you know if it's 22 races I think he'll out qualify in maybe 15-7 and you know similar maybe in terms of the race as well but will that be enough I don't know uh the TV did have a strong end to the season last year in terms of his comparison to George but similar to McLaren with Danny Rick and Lando I felt like it was more a drop-off of performance of Lando bringing his himself back to Danny Rick rather than Danny Rick essentially having incredible results and same goes for George Russell and Nicholas latifi I think George Maybe started to focus on Mercedes a little bit Williams had secured unless Alfa mayor had literally like won a race at the end of the race end of the season um it was pretty much done and dusted for that Williams team in terms of the constructors so yeah it's uh it's gonna be an interesting one but Alvin does definitely have to to beat latifi quite comprehensively definitely that's just having a look and seeing what people are saying in the in the chat someone's saying update on on Red Bull the only thing we have is that the gearbox has was the reason for the stoppage we haven't got anything else thanks let me let us know if you do um I'm just speaking to the race people uh as well so that's that's awesome um but yeah they are on the ground at uh in Spain so they are very busy I'm sure writing articles as well and keeping the live timing up to speed but any questions you want me to ask anything you'd like them to note around that I think uh you know maybe a world on Alpha Romeo would be good yeah they've had a shocking start I haven't nothing obviously because I was in the car yesterday um in there for the morning and how many laps have you managed to total up it was like seven or something like that really yeah nine oh my God so really not a great start for Robert cubitzer um and then bought us in the car in the afternoon but yeah they've had a really difficult start to testing um whether that they need more parts flown in or botas yesterday were saying that they identified the issue that was causing it but it wasn't a case of a quick fix so um I hope that they do manage to get more more time in obviously for bottas he's a bit of a veteran now with formula one like it's not gonna but it obviously it would be nice to get behind these new cars because it is essentially a fresh fresh Lake for a lot of them yeah but um he has that knowledge and that experience that he'll probably be able to pick her up pick it up a lot quicker than someone like Guan yujo who is literally a rookie in his first year of Formula One so um I'm hoping um one usually gets a bit more of a better chance to get some some Laps on the board um because he is gonna need it he certainly is um you know bought us I think if if there's two teammates that I'm looking at this season um where one should trounce the other I think it's got to be botas and Joe like their experiences Worlds Apart Joe's got so much to learn botas you know he's been given us opportunity to lead the team and and potentially you know design the car around him so I fully expect bottas to potentially 22-0 uh show this year I could that could get clipped up and be very very uh age very very badly um but that's certainly what what I think back to well actually back to some recent news not necessarily about testing but some comments from a driver at testing Max verstappen uh is quoted of saying that Massey was thrown under the bus and uh that um from uh the the decision to remove Michael Massey from his role as F1 race director was not correct so Red Bull doubling down on the decision to get rid of Michael Massey they could have easily just scared around the edges and gone ah yeah you know it was fine you know nope they literally think it's the worst thing ever done is that Michael Messier has been removed as race director which you know they're you know they're they're allowed their own opinion and uh of course they have a lot more information than the average spectator in terms of what goes on behind the scenes if there's any other people at fault uh but yeah it's certainly going to rile up rile up some team LH fans again I am sure yeah it's a different one to say because like it's like drivers they have an under relationship with and see then any of us armchair experts at home have however you know yes Abu Dhabi was kind of the straw that broke the camel's back but there were significant amount of things that happened up until that point it's not just a case of Are We fluffed up safety car in Abu Dhabi and he should be sat for that like there were several incidences whether that's just a communication issue you know going back to Saudi Arabia should um Mercedes have been told before Red Bull that verstappen was going to have to give the place back which then in turn caused this whole playing DRS chicken and verstappen going in Hamilton going to the back of verstappen um but then they've also been safety concerns letting the cars out on track when there's still a recovery vehicle on the circuit so there have been several instances Marshals um on the track picking up debris in imela last year or sorry in 2020 when Russell had his crashed under the safety car you know cars trying to unlock themselves with people still on the track like there is a significant amount of things that have have happened up until Abu Dhabi um but I'm I'm looking forward to seeing what these new race directors are going to do of course they aren't going to have the knowledge that Massey has built up in that time that he was raised director for those two years um but there's still going to be um it's gonna take a while to I think get things figured out and the process may be running smoothly I'm not expecting everyone to show up and Bahrain and it's going to be instantly better there's always going to be little blips here and there and things to iron out but um I have faith in the management structure that the FIA have put in there and um also you know they're bringing on Tech um sort of things as well to make sure that the processes and um are a bit like VAR well VAR sorry football fan I really am not a big football fan so um yeah equivalent informal ones so I'll be interested to see how it all well I'm absolutely shocked that they don't have something similar anyway where they have uh yeah I know right all of this technology and they're like you know we actually just review it from one angle and that's it or we don't have we don't have the tcam on board because it's not actually uploaded uh so we can't the stewards didn't have access to Max verstappen's on board at Brazil remember that unbelievable yeah uh right we've got some movers and shakers God I sound like a real commentator now um we've got we've got some first uh lap times for George Russell who's currently slotted into p12 which I know you can't see on screen so I'll let you know p12 George Russell one minute 24.023 on the C2 Tire 10 laps into his stint so far guanyu Joe one minute 24.578 on the C2 Tire 12 laps into his stints Alpha remote off to a good start in terms of the amount of laps they're almost uh up to where botas was already and they're only 34 minutes into the session uh Sebastian Vettel hasn't set a time yet but has done six laps and Charlotte Clair no time and two laps Scott Mitchell uh from the race you can get the live text updates from the link in the description but I'm keeping you up to date as much as I possibly can but feel free to go check it out for yourself had a good sit down with Yuki snoder at the start of the afternoon For an upcoming piece on the race website about his increased physical preparation this season he is happy to admit now that he badly misjudged his training regime for his rookie season how bad he reckons 66 year old team boss Franz tost was in better shape than he was oh my goodness that's quite a statement to make you I love how Yuki said that as well that's hilarious I wonder how much of that is a joke um but uh yeah wow that's uh that's that's great I've got another picture thank you for that Katie I will change that now bring the little Yuki one as well there we go there's uh there's the Checker car being pushed back into the garage that would have been probably during lunch time and uh yeah if we have any other cars on track that have been uploaded that'll be great let me just speak to all press conference at the moment xpb you're a little behind yeah uh in terms in terms of happiness uh in terms of how testing is going really nothing specific if I'm typing it means I'm speaking to the race guys in Spain in Barcelona so apologies for my ferocious typing but you know this is a news desk after all we are wtf1 news so we'll see if there's any news to come out of any of the teams oh there is old UK let's have a look and see if his neck looks Hench maybe that was where he'd maybe under trained can't really see in that in that picture but um interesting that he badly underprepared and that could easily um be a reason for his mistakes you don't know so maybe Abu Dhabi was a sign of things to come perhaps yeah of course that fourth place finish so close to the podium um but I hope for Yuki's sake that he has a bit of a stronger year this year because um because he's because he's because he's done now yes okay I I get it um but uh yeah last year wasn't great was it just be blunt about it uh good start and a good end but just the middle bit was a bit rubbish um questions in the chat what happened to Perez I will say it again his gearbox broke and he uh stopped running right at the end of the morning session um and he caused the red flag which uh probably wasted about 20 minutes I'd imagine but not not a huge amount um is the Red Bull side pod painted now that's a good question let me see if I've got a picture from today of the Red Bull I was in it that's the broken down one we can't really see from that angle um there was a pushing back one this one here I can't really tell I don't think it is but we'll see I'm sure there'll be if he gets out on track are there any Perez images Katie of him on track that you can confirm or deny whether it's painted on xpb thank you very much no worries I've sent you an image of Max verstappen having a convo with a football who is called Memphis depay Ed yes but um yeah I just thought it was a bit interesting having I got VIPs now at testing foreign [Music] yeah uh Swindle that one interesting yeah um but yeah I've got some pictures from this morning of check out on track and it doesn't look like it is painted but it is covered up by this huge rake that they've been testing so I can send that over and you guys can come to that conclusion yourself but to me it doesn't look painted a lot of images of paris's broken down car we also saw this morning the hole in the Williams side pod which is quite interesting you can see there it goes straight through and looks uh the other side at where the curb is which is uh an interesting way of them trying to essentially combat this porpoising where the car is bouncing up and down through the ride height changes of the um of differing downforce levels from the car so they are all struggling to different degrees it seems the the F1 teams Mercedes rumored to be one of them Alfa Romeo has being another two strongly uh at least was in the morning uh strongly being affected by this porpoising effect of these new cars I'm going to go to that that's a lovely side by side if you haven't seen that earlier between the Mercedes and the red bolt taken and and analyze that how you how you would like obviously the air intake and side pod is the big difference there between the Mercedes and the Red Bull thank you for that oh yes pictures as well going through old pictures from this morning I'm now Tom Bellingham wait what you're not Tom bellium whoops it's fine no one noticed it's all good nobody noticed um so yeah that image here Thomas literally put it in the chat amazing all right I'm gonna chill out I'm giving you extra exposure you should be loving it yeah so yeah it doesn't look painted from that angle as you say Katie and that is a very cool image as well of course was from Paris this morning before he broke down we'll keep you up to date as to what we hear with regards to Sergio Perez once we hear from the race in Barcelona sounds weird when I say that if people don't know that that's the brand the race it sounds like there's a race there's a race going on in Barcelona what uh so Yuki sonoda's Hench that's the latest information that we've got in terms of times uh the the mileage winner the mileage hero is Esteban okon now 73 laps myself and Tommy had a uh actually no it's not it's Pierre gasly I'm in the lead again so Tommy Tommy bet that ocon was going to be the uh most mileage today I bet on gasly gasly's on 76 Laps okon's on 73 then you've got Carlos signs on 71. Daniel Ricardo 70. so it's quite a few teams running in the the 70 region which is promising you'd like to think they would all be able to solo get to well I say solo signs is obviously uh well actually it came up as LeClaire running why did it come up as LeClaire running and now that's there he is Leclair is running yeah five laps so science isn't running this afternoon shoulder Claire is I should be getting confused but Danny Rick is running the whole day as is uh Pierre gasly um and same for estebanokon as well so yeah very interesting to see if who hits the century of laps first because that's the real that's the real treasure treasure treasure chest get that out my uh get my get out of my mouth um of of testing is is lapse what's super interesting I think you and Tommy mentioned it yesterday looking in comparison of how many laps were completed might have been in 2014 when there was a last big regulation change in looking in comparison to um 2014 to now obviously 2014 was slightly different because we had a whole new power unit system um you know debuted rather than on at the moment you know they using the same power units um and it's just more of the outside and bits of the car that have have been changed but still a really impressive amount of laps that are being racked up um over these last few days I think verstappen yesterday did 147 laps which is about the same as two and a half Spanish Grand Prix so good amount of lapse and data that these teams will be collecting absolutely I'm just doing a little poll who would be the first to reach 100 laps okon Ricardo gasly or other ask your community there you go someone was like where's the pole we need a pole they love a pole so you can have a poll there you go how many times can I say pole everyone laughs in 10 seconds so yeah good stuff um other questions other comments any photos of Joe out on track yet asks Emma I will have a look for you Emma because at the moment still all press conference pictures I might see if I can NAB some from the Alfa Romeo media Gallery do it other teams yeah because um I want pictures of cars I love the Alfa Romeo one because they always make the sponsors look so much whiter and so much brighter than they actually are they're like Photoshop the the sponsor logos so that they they stick out on a camo Livery because in reality they don't stick out at all uh which is quite funny so in terms of the pole 41 think Ricardo will be the first to reach 100 laps 39 think gasly 11 thing icon and 10 think other get your votes in also leave a like on this testing updates afternoon stream if you are one having a great time maybe with background noise maybe you're doing something else maybe you are sat here staring at our faces for four hours doesn't matter if you're enjoying it yeah that's a scary thought isn't it maybe I should turn off my camera then then leave us a like leave us some love uh subscribe if you're new as well um I also actually at this point as I it's a little bit of a lull in the session I will share with you the wtf1 shot promotion that we've got going on right about now uh which you can see right here on screen so we've got loads of different merch we've got mugs we've got t-shirts we've got hoodies and we've got phone covers we've got Diaries we've got all sorts of stuff going on um doesn't matter who you support there there's usually something for every single driver there even a Kimmy mug look I mean there's Kimmy's not even in the sport anymore but you can have a Kimmy mug if you really want to or how effing how is it so effing difficult to do simple things correctly notepad if you really want you can also customize it between certain things I say customize it there are options to do different things but that is the 15 off selected products for a limited time it's the last chance to buy certain ones so if you want Kimmy's face on a mug it's not going to last for much longer because the new Season's coming up and unfortunately Kimmy has retired so there you go that's uh that's that done and dusted been drinking that out of my wtf-1 mug so far on the stream today I've got a Hamilton and Ricardo chewy mug boom and look very nice makes my quality yeah it makes my cup of tea a million times better I bet it tastes unbelievable in an F1 the best good stuff anyway back to F1 testing I know that's what you're really here for um there's been some word from Vassar Frederick Vassar in the press conference but not massively enlightening he says it was a bit better this morning than yesterday could be worse I think we're going in a good direction the problems will be completely fixed in Bahrain but to solve everything on track isn't an easy task I'll ask if any of our lots have picked up anything oh no that's that's from the race I was reading I was doing a Ron Burgundy I was like right at the end he's like any of our picked up over anything and I was like oh that's part of the quote it's not um so so they're not pressing the uh the big old red button uh Frederick Vassar but I think they should be because their lack of lapse has been slightly concerning oh here is a picture of Guan lujo as you say Katie yeah there's no pictures of him on track there you go yeah you didn't actually specify what exactly uh you wanted from it so uh there you go uh there is one new show for now uh Ferrari has come out through the race live update saying lots of people have been tipping Ferrari to join the fight at the front in 2022 but what does its team boss Matia but not to think and Matia said we're not the strongest team we are still the outsider not the favorite now he's playing it cool if he was suddenly like yeah we're going to win the world championship guys watch the space and then didn't happen he'd look a bit of a turnip but it's funny he's playing cool no no that's it I don't wanna I don't want to play anymore it's going back to the station oh my God the hype train has just broken down worse than Sergio Perez in the last sector unbelievable oh look at that um bottas looks like he's about to go into some sort of like manhole or something like you know like just like underground into the sewers just like but yeah that car is is wonderful wonderful looking uh bottas I'm sure would like to have done a few more laps uh this morning but Alpha if had uh big troubles 21 lap spots managed to do in the end and uh yeah we're uh just waiting to see uh what the first big mover will be obviously latifi is right behind his teammate Alban fourth and fifth for Williams I'm sure they'll be very happy with that despite it not being any sort of performance running but it's fine uh Russell still only 10 laps as far as this is concerned the vet was done 14 but he's down in 15th Place Quantum shows uh clocked up 12 laps I'm gonna ask uh who's out who is out there at the moment that's what I'm asking good stuff questions I've got an image coming up shortly that I think everybody's gonna like what's the image it's gonna be a surprise it's a surprise okay yeah I mean you look at it and you can't help but be like oh okay all right well I'm you've you've hyped this up oh okay gosh no pressure here we go oh here it is oh anything that's so sweet it's a better image than the other one look at Sam yeah ladies happy he's smiling ah this is what happens when xpb don't send us images because I know that we're having to literally Resort oh seb's happy lovely um and let's go back every single um media team media Gallery at the moment to try and find some pictures of cars on track that's the bare minimum but um so people asking if Amazon pin is driving he's not at the moment uh he's not on the timing screen so zero laps so far for the Hass this afternoon [Music] um gasly has gone out on track and apparently so Sylvester's had the tractor himself for the past five minutes but there are now two cars out there as gasly has taken the alpha Towery which heads today's lap counts out once more it's what the race live text updates uh keeping us well and truly informed um Joe has also gone out there as well so it's gasly Vettel and Joe out on track so you'd imagine it's Vettel and Joe 14th and 15th in the times at the moment they may well you know just press the loud petal a bit petal pedal a bit louder and see what happens but um yeah right now Ricardo's one minute 20.355 not being not being uh challenged at the moment but then later Norris's 19.5 came right at the end pretty much of the session uh on the C4 tire so we may well see a couple of runs potentially if uh you know the likes of Ferrari for example are ahead of their their run schedule um then perhaps we might see uh might seem good to see it but not so actually get some get some why would you say that they're Outsiders get some confidence in your team man cheese he's downplaying it 100 percent peace better be done don't realize the forces that you're bringing to Hype Ferrari applications calm down yeah you've bought this on yourself I'm a terrible person I'm sorry it's a gasly 78 Laps on the board at the moment uh ocon next closest on 73 signs 71. and Daniel Ricardo 70. so we get to see some of the drivers out at the moment it has been a green light for 51 minutes and we haven't seen a huge amount of track action at the moment what are they trying to do it's enough filling as it is when you can't see the coverage when there's no cars on the track when you can't see any coverage it's next level filling but hey yeah guys chat are we we like the waffle I'm sorry if the waffle you know you just kind of we just go off on a tangent you're like why are you talking about yogurt but I feel like this is the kind of thing you expect from a testing