LIVE🔴Making a Game for the Epic MegaJam in Unreal Engine 5! - Day #2

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey guys how's it going how is everyone doing welcome back to another live stream today we are continuing with the Epic Mega Jam I am very very excited to continue um you know if you didn't see you know last uh live stream which was yesterday the theme of the game Jam was announced and we started planning everything with my team so today we are of course continuing gonna be making the game and let's see how it goes um my team has also been working you know through a bit of the today's morning and a bit yesterday so I'm gonna also show you a bit of the progress but today is where we actually gonna you know kind of begin begin actually get into into it okay so hello everyone Thanks for tuning in um and you know let's just go ahead and begin so I am trying to connect my headphones so uh you know just give me one second because I have like three headphones right now three headsets and uh yeah I'm trying to see which one is the best one so let me just bear with me for a second let's go ahead I guess that should make it appear there so um I will show you a bit the progress that one of my you know uh team members have done and making weird noises and we'll begin to you know in the game make all the code of the player character the movement that we start to set up in the last live stream please can you connect I don't know what he's doing I don't even know but aside it's not really doing anything right it's like okay no worries we can we can begin and later on I can you know connect to that and so on because so yeah I have another ones here right and then also I have a another one there so um and say why do you have like three don't ask me they all don't work so I mean they work but it's very confusing uh my settings anyway so now that we are here let's go ahead and open on view engine uh but first of all let me of course check in GitHub desktop right if um there's any new changes so let me just go ahead and use fetch um so I'm just checking for updates right now all right and there is an update so let me pull um because I guess that there we go okay new block out meshes that um they've been making okay so everything is updated let me open up the unreal project is bear with me with a second guys here on my screen okay so there we go engine projects and the Epic Mega Jam open up there we go opening I'm gonna also go ahead and open Myra and I'm gonna also open the stream just to make sure everything is fine in the other monitor that we go here I'm gonna put it over here and also open this core to communicate my team members so that said Amigo all right this opened cool this could be at 10. uh okay well there we go this here and the product is opening disable this go here go into team chat okay great all right I'm back don't worry okay here we go let me see the audio is okay and I think the volume should be a bit higher the music can you hear the music in the background guys can you hear it yeah very low but um how many screens do you have I have uh two so I have one main monitor which is 4K and then another vertical one 1080. okay that's how I mention Okay so here we go here we have the project is literally blank right nothing more nothing crazy and you can see that you know they're starting to pop up some of the block out as you can see this is really cool you know um so yeah so Brandon is working on the environment as you can see he's already making uh the Prototype block out meshes for our antique shop which is really cool uh cool so that's going forward um of course basic material and then we have um Pedro is working on the character um which they're gonna show with the drawings once again and second and then Ryan uh he's working on the music which I also show in a second okay cool we got this light thank you Francis how is everyone doing what type of game you're making good question let me go ahead and show you real quick so we are making a game around the theme of antiquated future which is the theme of the game Jam of course so in a team of five we you know realized to make this type of game which is in a tick shop steampunk robot game so you are a tiny steampunk robber in antique shop and you're trying to skip the shop and progress in technology so you have this very useful mechanic called the AMOLED mechanic that allows you to manipulate time in specific areas so you can switch between different times right and you can maybe have new pathway Etc then you have the AI robot which is the owner of the shop uh which is kind of Imagine in spite of kind of stray big Robert right difference from the little toy to Big Rubber and his you station you around okay so he assist you to try to chase you in and just get you and then you have um different puzzles that you have to go the camera perspective and and kind of gameplay control will go and be inspired from Little nightmares as you can see this the guy it's kind of a side scroll camera angle in a very cool way you can move and then uh you know the r style will be kind of stylized um the uh you can see a bit of references here and we got cool stuff so first of all Let Me Show the you know progress that we have been making over here okay so there we go this chord as you can see uh first of all uh Pedro did you know start to make all the concept drawings for the um player which is the robot toys you can see looks awesome okay with the key mechanic so it will be this mechanic where you have it on the back and it will turn right you have this key of a toy and it will stop uh turning with time so you have to find a new one to keep uh alive now you die then brand I'm sorry you know it's your main you know I show you with the Imports uh with the Prototype um blockout meshes very very cool and then um also Pedros are working on two designs for the AI robot the owner of the store that will it's like the main enemy it's like a big guy that would chase you around and then let me ensure the audio of the screen and Ryan's hard to work on some main menu music which is awesome so let me show you [Music] all right it is amazing it is I mean since I got low-key creepy toy Vibe it is exactly what I was looking for I literally said it and I am super happy with it so there we go and he will be working and also the general music level and victory so um cool so you can see progress is happening um and this is just within a few hours from the team starting so now you know we're going to pull off let me put a game back a bit of the music over here uh cool so uh also Ray saw the other programmers are to get a bit of the gameplay core Loop and so on and you'll probably you know be working more uh in my night time because of the difference in you know time zones and everything uh but it's okay yeah that Vibe is so mystery love it I love it too like it's so cool okay so what are we in my case myself gonna be doing today well I'm gonna be starting with the um player controller okay again in spiral now you have played uh before but in little nightmares where you can go ahead and you know uh move around uh in a side score camera angle right um so that will be the first thing is to make the player controller movement and so on so with that said uh let's go into here and let's get started so this is just the default level of um the blank project so I guess that I can you know start to work on the blueprints it's right click new folder blueprints and the first thing I have to do is of course create the game mode because right now there is no game mode at all so screen your folder in game mode right click new blueprint class and let's create a game on base as it will be in single player so this will be the GM underscore and I guess that would use you know name it a very generic way so I am thinking you know this could be just what do we name it yes single we could even use you know name a single player right uh or toy shop but I think that you single player well be worried this is a universal name okay with that said I'm gonna open this up and we'll need to fill in the default pan class which will be our player so I'm gonna go out and just create a new Pokemon class and this will be a character which will be a player so BP underscore and this can be the um robot toy okay which will be our player let's open this up for now our player uh will just be this guy here as uh we test okay for testing of course until um the Pedro gives me the model I guess uh so this time will just work um and then maybe I was you know change it with a mixable character so I can put some animations uh but for now work so as you may know the only external things that we're gonna be using is going to be make some animations everything we're gonna make it ourselves in seven days which is crazy uh glitch your name is do you have a player mesh that's what I was talking about um Pedro the uh character artist is making so you know pretty soon we'll have it but for now I'm gonna be using this uh you know default mesh okay we'll just go ahead and just work uh cool so let me go and assign the default pan class to be the robot toy and now I can just go and drag it into the world there we go and of course if I press play nothing happens okay and I'm just also well first of all I have to you know put the game mode so here Advanced or Advanced not or partition of game mode this will be the GM single player and then the robot tie I'm gonna go ahead and also put it in the center of the world like this actually there's a player start and delete that better it will stop spawn the player so you can see the spawn on it of course the camera is wrong but you get the idea at this level this level is the example right oh did someone create an example lever oh Brandon right uh it's well I want maybe I can go into the example yeah let's do let's see well I don't want to interfere wow look how cool this looks wow okay so I don't want to interfere with Brandon just in case he will work more in the uh prototype level but I would just go and create a new level wait sorry leave this blank level just for me for for prototyping Okay so level basic um go here sing a player prototype Okay cool so now as you can see when I press play we have our character of course there's no code or whatever so we have to do oh oh that stuff cool so first of all let's add a arm length spring arm sorry there you go and this will be where a camera will be positioned and we'll have this side scrolling thing where I still want to have a springer okay will be the camera uh you spawn control will not have anything else instead of uh in her role and then the arm length will be maybe like uh well it doesn't matter they're gonna put like uh 700 but um this will not be interfered okay because you're basically gonna get the camera and move it outside so actually I want to change the world to be at Absolute okay so actually I want any even a spring arm I just need the camera actually yeah so I just need the camera okay I'll move that camera around um cool so let's make the input it's in my case I'm gonna you know just make the ampod folder and I can scrape the input so in my case let's create an inproduction EA underscore and this will be just move and then I'm gonna also create a mapping context so let's see underscore and let's see player input and now in player input I can add my EA move now in the EA move we're going to change this to be a access to D Vector to D so we can move horizontally and vertically so forward backwards left and right and then um also going to go here and we have to editing so in this case W and this will have the uh what was um it was a modifier which was the Oswald import access value I believe it was this one but I don't remember which order so let me use can I play with it so let me add another one as I guess I just experiment with it I don't remember which modifier was and why for now I can just go here and begin play I can just get okay what okay get player um controller cast to the player actually I can use directly use get the enhanced uh player subsystem and just add the mapping context there we go cool and now it will be this napping context so now it will be able to attack the a underscore move expand this split this uh actually oh now it's way better they made it in 5.3 that you can hide this it's so cool what's the theme bro uh look the theme is Antiquated future so it's like old and futuristic at the same time so we're making a very interesting game um so you'll see how it will turn out so add movement input yo when I drag this now it like fills up you see it's like it's loading that's a very it's a bit weird Okay um get actor rotation and we just get the forward vector okay so with that I will get the Y value and we can just go forward in theory we should be