Littlefinger's Strategy Explained

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[Music] Peter Bish otherwise known as Littlefinger littlefinger's goal is power or more specifically the quest for power littlefinger's main tool is creating chaos his seven biggest moves are the following orchestrating John Aaron's murder obtaining power of the veil creating a star Lannister Feud which eventually led to the war of the five Kings preventing Stannis from taking the throne poisoning Joffrey creating a Tyrell Lannister Feud and using Sansa as key to the north number one Littlefinger had Liza poison her husband John Aaron why did he ever do this and what did he gain from it let's take a step back and think about who John Aaron was close to many years ago Ned and King Robert Baratheon met his children this is why they were such good friends they were Wards for John Aaron so he was basically like a father to them John allied with Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon to overthrow Mad King Aries during Robert's Rebellion after the Rebellion Ned married catlyn Tully and John married Liza Tully so these four houses have a lot of recent history and a lot of trust the Starks the barans the aons and the tulies John Aaron either discovered or was close to discovering that Ci's children were Jamie not King Robert's if John had exposed this King Robert would have dealt with the problem he probably would have remarried excluding the Lannisters from Power assuming that he didn't kill them all in other words once the dust settled the realm would have been in the hands of those four trusting houses the realm would have been very stable led by John Aaron this would have been very bad for a guy like Littlefinger who thrives during chaos so before John iron could expose the Lannisters little finger had liesa kill him number number two power of the veil to understand little fers moves we need to understand the backstory of a few characters as a child Littlefinger always loved catlyn Tully but Liza Tully always loved Littlefinger so Littlefinger doubled down in the murder of John Aaron he waited a couple years then mared Liza who had always been obsessed with him he then killed her and became Lord protector of The Veil The Veil had stayed out of the war of the five Kings so it had a fresh Army which is what we saw travel up to Winterfell in season 6 in the books the situation at the veil is more complicated but in the show it's pretty basic Littlefinger has Robin Aaron wrapped around his little finger so as long as Sansa keeps Liza's murder a secret little finger will be in control of the veil and its full healthy Army number three Littlefinger created a feud between the Starks and the Lannisters which eventually led to the war of the five Kings he did this by creating a Web of Lies around three topics John Aaron's death the attempt murder of bran and cersi's incest we're going to touch on a lot of details in this section starting with season 1 episode 1 in episode one Littlefinger had Liza send a letter to her sister cat saying that the Lannisters killed John Aaron this was confirmed when Littlefinger got to the veil in season 4 this letter was very important because it caused Ned to accept King Robert's offer and become his hand to protect his buddy and uncover the truth of John Aaron's murder without the letter Ned may not have gone to King's Landing now before we get to King's Landing let's recap what happened to Bran Bran caught sarasi and Jamie together so Jamie tried to kill him it didn't work bran woke up Joffrey then hired someone to kill bran using a dagger that had a dragon bone and Hilt and a Valyrian steel blade cat suspected that someone tried to kill bran to prevent him from remembering what he saw pretty good theory but she didn't know the details so she secretly traveled down to King's Landing to speak to Ned as soon as soon as she got to the city Littlefinger had some men escort her to one of his brothel game on let the lies and the deception begin little finger said that he lost the dagger to Tyrion Lannister at the torney on Prince Joffrey's Nam day when jimie was unhorsed by Loris Tyrell this tournament happened offc screen this was a blatant lie since Tyrion never bet against his family Littlefinger then secretly brought Ned to meet with cat which gave Ned the illusion that Littlefinger was on their side in true Littlefinger as usual was playing both sides in the gardens Littlefinger told Ned three things first he reminded Ned not to trust anyone which counterintuitively made Ned trust him a little more than he should second little finger alluded to Sir Hugh being involved in John Aaron's death Sir Hugh conveniently died soon after jousting against the mountain during an early round at the hands torny third little finger told Ned that he should speak to a certain armorer the same armorer that John Aaron spoke to the armorer with whom Gendry works this is important keep in mind little finger killed John Aaron for nearly exposing Ci's incest but now little finger is leading Ned down a trail to discover the incest why would he do this what has changed well for one John Aaron is dead and there are other moving parts now as well we find out from varies in episode 5 that there are plans to kill King Robert via poisoning but we are getting ahead of our elves at the end of episode 4 sari and Ned have a heated oneon-one this is exactly what Littlefinger wanted his plan was working perfectly the Starks and the Lannisters were at each other's throats but in episode 5 King Robert told the small counsil that he wanted to kill the Targaryen girl Ned objected to this and then resigned as hand of the king Ned rushed back to his room with plans to leave King's Landing immediately this would have ruined all the work that little finger had done to create chaos between the Starks and the Lannister but Littlefinger is a master of the Game of Thrones he pulled an audible Littlefinger baited Ned into staying by saying that if Ned would be around later that evening he would take Ned to the last person with whom John Aaron spoke before he died meanwhile word got back to