update stream of course we give you that hot off the press information as soon as we can but I hope you also appreciate when we have to talk about yogurt and other things so there you go yeah if you have any questions please do just fire them in the chat I've got a question here from Easy LHC one How likely is sandbagging strategic trickery at this stage um very likely I don't think it's it's not necessarily sandbagging to the sense of like you know we have to hide our performance obviously they want to hide their car they want to obviously if they break down they want to be covering over not giving the the other teams any sort of insight into what they've done in terms of their car design but it's more just the fact that they won't they'll be so busy learning their car that they're not going flat out to try and find the optimum performance straight away they're you know running the car through every setting through all kinds of different setup changes on different tires and just kind of piecing the the bits of the puzzle together so I wouldn't say it's necessarily um you know sandbagging it's just the fact they don't need to go at like 116 Pace in order to do the learnings they can at one minute 22 one minute 20 whatever because you know they can they can do the rough calculations if they run the engine a bit lower they don't want to be stressing the engine if they're doing you know 147 laps a day like verstappen did yesterday so there's no point taking that risk you may as well run the engine a lower power mode but you still get the data uh that they that they require so hopefully that that answers your question very much so that's a good answer here we go someone from Miss sorry Mr old yeah but you sound like someone from Twitter can you please stop saying that 147 laps is 2.5 Race distance it's actually 2.25 my brain hurts every time I hear you say this love you guys just my weird brain talking I love you we love you too Mr old yeah but yeah I'm so sorry I mean deep down I know that as well 147 it's not two and a half but look you can't say 2.25 that just doesn't doesn't ring as well you know you just round it up it's fine we'll round it down technically I don't know whatever who cares um anything going out on track at the moment I am going to ask okon and LeClaire are out on track at the moment as well leclaire's done five laps at the moment uh George Russell has done 10 Guan yujo 14 and Sebastian Vettel clocking up some good mileage in that Aston Martin already with 18 Laps on the board and probably the most mileage of anybody this afternoon so far Katie sent me a picture oh it's a car wait no this morning no that'll be yesterday then yeah gas is in the car the whole day today so noodles in the whole day yesterday okay from yesterday dates that they put things on yeah unless gasly has done 80 laps already in this in this afternoon session he's been an all day today oh my God we have a picture of a car on track send it send it I don't care what it is it could be a tractor I don't care as long as it's on track it's all good it's what we need oh there's some images [Applause] we want the images twelve thousand of you are watching right now thank you everybody thank you everyone appreciate it um you'll dip in and out and whatnot but it's great to have you uh and we will keep you very much in the loop as much as possible and Casey will be sending me the next image of a car which is all do you want to have a guess who it is I'm gonna guess I'll uh no the people that are going out the people that are out right now maker I'm gonna go Alfa Romeo oh the suspense I'll send it through right now you'll be able to tell who it is [Music] named it still waiting oh my God it's gonna happen I'm sorry everybody is it's get it's we're hitting Delirious City already um here we go oh thank goodness I haven't actually probably looked at it oh it's latifi oh lovely what is going on in these pictures let's see oh my goodness hold on I need to send you this xpv are delivering the goods I finally got back from their lunch break we like to see that a lot so letify's done 15 laps so far already this afternoon one minute 21.894 as I've mentioned uh P5 for Nicholas certifi and you can see him on screen right now he's got nothing to lose Nicholas the TV he's got the cash money he's got the seat all he has to do is perform if he doesn't he can probably stay for another year who knows but he just just got to enjoy himself you know he had a good end of the uh enter last year enjoy yourself just have a great crack like you're driving an F1 car for a living like it's decent uh that F1 testing thing is very cool I didn't wait hold on it so hold on it's a formula one I've called this a Shakedown whatever you want to call it pre-season running and you're telling me on the actual car number board it says F1 testing well well well wow you've been rused how the tables have turned formula one we've been from that's it F1 you have been exposed it says F that's in our faces F1 testing confirmed unbelievable scenes uh Katie is absolutely loving her Sebastian Vettel pictures today what is Christian Horner saying right now in this conversation I need to know tell me in the chat right now what is Christian Horner saying and let's see what people come up with come back to the dark side I'm watching this because I'm bored in quarantine where it doesn't matter why you're here Jonas I'm just glad you are here I hope you're well good I hope you're uh you're doing okay um you were supposed to come home says Bonnie please come back says no man Seb come back to us says Jonah you can still take Perez's seat if you want says Glenn oh will you come back to her will he come back to us says Dale can you hit Hamilton harder next time says Janice uh Max isn't doing it we need you back quickly says Slim where did you get your hair you need milk bro did you get your hair oh my God that's amazing give newly some hair oh come on I go come on multi-22 says Felipe yeah please touch my rear wing says Max not Max for Steph and I assume come back to the dark side says Glenn great great caption competition everybody well done uh do we have any more updates for you that's what I'm always checking I'm always keeping an eye and I think I've just said that as I've closed note there it is so many tabs open it's a disgrace greninjose put 19 Laps on the board now and he's all almost only two laps away from surpassing his teammate's lap count today which is quite upsetting for valtry botas 21 laps first in the mud already oh he is he really is poor guy uh Hamilton it has at least got a bit of mud on his shins because 40 laps it's not a lot you know it's not fully mudded but it's like you know maybe you've played like 90 minutes of football it's a bit muddy you know like he's not fully you know fully in the mud but 40 laps for Hamilton uh this morning and he'll be back in the car again tomorrow he's done 90 laps so far in a full day I suppose you can call it which isn't the worst thing in the world and George Russell did 77 on his own uh yesterday morning George Russell was coming out there with 11 Laps on the board some Trackside Impressions from the race there's a question how does the Ferrari look out on track planted I love this I love this um oh and actually I need to click on this to give you uh and so the Ferrari apparently Charlotte Clair is hugely confident in his Ferrari through turns seven and eight a fast approach into a medium speed uphill Corner that horrible left right I've played it on the F1 game many times taking a lot of speed in bullying his way through the understeer with plenty of throttle and controlling but then Wayward rear with his right foot as much as the steering it looks old school but impressive there you go so old school that's what we like to hear yep proper wrestling the car at all times love you guys love you too Karim love you too um please put on a shoulder clear pick with about a thousand exclamation mark says worries and let me find one I have just sent you one of him on track at the moment but I can find you maybe you want another face in the car this works this works there he is old Charlie Boy are they just have xpp just decided for this uh this camera angle uh so far this afternoon yeah from like five come on guys a little zoom in please yeah we've got a better shoulder clip picture somewhere hold on let's is it gonna make me Tom Bellingham it will it will so that's fine it's fine I won't make you Tom Bellingham for the third time I want to be the founder yeah to be fair the power that was just coursing through your fingertips that was incredible it's too much the universe can't handle it right let's see um so Casey I'm gonna go to the toilet very quickly you'll actually get changed really hot in this hoodie so I am going if you in the trusty hands of yourself and uh maybe put a picture of Charlotte Claire up on on screen for you right now so there you go there's Charlie Boy um speak to your heart's content for the next two minutes maybe about how much you hate the FIA okay oh my God you can't live on that bombshell I don't hate the FIA guys um but talking of the FIA Lewis Hamilton did make some very interesting comments yesterday regarding the stewards um he has said that he wants more female stewards which is something that I think we can all get behind having a bit more diversity there um and also he's noted that some stewards um do have existing relationships with current drivers it's something that Fernando Alonso has alluded to obviously when he uh he made his cheeky move in Sochi last year completely going through the runoff area um at turn two uh he wanted to see if he would get the same reprimands and telling off as other drivers might and he said that his point was proved that Fernando Alonso was made a you know um it was pointed out as being the one that did it even though several drivers like verstappen and giovannazzi did the same um but yeah Hamilton has been speaking out for a bit more of a reshuffle of the kind of people that are in the student office which I think is a valid thing and valid concern to have um lots of people saying why do you need female stewards why does it matter I mean it's a very valid uh very valid comment I just think that where Formula One can if there are people that are you know knowledgeable enough and educated enough just having a bit more of a balance in my opinion isn't a bad thing um because at the moment as as we have seen Formula One still is predominantly quite a white male um sport so I'm happy to see a bit more of variety um sprinkled in in certain areas of the the sport but as they say you know it doesn't matter um you know if you uh are a man or a woman as long as you can do your job and you do it well then it shouldn't really matter um but let's have a look and see what other comments um there are if you guys have any people saying Katie should be the steward I mean one day I would love to Shadow the FIA and see what they get up to over a race weekend because there are so many elements to it that are done behind the scenes that maybe fans don't get a chance to have a look at what they do so I think that'd be really interesting um let's see what you guys are thinking also if we've got any updates from our friends the race um that are there so uh latifi is fastest of the new pack in fifth right behind William's teammate Alex Albin mazepin has yet to take to the track so we haven't got any pictures off the Hass there um but let's have a look and see if there are any other images xpb really loving this camera angle at the moment because all the pictures are from the must be like in the grandstands at term one or something like that but let's have again has there been anyone like a chat oh my goodness that was quite an entrance back I was gonna say guys let us know in the chats um if there have been uh anyone that has surprised you maybe in testing so far is there a team that you thought were gonna be completely on it and they have surprised you somewhat or um my one of my biggest surprises is that it took a day and a half for us to get a red flag from someone stopping on track I honestly thought we would have had a few more than that because these are like we said they're brand new cars and they're still getting to Crypts with it yes some teams or most teams have had a Shakedown of some sort but um it's still like you know quite a new thing for a lot of these teams getting used to and um and yeah it's not really uh it's not if I would be thinking we'd have more more stoppages on track than this yeah but thankfully we haven't I guess yes this era gets um compared to 2014 but I guess it's an unfair comparison when the regulations for this year has been more around the aerodynamic side of things obviously there are still elements of cooling and and getting that side side right but you know 2014 was you know the the start of the hybrid era you know and the teams had no idea what they were doing so you know this that's the kind of comparison a lot of people are making but I think it's quite unfair because you know the teams have very much nailed the uh the Hybrid engine side of things now after well not eight years uh so um yeah it's just Testament to how solid these teams are most likely you know 99 of the time um they are they're pretty faultless so let's recap now on what's going out on track or going on out on track gasly is storming his way to A Century of labs and I feel like my bet is well and truly on because the 88 laps out there already today and it's uh we've still got two hours and 52 minutes remaining uh next closest is 81 laps for Esteban ocon in the Alpine he's down in 13th and then we don't have anyone else in the 80s next one is 71 71 laps for Carlos signs but of course he's not running this afternoon Charla Claire is he's in the Ferrari he's done 13 laps so that's an overall of 84 laps for for Ferrari they look like they're gonna storm through a century once again for two days on the Trot which is pretty impressive uh from from Ferrari but yeah gasly absolutely just turn in the laps hour five update from the race uh just in case you are you know just dipping in and trying to find out what's going on you can see the live text updates in the description below five of the six new drivers have joined uh after the lunch break the TV is the fastest of the new pack in fifth right behind his Williams teammate Alex Alban rookie guanyujo has got his first laps in fact he has got 25 laps behind the wheel of the Alfa Romeo Nikita mazepin has finally come out the pits for Hass so he has done a lap but no time so far and that is pretty much your update we've got another picture of the same angle here we go I see what you mean about the testing uh the timing tower that is spelling it out either someone has had a bit of fun picking that together because that's what you say it's it's meant to be a Shakedown not a because you can't fit F1 Shakedown in ten that's true they could just call it Shakedown uh that would be fine but apparently not didn't fancy it but yeah I need these xpb photographers to get a move on oh we've got a picture of Alex Albin looking at is my time this is as exciting as it's gonna get I'm afraid oh no it's always exciting don't worry we've got all the uh the race guys uh in Barcelona on the ground uh giving us all the information uh we can get from them any questions we are more than welcome to uh you're more than welcome to ask and we'll try and get as many answers as we possibly can but yeah confirmation mazepin is out for the first time this afternoon uh I will see please tell us what's with the L plan by Alonso that's uh something it's snowing in the UK I don't think it honestly I think I had snow during the lunch break I was trying to figure out if it was sweeter if it was snow I mean in my background here I don't know if you can see it like it's extreme yeah yeah I think it's the contrast on my camera it makes it look like the sky is so blue um but yeah I think I did have some sort of snow or hail or something along those lines there there nice it's very cold I might need to get up in a minute and put my radiator on because I'm absolutely Frozen uh well I'm not I'm absolutely roasting this uh this office room just gets very warm because of the computer pumping out heat um question from Asia is wtf1 a part of the race Channel because you keep saying sister team and English is my second language so essentially to describe it in a way that isn't sister team or whatever is the fact that both ourselves wtf1 and the race are part of the same company called the race media limited um so essentially yeah we're under the same company so we work together and help each other and love each other question can you ask the race if they think Ferrari genuinely looks stable and quick well I kind of read out what uh Trackside Impressions were I can get a general consensus from some of the guys at the race we've got some interesting comparisons of front wheel turning veins that we can get up on screen Casey if you want to get those from the slack Channel uh let me just uh okay so what we're just over halfway through Barcelona pre-season testing I'll just get them to answer can any of the guys in Spain give a rough um idea of who looks best actually no they've given us our track style Impressions so it's difficult for them to be like that they would literally just reply with I don't know so uh you just have to look at them on track and uh as I said the Ferrari looks looks great under the uh control of Charlotte Clair uh yay Katie is back not sure why but I'm really happy says Wendy ah thanks Wendy that's very kind of you oh has Paris been out again no Tim no Perez has not been out and we don't have any news about Red Bull just yet Sarah van will bring that to you as soon as we get them Perez suffered a gearbox failure at the end of the morning session um Matt and Katie when do you personally think lap times start to become relevant well I think in a broad three in Bahrain in a broad degree pre-season testing not really um I think the final day in Bahrain testing will get a reasonable idea I don't I'm not saying first second third fourth fifth will be first second third fourth fifth in terms of teams but you know that someone that tops the end of pre-season testing in Bahrain when we're literally racing there you know the following is it the following week um for the following two weeks is that um they're not going to be starting last so you can get some kind of indication there because they will do some performance running you just won't know you know where the extra half a second is or the extra second um but overall lap times aren't particularly relevant it's all about the mileage getting the data for the teams so yeah qualifying for Bahrain is usually the uh the time where it becomes relevant because that's when they actually have to go the fastest they possibly can to make it through q1 Q2 and Q3 all right sure I've sent you those images from Luke and the slack Channel while you um follow those up I am going to go and put a radiator on and get a hoodie because I'm so cold Absolutely I'll be right back roasting do I need to turn my camera off or can I just like what yeah you can see my oh sorry I'm meeting myself after a conversation you've seen my lovely sofa and the plant that I have I look like I'm in a jungle but it's just my living room so there is the uh the Red Bull uh front suspension and taking a look at you can see all the different colors kind of highlighting certain areas of the of the Turning vein and then if we take a look in comparison to the McLaren slightly more zoomed in but it's always interesting to see the Zoom ins of of these cars is you know fascinating I don't you know I'm never a self-proclaimed aerodynamic expert by any stretch of the imagination but it is amazing to see and the teams have already said this how awesome it is that the designs are so different across the field that no one really fully knows who is going to be the quickest apart from Ferrari apparently who think that they aren't the quickest but I'm still holding out hope that he is Mateo bonato is trying to anti-jinx himself I see what he's doing I really do let's go back to the red ball one again so yeah that is obviously Sergio Perez's car not currently running in testing at the moment let's see if flow viz on the right side says Evan as well um is there or is that the edit I'm pretty sure unless you're talking about the other picture and that's delayed but um either or maspin has set his first I'd say uh official lap time of the session of 25.538 he's currently 16th and last of the runners so far he's done six laps in that Hass at Sebastian Vettel 15th he's done 28 laps already in the Aston Martin that is pretty good going he's pretty much been going non-stop since the beginning of the session he's done a 24.355 brand new show Alfa Romeo 24.259 26 laps in the Alpha Romeo and has officially surpassed foutry bottas is 21 laps from this morning estevanocon 23.280 he has completed 89 laps and then we have Charlotte clear 17 laps p12 at the moment 23.187 in that Ferrari on the C1 Tire then of course you can see the top 11 most notably gasly is up to 91 laps in the alpha Towery very good going from that outfit and then we wait to see to be fair yeah it's um Danny Rick hasn't begun to clock any more laps at the moment I feel like he did actually end the session on 70 laps so we are waiting to see that McLaren come back out for the afternoon but maybe McLaren feel like they've had a very solid morning and they don't need to do as much long distance running and they can just do sort of set up tweaks keep coming in and out of the pits to test different things it'll be interesting to see how that goes uh how come not every lap counts as an official that's a good question Jordan um my understanding is that they would go around a lap but then just as they go come to come up to the final Corner they'll go into the pits maybe they'll stop then go straight through the pits maybe the team will check something over maybe they'll wield them back into the garage send them out for another lap back into the pits send them out for another and it's just kind of a cycle really where they uh shake down the car and make sure everything's working so um yeah that's that's my understanding of it uh it's Mark sandbagging or something they feel slow cut uh as I mentioned earlier it's