able to go forward yeah so there we go we go forward as you can see cool so now with the S I have to add two modifiers which will be the visual input access and then also the name gate so you can go backward um so now and go forwards and backwards you can see cool uh with that said let's also do it you can move uh left and right so we'll have this and then this get a right vector plug this here this will be the you know other value access and then here we have to edit so this will be a n d and I believe that a needs to be negate axis let me see if I'm correct for SD yeah there you go so now I can move in all directions as you can see pretty cool gonna go into the character move component and enable Oriental rotation to movement and in default disable jaw so now you will see that the player will basically face the base that he's moving as you can see it is very broken with the camera uh but bear with me actually that's why we need a camera boom our arm length sorry spring armor so I'm going to put the image inside oh sorry the camera inside not the mesh and spring arm should not have anything on this and there you go now as you can see the camera isn't affected and I can go into the direction that he's moving now he box a lot when he's going backwards um but bear with me 40 seconds so yeah you're disabled that should be good Oriental tradition to movement okay um cool so now he's moving where he has a using 5.3 yes um cool so now you can make a move so now it is time to put the camera in place so we got to do is build a sort of spline system okay let me see if my team has putting anything else um games I want you at the games right now all good okay um basically I want to just make a simple uh side scroll system okay so uh what we're going to be doing is I can close this let me keep this open go into Blueprints and I'm gonna go ahead and just create an actor this will be BP underscore camera uh spline camera okay in this playing camera I'm gonna add a spline component okay and I'm gonna now close this and the game starts gonna get the actor of class so because this only in the scene we can use this note which is a bit expensive but uh for just a simple actor is okay and I can save this and this will be the spline camera BP okay so now I can move my camera depending on where I want through this line so what I can do is go into the advantage so also if you have any questions let me know bro I have I've been having hard days with Unreal Engine I just can't have a good game idea look it's very hard to come with good game ideas and honestly you know just get inspired play some games whatever you feel is gonna be best and you know with time you will probably you know get to it uh so you know it's basically just inspiration I would say right uh how you prefer so this will just be a return to okay camera get vote at its location [Music] then I can get this get the spline then there's one thing which is the get closest point on collision Edition uh wait find location okay location uh close to what location there we go so now I can use this node and plug in the get actor location so now automatically depending where my player is I am throughout that spline it will get the closest point so I can move the camera into that point with you know the uh Delta seconds okay and also a speed of maybe two okay oh three to smooth things out so now if I go here and place my spine camera so it'll be you know lateral to it and start to move this like I saw and just create this I should be able in three to you know move around but this has to be world and you can see now there we go and it goes forwards and and in that case but I have to rotate the camera uh to be I believe 90 degrees Maybe yeah there we go so now there we go you can see okay you can see the rotation also is broken but uh I can go and go to that spline which is really cool okay as you can see so that's working that's really cool and I I really like how that is looking I just don't don't use the third person template well a part that you know this game is not going to be exactly in third person and it's a different side scorer stock um you know making things from zero is kind of cool and like I took yeah I took like 10 minutes to make this it's not like you know if it's a crazy thing from cereal you know like I will be wasting time um let's put this here it's closer and it's like this cool so um we have all that that said cool uh so the only thing is that when I rotate it's like rotating in a loop um for a strange reason use Ctrl beside rotation maybe this is what I want okay this is what I want oh no but I also want to sorry no no that's not what I want I want orange rotation to movement oh that's right so now oh because I had to change this to be get control rotation okay because instead of getting the actor rotation I want the control rotation because or not it will be always getting in a loop so now there you go I go to where I'm actually facing and I'm not like you know spinning like a idiot so there we go what is the game gonna be about I should pin it and look I'm gonna pin it in the comments so we're gonna make it a uh antique shop steampunk rubber game and your from an AI so I'm gonna copy this and pin it because a lot of people are asking me um game and anchor there we go so now it's anchored okay just in case you had any uh you know doubts okay so you can see all the description here uh I would love to explain the game but I have already explained like 20 times but yeah um cool stuff let me just check Discord okay cool nice so we got a nice new um controller here where you can do stuff and this should work with the controller if I had the input but I have it there disconnected so I'll do that later uh but good let's do also jumping to do a new input EA jump and we'll have different states uh also to be crouched okay so first of all let me add the jump here this will be space for now uh space yeah space so put this here a a underscore jump y jump okay this will be on started there's a built-in uh I'm real you know node called jump so nice and easy guys um cool so it looks a bit plain right now but of course there's many things to ever clean but it's the bird bones of it so I would like okay I would like this to be inverted the value X so I'm gonna use times it by minus one and that's it I could also invert it in the input context but it's simple to do here yeah exactly that's what I want to do that's really not actually no no I don't want to invert it change my mind let's see yeah no no yeah like this like this okay anyway well use plane the camera movement is very nice well thank you yeah so you know it's a nice uh spline here so our level will be like in like little nightmares right so we'll go and uh you know always be kind of even at one side so we can design our level to be you know around this camera a spline and it can be cool right I could technically even just go and make a curve and if I continue should curve as you can see uh so cool but of course we will not really have any great curves so if we're not going to look like this uh but yeah guys you get the idea so I am actually gonna go and I think push the push these changes um to the server and do so just in case you know to have a backup of everything that I'm doing so give me a second um yeah I think I can share everything yeah okay so this is the riposter as you can see in GitHub it's all the changes I've done so I would just go here and say and player blueprint okay I'll be like um you know crawler stroller and camera and it's playing camera input and camera I could put in the description but I think it's better to do it in the header so now I can just commit everything and now it is uh basically my machine has this new comment which is like imagine like a packet right I have just put all the changes in a small packet so now I can press this button which is push and I am now pushing it into the server that we have so now all my teammates and in my own server I would have the changes you can see in history now I have my chains here okay games uh blueprint player blueprint controller input and spline camera cool close this and I'll notify to my team that have updated this so get updated I'll say pushed update to master with player controller [Music] input and spline camera you use it on Discord and there we go so now my team would know that cool so with that said we can now continue doing stuff um so one of the things that I would like to do is let's see and using the interpolation I think it's pretty smooth right uh okay so he moves very fast oh no sorry yeah because when I have two states one it will be crouched will be like slower and another one will be like a normal jog so his his velocity is good we're gonna reduce it to 500. by default I'm gonna have two states so I'm gonna create new input action which will be uh Crouch okay I'm gonna add the Crouch here and Crouch will be with course control so if I if I crouch okay B is crushed and I am not crouched indeed so no Boolean I'm not crouched I can go in and Crouch okay simple as that um so what I would do for crouching for now let's just get the this and said Max walk speed to be maybe 215. and then in the offset of uncrouching okay I would um connect this here and there we go so now you see that I go at this speed I press Ctrl go slower press Ctrl again nothing happens of course because I have to set its crouch in here to be true and on here which I can delete this little thing and I click on it to here I'm here to be a false okay so here uh Crouch slower and wait what oh sorry I need to go back to 500 I'm stupid okay so now go here Crouch slower and then Crouch go back again cool very nice very nice uh your tutorials helped me a lot thank you my pleasure man I'm glad that I can help you out all right it's 3 30 a.m so I'm gonna sleep I'll catch the video stream tonight okay man see ya it works it works it does work cool um another thing to do is decrease the capsule collider so it's smaller so we have more thing but I'm gonna do it with a timeline so we have a nice interpolation so this will be your Crouch enter correlations be reverse and they're gonna put a new track flow track of let's see um just uh Alpha any land let's just put 0.3 so we'll go from the time and zero and value zero to be at the time of 0.3 with a value one so now I can use blurp between two values with the alpha in this case I want to change the capsule collider set half height so the height of the capsule okay and it will go from beam 88 to I don't know 50 55 I think so now I can also just say uh hidden in game disable and this should work so now you can see the capsule I crouch it goes smaller and Crouch goes bigger you can see that the character goes underground that's because we also have to add a bit of an offset so what I can do is just go and say mesh set relative location and just pull it up so in this case we're going to do a alpha of lurk location vector learn vector as you know I used to learn I don't do a normal float alert and then I can use split this and pass only the reset Alpha so this will be from right now it is at minus 89 to what let's put this at 55. minus 50. let's do around -50 and now when I go ahead and Crouch you can see the character is good maybe it's too much minus 50 so maybe actually minus 49 maybe just works good you can see that now the character will stay up still too much minus 48 again still too much E7 Maybe in the RPG series we did exactly the same thing oh minus 45. um why why does it go so much up okay cool stuff guys um okay yeah why does it go so up um also yeah so we'll do the reverse that's cool uh also update our Labs another thing we want to do is go and it's very nice there we go cool I mean that's a bit of flickering but so uh another thing I want to do is check if there's an obstacle because imagine that we Crouch and we go through a lower you know space we uncrouch and we get stuck right um imagine we get a block out from Brand right and it's this thing so you're gonna be a tiny person so this should be big so here I cannot go to here but if I crouch I should be able okay uh oh the Coalition of this first of all the mesh character mesh if I say no Collision Would It Go no oh well I need to crouch okay so that's good what is happening character mesh and then this Collision let me open this up I'm gonna remove Collision I'm gonna make a you're gonna maybe Collision uh like this so we'll be super accurate so now I should be able to go yeah now you can see I can go right under it I'm not crouched because of the animations but I'm smaller so now if I uncrouch I am stuck I'm I'm like super booked I cannot go but it's superbooked so um instead or I can do side check so I can just do a little function which is on Crouch provision check so now I can just do