King's Landing that catlyn Stark had taken Tyrion hostage on the King's Road so Jaimie showed up killed all of Ned's crew and threatened Ned to release Tyrion Littlefinger acted shocked that Jamie arrived there but personally I would be shocked if Littlefinger hadn't set this all up through his network of informant King Robert could not punish Jamie because of how much money he already owed to Jaime's dad Tywin Lannister half of the realm's debt or 3 million crowns a lot of money thanks to Littlefinger but he spoke to Cersei and Ned and tried to put out the fire it didn't work number four preventing Stannis from taking the throne after King Robert died the players all made Moves very quickly since Ned wouldn't capture the Lannister children and hold them hostage renley and Loris fled King's Landing to call their banners and prepare for war Ned wanted to pass the throw on to Stannis who was the rightful Heir by Blood but Littlefinger did not approve why wouldn't he approve because a realm under Stannis is the exact opposite of chaos Littlefinger needed to prevent that from happening so he lied to Ned he said that the gold cloaks would have Ned's back but when push came to shove little finger and the gold cloaks backed cersi while Ned was in the dungeons Littlefinger began building a bond with Sansa at this point Ned Catlin and Rob Stark were all alive but in hindsight this was the start of number seven obtaining the key to the North Via Sansa Stark in episode 8 Bish encouraged the council to have mercy on Sansa to let her prove her loyalty during the war of the five Kings Littlefinger met with renley to try to form a potential alliance with him but renley shut him down little finger then met with Marjorie and discovered how how power hungry she was after renley was killed Littlefinger advised the tyrells to leave before sanis got there this marked the beginning of a secret relationship that he had with the tyrells he helped broker the marriage between Joffrey and margorie and eventually Littlefinger and Elena Tyrell poison Joffrey during the Mayhem of the purple wedding Littlefinger had Santos escort Sansa to the Escape boo he covered up his tracks by killing Santos this gameplay was brilliant the first benefit of the Tyrell relationship was that Tywin and loris's combined forces arrived just in time to save King's Landing from Stannis and the second benefit was that Littlefinger left King's Landing in a power struggle between two of the most power hungry Alpha Cats in the game namely cersi and margorie or cersi and Elena depending on how you look at it and what's even more impressive is that he continued to secretly work with both sides Littlefinger informed CI that Loris was gay the faith militant arrested lores and littlefinger's employee olivar testified against lores Marjorie of course blamed this all on CI as we already mentioned Littlefinger went to the veil murdered Liza became Lord protector of the veil and secretly broke her a marriage between Sansa and Ruth Bolton's legitimized bastard Ramsey Bolton when Littlefinger returned to King's Landing he told Saras about these marriage plans keep in mind Littlefinger did not admit to being part of those plans he is a shady dude and he prevented sasi from attacking Winterfell by saying that it would be wiser for her to wait and let Stannis attack first he then secretly met with Elena Tyrell and gave her ammo to fight back against Cersei he told her how Lan Lannister cersei's cousin used to have sexual relations with cersi this eventually led to cersei's imprisonment now let's go back up north sansa's marriage to Ramsey was not a good time with Dion's help she finally escaped while Ramsey destroyed stannis's Force es but as they say in the north the north remembers and Sansa was pissed Littlefinger met with her in mol toown but she brushed him aside as he was leaving he told her two things first the Blackfish had taken back riverrun and second he reminded her that JN is not her brother he's her half brother Sansa and Jon struggled to Rally enough troops to retake Winterfell so Sansa secretly reached out to Littlefinger to ask for help from the veil he arrived just in time and in doing so he earned back a little bit of sansa's trust in the season 6 finale Littlefinger admits that he not only wants power but he wants to sit on the iron throne with Sansa by his side on the iron throne and you by my side going into season 7 the five main forces right now are the dead army the Northern Alliance uran Greyjoy cersi Lannister and Danny some people like John have most of the their attention on the real threat which is the night King and his dead army but others like cersi Littlefinger uron and maybe even Sansa are still playing The Game of Thrones odds are Littlefinger still has some cards up his sleeve I expect him to use information or misinformation as well as the Knights of the veil to backstab someone and cause some more chaos the question is will Littlefinger survive this chaos will he come out on top or has the game finally caught up to him let me know in the comment section what you think little finger is one of the most dangerous men in Westeros but he would see this country burn if he could be king of the ashes thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video please hit subscribe I'll be putting out a similar video for varies very soon but until then hope you all have great days keep smiling and kicking ass this is Kev talk to you soon I'm out
Channel: bridge4
Views: 416,625
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Keywords: bridge4, game of thrones, petyr baelish, littlefinger, littlefinger explained, littlefinger's strategy, littlefinger's strategy explained, game of thrones analysis, game of thrones season 7, peter baelish, game of thrones season 8, did littlefinger send the assassin to kill bran, did littlefinger send the assassin, who sent the assassin to kill bran, littlefinger's best moves, who is the best player in the game of thrones, was littlefinger the best
Id: 53qmtLMN158
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2017
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