not necessarily sandbagging it's just the fact that the teams aren't pushing they're not they're not doing performance runs really you know of course there will be differences in time where some teams will go for it but I say go for it I'm saying like go for it in terms of like 80 of the speed um Katie will return very shortly she's gone to apparently wrestle her radiator uh to make it a bit warmer in her room I wish it would be colder in my room if I'm being completely honest with you Perez hasn't left the garage yet nope nope there's no uh no sign of that Red Bull leaving the garage just yet and we wait to see if that I am I am here I'm just making a cup of tea while I get a chance so I thought I'd just oh okay I thought you were wrestling your radiator to be honest yeah I'm making a cup because I am so cold really I'm so jealous it's just honestly I had to go get changed because I was too hot really all I'm in in my flat I've only got single glazing where window as well or like yeah single glazing um yeah you'd love hair then because it's basically like quadruple blazing like a sauna and then a door is ridiculous but um yeah oh my gosh well warm yourself up it's fine don't worry I'm Thomas made me Tommy's made me feel for a good half an hour before when he had to go oh take Frank yeah go get your dog or whatever like oh yeah good you know so feel free to get your cup of tea it's absolutely fine um wonderful okay I think it's brood so I'm gonna just go and have some milk and I'll be back in a sec sweet it's a Katie shall return um we will share some more uh pictures with you I'll go through I'll take you through some um of the ones earlier today whilst Katie's not there because it means that she doesn't she can be Tom Bellingham doesn't matter there were some sunrise pictures uh that Tommy was we were playing around for um playing around with sorry in terms of playing a little game of guessing what the car was that was a difference between the front wing of last year oh some of these some of these file names Thomas called them is an absolute disgrace like I have a clue what oh no Kate is back quick oh my God Kate is back there we go back to Katie now can you see how many images have been uploaded while I've been gone yes please uh even the race have said on their live text updates oh there's been a bit quiet on the picture front uh this afternoon uh so that's why I was reflecting on some of the images from from earlier today but then you came back so I very quickly changed oh you Frozen Katie oh they're back sorry my internet dropped out why could it not drop out when I was getting just getting a jumper I panic then I thought it was it was on my end um night it was me but yeah I heard the beginning bit of that where you said even the race and their live comms said um that they've been a bit quiet on the picture front today which is trees is what has happened a Holloway asks a fantastic question I definitely didn't get to pay me to uh ask it Matt as somebody that's driven both are real oh stop it and simulators how accurate would you say the sensation is well Holloway um the hmm I mean it's absolutely nowhere near in terms of sensation because sensation is the word that I think of when you you're feeling the g-force you're feeling the acceleration of the car you don't get that in a in a simulator obviously you don't go anywhere if you're going to motion simulator obviously you get the feeling of the brakes a little bit and maybe a little bit of the accelerator if you don't get that G-Force so obviously the inputs are pretty much exactly the same I did feel like I was playing a game in some regards when I was in it apart from when I could feel my head falling off because I just accelerated not to 160 and like I don't know four seconds or something ridiculous so um yeah it's hard to it's hard to say that they compare in terms of sensation but they definitely they definitely compare when it comes to just the technique and and how you feel in the car that's how I would I would say um so Luke has uh from the race has sent me a message saying if you want some context for these images the wheel veins will most likely be slinging the dirty air away from the tunnel mouths allowing clean under body flow to the tunnels thank you Luke so that is that image up on the screen right now as well that are coming through for you in this Alpha Romeo in the car oh yes in the car we've got some Grand new show pictures let's go um wait hold on uh next night playing red flag Don't let's do that have we got red flag we have got another red flag for marzipine it's stopped in sector two no yeah red flag actually actually Jack cousins one of our guys on the ground has said that there is another red flag oh my God why did I not wait to get make my cup of tea during the red flag who knows so well he stopped as he crashed don't know all I know is he stops in Secretary oh okay well we will find out as soon as we possibly can what's gone on um just grind to a halt or not known yet I will oh whilst we do that let's take a look at this awesome image of guanyu Joe in his pit box yeah it doesn't look like an F1 car with that camo delivery it looks looks odd it's messing with my eyes a little bit someone said on Twitter yesterday and I can't unsee it now that it reminds them of an Asos return like the bag when you get an Asos delivery um the bag that it comes in and I can't unsee it but it's an AI designed camouflage Livery and I've got to say that the merch that they've revealed along with delivery looks slick AF slick AF slick AF so yeah it seems as though it's just a stoppage um but he's had to stop out on track after nine laps that the session is red flagged so that's the second red flag of the day it must have been stopping in the second sector but as far as we're aware it's literally just a problem with the car as opposed to any Master spin references that I'm sure everybody is jumping on um no surely not no I've never I've never seen of that no all my whenever I hear that all I can hear is Crafty it's not a spin for a mother did he actually say that or is that edited yeah I well I think he did say it because he also said about the SP like my son told me that he's getting his own spin-off Series so he said that on sky for sure yeah oh my God crafty what are you doing hmm yeah he knew what he was doing old crofty didn't he he did he really did yeah it'll be interesting to see how um the chassis is different for the house this year because mazepin did say that was a big reason as to why he especially in the first half of 2021 um had so many spins here and there's because the chassis just wasn't right for him in the car yeah um and then Schumacher was given the chassis and then Schumacher started having a few incidents here and there so you know it follows so we'll see what it's like this year but yeah I mean I I sound like a bit of um a miserable oh person when I say well when I say like I I can't see them making a huge step forward and no I'm completely the same opinion and I'm a shimmy fanboy yeah but I don't know interestingly Jean Hass was at the track yesterday um which is one of the first times well we've seen him at the the circuit for a long long time obviously at the end of last year I don't know if I'll see if I can find the image on Twitter when they had to photoshop Jean has his face onto somebody for the team photo oh yeah let me see if I can find that because that is an amazing uh amazing picture yeah send it over and we'll uh we'll we'll showcase it uh right now it's a Joe slideshow a show slideshow yeah it's like Joe slideshow oh wow what am I doing oh so that's the Highlight live show wow believable so right now if you're just joining red flag due to Nikita mazepin stopping out on track after nine Laps on the board as far as we're aware it's not because of anything other than a car malfunction so we'll wait to see the updated lap times because right now it still says on the live timing that Master business had done six laps uh once that's updated I will go through the accumulated lap times once again interesting so is Australia really going ahead says Rohan I think so yeah the understanding is yeah sorry I'm late can you give a quick recap of this morning says hands sure all right so Danny Ricardo fastest this morning with a woman at 20.355 he had well he has the car for the whole day we haven't actually seen him I don't think this afternoon um Carlos signs uh he was in uh this morning as well P2 uh 20.546 we had a red flag due to Sergio Perez having a gearbox failure in the last sector only a couple of corners from home um so they had to get the recovery truck out of to collect that and what else happened this morning not a not a not a huge amount uh we had Hamilton in the car he only managed 40 laps Alfa Romeo really struggled this morning only 21 laps for valtry bottas so they continue uh their woes and the whole whole conversation this morning was about porpoising poor poising porpoising I can say porpoise can't you poor person is that yeah yeah is that okay yeah um are the cars are bouncing up and down through the um the forces that the well the the concept of the car is essentially allowing for the the ride height to change so violently that the car's actually bouncing um in in certain areas of the track so a lot of the teams Alfa Romeo has even Mercedes potentially uh are having to work through those issues so that's kind of a morning roundup for you that is wonderful Tommy has put the um Jean Hass Photoshop into the wtf1 the race slack channel so hello you can have a look at that and see the incredible efforts that has went to to make sure he was in the picture but yeah I'll be honest actually think that was going to get like they're going to get away with that when was this picture taken um well the team photo I think was probably taking an Abu Dhabi last year yeah I'd like to know who that person is because it's not Gene Hass yeah who's the poor one that had to be to be uh sacrificed okay we're gonna have a team photo but you're not gonna be in it what do you mean I'm sat here we're going to photoshop Gene house over your face they've duplicated Gunter oh my God that's insane so many layers to this Photoshop oh my God yeah just that is such a good point they've taken the watch off of him that is incredible not the same belt that's his body same body same body same belt now that is actually hilarious incredible oh my God that is amazing that is so good oh wow that is it's the gift that keeps on giving it really is that's insane wow we should somehow Photoshop our faces onto this as well so we're all there we're all going to Steiner I think so I think that'd be great yeah I saw Ollie's amazing Photoshop of the Ferrari hype train earlier yeah and obviously we had the um whilst we've got the lull I think I might put that back up just uh if people missed at the Ferrari hype training picture um let me find it what was it called that he sent it to me I imagine it was probably called hype or something uh somebody's saying that there was an empty chair there and they just copied Gunter over that's insane and they just tried to pass it along like it wasn't a that they're just they just rolled with it you're like yeah and nobody's gonna notice this unbelievable that is amazing also I've never seen Gene house that happy that was the instant straight away the first red flag that this isn't real yeah far too far too uh high quality as well compared to everybody else yeah that's true I don't actually have that picture and I think you would be Tommy wtf1 again so uh if we want to show it again see if Ollie can send it oh he did send it in the WhatsApp chat I think you want me to make a graphic card oh yeah so yeah if you want to there's not many other pictures to uh let's go through right now another one on xpv so yeah absolutely how's Vettel doing uh Vettel is uh 32 laps into his afternoon session he's done a one minute 24.355 he's 15th in the timings at the moment and his fastest lap time was on the C2 Tire there you go that is how Vettel is doing 32 laps pretty decent but we await for the car to be retrieved for Hass and then we get back underway uh green flag less than two and a half hours remaining we just wait for that Hass yes get back in the get back in the pit so we can get her back underway it's a shame because that's we're looking actually all right in terms of mileage today and they were clocking up the laps that will be problematic and of course if you're wondering I did mention this this morning when Perez stopped but the red flag also doesn't stop the timer we will finish at 5 PM UK time 6 p.m Spanish uh no matter what it's not like it's you must have four hours and we will stop it Schumacher bind it no mazepin had a problem Jack not sure what that problem is but it's definitely car related he did not bin it and right here we go thank you very much Katie for the Ferrari hype train if you've missed it earlier here it is again still nobody on the train that's quite upset well I noticed there's like an old person that's sort of near the beginning bit maybe they're thinking about getting on the hype train also how enormous am I I reckon I must be about eight foot tall if you put me if you put me in um perspective like that man stood next to the train and I am [Music] but yeah there you go so the Ferrari hype train there are still tickets available in fact some people refunded their tickets after the Mateo bonato uh comments about them not being the Front Runners but I will still hold this train around even if I run out of fuel so uh there is the the image if you haven't seen it from earlier I want to join the train Matty says Japan well hop on board as you can see there is nobody there's nobody on the train at the moment he said storm ZW said Photoshop gives a Steiner onto the seats oh that's incredible so yeah there you go there's the eight foot tall train conductor me lovely stuff uh we are still waiting for let's go back to this one I like this picture a lot it's very cool the uh top looking down aerial sort of shot of kuanujo in his car and has it's got underway yet no we haven't had any word of it being a green flag green light Matt not a green flag we're not green flag racing we're green light to the end of the pit Lane wow I'm into yeah no that's that's a solid amount of time talking over the last uh two days it's fine I'm uh are you looking forward to you and Tommy you and Tommy doing uh the morning shift tomorrow yeah I mean it's it's very early I don't have to tell you that because you've done it twice now but um yeah I'm hoping that it'll be a good day the weather is meant to be rainy yeah so that could be really exciting get a chance no Don't Rain on My Parade no pun intended I think they probably will they will run and I don't know if you've heard as well the afternoon is supposed to be a rain session anyway in the sense that they will wet the track so um that's the understanding is that they will wet the track even if it is dry uh tomorrow for the afternoon so when I come on they will have wet the track one way or another so that's that's quite cool [Music] um but yeah that should be should be interesting um to see how they get on in the wet um because last year we had several wet races um one of which can you even call it a raise the Belgian Grand Prix um but yeah of course we saw rain and no do not call that no you can't call that race we won't even talk about it um but yeah we had Russia didn't we and turkey where Esteban opcon just managed to stay on enters the whole race the only time you can call the Belgian Grand Prix a race is when you're describing it as a disgrace I like it boom mic drop lovely that was actually really good um it was I'm proud of you I love how uh Josh from the race he's obviously not been listening to our uh our live uh testing update watch along because he's just reminded me that bonato said that we're not the strongest team we are they're still The Outsider not the favorite Robin that's right it's not like I was trying to pretend like literally he's put that in there and he's probably replied to that after seeing the Ferrari hype train picture that's in that channel he's gone nope let me remind Matt the hype train conduction bring it back down to earth incredible work thank you Josh thank you for bringing me back down to uh reality Josh I appreciate that right what happened to Red Bull today uh they were going well until Perez I say well there we go reasonably okay what green flag green lights green everything uh we haven't seen the hash return so it's the race on their live text updates which you can find in the description below but the session is back underway so whilst we uh allow for some drivers I'm sure to get uh onto their out laps I am going to give a shout out and I'm so sorry you're going to become Tom Bellingham again but that's because it's something I have to give a shout out to and it is the wtf1 clubhouse team wtf1 if you want to join team wtf1 there is a link in the description we give you lots of exclusive content and access we're doing a gaming competition at some point uh in the near future where myself and 19 others are going to be racing on F1 2021 competitions prize is going to be available both to the winner and also probably to something else that's crazy and doesn't require skill which is good for people like me um I wouldn't obviously win the prize but you know what I mean um but then also you get live podcasts uh which straight after the race we're not straight after the race but that next day uh we will do a live podcast purely for team WTF members and and plenty of other stuff as well q and A's Etc and exclusive events like this one the clubhouse at the British Grand Prix between the 30th of June and the 4th of July you can camp with us myself Tommy in case you will be there I mean the pictures from uh that you're seeing here from last year and it was awesome uh this year three times as big we're gonna have Pub quizzes simulators we're going to have literally everything you could possibly wish for at a camping experience hot water nice like toilets showers there's going to be nice glamping tents there's going to be cabins if you want to upgrade yourself to that there's drinks there's a DJ there's pub quiz I think I've already said that there's Q A's just loving the pub quiz I loved being the quiz master I'm not gonna lie you're very good oh thank you but yeah lots of stuff going on you know I haven't even begun to describe a Jenga uh corn hole at least everything you could possibly watch cornhole was a game changer yeah everything so be sure to go to clubhouse and you can check out some more information there and maybe book your tickets and come camp with us so yeah there you go yeah do it boom do it it's so much fun last year let's go back to this Joe picture because we uh some more images now we've got some more images xpb have come back from the red flag coming clutch right send us over whatever you got because uh I fancy it let's do it no worries so there's a big question over who's going to hit 100 laps first chat let me know is it going to be gasly is it gonna be your con I think or is it going to be signs and LeClaire together gas is on 91 ocon is on 90. now she's on 92 now uh so gasly and popcorn are both on 92. and signs and LeClaire combined are on 71 plus 18 they're on 89. who do you think is going to hit 200 first that is the main question I reckon that's where my money would be that's where my money was right at the start of the day started the hype train I'll see you guys at the clubhouse any plans for food says Mark O'Neill yep we have catering there as well like you can um get breakfast lunch um wait breakfast are pretty yeah I'm pretty sure what up definitely breakfast and dinner and I think you get lunch at the track but yeah we'll uh you can confirm all that sort of stuff but yes there will be food at the campsite uh for which you can purchase your heart's content what happened to Tommy his voice seems more high-pitched than normal I'm Bellingham oh wow Has anyone used to C5 yet uh I believe they've been out but I don't think we've seen any representative lap times with the use of the C5 Matt why do you hate Perez so much I don't hate him at all but it's just you know it seems as though criticism and you know being like oh he could have done better in this race a lot of people are passionate and I get that it happens in every sport when someone that you love gets slated by someone else you go why why do you hate them so much I don't I think Perez and if you actually look back to the content in which we did prior to the start of the 2021 season I was very excited for Paris to be at red but when I genuinely thought he was going to do really well and I thought and you know it was disappointing it was more out of disappointment uh where the criticism came from um but I don't think it was unfair criticism and at the end of the day he won what Max the world championship so can you really question much in terms of his team's performance no I think generally from a solo perspective he could have done better last year okay question not question a picture there you go Carlos signs on track boom what a gorgeous beautiful thing that Carlos signs Machinery is the Ferrari number 55 what tire is he on there that that doesn't that looks like a white that looks like a C4 in my opinion with the white brackets and uh he's out on track good to see that we are not still under red flag conditions no very much so there's also some pictures of Hamilton coming through as well good to see him back in the pit Lane he was doing some spying on the teams yesterday as he was walking to his Mercedes garage which very much giving off inspector Seb kind of Vibes but I think he's just like most of us are just curious to see what everybody else is getting up to because the range of designs and modifications and upgrades that the teams have got is been absolutely fascinating I will just say I'm you know I'm not a technical expert um but you can see that some teams have gone for such dramatic different designs and I mean the Ferrari side pods and the red Bullseye pods are two completely different designs they're two sort of extremes of each other um but hey one of them will maybe work the other one won't maybe they'll both work maybe they both won't work got some information uh on sorry case you've got some information on the