a sphere Trace by Channel from the get actor location so where right now our player is and then get actor rotation we need to get the up Vector and we can do uh launch a right cast upwards so I can time this by a number a float so for example uh 300 so we detect any object uh 300 up so I can just go ahead and add this together this will give us our endpoint and now we can use preview this for duration and we'll see if there's uh something so I can just do the return value the head and this will be true or false so now from here before doing anything well only on crouching actually so if I try to and Crouch I can only continue if this is false so no Boolean let me just put this here here this and then get all this I'll organize also the blocks in a second so now you can do this you can go and you'll see that it will do and Crouch detection you can see it did a small line Trace which I'm gonna add some uh that into it and it detected the obstacle so I cannot uncrouch so that's cool uh so let's just make this with a radius of a15 and also let me just make this taller I'm usually four main Brandon's models oh not so much a bit uh so cannot go now yes for example here you can see what I click and go if I'm in Crouch you can see it goes and detects this so I can I crouch but if I go a bit more forward I can now uncrouch you see so that's cool I can now disable this cool uh it is you want to hit end working correctly so let's quickly go into the editor preferences and I just want to change one thing which is the default comment commentary color I don't know where it is comment note how color is it bad where was it guys the default common color is this I don't think it's that right um I forgot what it was but anyway press C oh yeah yeah it's white it it's gonna be that I didn't know it was completely that color so comment go here and we can just make it you know this and it looks way nicer look see way better you can even make it a bit more so here command and you know we'll make it look way nicer they use that bright uh block so this will be player input this will be player movement and in this case for now this will be the spline camera uh location gonna move this so it's aligned go this will just be jumped okay and then this will be Crouch on Crouch cool right so we have a lot of stuff done uh let me upload it to GitHub 2. go uh this would be um Crouch on a Crouch and that's it do they do jump uh no so okay push push update master with um this would be Crouch on Crouch and jump cool nice nice nice okay you let me let me just talk to that programmer um okay cool uh nice so we have a lot of cool stuff already um I think that we should bind it with a controller right I think it will be time to do so I have here a controller see if I can connect this okay it's connected yeah and of course right now it won't wouldn't work because um it doesn't find it so I move I'll just go an Abby y-axis and let's see what happens if I just add the y-axis okay yeah good and then I need to add the x-axis and then this time add a modifier which will be the negate so it's the opposite okay no what is happening what is happening oh sorry instead of negate sorry it will be the Swizzle input access there we go I don't know why he's like moving is it because my controller is is broken okay it just disconnected I think so um you should have another controller but this one should work is it because of my controller or my blueprints look at this it's like moving his own see now he is connected oh yeah it is my my controller uh let's connect another controller that I have here it might be that okay I don't know this one will work it doesn't even have a battery but should connect okay okay this one works okay wait is still does something weird it always goes and turns uh forward you see that why why is that happen super weird oh yeah we also got update from Pedro you can see uh we started doing the base implant today so by the end of the day we should have a 3D mod open there we go cool love it you can see because of these signs going on uh also so really cool all right there you go eraser you're watching my stream what's up man yeah so uh look uh if you want you can begin with the password system but the thing is that of course we kind of have to you know um think on how we do the password right because we have to think of game this and so on so if one you can get started with the puzzles or you could get started with another you know area that you're interested in honestly so I'm Gonna Give You freedom and what you want to begin but I think the apostles will be great um if you design like a simple possible I don't know so I'm pushing everything of the play controller if you want to you know access it or whatever but there we go and if you could do the interactions from a um actor component so you don't directly touch my blueprint because I'm working on it that would be even better you know um but I you know give you Freedom uh if you find that uh you know it's a bit hard to think of a puzzle right now to do you can do something simple as you may be pushing A a box on a pressure plate so a door will open it doesn't like that right right um you know just a simple um um can um yeah puzzle used to begin with right you could do something like that or you could go into another area right so just let me know what ideas you have um if you want to do so or if you want to just go and um you know do the puzzles so there we go Okay cool so with that said um I am I know why that controller goes and always looks at a place at the end but I mean yo we have a pretty cool character and of course right now we don't have an animation so whatsoever but it's looking pretty pretty cool pretty cool um cool so uh let's go ahead and I think I don't know yeah I think I'm gonna change the controllers yeah it inverted so the X will be here and the white here because now yeah makes more sense and then uh and then for this one multiplies by minus one so I can invert this there we go cool I like it more like this yeah this is way better oh yes okay now that was cool now it's cool now it's cool all right hey can you explain animation with 13 it's not working for me on a sonic character I mean I do have I think like three tutorials on uh retargeting so you can check them out but right now you know I need I need to go and focus on the game Jam because if not okay so one thing I'm gonna do right now is the thing of um what was it yeah so the mechanic of the key running out right so as I mentioned we are gonna have this mechanic where you have the key on the back of your player because you're a toy right so you know this key that rotates right and slowly this key will stop rotating until it you die so you have to find another key in the uh you know antique shop before it runs out so let's go ahead and begin with that the simple breakthrough let's create a new variable and this will be let's say the key Health right I think that it's naming it okay health will be great we can just put this uh to be you know with a float and then we can make a timer so the big game play we can use set timer by event and we can use go ahead and use custom event and this will it rain key Health doesn't make sense to name it drain when it's held or just take away Health anyway it's okay it's been a looping with this you know frequency of 0.1 seconds I can experiment with that now he's got the key and then minus um well yeah I mean it's whatever it is so maybe 0.1 so to make it very well yeah so set key health will be with this and um with that said that should drain go ahead and only do this if well this is bigger than zero so this is bigger sorry equal than zero no if it's only bigger than zero we do it if not we mean uh we mean this means that the guy should basically die so I'm gonna print death okay this will beat that so now we're going to do is quickly just add into the image a simple Cube and this will be our key for now so this will be attached into let's say the spine three and it will be 0.1 and one no it's good one one and for now my key is gonna be like this okay uh actually 0.03 .05 yeah but zero five and point one okay I like that and this maybe 0.7 yeah I just will work um 80.5 would be better and then I can just attach another uh Cube at the end which will be like the head but this is just to orientate ourselves so they can meet us uh be small so this is my temporal key until of course and Pedro gives me the actual key model or even Brandon could even model a key model and then we can have it on the character okay this is gonna be my cheap key okay I will need to rotate this I guess it will be like this exactly okay so cool stuff there um all right so let's go here and basically let me go in here go to the sorry head no I want the key itself and I'll be add rotation now be add relative local relative rotation I believe is this in this case the axis would be in local over the y-axis so in y I want to be adding so I guess I could technically and just go and just make it a ski health and it should rotate okay sorry so key Health at the beginning has to be maybe you know 100 or 10 or whatever right now let me put at 20. yeah you can see it's spinning very harshly hahaha okay um and it just keeps going so let me also print the value because key here you can see it's around like this I think we should make it smoother so we can just make this point zero one and then uh in here take away less so zero two or something like that oh spinning super fast no um zero seven names a bit better I mean because let's make the head of the key like this yeah I think this will indicate better where it's turning yeah you get the idea right isn't a weird thing but you can see that it's going it's not it's never uh making a turn um but you get it there right for now you can see how the key will go and you have um right now that time which is a lot to find a new key and if not you die let's also just hit hide the um capsule collider because you know we don't need anymore cool and then what's up everyone it will be funny if someone remade the game with the code from the streams imagine you'll be stealing my idea man do it um cool in that case we would stop this so it'll be um clear and invite so of course I would stop the timer when you die because I don't want to keep going you know or not make a lot of uh you know sense in that regard cool so for now we've got idea and so now let's make the uh key peekable so let's make an actor BP underscore and this will just be the key that will be on the ground so in this case I believe I can use a copy this too and just place them yeah we'll have we'll have the same key which is uh pretty cool okay so this is going to be our key in the ground okay and I'm gonna add a sphere collider which will be our trigger so when our player enters in this trigger we can pick up Nikki I don't know how big it is right now like the player okay so let's make this maybe like 70 of take of scale okay I'm gonna place it I'm gonna place it on this part here okay maybe that bit actually elevate it it'll be better if I do it here so I'm gonna Center it and then uh like this okay I think this would be cool yeah it's great okay so now you know we have it there a good time we go into it Crouch crash looks very bad of course because we're not actually crouching with animations and there it is okay so I know that um well how many people from Brazil what's up Marcio hello X2 so how's it going do I need to know how to program a number one engine or is blueprint enough I mean if you know how to make blueprints I mean that's it you got it because that's how you program and unreview and of course there is um C plus plus but you don't need C plus plus we will bring you again also look Brandon just put an update on more block out which is cool so it seems they're gonna have different Pathways going up different levels so awesome um awesome guys and um let me just quickly just make an interface to pick up this okay all right so the key oh they changed this okay they're changing a lot of stuff lately in the key we just you know um be picked up so in this case we'll destroy this actor cast uh well in this case it will be nice to get the player backing his cast to um toy robot toy get player character I'm just add the key so we have like a this here also we have another uh imported EA underscore uh uh just interact in general and then I can just go here what did I do okay interact then you add another one and here I can just add the interact and then you can just get so use the way for each Loop let's get overlapping actors so whatever actor I'm inside of the trigger as you can see if I'm inside of that and it does implement the interface of you know interacting uh we can just go and interact with it in this case we'll do it is interact and then I can just create a new custom event which will pick up key again pick up key will be called from here and I can just go and let's say that you know how key health will be resetted into the max key Health size next So Max Key health will be right now 20. and key health will be excited to the next key health and we should have you know a sound or whatever but for now um you know I mean of course uh Ryan will work on the channels but we can put a prototype sound which we'll do about any second so we uh pick up new key so I now could just go into my key here I could enter press uh press e and we should be able to pick it up but it's not destroying the actor um overlappable Dynamic let's go also disable the Collision in this ones okay so and you press the E key you go through all the overlapping actors doesn't matter which class it is they have their interact thing you you go there so online being able to interact no oh sorry no yeah enhancing production you interact okay I'm stupid guys I didn't add the E key here okay sorry about that so now if I go here and now can indeed pick it up from the floor and now you can see that it got killed back um to the max uh next thing so if I go here back again right now sad 18 pick it up at again 19. you can say it was 20. so everything in that regard is gonna head and working so I'm gonna make a simple generic sound so when we pick up things uh of course you know Ryan will work on that sound but ASAP uh placeholder gonna put a little sound you know so I don't know I think there's actually a pickup sound interview um and then the key you can place another sound when we keep it's actually here and this could be like I don't know foreign or something okay I get it yeah so now we should go here hiccup Piggy you can see that it played the sound and also we uh picked it up which is cool so that's great um let me just check everything okay cool so we have done a lot of stuff already that's cool the key is very uh very buggy but you get it yeah go here pick up the key or regenerate regenerate uh which is cool um very nice very nice Okay Google I'm gonna add in Ryan's folder one thing which is gonna be a sound detonation so we can have it in 3D so use essay um player and then the max will be like 2000. 12500 because the camera is quite far away so all these sounds will be like affected in 3D you know um like this and also in here animation like this so it should be like in 3D let's check that out yeah I mean it's not very noticeable right now because you know we are directly in front of the player and we I don't have headphones but um they should be obvious that is in 3D and so on so that's really cool okay a lot of advancements once again let me um push to GitHub and I'm making a lot of um pushes but I want to you know keep everything on track so yes things that we have touched we have touched them key um toy key health and spinning which spinning which should improve it so it makes a 360 turn but good idea and then um also plus I will pick up key okay commit to Main push the origin let me not find my team there we go pushed update to master with key toy key health and um oh and key pickup now the toy key health will need to really balance that because that's gonna be like one extra layer in the background right it's gonna make the game more unique and it's like an extra thing in the background but it's not necessary gonna be the main uh emphasize the main emphasis of danger will be the AI chasing you so this little key um feature that I just added okay on the health um you know go ahead and just uh be an extra thing okay which will take very long to run out and we'll make sure to have the level well designed so you have time to pick it up the next key or whatever you know uh so this will also help to keep the player going in a nice flow and not being like you know hidden from the AI in certain parts uh like camping in a way you know so it will make the game a bit more challenging so this will be you know just going ahead and a test of leveling another thing over here is I want to put the test that I've been doing with a sort of tick so um how would I put a tick here guys what do you think will be oh wait this is locked I need to upgrade really okay let's do a star so you have a star that means it is completed so my key is gonna have a these stars are gonna be color I don't know blue my case wait it's all stretched there you go and the outline will be yellow a very small outline let me go bigger base game mode done we've been done um the thing of the Toyota Bia slowly dying we have it there um we need a player fade so when we die um and we have a simple interaction and once of a main branch is completed I will move it into the computer section but I like to have stars it's hard to um but it's hard to see the stars you know it's not really like you know what I mean I don't know if I like more they just drag it away for now I'll do like this but Uncle so we should make the fade um when you die in my case let's create a new UI folder and this will be a simple user interface which will be the um death all right which is that and how the canvas and in this case we're going to have a simple image which will stand and it's we the thing that basically goes ahead and Fades away so by default it will be you know like this not a premium it's really just the fade image create a new animation and we fade right so this fade will begin with the alpha at zero but then at I don't know let's see at after two seconds we'll have it at one and it will probably maintain a one and then we should have like a text appearing saying um loading getting last checkpoint right which will go up and then go up again with a nice animation so let me go ahead and just put this in the middle uh I like it to be small a little bit bigger Maybe 15. what is wrong with me okay alignment 0.55 uh it will be exactly at the center of the screen oh sorry the size why not exactly at the center of the screen okay and it will begin here Okay so the position y will begin at around 500 no 700. point sorry here you go then and here but here it will go and this part it will like slow down until here it would you know be like up in this place another checkpoint and then after here it will just completely go up I don't know if you understand what I'm doing but this wait I did I wanted to stop here okay in that case I need two make this way longer oh my God okay like this look at the controls a bit um yes that's what I want look so up here getting less SharePoint and then go up again that's what I want okay it looks pretty cool and out of the animation yeah we can just leave it there so we have a graph with a custom event which will be play Fade uh oh in this yeah fade animation so again let's get the fade I used to play animation and that's it so now when you die I'll go here and do trade widget okay in this case something is a bit down so I will have more space the death thing I'll just go ahead and use um add it to the viewport and then I can immediately just go and say play fade animation cool so for uh for this I am also gonna immediately um disable input of the player so he cannot move and also Ragdoll the character so set simulate the physics so who will just kind of full uh in a funny way so for this I need to also go to mesh make sure this is a custom and this is um Collision enabled brain physics so now I can cheat and put the health at the start to be my five so now I'm subtracting you can see and it's going and when I'm dead she used Brando getting less SharePoint so and then it's fade so you see that he jumped right the character literally let me put this at one um this is because he's colliding with his own key because it has collisions and when I saw it I said oh I had to disable collisions but I really like how he jumps guys when you like how he jumps like I love it look look I like oh okay the problem is that then he starts to kind of fly like a jet pack so maybe you think that we could do is just add a bill of a delay after 0.7 seconds or even less point four wheel he will be in the air and then I can just get the key on the head and yes set Collision application enabled and no Collision so they'll disable the equation uh but it will have time to do that can I jump there we go that's why I love it of course now when we change the model maybe it won't interfere so much in the player character so maybe he won't jump in the same way but uh like when we actually put the actual key model but no problem I could still add an Impulse but for now you know the guy works in that way I I really like it um so that will kind of work if I'm away getting less checkpoint and there we go so I could do a debug um and say how will you know the key Health that you have well this because what we're going to do is that um you see the key spinning and it's slower it will go be less um Health that you have now will be clear that it's going slow very time um I don't know at which point so maybe we have to do something more right um like maybe also particles you know that it's malfunctioning will also do that um but for now it's cool so now you can just go be here and he will just die which is really cool so I'm gonna go into my room and add player that UI widget fade and of course we still don't have the checkpoint on whatever but uh try next time but that's cool so um Orca where you from I'm from Spain okay quite I really like how this is turning out close this all right cool this is so cool let's see look how he jumps like this you're gonna like dive head first well if if I were to put the player here of course we wouldn't see anything but he would just then I jump into yeah that would be cool okay but you can see now we do have a cool already experience going on now we should you know have a last checkpoint system so let's quickly do a a simple checkpoint system have you prepared a gdd for your game well um you know good question we haven't explicitly done a GED like I saw right a game design document you know in board and like that what we have done is you know kind of as far as the ideas and it seems same very simplistic EDD inside of my Row for a game jam it will work better um all right so um yeah let's do the checkpoints so there are many ways I can do this but my Approach is gonna be to make an actor BP underscore checkpoint and let's make them visible let's make it that when the player you know goes into a checkpoint he knows that it it's a checkpoint bonamic imbe sport checkpoint okay so um you know for the Prototype I'm gonna just put a simple box like this and that's it and this is just for prototyping okay guys okay it's not gonna be actually this model um cool I don't know how big it is but let me go I mean we can try it out it has to be bigger so I guess that maybe that this can be double well 1.5 and then put it up let's see uh no we need we need to make it bigger like even near 2.5 you know and this no this can be one and this can be two or maybe 1.7 and then also 1.7 go up kind of like little namer's gameplay exactly you got it okay there we go so now I I just let's um put the key Health to be like at 20 a default good I'm glad you're streaming this let's learn yeah I mean you can learn so much from the process of the game Jam from everything how long are you streaming today well you know I don't know you know um a bit less than yesterday because you know it was the initial day put a lot of hours I had to plan I took it out with the team you know because we are a team of five people um but today will be less but um still you know we got a lot of time left so you know I'll see um you use GitHub for your collaboration work or is there any other software for that exactly we do use GitHub actually and if you I don't know if you were before in the live stream but I did open multiple times uh GitHub uh to pull all the well push in this case all the changes into the servers or my teammates can have the changes uh do you have any big part to make like a video game you always wanted to I mean I always every single day have millions of ideas for cool games that we love to make right but um I don't have the time to begin on those plays yet I will eventually in a big my next big commercial game but uh for now I'm keeping with the all the stuff that I'm making right which is really cool the force is good to use as well for Version Control true but force is very good especially for normal engine but I have never tested before and for the sake of a game Jam GitHub is the quickest way um but I would love to use before schedule have you used befores before um because I would love someone that could kind of guard me to it you know uh let's also just go and disable the collision and I'm gonna go and add a trigger in this case it will be a box Collision so if you cross