Hass and why it broke down the on track stop was caused by a damaged fuel pump so that is the reason for mazepin coming to a halt out on track I wonder how quickly that will take to fix was there a flag yesterday was Jacob and that was due to mazepin um you didn't warn us of NSFW wait what what was it oh what the Ferrari I was like wait what just happened what did we say what did we do uh back for the afternoon session despite the times not mattering too much nice to see McLaren topping the list yep I wonder if they'll stay that way we saw Lando obviously take the fastest time yesterday right at the right at the end um so yeah so good stuff hey man Casey what's the story of wtf1 on the race becoming sister companies I've got to admit I didn't know until yesterday I've been yeah I mean it's difficult to put it in a small nutshell but essentially the race media the company bought wtf1 as a brand a year and a half ago and we've been part of the same uh same umbrella ever since so there you go that's a that's in a nutshell uh what it what it is and it's very exciting to be alongside those guys because they are they're brilliant they're Pros they're pros and we are Wingers we're they're pros and we're plebs that's basically how oh it's a little bit true yeah exactly you know they are super um professional journalists we are more of the fan side of things um but yeah we're working in Perfect Harmony the race is on between gasly and okon both 95 Laps on the board who will hit 100 gasly or rock on go it's the battle of the French 43 thought Ricardo and Ricardo has oh he he has been out he's on 77 laps now I'm gonna find out who's out on track right now who is out on track oh what's that picture you've just sent me that is intriguing perhaps one yeah that's a very cool picture I Vibe with that yeah do you like this that picture chat I think that looks really cool looks very snazzy very cool indeed pictures of marzipine heading back to the garage as well after his getting stuck out on track the race other professionals WTF one of the personalities oh thanks I'd probably rather be professional but here we are we're professional in our own little way oh dear good stuff um 21.7 for LeClaire is that what is that what's happening is that is that what's happened uh look like yeah 21.7 yes uh 22 laps on the board for the Ferrari driver and he did that on the C2 Tire one minute 21.764 moves him up to P5 there's a question actually here we go has there been any drivers trying to follow closely behind other cars and has it looks like the desired effect of the new rakes in terms of cars being able to follow it follow closely has been working drivers were asked during the lunch break about this F1 Champion Max verstappen said it seems a little easier to stay behind I don't expect it to be fully gone but it all seems a bit more under control hype oh we need uh it's Michael Scott Vibes oh my God it's happening everybody stay calm what's the procedure everybody stay open cold oh my God I think I've watched the office I'm probably on my sixth time now oh I love it it's one of my favorite like just pop it on in the background or if you're having your dinner just watch the office I love it so much yeah the office is topped here but oh my God verstappen actually thinks it was a bit easier oh obviously the F1 were never promising that it would be gone completely were they so um you know there is there is clearly you know we have to allow for some variation and a little bit of downforce loss but look if the Staffing thinks it's a bit easier I am fully fully on the hype train let's let's get back on it I'm rebranding the Ferrari hype train to just overtakes overtake hype train that's uh that's the dream I absolutely love the office says Eve good stuff you've got good taste very good taste seeing a few comments as well of people asking if drive to survive are in Barcelona they are in Barcelona um they have been doing some filming Toto wolf was zooming around the paddock yesterday on his scooter which they were making sure to pick up um but yeah of course the new season of drive to five drops March 11th which is in the middle of the Bahrain test so have to wait and see what that's like I do I do enjoy drive to survive but I think especially after season three um a lot of fans have had to sort of realize that it might not be the perfect show that they'll maybe thought in the first few seasons because obviously we saw so many audio clips that we being used out of context whether that was um Norris and Carlos battling on track when Lando was saying things which looked like he was saying it to Carlos but he was saying it to Perez in like a completely different race um and obviously the whole grows on episode I'm still not a big fan of um but yeah I mean generally it's a nice uh refreshing take on F1 and after the drama that happened last season my goodness there's gonna need to be like 30 episodes rather than 10 so yeah yeah easily an episode of Race if not more I mean you need about five episodes I think for Abu Dhabi alone so beavers yeah yeah good stuff um Netflix want exclusive rights I don't think that's that's the case but lots of rumors going around about why this is a closed uh testing session nothing that we can confirm though so we will just leave it at that uh with no cut with no live coverage what stops a team testing an innovation like Das this week and not using it next test without any team noticing even though it might be illegal I mean the point is that they would only use an innovate they have to test firstly The Innovation Works um and just because there's no actual live coverage doesn't mean there isn't the the onboards for teams in to you know evaluate information and things like that so I wouldn't say that it doesn't make any sense for Formula One teams to try something that they know is definitely going to be illegal that's just there's no point it's just a waste of resource especially if uh you know with the with the era of the cost cap you know they have a certain amount they have a budget they can't go past that um so they have to try it out as well like they have to test it at some point to see if the Innovation is even worth keeping on the car so hopefully that answers your question any question uh will the rebel be back on track not sure Rohit not sure just yet that we will we will see uh what are the unconfirmed rumors well the room has been going around about the testing um and you know Bahrain apparently having the you know paying for rights to only show uh official testing and essentially not allowing Barcelona to that is just rumors that's not something that's been confirmed by anybody um obviously that is the the main thing that's gone around social media and within you know some of the paddock but F1 hasn't confirmed so you know you can't say that that's the case it's just merely uh hearsay at this point nearly speculation exactly ocon's on 99 laps I just realized it was Tommy versus me down to the wire oh I can't they need to come into the pits my friend I can't box box the slap Pokemon that's the van please damn it please no don't let Tommy Tommy and I thought I was gonna win this means the world to me this meets the world I beat Tommy this means the world to you it does oh ever oh dear it's gonna be okay because I'm sending a really sexy image of the Aston Martin so you can get over it no dear first Ferrari aren't going to be able to compete but now I've lost a Tommy as well for God's sake what a joke and everybody thought Danny Rick but he's only on 80 80 laps for Danny Rick ocon is absolutely pumping the laps in and his neck is going to be pumping as well by the end of today uh but still I think 147th of this happened yesterday it's going to be a difficult Milestone to be I hope you don't have to do some solid running still in the next two hours and seven minutes if they want to beat that but still at the top Ricardo the fastest with a woman at 20.355 ahead of signs 20.546 gasly 20.764 and then we're into the 21s for album LeClaire latifi stroll Schumacher 22s for Russell bottas Perez Hamilton 24's I actually know that's gonna that's gonna update shortly but Vettel has improved to 13th um not sure what his lap time is just yet okon 14th with a 23.2 Joe 23.8 and then mazepin who was stopped out on track and did a 25-5 as his best lap I believe that is going to update shortly as it still says 99 oh my God surely gasly's kind of just he's gonna do it come on come on the Cass so on the gas so out at the moment on track is Ricardo gasley LeClaire latifi Russell Vettel okon and Joe so it's a very busy track at the moment which is always very exciting and uh maybe we'll see some updates how many laps for Vettel so for Hamilton who's not running anymore he's done 40 laps Vettel was done 37 laps so far today okon 99 Grand new show 34 and mazepin 9 because I know those are the ones that you can't see the laps for on screen so hopefully that answers your question no access to team radio no Asher there's no coverage whatsoever from a you know a media standpoint apart from for formula one posting their best bits every day let's see what other things people are saying have you guys thought about doing a drive to survive watch along potentially Danny I am in chats and talks with Netflix to see what we can do around drive to survive uh next month which will be very exciting we want to do as much as we possibly possibly can for it so look out for any content we do uh for that uh where do you where'd you get your info about who's on track and how many laps they have completed Henry uh if you look at the uh in the description below you'll see the live text updates link um the race is part of our part of the company we are also a part of so we have uh communication with them we can ask them questions about who's out on track and things like that and basically get the hot off the press stuff from those guys as well as getting pictures from xpb speaking of xpb have we got any um got any else anything else two yeah I've been sending you loads oh I apologize thanks that's all right no worries boom I mean I'm just always gonna boom pop them in the chat yes you have sorry I must have been accidentally open opening them as I was there's okay so there's uh Nikita mad's been on track obviously before he conked out he got Sebastian Vettel oh in that AMR beautiful stunning isn't it that might be in my opinion the best looking car yeah 0.1 out of ten lower than than give it a 9.9 and foreign and with the Aston Martin you're going to be getting your flipping cheddar and putting it over your head cheese grater yeah your toast the shape of the Aston Martin is slightly more appealing it's a bit more Sleek but I feel like the uh the Fanboy bonus gives me plus 0.5 uh for all Ferrari ratings so uh yeah but no there's no doubt that the Aston Martin is absolutely unbelievable uh such a nice looking cut you can see they've got some high-vis um 100 sorry floor oh he's done it I'm being a gracious loser I don't care oh that's very good of you very very good so um I was gonna say you can see the hive is on the floor of the Aston it kind of Blends in with the other neon green paint design they've got um so icons on 103 laps now 105 actually according to this uh gasly is on 99. God that was a slow lap casually come on uh and uh Ferrari's on 97 and Aston on 94. interesting stuff so well done to Icon maybe we'll see something slightly quicker than a 23.2 at some point now that he's reached over A Century of laps 105 laps with just over two hours remaining easily easily could get to the verstappen um length but it depends how much running Alpine want to do uh because I guess there is a case of too much at some point when you stress the engine a little bit too much but I guess if he's going around a couple of seconds slower than what or say a couple a few more than that seconds uh than what the car's capable of then maybe it's not stressing out too much it's very true the uh xpb lot have been doing some spine in The Paddock and they have spotted Eduardo and I know that you've got stick for saying his surname Freighters I've learned I've learned now is Freighters yeah Freighters um who is one of the new FIA race directors he is currently hanging around in the um Paddock in Barcelona no lending his way around I'll get a picture if people want to to see what he looks like because he is going to be a very um important figure in this new year of Formula One so get to know what he looks like sorry I'm just coughing because that drink went down the wrong hole um oh dear yeah good point good point lovely I was like oh God I could have said absolutely anything yeah fantastic Point Casey yeah yeah Ferrari and mudded oh unbelievable what a Point Break good stuff so why don't icon for hitting that over A Century of laps um yeah these teams are well I was gonna say all of them are bulletproof but maybe not red pool Red Bull and Hass at least today um we were saying oh we haven't had a car stop on track and now we've had two and two red flags today both mazepin and Perez but no one has binned it at least we saw a picture of Max verstappen going off into the gravel uh yesterday they did the same yesterday as well but no one's binned it which is good news for for their careers and for the teams that are trying to do a lot of a lot of mileage it is lots of people still um asking for clarification of what happened to Sergio Perez earlier so if you are just tuning in had a gearbox issue on the exit of 1013 uh with about half an hour left on the clock this morning um but nothing too bad just a gearbox issue but I don't think he's out on track again um since then so it's clearly an issue that has been a bit of a pain for Rebel to fix um which is a shame because yesterday his teammate Max verstappen managed to get the most apps out of everyone anyone so um people will be claiming that the rebel curse is already back they will they will indeed um let's speak about something that someone asked uh earlier today speed trap figures and we've just been getting some insight so the fastest in the speed trap is Pierre gasly 326. yeah I guess kilometers per hour then it should make Schumacher 323 kilometers uh Power Alban 317 kph Paris 316 botas 315 science 313 stroll 312 Ricardo 309 Hamilton 309 ocon 296. so that suggests to me that the Alpine is not running anywhere near full beans and they are just circulating that's quicker than you um so yeah obviously that would lean towards engine modes fuel loads and and also setup as well but clearly Alpine very much putting the priority on just doing laps Laps on Laps on Laps on laps and see if it'll work out for them indeed let's see well it doesn't matter at the end of the day if um the speed trap might not be you might not be the fastest through the speed trap you know they're what they said there's all sorts of reasons for that icon might be currently on a full fuel load of 110 kgs of fuel so that might be why he's slightly slower um definitely yeah I mean it's definitely got the the wick turned down I think if he's 30 kph behind gas lease so that's quite a gargantuan amount of time it might also be that you know DRS usage not using DRS um can also impact your your top speed quite a lot it's quite a quite a long straight down towards term one of Spain so if they're not using DRS that can easily impact the the kph quite quite drastically so uh yeah and that's the whole reason for not taking times too seriously unless it's Ferrari at P1 then we take it seriously okay good good you must you must take Ferrari seriously uh yeah good cool uh gazi still hasn't hit 100 according to this which I need to see that 199 laps I feel like the race guys are doing this on purpose I feel like they're trolling us trolling me in fact because gasly was my pick they'll just leave him on 99 for the rest of the day and I won't be very happy um other drivers out there let me find out who is on track at the moment we've got oh that's a lovely picture of the the mech mer right there take a look at that Merc are we are we a fan chat still Mercedes I'm still properly on the hype train I think it's a decent decent looking card I'd almost give it a nine out of ten at this point for the for the Livery and the shape and how it looks I think it looks really nice of course that is George Russell in the car there we uh are we still on that same same level or does it split opinion because it is a it is a different design I can see how some people may not like the the teal and the red and how it all comes together but I'm a big fan I'm a big fan of it yeah I I did like the black on the uh Mercedes you know not only the message it had behind it but officially it was a stunning stunning Livery um but yes as a Nico rosberg ex Nico rosberg fan girl um I have so many fond memories of supporting the Silver Arrows um and having all these Mercedes moments with them in a silver car so I quite like the transition back to the silver um but yeah it's uh it's a lovely Livery I know that Tommy was a little bit unsure with the red and the um Patronus greeny blue teal aqua color um but yeah it is a it's a stunning Livery um I don't know if you've had it but when whenever I've been I said whenever I've been to the Mercedes uh uh Factory um they hand out these little um covers for your phone right so if you're going for a factory tour you can't sneakily take some snaps send them to Christian Horner or whatever um and even then like the detail that Mercedes go into the covers for the back of your phone are that perfect Patronus Bluey green color like they obviously have a hex code for it or something like that but yeah the level of detail that they go into with all of their branding it is pretty intense and they make them in like the paint shop on the site there so it is all very very clever how they all work like that so yeah definitely we were speaking about the illegal parts and Hannah our uh one of our colleagues on the wtf-1 side uh she's message saying uh Matt's point about illegal parts and testing there's no scrutineering so in 2013 Caterham and Williams ran small bits of illegal Bodywork to diver exhaust gases towards the diffuser to allow them to gain a better understanding of how other teams were benefiting from doing it within the regulations that is a very very interesting um bit of insight there thank you Hannah and hopefully that gives you a bit of an idea as well that where teams May well just run illegal bits that they haven't worked out how they're going to make it actually happen but they wanted to see the the end result and and how much performance it gives so that is very interesting as for who's out on track estebanokon and guany Zhou are the only two out on track which means oh my God have they left Gastly out there on 99 laps oh Lord I've just seen on the race live updates again if you want to see them for yourself the link is in the description uh apparently there is still no sign of Red Bull the mazepin was the last among today's driver lineups they've taken to the track earlier on we are still waiting to see one team this afternoon Red Bull no news yet from the team though it did early confirm the problem that forced Paris to stop on track was gearbox related they haven't seen them interesting so I wonder if that is their their afternoon done and dusted I do Wonder that'll be you know from such a great first day to 38 laps today with Perez it's not exactly ideal is it it's not no um I don't know if it's going to be of any interest to uh people watching the stream I have sent you some images because both of the FIA race directors are in The Paddock and I believe I need to fact check this but I believe the other gentleman that is with them is Bruno Correa who is the Formula E safety car driver and um Alan Vandermeer who was previously the safety car driver has said that he won't be taking part this year because Formula One have got these strictly vaccine rules and he hasn't had his covered vaccine so um he's kind of bowed out from that position so I believe that that is Bruno um hanging out with the race directors who I assume will take Alan's place um yes we have try and get these pronunciations right Eduardo Freitas Freitas and Nell's Vic I'm guessing is how that's pronounced because Nails Nails we don't have to put the accent on no I know but I want to do it justice if it is correct yeah but we're English because that's not how to pronounce it yeah but then to be fair to be fair you call Sebastian Vettel Sebastian fettle then because that's how better it's an F fatal settle okay so yeah stop saying all the names professionally um yeah but the guy in the middle Eduardo Freitas for those that don't know he does not allow any sort of BS he apparently absolutely despises anyone going uh off track limits so he'll be very much on the case about that and uh I've heard don't quote me on this but something around he'll say before every race don't ruin my garden which I think is very uh quite a funny thing X obviously doesn't want to drive us to go and run out wide so I yeah he looks badass as well uh Eduardo does and he's got quite a bit of experience to go along with it as well uh he's done the work hasn't he he has and I think in the wtf1 video I saw it doesn't he volunteer as uh Marshall in his spare time I think it was him it's one of them it's one or the other one of the two best directors he looks confused there you were just like I saw a message in one of the slack channels and I think I i al Vandermeer was the medical car driver not the safety card driver but I don't know maybe it is Bruno maybe it's not maybe it's just Luke put in the chat Katie Vandermeer was I thought that was the full name is that it starts with that is me now right got a different surname we need to yeah change my thing on the wtf1 much longer there you go boom that's me right keeping you up to date with what's going on uh as I say no sign of Red Bull at the moment gasley has officially gone over 100 laps she's on 102. okon on the me in the meantime 112 laps now in that Owl Paint still hasn't improved on his fastest lap time still sat in 14th let me run you through 12th down to 16th because I know you can't see it on the screen so Hamilton not out there this afternoon 40 laps Run 1 minute 22.562 on the C2 tire is his best lap time Vettel in the Aston Martin 22.840 both are actually on the C2 as well 42 laps run uh ocon 1 minute 32 that's at 23.280 C2 Tire 112 