this trigger you will be you know crossing the checkpoint uh let's see okay it will be uh in the opposite place so be okay so be this here exactly it'll be there okay so here I'm gonna have this checkpoint it'll be like this and like this so when you cross this uh you you know basically pass through the checkpoint right so go here if I I need to make it bigger it's very hard to go through so if you go for this it will be a checkpoint let me just now move this to the back because I don't need any more for crouching and let me also just put this exactly in front of the player on here great so go here past the checkpoint so on the on component begin overlap which is when a player goes I'm gonna check that it has the tag player and of course I have to go and add the tech player so class defaults tag actor player making sure this is exactly the same spelled important and if so if it's the player indeed for now I'm gonna just print um it's like checkpoint right so we'll see that now if we go checkpoint right um and it did pass multiple times for termition so let me do it do once node I don't know why but it did trigger multiple times it's very strange it only happens once cool because I mean once you pass through a checkpoint technically you don't want to to assign any more so we can leave two ones permanently now we go and then in the robot type we should set a um a specific checkpoint so I I'm thinking instead of saving a specific location I could use save a specific checkpoint yeah so Maybe last checkpoint I think this would be a great idea and I guess but the BP checkpoint right and then I would go and say okay cast to the third person character plus right third book's kind of not the toy robot toy and then you set the checkpoint to be self so now we'll have the information about the checkpoint and on here what I can do is add a skeletal mesh with the player reference so it's very intelligent I can do very very clever I can exactly put where I want my player to spawn so in this case it would be looking forward and right we can say at this point right at the end so now when I respawn I could just get my last checkpoint from my variable and then um just uh get the specific player ref position and you spawn it there very important disable the collision and then also hidden in-game so in the game we don't see it it's only for us to debug my voice is a little too low really nice better you understand Spanish of course I can speak perfectly in Spanish I'm from Spain so I've said it um up with Google VM using to set it up Google has donation for before Oh really cool um Okay so yeah you can see the character goes and my checkpoint now is saved in my player so now when you know we die uh okay so another thing I'm gonna do is put all this to be beam um toy key look and then in here this should be the yeah okay so now need that we should make uh a specific respawn so we respawn in this case you would you know reset everything by default uh so like for example the key health will be back to the max key health and if we have any more values we'll resend them to default crouched I would also you know set it to be and Crouch wait I cannot directly Channel like this I will need to go here and be like all right Crouch and Crouch I cannot approach player well better force and crutch this can be used directly here uh so now every time you respawn I will call Force uncrouch so it will not appear at Crouch and it's just little things that improve the experience because it's like you feel that the game is being reset from a true spawn point you know and then I will just get the best checkpoint get the player ref which is down below and then I will say get both uh let's get the transform and it will be set actor transformed well I should use location and rotation is break this location and rotation plug it in and that will be it so now if I respawn I should reset my health and Crouch yes or yes doesn't matter if I'm either or not actually if it should only happen if you know I am on crutch sorry I'm crushed so let me just do a quick thing here we are crouched we'll continue uh good this will be respond and basically I should also enable the input very important because um you do these are all the input here we go and also we have to get up because we were ragdolled so go here um mesh set simulate physics and I believe that it was your set relative um location let me smoke right in here sorry there we go and this to be -89 so I should like I'm gonna uh reset shoot so now indeed we should be able to respawn when we want to so in this case I could go into the UI and right when this finishes so can we get duration get end time okay we can do a delay with the duration of this the end time should be and then use the um uh cast to the robot toy and then just do respawn in theory now when I press play sorry I'm gonna Auto like myself let me create a debug key to die so debug key A1 it's about press the number key one and I set my key Health to zero oh this will be broken very important because I didn't have any checkpoint so make sure to go here and only continue if this is valid I'm pressing on shift it has valuable continue if it's not valid we'll just um get the player start in the level okay so you say get actor class player start and then get a transform and then we'll do pretty much exactly the same thing here split it and passing the location and rotation so technically now if I go here and press zero three one I die and I should be able to respawn uh also very very important when I respawn I have to get rid of the UI so I'm gonna go here and you say remove from parent and right now we have this cable but don't worry I'll make it available something like that do this again that's checkpoint and I respawn and you can see that I'm not visible and this is probably because the mesh is not where it should be so actually maybe it should be zero zero okay so this because of the ragdoll okay that's why we don't see our player right now okay uh set relative location and rotation minus 89 minus 90 click to record just in case now I should uh reset it so I move right down okay I'm there but um my character is um is it blocked for some reason uh let me just check oh hey cool we are advancing a lot I'm really happy with um bro moment how this is coming um let's check this here you should have it here also it's bearing for a second but hey we are investing so much I'm really happy with how this is coming on um okay okay we have to do one more thing uh which is to attach the component before um so let's get this right like this say attach I think it's uh just two components so we'll be component to component yeah also fill in this and it is the the mesh to the capsule Collider so now you see when this happens uh I am perfectly great so we got there good let's go I'm gonna just put this here cool I am very happy indeed no yeah so minus 90. or in this case minus 89 actually is because if not the character will be up as you can see so that's why you asked me minus 90 or 89 more precisely um and if I pass a checkpoint and now die I should go into the checkpoints you can see now I am facing that way I should be facing this way um oh because it has the orientation run okay well right let's see this there we go that's good so now the uh checkpoint system is working indeed if I had another checkpoint on here right and it worked you know to pass through this checkpoint but then I go through this checkpoint too and press one as you go to the last checkpoint there we go uh cool and because I already passed this checkpoint if I pass again through this checkpoint the the other one and die which I can't die wait why can't I die again um wait what I can put this back to where it should be look at all the code already um looks awesome thank you oh because the origin point is in the middle of the bench exactly pretty much that I mean it's in the foot of the mesh but when you add it into the viewport the center is up but not only mesh but of the it's still in the feet but of the scene root because the capsule component okay I don't know why I could not die again but uh that's okay actually yeah I'm stupid we have to go and set the timer to start again when I respawn so this will be start um so key timer when we spawn yeah of course because we stop the timer when in here when we die so we have to you know put it back when we uh go here so in this case I'm gonna do it and before we do all this batteries on there we go so now I should be able to die again if I die after so now if I die go here if I go here I can now die again whoa why did that happen did I die in that way no if we go here nine now I don't launch on launch and now if I go back into the last checkpoint in three I should not trigger that one and only trigger the last one exactly I go back here cool and you can see also that the camera when the game starts again picks up and goes back here with a nice transition I love that cool I really like how it's looking will the key stop uh ticking if you don't move now I will always take because similarizes the health that you hash so um but if you mean about subtracting Health that would be a good idea honestly that would be a good idea hmm okay this key the key is not ragdo I think now we have to react to 100 percent no but um this is because we are attaching the component I think yes because we are can I be attached oh yeah of course so what I want to do is get this no so yeah get the mesh and you know after some time attach it to nothing so with a you know a big small delay of maybe five just in case I will de-attach the the character from there so now I can um I can Ragdoll again you'll see so if I now die and go forward now if I die again now I'm still attached if I use pulse no but if I leave it empty it should use them maybe if I assign the mesh itself because you see now it goes into wall space because it's not attached to the capsule yes he is is it um it's attached it can be as attached to itself um Conan set the actual component you can detached from components oh my gosh there we go there was actually a one okay so now this Theory should work yes but do you see that guys did um okay and then I have to ah I have to do this again put it back it's a bit of a mess I don't like it it had to do it like two times but it's okay because Ragdoll is very important what are you trying to do uh good question hey okay look I'm not gonna be touch it for now is s buggy don't worry we'll find something um so uh let me go and upload everything to GitHub so for the ones that were asking me before I can just go open GitHub desktop and just quickly go here and you say like um death we spawn and checkpoint push and everything is good let me use fetch just in case you know someone has done nothing nice okay you can see my history and I'm gonna also update it to my team members so I can just go need to get up there say pushed um update to master with um in this case would be that you spawn and checkpoint cool okay so now they have everything updated uh that's really cool let me uh you know turn off BEC well the AC because right now it's extremely hot sorry extremely um the opposite extremely cold like literally it's extremely hot cold sorry um so my guys should you know have everything there she's probably my second okay abuse mm-hmm okay back in business all set up so um we have a lot of things already done I'm very happy honestly let's make a little noise when you pass through a checkpoint so uh we'll do it in here and we just play the sound at location the sound will be temporary for now because Ryan will you know give us the sounds that we need so I guess like this one with duck get actor location and then I'm gonna put the player attenuation so it's in 3D cool so now when I go to the third point it should make a little sound that's cool and then I can make some Niagara effects you know um very simple of course right at least to to have something I'm gonna make some compare the burst I'm gonna make confetti okay when you um checkpoint so when you pass through a checkpoint let me confetti you know uh let's see if it will look how I think it will look so this will be spawn system at location that will be here uh will be the this also uh an explosion we could put imagine wooden explosion uh let's see how this looks I like it oh you see it but I have to add more intensity right if it's not really visible they may make them bigger you know to so Sprite size from three to five and the burst spawn count maybe like 300. now we are with Niagara we can be more of a saddle right okay oh much better I mean right now yeah I love it right now it is um like you know that prototyping uh levels you can see uh if I were to go into the actual actual example it will be a bit easier um if you're not but um you got the idea so yeah so this is a simple example as you can see on the antique shop um that the environment artist is making so I'm not gonna touch his team his level because it's working it but I'm just gonna test one thing here and if I put the any uh the IRS because I need the camera explain so if I put the camera's plane it should be the level should be the opposite side but it's okay and of course uh he will also need to make everything like big um because we are like a tiny robbery you know what I mean yeah it's not looking correct wait um well in play just to test I can use find the player camera so yeah I'm huge I should be very small what are you gonna do right because it's inverted um but it will be kind of uh this camera level but you being super small now we could technically just make the player's mom but that brings a lot of problems especially with physics and not so small you know and so on you know I mean Maybe I could work also a messed up the camera as you can see I don't know why the camera gonna something happen with the camera um I know why it's so low I'm gonna get this yeah I don't know if also the speed is still the just the same but the thing will be to make the environment big that would be the thing you know but anyway I'm gonna go to my prototyping and not save anything I don't want to touch the work but it could be yeah okay cool I would love to where you have the the character istics have some animations but you know um let's see uh so yeah so battery is working in it you know um Ryan was just typing some moments ago so me has some new audio improvements so we'll see um okay it's probably made for that seconds uh let's see what we can do so checkpoint done we will need to save and load the checkpoint true but I'm gonna wait until a bit later for um for this uh until we do more of the main menu and so on right uh Ryan got made many music I could technically create a quick main menu which I might I might do um but let's see are you planning on joining any of the modified categories for the Mega Jam or just going for the best game or all but good question the things that um for the money forest or categories prices um it's pretty hard because it's for you know making a game with only one texture and four channels or using uh well the only one I would say I'm going for is stylized audio could be but probably you know they're gonna be some um teams which are only dedicated to a game for audio so that will win um you know you have Ryan but you know uh they're dedicated the game for on the audio so um that would be a thing but I think mainly Stylus is also super realistic Graphics We're Not Gonna and we're not going for that one there's also for uh what was it Ray tracing we're not going for that one and a little bit more but stylized I think will be the one yeah the only one that I guess we are I kind of been interested uh let me show you one thing on GitHub for the second um repositories [Music] okay collaborators okay cool yeah all right cool yeah everything is set up cool so what do we do next um good question I could go directly into the main menu but I don't know if it will be very appropriate do do you guys would like to see um I mean jumping to the main menu or do we do something else this right now is one of the things I have another thing I have will be solely possible um right so the other programmer will start working on it I think he has already started um then the AI um we cancel the AI but I want to leave it for maybe tomorrow so I can dedicate more time to it and maybe also have the character already set up so I'll wait for the AI and save unload like I said I want to wait for the main menu so I guess you know we need to make the main menu also this is done that thing that this we are not doing a progress bar actually of doing the key so leader pause menu you know let's do a pause menu and then I'll do main menu um yeah main menu Sam's great rs2 main menu it's interesting as well what are the yeah so AI they will have a big main AI enemy which will be the antique shop owner so in this case We'll Be Inspired in this uh straw stray game um like robots I mean Pedro is already working there I showed the portion of his drawings and it will be like this alien installation concept right when you have one AI which is the main enemy we'll be following you around okay that'll be there doesn't make pause me and uh I don't see any deadlines yes so a good good one uh we have not added any deadlines um I don't think it's necessary for now to add the line something that we are advancing uh you know very fast in that regard but now that you mentioned it me we might add that match so if later I meet with the team uh I'll I'll talk about it but I don't say I don't think it's necessary I think that we're going at good speed okay so with that said let's do the main menu sorry I mean principle pause menu so I'm gonna make it uh the Prototype run right for now I'm gonna make it like this buttoned functional and then later on pretty and so on so this will be the pause menu uh let's open this up I know like this and I'm gonna make this like this and this like this so this will be the background wait a background uh then we'll have some blur because it looks pretty cool we have to lower into it and it's like 10 of blur sorry padding enough we're strength there we go um then I need a vertical box into the canvas I'll put the blur behind we attach here and we have this here so the buttons will be I think I normally do it always in the middle but I think and the left will look cool and we have the game title there or whatever so now I just need also a texture I'm gonna you know say like um post and I'm going to use lower this um I didn't write that correctly and then this will be attached there there we go correct maybe it's a bit too big that's a bit nicer and now we need buttons which will be the that's where the sun button um wait wait wait uh I really love your live streams can you let us uh know earlier as to when there will be scheduled if you can of course yeah so normally the same day at the morning for example today as soon as I woke up I scheduled the live stream to the hour that I could today um so at the beginning of the day I was uh let's go the live stream so we know um so yeah uh yeah I know we know I mean deadlines for a game Jam it's hard to set when you're in a team of five people and I think in this case will be so so necessary we might do a general deadline like okay let's try to have this section done for the next two days right for tomorrow but for now you know that would be a thing that we'll discuss with the team that I could you know set a date night let's put a text inside the color will be of this style being a single here tint darker and then hovered it will be a bit lighter and then press it will be even more on here we can increase the size of this and it's really reason we'll change the font and so on later you know what I mean um outline settings yeah like the outlet s so I'll be with some button the case this will be the options button and then we'll have another button we need some padding on the top to go ahead and just put the main menu so I guess go and put here Main menu and we'll go to the main menu and this should be more in the middle exactly there will be the middle yeah like that and then pause can be more like this cool okay so that will be the pause menu for now very you know simple pause menu but uh it will do the the job right now I think that here will link it there um Okay so I'm gonna also get a vertical box and just put it in the position y so x a bit to the right tiny tiny bit it's just a bit separated so it's a a bit nicer and also in next in here a bit more and you can put in in the center right there I like it actually you know I like it from here yeah it's cool okay so now let's make it so that you can enable or disability pause menu so let's go into the player blueprint and let's make a a key input e a underscore sorry I a underscore uh pause menu let's add the map in here pause menu and then this will be the Escape so now here I score oh pause the menu now Escape then here we're gonna make a range this will be if we have the you know pause mini on or off paused I know how to write pause there we go um so if it's not post post and any moment now Boolean we'll go and create the widget in this case will be pause menu and we'll go ahead and add it into the viewport we'll also go ahead and get the clear controller and set the mode to be game end UI which in Focus would be this one and then here it set show mouse cursor very important so now as you can see I will also go and set pause the bedroom and if I press play all right and press Escape you can see the pause thing appears I can also set the game pause very important because this will actually pause the game indeed and then what I can do is do all of the Opposites in this case this will be removed from print so we you know disabled the widget this will be set mode to game only and then this will be like this and then oh yes show mouse cursor so be the opposite basically so this disabled disabled any support so Escape you can see the game passes and I have my mouse press skip again nothing happens uh but I'm putting game and UI mode so pass through pause Force why can't I press escape again oh because if the game is pause maybe it doesn't get input right yes that so instead we can set the global time dilation to zero I don't like it so much like this but it's setting like all the physics I'll begin to be at this velocity which will do the job well not oh sorry of course it goes back to one oh the job oh wait why is it laggy I know anyway um cool stuff this would be the pause menu and we'll do all this also if you click the button we can press the on pause game mode on press yeah we can press release on button but also we couldn't do it with the key so we have to have the two ways right um very important so we go into here and make sure to go and click on resume button make sure that all of them are is variable so now here they have here and the return button on clicked so when I press this I can just go oh my God it was a flight it literally used what's on my face and shocked me um okay so we're gonna copy all this it's not running in my Monitor go oh my God that was a jump scare is here so this will be at the end of everything and this should work indeed oh yeah unpaused this should be of the um player controller so I mean to cast to the toy robot and Nexus uh set pause like this and then this will be get player character yeah flip flop will not work because if they press resume and then open up back again the the menu the you know it will be still in the mode of reason so you can see this works I press resume it also works great so the pause menu will work of course now we need to you know make the main menu and so on so um let's see let's see also okay we also got more uh updates on Ryan and Brandon so Ryan's Amino is our sound designer so uh so this is my idea for the level music it had to zip it since it was like a little bit for this chord so okay I'm very watching Melody okay thinking of creating a mythical thing that will alert the player that the shop owner has seen you oh yeah that will love I would love it I would love that Ryan uh also he made some music for the main menu look at it [Music] you love it I love that music so let me go ahead and just download um this one and let's uh you know quickly go ahead and hear it I want to see how how it looks how it looks how it years yeah uh okay how it sounds so here's a second and well also of course uh Brandon has been modeling some for boards for the levels which I love so so much look it really brings me up little nightmares I love it being a small it should sell this scale well I agree I love it so you can see my team you know is working right now music is fine I agree yeah I'm oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh and I'm better sorry with the 3D model of the robot oh my god look yeah we [ __ ] look at my team you know my team is on fire guys it's so happy okay first of all let's hear the music uh the new music up uh Ryan let's mix track this okay here we go this is spread look Ryan smashes literally he knows what I what I um what I like Okay so let's respawn love it Ryan you know hey uh how he named it uh his thing right yeah his thing for AI that would be so cool and then Lobby towels or need small player it oh feel amazing and if it says a skill and then same y'all that's crazy man of course you know we have to put a sticker here celebrating wow okay cool definitely a lot of progress done uh in all sides of the team and I'm super happy really cool how do you uh form the team well mainly I was you know by different context Discord um you know some of