laps run granu show in the Alfa Romeo 23.808 C2 Tire 42 laps and finally Nikita Mazda 9 Laps 25.514 on the C2 but he stopped out on track so don't expect to see him anytime soon um foreign the latest live text update is that guanyusho is on track and that they don't want to see any floating helmet and tire jokes at all so that's fair that's fair I haven't made any camo jokes actually to be fair in fact the Australian Grand Prix made one made a joke yesterday about it and I didn't get it it flew straight over my house I did see that I'm not gonna absolutely disgrace I can't believe it so it's like uh it's not because it's camo ah oh yeah the fact that they felt like they had to explain it I don't feel like I was the only person that misunderstood it oh yeah this is true maybe what time was it was it early in the morning yeah you use that as your excuse yeah I'll use anything as my excuse it's fine uh does Alpine have DRS issue I cannot confirm that uh I will ask um is there any word on Alpine having a DRS issue I'll ask the question see what uh people say down on the ground in Barcelona there's Nicholas the TV in the Williams definitely looks nicer than the car that they launched for their official presentation Scott Mitchell was on the case around Alpine and Esteban ocon so we will let you know as soon as I get word that's uh asking about Alpine and seeing if there is some sort of DRS issue there because that would be the the biggest pointer I suppose is either engine mode or the DRS not opening so we're asking that question for you uh show us our pain do we have a picture pull some pictures of Alpena no problems let's get a picture of Alpine that would be lovely that'll be lovely more I see the slivery on track the more it is growing on me I'm really excited to see the full pink version I know that a lot of people are like oh God it's so ugly but um I I've just realized you know the saying you don't know what you've got until it's gone yeah I think that's very much me with the racing Point Livery I do miss it a lot it was just so bright and vibrant yeah and I just I do miss it a lot but then again you're gonna get some sort of pink Livery in the first two races I don't like it anywhere near as much as the racing Point livery nice it's a bit of a like a poundland version of a Gucci Livery you know yeah but it's not far off that to be fair um no yeah it's uh it's just I think Tommy describes it very well and says it just looks like the pink has swallowed the Alpine Livery as opposed to actually um you know merging nicely with it I do not like at all um and yeah it's not it's not fun so uh yeah it's a shame really because some cars look unbelievable but then it means that if any team get the delivery wrong they stand out like a sore thumb um what happened to Perez so if you're just joining he had a gift and he's like a thing at the bottom like an ongoing Banner this is what happened to Perez he had a gearbox problem and then stopped on track and he's not gone back out so has Nikita mazepin he had a problem and of course yeah fuel pump problem so yes Danny Rick still sits at the top of the day two times he is out there as well 91 laps completed now Danny Rick moving towards that Century of laps Pierre gasly already surpassed that Ferrari as a team 32 plus 71 is 103 laps the Ferrari as a team have moved past that century mark again two days in a row now for Ferrari and they are certainly the team in the lead if we look at the mileage standings George Russell 30 Laps on the board 21.890 his best time on the C2 Titan P6 so yeah not not the big the best of mileage today from Mercedes they may even struggle to reach a century of laps today hour and three quarters to go until the end of day two testing at Barcelona I remember last year we had um conversations after testing you know is the this going to be a really difficult year for Mercedes because they also had some issues and um Hamilton even spun during one of the sessions uh but who knows why they're not racking up as many laps as their rivals today and yesterday but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about yeah exactly it's uh it's an interesting one you'd imagine there have been some Gremlins because I don't think Mercedes would choose to not run as many laps as the likes of Alpine Etc um it is a bit of a guessing game as you know I'm sure a lot of people have understood by now the Formula One is and you just have to try and figure out as much as you can from the information that the teams give you but have to imagine with these new cars you want as many laps as you possibly can in them in a feasible manner of course you don't want to be breaking everything because you've done 500 laps a day not that's not that's not physically possible but yeah you want to you want to get a handle of this of this new beast and only six days of testing well technically officially only three days of testing of Bahrain and three Shakedown but still it's not a lot of time considering you know you go back 20 years not even well 15 years and it was unlimited testing you could do Schumacher Michael that is Michael Schumacher did 200 data testing a year like just be pumping around laps around fiorano all the time I think I told this story yesterday but he it was I feel like it was emila where he wasn't happy with the car set up out of qualifying that's what I want to say he wasn't happy at the car set out of qualify or maybe it was practice one or the other and he actually flew back to fiorano did more laps and then came back the next day for for the race or for qualifying I can't remember which one it was which is insanity you know that's that's the kind of length that Formula One teams will go to to nail down a setup uh whereas now six days of pre-season testing that's it you're done you can go and sit in your Simulator for as much as you want but that's never the same it's never the same as as shown by the fact that in in pretty much all team simulations none of them thought this porpoising thing this bouncing up and down thing would happen um which just shows yeah the simulations they're helpful for certain things in controlled environments but not not for everything it all changes when you go out on track it does yeah although you know these multi-million pound simulators might seem like they have the answers to everything it doesn't it can never 100 simulate what it would be like when you actually get out on track into the real world um and have all those variable conditions that sometimes you just can't replicate in a simulator so daily poor post report says Ethan we've not spotted any because there's no footage um but uh be sure to check out the WTF on YouTube channel later where we explain poor poising purposing whatever you want to call it and the bouncing of the cars and kind of explain why it's doing what it's doing uh to the best of our ability so I love the Sochi track would hate to see it leave I don't think anyone's ever said that in the entirety of Formula One history I would not blink what I've not bat an eyelid that's the word that's the phrase even if we never win not blink I would not blink once I would never blink I would not bat an eyelid um too bad we can't see well it was meant to be the last time we were in Sochi anyway wasn't it because I'm moving to Saint Petersburg next year absolutely very I saw some McLaren shots are these are these new shots are these uh these are all ones yeah that have been uploaded to the xpb media Gallery recently so I haven't seen the McLaren in a while so there you go chat still looks relatively washed out in the uh in the sun yeah I'm still really disappointed by the McLaren Livery like I see what they were trying to do because I love the gulf last year and they've tried to embrace that color palette and bring back the pastel blue and the neon orange but I just don't like it I'm just not a fan I've just had some uh here we go this is the kind of inside this kind of knowledge you guys have tuned in for uh we've heard some messages from Gary Anderson at the race uh he's he's at turn one we think but this is the feedback he's given the alpha as in I assume that's the yeah what's the Alpha Romeo Alpha tari Aston Martin all the cocay Alpine a bit bouncy but nothing like what Gary has seen in the past McLaren and Ferrari look okay Alpha and Alpha so both Alphas with the DRS open all others closed that's interesting a bit of information as to what people are doing on their run plans Alpine looking a bit bouncy I think that's the main thing that I've taken from that Katie what's happening with your your your video what's going on oh now you're muted what's happening oh you we can't hear you now what are you doing Katie has broken everything you're talking and I can't hear you why are you still talking I cannot hear you oh God okay my internet just crapped itself and like shut everything down like my laptop almost just reset itself uh but I'm back now that was good that was intense I was messaging I was like like I don't know what's happened that's great that's great to see um so mazepam is actually back out uh worth mentioning uh he's just gone back out and has done a lap time of 23.524 and improved to 15th displacing guanyusho who will now drop to the bottom of the leaderboard in terms of times so yeah Mass has been back out on track at the moment um which is pretty good work from the Hass team to get that all sorted and getting back out once again no word on Red Bull so the milestones for Ferrari Alpha tari and Aston Martin and Alpine have all hit over a hundred laps for the day so that's pretty good going uh so even Aston Martin so stroll did 55 laps and vettel's done 45 so exactly 100 laps so far Aston Martin who are going to be praying for a decent season this year after you know a couple of standout performances obviously Vettel getting disqualified and hungry but you know having that um that Podium as well in in Baku was it was amazing for Vettel maspin has in fact improved even more and gone to a 22.429 putting himself between Perez and Hamilton and up to p12 to 12 laps mazabin has done so far and a 22.429 which is half a second slower than his teammate achieved who is up in ninth and is Katie still there let's see nope can't hear you you've done it lovely stuff I'm still here I'm just shocked at the fact that marzipine has got a faster lap time than Lewis Hamilton at the moment that's my headline at the moment absolutely um I'm gonna change the pole um what should we poll you choose I can see the chat has finally clocked on to the fact that my surname can be used in certain ways people saying Katie isn't where was the one that came back um I don't think Katie is given the McLaren a fair go man being like fairness yes don't worry I've had many uh that's not fair ma'am oh that I've never even never even said that that's going to be something I have to integrate uh from now on that's happened people have begun to that's not fair man okay that's that's good I like that a lot it is good thanks Dad you should not have told us that is something that's going to now continue for the rest of time fantastic uh so Ricardo very close to 100 laps now 98 laps uh for Danny Rick and the McLaren still top of the time sheets at the moment as it stands McLaren topping the timesheets from both day one and day two that would be quite quite the achievement uh for mclareness what is going on in the chat everyone is going intense with the surname puns this is amazing laughs unfair man yeah Katie chairman and then people would Noah Harrison pineapple on Pizza yeah I agree Ethan yeah absolutely yeah pineapple and pizza yeah I agree there pineapple I'm doing it it's a great name to be fair man oh I like that one that's a good one so play man oh right we've just asked the question pineapple on Pizza let's see Katie no that's not fair man oh God these are funny I like them a lot uh why are you waffling Rohan you've literally joined an F1 testing update live stream what do you expect eight hours of pure unadulterated information is that what you're after oh God we're losing we're losing the pineapple don't let come on pineapple Warriors no you can't let us lose this what this uh this battle hello the race who is in the chatsworld uh short view back to the past 39 say yes come on we need 50. I need I need at least a 50 50 split here you have to believe in pineapple on Pizza it's unreal buy an Avalon Pizza deserves jail time oh well give me a life sentence then no it doesn't anyway back to Formula One Scott Scott Mitchell on Alpine uh he's uh I got this from the the race up live updates which you can get in the description below there have been murmurs Alpine had a Dr issue DRS issue yesterday Alonso was slow in the speed traps as he didn't use the DRS as a precaution the teams say not sure whether that's continued into today though I'd make perfect sense why would you not use the DRS why would you as a precaution uh well I guess because it fails they then can't run the car uh because obviously if it stays open um then they won't be able to do any laps because the the loss of downfall so I guess it's it's safer for them to do race runs and get as much information as possible uh through that than than risking it and breaking a rear wing Gary Anderson who is Trackside at the moment for the race watching from the braking Zone just before turn one and the alpha Aston and alpharry all look okay the Mercedes and the Ferrari two uh that actually this is what um I mentioned earlier so we we gave you the Insight before it was live it's almost like we're on the ground ourselves we're on the ground love it on the ground right so 60 have said no but that means 477 nearly 5 000 votes which means nearly 2 000 of you watching enjoy pineapple on pizza and that is oh no people are saying they're unsubscribing it's fine we'll find people that like pineapple on Pizza no don't give don't don't don't pretend like we care it's fine the pineapple Warriors Will Keep Us strong um all right okay how about this leave a like on the video if you hate pineapple and leave a like on the video If you you love pineapple oh I see it uh good stuff but if you are enjoying the stream I do joke but also please do leave some love on pineapple yeah that would be lovely uh what about pizza on Pine absolutely I would put an I would wrap a pizza around a pineapple absolutely did someone say pizza dipped in milk all right that's new that's uh no that's it I'm signing off that now that does deserve jail time that really does that does uh that is that is incredible um but yeah 61 say no no oh that's really that's really irritating right back to Formula One yes that's 112 laps for ocon still the mileage leader Gastly 106. uh we've got no one else uh Solo in the hundreds but Ricardo as I mentioned 98 is the closest for that Sebastian Vettel has slotted himself up to P4 with a lovely little lap time which we don't know just yet it's waiting to be updated but that he has been moved into P4 so as the Martin and Vettel fans can get hyped because he may well love to see it I've put himself let's see is it a one minute 20 or a woman at 21 would you guess because he's slotted in between gazlia 217.5 album I think it's gonna be a 21. 21.2 is my guess actually oh you've changed your mind okay I'm gonna go to 21.3 let's see 21.341 what are you gonna do oh my gosh what did I say before 21 point you said two something I said three four one what's yours oh it's a 20.784 oh my God hello Mr Sebastian Vettel sorry fatal settle oh what a time that is a good lapse that's a lovely lovely little lap time from Seb 49 laps today and that was on the C3 Tire as far as I am aware unless that bit needs to be updated as well but at 20.784 for Vettel great lap beautiful map it's a beautiful day it's a beautiful day are you still going to go for your what was the prediction you had every time last year in our race podcast yeah are you going to continue that on or are you going to maybe give him a chance this year I think I'll probably put more effort into my predictions so that I don't have to go and rely on that but I can't say that I'll never not rely on it because it's true yeah it's it's a good prediction you know it's a 50-50 yeah we never found out who won those predictions I think Tommy knows the answer and he was like I'll save it for a podcast and then we just never learned here we're gonna release it in 2025. oh my gosh that's a bit far Katie's got some Flair man foreign how much time remaining we have one hour and 29 minutes pineapple on a burger yes Chris Collins now we're talking yeah and Nando's ah Nando's Chicken then you've got a slice of pineapple oh my God yes unbelievable I might have to go to Nando's after this uh because I don't know how I can't even drive there because I've got no car at the moment but hey I will I will make it happen um right any others I love how they went to I I apologize for the amount of Rights I do but I feel like I need to segue it back to formula one and then I realize oh wait there's been no news and then I have to go right okay so hmm let's play the what do people want to see images of should I see if I can find Ricardo 700. oh there we go piece of news let's find a picture of Ricardo let's see if there are any Danny Rick I'll show a bit of Sergio who looks very upset and and hurt that he's not in the car uh Williams Floor a little that's that's cool actually the Williams Floor picture a bit of a zoom in you can see the the green highlight there as well uh look how low it is to the ground it's an absolute joke like any sort of like sausage curb and cars just kind of fold in half that is uh that is something that they're gonna have to keep an eye on thankfully Bahrain there isn't I don't think there is any horrible sausage curves around Bahrain that they need to change from what I can remember so yes Ricardo 101 laps gasly 106. and estebanon 112 So after that big old storm of lapse icon doesn't appear to be out on track at the moment in fact who is on track right now it's been a bit a little quieter out there of late says the race live updates but there are three drivers on track Vettel who's just improved a fourth in the Aston Martin with a 20.784 Russell who's back out after almost half an hour in the pits and mazepin who's racking up laps after his earlier stoppage mazepin now on 20 laps in 13th Place on a 22.429 lovely well one topic of conversation which Benji are one of our video editors oh no the one that brought the meme up earlier yeah the one with the party Rings meme which was it was interesting but anyway thank you Benji for submitting that um he asked um why is Barcelona a favored testing circuit which is a good question um several reasons one I guess being in Spain it's a fairly Central Point for all the teams obviously a lot of them are based in the UK some of them are based in Italy um Switzerland so there's a bit of a central point for them there um also it's a track that's got a mix of high speed and low speed Corners the weather normally is okay obviously we've got some rain forecast for tomorrow which will be interesting um but yeah generally it's not a bad a bad place to be also in the FIA regulations it states that for testing like this uh the venues have to sort of be based in Europe obviously there are exceptions we get to that rule such as Bahrain um and if we do do testing in Bahrain then that's something which is discussed with the FIA and all the teams and it has to kind of be a unanimous decision are you going to say what I think you're going to say Perez is back on track yeah I know it's excited I'm sorry sorry I didn't want to disturb your flow but I was like wait that's actual news Perez back on track um which is obviously very exciting for Red Bull fans um so sorry carry on no no I mean I pretty much rounded out my point just Spain is a nice convenient little space for some testing obviously it's quite a popular one we've had testing here many many years and there are also other tracks we've tested at we've tested um at Porsche Mount before in haref in Valencia at the circuit Ricardo Tomo uh where else if we tested Paul Ricard in the past um and a few others but yes Spain Barcelona is pretty much the the kind of favorite that we seem to go to every year now so oh no oh God no sorry I've I scrolled down so then we lost the oh no you can see whatever the 16th I was on the wrong there we go boom okay my apologies I have two windows one that I'm window capturing from then the other that I look at the the race website but I I moved the wrong one I'm sorry guys you moved the wrong one it's fine we're allowed some technical issues I am into my 14th hour this is intense over the last two days you get a break tomorrow morning though wait wait and imagine my voice just seizes up and then in the afternoon I'm like hey guys welcome back uh Rebel back on track yes that is correct Al Martens which is good for Perez any info on time gaps between the compounds for new tires not at the moment Derek X because purely they aren't going at performance speed they aren't you won't really know until they are in qualifying and doing proper race simulation runs to the 100 of their of their of their performance there can be guesstimates but I imagine that information will come out by the end of day three so right now not sure pineapple is a crime says rjw 14. pineapple is unreal okay don't even come at me please split people we've literally got 10 000 votes on pineapple on Pizza yeah look we're asking the the proper questions here it has to be said um so it's been more than four hours since Perez stopped the other side of the lunch break but Perez is finally back on track in the Red Bull so he's done 38 laps so far in p12 for the 22.412 mazepin 22.429 C3 Tire 20 laps for him so far Hamilton only managed 40 laps and is down in 14th and he's not out this afternoon Russell is at 22.562 ocon 15th 23.280 suspected DRS issues there 112 laps and then finally guanyusho who's done 46 laps and has done a 23.808 Russell clocking up some laps 33 laps at the moment hour and 23 to go as we've mentioned not a huge amount of laps from Mercedes today uh the standouts are definitely McLaren Alpha Towery Ferrari and Alpine yeah see uh yesterday Lando was speaking I think it was Skye um Rachel Brooks was saying like you know congrats your fastest of the day Lando was basically saying that's literally not what I want because then it just sets the expectation level too that's what he tweeted as well wasn't it yeah he was like let's say Danny Rick he had one job not just at the Masters time everyone's Got Away over hype even ended his tweet with a mega LOL which I found incredibly um strange and weird and also funny because it's Lando and he's just like so chill about it um that he's such a gamer he just really is and uh that's why that's why I love like a 17 year old gamer rather than an F1 driver there's Mick Schumacher on screen uh he is just just fancied it really uh Katie sent it and I was like yes yes absolutely she would contact oh tell you what actually talking of Mick Schumacher yesterday on Tick Tock we're on Tick Tock by the way guys give us a follow at wtf1 official I shared um a selection of pictures of drivers at testing and there's one photo of bottas that when you were looking through it quite a lot of people said it looked a bit like um Mick and I'm gonna try and find this photo yeah because I also agree I don't know if it's just the steel blue eyes they did look very similar uh Italian here pineapple is only good on pineapple says Diego yeah I'm sorry for all the Italians 63 are now on no oh no oh no there's more people that hate pineapple joining uh can we watch this live no we can't a bone and unfortunately not there is no Formula One footage that is live from the track all we have to go off uh our colleagues at the race who are in Barcelona we've got xpb who are an image um company and they are taking pictures that we can use and show on screen as soon as they are uploaded which is great and we're also just keeping an eye on everything that's being posted on on social media as well so we are basically that information hub if we possibly can and yeah it's good stuff it's good stuff [Music] I'll try and find um oh this is interesting so I sent this picture of botas to Hannah because I had it on my phone and I couldn't find it on xpv when I looked up botas and it's because xpb did credit it as mix shoot match oh wow instead of valtry bought us so even they fell for it so hopefully this picture lives up to the uh expectation that we've gotten here but I can kind of see it that's why I couldn't find it when I looked on xpb and had to find it on my phone foreign maybe they weren't mistaken at all and you were wrong it is I mean we have seen shumi and uh I called him shumi we have seen um Nick Schumacher in Alfa Romeo gear before so I have to pull up a comparison what are you uh I'm uh because apparently George Russell has improved uh oh okay nice so we'll wait for that to update on the live timings at least that's what uh some people on chat uh saying I should never always believe what people say and what I was going to say is that Scott Mitchell has um spoken a bit on Williams from the race here's William's boss Yost capito on the team's quietly encouraging start to testing despite a short period off track earlier with an issue so capito said our objective is to get as much as possible of driving time and lapse and data especially as we missed the tire tests last year so we are a bit behind on Tire data so we're quite happy with the reliability that we could do that many laps is the basis for us to get the relevant data and to see where we are with the car it's not like where we are compared to the competition is to understand the car to learn about it and get the feedback of the drivers and then see how we improve it Alvin is fifth uh in the timings not that it matters and latifi is eighth and between them they have managed 92 laps so far today so yeah I think that kind of gives you an Insight really that you know even the team bosses are like no we're not we're not trying you know we're not trying to set the world alike we're literally just trying to understand the car you know understand this Beast that they've created in simulation that they've created with their cfd and everything else that they use to uh to create their car uh the wind tunnel time they've had which of course I think it was 20 or when was it that they allocated the wind tunnel time I can't remember which year it was I always forget 2020 I think maybe I can't remember do you remember cases a few years ago anyway it was the wind tunnel time was um basically assigned to reverse temperature borders so the most would get if you finished last of the championship you get the most wind tunnel time and then it would kind of scale back from there um so even with that sort of stuff you don't know and that's the whole point is understanding the car the driver understanding how to drive the car and this this Shakedown is kind of a Shakedown but it's still a test so there you go it very much is uh can you watch this opponent no I've already told you we can't watch it live app only I answered your question and you're in chat going can you watch this live the host may have just said no you can't watch this live but can you watch this live though you know I like it you're trying to you're trying to you're trying to manifest yeah it's no a lot of power there's no coverage hence why we're doing this and hence why so many people are here listening to us waffle on uh to Kingdom Come one hour and 15 to go until the end of day two testing and uh no you can't watch it unfortunately but you're here with us and we'll give you as much info as we possibly can Katie what are we gonna providing I was gonna say providing you extreme like informative content I've sent you this picture of bottas Schumacher if you want to see if what the guys think uh on the stream oh okay and I'm really trying to scout for Prez images to get him pictures of him back on track like this no such like a 100 vouchery botas but I can see you can see the age you can see the age in his eyes he has seen a lot you can see the Haggard skin you can see that he has he has been beaten by Lewis Hamilton for a few years he's like look at it quickly I can see why people they have to get a small thumbnail I know exactly what you mean like that the eyes are very similar to make Schumacher and also MIT Schumacher has worn similar things uh to that I'm pretty sure maybe even that exact outfit so uh understandable but uh I'm gonna find a picture of Mickey and his Alpha gear I'm gonna do it hold on yeah that was side by side yeah because they do look say the same okay maybe not okay it does look like I need a picture of Mick in a beach it's like a bigger Mick uh Aisha said big Mick I can kind of see mixes I I Zack yeah yeah I can too uh but it's also unforgivable for Xbox I know they probably went for it oh dear they just went with the meme they went with the meme good stuff so uh have we got any more updates from cars out on track I'm gonna find out who is that on track uh oh there's a picture of MC Shoemaker that Luke has just shared thank you Luke who is out on track tagged uh Jack he'll be able to tell tell us who is out at the moment and if we can expect to see any more lap times I mean the last sort of hours usually where we might see a few teams go all right let's have a banter lap let's go see what we can do and that's what Lando Norris did uh yesterday 19.5 big Mick energy augmented gravity I love that that's a good it's a good phrase it really is uh Katie you still there are you yeah I'm still there it's because it goes so silent I feel like you've like disconnected I did have it on me yeah it's because it's because of the mute I'm like has she gone to be fair my internet has been so messed up today that it wouldn't be surprising if it just was like Nah Nah if I'm not today yeah lovely stuff uh okay I need some pictures of Sergio Perez on track please oh Charlotte clanger's fastest oh God it was very serious happened 19.8 what you saying oh forever it's good ah yeah Charlotte Claire's gone fastest with a 19.804 boom and then gasly uh back up to third having briefly been displaced by the Clare he has done a one minute 20.542 unbelievable scenes vibing to the absolute limit Charlotte Clair world champion thank you everybody get out of here I know it's literally it come on guys right I know that it won't be it won't be empty for long right get on get on right now get on get on the train it's time this time GG there's still a chance for you to get onto the hype train All Aboard can we just all just just soak it in soak it in everybody get you're going to be so disappointed if they are rubbish this year they were literally honestly they don't win every single race next year this year I I'll be disappointed okay every single race if they don't win I will be questioning what they've done wrong you're going to be on the phone to Mateo what's going on you should have won this race this is how I would have done it differently and then they won't listen to me and I don't have the number anyway so how did you get this number I'd be like I stole it the hype train has arrived uh please please get on uh it's just testing that I don't care come on we've been through a few years of pain if you've uh been enjoying the Ferrari Resurgence and that the heart Trace back right making there you go there there is some serious resemblance but as I say around the eyes you can it's just soul in the eyes yeah a mix got a bit darker eyes hasn't he than the vouchery there but similar similar sort of shape just need a little beanie on him um absolutely so there you go um signs whilst driver's Champion ah maybe maybe not uh we'll see we'll see uh spoiler alert Matt is going to be disappointed this year yes Wild West most likely um it's good that the the chat are really trying to you know bring you back down to earth they really are they really really uh I've got your best interests at heart just making sure that you're not disappointed have we yeah have we got any more images flying through uh I have one of uh Charlotte clerk that I was about to send over but I don't know if it's from this morning or if it's from this afternoon but at the moment the most recent picture is a picture of Oscar piastri if you want to see that yeah all the images okay I'll just keep every time we get a new photo I'll just uh I'll send it through [Music] stuff it's good stuff um so that shouldn't people want update pretty soon on the live timing apologies that it doesn't go straight away but uh the guys at the race that are giving us these live timings they go as if by Magic he's just updated it um they are manually inputting this because Formula One haven't given us live timing uh so yeah Charlotte Clair fastest with a 119.804 42 laps uh into his stint and according to this he did it on a C2 Tire which is if that's true and it is yet to be and it's been updated then that is a juicy lap time gasly uh P3 one minute 20.542 on the C3 Tire so there you can see Ricardo and gasly 107 and 112 laps although I feel like gassy may have done a few more laps than that if he's just improved because he wasn't 100 oh no that was oh God actually was 112. so icon has yet to increase his tally after that flurry of laps so gasly about to take the mileage lead here very good unbelievable scene alternating between the Frenchman uh Matt I need to go and get myself a drink so are you okay you carry on a few minutes oh absolutely every time uh yeah you go fill your drink and I'll go fill this I've sent you a picture of Oscar piaster if you can't thank you very much I will no worries I'll be right back everybody okie dokie so apparently it's the C3 tire for LeClaire uh we're waiting for confirmation on that um but that's what some people are saying anyway uh we will if it is on the C2 the train is leaving the station everybody I don't even care it absolutely is oh British bias Matt you just love George Russell and Lewis Hamilton meanwhile me being photoshopped into a train full of Ferrari branding love it like this assuming photos all around this room and apparently I am British bias okay we've got guanyu Joe I'm just having a look at laps and seeing if there's any that to keep an eye on it's now on 52 laps is guanyu so he has done more than double what botas managed earlier this morning bought us only 21 laps granu jokes done 52. um Master pins now managed 24 in the Hass which brings the total for Hass up to well 90 laps that's that's a good a good showing from Hass today a good bounce back from from yesterday for short a lot of people are saying LeClaire C3 which I will absolutely accept some people are saying c2s I'm going to get confirmation of uh okay look it is c3s okay uh thank you lifetiming says C2 at the moment okay I've just let the uh the race guys know so c3s uh was uh leclair's time 19.8 but remember Lando's 19.5 yesterday was uh C4S so there you go um human bias love it um so a few minutes ago the car's out on track where Ricardo gasley Russell latifi Perez and Joe as well as LeClaire of course uh who just went quickest one hour and six minutes remaining c2s are harder than the c3s so it starts at C1 all the way through to C5 C1 and C2 are white walled the second one is with little brackets round the sidewall C3 is the yellow medium Tire 4 and C5 are red C4 has the red brackets round and C5 has no brackets the C1 and C5 have no brackets they literally just have the color of the Pirelli logo pretty much um so there you go that is the insight to the tires um Ricardo's managed 110 laps now so he's closing in on the uh the mileage Katie has returned The Filling is complete is her cup filled up that's the question it is I have gone for water rather than another cup of tea lovely stuff as well because why not so apparently teams uh underestimated the 2022 F1 cars poor poising porpoising problem um widely underestimated and won't be an easy fix according to Mateo bonato uh he said I think that most of us at least underestimated the problem by where we are on track we are bouncing more than expected we knew certainly that the ground effect situation would be different it's a learning process how long it can take to address it or solve it I think that's solving it can be quite straightforward but optimizing the performance because it should not be a compromise but you should try to avoid any bouncing by getting most of the performance off the car that could be a less easy exercise so I'm pretty sure that at some stage every single team will get a solution how long will it take I think that the ones that go there sooner will have an advantage at the start of the season so there you go there's more um quotes and stuff like that just go to the they have plenty of Articles and interviews with team members and and team bosses on there as well as drivers so feel free to go and read the rest of that article over on the race in fact I've just I just got I I screen capture the wrong thing didn't I whoopsy sorry everybody I keep using the wrong keep using the wrong window let's say I'm looking on the YouTube at the moment it's on a ramco advert oh God no we are not uh that was not for that I apologize I was using the wrong window again to read something because I'm an idiot sorry guys it's just it is quite you know we're quite a way into uh streaming I can't believe it's nearly four o'clock it's it's it has flown by though I do love it it has a whole way well Tom Shepard don't you dare say something like that and scare me saying that ocon's gone fast is with a 19 one on the C1 oh that's cruel yeah I can't believe I even believed it C1 that's basically like the concrete tires they're the ones that are like the hardest of of the lot so there you go um have you seen what the race put in their um live timing updates and things like that at the moment they've put it's an anniversary something happened 900 days ago today can you guess what it is Matt well I'm reading it so I won't try and pretend that I haven't okay last F1 win what what an anniversary that is I don't think anyone's ever gone back to 900 days ago today what a that is that is very out there thanks uh Daniel Ricardo's had another one uh obviously there's Hamilton voucher batas next we're stabbing yeah Max was deaf and he's had a few Sergio Perez God uh who else who else has won a race I'm trying to think gas or gasly yeah yeah yeah uh anyone else got to be more I can't think of it no I've gone I've got blank I saw people in the comments I'll be sure to tell us I think there's anyone else but um there have only been a few people are saying science soon this is I think this will it'll happen this year so anyway Federal did not work it was like Seb it's like no we're talking about Winners not not podium do we know the numbers from the speed trap uh yes we got sent that a little bit earlier today I'll read them out again if you would like to know speed trap statistics are 326 kilometers an hour for gasly three two three for Schumacher 317 for Alban 316 for Perez 315 for bottas 313 for signs 312 for stroll 309 for Ricardo 309 for Hamilton and 296 for okon which would suggest DRS or engine uh being turned down but more than likely going to be DRS issues at this stage except Singapore oh yes yeah that's of course yeah yeah I literally feels how long ago it was yeah yeah that was after Shaw winning because yeah oh my God so very well done at least somebody has their brain in gear I absolutely deleted that from my brain uh mainly because LeClaire should have won that race yeah there was a big old um strategy blunder wasn't there or not blunder but um Leclair felt very aggrieved that he wasn't given the preferential strategy I think and then wasn't it Vettel then jumped LeClaire and yeah it was caused a little bit of tension definitely in the um in the in the Ferrari Camp LeClaire bias so clear no I just forgot was was kid was I mean I am human and I've been talking for uh this is the this is the uh 16th hour we are into the 16th hour of me talking in the last two days so jargon let me have my accidental missing of that but yes right one hour to go one hour until the end of day two testing I'm just going back up to the top 900 days it's declare's win that's mad that many days have gone by absolutely I've got a job at wtf1 since then wow that's a win that's a good old Victory isn't it um I am in fact going to get a drink so you're gonna have to film for two minutes oh no I'm gonna have to fill otherwise my voice is going to explode so okay I'll let you off you carry on talking I'm going to change the image to something else uh you can change it too because it looks good BRB okie dokie well let's have a look and see so far nearly 20 000 of you have voted on this pineapple on Pizza Pole which seems incredible and at the moment it's still 64 saying no so I'm afraid 64 of you are wrong um but let's have a look at some of your questions if you've got anything going on we haven't got any updates of on-track action at the moment um in case you were wondering uh Sergio Perez did go out I'm not sure if he's still on track let me have a look for you is Checkers still on track obviously um oh maybe not obviously maybe you've just tuned in uh but Sergio did cause a red flag this morning as he stopped on track with a gearbox issue uh with about half an hour left of the morning session and it took Rebel quite a few hours to get it fixed but he did go back out on track um we also had another red flag uh for Nikita mazepin who had a fuel pump issue a few moments into the afternoon session so we've had two so far I am honestly amazed we haven't had more to be honest with you um because uh these are new cars and we're still getting used to them and reliability isn't necessarily a guarantee although we have seen um a huge increase in reliability over the last few years in Formula One um so Jack cousins on the ground in Barcelona says check out is not on track at the moment he has done 14 laps one four since he rejoined though so maybe he's headed back into the garage get some more data on that um but yeah let's have a look and see if we've got any more questions that has not to do with pine luck on pizza let's have a look Kitty when Matt gets back tell him veltry has gone second on the ce2 tires that sounds like if that is actually true or if that is just somebody yeah so that's just fake do you want me to trick him out when he gets back with fake information should I say the clerk's time's been beaten and see if he gets stressed out that would be a bit mean but it'd be pretty funny um foreign not question that's been asked but a new rule that has been introduced for 2022 which I'm really excited for um so in short at some point this year every single team has to have a Ricky in the seat for fp1 um and that's for every single car so at some point Lewis Hamilton is going to miss an fp1 session this year uh perhaps they'll make way for somebody like Frederick vestey um same for Max verstappen like there will be a moment at some point throughout the year where every driver will miss fb1 but I think that's a great idea to get more young Talent into Formula One and getting these opportunities um obviously we've got people like Oscar piastri who will hopefully get a shot at doing an fp1 run um and also the term rookie or however Formula One or the FAA wants to find that is somebody who's done I think it's either two or less than or less than two Formula One Grand Prix so somebody like Jack Aitkin could take part or uh for tapaldi or somebody like that in the house um but I'm guessing somebody like Robert cubitt said would not count as a rookie because he's done quite a lot but I'm sure maybe if uh if Alfa Romeo want to put kibitza in the car for an fp1 they can still do that but it just means that we see more rookies which I think is really cool um let me know in the chat if there are any young and upcoming drivers that you want to see get a shot in an fp1 session um for me there's Logan Sergeant who is with Williams I think he's really interesting American talent that got signed up to their young driver program last year so that'll be really cool obviously Jamie Chadwick is somebody who I'd love to see get an fp1 shot whether she has a um picked up enough points for this Friday super license I'm not sure she's obviously got some from winning W Series last year she's picked up a few in other championships and but I think it's 25 points you need to get so um yeah also Daniel in the chat agrees with Jamie Chadwick getting an idea of people joking Alonso is taking part in every fp1 then yes because he was put down as a a young driver for the young drivers program uh let's see Yuri vets is another one yeah oh Pato yes I would love to see Pato or getting a