them were in my Discord community and also made already models for me for some tutorials and others you know we we found each other through searching for uh people for the open mind jump you need to enable trigger one pause in the input and then the improved activate Messiah I don't know how you spell the name Messiah thank you so much I I why did I forget that because I prefer to do that uh rather than using translation you know set game pause I've I totally for a guy about that totally forgot about that game pass through in the game post uh false and then on the import key pause menu 301 pause true and now we can actually pause the game properly not certainly you know time scale to zero and then also on thank you I did not I forgot I did not think about that I like the player character mesh uh yeah I mean oh of course I don't think you're referring to this one I guess you're referring to the one that um Pedro one had ended well it's doing right now which is super cool um I think that we're advancing a lot um tomorrow live stream will be the same time probably it will be the same time maybe even a bit sooner okay but around that time yeah okay I'm gonna it's okay foreign looking okay so I guess I could already import name these sounds from where I am but I'm gonna wait because maybe he Imports him so I'm gonna wait I'm gonna also disable be very ugly because it's always happening uh print that I have here so if I'm not gonna disable it of the key Health yes better yeah I really like the past minute pretty cool you can die again last checkpoint it's pretty cool I like that text animation all right you say what happens when you get to the length of this plane right because right now this plane starts here so what if I go into the left wall as simple you stops and you you will just be able to go there but of course you know don't do anything um and then when you come back you can go ahead and continue to fall you call it the same thing when you reach the end so yeah Subway level have to put a spline now there's also the option to not have spline directly you just put the let's say the camera from here always right from this angle but this will give us problems because if the Galaxy goes you know uh into the depth the camera will go also now we could lock the position but overall it's better if we do a spline we can have more control situations because it's a design level so maybe if we have a part where we have we want to you know put the camera pull it up a bit more to see the in depth of the scene we can do so so we can do cool stuff I think this um so cool that's so cool I I love how uh you know everything's turning out um second yeah we are dancing so much I really really like the music and I think okay so actually Brandon the environment designer says um able to chat so let's go ahead and join him hey hey Brandon how's it going can you hear me yeah I can hear you okay cool I love the the progress you're making I really really like it right I really love the um also the the towels that you did like uh you know to increase the the feeling of the skill as you're a little toy I think that will you know make the trick those sort of things good density meshes and have lots of detail yeah yeah true to True with night now we can allow this kind of things which is insanely cool um yeah I also like what the team is doing we are progressing very very quick um have you made any more uh pushes or not to not today GitHub okay yeah I've been trying not to do like too many I try to do them more in like batches like okay awesome okay yeah so I just remembered to every time you push you just go through um the good update channel that we have so we don't know yeah um all right cool uh yeah so Ryan has been making music which is pretty cool and then Pedro has been continuing with the character mesh which looks awesome and then Raceway is doing the puzzles the puzzle system so cool and then I don't know you have seen a bit of my live stream but basically I've been um working on the character controller and the camera system I also have a checkpoint system and also have the the key thing that you know with time the health runs out so you have to pick a new key in the level also I made a pause menu and then also I meant that you can you know die you have the fade screen and we'll go back to the last checkpoint and you know that sort of stuff so pretty cool um there we go yeah so in Myra have been you know you put in the Stars when I have updated something just to keep track of the progress and let's see so in a couple of minutes Pedro will join and also Ryan so let's see what you know news they have uh but pretty cool do we have an idea of how big the player is going to be um so right now what I'm thinking is that we should um in terms of scale I guess I would say the reference of little nightmares but you know it is from some images it's hard to imagine but um of course right now Pedro is doing and I guess you are doing like normal size objects so we have we had two options and it's to make the character like mesh and blueprint smaller itself or make the environment bigger right so we have two options um so we'll see which one will be easier so first of all you know we'll kind of I would say we'll wait until uh Pedro gives me the model and I iterate to the blueprint and then you you know just you know make your push and with a bit of an updated level and I just go and see what's going to be the best thing um and it's his thing so I mean the interesting will be to make the player smaller but this could give some problems in terms of physics um on collisions but we should be all right uh but if not we can make the environment bigger and we could just you know make uh all the you know static meshes that you're adding into the level and their apparent and we'll just make that parent bigger that could be uh an option but we'll see what is uh better for us um so yeah so there's a lot of options yeah because just like based on the skill like like a design like little elements that the player can navigate it's like if there were the size of like yeah like a mouse or a rat then I can make you know small little holes in the wall you can walk through yeah that's that's what we're going today to do yeah um look I would say that we are I mean these we're taking a reference the size of little nightmares which I guess is a bit bigger than a rat right I don't know if you've seen the image okay um but I guess yeah I guess it will be kind of the size of a rat a bit bigger I mean you can see in cooperation with the furniture in the background uh let me also try to get more images and just put them but yeah that's the idea yeah I think a second always exaggerate scale on some things too yeah yeah right now right now I've just been starting with more of a real world scale because then it gives us a place to start okay yeah because you can always scale things up or yeah absolutely we can also adjust proportions after yeah cool all right also Pedro joined how's it going Pedro I don't know I'm fine I start the 3D mode of the robot yeah I've seen super cool I really like it should do the arms now okay nice um yeah see you're pretty much finished right you only have left the the arms and that's pretty much it I believe yeah yes after the data a little bit of revision see if yeah of course what I need to do get there check if everything is good for the movements yeah cool and then um are you gonna also texture them I guess right clear simply but as I'm gonna we are going to be a more stylized yeah very high resolution expert more basic yeah basically like a one color texture or something something like that depends exactly yeah more more basic uh I mean literally for inspiration you could use look a bit at little nightmares right the characters are very basic as you can see in images but I think the biggest situation I got here is like the 2005 movie Robots I see okay he's a very stylized like reference yeah yeah you find what is best for a three textures and so on okay it's not fair complex but yeah I hoping to finish this model by today's like the the mod itself okay yeah see probably tomorrow get the texture materials 100 okay nice cool oh Ryan just joined how's it going Ryan hey guys I love the the music you're doing man is is exactly what we need like yeah it's so good yeah I'm working on the uh the faster like like when you're noticed by the Enemy music yeah when he's chasing you right yeah cool yeah and I guess the only problem with me or the only like real issue are like I have is always like the energy with the music but yeah exactly you know the player has to get nervous yeah exactly so I'm trying to build that right now cool all right and I also like the idea you said about the sting so when the AI sees use this like a small like you know so you play yeah yeah something like that I was gonna do like something like that or with the kind of like just like a detuned like bow string basically is best all right cool so I think they are advancing pretty pretty you know pretty fast honestly um so what I have been doing I know it has been seeing the updates but I've been working on the player character so all the movement is done I also the camera controller is done I also created um checkpoints so you can you know when you die you respawn at them so of course I also maybe die on response system with a and it's like fade I also have the pause menu done uh the only thing left is the options menu of course and then the key that you know uh with time the health goes and then I also have crouching of course it doesn't look very well because I have the crouching animations but when they are there it will look very cool so yeah a lot of cool stuff and then Racer the programmer uh should be working on the uh puzzles so I guess that he's just starting with a simple puzzle and then you know we can think of more to do so cool stuff foreign guys so let me begin with the main menu okay I'm gonna take the base I think of the pause menu because uh pretty cool place to start and then change it so let's see paste everything be exactly the same change this to be game name when we have one and you know the this will be the uh continue button this would be just continue uh then we'll have options so we're gonna duplicate this this will be and game button and options there we go this should have I think 10. 20. cool and this should be just exit uh exit and X On The Run game name yeah we will need to think of the game name but for now you know we're not gonna think of that we're gonna just continue on the the process of development because I'm not gonna never you know finish also in terms of background I only want this section to be affected uh not liking the you know pause menu in this case I just want uh half of it to be filled in okay um with asset it should look good so let me just go here let's create a simple uh main menu yes Save but actually go back to prototyping delete it and create from here so I can choose a preset in this case it would just be basic okay and now I can just go ahead the blueprints and then just make a new game mode for it which will be DM underscore main menu and assign here main menu and then on here I can choose this with none and this should be main menu uh in terms of the level then from that I can just go to the level blueprint the gameplay and create a new widget so nothing is at the menu added to the viewport and now when I press play we should see this let's add a camera and then I should be able to add a normal camera for now I'm just gonna go ahead and just put it up and for now it will just be pointing in that direction player zero so now we have a camera you can see that the field of view is such different aspect ratio so they should match the one that we played but whatever right I mean if I say uh go from here and press from here and okay no let's see let's do 1080. um let me use directly 4K and my monitor is 4K so then we should make that Okay cool so uh we also need to go ahead and get the player controller set the mode in this case we can go with UI only because there's going to be any keys and then we can also set the show mouse cursor to be true yeah true we should after a great idea we should actually do it um in the game mode actually instead of the level blueprint it will be more appropriate uh yeah actually great a good idea okay so here it will do exactly the same thing but it's in the game mode which is a bit there you can see those borders don't worry about them I mean what if I had a camera a uh sign a camera it's in the camera it's like super cool no crop maybe that's what I want uh so when we type directly process it um that's the problem I cannot rotation did I get this camera away yeah it doesn't you know use this camera or whatever so I