chance Nick DeVries is another great shout he is one of the uh Mercedes reserve drivers or at least he was last year but I'm pretty sure that's going to continue now he is a Formula e-world champion Abby Eaton is another shot she's not got an opportunity at the moment uh with an F1 team so it seems a bit of a long shot but stranger things have happened in Formula ones hello hello there Matthew Gallagher talking about uh talking about Young Drivers we want to see do some fp1 sessions this year oh okay um any that come to mind yeah Oscar pistol is another great one that's all I want lots of Liam Lawson another great show Robert Schwartzman I'm sure he'll get a shot uh Tia porcher I'd like to see Jamie Chadwick get an opportunity but I don't think that's going to happen because it costs a million billion pounds to run in anything so has anything happened since I've gone away uh Joe is moving on up he's up to 11th uh 22.239 on the C3 Tire 56 Laps on the board for Guan yujo and he's ahead crucially of valtry botas by half a tenth bottas mudded uh the race say it's it's been an encouraging session for the rookie and his team after another tricky morning who was logged at 57 laps that's the most of anyone this afternoon so that's good work from Joe yeah I know that he's uh a lot of people would have rather seen something like Oscar pistrionic degrees in that seat and that kind of thing but I'm excited to see how he gets on because he hasn't exactly had a poor time in Formula two you know yes he's not won the championship there like we've seen from um those that have come before him from F2 but uh he's still a good driver and I'm hugely excited to see the first ever Chinese driver in Formula One um so that's a huge sell for for the Chinese Grand Prix and um that side of Asia and stuff to have a Chinese driver I cannot believe it's taken this long as well for a Chinese driver we had uh marquin who I think did an fp1 session a few years ago um but yeah not a full-time f1c so it should be really cool it should be uh would you mind doing a social push for the last hour Katie I don't know if Tommy's already done it or if uh of course I can yeah a little Tweety poop and all that good stuff um that'll be good uh because we are entering the the business end of the session uh with 52 minutes remaining of day two in Barcelona and yeah the big talking point is of course the the mileage of of some of the teams that have have been and been captured I think generally speaking that Alpha of course had a poor morning but they've managed to turn it around 77 laps in total for Alfa Romeo uh for Hass it's a total of 90 at the moment for Alpine 112. for Mercedes we've got 73 so right now unless I am mistaken the least lapse of any team so far today is Mercedes which is uh glad you know sorry Red Bull Red Bull with 52. so yeah the two the two title fights from or the two teams to fight for the title last year uh are the two with the least lap state so Red Bull with 52 uh although Perez is out there I believe and trying to rack up some more laps but at the moment 52 laps of Red Bull and 70. uh three laps for Mercedes uh who else have we got to cover Aston Martin 55 plus 56 for vettels that's 111 that's Aston Martin for Williams it's 99. and then we've got Ferrari who are well into the hundreds they're on 124 laps and then you've got alph Tower 119 McLaren 113 so yeah Red Bull and Mercedes quite clearly down at the bottom at the moment with the alpha m not too far ahead of them so uh interesting interesting uh bits of mileage talk uh to keep an eye out of there is I can't believe they're still not pictures of Sergio Perez in the xpb light pool of images we've got update from Jack on the ground that he's done 14 lakh since 14 laps since he rejoined but he's come back in again but yeah so someone's saying no it's actually like okay so I was making my do my maths on the latest day two times but we've actually had some afternoon lap counts so Joe is up to 60 gas is up to 60. this is for just the afternoon of course vettels had 56 laps Leclair 54 the TV 54 Ricardo 48 okon 46 Russell 45 Madison 26 and Perez 14 laps this afternoon um so yeah I don't know why people are saying Mercedes had 80 odd laps oh yeah sorry it is 83. I have I've had I've had a brain fart my apologies 83 laps for Mercedes um I think I don't know what I was adding up there um but yeah 83 laps I'm gonna say they're still not you know still very much in the region of uh the lower echelons of of teams setting Maps but you know only by a handful of laps 83 for me all right ishan chill out oh calm yourself it feels like it has it's been very good much better than me um have you seen who's just managed to go up into pe2 gasly yeah a woman at 20.030 for gasly and he's up to P2 mazzapin has also improved up to P11 so we're starting to see some times now in this last hour and it's about time well I say sometimes like it's anywhere near what we've seen previously but still some faster times than what we've seen uh over the course of the day we need some time if our Concepts a little wealthy Hamilton might be last on the timesheets and I'm sure a lot of people will oh I'm sure that'll be a great headline jump on that I'm just gonna run with that yeah what was the headline yesterday that you were like Russell oh yeah George Russell yeah I mean technically it's true it's very true it is true I should have run with that title I'm disgusted but no sorry I was too busy doing a million other things I was too busy doing real work good stuff uh is oh has Hannah actually worked on a day two summary as far as you're aware of she even working um I'm not sure she's working today um but I don't know what she's doing this afternoon because I've been on the stream all right well I will I will harass her right now okay be aware she might have finished for the day well she's she's online on Slack are you around I will find out because ideally we get another summary video in the works yeah it's very handy day one yeah people liked day one and to be fair like even your uh I think it was the porpoising one I literally was like right what have you written okay cool and then just said did that 20.030 on C4 tires worth mentioning as well so he's gone on to the same tires that Lando did who manages working on that today by the way oh she is she is working a few extra hours because she's a legend she is a hero absolute hero thank you Hannah I assume she's listening and she is that uh I think so it I have I must say it's quite difficult to work especially typing and listen to a background audio at the same time so although I have tried really hard to do it for you and Tommy so far there have been a few moments where I've had to put you up mute I'm so sorry hmm you just now discussed it kicking me out of wtf1 for having you on mute absolutely yeah they should be listening to me at all times this is yeah this is ridiculous um uh okay we have 45 minutes to go in the F1 testing of day two at Barcelona where's Kimmy who knows probably why is everybody yeah why is the chat suddenly spamming where is Kimmy three Kimmy's got Cami reichman's gone P3 um you're brought up in his yacht about 21 000 votes now on pineapple on pizza and 64 now think no I think we'll have to end up again get out of my sight Paul goodbye give me his team principal what a boss it's a team principle of a I think it's a Motocross team but um that's about it people are yeah why is everybody asking where Kimmy is um I don't know he's probably just like chilling at home with his kids you know I haven't seen anything on on social suggest he's there he's not just popped up yeah that now the fact we've said Kimmy everyone's now Spanish spamming it so yeah maybe oh maybe oh oh there's a there's a Kimmy oh there's literally an update on the race uh where it says just in case you're wondering what what Kimi Ryan is up to now he doesn't need to do F1 testing he's the team principal for the Kawasaki racing team in mxgp and the team released this photo shoot today so that would make oh that's why everybody that was a couple of minutes ago so what is that Kimmy in the middle he looks very very young yeah it's very different he looks very young and so yeah he's not we all thought he wanted true we all thought he wanted out of Motorsport he's done he wants to go check out the picture up so everyone can see it for the stream yeah go on get it uh get it edited yeah Kimmy looks really photoshopped in this looks photoshopped this isn't as bad as Jean has so it's fine oh that's true yeah this is uh tiny compared to that um so it looks a bit like Sting If that's a reference oh yeah that's a boomer reference people are gonna get yeah Sting who what a beast yeah oh gosh so for those that can't see obviously from 11th down obviously you can see mazepin but then after that it's Joe with a woman at 22.239 uh C3 Tire 60 laps completed botas one minute 22.288 C3 Tower as well 21 laps completed Perez in the red ball 22.412 C2 Tire 52 laps completed Hamilton one minute 22.562 C2 Tire 40 laps completed and are Con in the Alpine 23.280 C2 Tire 112 laps I'll con has not been out for I I Hazard a guess to say about an hour at this point so maybe it's just packed up and can't be bothered anymore it's a good stint 112 laps Cheers Cheers guys see you later 124 laps no 126 laps for gasly now so uh he's very much in the two Race distance category and uh I've sent you the Kimmy pick thank you very much I'm gonna do another one I'm gonna zoom in on Kimmy's face so everyone can see him boom download you want to see Kimmy here's Kimmy look at that pic yeah he is not showing one ounce of emotion is anyone there's one person may be smirking everyone smiling oh no yeah one of the Riders is smiling quite happily actually on the right the 919 Rider yeah number three is a little bit of a grin maybe the guy all the way over the right looks reasonably happy to be there the rest of them look like they despise their jobs ah come join wgf1 and you'll love your job hey good stuff saying all the right things on the stream you really are even though you mute my wgf one Mark um so there's Kimmy everybody so that is uh it does look like it belongs um on an album cover or something pass into this photo oh my God yeah see if we can get ollie on it Vicky asks could Mercedes lack of lap speed due to porpoising uh potentially there could be many uh many reasons for for Mercedes not going out yeah but that would be probably one of the main reasons you would go to straight away I'm sure there'll be a lot of review content after today the media will get in the team principles faces and ask what's going down Stephen says he'd love to work at wtf-1 oh yeah oh wait you can't just you can't just hire someone Katie no I didn't say that's a verbal agreement we're screwed I mean if I could hire everyone watching now I would but I don't have that power I'm sorry unfortunately you don't but the the thought is there the the the positivity um do we have any more images Katie of uh I'll have a look I keep refreshing it and it's still us could be as true as the most recent picture so well let's get Oscar up then shall we uh in his mask uh to be fair I don't think I've shown that Ferrari either so we'll show Oscar piastri because I feel like Oscar should be in Formula One this year and he's not and it's sad uh but hopefully he'll get his opportunity next year that's the dream uh do we agree chat do we agree that Oscar piastri deserves to be in Formula One this year I don't think there's many people that will say no but interested to see your thoughts all the same lots of people asking about porpoising um if you want a nice simple uh explainer then you can head to and there's a really nice handy article on there um for you to read all about it or you can wait for a video on the YouTube channel but if you want to know right now then uh head over there nice uh nice five minutes ago Perez would have just gone out Ricardo gasly latifi and mazepin are also out uh I will delete that actually because I've just asked who is out four minutes later so we'll just go with that information so Perez Ricardo casley latifi and mazepin are out there and interesting yeah a lot of people saying yes for Oscar piastri don't see hardly any nose to be honest he's flown through the junior ranks very similar to Charlotte Claire in a lot of ways but unfortunately there was no room at the Inn but thankfully he's got a nice role where he can build with the Alpine team you know he is the reserve driver so may well get a call up potentially thoroughly nice bloke as well very nice guy we obviously filmed a video with him not that long ago talking about you know his him and his career and a little bit about the progression through to Formula One and he was kind of he was very open and honest about you know the his journey and he knows that it's difficult to to make it into the hot seat so yeah very nice guy it was very welcoming as well into his humble abode uh and yeah hosted us very nicely was it even offered us a drink and everything it was it was wonderful hosting from Oscar pistol you know you have what drinks did he have I had water so um rather boring uh to be honest with you but there you go right that is a picture of Sebastian Vettel with his iconic helmet and that is I mean his racing helmet there it is um it's clarify that well we talked about Hamilton's purple helmet yesterday and that was that that generated some discussion that generated some serious discussion this looks slightly less gracious than the botass one uh where botas is uh getting into his yeah that's true let's have a look where's the bottas one gone I've got lots of pictures here of drivers getting in cars if that's a series we want to start yeah how do drivers get into the car that's not the botass picture I was after uh uh bought a car there you go I think that looks cooler that looks like he's going deep sea diving as we've mentioned and the other one yeah Seb looks a little bit uncomfortable but then maybe he's in a different part of the process of getting into the car so I won't I won't judge him on that right with Chan absolute rubbish okay so just to remind everybody day one top time was a 19568. from Landon Norris yesterday uh C4 tires and Charlotte Clair 19.804 but that's on the c3s well done it's he's put a picture in the uh slack Channel that's the most cursed thing I've ever seen right so for those that wanted um for those that wanted Gene pass after our conversation earlier Tommy has made this uh to be honest I don't see I don't see what the problem is with this picture I think it looks looks it looks about right to be honest that is horrendous that's absolutely frightening I hope everybody enjoys that picture and that you won't be haunted for the rest of time the nightmares guys see what people say in in the comments people saying I'm so scared I'm so scared I love how you actually said Tommy oh my God in the slack channel uh there you go burn it says Vinnie F1 gaming is uh it is George Russell no my tires are gone George Russell's got the afternoon shot uh today um but there you go there is the gene house image that is haunting AF GH yeah let's have a look at the Ferrari oh that's a lovely picture some nice red tint on it as well Charlotte Claire in in the car oh P1 what more could you want not much I'll take that for free uh yeah also worth mentioning as well Ricardo has improved his lap time to go well he was third he stays third it's a one minute 20.288 I'm not sure if he mentioned even George Russell doing a 20.537 uh currently in fourth and that was on the C2 Tire as far as we are aware so that is relatively good Pace has to be said if that is on the hardest of the top well hardest compound of the top eight if George Russell did do that on the C2 Russell time on C2 Tire 100 I've just asked the question because that is a decent lap time uh from George [Music] okay I wonder if there's gonna be any last minute changes to the timings because I mean Ricardo he's stuck in a very quick fast lap at the end of the morning session doesn't he um so perhaps he'll try and do the same again or maybe he'll leave it with Leclerc at the top because as Lando said yesterday it sounds crazy but people don't sometimes want to be quickest because then expectation is too much yep yeah I completely agree I'm literally looking at um comments and someone's gone Matt turn your mic up you're too quiet the other one like Katie's too loud I'm like no no no no it's not your fault it's not your fault just turn just turn the volume down I'm pretty sure we haven't had any uh complaints about that so uh we're we're all good I think um what I was going to say has left my brain oh that was it someone asked about whether Max was driving no he's not driving at all today uh it's been a whole Perez Day although Perez had a gearbox issue in the morning which caused him to be out of the car for about four hours in total but he's doing he's putting in some laps at the moment and how has he done 58 so far today with about just over 30 minutes to go in day two testing but right now the most mileage is gasly 127 laps that's a lot of laps [Music] the music is too loud all right Tim okay you're bad sir yeah it's just solid bad to so much better people saying Katie turn your mic up after okay I've turned her up a little bit uh but it just means it's louder in my ears which is not fun but it's fine it's fine it's totally fine for the last half an hour no but then that that that's that's counterproductive hello oh if I just shout oh my God please don't do that either um okay sorry everyone jump scare so people are like oh gas is improved no I don't think he has oh I love how old we actually posted that all aboard the Ferrari hype train was that Tommy yes I think that was the tummy amazing yes on the internet I hope Charlotte Clark sees that because he does follow us on Twitter so you never know Charlie Claire does he follow us on Twitter I feel like he does yeah yeah yeah he's he's uh he's a big old fan old show yeah he's a good lads he's a lovely lads people should get him if he's not on track get him on the testing updates he can be okay on the ground and we're going live to Sean look like now from the Ferrari garage oh gasly gas he did improve a 19.918 laughs so gasly has improved he's creeping up and he is only just over a tenth away from Charlotte 130 laps for Pierre gasly today that is a solid innings from Pierre yeah Danny Rick 118 laps he is now second and they still haven't sent okon out for well over an hour now I'd reckon so maybe 112 is enough for Alpine and they just want to chill out maybe they are trying to fix that DRS issue potentially yeah the last day of testing tomorrow maybe get it ready to go make sure it's working Mercedes are quite close as well to reaching 100 laps as a team Russell again for the second day in a row 13 laps ahead of Hamilton that's a that's a headline finishes 13 laps ahead after 27 lap Victory yesterday as well oh my gosh she's just trying to trigger everyone on social media we love it we love this game so just looking at the house Alpha doing 81 laps now in total is Alfa Romeo Red Bulls managed to get up to 61. so we haven't had a travesty like we did yesterday with Alfa Romeo and for Hass there's been less travesties today and we're happy about that we want the teams to learn stuff uh so that they can prepare a little bit better into Bahrain for sure oh can we get the gasly Charles photo is that possible of course thank you very much it's a nice little picture of the two of them is that one I've sent earlier or is it a new one the the young one it's the one on the race uh uh live timings oh that's lovely let's have a look at that okay so Russell's time was on the C3 just to confirm for reference latest Galaxy lapse should have been the quickest time but we saw him following Perez out of the final Corner outright fastest time in set to one and sector two but no improvement in sector three so there's a little bit more detail for you there foreign should have taken the top spot the headlines but instead he slots into P2 so ham is slacking off where is he he's not he's not driving he's not driving this afternoon sheltux he's not driving has Twitter was has Twitter saying um I'm being told to look it has Twitter there's nothing on house Twitter why would you what'd you do this Twitter has Twitter I looked it just keeping you on your toes there's nothing there what what are you what are you baiting me for no oh they've removed your Alkali on Twitter well I've mentioned this to Tommy earlier and Tommy said that they didn't even have it in the name anyway so I think people are just getting a bit over and they've still got the picture of their car in the header with the Ural Kali um yeah branding and he they've it's very easy with you as well it's like right away what was the thing that people got carried away with I mean to be fair yesterday yesterday there was a picture of the Turkish Grand Prix tickets for Saturday yeah it's either just a page that was accidentally uploaded it's just like uh it's not it's not it's not a thing the Turkish Grand Prix this year tickets are not on sale for that rather than check it themselves everybody just gets carried away within the social media storm um but yeah we will we'll see what happens um I think you mentioned it before but there's going to be a meeting on it tonight um with lots of the F1 commission I think it is or team principles or who is it that's um let me have a look who's having this meeting about Russia tonight F1 teams to meet tonight to discuss the Russian Grand Prix status so we will see um if it's going to be canceled few drivers have voiced their opinion Sebastian Vettel being one of them you can go over to if you want to read some Driver quotes about what they've been saying but Seb has essentially said that he's not gonna go if there is a Russian Grand Prix this year which is obviously quite a Firm Stance to take but one that I um I very much respect um but we'll see what the situation is and tell you sure yes I was gonna say I'll tell you another situation Hamilton tell me is the slowest driver today you're kidding ocon's banged it in p12 Hamilton p16 out of 16 Mercedes oh my God finished it's over it's absolutely over the dream just do wait tomorrow he'll come back and he'll be faster I know but it's big headlines I'm joking I'm kidding for those that aren't understanding this is a joke um but uh yeah wow Hamilton last last and it's an interesting point the race makes because ocon has improved but he has not used his CRS interesting so clearly there are still DRS issues they wanted to do maybe a faster run uh it would have cost him yeah a solid solid amount of time you'd imagine these rear wings are pretty enormous um so no no DRS still slots himself up to p 12. we finally got an updated photo of Sergio Perez going out on track after his gearbox issue this morning but it's not exactly a game-changing photo it's just a photo of the side pod um and some hivids or flovers however you want to Define it on the car so it looks a bit messy Puma won't be happy because it's over the sponsor but uh I've just put up the picture of gasoline LeClaire from isn't it gp2 goodness me that was a while ago uh Leclair with his Ferrari driver Academy top on look how they look young gasly looks different doesn't he he looks like he's very so much thinner than he is now yeah gasly was one of the first people I ever interviewed which was quite strange it was just after he'd won the GPT title how was that um and it was really interesting we were on the phone for like an hour um and talking about things from obviously what it was like to win gp2 uh his career Ambitions getting into Formula One um talked about that year in Silverstone he was in a car accident um and his mum was quite badly hurt I think in the car accident um and so talking about the effects of that as well which was quite an interesting part and now he's in Formula One so I am taking the uh full credit for that from my one interview in 2008. take it take the credit what do you do in GPT 2018 . I love our people literally um I was calling ghastly fat for God's sake I literally yeah are you calling gasly fat he's fat shaming no I'm not doing that at all I literally said he looks just looks thinner it looks lighter in that picture I'm showing slender and now he's like I think the hair as well it looks quite different sometimes your hair can make a big difference as to how you look um I've sent you this Perez picture if you want to get that up oh yes let's do that it's very illuminous green uh flavors paint where have you sent it I can't see it oh it's it's taking it the download yeah that is saucy it's very vibrant goodness me that's a lot of paint that's a lot of paint Jim that is in a nutshell flow Vis is whacked on to the car to figure out where the air is actually going and to give the teams some sort of idea as to how efficient the airflow is and where the air might be getting into that they didn't realize on the simulation or with the sensors so paint it works it tells them as you can see you can see where the the sprinkles of paint is and where the the airflow travels and it's very interesting because it shows them where they may be losing a bit of downforce can change a few things change the way the airflow goes through the car oh Leclerc has gone even quicker holder hold up hold up one minute 19.689 C3 tires C3 it's happening what are you saying C3 tires C4 for Lando Norris Leclair Ferrari let's go let's go so what drivers are finding different in 2022 the race I've just put up on their live text updates following might be easier visibility has taken a knock an adaptation should be quick not instant with nearly two days of testing at Barcelona complete this year's Formula One drivers have now had sufficient time to settle into their new machines and form an initial impression and then you can actually read further information uh other than what I've just said on the website where they've spoken about how the drivers have found these this year's cars so far in the first two days of testing uh oh no I've done it again I've read it off the wrong thing I've done it I'm so sorry I keep scrolling the wrong Plumbing thing time's gone again okay I'm sorry Patrick like a stupid photo just like oh hey yeah okay we're noobs I'm sorry God ah will it make people feel better if I can get a really sexy picture of Ferrari's rear end make me feel better I'll send it to you on the uh onto the slack but yeah it's a it's a bakery around so I haven't actually no actually maybe that's that's a weird um oh no what were you about to say I was gonna say um thinking of like innuendos you haven't been saying that's a big Wang or whatever you keep saying yeah when she was saying yesterday and I haven't heard you say it today oh well that is like five years old right yeah that is that is solid wank what rear ends do you want to see um which cars were a render maybe I should clarify do you want to see because xpbs yeah that is oh that is a lovely picture you can see the yeah and there's quite a lot of different teams so if you guys pop in the chat who you want to see and I will make sure we get you the images that is that is naughty that is I like that a lot that's a great shot you can see that the aggressive side pods and the way the cheese greater line forms for their calling like you've noticed the different ways they package the cars like for example Ferrari here with the cheese crater Vibes then you've got others that aren't running cheese grater but then much sort of more exposed rear ends in terms of that's where the airflow comes out of and through their their air intakes at the front so yeah that's a stunning pick it's a very lovely pick that chat that's got to be the best pick of the day isn't it come on that is a 10 out of 10 picture people saying Aston and Red Bull right I'll get Red Bull up first and then we'll go to Aston yeah that sounds good to me 10 out of 10 for this photographer who's been getting these snacks no Corner gems you will not see Matt's rear end I love how some people have said it nobody needs that good stuff good stuff right we are coming up to the well less than 20 minutes to go until the end of testing being emotional can you believe that it's been 16 hours of talking about something we can't see I'm really I'm really proud of both you and Tommy I might I might get emotional just start crying on 5pm hits um but it has been it has been brilliant to bring you uh this guys honestly it genuinely has been really really fun uh just to interact with you guys chat chat chat and waffle and give you updates and insights as much as we possibly can um genuinely has been really really fun and we've got one more day tomorrow of course so don't forget we can tune in tomorrow as well uh Katie and Tommy will be giving you the lowdown in the morning and then I will be joining with you Tommy who is it is it Tommy or you I think it's me and you isn't it I'm doing yeah I'm doing the morning and then afternoon as well so if you don't like me on this because you got a whole day of me tomorrow oh wow uh Perez has just moved himself into the top ten he's uh just said a one minute 21.430 with the C3 Tire I literally just saw that coming as well it might be that way 16 hours we're talking about ferrara's rear end isn't nearly enough says Ollie Wright same time tomorrow absolutely 8 A.M uh UK time Smithy uh yeah Perez has improved as you can see I love how everyone just gets in the chat where is it proud Paris improved we love you too Mina thank you for for watching and for for tuning in we like you you're fair man it's everyone I really shouldn't have made restaurants that's not fair man says Dominic Dominic Dominic Dominic hello it's cool honestly I have been called worse so that's all good I definitely have as well on the internet oh this one of the Aston that I'm about to send you it looks like it's been squished it's quite interesting uh interesting angle right we've got a rear of the Red Bull for you right now boom okay look at that look at that look at that look at the rear end on there as you can see it's a little bit more opened up on the rear end here you can see uh because a much more tightly packaged on the uh on the derriere of the Ferrari derriere you got a little bit French see that can't you can see that and then boom bit more open at the Red Bull no cheese graters just a little bit more open less the airflow come straight out that back end lovely anything else you got there Casey go in seriously just mad now 15 minutes to go here we go yeah let's just go crazy what other cars do you want to see the rear end of because there's one for every team all of them just fire them all to me here we go okay so Aston you can see it let me download incredibly tightly packaged uh rear end because they've got the uh the cheese grater cheese grater Vibes on the left and the right so it is interesting it'll be very intriguing to see which teams which route teams go down eventually when we get to round one in Bahrain and maybe they will change them depending on the track temperature and not track temperature just the general temperature of each race that they go to so keep an eye out for all of that I'd sell you so yeah right we've got a Williams booty pick coming up next Williams can't be monetized right at the end don't we yeah so God I've lowered the tone I've only been here sorry oh God imagine it imagine people are just listening to this audio only yeah 15 minutes sorry uh I will get that up once um it's been sent now that that even that's bad isn't it that's what you just check chuckled at I feel like right uh have you got it sending is it sending is it sending yeah it's sending it sending it's sending it sent sending is sending and sending and sending it here it is the will I AMS there it is a bit more open very similar concept it's a proper dad joke that yeah in a lot of ways in which the way it's packaged at the back you'd have to say so far yeah yeah although it is slightly triggering what's not try phobia because that's a fear of small holes but there's a thing where it's like similar small holes of like small spaces it just I don't know I haven't explained it I have absolutely no idea where you're going no but um trying to say uh 15 minutes to go less than and there's three cars on track LeClaire gasly and Perez of course Perez trying to make up for lost time he is he's done 66 laps uh 68 laps in fact today which is still the least of any team because of course Red Bull and Perez were the only there's a solo run today because we're starting to have the entire day yesterday sorry Katie what were you saying perfect great great a Mercedes rear wow hello all right sign me up I like the McLaren one actually that's quite cool I'll send that one as well but yeah it's still not beating the Ferrari in my opinion Mercury there it is all very red very red oh wow look at that they've got a very red bottom diffuser on that that is yeah interesting actually similar yeah they're similar to Williams Aston Martin a bit wider of a diffuser perhaps Red Bull got an interesting diffuser it has to be said bit different no surprise there and Ferrari rear end boom I like looking at the comparisons of the rear ends there sir very interesting oh you we can't show it on here because it's F1 content but um there's a perfect example of Point porpoising poor pudding um what we think on the F1 Twitter um obviously don't leave this stream to go and see it look at it on your phones or something I'll look at it yeah exactly look at it at the end of this stream um but it's a great example of the cards literally moving oh here we go bumpy road oh my God yeah he's like he looks like he's on a blooming Road the Flippin Nora it's amazing when you see how dramatic it is that you think for teams not realize this is gonna happen it's so intense um just commenting my man was on a bouncy castle he is it's like going over potholes when you're driving in the UK that is absolutely ridiculous uh Matt loves tearing it I've got to say we're still on the rear end chat really talking about the cars look at this but please don't leave us yes that's exactly right Ryan perring absolutely right uh Alpine rear end the car is twerking we have an Alpine rear end as well I've just sent you a McLaren one we can get an Alpine Alpine on there's the McLaren oh I quite like this angle from the back because it just looks like old school Alpine and you can't see the pink really it's reminds me of a better time [Music] the Ferrari is listening to some Bassy Tunes that's true beefy Bassy Tunes base base it's got a subwoofer in the back of the Ferrari and it's just blaring out the drum and bass so apparently there's a few practice starts being done at the end of the pit Lane now Perez is the latest to do so Perez and p7 I'm going to run you through the times because I'm not sure as much is going to change so LeClaire at the top with a 119 689 69 laps completed today and as fast as on a C3 gasly woman at 19.918 C4 Tire 138 laps completed today Danny Ricardo one minute 20.288 C4 Tire 125 laps Russell women at 20.537 C3 Tire 60 laps completed signs 20.546 C3 71 laps Sebastian Vettel 20.784 c366 laps and as I've just said that it's been updated and gasly's done 140 laps now Perez 70 laps 21.4 21.430 C2 Tire Albion 21.531 so you three Tire 47 laps granujo 21.885 C3 Tire 67 laps Nicholas the TV 21.894 C3 tire and then 61 laps for him and then we get to Tuesday 69 laps at some point 67. I don't know because everybody in the in the chat's going nice so I assume at some point you have said 69 laps 69 did I I can't even I can't even see a number that says 69. I love other chats just like nice anyway yeah I was just like well I assume that's what you said I must have brain farted anyway 11th stroll 21.920 C2 Tire 55 laps Shoemaker 21.949 C3 66 laps mazepin 22.046 C3 Tire 37 laps okon 22.164 C3 Tire 120 laps botas 22.288 C3 tires 21 laps and finally rounding out the timesheet is Lewis Hamilton at 22.562 C2 Tire 40 laps no idea why uh I always because Charlotte Claire's hit 69 laps uh well it says 71 now maybe I'd set it at 69 and then it updated and then I can't see it I can't believe I didn't say nice oh God I'm so sorry what the hell am I doing I've just moved my camera you can tell I'm tired I've literally Jesus what's wrong with me what's wrong with you I love how someone's replied to my tweet saying Matt loves rear ends and now people have absolutely oh nice sorry what that means it can't be as bad as the slip-up you made in the podcast last year and then I had everybody tweeting me certain something do you remember what do you know what I'm talking about talking about sleeping with the rule books and you've got your words messed up yeah yeah yeah that was that was a good time it was a good time it wasn't a good time everybody tweeting me being like Katie sleeps with blah blah blah because that was BBU that said that it was me I'm so I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I put that on you Katie I really that's okay luckily everybody knew it was a joke I hope anyway it definitely was but it was actually just a misplacement of words to be fair um yeah botas and Hamilton are the last two in the timesheet that is correct botas ahead of Hamilton 15th and 16th mudded Alfa Romeo and Mercedes who bought us to go to a new team to beat Lewis Hamilton yeah there's a storyline definitely there seven minutes to go until the end of day two testing what have we learned Katie what has been your key takeaways from today um that that Ferrari has got a really nice rear end that [Music] um is the goat wow okay um I'm enjoying and you know got some great laps in so happy for him uh what else did we learn [Music] is the fastest French man there is in the whole world come on Matt Zoom Focus why is it not focusing there we go sorry carry on is that it that's all right everything yeah all your insights I think it might be yes uh let's find out anyone potentially gonna do a lap I've asked my colleagues on the race who are on the ground in Spain Barcelona if anyone's going to do potentially do a hot lap I will ask the question see what people say I want to see some more Sunset shots because we got some really nice ones yesterday um some cute little Sunset shots cute little Sunset shot cutie oh my God wow it really is Delirious time uh five minutes yeah five minutes ago five to go what are people saying in the chat what's been your main takeaway Nick Voss his message has been held for review and it just says he thinks it's been an S stream uh so thank you Nick for dropping that's a good thing oh that's good no no no no no no there was other letters that I didn't say um oh Nick but I appreciate you stopping by no I'm gonna take it that Nick said austrian's been the best ever so thanks Nick big fan of your work um what was that Matt I don't know what you want about F what happened Matt drink water right now okay sorry Chris madring you must have the drink right now okay cool thank you um but I appreciate Nick Voss for stopping by and saying that you hated the stream because it just helps us get more views so thank you oh um Ferrari Ferrari on top Ferrari the goats Ferrari are the one it's done it's dusted it is Championship over um Ferrari consistent says Dom uh we did we need some to see some more wangs Katie before the end of the stream do we have the recipe let's see if I can pull up any big wangs for the last five minutes of the stream yeah we need to see what we've seen Ferrari Rebel Aston Williams Merck McLaren Alpine we've got three to go this testing stream is officially over please do uh subscribe if you have enjoyed this uh live stream and also leave us a like please do please leave a a big old thumbs up to say that you had a great time because if you did that'll mean the world so thank you um it's uh it's been a it's been a long old long old 16 hours these last these last couple of couple of days um but it's been good fun I've really enjoyed it and I will be back uh tomorrow afternoon um did I see the picture of Seb newie and Horner I did we actually put it up on the stream recap please I just read out all of the times which I'm not going to do again oh have you seen what Jack said in the slack hello right leclair's just had a tire change but I didn't get to see what two might just be a final in and out though and now it's gonna be a it's going to be a 17. so Leclair might be about to drop the newest hottest track record uh that's ever been seen we will see it's quite a statement it's quite anyone can do it look let's just change we're not sure if he's going for a lap um yeah good stuff right have you sent me any more wangs I'm about sending them good I'm just uploading them now good stuff we need to see the wangs don't we chat we really do nearly there yeah over ten thousand you've just been sat here the whole day so thank you everybody for for sitting and enjoying and tuning in yeah he's been in again okay so leclair's not going for anything crazy which means I think we have pretty much set on the times that we can see on screen so let me show you the alpha Wang there you go that's good stuff that's the Alpha Tower even not the Alpha Romeo Alpha Towery yeah it's fine you can see on the rear wing it's definitely Alpha tari so yeah the next one you can just about make out that it's Alfa Romeo and the rear wing because they've got this funny camera delivery on which I'm gonna be honest not a fan of not a fan the merch looks nice yeah but probably about it right sorry Matt I'm trying to look up as quick as I can no problem no problem we just need to get the full set of whales and I think we can you know call it a day call it a day we've got two minutes less than two minutes until the end of day two testing so uh I want to wish you all thank you I wish you a thank you wish you would think thank you she's so amazing um that's at least it come on let's at least hit 6K likes let's not be stingy here it's a zero P for a like that's all I'm asking for I'm not asking for a subscribe although if you want to please do had the most laps I'm gonna pretend that I definitely said Pierre was gonna get the most laps throughout the whole day I'm pretty sure I said first to 100 but it's fine I won something sure let's do it that's fine we take those right Katie has sent me the alpha Wang for Romeo that is boom and I've just about to send you the house so that's the penultimate Wang we're all wound out we're up we are all wanged out uh we are there you go there's the house Wang so can we get the Wang in before the end of testing quick it's 459 boom Hass right we got we got all the wangs in before it was a red green red light Checkered Flag whatever they do it's definitely a checkered flag 5 p.m the end of day two testing and as you can see on screen that is uh the top 11. after that it's Schumacher Master pin ocon botas Hamilton and uh they they are yeah it's a 12th Shoemaker did 66 laps management 37 Auckland did 120. boss asset 21 and Hamilton did 40. there you go done and dusted thank you everybody lots of love um it's been an absolute pleasure to bring you day two uh from the comfort of our own home and trying to give you as much insight as we possibly could to keep you in the know at F1 testing look forward to a video going out later today maybe even two not sure we'll see and uh we will return tomorrow 8 A.M bright and early please be back once again for the final day of Barcelona testing Katie and Tommy will be taking you through it and I'll be back in the afternoon bright and early so look forward to that I'll be full of energy at 1pm ready to go for the final four hours of wet testing as well so that'll be quite interesting to keep an eye on Katie final thoughts uh final thoughts are um thank you to everyone for your lovely messages I know that Matt and Tommy did a stellar job um over the last day and a half but um for for Tommy's sake and for your sake tomorrow it's good to change things up um just to let you have a little rest but yeah thanks everybody for your lovely comments and we'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning awesome there you go then thank you everybody it's been a pleasure and we'll see you tomorrow 8 A.M well we Tommy in case you'll see you tomorrow at 8am I'll see you at 1pm for the final day of Barcelona testing see you there bye bye
Channel: WTF1
Views: 442,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wtf1, f1, grand prix, hamilton, vettel, ferrari, mercedes, highlights, formula 1, verstappen, red bull, f1 2020, albon, norris, leclerc, russell, formula one, gasly, lando
Id: ad-LdqNmW6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 0sec (14220 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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