guess we can just keep this one yeah Okay so from there I love how it looks um we are going to go ahead and just make that we can go to the main menu so for that I'm going to go into the UI pause menu and then we're going to graph select the main menu button and just one clicked and now we're going to say open level by name in this case would be the menu so now if I go here escape the menu I go to the main menu we should you know do that you can click continue new game also in there so let's go into my menu let's maybe continue button will be disabled by default so uh [Music] I'm gonna leave like this so new game I'm gonna go here on clicked we're gonna open level by name in this case I'm gonna say use Pro to typing but of course when we have the actual safe download system it will do what it needs there you go oh it works and also I like that when you press play like zooms out you know that's kind of cool uh I have not imported them yet I was gonna import um after I get all like the music in there I was gonna import it all okay um okay so do you want to import in yourself or do I import them I want so I could import them myself it's okay okay you're gonna import them cool should I just make like my own um just like audio folder basically yeah it's great a an audio folder just called audio and then you can inside you know just create another sub folder called music sound and you just put them in it so the one that you have about Ryan and um we can delete them you know okay I will use sweet uh tests okay yeah that sounds good okay cool so um we have the main menu setup the basics of the main menu of course um we can even press new again go there exit we need to add the exit button so it's bottom on clicked and now we should go and say exit sorry quick game now quick game I don't know if in the editor it works or only in the build so let me see yeah it works okay cool so you can see everything is working pretty nice I like the idea um so let's go into my room and the menu so new game that's there the last SharePoint will be when we have the pictures menu actually done and here my menu that's done okay so hell a lot of things done also this will be done and also this okay so pretty much and here we have done everything except uh the options menu and the save and load thing with little checkpoints uh you know then we could put them in the in a notifies thing but that's when Ryan unfortunately sounds one so we'll have to wait and also we have the animations so we have to wait and then uh we have the enemy AI thing which will probably start to more and then um the program is right now doing the first possible so cool stuff there um and that's pretty much when we have another transition from the new game camera to start to spline that's really cool right and that's what we use it came out you know uh like accidentally so if I couldn't that's pretty cool right it came out accidentally because it goes from the camera here into this plane with a nice interpolation but that's you know what's my queen are you from Spain yeah from Spain from the Canary Islands uh so cool I like how everything is turning out um everything should be up in GitHub that's cool uh so really now I guess that I will wait a bit to continue on stuff so I'll go ahead and wait on uh the character of um hello which he said he will finish today with that I can just go ahead and quickly rig it and mix them up grab some animations and replace it with a character which will look very cool um then as Ryan Imports the sound I can just include them in the main menu and in the game itself uh and then of course when um uh you know random personally new environment updates I can see about the skill thing they're gonna have and I'm just starting to play some you know testing cameras Flames around the level so we can you know have more things um in the uh in the end you would raise the game for your followers well uh yeah so the game as is a game Jam for epic games will be published um next Thursday uh and it will be available to play for everyone so anyone that is also competing for the game Jam can also test it out so yeah so that'll be really cool um cool stuff um also when Razer finishes the puzzle we can integrate it which will be cool and I'll be pretty much that area you know done which will be cool so I guess that pretty much we got a lot of stuff um so let me just quickly uh you know I mean my team know I'm gonna make a quick break so I'll catch you in a second guys foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] so um I'm pretty much gonna go and that's not so much okay um I think that we got a decent amount of work done today so I'm I'm very happy with you know everything pretty cool um so cool best be right back screen ever I I know right tell this guy my game wouldn't be where it is right now thank you log that's really [ __ ] that I'm glad I could you know help you out tell this guy I wouldn't have started learning Game Dev from reunge thank you I mean I'm glad you know I could inspire you guys to you know get into a real engine or help you in your game your game says well it's a walk inside you thank you man go go okay I love your content I remember trying to learn unreal a very long time ago and having trouble and starting anything all of your sudden with all your videos uh every solution is found thank you Benjamin I'm glad you know that you found my videos uh helpful and I could help you out so cool stuff okay so um like I said in pretty much you're gonna be waiting until um the rest of my team finishes um on the model on the environment and on the audio of course not all the environmental all the characters in other reality right just the player a bit of the prototyping blockout of the environment and also do more of the sounds uh that would be cool as you can see we have a lot of things done today these joints let me cover so we did everything from scratch okay so we did the capture new component the camera size scroller with a a nice slider we'll slide or not I know you uh maybe not explain also we went ahead and did the little key at the back that is the health which is playing right now it's like this from 360 videos but don't worry we'll fix that also that we can die and then we'll go ahead and respawn at the last checkpoint um we also did you know add the checkpoints itself which is pretty cool and then we also did we can Crouch and then Crouch and of course you cannot see anything when you crouch other than going slower because we don't have any animations but um who is doing animations well the animations is going to be the only thing that we're gonna be getting externally okay and this is because um the character artist is you know very good at uh character artist uh in modeling but not animating so that's another thing I get it from outside make some animations which will be honestly what it's gonna be like the maximum four or five so it won't be a lot I'll see um but everything else is from Ox which is really cool um so cool stuff um I think that you know I'm gonna be living it today here uh the rest of my team will continue to work as you can see I love my inside they're like my kids you know look at them working and all muted on silence working you know that's like that's what I like you know um and yeah you know uh Myro you can see all the progress done um and so on you can see also we're putting more references to little nightmares and in terms of the art style and um sense of the player scale because you like a little type and camera angle and then I'll you know stray about the type of rubbles and I'm gonna abandon sci-fi City compression and then teach up and pretty cool stuff um so with that said uh also you know um the program will be working on the puzzles and so on right now that's pretty cool and I see that um okay so Brandon did just push a an update so I want to check it out the new meshes so let's quickly check that out so for that let me close unreal go into the GitHub desktop let me fetch [Music] thank you we also he added existing meshes and either something let's open up being real bright once again oh guys and now you tell me the music is too loud true the music was too loudly guys I forgot to turn it down from the be right back screen thank you Miss yeah so uh engine projects Jam open this up so let's see what Brandon has been working on with environment I mean we saw it with the updates on the screenshots policy foreign up and I see go so I guess that in the example we can see more stuff wow yes okay as you can see Brandon has been working more in the environment uh so uh a new message have been added in this exact uh this map exactly not but you can see if we go to Blue lockout of the new models being added I love these tools I love everything look how cool stop um so cool stuff you know more things I don't I have also been working uh this type of floors which which I don't know yeah they did not load for me correctly I think uh we try to be the floor would test oh here it is okay they do wow look at this so cool I love it um but I don't know if they got lost in this references but it's okay anyway so cool stuff I love how everything is looking up how you learn to remove engine well first of all I traded out a few years ago yeah just when I'm building gm4 came out so in 2015 um and then I moved to Unity got like very pro at unity and then moved back into mb194 for a bit and then with unwindium 5 came out full and winning five and yeah it's slowly with a lot of Gears um sorry for asking again are you using GitHub or Azure devops for your products okay Hub only offers one gigabyte NFS for free yeah so we're using GitHub but the thing is that we are not using uh right now um large uh you know good files right now lfs we are sticking with binary and this because right now we don't I don't think that we have any necessary for any uh big mesh for now you know we do have all these meshes for the block customers they're not they're not crazy so for now we can keep on with a binary names will be slower but it's still like this spread right now is very lightweight opens quickly closely quickly pulls pushes commits really cool so I liked it so yeah right now we're in GitHub and we'll continue to do a GitHub so good how's it going Bob how's it going all right so cool stuff um I think that I'll be living that for today okay guys um you know we have events so much and tomorrow we'll keep going so probably the live stream will be at the same hour that today maybe a bit before okay oh see I'll give you updated have you ever considered switching to C plus plus and if so what I've made you decide to stay with blueprints go to one well um you know I have not really tried try the C plus plus okay I I really I pretty much I was very good at C sharp you know with unity and all that stuff and when I moved on real engine you know the comparison of C sharp to C plus is pretty insane and super sports quite more let's say complex so I stuck with blueprints for a while and I'll kind of continued to stick a bit more blueprints and I do want to also go more into C plus plus but um let's see I need to find the time because it will take time I think blueprints are a good third prototypes but for the release right C plus plus yeah the thing is that exactly for a game Jam especially blueprint will be perfect but um the things that you have to combine blueprint with C plus plus okay it's not that like the whole game is building blueprints or the whole game is in C plus plus you have to have a combination so you do some System since two plus plus and then you will call those systems from Blueprints and you have to join them in a clever way so it's a bit more complex than what you think but yeah uh so that kind of stuff so I need to go okay guys um and you know I'll keep you guys updated tomorrow like I said we'll go ahead and continue on okay probably the same hour maybe a bit before so you know we'll see in that regards so thanks everyone for you know tuning in I think that we had a blast today we did so many things and tomorrow will be once again so that's it so bye bye hello bye bye Raquel bye bye Grandpa developer bye bye man thanks everyone for tuning in and um you know see ya tomorrow bye-bye
Channel: Gorka Games
Views: 3,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, ue5, game jam, tutorial, quixel, megascans, unreal engine tutorial, epic megajam, ue5 game jam, ue5 epic megajam, unreal enginegame jam, unreal engine 5 epic megajam, unreal engine 5 game jam, unreal engine epic mega jam, unreal engine 5 epic mega jam, unreal engine 4 game jam, unreal engine 4game jam, ue4
Id: qVktwDEDnWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 43sec (11803 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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